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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  January 21, 2015 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- ewan mcgregor from "glee", lea michele and music from tess henley with cleto and the cletones. and now, from here on out, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: thank you very much. thank you, everybody. thanks for watching, thanks for coming here. very happy tonight. i wish i could -- i don't know if you're aware of this, but today is national -- did you know today's national hugging day? also known as national try to avoid your creepy co-worker day. national hugging day was established in 1986. it's a day that encourages people to hug more often. it's the worst day of the year for howie mandel, he hates it. why they have it in the middle of cold and flu season, i have no idea. i don't know if it was sponsored by theraflue or what. here's a tip for next we're. you can make anyone who hugs you regret it by wrapping your arms around them and just say, "i've been waiting for this." directly into their ear. come here, guillermo, i'll show you, come over here. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: i've been waiting for this. >> guillermo: me too. >> jimmy: have you been drinking? >> guillermo: yeah. >> jimmy: you smell like you've been drinking. what is that you've been drinking? >> guillermo: it's rum and pineapple. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: get back over there. rum and pineapple. what are you on vacation? >> guillermo: no, that's what my assistant made for me. >> jimmy: oh, you have an assistant? >> guillermo: yeah. >> jimmy: what is your assistant's name? >> guillermo: joey. >> jimmy: joey is my assistant. >> guillermo: well, we've got to share, because of budget. >> jimmy: okay, very good, all right. this is an unexpected twist. the super bowl's coming up the weekend after next: [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: patriots and seahawks
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are busy preparing for the game. all the other teams who didn't make it are working on their plan for next season. last week the 49ers named their new head coach jim tomsula to replace jim harbaugh. they're big on jims up there i think. he sat down with another jim, a reporter named jim kozimor, on the bay area comcast sports network. let's just say it's a good thing the coach wasn't under oath here. >> you and me talking, give me a name that you think would be good as offensive coordinator. what if i throw a name out? marc trestman. >> uh -- >> it's someone you might know. >> mm. >> that's the best you can give me? >> yeah. >> he's going to make a fortune giving commercials. what kind of pep talks? get out there and -- uhh -- seems like there's always controversy leading up to the super bowl. this year it's a weird one. the in the event has found that 11 of the 12 footballs provided by the patriots in sunday's afc championship game were
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underinflated by two pounds. which for a football or an olsen twin, that is a lot. so the way it works is each team provides the officials with 12 footballs before every game. and the balls are supposed to be inflated between 12 1/2 and 13 1/2 pounds. the referee inspects the balls before the game then gives them back to the ball boys on each team. each team uses its own footballs on offense. which makes no sense. the nfl should fine itself for that stupid policy. they should -- all the balls should be in one thing. sunday players for the colts got suspicious in the third quarter when new england running back legeegarrette blount folded the ball into thirds and stuffed it in his back pocket. the patriots have denied wrongdoing. a lot of the people think they deflated the balls to make it easier for their quarterback tom brady to grip. what i wonder, if this was intentional, who went to the trouble of deflating all of the footballs? except for one?
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these 11 are no good, but this one's fine, so it must be an honest mistake. the nfl is investigating. when the nfl investigates they always get it right. [ laughter ] it's hard to imagine it would have any effect on the outcome of the game sunday because the patriots won 45-7 but cheating is cheating. it's a serious issue. to weigh in on it we turn to someone who knows a lot about this sort of thing. please pay attention. >> it's a common problem that's too often overlooked. every year, thousands of athletes suffer from deflated balls. here's what you need to know. first, if you suspect your balls may be deflated, don't play with them. instead, give your balls a gentle squeeze. your balls should feel firm and bouncy. if your balls feel soft or mushy to the touch, show them to an official immediately. remember, take care of your balls and your balls will take care of you. also, don't forget to check your testicles and prostate from time to time. i'm dr. drew. mm. mushy.
