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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  December 1, 2014 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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about about. >> right now. nascar champion kevin hardwick. have a great >> right now. nascar champion kevin hardwick. have a great night everyone see you tomorro >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- don rickles. nascar champion kevin harvick. the killers' new christmas song. and music from chase rice. with cleto and the cletones. and now, after all, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you to you and you and all of you. thank you, i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show.
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thank you for watching at home. thank you for coming to visit. that's very nice. i had a feeling you'd be here. i hope you had a happy thanksgiving. i hope you're still on speaking terms with your family. they say that on thanksgiving, americans consume more than twice their average daily calories. it implies we should eat less. or just eat a lot more the rest of the year and it wouldn't be twice as many. i went back for seconds and thirds this year. i thought about going for fourths, but i wanted to give myself something to shoot for next year, so -- [ laughter ] it breaks my heart just a little when i have to put the gravy boat back into storage, but i did. the sunday after thanksgiving is always one of the busiest travel dales of the year. more than 4,000 flights were delayed and 250 were canceled. the tsa line at midway airport in chicago was 1.2 miles long. but well worth it to pay
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hundreds of dollars to fly across the country to experience your uncle dan's whiskey and string bean breath. next year, if your last name starts with a through m, you do thanksgiving in november in the regular time and everybody else does it in may. not a terrible idea, by the way. did any of you here participate in the abomination known as black friday over the weekend? [ cheers and applause ] nothing to be proud of. [ laughter ] they're still adding up the casualty, but there was a lot of senseless violence. in norwalk, which is not too far from here, sheriff's deputies had to come to walmart after two adult women started fighting over a barbie doll. [ laughter ] they do say it's important not to lose touch with your inner child. if you are a grownup and you get in a fight over a barbie doll, you should still be forced to sit in time-out, right? in houston, people were lying on top of flat screen tvs in order
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to stop other people from buying them. like, a fumble recovery, like -- [ laughter ] instead of a referee, the manager of the store has to come over and determine who has possession. and by the way, if you ever find yourself lying on top of a tv set on the floor after a store on thanksgiving night, it might be a good time to re-evaluate everything. i wonder if anybody ever got in a fight over a tv and went home and watched themselves being arrested on it. [ laughter ] that's the circle of life there. we scoured the news today as we do to find video to try to determine which area finished at the top of the black friday violence heap. all of the incidents you're about to see occurred in one place. see if you can guess where. >> whoa, whoa!
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[ screaming ] >> jimmy: all right, so, anybody have a guess as to where all of that happened? four different stores -- england! all of that happened in edge lnd! they don't even have thanksgiving in england! they're fighting on black friday. why does that make me feel better about us? i thought in england they rioted with their pinkies in the air. none of those little tussles has anything on what i believe to be the greatest black friday shopping clip of all time. this is from grand rapids, michigan, right here in the good old usa. as far as i'm concerned, for me, this is what officially rings in
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the holiday season. >> they come for the bargains, but believe with the bruising. pricing brings out shoppers after thanksgiving. watch what happens at this walmart in michigan. people are trampled. one woman almost loses her wig. >> jimmy: that wig was 100% off. [ cheers and applause ] you know, despite all the black friday chaos, sales over the weekend were down this year by 11% compared to last year. part of the reason is cyber monday. cyber monday, today, combines american's two favorite past times. buying things and ignoring our responsibilities at work. [ laughter ] and did you buy anything today online, guillermo? >> no, jimmy, no. >> jimmy: did you go shopping on black friday? >> no, i don't do that. >> jimmy: do you buy any gifts at all? >> for christmas, yes. >> jimmy: for christmas. [ laughter ] >> two more weeks. >> jimmy: all right. meanwhile, in toronto --
