tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC November 6, 2014 11:35pm-12:38am PST
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jeans sp sp. >> right now on >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- geena davis. nelly. this week in unnecessary censorship. and music from cobra starship featuring icona pop. and now, good news. here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, everyone. that's very nice. hi, everybody, thank you. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show.
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thank you for watching. thanks to all of you for coming. that's very nice. welcome to hollywood, california. this is where it all happens here in hollywood. if you want to see where the stars live. if you want to see where the movies get made. if you want to see a panhandler dressed as spider-man asking for cigarettes, this is the place to be. we got some major news today here in hollywood. the title of the much anticipated new "star wars" movie was revealed today. i love it. the seventh movie will be called "star wars: eluketric boogaloo." that's not the real title. "star wars: the force awakens." this is a good sign. all the best movies give the plot away. the empire strikes back. now the force awakens. we know the good guys are going
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to win in this one. i'm looking forward to the new movies. i don't know if you know this, they asked me to direct one, but i couldn't because of my schedule here at the show. [ laughter ] but if i had directed the new movie, you know what i was planning to name it? ethan. i was going to name it ethan. disney announced they are making "toy story 4" in 2017. they are going to call -- this one they're going to call "toy story 4." [ laughter ] speaking of titles that get -- that attract attention, thank you. discovery, formally the discovery channel, they changed it to make it more confusing, has a special coming up on december 7th called "eaten alive." this is a show that will feature a man being eaten alive by an anaconda. for real. so, if you were disappointed by the fact that nik wallenda didn't fall off that tightrope, this is the show -- i'm not kidding about this. the guy -- he's a wild life
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filmmaker named paul rosalee. he'll be wearing what he calls a snakeproof suit with a cord attached so he can be pulled out of the snake after the snake swallows him. is it just me or does that sound like a great new diet? i mean -- [ laughter ] winds up being zero calories, i'll eat a pizza with a cord on it. how sick is this show? [ laughter ] you think they would at least do it on the history channel so the snake could eat hitler, but no. this character covers himself in pig's blood to make himself appetizing to the snake. oh, the things we do to get our partners to notice us, right? [ laughter ] the special is already causing controversy. animal rights activists say it's cruel to the snake to feed a person to it and then yank the person out of its stomach. the right thing to do is to let the snake digest the guy. [ laughter ]
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i think they might have a point on that one. here's part of the promo, just in case you think i'm making this up. >> we're going to make me as appealing as possible so the snake says, i got this big thing here. i might as well get a free meal. you have to go head first. >> eaten alive. >> jimmy: you don't -- you do not have to go head first. it's good enough to go feet first. it really is. don't worry, though. i happen to know the anaconda isn't going to eat him, because he doesn't got buns, hun. he won't want him. his flat butt -- plus pl [ applause ] will save his life. i bet that will get big ratings. you're going to watch that, right? if it does, bad news, guillermo, i'm going to feet you to a hippo. >> oh [ bleep ]. oh, no. i'll go bax ck to mexico. >> jimmy: well, that's going to be the show. a hippo chases guillermo all the
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way back to mexico. [ laughter ] >> good title. >> jimmy: you know -- [ laughter ] i was looking, speaking of titles, i was looking through the rest of the discovery lineup today and i noticed the titles of their spokes -- they have bravado. they are obviously targeted at men. but they could be mistaken for something else entirely and with that said, it's time to play, discovery show or male strip club. [ applause ] is it a real discovery show or a real male strip club. okay, first one is, chrome underground. is that a discovery show or a male strip club? strip club? and the answer is -- that is a discovery show. [ laughter ] let's try again. the next one is jungle gold. is that a discovery show or a male strip club? male strip club. let's find out. that is a discovery show.