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>> this message brought to you by dee's nuts. dee's, the salty nuts. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, dr. drew. dr. drew has a show called "dr. drew on call" weeknights at 9:00 on hln. he just wants to help is his thing. speaking of deflated balls, a-rod, alex rodriguez, familiar with him? a-rod has reportedly either trained or is training with none other than barry bonds to prepare for the upcoming baseball season. they're either training together or forming a league of baseball super villains, i'm not sure which. a-rod was suspended all last season for using performance-enhancing drugs and barry bonds is the godfather of that. this is essentially baseball's version of when jesse pinkman got out of rehab and started working with walter white again. why would he do that? just the pr. how is it even possible that both their heads fit in the same room? if you've been keeping up with kim kardashian like i do, you're
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probably aware of this. kim kardashian is getting ready to release a book of selfies. they do say, write what you know. so the book is called "selfish." it doesn't come out until may. yesterday she unveiled the cover art. which is this. are we 100% sure this isn't a joke to see how stupid we are? apparently it's a book and has 352 pages of selfies which is like a whole day's worth of them for kim. the description of the book, on the publisher's website, is crazy, risoli is the publisher, they refer to kim kardashian as a trail blazer of the selfie movement. selfie movement? this is a selfie movement. okay? other than that, there's no movement. and they're calling it an art book. and i'm no expert in art. i'm not one of those people who has a narrow definition of art. but i am having a hard time figuring out how this can be considered to be art.
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to help me and all of to us understand, please welcome anthony desells of the california institute of the arts. >> thank you for having me, jimmy. >> jimmy: help us with this. should this book really be considered art? or is it just a bunch of selfies? >> i don't feel the two are mutually exclusive. ible what miss kardashian has done here could be considered artistic expression. on the nature of celebrity itself. >> jimmy: really. do you really think that's what she intended? >> it's possible. on the surface these selfies appear to be a warhol-esque examination of popular culture. but when you dig deeper, one can't help but be astounded at her big, bouncy boobies. >> jimmy: okay, but -- what did you just say? >> i'm sorry, maybe the term's not as familiar outside the art world. i'm referring to her, um -- what's the word. her jugs. >> jimmy: ah. >> those big lady jugs on the cover. >> jimmy: okay, i think everybody knows exactly what you meant by that. >> there's a term in the art
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world for the feelings these photographs evoked in me. begin with the term, pitching a tent. >> jimmy: yes. >> how about the phrase, i got a special feeling in my no-no place. >> jimmy: yes, i know that one too. you don't really teach at cal arts, do you? >> no, i don't teach at the school. i guess you could say i teach near the school. at what some may call a yoga studio. >> jimmy: oh. >> i specialize in you should come by and get sweaty. >> jimmy: maybe i will do that. >> can i have a hug? >> jimmy: no, you can't. >> can i take that? >> jimmy: you can take that. thank you, professor. who's vetting these people? by the way, i think you're going to like this even better than the kim kardashian book sketch. i saw this on youtube. it's video of an english bulldog. let me tell you something, the kind of determination you're about to see here makes me wish
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this was an american bulldog. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: triumph. that was fun. he is going to get so much leg when that video goes viral. that bone was his owner's femur.
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a woman at -- if you watch you're show on a regular basis, my cousin sal, about once a month he goes around our office and terrorizes us. me included. he goes around, like throwing snowballs at people while they're working, dumped buckets of ice on people, water. he's not a good co-worker in general. and as a result, people get very anxious whenever he walks into a room with cameras. so sal decided this time to go around our office with a camera crew to do nothing. so there's no prank. he has nothing to throw. he has nothing to spray. he just barged in to see how people would react to that. i have to say this might be the greatest prank never pulled. ♪ >> hey. jessie. >> yo. >> oh-oh. >> easy, easy, easy, easy, easy. hold on. >> what's up? >> it's just some soup. >> okay. >> i heard you were sick.
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>> yeah? >> can i put it down? >> no, no, no, no. >> can i put it down? >> no. >> you're acting like an animal. >> yeah. >> i'll put it here. >> no. >> i'll put it here. >> that's very expensive equipment. >> i gotcha. have a good day. >> okay. >> don't come! why is he here? please stop. [ bleep ]. >> know what i think? >> stop, stop, stop, stop. >> i think this is a nice touch. this is for decoration. sporty. >> i hate you. >> see? >> no, no, no! >> hey, hey. >> no! >> it's flu season, i want to make sure -- >> you're a liar. >> you have tissues already. you can never have too many. all right? >> what are you going to do? >> see you, have a good day. hey. >> don't look at me. >> huh? >> don't get near me. >> your hair looks nice today. >> just stay away. >> okay.
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i must [ bleep ]. brad, hold on, brad. >> no, no, no! >> brad. >> relax. a piece of pizza. had an extra slice. weirdo. >> i saw you! i saw you! >> you get messy sometimes. some napkins. >> thanks. >> why are you being so weird? >> i don't know. my bad. >> what is this? what? what? >> don't mess with me, i'll kill you. because i don't like you. >> hey, did you get my e-mail about dinner with ben stein on the 17th? did you get my e-mail?
