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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  January 2, 2015 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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jimmy kimmle i >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" from fox news, megyn kelly. and music from george ezra. with cleto and the cletones. and now, first things first. here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome. that's very nice. thank you, everybody. welcome. i'm jimmy, thank you for coming, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching.
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well -- happy holidays to each and every one of you. [ cheers and applause ] we have a lot -- we have a lot -- we have a lot of fun things to get to tonight. i want to say something about what happened with sony. i've been thinking about it all day. for those of you who haven't been following the story, a few weeks ago, sony got hacked. in a way very few companies have been hacked before. the hackers got everything. and they've been releasing all sorts of confidential information. e-mails, contracts, private information, home movies. you name it, they have it. they claim to be doing this to retaliate for a movie starring seth rogen and james franco called "the interview." it's a comedy about an asassination attempt on north korean dictator kim jong-un. the hackers figured out that -- i guess they figured that out because there are only 15 people in north korea who have the internet. but first the hackers released all the information, which was
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damaging. very damaging. and embarrassing. and yesterday, these hackers, whoever they are, threatened to physically attack movie theaters if they dared to show the movie. they threatened 9/11-type terror attacks. today, in response to those threats the nation's five biggest movie theater chains announced they would not allow to movie to be shown. i think they should be ashamed of themselves. by the way, the idea that there are north korean terror cells in the united states to carry out these attacks on movie theaters is ridiculous. if there are any north koreans in america, that's only because they escaped. [ laughter ] came here looking for a sandwich or something and stayed. so, after the theaters backed out, sony decided to cancel the release of the movie entirely and now nobody knows if the movie will be seen. the only way we're ever going to be able to see it is to hack into sony. [ laughter ] if only there was a group that knew how to do that. and personally, i think allowing a ruthless dictator of another country to decide what american people can and cannot see, in
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our own country is against, like, everyone we're supposed to stand for, right? [ cheers and applause ] and i will say this, also. if the north koreans are going to stop one of our movies being shown, why couldn't it be "love actually" that my wife and her friends have in our living room every christmas? year after year. but this is a terrible thing that happened. the message it sends is, if you really scare us, we'll do what you want. that's not freedom of speech. poor seth rogen. i heard he's so stressed out by this, he's been smoking marijuana. [ laughter ] did you hear that, guillermo? >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the white house, they say the white house is debating whether or not to publicly accuse north korea. the justice department is expected to make a statement about this tomorrow. it could be deemed an act of war. could you imagine if we wind up in a war because of the guys from "pineapple express?"
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i always figured it would be harold and kumar. in happier news, christmas eve is one week away. you will be trying to desperately assemble a razor scooter or something. we came up with a fun game to play. it's become a tradition around here. how it works is this. i will show you a picture of a screaming child's face and you have to guess if the kid is on santa's lap or getting a flu shot. okay? [ laughter ] we call it santa's lap or flu shot. and here we go. [ cheers and applause ] our first kid is -- so, you have to guess. santa's lap or flu shot? well, let's find out. and that little girl is -- on -- santa's lap. that is correct. very well done so far. how about this one? okay. that is -- let's have a look. that is -- well, that's either a
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flu shot or they're giving her a tattoo by force, i'm not sure. [ laughter ] all right. this is a -- it is a flu shot. [ applause ] the mother seems very happy about the whole thing. we have another one. what do we think here? and this is -- santa's lap. the boy is screaming, the sister couldn't be more delighted. i believe we have one more. well, she seems relatively calm. santa's lap or a flu shot? flu shot, the audience says flu shot. and it is -- it is an argument against in-vitro fertilization. thanks, kids. i'm full of a lot of things, but the holiday spirit tonight, so i thought it would be festive and fun to play a game with prizes involved. [ cheers and applause ] tonight -- i know people like that sort of thing. tonight, i want to give valuable
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gifts to a lucky member of our studio audience. it's time for hollywood boulevard scavenger hunt! [ cheers and applause ] guillermo, as you can see, has a bingo hopper filled with balls. each has a seat number written on it. if you have in our audience and your seat number comes up, we're going to send you on a scavenger hunt. you don't have to look under right just yet. i don't think we even put numbers because we know where the numbers are. guillermo, spin the hopper. and we will see -- all right, this is not a casino. just take one of the balls out of the thing. oh, go the other way, guillermo, you're going the wrong way. well, maybe you were going the right way. shake it harder. i never imagined this is where the game would get hung up. open the thing and pull one out of -- oh, there we go.