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all right. next one is -- boomers. boomers. makes sense. okay, let's find out. yes, that is a male strip club. [ applause ] boomers. next one. vegas rat rods. vegas rat rods. strip club or -- all right. we're mixed on this one. it is -- it's a discovery channel show. finally, shooter alley. is that a discovery -- all right. and the answer is -- it is a male strip club. it's in atlanta. two for one tonight. stop by. [ applause ] did you know today was a holiday? today was linkelinkedin's secon
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annual bring your parent to work day. isn't the point of having a job is so you can get away from your parents? why would you do that? the only upside is, there's no way your boss can yell at you with your mom in the room. and where does linkedin get off coming up with a holiday? why don't make a holiday we would enjoy? like, national don't send me 15 e-mails a day asking me to join linkedin day? thank you. [ applause ] oh, a struck a chord. you know, amazon is -- they're working on new ways to deliver the items that we buy online. in san francisco and l.a., amazon is testing deliveries via taxi cab. which is -- exciting news for anyone who wants a copy of amy poehler's new book to arrive smelling like a bottle of drakkar. the way it works is, amazon hands your package to a cab driver and if the cab driver doesn't want the package for himself, he will drive it to yourself and sell it to you.
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[ laughter ] feel bad for cabs. four years ago, they were the only way to get to the airport. uber came along, now they're bringing us toilet paper. i guess they're looking for ways to accommodate the big increase in deliveries around christmas time. and i was thinking about this today. i think i have a good solution for them. school buses. okay? school buses make one trip in the morning and another trip in the afternoon. what are they doing for the rest of the day? [ laughter ] have them make deliveries. how cute would it be if a school bus pulls up with -- all full of christmas gifts, right? you're welcome, jeff bezos. now it is time for -- this is maybe my biggest idea of the year. every week, hundreds, thousands of people come to hollywood in search of a dream. some of them want to be actors, singers. most of them just want to be famous. i created a show for those people. people who don't need talent, because they have a little something called "it." so, we put an ad on craigslist, which is -- they find most of
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the contestants for these reality competition shows on craigslist. we invited people to audition for a show called "do you have what it takes." they had no idea what was involved. until they walked in the audition room and saw me and the panel of judges. here it is. part reality show, part social experiment. episode one of "do you have what it takes?" >> hollywood, california. the place where dreams are made. our mission is simple. find a superstar. but to be a star, you have to prove one thing. do you have what it takes? ♪ do you have what it takes hi there, i'm kenny mayne, coming to you from hollywood, california, where dozens of hopefuls have traveled from around the world to try to prove to america that they have what it takes. guys, do you have what it takes? [ cheers and applause ] electric. our judges are going to have a
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very difficult time trying to separate that type of talent. let's meet the judges now. four-time grammy award winner, chilli, of the girls super group tlc has what it takes. malcolm jamal warner is best known as theo on "the cosby show." >> i'm looking for somebody who can bring it. >> ali fedotowsky came into the spotlight on "the bachelorette." >> i have a really good feeling about team. >> and the talk show host and appendicitis survivor, a man who has what it takes and then some, jimmy kimmel. >> jimmy: i'm looking for someone who gets it. you have to have uniqueness. that's what you need. >> as the judges strap in, a room full of hopefuls prepare for their moment of truth. kicking it off, this person. >> i studied acting, i took some singing, i used to work for twa airlines in the '90s.
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>> hi. >> jimmy: hello. >> hi. >> i'm gregory, i'm going to sing a little bit in spanish and a little bit in english. ♪ >> jimmy: i can stop you for a second, gregory? this is not a singing competition. >> right. >> okay. >> jimmy: do you have what it takes? >> so, what are you guys looking for? >> jimmy: we're looking for somebody who has it. >> like the look? >> jimmy: it. it. everything. >> oh, okay. >> jimmy: so, malcolm? >> i don't -- i don't think you have what it takes. >> jimmy: ali? >> i just don't know that you're here for the right reason, so -- i have to say no. >> jimmy: chilli? >> hell no. >> jimmy: sorry.