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are you good for the 17th? are you all right? >> what's going on here? >> nothing. i just want to know. >> no, i didn't get that e-mail. i'll take a look. >> i'll resend it. >> okay. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very nice. oh, look at that that's nice. [ cheers and applause ] sorry, be very quiet, i don't want to interrupt their mating season. we have a good show for you tonight. music from tess henley tonight. and we'll be right back with ewan mcgregor, so stick around!
11:50 pm
>> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by "black sails." black is back. coming soon on starz. i was not expecting to get a ford. we went around the country, talking to people who made the switch to ford. it felt nicer than my bmw. good gas mileage... ecoboost makes a four cylinder engine feel like a six cylinder. my dad went and turned in his lexus and got the exact same car as me. he had to have it... i'm very happy with my escape. i don't know if i'll ever not buy a ford. make the switch to america's favorite brand. check out special offers on ford escape at or see your local ford dealer. ♪ they need special attention, day and night. new chapstick dual-ended hydration lock provides 24-hour care. spf protects by day. natural oils replenish by night. chapstick. put your lips first. ♪ keep your spirits high... the calories low...
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11:52 pm
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[ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: hello. tonight, from "glee" lea michele is here. then later, she is the winner of "guitar center singer-songwriter 3." her new ep is called "wonderland" it is due out next month. a very talented young woman, making her television debut. tess henley from the at&t stage. we have a good show tomorrow. tomorrow night, oscar nominee edward norton will be here, superbowl announcer and author al michaels, and we'll have music from the decemberists. so join us for that. our first guest tonight is a golden globe-nominated actor and deck decorated jedi knight who you did see alongside johnny depp and given notwithstanding paltrow in the new movie "mortdecai." it opens in theaters friday. please welcome ewan mcgregor! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks for coming.
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>> i'm sorry? >> jimmy: they're very loud. >> did you back away from my hug? >> jimmy: no, i didn't back away from your hug. were we going to hug? >> it's hug day, isn't it? i was waiting for the line and everything. >> jimmy: can i be honest with you? i'm never exactly sure what to do with people from europe specifically. >> right. >> because there's a two-kiss thing. >> yes. >> jimmy: i often forget it and the second kiss comes and i don't know what to do. >> no. >> jimmy: then you're a man so that would be even odder. >> right. >> jimmy: if you went for those two kisses. >> jump into my arms next time. >> jimmy: okay. >> that's what we do back home. >> jimmy: next year on this day perhaps you will come back and we'll really do it up for national hugging day. >> okay. >> jimmy: maybe we'll set a record. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i know you just finished doing a play on broadway in new york. >> i did, yeah, "the real thing." tom stopard's play in new york. >> jimmy: that was the first time you'd worked on broadway?
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>> yeah, yeah. i've never done a play there before. >> jimmy: you've done many plays in london. are there differences? is it basically the same thing? >> doing a play is doing a play, really. the only difference was the crew of the theater would cook brumplg bunch every sunday before our matinee underneath the stage, there's a tech room. they would make bacon and waffles and one day we did a mexican brunch. it was fantastic, nice thing to do at the end of a week. we'd have a big brunch all together, do the play, go home and have a day off. but -- it's just that the audience was slightly different on sunday. because the whole theater reeked of bacon and coffee and toast. >> jimmy: i-hop. >> slightly unfocused. they're hungry. >> jimmy: that's not bad. there are worse smells than bacon. >> for sure. the whole play could be set on sunday morning anyway so it was apt. >> jimmy: the last time you were here, i believe you were about to receive a very prestigious
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honor, the obe, which stands for? >> order of the british empire. >> jimmy: order of the british empire. [ cheers and applause ] >> so i've been an officer. officer of the british empire. i can't remember. >> jimmy: seems like you should know that. >> i should know that. >> jimmy: this is a photograph. you showed up wearing a kilt, which is a tradition. [ whistles ] >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: tradition? >> i love wearing a kilt. it's not often -- i'm not wearing my kilt around l.a. a lot. >> jimmy: no. but i we'd like fit you did. >> maybe i should more often. this is a very special occasion. and so i wore it on that day. >> jimmy: what is the thing in the front? is this where the bagpipes go? >> no, that's a sporran. it covers the zip. >> jimmy: sporran is the scottish word for fanny pack? >> i said it covered the zip. but it's for keeping your -- keeping your pocket change in. >> jimmy: oh, i see, okay. oh, that's practically, yeah.
