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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  November 18, 2014 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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now on jimmy kimmle, actor jason bateman. >> have a great >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, jason bateman, courtney love, and "people" magazine's sexiest man alive. with cleto and the cletones. and now, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everybody. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show.
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thank you for watching. thank you for coming. thank you for being here tonight. i'm glad you're excited. you're here on a very big night. tonight i am going to reveal the identity of "people" magazine's sexiest man alive. i want you to know i withdrew myself from consideration. i didn't think it would be fair since i'm the one making the announcement. not only am i going to reveal the sexiest man alive, we're going to beam him in here via skype to officially anoint him. i never felt more powerful or less attractive than i do today. i had to keep this a secret for like a week. as you know, sexy secrets are even harder to keep than regular secrets. what an honor to be trusted with this information. sexiest man alive is the nuclear
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launch code of magazine covers. last year it was adam levine. the year before that was channing tatum and the year before that was bradley cooper. i actually know way too much about this, i think. the criteria for sexiest man alive is very strict. first of all, you must be sexy. secondly, you must be alive. if you're ugly or dead, forget about it, you're not going to win. we will see who does win in about ten minutes. is it a win? i hope it's somebody fat this year, i really do. also tonight, in addition to our sexiest man, from the new movie, "horrible bosses 2," jason bateman is here. very popular show on fx, "sons of anarchy," courtney love is here and she always has many interesting things to say. winter has arrived, ne. there are freezing temperatures in all 50 states today. meteorologists are blaming the cold on an unusual combination
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of arctic air being forced south and a young princess with powers unleashing eternal winter. there's a lot of snow in buffalo, new york. one resident has apparently had enough. >> here you go. >> [mute] you, buffalo. [mute] here. ahh! >> he complains but that fall would have been a lot worse if the snow wasn't there. meanwhile, here in l.a. today it was -- and i'm not kidding. it was 81 degrees today. don't rub it in. if you factor in the air conditioning it did drop as low as 68 in my car on the way to work this morning. this is from our local channel 9. we may not have actual cold here in southern california, but don't tell our newscasters we don't. again, keep in mind today the high was 81 degrees today. >> in porter ranch tonight, palm
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trees don't sway, they bend. the windy forecast wasn't just bluster. winds make street signs hard to read. gust after gust, pummel roses and send leaves flying. >> jimmy: there are leaves flying. it's like a michael bane movie out there. this is from another local channel, fox 11 on sunday night, where shoppers at walmart are -- they're lucky to be alive. >> mother nature ushering in the santa anas with a chill in the night air. at walmart in porter ranch, shoppers doing their best to keep warm. >> i'm usually still in shorts and today i had to put on pants. >> jimmy: you poor dear. if only she was near a store that sold clothing. you aren't in this alone, buffalo. we feel it here. i want to mention something.
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it was my birthday on thursday and i got a lot of very nice cards and gifts and phone calls and e-mails which i appreciate. but there's one item that i get repeatedly on my birthday every year that i don't appreciate, and that is an e-card. you know the e-mails that you get and you click the link and like a bulldog in a party hat blows out candles and says happy birthday. i hate those. a birthday e-card is a great way to tell someone they're almost worth the price of a stamp to you. the worst part about them is if you don't open the e-card which i have taught myself not to do, you get this a few days later, you get a reminder to open the e-card that i didn't want to open in the first place. they say our e-cards are known for art stree and gentle humor. no, they're not. they're known for being
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annoying. this is like giving me homework for my birthday. leave me alone, jackie lawson, whoever you are. they remind you over and over again until you open it but i am not opening it. i don't care how many times they send me an e-mail -- >> hey, a-hole. >> yes? can i help you? who are you? >> who am i? i'm your birthday e-card. you still haven't opened me. what gives? >> jimmy: well, i'm very busy. >> oh, look at mr. big shot, too busy to click on a card and accept a friend's thoughtful wishes. >> jimmy: that has nothing to do with it. >> okay then, open me. >> jimmy: no, i'm not going to -- >> open me, open me. >> jimmy: stop doing that, stop that. >> am i bothering you with my birthday greeting? >> jimmy: yeah. >> sorry.