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[ laughter ] at midnight last night, rob ford's term as greatest mayor in the history of any place officially came to an end. and he went out the same wail he came in. right through the wall. [ laughter ] he -- he will be involved in politics. he's a city counselor, but he has promised to run for mayor again, so, we'll check back in in four year, i guess. until then, we'll see you. we have a very nice program for you tonight. the living legend don rickles is here with us. [ cheers and applause ] broke the wish bone and it came true. nascar champion kevin harrick is here with us. we have music from a talented young singer named chase rice. you know -- [ cheers and applause ] here in l.a., we had something to be thankful for yesterday. rain. it has not rained in l.a. for 22 years. we got an inch and a half
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yesterday. did you know that in l.a. it rains coconut water? the rain was mostly a good thing because of the drought, but it caused mudslides. and mudslides are especially dangerous here in l.a. because they have gluten in them. as is usually the case, our local news channels get very excited when it rains. this comes to us from the 5:00 news yesterday on kcbs. i defy you not to get caught up in the drama of this moment. >> storm watch tonight. this is videole of a downpour in tarzana. look at this recycling bin going for a ride in the runoff. it times, it felt like a lot. >> jimmy: and other times, it didn't. so, pray for us. thanksgiving, as you know, the time to reunite with family and old friends and so we thought it would be fun to catch up with our old pal jake byrd. we haven't seen him for awhile. we met him outside the michael jackson trial. we ran into him years later when
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paris hilton went to jail. >> remanding miss hilton to serve the remainder of her sentence at the century regional -- >> no, no, no! no! >> jimmy: that was jake there, the one yelling "no." and, well, here he was offering support for o.j. >> we expect mr. simpson to be process processed -- >> yes. >> very quickly. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: turns out jake doesn't just love celebrity, he is a fan of rock bottom prices. we sent cameras out to some of the lines for black friday and wouldn't you know it, guess who showed up to cut to the front of those lines? >> is this is first time you camped out in front of a best buy? >> yes, it is. >> and tell me about some of the stuff you've seen since you've been here since monday. is anything strange happening? >> just a lot of people taking pictures.
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asking the same questions. >> excuse me. where's the front of the line. >> played some water pong. that was fun. >> first in line. first in line. first in line. >> so, did you -- >> i'm first in line. >> what is your occupation? >> i'm in between jobs. >> i'm first in line! first in line. yeah. you william holden? >> yeah. >> does your employer know that you're currently here at best buy? >> actually using vacation days to stay here and my boss is going to come with us on black friday. >> i have vacation days off, too, and my hepatitis is in remission, that's why i'm here. >> oh, that's nice. >> i actually got out of college at 10:45. i came here at 12:00. i went home to get my stuff. >> college guy, huh? >> yes, sir. >> i would have been sleeping out but i teach a class at the rec center because i want to give back. >> good for you.
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>> first in line. >> we usually get a bunch of stuff. tvs, i'm going to get a play station 4. >> not if i get it first, you're not. i will crush you to get to it. >> that's my tent, i'm sleeping in it tonight. i will get the baseball bat out of my car if i need to be -- >> hey, guys. i would like to read a poem about black friday that i wrote. i would like to, but i can't read or write since i fell off that ladder trying to get the frisbee out of the tree. so, it's a hand turkey. >> hopefully i make it through the evening. >> yeah, you will. yeah, you will, neighbor. we'll text later. >> no, we won't. wow. >> like bill cosby says, you got to go to sleep sometime. i brought this for us. gravy. you know, we just -- spill a
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little gravy for our dead pilgrims. hit that. >> i'm allergic, man. >> i'm thankful for my family, for guiding me and helping me. and i'm thankful that they're always supporting me. >> i'd like to say i'm thankful for plastic sheets and ointment. i'm thankful for the grownup magazine section at the liquor store and i'm thankful for mistrials. and i'm thankful for this little lady right here. we've been together a long time. >> no -- >> it took your tent. >> what's going to happen is i'm going to end up taking this guy down. >> excuse me, stay out of my tent! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, jake. jake byrd, everybody, enjoying some gravy. tonight on the show, we have
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music from chase rice. nascar sprint cup champion kevin harvick is here. the great don rickles is with us. and when we come back, i will attempt to create a new christmas classic with the killers, so stick around.
