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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  October 25, 2014 1:07am-1:31am PDT

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( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. ring ring! progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade.
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it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. and try progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste.
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through northern california. >> this man was accused of killing two deputies. there was a massive man hunt and standoff. i'm ama dates. i'm dan ashley. the suspected it gunman is expected to be released from the hospital tonight and booked into the placer county jail. >> he is suspected of killing michael davis, junior and deputy david oliver of sacramento county. it started in sacramento this morning and ended 30 miles away in auburn. >> abc7 news reporter alyssa harrington has more on the deadly shootings, manhunt and arrest. >> an entire community is in mourning. flowers have been placed at the auburn justice center for two sheriff deputies killed in a violent rampage. 47-year-old sacramento county sheriff deputy danny oliver and 42-year-old detective michael david davis, junior were killed in a deadly chain of events that spanned two
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counties. the chaos particular scene started when oliver responded to a suspicious vehicle at a motel. a man and woman inside opened fire with an assault rifle. >> at least one of those rounds struck deputy oliver in the forehead which caused his death. >> the pair then shot a man they were trying to carjack and stole a red pick up truck. it was spotted in auburn about 30 miles north. the two placer county sheriff deputies who approached that vehicle were shot. one detective davis was killed. his father, a riverside county detective was also killed in the line of duty 26 years ago today.ization,his organization,s family has suffered a horrific loss. >> you la enforcement took the woman into and and aprehended the manwarcell low marquez in the house where he was holed up. a flash grenade forced him out. he was taken to a hospital. at the justice center in auburn, one man painted and installed two crosses. >> they are all hurting,
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everybody, the whole town is hurting. >> mourners are leaving flowers and flags fly at half staff. in auburn, alyssa harrington, abc7 news. >> and a president arer from our sister station in sacramento kxtv spoke to marquez's brother. he said marquez threatened him earlier this week, but he cannot believe his brother actually shot three deputies. police are trying to figure out a motive today's shooting spree at a high school in washington state. one girl was killed and four others injured a student opened fire in marysville north of seattle. he gave no warning and calmly staired at the victim when's he shot them and then shot himself. he was a popular kid and just named freshman homecoming prince. we are in for wet weather tomorrow. here is a live look from our exploratorium camera. you can see the building lit up in orange for the giants.
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sandhya patel is here with a look at live doppler 7hd. it could be a wet game for the world series. >> as we look at live doppler 7hd you can see that there is a pretty good storm winding up the coast. we are starting to see the winds pick up. tomorrow night for game four of the world series, we will see showers. it is going to be breezy and cool. the temperatures in the low 60s so you will want to definitely bundle up. there is a slight chance of thunderstorms and they will be very isolated. the winds are starting to pick up in the hills. gusts close is to 40 miles an hour right now. the winds will get even stronger toward morning. it is going to be a stormy set up for your morning hours for your early weekend plans. a detailed look at the timing of the system and game five's forecast coming up. dan and ama? >> thank you, sandhya. we can hope the rain will wash away the memory of tonight's games. the royals edged out the jaints to take game three in
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the world series. they are up two games to one.cen nice shumann is -- mike shumann and larry are live outside the>> a stadium. >> actually we are camping out inside. if you remember madison bumgarner's magical game one pitching performance -- it seemed like ancient history as the royals take a 2-1 series lead. >> if the giants are going to come back and win this series they will have to do it now in kansas city. joe montana was taking in the game with the former giants' owner. going to the 6th inning and escobar on the second out and rips one over or blain -- orblanco's head. 3-0kc and crawford at first and michael morris doubles down the left field line. crawford around to score. last chance for the giants and hunter pence grounds back to closer greg holland and the giants drop game three 3-2.
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>> you have your work cut out. we know that. still you hope to find a way to score off of them, but it is a very good pitching staff. >> i am not getting beat in the 6th inning with the bull pen i've got. guthrie threw the ball extremely well. >> and ned yost's bull pen did the job. the the giants couldn't muster much offense against the relief staff. game three or game four i will say will match vogel song against vargas. >> and sandhya said weather could be a factor. they have the tarp on the field. we are feeling a little mist. hopefully it will not affect it otherwise they will play them straight through. >> we will see what happens with that. right now let's head outside of at&t park where sergio is standing by and he spent the night with the fans. sergio?