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maybe i should tell the sender you don't care about their friendship. >> jimmy: i'll tell you who doesn't care about friendship. people who send e-cards. you're into the thoughtful. you're the opposite of thoughtful. you're what someone sends when they don't care to go to cvs and pick up a card and put a stamp on it and mail it to you. that's what you are. all right, all right, no need to cry. >> you're right, you're right. what the hell am i doing with my life? have a great birthday, you probably only got three left. who wants to hear that. it's stupid. i'm stupid. i'm the stupid that nobody wants. >> jimmy: you're just doing your job. you know what, hold on a second. let me just do something because i know what's going to make you feel better. there we go. >> what are you doing?
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>> jimmy: you'll see in a second. >> hello, everybody! i hear somebody is feeling sad. >> what's that? >> jimmy: it's an e-card for you. >> sorry i hurt your feelings. >> jimmy: open it. >> at least i didn't give you clamidia. >> are you really do like me. hey, you clicked me. >> jimmy: no, i did not. >> yeah, you did. when we hugged, you clicked me. >> jimmy: no, i didn't. >> now i'm going to open. >> jimmy: all right, let's see what you have to say. your age may be getting higher but your balls are getting lower. thank you, guillermo. >> you're welcome, jimmy. >> jimmy: thank you. >> see you next year. >> jimmy: great, great. that's the e-card, everybody.
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there we go. you can go, too. you can also leave. thank you. the e-cards. [ cheers and applause ] by the way, i was handed fake phones by two different people during that bit. the oxford english dictionary, they named their word of the year for 2014 and that word is -- can we get a drum roll? the word of the year for 2014 is vape. the word vape as in the english language has been vaporized. i'm not a linguist for an expert, but shouldn't they choose a word as word of the year? i mean, other contenders for the word of the year were bae which is what the kids say, bug tender, norm core and
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slack-ta-vism. if any of you have used any of these words, please leave the theatre immediately. i'll tell you why it bothered me. i feel bad for all the regular words that now have to hang out with these scum bags in the dictionary. we have a special guest on our show tonight, a very talented young man named freddie wong. she's exceptionally popular on youtube. he's the co-creator of the video game called high school which has been seen a million times. he was supposed to be a guest on the show, but unfortunately, there was an incident. i ran into freddie in the bathroom before show. i made a little joke but i guess freddie didn't appreciate it. i want to apologize. you'll see, things got a little out of hand. >> jimmy? >> freddie. >> i can't wait for our
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interview. >> jimmy: i can't wait to let you know that that tie makes you look like an assistant manager. >> where did you get that tie? >> jimmy: i'll have you know i won the shelby awards, and that was a black tie event. >> curse the knot. don't touch my tie. >> jimmy: you touched my tie first.
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>> jimmy: half windsor. >> full windsor. >> behold, kimmel, the witch's eye. see how you will die. >> jimmy: burned at the stake? weird. >> yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: you want to get weird, wong, let's get weird. >> stop, what are you doing? stop, no, what are you doing? my god, the infinity knot. what have you done? >> jimmy: i'm sorry. >> no, no, jimmy! >> ahhh!
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>> just between us ties, when are you and tyra going to tie the knot. flashbacks, the legends are true. have you come to save us from the destroyer of worlds? >> jimmy: yeah, that's why we're here. >> yay! >> jimmy: oh, burned at the stake, now i get it. now it makes sense. >> does it, jimmy? does it make sense? does any of this make any sense at all? >> it's working, my god it's working! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm all right, everybody. let's bring freddie out here. where's freddie? there he is, freddie wong, everybody. >> what the hell? what the hell, man. >> jimmy: you're very dirty. >> you left me burning at the stake. >> jimmy: i'm real sorry about
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that. i had to interview jason bateman though. you look good. you look sexy. >> i had to fight off hundreds of ties. i was literally on fire. what's wrong with you? >> jimmy: i'm sorry about that. i'm absent-minded. guillermo, will you show freddie to the green room? you can see freddie on the series video game high school on his youtube channel. jump. freddie wong. that's pretty good. he directed that whole thing. we have a good show for you tonight. courtney love is here. jason bateman is here. and when we come back we'll reveal people magazine's sexiest man alive for 2014. ♪ limits are there to be shattered.