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>> thank you. thank you. >> gregory's elimination rattled the remaining hopefuls. >> i'm a little nervous. >> wondering that i have what it takes. >> i don't know what's happening. >> the former twa employee didn't have what it takes, who would? >> hey. >> hi. >> jimmy: tell us about yourself. >> um -- i don't know, i'm glad at talking to people and listening to people and -- yeah, i think that's about it. >> jimmy: do you have what it takes? ali? >> um -- there's something about you. i think you might have it. i say yes. >> jimmy: chilli. >> yeah, i agree. >> jimmy: malcolm? >> i would love to see you back. >> jimmy: i'm going to send you through. congratulations, taylor. >> so do i just go this way? >> jimmy: yeah, just over that
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way. >> thank you. >> jimmy: thank you. >> i did make it to the next round, because i am i real, like, i brought myself out there, like, i was just showing myself and the judges seemed to like me. >> some dreams are dashed, others are kept alive. here's more of that happening. >> jimmy: that was very good. especially for a white guy with child sunglasses on. >> give me some of your chocolate! >> i'm going have to say no. >> i usually like to do sauces for pastas. >> jimmy: you're going onto the next round. >> as the day came to a close, tired judges agreed to see one more person. >> nervous. >> breathe. you're good. >> jimmy: why are you nervous, ronald? >> i'm nervous because i feel like i didn't do enough, you know? i know i got talent, but it's a matter of fleshing it out. >> bring it out, because -- >> my mom, my brother, yo, what's up, yo -- i get loose and something comes out. what does that come from? >> you do believe that you have
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what it takes, right? that's why you're here. >> i believe that, yeah. >> jimmy: you don't sound convince convinced, though. >> yeah, i know, yeah. >> jimmy: malcolm? >> so i would -- i would have to say no. >> can i do -- can i do -- can i do my favorite celebrity nba celebrity walks? >> jimmy: yes. >> first, i do michael jordan. shaquille o'neal. and i can do larry fishbourne's walk. >> jimmy: chilli? what do you think? >> i don't know. >> jimmy: what do you think, ali? >> um -- ronald, i like you.
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i like you a lot. i think you have it. i do. >> jimmy: i'm going to say yes, too. congratulations. >> thank you. >> all right. >> so, next time, brother, you got to bring it. >> i will. thank you. >> confidence boost. he just said, go hard. and i'm just going to use that throughout my career. just go hard. it felt good. that makes me want to be a better person, to be entertain pg. >> if having what it takes were easy, we'd all have it. but nothing worth having ever comes easy. and it is no exception. >> jimmy: what do you guys think? >> good day. >> oh. a lot of people. >> jimmy: some of them might have what it takes. >> on the next "do you have what it takes?" >> i am creating emotional dialogue and psychologically healing from my own psyche. >> i made it through a lot of people and i'm the only one here and i really want to thank you for everything. thank you, dad. >> why are you crying?
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hi, what's your name? jennie: oh, we don't have a reservation. amy: ha ha ha ha ha... hey, whom are you wearing? jennie: our coats? old navy. amy: that coat's awesome. jennie: thank you. amy: gimme that coat. jeff: no. amy: let her talk! wait, you said you didn't have a reservation? now you do. give me the coat. jennie: you know, you can just go to old navy. all outerwear is on sale. amy: no way haha... no, ok. jeff: the entire store is up to 50% off right now. amy: 50% off? jeff: right now. amy: now now? jeff: now now! amy: oh my god lets go! follow me... this has gps.
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♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. the united states population is going to grow by over 90 million peoplever the next 40 years and almost all the growth is going to be in cities. what's the healthiest and best way for them to grow so that they really become cauldrons of prosperity and cities of opportunity? what we have found is that if that family is moved info safe, clean, affordable housing, places that have access to great school systems, access to jobs and multiple transportation modes then neighborhood begins to thrive and really really take off. the oxygen of community redevelopment is financing and all this rebuilding that happened could not have happened without organizations like citi.