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>> larry you and i watched as the fans were you can whatting out of at&t park and they were not happy. object -- obviously they were hoping for a stronger showing for the weekend. for game three of the world series, the giants fans showed up in full rally mode. >> lets ay go giants -- let's go giants. >> they pushed for their home team up until the end, but they did not leave at&t park happy. >> a good come back, but not quite enough. they were really close. >> i we went to the world series. we have been waiting our whole lives to go to the world series. we lost. >> there was one fan who was happy to be here on this night. >> i grew up in this city. this is my hometown team gyros mary is currently going through chemotherapy. sher knitted her own orange wig and has become an internet sensation because of a
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campaign by her granddaughter and she even has fans here. >> it was three or four days ago on facebook. i reposted her post. i thought it was a cool thing. >> this was stand up to cancer night at at&t park. her presence here was fitting and with tonight's game done it is on to game four and hopes of a better ending. >> we have been here before. it is every even year. i think we will bounce back. >> giants fans are ready to dominate the rest of the series. at at&t park, abc7 news. >> well, two kayakers had to be pulled from the water between piers 50 and 70 south of the ballpark. the fire boat phoenix was called in to help and the two were rescued at about 8:00 tonight. this is video from a roof cam on top of the building. there were so many boats on the ballpark and in mccough -- mccovey cove. >> there was a hiccup at the
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start of the game. the giant american flag that fans hold during the singing of the national anthem didn't quite holdup. a fan at the game sent us this photo. as you can see there is a big tear right down the middle. >> well, on to other news, a man accused of peeping at two young girls at a palo alto hotel room is under arrest. garcia from east palo alto was taken into custody at the oaks motel. the girl's parents were changing their clothes when the father noticed a man looking through the window. he notified the front desk and motel staff called police. garcia is also charged with violating his probation for resisting arrest. home prices in the bay area are high, but a property in palo alto is taking things to a new level. the home near university avenue is on the market for $1.8 million. but it is in such disrepair, potential buyers can't even go in. and you can see in the pictures it is a mess inside and outside. the listing even admits the
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property is not habitable and it is in a flood zone. the home will likely be torn down and rebuilt. >> imagine if it was in good shape. unarmed, but unafraid. up next, a gunman stalking the hallways, how lawmakers found and made weapons to protect the prime minister of canada. >> and a milestone at levi stadium. the game that tested the patience of fans fans and friday night commuters. >> and free falling. the google employee who broke a record and the sound barrier.
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now, americans everywhere are discovering that galbani ricottm inspires moments that are simply better.
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mmm, galbani (sfx: kiss). italy's favorite cheese brand. details on how far canadian lawmakers went to protect their prime minister during wednesday's shooting spree. a gunman killed a soldier at a war memorial and wounded another person at the canadian parliment building. prime minister steven harper's security team hit him inside -- hid him in a cup bored. members of parliament ripped down 15 flagpoles and sharpened them into spears. one lawmaker plans to keep his weapon and display it at home. a day after a doctors without border physician tested positive for ebola another health care worker has been put into eye layings. the woman who has not been identified flew into new jersey earlier today.
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shortly after her arrival from west africa she developed a fever and was put into isolation. so far doctors have not confirmed that she has ebola. and now a big change in new york and new jersey. health care workers who are considered high risk from west africa will face a mandatory 21-day quarantine. meantime nina pham got a big hug from president obama minutes after she was declared ebola free and released from the hospital. pham met with the president at the oval office where he thanked her for her service. happening now, a new test for levi stadium tonight as the cal bears take on the oregon ducks in a rare friday night game. was the traffic as bad as everyone expected? katie is live in santa clara with the answer for us tonight. hi, katie. >> hi, ama. fans pleasantly surprised for
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the college game. if you look behind us drivers barely have to tap their brakes as they make the corner there and it was the same on the drive in. >> go bears. >> dinner is what served and the main course was duck. a chipper crowd at levi stadium. you could credit their excitement to the tailgating or the fact that it is friday night or because it was oddly easy to get here. >> it wasn't too bad. >> they have done well. i am very, very happy. >> tonight was not that bad. to 80 to 237 and we got here without much fuss. >> it took them an hour and a half to drive from san francisco. hoping to keep cars off the road, these tour buses, more than you would see at a 49er game and plenty of people took the light rail. this couple from sausalito