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♪ barriers are meant to be broken. ♪ lines are drawn to be crossed. ♪ introducing the first ever 467 horsepower rcf coupe from lexus. once driven, there's no going back. ♪ ♪ when the snow comes to cover the ground. ♪ ♪ it's a time for play, it's a whipped cream day... ♪ ♪
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♪ when the snow comes to cover the ground. ♪ ♪ it's a time for play, it's a whipped cream day. ♪ ♪ i wait for it all year round... ♪ ♪ there it is... this is where i met your grandpa. right under this tree. ♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto. they're hugging the tree. (man) that's why we got a subaru.
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or was it that tree? (man) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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my nai'm a lineman for pg&e out of the concord service center. i have lived here pretty much my whole life. i have been married for twelve years. i have 3 kids. i love living here and i love working in my hometown. at pg&e we are always working to upgrade reliability to meet the demands of the customers. i'm there to do the safest job possible - not only for them, but everybody, myself included
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that lives in the community. i'm very proud to do the work that i do and say that i am a lineman for pg&e because it's my hometown. it's a rewarding feeling. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. jason bateman and courtney love are coming up but first -- "people" magazine's sexiest man alive issue comes out on friday, and once again, i did not make the cover. neither did you, guillermo.
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neither one of us made the cover. >> maybe next year. >> jimmy: we have the beautiful bachelor who did make the cover via skype. tonight we will reveal his identity, but not until we make you, our studio audience, guess what his identity is. first let's go to guillermo. why didn't you start in the audience? >> i don't know, jimmy, i just follow instructions. >> jimmy: very good. you follow instructions. we are going to go now to skype to the sexiest man alive, and there he is. now, that is not his real face. his disguised. we put a voice changer on his voice to keep his identity a secret until we can hopefully guess who he is. hello, sexiest man alive. >> hello, jimmy. >> jimmy: congratulations on being so sexy. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: we can see that he's
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muscular, and that is a clue. this is what we're going to do. guillermo, you've got audience members. we're going to let some members of our studio audience ask yes or no questions and they will guess who the sexiest man is. if you guess correctly, the sexiest man alive will make love to you so this is big. i will give you three clues. he is sexy, he is a man, he is alive. those are the only clues i'm going to give you. what is your name? >> carly. >> jimmy: what is your question? >> are you in a band? >> jimmy: are you in a band? >> no. >> jimmy: the sexiest man is not in a band. sorry, carly. your question? >> do you feel like driving a lincoln. >> jimmy: what was your question? do you just feel like driving a lincoln. >> jimmy: do you feel like driving a lincoln is what he's
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saying? >> no. >> jimmy: i see what you were getting at. you were getting at matthew mcconaughey. he has won enough awards this year. >> have you been people's sexiest man before? >> no. >> jimmy: you're question? >> are you over the age of 35. >> jimmy: are you over the age of 35? >> no. >> jimmy: he is not over the age of 35. your question? >> have you ever been fat? >> jimmy: that's a very good question. have you ever been fat? >> not really. >> jimmy: actually, that question was for me. yes, your question? >> are you an actor? >> yes. >> jimmy: we have our first yes. he is an actor. wow, the audience is brimming with excitement.
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we got one right. aren't you excited. here we go, your question? >> are you single? >> jimmy: are you single? >> no. >> jimmy: not single. there are even guys moaning in the audience. the gentleman with the mustache? >> are you hairy? >> jimmy: are you hairy, sexiest man alive? >> just up here. >> jimmy: your question? >> were you born in the usa? >> no. >> jimmy: not an american. from another land. perhaps that narrows it down. yes? >> have you ever played a superhero in a movie? >> yes. >> jimmy: yes, he most certainly has.