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all right. what number, guillermo? >> seat 37. >> jimmy: the number is 37. where is seat 37? it is -- is that seat -- is that seat 37? there it is right there, all right? come on up here for a second. oh, no, wait, i'm sorry. we screwed up. you're in seat 37, yes, yes. yes, seat 37. i'm sorry. i hope you're together. well, we don't do anything right. you will probably be hit by a bus out on hollywood boulevard. let's get a microphone on this young lady and then we will meet her and talk to her. thank you. i have a list right here. we have that microphone on? all right. come on up here. real quick. what is your name? >> sandra.
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>> jimmy: sandra, nice to meet you. where you are from? >> orange county, california. >> jimmy: are you familiar with the concept of a scavenger hunt? >> yes. >> jimmy: you have to go out and find things and bring things back and if you get all of the things, something very exciting -- you'll get an exciting prize. okay? >> okay. >> jimmy: here is the list of things. read those aloud. >> number one, hollywood boulevard elmo. >> jimmy: he's out there. >> ah -- number two, a random person's scarf. >> jimmy: grab a scarf. it cannot be yours. you are not a random person. yeah. >> number three, life-sized cardboard cutout of a celebrity. >> jimmy: they have those around the corner to the left when you go outside the building. look for those. next? >> number four, a license plate with your name on it. >> jimmy: your name on it, not mine. and finally? >> number five, a christmas tree topper. >> jimmy: there is a christmas tree outside, you have to go up to the christmas tree, get the top off it. you can take that list with you. go right -- my cousin sal is on hollywood boulevard right now. sal? >> yeah.
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the other girl was in seat 37. it was really funny. i'm sorry. hey, jimmy. >> jimmy: anyway, sal will be out there. he's very helpful. guillermo, you ready? fire the starter pistol. >> get set, go. >> jimmy: get right up there and go! [ cheers and applause ] all right. oh, her microphone came off. perfect. everything is going exactly according to plan. can she hear me outside? cannot hear me. i want to tell you guys, this is a setup. sandra was not randomly chosen. all the balls have 37 on them. sandra's boyfriend, david, reached out to us and asked if we could help him propose to her. sandra thinks david is home in orange county right now. but in fact, the guy in the elmo costume out there, that guy? that's him in that there. that's the guy who is going to propose to her, so -- she's now talking to her future husband, well, hopefully. if this continues to go the way
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it's been going so far, she will decline his invitation and we will have tears. so, when she comes back in, act natural. she's out there gathering things right now. i want to watch her try to get a scarf off somebody. who is that? is that nicki minaj she has there? good, all right. she's going into the hollywood store for -- there are a lot of license plates and hopefully -- well, we made sure one of the plates have her name. sandra, can you hear us? >> christmas street -- treetoper. >> jimmy: she can't hear us yet. okay. and finally -- i don't know if she has the scarf yet. but she has to get the christmas tree topper. only one tree out there. this should be easy to narrow down. a lot of weirdos out on hollywood boulevard. okay, good. for all she knows, she's taking someone's christmas tree topper. and -- well -- all right, well, that was abrupt. all right. here she comes.
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bring that all over here. all right. [ cheers and applause ] get ready. [ cheers and applause ] wow! that's very good. let's see what you got here. you got -- you got your license plate with your name on it. you got some guy's scarf who was out there. you got, well, we can see that you got elmo. >> yes. >> jimmy: you got the -- something else? oh, the cardboard cutout, of course, and finally, the christmas tree topper. well -- you did it all. you got it all. >> i did. i did. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you have won our official prize package which includes all these beautiful items. you can give them to somebody on your list, and, you also -- do you have a boyfriend, by the way? >> yeah.