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i guess you do need a place for your wallet. >> it's a pocket. >> jimmy: you can't tuck that in back there. >> no. >> jimmy: then you -- of course there's the prince. were there a lot of rules as far as meeting the prince? >> yeah, there's a lot of people honored on this day. it was a really lovely special thing -- a lot of the servicemen gone mbes or obes or cbs or whatever. some interesting people, different people from different walks of life. as you go out there's a guy that tells you exactly what -- you're meant to walk out, bow, step forward, shake his hand, then at the end you're meant to step back, bow, don't shake his hand. leave. it's the simplest thing in the world. but when it comes to your turn, you're guaranteed to get it all wrong. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: if an actor can't get it right, who is going to get it right? >> that's easy. then everyone's standing in the wings lag to check. >> jimmy: did you know the honor you got is better than the ones the beatles got? the beatles got an mbe, you got an obe. obe ranks higher than mbe.
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>> is that right? >> jimmy: i'm told. [ cheers and applause ] although, y mccartney got a knighthood so he could have you beheaded. >> i didn't know that. >> jimmy: that's a pretty good thing. >> i'll use that now. >> jimmy: yeah, absolutely. so there's a whole bunch of people being honored. >> yes. >> jimmy: at this thing. >> yeah, there was lots of interesting people. it's just people that have given to british society, i suppose. so there was a lot of people from all over the place. there's a wee guy in a kilt, an old man in a kilt, being honored for services to bagpipe music. a lifetime services to bagpipe music. that was his award. >> jimmy: really. he should be punished for that. >> no, no. >> jimmy: do you like bagpipe music? >> i do. >> jimmy: do you have to like it when you're scottish? >> you don't have to but you end up that way. the pipes are always present at big occasions in your life. i don't know, if scotland they're played at special
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occasions. so they sort of become -- the music gets in your blood. >> jimmy: do you play? >> i did for a while. >> jimmy: you did? >> i did for a little while. >> jimmy: what happened? >> i couldn't practice anywhere. my family, my wife and kids, banned it. i would play and then the door would fly open and one of them would be standing there going -- i had to question of it up. you literally have to live on top of a mountain to play the bagpipes. >> jimmy: which explains why this man got a medal for his contributions to bagpiping. >> imagine. >> jimmy: he had to travel to the top of mountains to practice, it's unbelievable. when we come back -- you have two movies coming out. we're going to take a look at "mortdecai." ewan mcgregor is here, we'll be right back! [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by "black sails." black is back. coming soon on starz.
12:02 am
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i've given you a lot of rope over the years charlie but now you're dangling off the end of it. help me find that painting. or i'll have the magistrate open that file and prosecute at random. >> what's in it for me, as they say? >> if you won't do it for me, do it for queen and country. >> no. >> all right, queen and country, travel and living expenses, reasonable overhead. >> done. >> jimmy: that is johnny depp and ewan mac gregor in "mortdecai" which opens on friday. i like that movie. funny characters. >> good characters. it's a comedy, like the comedy in the old "pink panther"
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movies, and i don't think it's been touched. >> i love the "pink panther" movies and it is a lot like that. johnny depp, when i met him the first time, i didn't expect him to be as he was. a very friendly guy, an engaging guy. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i imagined that he was going to be crazy and maybe not interested in other human beings. >> no, i didn't know what to expect. i was so looking forward to working with him. i totally enjoyed it. really, he doesn't disappoint. he's very generous, he's very amazing. >> jimmy: kind of silly. you worked with gwyneth paltrow a long time ago. >> on a film "emma," we made this period drama. i'd finished "trainspotting" and it was the next film i did. >> jimmy: that's quite a segue. >> yeah. i think i wanted to be seen to be versatile. you know? i thought i should do -- >> jimmy: go from heroin to jane austen, yes. >> i got married. i finished "trainspotting," went off to france, got married, came back and started on "emma" in
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the space of three weeks. >> you were manning your wedding while you were having heroin diarrhea on "trainspotting"? >> vaguely, vaguely. >> jimmy: i think -- >> didn't do a great deal of planning till we got there vaguely. >> jimmy: it wasn't one of those things -- you didn't arrange the seating chart at your wedding? >> i did not. >> jimmy: you have another movie that is not only in theaters but also being released on directv. i imagine there's some kind of pay per view type situation. >> yeah, i guess. i don't know. i don't know how that works. >> jimmy: this is called "son of a gun." >> a small indie film. i went over to majke it in australia last year -- [ whoop ] >> one australian. >> jimmy: it's actually a kangaroo in the audience. >> a australian director steve savory. he made a really nice short film called "jerry can." it's good. it's a brilliant thriller, actiony type prison film. >> jimmy: there's your plan for
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weekend. you can have the ewan mcgregor film festival. two new movies," mordecai" and "son of a gun." "mortdec "mortdecai" opens friday. ewan mcgregor, thank you very much. we'll be right back! [bassist] two late nights in tucson. blew an amp.but good nights. sure,music's why we do this,but it's still our business. we spend days booking gigs, then we've gotta put in the miles to get there. but it's not without its perks. like seeing our album sales go through the roof enough to finally start paying meg's little brother- i mean,our new tour manager-with real,actual money. we run on quickbooks.that's how we own it.