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>> jimmy: hi, everyone. tonight, from the show "real husbands of hollywood," which airs tuesdays on bet, nelly is here. we kept it very school in the studio tonight so nelly doesn't take off all his clothes. then, a band from new york paired with a duo from stockholm. this is their new single. it's called "never been in love." cobra starship featuring icona pop from the at&t outdoor stage. next week -- what a week we have next week. jim carrey, mike meyers, keira knightley, christoph waltz, aubrey plaza, from "scandal", bellamy young. plus, we'll go back in time with music from spandau ballet, tears
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for fares, and i asked for a special guest for my birthday, oran "juice" jones. do you remember that song? ♪ i saw you and him walking in the rain ♪ you don't know? so, he's going to do that for me. hey, hey, baby, how is your day today? you miss me? you did? i missed you, too. i missed you so much, i followed you today. [ laughter ] that's how it goes. our first guest tonight is one of very few people to win an academy award and be nationally ranked in competitive archery. it's really just her and jennifer hudson, i think. now she adds surgeon to her resume. watch her on "grey's anatomy," thursday nights here on abc. please welcome geena davis. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you?
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>> good, thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: you know, i was just talking to a kid who is going to usc and he's going to a super hero script writing class. how did you get into the movies? was it nonsensical like that? because -- [ laughter ] there he is. did you study film making? >> i did. i studied acting, i majored in it, which is a great idea, because it always works out. my parents had no clue. >> jimmy: you would not recommend majoring in acting, i guess. >> no. but once i finished, i had no idea -- i knew i wanted to be in movies, but nobody told me you were supposed to go to l.a. so, i went to new york. and i was trying to figure out, how can i get in movies? and i decided, at the time, christie brinkley and, like, lauren hutton were guesting cast in movies. i said, i'll just become a model first. and then they'll just hire me to
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be in movies, because it's much easier to become a supermodel. [ laughter ] so -- >> jimmy: did you go to supermodel screen writing class? >> no, i -- i got pretty famous. i was on the cover of "new jersey monthly." >> jimmy: nice. [ applause ] >> so, it went well. >> jimmy: your first movie was "tootsie," right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: wow. >> so, i did get "tootsie" because i was in the victoria's secret catalog. and i could act. >> jimmy: they were able to tell that from the catalog? >> no, no. it was -- it was funny, because in that role, it was a small part, but i had to be the -- the person had to be in their underwear quite a bit. i shared a dressing room with dustin hoffman. see if there's any models that can act. my agency, they want a model that can act. go audition. and they forgot to ask me to --
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because they said, wear a bathing suit under your clothes and if you read well, they'll asked to see you in your bathing suit. so, i showed up with my sad bathing suit on. they didn't ask, so i forgot all about it. of course, i'm not going to get the first thing i audition for. i want to paris to do the collections for the first time, the runway -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> and -- >> jimmy: i've done that. >> you went to school in -- >> jimmy: we have almost the same story, really. >> anyway. they see my audition where's her bathing suit. we forgot. get her back. we can't, she's in paris. do they have any photos of her in a bathing suit? they send over the victoria's secret catalog and i got cast. >> jimmy: that's pretty great. [ applause ] that's amazing. >> the wind blowing, yeah. >> jimmy: and you're acting with dustin hoffman, when is serious, right off the bat. do you have the kind of sense to -- to seek council from him?