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where are you from? >> me, i'm from alabama. >> jimmy: oh, all right. guillermo, just go to somebody else. she's from alabama. >> okay. >> jimmy: yes? >> do you have a famous sibling? >> yes. >> jimmy: we're now on to 30 questions. >> did your superhero use a hammer? >> jimmy: does that hero use a hammer? >> yes. >> jimmy: go to the girl from alabama. you've heard all the clues.
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>> are you chris hemsworth? >> jimmy: are you chris hemsworth? >> yes. >> jimmy: oh, there we go. look how sexy he is. wow, there's the cover. sexiest man alive. congratulations, chris. >> thank you. >> jimmy: may i ask, what does it feel like to be the sexiest man alive? >> thank you very much for the trophy. i'm most excited about the alive portion of that statement. i'm flattered. thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: my pleasure. thank you for being with us. what do you think your brother liam is going to think about the fact that you were chosen as sexiest man alive? >> liam is good. we've been throwing sexy looks back and forth all week. so he's been a real team player through this. >> jimmy: that's nice. anything you would like to say
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to the men who lost, specifically matt damon? >> i like everything there is about being sexy, to persing the lips the right way to squinting at the essential time. thank you, matt, and all the other previous intelligent men. this is based on an iq test, not just the physical appearance. >> jimmy: that's right. you're sexy on the inside, too. thank you very much, chris. chris is in australia right now. what time is it right now in australia, chris? >> 12:30. >> jimmy: we'll flush the toilet backwards or something. is there anyone you would like to thank for this honor? >> my parents, i guess, for putting this together. >> jimmy: i think we're all very grateful. thank you, chris. chris hemsworth, "people" magazine's sexiest man alive. we'll be right back with jason bateman.
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>> jimmy: well, hello there. tonight, a woman with many talents, her latest project is "sons of anarchy." courtney love is with us. tomorrow night, we've got jamie foxx, tracee ellis ross, and music from the new basement tapes, which is a super duper group that includes marcus mumford, jim james and elvis costello. and on thursday, one direction will be here, tom verica from "how to get away with murder" will be here and we'll have music from jesse j.
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so join us for those shows, too. our first guest this evening has been lighting up our tv and movie screens for more than 30 years because he is what they call a star, folks. his new movie, "horrible bosses 2" opens in theatres one week from tomorrow. please welcome jason bateman. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm very glad to see you. thank you for coming. i told you he would be here. how are you doing? everything all right? >> yeah, it's good. >> jimmy: everything's good? >> it's going to be good. >> jimmy: is something wrong? >> well, i like being with you. >> jimmy: thank you.
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i like being with you, too. >> we'll power through it. >> jimmy: no, if something is wrong, you can tell me. it's fine. >> it's dumb. >> jimmy: what? >> it's dumb. it's embarrassing. i -- you know -- >> jimmy: i hope i didn't do anything. >> you didn't do -- well, you did a little bit of it. you know, i assumed that i was going to be booked on the show tonight for the segment that has just gone. >> jimmy: oh. >> and so i'm not prepared to talk about tonight. i thought we were going to be celebrating that. >> jimmy: you thought you were going to be the sexiest man alive? >> well, i don't wear this every day and this takes a long time to, you know. >> jimmy: i'm really sorry about that. i had no idea that you thought
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that you were, like, in that group, you know? you know what i'm saying, like, you know. >> it's a competition. you never really assume you're going to win, but then when i got booked on the show tonight, put the team together, rented this. >> jimmy: did you do a photo shoot for them? >> no, there wasn't a photo shoot. you do the photo shoot after you win, jimmy. >> jimmy: i'm very sorry about that. >> thank you. it's a little bit of a waste of money. >> jimmy: in what way is it a waste of money? >> well, the rent is not cheap on this. luckily i didn't spend the money on the speech writer. i went ahead and did that myself, but that's embarrassing because now i've written something, i have wasted time.