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>> jimmy: you do, okay. you still get a kiss from elmo, even though you have a -- elmo, let's see what elmo's face looks like. [ applause ] >> jimmy: hold on, is this your boyfriend? >> yes, he's my boyfriend. >> jimmy: what is his name? >> elmo. david. >> jimmy: david, all right. now -- david, you have -- there's something in that christmas tree topper, isn't there? >> can i have this, please? >> jimmy: yes, can david have that christmas tree topper? >> no. >> jimmy: don't say no. >> from the moment we met, you captured my heart. but it's taken me a while to figure out how to ask you -- will you marry me? >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: congratulations.
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that's a pretty good proposal, right? isn't that very sweet? congratulations, david and sandra. congratulations. very well done. you got to take that elmo costume to the honeymoon with you, i mean, that could really spice things up. >> you like this? >> yes. it's a little bizarre, but -- yes. >> jimmy: yes. and i think your mom is here, she was in on the whole thing and she's the one we almost accidentally married you to your own son. tonight on the show, we have music from george ezra. megyn kelly is here. and we'll be right back with michael keaton. ever since we launched snapshot, my life has been positively cray-cray. what's snapshot, you ask?
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only a revolutionary tool that can save you big-time. just plug it in, and the better you drive, the more cash you'll stash. switching to progressive can already save ye $500. snapshot could save ye even more. meat maiden! bringeth to me thine spiciest wings of buffalo. it's the time of year to bundle up. now at at&t, when you buy any smartphone for $0 down you can get an lg tablet for free. because two devices are cozier than one. get ready foat the volkswagen engineered holidsign-then-drive event. right now, for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a new volkswagen.
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>> jimmy: hello, everyone. tonight, from "the kelly file" on fox news, megyn kelly is here. and then later, a very talented brit. his latest album is called "wanted on voyage." george ezra from the at&t stage. tomorrow night, we'll be joined by christine baranski, we'll hear music from jenny lewis, and the comedy genius mel brooks will be here. 88 years old, he still kills wherever he goes.
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not people, but -- he's a murderer and we're going to bring him to justice tomorrow night. our first guest answers to many names including bruce wayne, billy blaze and beetlejuice. he is among the best of the best. now nominated for a golden globe for his great performance in the excellent movie "birdman." it's in theaters now. please welcome michael keaton. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks for coming. great to have you here. >> this is great. >> jimmy: you are dressed very snazzily, also. i have to say. >> i show some respect for you. >> jimmy: i appreciate that. usually people come in cargo shorts. i added it up today and i hope that doesn't embarrass you, but we figured out that you already
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won nine best actor awards for this movie. [ cheers and applause ] which has got to be all of them. and you're nominated for eight more and we're not even -- >> 17. >> jimmy: that would be 17. >> cash involved in this? >> jimmy: you have to tell me. i'd like one of the trophies. it seems like you don't need one of them. may i have one? >> i like that you call them trophies. >> jimmy: are they not? >> they kind of are. >> jimmy: so why not? >> i could have a trophy case. >> jimmy: i'm saying, i would like to have a trophy. >> i'm just going to give you one. >> jimmy: thank you, that would be great. [ applause ] because i have a case -- that is completely empty. no, i -- >> you must have a trophy from something. when you were a kid. >> jimmy: i do have a spelling bee. >> i was going to say, were you a good speller? >> jimmy: i was. it's the only thing i excelled at. >> i used to love spelling bees.
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it's a little bit of a weird thing, a savant thing. you obsess about -- now, it doesn't matter. you don't have to be a speller. have you ever seen the thing where the kid wins and passes out? he just -- goes down. like, down. >> jimmy: yeah. >> greatest thing. >> jimmy: it is a -- >> sheila would beat me all the time. ietd get down to the finals. >> jimmy: with that last name, you'd have to be. >> yeah, they gave her her last name one time, she was stumped. >> jimmy: it's a capital r. >> it's german, i know. could you use it in a sentence? >> jimmy: i didn't know that about you. >> she would beat me all the time. get down to the finals and she'd beat me. i had a lot of respect for her and still do. >> jimmy: i was the sheila. no one conquered me at my school. >> is that true? how many years? >> jimmy: two years. >> you know what i'm going to do? we're going to have a spelling bee. >> jimmy: i would love to have a spelling bee. >> yes. i love this. [ cheers and applause ] all right. >> jimmy: you know what we have to do, we find sheila and bring her here. >> she would kick our asses. she would.