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>> oh, god, yeah, so, he -- this is my first movie, obviously, and i had no idea. they -- they didn't even tell me, you only have to come on the days that you actually are shooting. i went every day. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> all day, every day. >> jimmy: wow. >> for three months. and i would get a chair, they'd put it right next to sydney pollack -- no one ever said, why are you here? >> jimmy: maybe they just liked having you around. >> they liked having me around. but dustin is actually very mentory and knows, you know, was really, really great about advice and tips and he's -- actually, one day, he said, you know, i know you're going to move to hollywood and be successful and your costars are going to hit on you. and you should not sleep with your costars. it's a bad idea. i just recommend completely against it. so here's what to say. when they hitiaw÷ on, say, you ,
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i would love to, very flattering, but i'm afraid it would ruin the sexual tension between us. >> jimmy: oh. oh, wow. does that work? did you try that at all? >> i had to use it. >> jimmy: oh, you did? who did you use it with? >> okay, so -- [ laughter ] ay yi yi. i can't believe i'm telling you this. >> jimmy: would you like to lay down? [ laughter ] >> so i've been in "tootsie," my agent wants to help me get jobs in hollywood. me and a couple of other models that could act came out hereúbúd my agent happened to know jack nicholson really well. >> jimmy: oh. >> so -- can you tell where this is going? you can tell where this is going, right? >> jimmy: well, yeah. >> so, every night somehow or another, we had dinner with jack. and one day he invited the three of us over for lunch and made
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tuna fish sandwiches and milk. like, very weird experience. anyway. so, we come home one day and there's a message, call jack, geena davis, call jack nicholson. i was like, oh, my god. look at this. i'm saving this forever. this is unbelievable. mr. nicholson, yes, hello this is geena davis. you called me. and he said, hey, geena. [ laughter ] so, when's it going to happen? [ laughter ] i was like -- sorry, what happens? you know what i'm talking about, you know what i'm talking about. i said, oh, mr. nicholson, you have the wrong idea. come on, i'll send a car. come on over here. come on over. and so, i said, well, mr. nicholson, you know, i have every hope that i'll be working in this business and that some day we will work together and i would hate to have ruined the
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lipton fresh brewed iced tea is the naturally refreshing way to enjoy your meals. it's the flavor we all savor, does any food a favor. you gotta be (ah) more (ah) tea! tea-riffic! lipton. be more tea. muppets most wanted, now on blu-ray and digital. ♪ limits are there to be shattered. ♪ barriers are meant to be broken.
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>> you're not helping. >> jimmy: that is geena davis on "grey's anatomy." may i ask, did you know when you were -- when they wooed you, and i would imagine there was wooing that went on to get you on television in the first place, but when they told you, they said, we'd love to have you, did they tell you you'd have a brain tumor? >> ah, no. i didn't know that. >> jimmy: you didn't know it? >> no. i knew that i was going to be really angry with jessica capshaw all the time. but it was sort of revealed to me as we went on why. >> jimmy: did that come as a pleasant on unpleasant surprise? >> well, i mean, it's fun to have a -- well -- >> jimmy: most of the people who i know who have had them don't like it. >> it's found have things to act and everything, but i actually did a litteral spit take when they called me. >> jimmy: your husband is a surgeon in real life. does he critique your technique and your -- >> he wormed his way onto the
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show. >> jimmy: he did? >> yeah. he knows the medical consultant who works with the show and he's actually done hand inserts on the show before. they hire real surgeons to do, if it's a tricky operation, they cut to the actor looking like they're doing something. and, so, he knew her and he calls her, he says, hey, get me in a scene with geena. so, he says, i'm going to be on the show with you. get off my show. what are you doing? so, he says, yeah, i'm hoping that you'll be doing the operation, i was going to be doing a c-section. i hope when you're doing it, i'll be able to say, here, let me show you. i was like, are you insane? i'm in the show. >> jimmy: i'm in surgeon in the show. >> i'm the expert. >> jimmy: these doctors don't know anything. they really don't. >> they don't. >> jimmy: so, you've done many television shows, some of the classic shows of the '80s, you had parts on. >> why, yes. >> jimmy: what are some of the
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shows you've been on? >> oh, god. i did "fantasy island." "rip tide." >> jimmy: excellent. beautiful. >>"remington steel." >> jimmy: so good. this is all i did is sat there and watched these shows as a kid. >> "knight rider." >> jimmy: we did unearth a -- i know this is one of those things that people do on talk shows from time to time. but -- this clip cannot be topped. >> you got -- >> jimmy: let's look at it together. >> hold it! stop! hold it! hold it! stop! >> all right, michael. you've caught your cat. surprised? >> grace, what are you doing this for? i know it's griffin. come on, let's get out of here. >> no!