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>> jimmy: welcome back. don rickles, kevin harvick and music from chase rice are on the way. but first, i grew up in las vegas and i share that unusual distinction with the band the killers. they're from vegas. and every year since 2006, the killers write and record a special christmas song for a very good charity, the red campaign. they often times collaborate on these. some of the artists they've worked with in the past include the band dawes, neil tennant, elton john, and so, needless to say, i was flattered when they asked me to be apart of it this year. and so we got together and
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kicked some ideas around and the result, i believe, is what may very well be the greatest holiday song ever recorded by non-chipmunks. take a look. >> rock it again? i don't know, it's -- jimbo! >> jimmy: who's ready to make a christmas classic? >> we are . >> jimmy: i brought christmas sweaters. this is for dave. this one is for mark. go ahead, put them on. feel free. >> cool. >> jimmy: get in the spirit. i got a lot of great ideas. a lot of great ideas. you like the sweaters? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yours lights up. >> cool. flashy. >> jimmy: what is there about christmas? there have been so many christmas songs written. what can we do that hasn't been done before? how about this one? a very yolo christmas? [ laughter ] the word yolo is super hot right now.
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>> what does that mean? >> jimmy: hello. >> do you know what it means? >> is that like fro-yo. >> jimmy: no, it means, you only live once. yolo. you don't know that? >> no. >> jimmy: i guess that's out. >> yolo. >> jimmy: how about something about grandma get run over not by a reindeer, but in this case, run over by a fat family who is waiting in line on black friday to buy a blu-ray player or something like that for $18? [ laughter ] okay. um -- what about a song where the players are going to play, play, play and the haters are going to hate, hate, hate, hate, hate? >> that's a taylor swift song. we can't use that. >> that's a taylor swift song. >> jimmy: so? it's for charity. >> steit's stealing. >> jimmy: oh. there's trees. there's candy canes. >> i like sentimental christmas songs. >> jimmy: you do? what about santa? how do you feel about him? >> good to keep him in the loop.
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>> jimmy: what rhymes with north pole? >> goal. >> mole. >> jimmy: you have a thing on your face this christmas. all i want for christmas is to get this horrible mole removed from my neck? >> coal. >> jimmy: coal is good. what if we made lump of coal a character, like, frosty the snowman -- >> i like that. joel the lump of coal. >> jimmy: joel the lump of coal. maybe joel is, like, he just -- like, he wants -- he wants to tell people that the haters are going to hate, hate, hate, and the players are going to play, play, play? >> you really like that one, don't you? >> jimmy: i love it. i love it. yeah. ♪ long time ago ♪ santa's sleigh -- >> jimmy: you'll be singing this? you'll be the one singing? [ laughter ]
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you're right. that's -- >> we can duet -- >> jimmy: go ahead. i'm going to write some of these notes down. ♪ long time ago ♪ santa's place ♪ up in the old north pole >> jimmy: yeah, that's good. ♪ there lived a lump of an throe site ♪ ♪ his parents called him joel >> jimmy: okay. let's record this thing. >> all right, let's do it. >> jimmy: all right, brandon, we're going to roll tape now, so sing into the microphone. >> okay. cool, yeah. >> jimmy: and a one and a two and a -- ♪ ♪ santa's place ♪ up in the old north pole >> jimmy: can i stop you one second? you look ridiculous in that sweater. >> you gave it to me. >> jimmy: oh, sorry. all right, well, keep going. sorry.