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now i'm remembering all the good spellers. >> jimmy: you know, i don't remember the other spellers. that's the kind of champion i was. >> you were arrogant. >> jimmy: yeah, i was. >> i don't know them. >> jimmy: it is embarrassing, though. a lot of them were written. sometimes you'd stand up and do the test. but a lot of them were written and the way it worked in our school is, we do the test and then when you're done with it, you'd kind of race up to the teacher and hand it into the desk. >> oh, wow. there was a physical aspect. >> jimmy: there's nothing nerdier than that, putting it right down on the desk and you turn around, realize you're going to be beaten by the other student. >> when you did it, how did you do? did you just walk up and place it or -- >> jimmy: no. yes, that is pretty much how i did it. [ cheers and applause ] so, i think what i'm trying to say is, we're both award winners. >> yes. >> jimmy: will you have anything left to say at the oscars, where -- >> please, please -- >> jimmy: i don't want to jinx it. >> it's not jinxing, it's just -- [ applause ]
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>> jimmy: how many speeches can you give on the same subject? how many people are there to thank? >> several and several. >> jimmy: okay. >> no, you know, it's -- it's ridiculously flattering. >> jimmy: it's such a good movie. and you are so good in it. it's really good. you were nice enough to invite me to the screening of the movie. >> so glad you came. >> jimmy: i thought i was just going to see the movie and then there you were -- is that something you do regularly? >> the fact it was at my house -- [ laughter ] he probably won't be there. he doesn't really live there. >> jimmy: that was -- and jack nicholson was at the screening, as well. >> did you speak with him? >> jimmy: i respectfully declined to speak with him. i knew without speaking to him that he did not want to speak to me. >> yeah, well, he had indicated earlier. >> jimmy: i saw you speaking to him after the movie. what did jack say? >> i'll explain this. you know, he would, from time to time, have a screening of one of
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his movies, give you a call, say, or his assistant will call, say, there's a screening somewhere, jack would like you to come if you are around. he just wants to show some of his friends this movie that he's been working on. i always remembered that and i had only done that once with a movie i directed and i just wanted to get some feedback from some of my friends. as you noticed, it wasn't really that heavy except for you and jack and maybe one or two others. bill simmons from grantland came. >> jimmy: yes, bill was there. >> mostly pals or civilians. >> jimmy: seemed to be people from your life, your friends. >> a lot of my friends. because they really wanted to see it. anyway, he was the first one on my list, because he's worked with everyone, he's jack, you know, and he's worked with mike nichols and everyone in the world and there's no one who understands film more. so, i always thought, if i ever screen this, that's the guy that i need to have see this, he'll really get it. and he did. and he was extremely -- >> jimmy: thank god. >> complimentary. >> jimmy: what did he say
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afterward? >> he said two things. he said, masterful. >> jimmy: nice. >> and then he said, thanks for making this movie, because now i don't have to. [ applause ] when we were doing batman, you know -- >> jimmy: you were the batman and joker together. batman and the joker. >> you say that like it just occurred to you. >> jimmy: that is unbelievable that we can't find peace in the middle east and yet batman and the joker go to each other's movie screenings. [ laughter ] >> that is quite a coup. >> jimmy: is that where you met? you met on that movie? >> yes. >> jimmy: you did? >> i think so, yeah, yeah. and, you know, he would -- it was really practical about how he worked, he explained his lifestyle, which isn't anything like my lifestyle. and he said, you know, and he's unbelievably professional and unbelievably disciplined, but he
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says, clearly, i -- at least at that point in his life, i don't come to work before 9:30 or 10:00. and they said, jack, we start at 6:00. he said, i don't get in until like 3:30 in the morning. so, he -- and they said, well, that makes sense. you need your sleep. you've been out all night. i'd be in makeup, like hours before, everybody would kind of be there and it wasn't an arrogant thing at all. he was just very reasonable. and he'd work until 3:00 in the morning, whatever was required. so, we're both sports fans. and we would -- back then when we were shooting batman, you would have to send tapes of the lakers games. no one could know the score, we'd go in between and be standing there in a rubber suit watching the laker games in his dressing room, going [ bleep ] -- >> jimmy: get a shot of that. that would have been a great photograph. >> so, one day he comes in, he says, you know, he comes in, i'm in makeup like this, sitting there and he comes in with his
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hair looking like it looks and he goes, every morning, he'd walk in and go, morning keats. he'd go into makeup that was extensive, and he would just go like this, and sleep, which is -- wise. so, one morning, we always say, what did you do last night, whatever, he goes -- we talked about sports a lot. my hand to god, this is what he said, one morning, i go, morning jack. he goes -- understand, back then, the bbc, you couldn't watch anything, there was nothing. you would scramble around looking for anything to watch, any sports activity, you are really limited. morning, jack. morning, keats. damn good darts tournament last night. my hand to god. my hand to god. >> jimmy: that's a man with a problem. michael keaton is here. his movie is called "birdman." we'll be right back.
