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tv   ABC7 News 1100AM  ABC  October 24, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> today, the world sires bat will resumes in san francisco. in six hours the giants will host game three of the fall classic at at&t park as they go for the third championship in five years. good luck to them. >> good morning, thanks for joining us. >> the sun is shining on san francisco. players and fans and ground security and businesses all are ready for the ultimate showdown. there is extra intenseness in
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the world as they are tide at one each. amy hollyfield is at at&t park. amy? >> there is an incredible amount of energy down here. giants folks say the team and officials have developed a case of amnesia forgetting about game two. they are happy to be home. they are focused on game three, a beautiful october day. they say this is what they live for. >> giant officials call this one of life's magical moments, the grassy stage for the world series is being trimmed and fans await game three and decorate the city in orange and black. >> everyone is walking out with caps and 30's. it is great and a statement that the fans see this as our team. >> although the usually neutral hospitality business is picking sides with the dorman at the hotel on fisherman's wharf are
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>> nice. very nice. we will have a walk off home run tonight. yes! go, giants. >> chris hernandez sticks out it and he said he did not hesitate to dress like this and he has not encountered any hostility. >> people are friendly and feel bad for us because we have not been in the world series for so long. >> one hostile thing he has faced in san francisco are our prices. >> actually, rental car prices are out of control. everything is marked up. that is fine. we will deal with it. we are only here, 29 years ago we were in the series so i figure i am spreading the money over 30 years. >> this is different. toto this is not kansas. >> the man paid $17 to park at the world series game in kansas
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city, $17. as you have heard parking down here is $100 for the game. a few kansas city fans and it is all orange and black. the game doesn't start until 5:00. there are plenty of people starting to gather here and they are ready, they say they have welcomed first pitch in the next five minutes and are ready to go. we will make eight day-long party. the giants worked out of at&t park yesterday after getting back from kansas city. tim hudson will get the first ever world series start and the orange and black are three and one so far with the post-season at home and game three is historically important, 16 the past 19 teams who broke 1-1 with game three win, won the whole thing. >> tonight, thousands are not lucky enough to have tickets but they are packing the sports bars. it will not be just in san
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francisco, but walnut creek is expecting a huge crowd. the giants mass cot is included. >> tonight will be nice if you are going to game three. game four...not so sure. >> we will check with meteorologist mike nicco for the low down. mike? >> we go with both of them. first, i will show you what is going on, live doppler hd shows how quiet it is, other than clouds we are sunny and warmer, the next system is spinning over the weekend and the warm front is headed to the north taking the threat of wet weather with it for now, my best guess is from 4:00 until 11 o'clock tomorrow morning a.m. to a.m. so tonight it will be gorgeous and 67 and dropping to 63 warmer than some of our games during the summer. tomorrow, you need to take a pancho, a stray shower will be offer the park it will be hive. it will not disrupt play.
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mid-60 to low 60's. >> first pitch for game three is 5:07 and game four is tomorrow and game five on sunday, same time, game six and seven are back in kansas city, if necessary, for the best seven series. new this morning, the first dallas nurse to contract ebola is free of the virus and talking about her ordeal. she hugged and thanked the medical team after being released from maryland hospital. the 26-year-old was the first person to contract ebola on united states soil. she became infected in dallas while treating patient thomas eric duncan who died. she feels blessed to be alive. >> i no longer have ebola i know it could be a while before i have my strength pack. with gratitude and respect for everyone who is concerned i ask for my privacy and the privacy of my family to try to get back to a.