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♪ there lived a lump of an throe site whose parents called him joel ♪ >> it sounds like you're saying joe ined is of joel. let's not forget that l. >> joel. joel. >> jimmy: like imagine you're an old jewish grandmother. joel. like, oh, like noel, except not at all like noel. like joel. >> joel. okay. ♪ there lived a lump of ant site, whose parents called him joel ♪ >> jimmy: brandon? just wanted to say, i think -- it sounds really great. [ laughter ] you want to do this for real? >> yeah. i'm trying. >> jimmy: let's do it. [ laughter ] ♪ some time ago ♪ sat tan that's place ♪ up in the old north pole
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♪ there lived a lump of ant site ♪ ♪ whose parents called him joel ♪ ♪ joel joel the lump of coal ♪ happy as a lump can be ♪ he just wants to keep staying warm ♪ ♪ santa claus had other plans ♪ for joel that day ♪ joel, you're just the lump i need ♪ ♪ join me on my sleigh ♪ joel, joel, the lump of coal ♪ lucky girl or boy ♪ love to play together ♪ we'll hold each other tight ♪ when we go to sleep at night ♪ you're in for a surprise
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♪ you're not a special christmas gift ♪ ♪ you're just a prize ♪ what kid would ever want you ♪ you're filthy as can be ♪ not you have to go and live with one that's been naughty ♪ ♪ well that made joel cry ♪ you pollute the air ♪ with co2 ♪ and mercury ♪ joel, joel ♪ the lump of coal ♪ fell down upon his knee ♪ i don't want to live with the naughty kids ♪ ♪ don't make me, santa, please ♪ but santa laughed his jolly laugh ♪ ♪ oh ♪ you stupid lump ♪ you're just the thing to teach this brat that santa ain't no chump ♪ ♪ ♪ so all they flew and before he knew ♪ ♪ joel was in his sack
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♪ he cried to santa claus ♪ why can't we just go back ♪ then came christmas morning ♪ and much to joel's surprise ♪ he saw a boy with the saddest face ♪ ♪ tears were in his eyes ♪ he picked up joel and held him ♪ ♪ said, you can be my friend ♪ i would have liked some presents ♪ ♪ but you're what santa chose to give ♪ ♪ i've been a naughty boy ♪ i'm just glad that i'm not him ♪ ♪ joel, joel ♪ ♪ the lump of coal ♪ knew what he must do ♪ now i know the reason why i got sent to you ♪ ♪ when a person hurts inside ♪ it hurts him hard and cruel
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♪ but i know how to make your pain ♪ ♪ into a precious jewel ♪ so take me in your hand young man ♪ ♪ squeeze with all your might ♪ turn your pain and anger into something that shines bright ♪ ♪ joel, joel ♪ ♪ the lump of coal ♪ he gave his life away ♪ a once naughty little boy ♪ ♪ joel, joel, the lump of coal ♪ knew what he must do ♪ yes now i know
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>> jimmy: you can download "joel the lump of coal" on itunes. all proceeds go to the red campaign. thanks to the killers! we'll be right back with the great don rickles.
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>> jimmy: hello again. tonight, the reigning nascar sprint cup series champion, kevin harvick is here. and then, his new album is called "ignite the night," chase rice from the at and stage.
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tomorrow night on the program, ethan hawke will be here, timothy spall will be here and we will have music from walk the moon. our first guest tonight may well be the funniest man ever lived. he is beloved by all ages thanks in part to a plastic potato to whom he gives voice again in "toy story that time forgot", it airs tomorrow night at 8:00 here on abc. and you can see him live january 17th at the saban theatre in beverly hills and at the orleans hotel in vegas february 21st and 22nd. please welcome mr. warmth, don rickles. >> jimmy: don rickles! [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: welcome, don. very good to see you. did you have a good thanksgiving? >> i'm not ready yet. >> jimmy: i'm sorry. nice to see so many young people and the elders in the back spitting up all over the place. god bless you all. it's nice to see you. before we go any further, have a happy and healthy holiday, really. >> jimmy: oh, that's nice. [ applause ] >> i love christmas because i'm a jew and we sell you people the trees. [ laughter ] you're still a dumb bell like i left you. good to see you, jimmy. with all the shows going off, you're going to be the billionaire in the world. look at this crowd. nobody's dressed. look at the front. >> jimmy: in the old days, people would come, wear a suit,
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dress up to go out. >> a chinese guy, a mexican guy. a black guy. what -- where the hell are we? >> jimmy: the melting pot, don. >> i know what it is. you don't have to -- good to see you, god bless you, ju men. wonderful guys. did they get their -- >> jimmy: he's okay, too, over there. the announcer, what's his name? >> jimmy: dicky. >> i know my guy's name, but what's his name? that's what my mother used to say, don't touch your dicky. >> jimmy: hey, i -- >> guillermo. god bless you. >> you, too. >> he never liked you. >> jimmy: is that right? >> that's right. >> jimmy: very good to see you. >> thanks, jim. how are things?