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>> jimmy: you got shot. >> i got shot. >> jimmy: your husband the doctor could have come in -- >> wow. >> jimmy: excellent to have you here. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i hope things go -- i hope they shrink that brain tumor. i really do. geena davis, everybody. watch her on "grey's anatomy." it airs thursday nights at 8:00 right here on abc. we'll be right back with this week in unnecessary censorship. ye- yes! we have the new iphone. cause everyone's coming in for the new iphone. wh-what... kind of service plan can you get? well right now if you select the 15 gig plan we'll double your data and make it 30 gigs for the same price. well that - great! you'll take it. are you inside my mind right now? nope where was i... albuquerque who was the porcupine what is my fave- hollandaise sauce no way... the new iphone is here. and now you get 30 gigs of data to share starting at $160 dollars a month.
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alriwe need to do somethinguble widifferent. ranch. callahan's? ehh, i mean get away, like, away away. road trip? double wings, extra ranch. feels good to mix it up. the all-new, fuel-efficient volkswagen golf tdi clean diesel. up to 594 miles of adventure in every tank. i tell them aveeno®. because beautiful skin goes with everything. [ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. where do i wear aveeno®? everywhere. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion.. and try the body wash too. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™.
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♪ ♪ when the snow comes to cover the ground ♪ ♪ it's a time for play, ♪ it's a whipped cream day ♪ i wait for it all year round ♪ and the sun is red like a pumpkin head ♪ ♪ it's shining so your nose won't freeze ♪ ♪ the world is your snowball see how it grows ♪ ♪ that's how it goes whenever it snows ♪ ♪ the world is your snowball just for a song ♪ ♪ get out and roll it along
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>> jimmy: welcome back. a visit with nelly and music from cobra starship featuring icona pop is on the way. but first, it's thursday night, which means it's time for our weekly tribute to the fcc where we bleep and blur things whether they need it or not. it's this week in unnecessary censorship. >> hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the democrats get their butts [ bleep ]. >> new york yankees slugger a-rod is accused of [ bleep ] his cousin. >> i like that, both of you, come on, you and your new colleague from west virginia, come on "hard ball" some night and [ bleep ] some [ bleep ] right on the air. >> we'll do it. >> i want to see you guys [ bleep ] together. >> this guy is about to start [ bleep ] people again. >> coming up. jasonal de aldean and those [ b] little big down. >> they are just everywhere. i still have that [ bleep ] taste in my mouth, by the way.
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>> taylor swift just [ bleep ] more than a million [ bleep ]. >> women can be [ bleep ] for taking too many bathroom breaks. >> they made the media leave an hour and a half ago to bring in the [ bleep ] dogs. >> fell to the ground. >> yes, ma'am. >> after you [ bleep ] her in the behind. >> believe me, i [ bleep ] my x and if you got within five feet of me, it was probably because i was trying to [ bleep ] you. >> mr. bear, if you let us in, we can teach you how to [ bleep ] your own [ bleep ]. >> really? >> si! >> i'd like that! come on in! >> jimmy: we'll be back with nelly.