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12:05 am
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12:06 am
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think you'll be ready for opening tomorrow? >> yeah, yep. yeah, well, i mean, previews are pretty much a train wreck. we can't seem to get through a performance without a raging fire or raging hard-on. i'm broke. i'm not sleeping like, you know,
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at all. and this play kind of is starting to feel like a miniature deformed version of myself that just keeps following me around and hitting me in the balls with a tiny little hammer. i'm sorry. what was the question? >> jimmy: that's michael keaton in "birdman." emma stone is excellent in the movie. >> she's great. >> jimmy: ed norton is great in the movie. the director -- when i -- i really didn't know anything about the movie going in. and i was honestly blown away by what it looked like and just -- unbelievable. i've never seen anything like it. >> no. there isn't anything like it. honestly. and i honestly don't get tired about talking about it. i promote this movie because i love it so much. he's really extraordinary, this guy. he directed "babel" and
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"beautiful" and all these wonderful movies and when he said, i wanted to do a comedy, i was a little, you know, skeptical at first, because it's not like he had really done that before, but he's just an amazing -- he's an artist, you know? and he's -- you know, i joke, i call him a madman, because he is kind of a madman, but he's an artist and you want to follow guys like that into the jungle. >> jimmy: when you say he's a madman, was he difficult? was he -- >> he's demanding. and he's a perfectionist. and i tend to be a perfectionist, so, that's not always a good combination, you know, but we got along -- we're very good friends. i really admired him. when someone works as hard as he and the crew and everybody else was working, if you're not coming up to that, you know, you're really a punk. you just have to come up to that. and, but can i say something
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else, speaking of work? >> jimmy: i'd rather you didn't. >> all right. sorry. thank you very much for having me. i read this article on him -- >> jimmy: on who? >> you. >> jimmy: oh. >> in success magazine. it was the nicest article. i think i told you that. you talk about your pop, your dad. >> jimmy: i spoke about my father, yeah. >> speaking of hard work. my dad almost always worked two jobs. and it was so nice -- your work ethic is crazy. you are really loyal to your folks. it's really admirable. >> jimmy: i appreciate that. [ applause ] i had never heard of success magazine before, so i really opened up, thinking that nobody would be reading it. >> is this is right number? >> jimmy: you have going to be working as a professor at carnegie mellon. is that the proper way to say it? >> no, i'm -- >> jimmy: what will you be then? janitor? >> i am getting a pipe and a tweed jacket. >> jimmy: you have to. >> and developing a drinking problem. no, no, my friend ralphie --
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a friend of mine i grew up with. >> jimmy: great name. tooch. >> he's a -- he is a faculty member, the electronic media department at carnegie mellon university, which is tremendous university in pittsburgh. i wouldn't have gotten in there if i had given them millions of dollars. it was known for its theater department and engineering department. now it's got this department for gaming and all kinds of technology, but new technology in terms of media, you know, gaming and how it applies to movie-making. so, i went once and spoke to these students and they do some mind blowing things. >> jimmy: yeah, well, that's nice. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: that's exciting. >> it is exciting. >> jimmy: validation, isn't it? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: congratulations. the movie is really great. and you have so many great movies. it's a real thrill to have you here. michael keaton, everybody. "birdman." go see it, seriously. we'll be right back.
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enjoy fresh tossed, go fish and taste the lighter side of delicious. at olive garden. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts! whooo! gimme some!