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>> jimmy: i'm good. how you are? >> i was in world war ii, the whole thing in the philippines, i came home, i got a little pimple on my foot and it turned out to be a skin disease and i went right into my leg and they could have taken my leg but i didn't worry about it because johnny depp's my friend and i promised me a pirate picture. [ laughter ] looking for my purell. that's nothing i should worry about? >> no, your personality, you'll die soon. [ laughter ] no -- god forbid, that was a joke. >> jimmy: thank you. >> i saw your parents outside. begging for money. [ laughter ] his parents are sitting outside with a shawl, going, tell jim miliwe need money. and he's in here with the smart suit and the mexican band. [ laughter ] you guys aren't mexican. you're what? >> mexican.
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>> and you see how full of fun they are? >> jimmy: how is your wife? do you go shopping for her for the holidays? >> no more shopping. these are tough times today. >> jimmy: you don't do any shopping? >> she has one beautiful ring, she goes to the airport and signals ships. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: at the airport? why would she do just a thing? >> because i think it's funny, that's why. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: meanwhile -- [ cheers and applause ] >> sound like newhart. because they laughed, okay? >> jimmy: it doesn't matter. >> no. >> jimmy: i thought i knew everything about you and i read your autobiography, we spent time together socially, but i did not know until today that you were a boy scout. you were in a boy scout troop. this is a real boy scout troop. >> oh, my god. >> jimmy: get a closeup here. that is a closeup and see if you can guess which one is don rickles. right there in the middle. >> with a lot of hair. >> jimmy: yeah, a lot of hair.
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>> how do you like that? >> jimmy: did you get any merit badges? did you have achievements in the boy scouts? >> yeah, i used to wet my pants. >> jimmy: they gave badges for that? >> no, i -- my family always wanted me to be in boy scouts. you have a star, this, that. it's a good organization for young people. >> jimmy: sure, yeah. >> i was a kid from the neighborhood. i did all the jokes and all and the scout master had a sense of human like a dead mule -- >> jimmy: he did not appreciate your comedy? >> no, he was a good guy. i learned a lot. >> jimmy: you keep in touch with any of those guys? >> every day. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you -- so, you are performing -- >> first time in los angeles in years. >> jimmy: i'm going to come to this. >> it costs money, jimmy. >> jimmy: i'll pay to come. you can't get me in for free? >> no. you're a real -- he wants everything for free. comp me, comp me. no, jimmy. we're going out for dinner tonight. how does it look?
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you or me? >> jimmy: i'll comp you on this one. >> oh, i'm going to order -- >> jimmy: and then you're performing in las vegas. you still love going on stage? >> you know, god has been good to me in the sense that this is still with me and, you know, this leg, the poison went into the leg, seriously, could have been very, very bad. thank god, i'm working on it, it will come back. i sit in a chair like i am now and i ha ha ha with the jokes. and the boss goes, $4 million -- there it is, don, thank you so much. >> jimmy: $4 million? you could give me a comp then, i think. >> you don't make that? >> jimmy: no. >> boy, this network is screwing you bad, boy. i tell you that. >> jimmy: you are also set to be apart of "toy story 4," the next "toy story" is coming out. [ cheers and applause ] some of the best movies ever. >> tomorrow night's the special.
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>> jimmy: tomorrow night here on abc. >> those people at disney are great, you know? my grandsons, they love it and the kids love it. >> jimmy: have you ever played with the mr. potato head doll? >> in the tub. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we learned a lot about don tonight. well, the show, the television show, not to be confused with the movie, it's called "toy story, that time forgot." it's tomorrow at 8:00 on abc. see don love in concert january here in l.a. and then in las vegas in february at the orleans. don ricklrickles, everybody. we'll be right back with kevin harvick. yeah so with at&t next you get the new iphone for $0 down. zero down? zilch. nothing. nada. small potatoes. no potatoes. diddly squat.