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noal life and reunite with my dog. thank you, everyone. >> she just arrived at the white house to meet with president obama. her hospital discharge comes a day after fell know nurse amber vinson said she was declared free of the virus. >> in new york city, officials say dr. craig spencer is awake and talking to family and trends on the cell phone. the 33-year-old was infected while treating patients in west africa and is the four the person diagnosed with the virus in the united states and the first in new york city. authorities are now retracing his steps saying he visited a restaurant, went to a bowling alley and jogged for three milessed before being admitted to the hospital yesterday. right now he is inize haitian. >> the san francisco tour guise who had the racist rant tried to explain her actions caught on video. she said it was a joke. it want too far. you will see the interview only here on abc7. >> guide no longer works for the
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company and although she didn't want to be identified she admitted the joke was a major fail and has brought her more attention than she ever wanted. >> it was my last tour of my final day with the company. i wanted to make this extravagant. >> she does more than that. speaking exclusively with abc7 reporter, the tour operator explains how on october 12 while leading the group through san francisco chinatown neighborhood she unleashed a string of rants aimed at asians and their community. >> the people wake you up at 6:00 in the morning and they make all the noise, and there are too many out here. >> she said the rant was a joke that failed. the passengers on board were in on it. >> they knew jobs were going to come. they knew i was going to be a
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little wild and a little inappropriate. >> the supervisor david chu slammed the performance and she apologized to the supervisor directly. by phone. >> i am more than happy to think about how we can work together to heal up some of hurt. >> my joking, my expense, was to talk about the neighborhood and not to address the people in anyway that would insight harm against them. >> she said she is ready to work with the supervisor to heal the community but it isn't immediately clear what it is they will do. >> we have breaking news from sacramento, a sheriff officer has been shot other a sheriff deputy has been shot in sacramento county and we are told i is near the art fair mall and motel six. we don't enjoy what the officer's condition is. a little bit of information, 2
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2000 block of arden way and it could have been a sheriff deputy who was following a suspect would carjacked a car and there was a chase that were sued. all we know right now is that multiple agencies include, the sacramento police and sack machine to sheriff headed to the area so we will keep you posted on the bragging development. >> right now a family in milpitas is safe after being rescued from the roof of their burning home. firefighters and police officers brought the family to safety before 3:00 this morning after a grandmother, mother and two kids went to the group to get away from the flames. sad hit familying do did not survive, but the entire family made it out of the home. the grandmother suffered burns and the red cross is now helping the family find a place to stay. 20 neighborhoods were evacuated. the cause is being investigated. >> golden gate bridge directors are discussing whether bicycle and walkers should pay tolls
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hike the drivers on the span. it is one of 45 ideas to reduce the $209 million deficit. >> they can say, yes, staff, study it. they can say "bring us more information," or they can decide to strip it out of the financial plan altogether charging a toll to make it out of the step the values of the bay area while the bay area and the district are working to promote healthy and sustainable and environmentally friendly decisions. >> a pedestrian toll is not a yes idea. they pay to across the bridge in 1937 until 1970. >> just ahead, making school safer during drop off and pickup time. the unusual and effective way a san jose school administrator is dealing with thization intersection.
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>> there is a popular south bay trail and what this woman is looking for coming
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>> an educator believes he has diffused rush hour tension outside the school. this makes you laugh, right? the head master is near a t shaped intersection that lack as stop sign and temperatures flare and horns blair when parents drop off their kids each
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morning. so, he is playing traffic cop. >> essentially i have been a pedestrian and it meters the traffic and when i talk to the crossing guards, we help to get crossing guards so the signs are designed to get parents to think as they wait their turn to go through the intersection we are all here to drop off our children safely. >> this is one of four schools in a few blocks of each other. >> a south bay woman is on a mission. to find her true love and going old fashioned to fine a man she had a chance even counter on a bicycle trail. here is that story. matt? >> at campbell park, a woman posted this and is looking for lost love. i missed the opportunity to say hello, when we ran interest each other at campbell park. >> in a world where meeting people is as easy as logging on to a computer, she described
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herself as old nasa oned and sky. back in july the medical social worker from san jose was walking near the popular and traveled los gatos trail and ran into a bicyclist. she saw him before but this was different. this time she felt a connection. >> >> your mission is to find him again? she regrets not saying more and shortly after starting posting hundreds of notices on los gatos trail hoping to catch his cry? she describes as in his 40's, tall, with piercing blue eyes and a fit bicyclist body. >> you hope you find your "prince charming," but hike a rinse charming. >> yes. to me. >> she hopes others will help.
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she sent up an e-mail address for tips. >> other trail users have seen the notices and promise to want." he is handsome, he has deep blue eyes, almost purple, and he is very fit, a bicyclist. have you seen those guys? >> sure. sure. all the time. are you willing to keep an eye out to help out this woman? sure, sure. >> hope is she will find him. >> good luck. >> we have a big game going on and big pressure on you for the weather forecast. >> it look like you may get wet tomorrow but it may not delay the game or step the game. shear a look at the low clouds spilling across the golden gate bridge and we will talk about how that will affect your weekend at the coast and the rain that is coming in tonight, and when to expect it and how were. >> thank you.