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fella who gets his salsa from new york city. new york city? uh-huh. [ male announcer ] pace has that big, bold kick. anything else just ain't right. pace. grab the southwest by the bottle. split-end bandage fromeal garnier fructis. anything else just ain't right. reconstructs strength right to the splits. then helps stop new ones from starting. fructis split-end bandage.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm good. >> jimmy: happy birthday, by the way. you turned 40 over the weekend. [ cheers and applause ] >> you had to bring that up, didn't you? you had to say the number. >> jimmy: that's fun, though? those are some earrings you got on. i see joan rivers left you in her will, huh? [ laughter ] what ditd yd you do to celebrate big 4-0? >> my daughter threw me a little bbq party, her and my lady friend. >> jimmy: very nice, nice. were there a lot of people invited to this? >> we had a few people invited. >> jimmy: a few people. >> just a few. later on that day, me and my nice fine young lady friend. >> jimmy: yes, yes, yes. >> we had a little after party. >> jimmy: oh, you did.
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just the two of you? this is your lady friend. and -- one of your man friends, as well. snoop dogg, whom you refer to as uncle snoop on instagram. do you think of snoop as an uncle? >> i think he's everybody's uncle, you know? >> jimmy: i think of snoop as my uncle, because he calls me his nephew so then i think of him as my uncle. >> fits right in. works every time. >> jimmy: did people bring things for you? >> yeah, snoop brought me -- maybe i shouldn't say it. [ laughter ] snoop got me a nice present. >> jimmy: a floral arrangement? >> yeah. >> jimmy: those parties stretch through the whole weekend? one of those things? >> you know scorpios. we have scorpio season. so, we celebrate all through, you know, scorpio season, whether it's our birthday or not. >> jimmy: i am a scorpio. i don't feel like i celebrate all season. >> are you a true scorpio? >> jimmy: how can you not be a true scorpio.
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you either are or you aren't. november 13th. oran "juice" jones is going to be here. i have an uncle, also, in the business. >> that's a good one, too. >> jimmy: thank you. >> that's a good one. >> jimmy: you had a whole thing and that's fun. >> we had the whole thing. >> jimmy: your show is very, very popular. this "real husbands of hollyw d hollywood." some of the people in the audience thought it was going to kidding, but it is a fake reality show. is it -- >> you want me to tell you or are you going to tell them everything? >> jimmy: you tell the whole thing. i'll speak for you. go ahead. >> yeah, we definitely -- we play embellished roles of ourselves. >> jimmy: that's what i was going to say. laugh already. >> it's very, very funny in that we don't take ourselves too seriously. >> jimmy: it is funny. >> we go at each.
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we warn people when you come on. you have people, can we be on the show? are you sure? we're going to -- >> jimmy: do ythey get upset? >> some people wish they hadn't come. >> jimmy: do they let you know or you can just tell? >> oh, we know. we know off the bat when we get underneath your skin because we keep going. >> jimmy: i see. that doesn't slow you down. >> oh, no. that gas us up right there. >> jimmy: i got you. >> that gases us up. >>jimmy: and "nelliville" is a real reality show -- i won't say real. is it really real? >> what are you doing? yeah. >> jimmy: they would have to follow you around 365 days a year. >> cops. >> jimmy: cops. that's a real reality. >> no actors in that one. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the only actors in that one are, like, gary busey. yeah. people that are -- people that are not necessarily planning to
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be apart of the show. >> no, this one is -- it's a lot real. i'm doing it with my kids. >> jimmy: the kids are on it? >> yeah. >> and miss chantel jackson. she's in there, as well. i wanted to show something on television that aren't out there. there are young single fathers that are relevant in their children's lives. we have a focus point of their, you know, their guidance through life. >> jimmy: you strive them to school and -- >> oh, no. hell no. i don't do all that. you know what i'm saying, i buy you a bike. you better get out there. that's more than what i had. >> jimmy: do their friends come on the show, do you make fun of them until they're upset? or is that a different show? >> no, it's that show. my daughter's in college. she's in college and, you know, i used to beg her to bring some of her friends over. >> jimmy: you did, yeah. >> i'm that dad. >> jimmy: that's comfortable for
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her. and did that horrify her when you gould that? >> yeah. >> jimmy: well, she don't like it when her friends give me compliments. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, no. >> but it keeps me going. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: can i tell you a story? i have a funny story for you. so, and this is from my mother-in-law, this story, so, she's a realtor in st. louis. >> okay. >> jimmy: a realtor, as they call them now. and so she gets a call, one day, like, 12, 13 years ago, from you. >> oh, wow. >> jimmy: you say, hi, this is nelly. and she says, oh, hello mr. nelly. you go, this is not mr. nelly, this is nelly! >> i was trying to buy a house. >> jimmy: yeah, you were. she didn't know what was going on. obviously. and you explained to her -- >> she missed out on a hell of a commission. >> jimmy: that's what she said. she did. so, anyway, she asked me to ask you if you would reconsider.