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♪ ♪ it's a marshmallow world in the winter. ♪
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♪ that's how it goes whenever it snows. ♪ ♪ the world is your snowball just for a song. ♪ ♪ get out and move it along. ♪ >> jimmy: hello there. still to come, music from chase rice. our next guest is the newly crowned nascar sprint cup series champion, with a shiny silver
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trophy to prove it. from car number 4, please say hello to kevin harvick. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. this is really too much. thank you so much, kevin. i never expected you to give me this. >> well, the good news is, i haven't gotten one yet, either. >> jimmy: why? it's like the stanley cup, you carry it around? >> i guess. at least they put my name. >> jimmy: there's nobody else's name on it. does that work, like that, they don't put everyone's name on it year after year? >> no, there's just an individual one each year, so -- i don't really know. this is all a little bit new to me. >> jimmy: i'd put this on the hood of my car if i was you. >> we've been carrying it around. we called it our girlfriend and it's a tiffany trophy.
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her name is tiffany. wife-approved girlfriend. >> jimmy: where do you carry tiffany around? >> we carried her through the streets of new york. l.a. to pretty much every show that we've done, so -- >> jimmy: wow. >> here we are. >> jimmy: why are you carrying this around? >> well, i guess everybody wants to see it? >> jimmy: for people to see it. [ applause ] good looking trophy. it's serious. so, you've been competing in the series since, like, for a long time now, what, 14 years. >> almost 15 years. >> jimmy: okay. what's the celebration like after you win the title? i mean -- >> well, the celebration was pretty good this year. we're fortunate to have a sponsor like budweiser, who has a great beverage to start celebrations with. and end celebrations with. >> jimmy: if m&ms are your sponsor -- >> the party's not nearly as good. budweiser and jimmy john's, they make a great partner. we went through 80 cases of beer after the race. >> jimmy: dale jr. was here just
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before the start of the season and we're talking about this playoff, the thing that they've come up with and he said he did not understand how it worked at all. >> i don't think any of us did. we know how it works now, but i don't think any of us knew what was going to happen and in the end, the intensity level was way up from what we had in the past, just for the fact that wink wni was so important. that was your golden ticket to advance through the rounds of the chase. >> jimmy: that seems obvious to people watching at home, but in the past, where you finished mattered also, was more -- >> it did. in the end, it was -- we had won races and you had guys that hadn't won races. it was a good mix of people that had won races throughout the year and consistency and got in on points and at the end of the day, the last race, all four cars were running for the win and whoever finished the highest was who won the championship, so, it definitely made it more
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interesting, especially to the casual fan. >> jimmy: let me ask, i'm interested in this fight you were kind of sort of involved in with brad keselowski and jeff gordon and let's take a look at the video here. okay. there you are. and brad. >> yeah, well -- you know, i didn't realize we were really six inches away from mayhem there, but -- i've been in that situation before with brad and i was trying to make sure he went in there and talked about his situation with jeff and it turned into a disaster. >> jimmy: you wanted him to make sure he was part of the discussion group. >> exactly. >> jimmy: let's look at that again. it was really like -- hey, get in there -- almost like cock fighting and you are tossing your bird into the ring. >> cock fighting is the first of describing it. i turned twitter and all the social media and everything off, you know, the next couple weeks because obviously i wasn't the
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number one fan on most, especially 24 and 2 fan lists, so -- i did learn after the championship was over that there was a hash tag, i guess there was harvicking. >> jimmy: yeah, i like that. harvicking. so, this is -- a photograph -- there's you and your wife and your son. how old is your son? >> my son is about 2 1/2. >> jimmy: he's adorable. is he excited. does he know what's going on? >> he was super excited that night. we had been sitting up against the wall and one of the best moments of the whole night was, he and i were sitting up against the wall at the racetrack and he was inattach rated with throwing the rubber down the racetrack from the top of the racetrack. so, he was excited about that. day two of the media tour, i facetimed home, i said, well, what do you think about daddy's championship, and he was like -- bad, daddy. you need to come home. >> jimmy: he just wants you home. >> he wasn't digging the fact that we were on the road. >> jimmy: he must enjoy all the budweiser. >> yeah. [ laughter ] you know what's funny about that is -- every day -- we have this
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little corvette that he drives around in the driveway. we'll get out and we'll be driving around the driveway and he'll stop and he'll get out and heel jump on the hood and go woo. and i'm like, what are you doing? he's like, victory lane. okay. he's like, spray water, daddy? spray water? he thinks it's water that we're spraying in victory lane, so every day we have a victory lane celebration and we go through the hat dance and so, yeah -- >> jimmy: that's adorable. get him a trophy. >> i'm hoping for -- >> jimmy: it's very good to have you here. congratulations on your championship. go get 'em next year with that harvicking. i like the harvicking. i'd do that a lot. kevin harvick, everybody. we'll be right back with chase rice.