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were caught in the crunch. they were not allowed to park where family members were staying for the game. they had lunch and walked. >> it was a good 25, 30-minute walk. i can only imagine what goes on when the niners play. >> plenty of lanes for pedestrians as the cars start rolling home. >> and that is still the scene as we continue to watch it out here live. good news for commuters. not a great night for cal fans. the score 59-41. you have to admit the bears kept it interesting. abc7 knew. >> katie, thanks. a google executive set a new skydiving altitude record today after diving really from the edge of space. a helium-filled balloon lifted alan 135,000 feet above the earth. nearly 80,000 feet higher than bumgarner's record in 2012. at one point the free fall reached 822 miles per hour. he broke the sound barrier which emitted a sonic boom
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heard below. amazing. well, we are awaiting some rain. >> we are indeed. it could be a wet game for the world series. sandhya patel is tracking it all on live doppler 7hd. >> yeah, dan and ama, make sure you have a rain coat or poncho if you are headed to the game. i will show you why as we look at the detailed timing. live doppler hd is showing heavier cloud cover than earlier today. and look at what our radar is starting to track. the leading edge of the storm is up along the northern california coast. as we look from our kgo roof camera, coit tower is lit up in orange. the temperatures are quite comfortable. 65 oakland and the mid60 sans carlos and low 60s san jose and half moon bay. cloud cover will hold the temperatures up from our emeryville camera. you can see those clouds. the temperatures in the low 60s from santa rosa to livermore. and here is the view from our exploratorium camera. san francisco with the buildings all in orange. we have another game
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tomorrow. we have rain and gusty winds tomorrow morning. showers and a chance of thunder in the afternoon and evening hours. when you look at the pacific satellite picture, this storm is pretty healthy here. we have all of the right dynamics coming together. the deep low-pressure system. moisture is ahead. it will be a wet and windy storm. the thing that i have been noticing is the storm is moving along pretty fast thanks to the jet stream. let me show you what is in affect beginning in a few hours. the paw anyone law, the coast and the coastal north bay. it start at 3:00 a.m. and runs until noon. gusts could reach as high as 45 miles an hour. tree limbs may get knocked down or trees. that could in turn knock done power lines. be cireful out there. -- be careful out there. of course secure any loose objects we have in the backyard. 11:00 p.m., cloud cover and watch what the computer models are bringing in. a pretty good amount of rain. 5:00 a.m., the heaviest focus in the north bay as we head toward 7:00 a.m.
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it is slicing across the heart of the bay area tomorrow morning for your early plans. it shifts east quickly by 11:00 a.m. you will get a little break. the break lasts for a few hours. you will see some sun. the sun is what will destabilize the atmosphere when you have the cold low coming in. game four, shower are likely at 5:00 p.m. you can see the showers starting to move into the north bay. by 6:00 p.m., this area is getting wet. there is a slight chance of nort best chance in the north bay. 8:00 p.m., still showers going and then the showers wind down early sunday morning before most of your plans begin. by sunday afternoon it is nice and sunny. sunday night, game five, clear and cool. rain totals will be highest in the north bay mountains. we are talking about up to an inch and a half. most lower, inch and a half. make sure you have your umbrellas and watch out. the winds could cancel some little ones games. the rain could make for soggy
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games as well. and then sunday cooler day. low 60s to low 70s. keep the rain gear around. we are looking at a dry sunday followed by milder weather and mainly sunny skies. halloween right now is dry. one computer model is hinting at rain. ama and dan, i will keep a close eye on that for you. >> thank you, sandhya. it did not go the way we hoped out at the giants ballpark at at&t park, but they gave it their best shot. >> and there is still tomorrow, hopefully, if there is not too much rain. larry beil is out at at&t park. how are you doing, larry? >> we will recap game three as the giants learn how good that royals' bull pen is. all of the highlights from game three of the world series. mike
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good evening, everybody.
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the giants heard all about the kansas city bull pen coming into this world series and the royals' relievers lived up to the hype tonight askance cans city beats the giants a score of 3-2 and they take a 2-1 world series lead. as we check out the highlights and all of the stars on hand for the pre game, giants ledge ends at at&t park. a lead off double off tim hudson. he scores on the ground out 1-0 royals. to the 6th and withy -- with escobar at second, escobar scores and 2-0kc. crawford at first and michael moore doubles down the line. 3-1 game. morris comes in three batters later. posey struggling with the bat this post season. hunter pence grounds back to holland. he goes to first and giants
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drop game three. 3-2 the final score. the royals bull fen magnificent. mike shumann, you were in the locker room after the game. >> very subdued locker room. i have never seen it like this in the world series. this is the first time they trailed 2-1 and tim hudson was the first to field questions. >> it was a hard fought game on both sides. it was a close game as everyone anticipated. we came up a little short. they did the little things they needed to do to beat us. in this clubhouse that's why these guys are so professional. we don't give up. that's the beautiful thing about baseball. we always have tomorrow. >> they will have to depend on their experience in the world series to get back in this thing. it will be a real test for the giants.


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