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>> jimmy: you wrote a speech? >> i did, i did. >> jimmy: why don't you give it anyway. it's something that you can give. >> that would be mortifying. >> jimmy: i think people would love your speech and i got to be honest, chris's speech wasn't that great. >> it wasn't great. >> jimmy: no, it wasn't. >> and i think he looked puffy. i think his extensions look much less convincing than these. >> jimmy: maybe just give the speech. i think everybody would love to hear the speech. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, good. you are going to give the speech. you tore it up. >> tape it back together or something. >> jimmy: i guess you were angry, huh? >> i got a little pissed off back there. >> jimmy: i'm sorry again about that. >> it starts out with a wow and exclamation point.
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>> jimmy: you had the exclamation point in there. >> i haven't been on a lot of magazine covers. >> jimmy: i'm sorry about that. i don't mean to interrupt. as if you have just received it. >> i did not expect this at all. this is such a huge honor. i want to thank you all so much. growing up sexy was not easy for me. i always felt different than everyone else. well, not different, just sexier, i guess. you know, the laughter hurts, guys. this works. >> jimmy: be cool. >> mom and dad, thank you for being so sexy that you wanted to have sex and make me, jason
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bateman, the sexiest man alive. stop. i have accomplished a lot in my sexy life, but i have to say that this is by far my greatest accomplishment, right here -- it's tough. this is tough. not just the fact that it's ripped apart. right here, right now, truthfully this is why i got into show business in the first place. the deep empty black hole that was inside of me is now filled with joy, hope and love. i'm honestly not sure i could have gone on had i been overlooked again this year. thank you, thank you, thank you. three thank yous. almost done. for the first time since i was five years old i finally feel whole again, like i'm exactly where i'm meant to be. i feel like everything i've done in my entire life has been leading up to this moment. this special life-changing
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extraordinary moment. before i go, i just want to say to remember to dream big, kids, because dreams really do come true. you know, this is -- i don't need that. >> jimmy: i feel like we can take a break. you have a lot of great things going on in your life right now. >> i do. >> jimmy: you have a beautiful family, a new movie coming out called "horrible bosses 2." jason bateman is here. we're going to power through this, folks. yeah so with at&t next you get the new iphone for $0 down. zero down? zilch. nothing. nada. small potatoes. no potatoes. diddly squat. big ol' goose egg. the new iphone, zero down. zero. zilch. said that already. zizeroni. not a thing. zamboni. think that's a hockey thing. you know what, just sign us up. okay - this way. with at&t next get the new iphone for $0 down. now get a $150 credit for each line you switch.
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dewar's. the most awarded blended scotch in history.
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>> boom, marker drop. >> kid naping. >> i'm talking about kidnapping. >> first of all, we kidnap rex, get money from burt, save the business. >> what do you know about executing a kidnapping? >> zip ties. >> oh, geeze. >> we're not going to kid nap anyone. this guy is a master business [mute]. he's at the top of his game. we need to figure out -- look what we got. is that a sharpy? >> jimmy: jason bateman with "horrible bosses 2" with charlie day and sudeikis.
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you got the whole original cast, jennifer aniston, jamie foxx. >> kevin spacey. we added an oscar winner, christoph waltz, chris pine. >> jimmy: something about guys named chris that resonates with america and our loins. >> my middle name is chris. >> jimmy: well, my middle name is chris. christian, close enough. isn't that interesting. >> yeah. don't try to make me feel better. >> jimmy: i want to point out that you were on the cover of muppet magazine in 1998. that's something. do you remember that? >> look how flammable my hair looks there, just so much body. >> jimmy: this is a big one,
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actually. that's you. >> now that one i feel good about. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i forgot who this kid was. >> i believe that was 1971. no, that's a joke. >> jimmy: that's how quickly time goes by. >> bill cosby gave me a great rental on the sweater. >> jimmy: did they tell you all to fold your arms or did that happen coincidently? >> hey, everybody. >> jimmy: do you have like a foot locker full of all this stuff that your childhood memories? >> there's a draw, there's a box, there's something. i'm told to stay out of it. my wife knows i'll incinerate it all if i start to play with it. >> jimmy: is that right? ye >> we're going to move in a couple of weeks so she's like stay out of that and i'll box
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that up. >> jimmy: you're moving, that's fun. >> it's fun if i stay uninvolved. >> jimmy: you can get away with that? >> well, sure. you're only going to lose your fingers if you put your hands in the tiger cage, so i just leave all decisions to her and things work out a lot bertha way. >> jimmy: i see. will you do any physical lifting, lugging, packing? >> i'll do as much as she lets me but she'll find a way to improperly carry a box. jason, what are you doing? you put your hands underneepth it. it's going to drop out the middle. >> jimmy: you say i'm a child star. i didn't learn these things. >> i can fold my arms. >> jimmy: that's the important thing. well, you know, this is -- i learned something interesting. this is your first sequel since -- >> teen wolf 2, baby. >> jimmy: that's right. so this is big.