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>> jimmy: i'd like to thank don rickles, kevin harvick and
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apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next. but first, this is his new cd. it's called "ignite the night." here with the song "gonna wanna tonight," chase rice. ♪ ♪ if you wanna climb a ladder on a water tower ♪ ♪ then we'll kick it with the stars for a couple hours ♪ ♪ if you wanna then we're gonna get way up high ♪ ♪ if you wanna dip your toes where the water stops ♪ ♪ then we'll let our feet hang off a fishin' dock ♪ ♪ if you wanna then we're gonna have to give it a try that's right ♪
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♪ if you wanna go away out where there ain't nobody around ♪ ♪ and let your long hair get to fallin' down ♪ ♪ and let your red lips leave their mark all over mine ♪ ♪ if you wanna then we're gonna girl i hope you're gonna wanna tonight ♪ ♪ if you wanna then we're gonna girl i hope you're gonna wanna all night ♪ ♪ if you wanna catch a buzz and ride it til the mornin' ♪ ♪ let's get two plastic cups ♪ and baby i'll get to pourin ♪ it don't really matter if it's whiskey or wine it's fine ♪ ♪ if you wanna go away out where there ain't nobody around ♪ ♪ and let your long hair get to fallin' down ♪ ♪ and let your red lips leave their mark all over mine ♪
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♪ fill up the night air with the radio ♪ ♪ and put your hands wherever they wanna go ♪ ♪ yeah we're right there girl just close your eyes ♪ ♪ if you wanna then we're gonna girl i hope you're gonna wanna tonight ♪ ♪ if you wanna then we're gonna girl i hope you're gonna wanna all night ♪ ♪ gonna wanna get a little closer gonna wanna ♪ ♪ slide it on over gonna wanna ♪ ♪ gonna wanna go away out where there ain't nobody around ♪ ♪ and let your long hair get to fallin' down and let your red lips leave their mark all over mine ♪
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♪ come on fill up the night air with the radio ♪ ♪ and put your hands wherer they wanna go yeah ♪ ♪ we're right there girl just close your eyes ♪ ♪ if you wanna then we're gonna girl i hope you're gonna wanna tonight ♪ ♪ if you wanna then we're gonna girl i hope you're gonna wanna all night ♪ ♪ gonna wanna get a little closer ♪ ♪ gonna wanna slide it on over gonna wanna yeah gonna wanna tonight ♪
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this is "nightline." tonight, meet the men who say they're now protecting ferguson, missouri. the oath keepers, promoting a different type of justice. >> quiet tonight. >> but this is group really helping to keep the peace? plus, it's an epic null movie of one of the greatest stories ever told. moses parts the red sea. and actor christian bale pulls back the curtain on this biblical undertaking. >> have you felt it? >> and "star wars" secrets. the new teaser for "the force awakens" does exactly that. sending fans into a


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