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i'll give you her material. she's very good. >> let me know. >> jimmy: put it on the reality show. my family will come to yours. why not? well, it's very good to see you. when is the new album coming out? >> i start working on new music towards the end of this year. i've been filming both shows at the same time, so it's a little hectic. >> jimmy: i'm not getting on your case. just asking. >> i mean -- last time ill invited you to the studio, you never came. >> jimmy: i don't recall that invitation, but maybe that's because uncle snoop brought a bouquet along. >> when snoop comes, somehow, when snoop's around, everything gets cloudy. >> jimmy: nelly, everybody. "real husbands of hollywood" airs tuesday at 10:00 p.m. on bet. and "nelliville" is coming this month. we'll be right back with cobra st starship.
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davis, i want to thank nelly. i want to apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next. but first, their new single is called "never been in love." with some help from icona pop, cobra starship! ♪ ♪ na na na na na na na na hey ♪ ♪ tell me if i'm crazy but when you come around round it's kind of amazing ♪ ♪ my head goes through clouds above the rain and i'm never coming down down ♪ ♪ now that you saved me baby ♪ ♪ that stupid party talked outside walked to your place stayed up 'til five ♪ ♪ you'd never think a random night could change your life ♪ ♪ i know now
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i've never been in love before ♪ ♪ i know now i've never been in love before you ♪ ♪ i know now i've never been in love before ♪ ♪ i know now i've never been in love before you ♪ ♪ na na na na na ooh ooh ♪ na na na na na ooh ooh ♪ ♪ hey it's fire and magiccçrv but when you walk away way it's like the titanic ♪ ♪ i'm split up into pieces in the atlantic so baby won't you stay stay 'cause i gotta have it ♪ ♪ have it ♪ that stupid party talked outside walked to your place
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stayed up 'til five ♪ ♪ you'd never think a random night could change your life ♪ ♪ i know now i've never been in love before ♪ ♪ i know now i've never been in love before you ♪ ♪ we all need a light in the dark come and spend the night in my heart ♪ ♪ we all need a light in the dark come and spend the night ♪ ♪ hey úz@( ♪ hey tell me if i'm crazy but when you come around round it's kind of amazing ♪ ♪ my head goes through clouds above the rain and
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i'm never coming down down ♪ ♪ now that you saved me baby ♪ ♪ i know now i've never been in love before ♪ ♪ i know now i've never been in love before you ♪ ♪ na na na na na ooh ooh ♪ na na na na na ooh ooh ♪ ♪ na na na na na ooh ooh ♪ ♪ i know now i've never been in love before you ♪ ♪ light in the dark come and spend in my heart ♪ ♪ we all need a light in the dark ♪ ♪ come and spend the night hey
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this is "nightline." >> tonight. >> put on the uniform. i looked at my husband, i said, what have i gotten myself into? >> teen spirit. she used to be an nfl cheerleader with a multimillionaire husband. >> this skirt is nine inches from the top to the bottom. >> now, accused of serving alcohol to a 15-year-old and molesting him at a beach house. how did her story book life unravel? plus, dogs anatomy. when fido gets sick, this husband and wife team can get him back on his feet and by your side, for a hefty price. how far would you go for your pelt? and, family ties. a mother searching to fill the hole in her heart, holding out hope for nearly five
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