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>> i like to space them out. i don't want to have anything too successful. i want to make about a 25-year gap and do something that warrants a sequel. >> jimmy: it's very good to see you and just so you know, you're very sexy to a lot of people, right guillermo? >> yes. >> jimmy: jason bateman, "horrible bosses 2" opens november 26th. we'll be right back with courtney love.
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♪ ♪ when the snow comes to cover the ground ♪ ♪ it's a time for play, ♪ it's a whipped cream day ♪ i wait for it all year round
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♪ in winter it's a marshmallow world! ♪ three decadent tastes new non one plate.of italy discover velvety slopes of fettuccine alfredo overlooking rich chicken lombardy and hills of asiago tortelloni plus salad and breadsticks. now available for a limited time. at olive garden. double wiwe need to do something different. callahan's? ehh, i mean get away. like away away. road trip? double wings, extra ranch. it feels good to mix it up. the all-new, fuel-efficient volkswagen golf tdi clean diesel. up to 594 miles of adventure in every tank. introducing the all-new volkswagen golf family. 2015 motor trend car of the year.
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( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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>> jimmy: when the producers of the very popular show "sons of anarchy" needed an actress to play a pre-school teacher, they didn't need to look any further than our next guest. she plays "mrs. harrison" on "sons of anarchy" tuesdays at 10:00 on fx. please welcome courtney love. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you?
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>> i'm good. i'm a little nervous, all that sexy man talk. >> jimmy: do you agree with people's choice for sexiest man alive? >> i didn't see thor. i saw rush, he's sexy. his brother is sexy but jason bateman is sexy. >> jimmy: he's number one. >> i mean, i followed the bateman family. in fact, i tried out for a movie starring his sister, justine bateman back in the '80s and i didn't get the part. >> jimmy: you didn't get the part? >> no. all girl rock band. julia roberts got it. it was her first part. >> jimmy: what was the name of that movie, guillermo? >> summer love. >> jimmy: satisfaction. that's it. the rolling stones song it was
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named after. that's crazy. i didn't realize you were acting since you were a kid also. >> well, i've known you since you were a deejay. >> jimmy: that's right, yeah. >> before that i was an actress in the '80s but, well, let's be real, i had a really big nose and that was not taking me anywhere. >> jimmy: i assume you got a nose job. >> yeah, i got my nose fixed. >> jimmy: and you credit that? >> yeah, six months the whole world changed. >> jimmy: i've seen you many times and i felt like that's what you were destined to do, playing guitar, singing. >> i did. sure, after i got my nose fixed. it's one of those, it happened. >> jimmy: if it makes you feel better then i guess why not. >> i was 20 when i did it. >> jimmy: do you regret having your nose fixed? >> no, hell no. >> jimmy: all right. things have worked out pretty well. how did you wind up on "sons of
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anarchy"? >> i stalked the creator. i tweeted him and he tweeted me back and then i stalked him. our last tour was in australia and i was sort of -- this happened i think in melbourne or something. i was playing rock and roll and i looked down at the set list and i was like, are we halfway done yet? i need to act again. >> jimmy: you felt burned out? >> yeah. and i really wanted to act. i have a few movie star friends and said who should i go to, got incredibly nurturing great agents. >> jimmy: who decided you would be a preschool teacher? >> kurt did. >> jimmy: that's how insane that show is. >> but i could get killed, the whole thing tomorrow, you never know. >> jimmy: you could get a juice box spilled on you. >> and it will go everywhere. >> jimmy: are you saying that's a possibility? >> i can't tell. >> jimmy: you can't tell?