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geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that's me! whoo...gonna get some cold cuts today! it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight. because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models, including the new tempur-choice, with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows, and free same-day delivery. are you next? make sleep train your ticket to tempur-pedic. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> jimmy: all hell has broken
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loose here at the show. we'll be better in 2015, i hope. earlier this year, our next guest was named one of time magazine's 100 most influential people in the world. her show is called "the kelly file." it airs weeknights at 9:00 on the fox news channel. please welcome megyn kelly. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you know, i was thinking about you today and i thought, this is a terrible day for you to be off work, isn't it? >> a lot of news breaking today. >> jimmy: cuba, out of nowhere, we normalized relations with cuba. >> sony. >> jimmy: what is your take on sony pulling the movie? >> i think it's deeply troubling. but the more i think about it, the more i feel like the only message back has to be from the american consumer. because what are we going to do? cut off north korea?
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oh, wait. are we going to send a stern message to kim jong-un that he's going to understand? probably not. what can we do? if you like the idea of this picture, you like the actors, you like sony or not, the american people have to act with their pocketbooks, buying the movie, three of them on dvd, ordering it on pay per view. they have to release it so the american people can have final say on this. >> jimmy: and see it. which seems to be the last thing they want us to do. i would start putting kim jong-un in every movie we make. >> right. that's the thing. we have to show them what we stand for. sony, listen, i know you're mad at the movie distributors, but it's the christmas season. they need to make a buck. there's a threat. if anybody got hurt -- >> jimmy: they need to have backbone and do the right thing. >> what about us? what about -- all right, i'll grant you, maybe that you put it out there and they put up a big sign saying, if you come in here and see this movie, you might die. [ laughter ] and then we'd have to walk in anyway, but i think people don't
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want to think about that during the christmas season when they're talking their kid in to go see "annie" in the next theater. but i think people would say, i'm going to buy it or download it. even if i don't want to watch this stupid movie, because it doesn't appeal to me, i'm going to send a message. >> jimmy: what if they say, we're going to bomb the stores where the dvds are? or we're going to disrupt the website that -- >> we have to double down. i don't think that this is going to be handled at the governmental level, even though some are calling it an act of war, like we had newt gingrich say that today and others. i think justice is going to look into it, but there's only so much they can do. i think really, the message has to come from the american people to stand up and say, you can do what you're going to do, we're going to do what we're going to do. sort of the way people went out and were urged to buy stock after 9/11, just to send a message in their own way that this is who we are, we're not going to be shut down. >> jimmy: i agree with you. i hope we have the opportunity to do that. >> they can't just pull it altogether. right now, they just pulled the release and not the entire movie.
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>> jimmy: they're never going to release that movie. >> you don't think so? in any form? >> jimmy: at this point -- you know what i think? they'll let pirates put it up so they're not held responsible. >> it has to be a financial thing. sony's already been hurt badly. in the media, we had the question if we publish the stuff that's been released. the entertainment stuff is more for the entertainment industry, "people" has been talking about the things that have been said about the actors. but some of the racially tinged comments that were made by the executives, that's crossed over into straight news and we reported it and i'll tell you, as soon as i reported it, i thought, i don't know if i did the right thing, because i don't know if we should be dining on the carcass of someone's dead privacy rights. i had the same feeling when donald sterling, that gem, got outed by his lover, i'm still not sure. >> jimmy: adviser. >> i don't know. >> jimmy: she was his -- [ laughter ] part of his team. >> that felt a little weird and
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uncomfortable, you know, somebody -- >> jimmy: it did. but a lot of fun. you have to say -- >> yes, that's the tug of war. >> jimmy: i know, that's the thing. when you see celebrities involved and famous people involved, you forget that these are privacy issues and these are serious things. >> and even when you see bad things said about angelina jolie, you're like, she's so beautiful and she has everything, yes, please tell me something bad about her. it feels so good. never mind, i don't want to know. >> jimmy: do you think fox news will take a stand and air "the interview" in its entirety on its channel? yes? [ cheers and applause ] >> further updates to follow. >> jimmy: you were at the white house last night for a party. >> yeah. >> jimmy: was that fun for you? >> it was interesting. i had never been to the white house christmas party before. this was a first for me. >> jimmy: is there a separate section for fox news where there's no food and dirty forks? >> you mean there was something other than outside in the rain? >> jimmy: do you feel discomfort
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in that situation? >> no. last night, we went in. the white house looked beautiful. it was spectacular. and i was looking for some fox news colleagues because this is for broadcast news. and i saw a couple, i saw ed henry, our chief white house correspondent. and then, boy, oh, boy did i see a lot of msnbc anchors. i think they got a few more invitations than we did. i'm very grateful to have been invited and i had a very lovely time. >> jimmy: did you speak to the president and the first lady? >> i had 30 seconds to get in and get out without embarrassing myself. and i blew it. >> jimmy: what did you do? >> well, i was in line waiting to go see him and i was talking to tammy, who is at a media company. and she was saying, he's probably going to kiss you. get ready. and michelle obama, she might kiss you, doug, my husband. we're like, really? so, now we're getting ready to be kissing and hugging, which is, okay, i have to get, okay, do i kiss her, too?