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still ahead, a new harry potter story. when fans can read it and the. ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na
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♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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abc7 news begins with breaking news. the breaking news is from washington state. this is a picture over a high school in marysville. there has been a shooting at the school. it is 35 miles from seattle. police received reports of an active shooter at the high school with reports, according our to our abc affiliate, two
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students have been shot and airlifted to the hospital. >> one report says the shooting took place in the school cafeteria and we understand the school is on lockdown. we will continue to follow the story on twitter@abc7newsbayarea potter is ready to release a new story on the witch and former professor who first appeared in "order of phoenix," and will appear on the official website october 31. it will tell the back story and her thoughts about the character. >> i hope we get a reason to understand why show did what she good and make us like her. >> don't tell highs. >> don't lie about the weather, we will we get rain tomorrow? >> a little bit. not enough to keep the game to going open, just from at&t park,
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good morning, everyone, here is a look at visibility and fog has lifted but the coast is half moon bay visibility and there are clouds with quarter-mile visibility. the fog is dissipating. it was tough trip through there and from emeryville you can see the clouds stacked up at the coast and they will be flirting with the golden gate bridge throughout the day today and further east you are, we will get in the upper 70's to nearly 80 degrees. shear a beautiful picture of downtown san jose and you can see the sun shining down on the south bay right now. it will be warmer, dry, and brighter, and only the coast is cloudy and schooler. rain tonight, and breezy and showers tomorrow, dry on sunday and a. watching trend for next week. in san jose, you hit 78 degrees, and gilroy is 81 and santa cruz is around 80 and mid-for upper 70's on the peninsula and mid-60's with the cloud cover along the coast and more
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sunshine around downtown and south san francisco and sausalito and mid-60's north bay and ten degrees warmer in the valleys with mid-70's and berkeley is 7 and everyone else along the east bay shoreline is in the mid-70's and nearly 80 around antioch and livermore. at the game, ducks taking on the bears and 68 at 7:00 dropping to 63 by 10:30. there will be a chill in the air. mid-60's in most neighborhoods with light rain and moderate rain with the yellow and orange across the north bay and yesterday the front retreated to the north and took the threat of wet weather with it and because of the area of low-to-upper the counter lock wise flow it is going to move in tonight and prius a chance of rain and even some showers on the back side. here we are for the world series, a high cloud or two and maybe a few low clouds streaming in but mostly clear and the rain is coming in at 5:00 and
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light-to-moderate and from 5:00 to 10:00 that is our best window for the steady rain and you can see 9 secondary system coming in, with instability and thunderstorms are possible especially across the north bay with scattered showers and they will be light all the way through the game tomorrow and tapering quickly when we get to midnight through sunday morning we will see increasing sunshine sunday afternoon. we can expect up to .5" at the bay and 1.25" in the 9 north bay valley. at stanford, we have showers with the beavers taking on the cardinals with temperatures in the mid-to-upper 60's and all of us will be to to ten degrees cooler and warmer on monday and an increase in clouds and temperatures next week. >> thank you, mike. >> we have a perfect pet from the peninsula humane society. we will enintroduce you to
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mblankie that gets filthy but he's got such sensitive skin that you worry about what you use in the laundry so i use new tide pods free & gentle to get a deep clean that's gentle on skin. ohhh new tide pods free & gentle you use tide pods? yeh. that little guy cleans, brightens and fight stains so now i can focus on more pressing matters woo your sweet peppers aren't next to your hot peppers. gasp tide pods three times the stain removal power available at target
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lopreventable medical errors,hey all lnow the third leadingse of cause of death. only heart disease and cancer take more lives. proposition 46 will save lives with drug and alcohol testing to make sure impaired doctors don't treat someone you love. safeguards against prescription drug abuse. and holds the medical industry accountable for mistakes. i'm barbara boxer. let's save lives. vote yes on 46. >> we are back with the perfect pet and charlie, nice to see you >> charlie is the most precious dog in the world, he is gentle and loving and sweet and we would love to have a wonderful home for him.
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charlie is a girl. charlie is a very sweet precious little girl. i am sorry i called her "he." she is with billy and billy is a chihuahua pug so we call her a chug. they are both wonderful, we have wonderful small dogs. come on down and see us at shelter. >> if you are interested in charlie or any other dogs, give a call. >> i love the giants playing. so execute. >> everyone in the bay area is ready. >> now to the ballpark for a look, have fun, go giants.
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[dramatic music] ♪ [cheers and applause] >> ha! huh, hey. i'm terry crews, and it's time to start giving out the cash right here on millionaire. [cheers and applause] our returning contestant smiles so big, her nickname is "switch." today she is halfway to round 2 and says she'll have no problem keeping her eye on the prize. from chelsea, new york, please welcome patti carpenter! [cheers and applause] >> thank you. nice to see you again. >> oh, good to see you. you are doing so well. the smile is still beautiful. now, i hear you have traveled all over the world.


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