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>> no. it's private. someone who is sexy on that show is charlie hunnam. i had a seen with him a couple weeks ago. he's like the sun, he's so sexy. >> jimmy: i have to agree with you, he's a very handsome guy, yeah. >> i had eye contact with him and i was like, he's the sun. >> jimmy: were you intimidated? >> yeah, that's a lot of sexy. >> jimmy: interesting. i feel like we've made eye contact the whole time you've been out here. >> you're like a fabulous planet. you're like a very full moon. >> jimmy: are you in touch with dave grohl and the others? i heard you guys -- >> me and chris really -- he kind of herds goats. i talk to chris, we're cool, but dave and me, like a lot of people saw the rock and roll hall of fame where we hugged it out and it was all good. the other night -- we used to
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really like each other and then there were 20 years where we sued each other. and then we stopped. and then the other night we just started talking about this one actress's boobs. we've both seen them. >> jimmy: really? >> at one point when she was 20 they were the sexiest boobs in all of hollywood. and we just picked up where we left off after 20 years of suing each other. >> jimmy: that's a hell of a thing to bring you together. >> we're totally tight. if you can give up a grudge like that because there was a lot of crap that went on, i think anyone can do it. >> jimmy: when you have something in common that meant a lot to both of you, someone in common that meant a lot to both of you and you have this body of work that means a lot to both of you -- why are you laughing? i have no idea. it's nice to let that -- would you have consider recording with
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dave? >> the foo fighters, with dave? >> jimmy: yeah. >> let's see. yeah, islands in the streams, me and dave grohl. >> jimmy: dolly parton and kenny rogers, that would be beautiful. >> i think we have a bit of a demographic. >> jimmy: how is your daughter doing, you live on her block? >> two blocks from her. >> jimmy: does she like you being so close? >> a little bit. >> jimmy: do you stop by and interrupt her life? >> no. she stops by my house. i don't think she likes me coming over unannounced so much. >> jimmy: who would? >> exactly. we're not in each other's face or anything like that. she comes over and we watch scandal. >> jimmy: you watch scandal together. >> shonda rhimes. >> jimmy: if she's paying attention, that would be very
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nice. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's good to see you. thanks for coming back. "sons of anarchy" is the show. you can't reveal what's going to happen but you hinted that you might get shot. >> no. but i started acting again. i'm doing another show, too. >> jimmy: what show? >> empire. >> jimmy: that's a big show, right. are you into hip-hop? >> no. >> jimmy: all right, welcome l, sounds like you're all set then. courtney love, everybody. we'll be right back.
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i love thit's siracha.i burger. sluracha? no. si-rah-chah. siriracha. no. watch how i say it. si-rah-cha. that's not helping. bam! that's jack's new spicy sriracha burger comin' in all hot and melty with jalapeños and bacon! but the best part? it's not just sriracha sauce, it's creamy sri-rah... slur-rah cha... whatever it's called, it's awesome sauce.
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>> jimmy: i want to thank my guests, courtney love t great to see you. jason bateman, he's sexy, make no mistake about it. chris hemsworth, he's sexier. freddie wong, and i want to apologize to matt damon. we ran out of time.
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"nightline" is next. good night! snoof . this is "nightline." tonight, body of evidence. with tensions boiling in ferguson, missouri, police across the country using a new tactic to keep everyone on their best behavior, body mounted video cameras. they can record every interaction. we're on patrol with them to find out, does it help or hurt. plus, in the hot seat. she says the airbag that was supposed to protect her maimed her instead. >> i had a massive strike on my right side. >> sure, they've been recalled but millions are still on the road. we found some used car dealers who seem willing to sell them, too. tonight, our undercover investigation.


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