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i'm thinking about that. threw me off. i get in there, there was no kissing and hugging. i was misled. >> jimmy: no one kissed? no one hugged? >> he was very generous. i said thank you, merry christmas, you have a beautiful family. i turned to him. merry christmas, having a good time? yes. he said, the white house is a pretty fun place, isn't it? i said, it is. and speaking about me and my husband doug, who is next to me, i said, maybe we'll be here in two years. and he looked at me, like, what? i was like, what did i say? and i was -- it was a joke that we were going to run for office and we'd be in the white house in two years. and i think all he was thinking is, who is we? oh, she's with fox news, oh, i don't like fox news, i think that's -- that's republican. she must mean the republicans. is this a shot at me at my christmas party? and you're like, oh, no, come back and of course, they're like, turn this way and smile. president obama, i apologize. i didn't mean it that way.
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>> jimmy: look, we're really building bridges and mending fences all over the place right now. >> little awkward. >> jimmy: thank you for coming out on this very busy day. happy holidays to you. megyn kelly, everybody. "the kelly file" airs weeknights at 9:00 p.m. eastern on the fox news channel. we'll be right back with george ezra. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: i want to thank michael keaton, megyn kelly and david and sandra, newly engaged. apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next, but first, this is his album, it's called "wanted on voyage." it comes out january 27th. making his american tv debut, playing the song "budapest," george ezra. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ my house in budapest my my hidden treasure chest golden grand piano my beautiful castillo ♪ ♪ you ooh you ooh i'd leave it all my acres of a land that i've achieved ♪
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♪ it may be hard for you to stop and believe but for you ooh you ooh i'd leave it all ♪ ♪ oh for you ooh you ooh i'd leave it all give me one good reason why i should never ♪ ♪ make a change baby if you hold me then all of this will go away ♪ ♪ my many artifacts the list goes on if you just say the words i i'll up and run ♪ ♪ oh to you ooh you ooh i'd leave it all oh to you ooh you ooh i'd leave it all ♪ ♪ give me one good reason why i
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should never make a change baby if you hold me ♪ ♪ then all of this will go away give me one good reason why i should never ♪ ♪ make a change baby if you hold me then all of this will go away ♪ ♪ ♪ my friends and family they don't understand they fear they'll lose so much ♪ ♪ if you take my hand but for you ooh you ooh i'd lose it all
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for you ooh ♪ ♪ you ooh i'd lose it all give me one good reason why i should never make a change ♪ ♪ baby if you hold me then all of this will go away give me one good reason ♪ ♪ why i should never make a change baby if you hold me then all of this ♪ ♪ will go away my house in budapest my my hidden treasure chest golden grand piano ♪ ♪ my beautiful castillo you ooh you ooh ♪ ♪ i'd leave it all oh for you ooh you ooh i'd leave it all ♪
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[ applause ] ♪ why do you dream ♪ oh oh oh so ♪ ♪ will you cause me to weep
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♪ and you cause me to moan ♪ you cause me to pack up ♪ my bags and leave home ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ why do you treat me so ♪
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♪ did think i'm coming home again ♪ this is "nightline." tonight, four teenagers, one decision. >> got out of school that day. >> a costly mistake that changed their lives forever. the consequences, shocking. the community, shaken. >> our children. >> so, what did happen? and why are these teens in prison? >> "nightline" will return in a moment.


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