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12:12 am
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12:14 am
[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, this. we're back. this weekend, starz premieres the new season of the pirate drama "black sails." to celebrate, we asked the star of the show, captain charles vane, to give our own little guillermo lessons -- oh, i now understand why he's drinking rum and pineapple juice -- lessons in the fine art of piracy. >> captain charlie vane, i'm so excited to meet you. >> what the hell are you wearing? >> i'm a pirate just like you. >> real pirates don't have halloween costumes. go get properly suited up. >> okay.
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>> much better. now, are you ready? >> i'm ready. i'm ready to polish. >> rrrgggh! [ screaming ] >> you take the front, i'll take the back. >> arrgghhh! >> and the chair, and the chair! >> you're being taken. you're going to be proud, guillermo. >> piracy's fun. >> dicky: black is back, bigger and better than ever. take what's yours this weekend at the season premiere of "black sails" on starz. >> be right back with lea
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plus, you get a free carfax® report with every listing. start your used car search at [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we are back. after more than a hundred episodes of spirited song and dance, on march 20th our next guest's tv show will end its six-year run.
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and "don't stop believin'" will legally be forbidden from ever being heard in public again. the final season of "glee" airs fridays at fin:00 on fox. please welcome lea michele! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: you look fantastic, how are you doing? >> i'm great, thank you. >> jimmy: how's life? >> everything is good. we're not here to talk about me. we're here to talk about you. on "the bachelor." >> jimmy: oh, all right. [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm like nervous to talk to you. >> jimmy: why? >> this is so major. >> jimmy: because i was on "the bachelor"? >> in. >> jimmy: i wa in "the bachelor." literally, i was in the bachelor. >> who was the most wasted? that's what i want to know. it was pretty intense. >> jimmy: who was the most wasted? well -- >> don't say yourself. >> jimmy: no, i was -- i did have a couple of drinks at the
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dinner. >> yeah. >> jimmy: then you start realizing, oh, this is a dangerous situation to be in. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you really want to know what it was like? >> of course, what do you think? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i don't want to take up your whole segment. >> i'm prepared for this to take up the whole segment. >> jimmy: there's a bunch of people in a room watching likegy 20 tv monitors, watching everything that's going on. which is crazy. i didn't know what is like that. >> hidden cameras everywhere. >> jimmy: they're not hidden. there are camera guys. they become conditioned did them. >> i'm so obsessed. it's like ridiculously unhealthy. >> jimmy: you love "the bachelor." >> i do, i got into it, it was shaun's season. at first i was not into it. uck, this doesn't feel right, my girlfriends were having "bachelor" parties so i joined in. it was sean's season which hooked me. sean was so sweet. >> jimmy: ah. >> so i, you know --
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totally confused me. wait a minute, i thought this was a fairy tale. >> jimmy: sometimes there are villains in fairy tales. do you like this bachelor, chris? >> i do, i really do. there was a lot of the kissing this past week. >> jimmy: you don't like that? >> i just lake -- is anyone going to get a cold or something? i'm a germophobe. is there hand sanitizer and mouthwash all around? >> jimmy: quite the contrary. >> are you serious? oh my god. >> jimmy: yeah, there's nothing but vodka and stds. >> these all i need to know. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: would you consider ever being "the bachelorette"? >> maybe. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you'd get all the prince farmings coming directly to you. >> i think i'm good, i think i'm okay. >> jimmy: you're all right? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: are you getting sad about "glee" ending? >> i thoroughly warned everyone in my life. everyone's prepared for a possible total breakdown. but we're good. you know. >> jimmy: how many shows do you
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actually have left to shoot right now? >> three left. >> jimmy: three left, okay. so that's a big -- everyone's going to be crying. >> everyone has sort of started. i was doing a scene the other day with the original little group, chris colfer, jenna, kevin, amber. in the choir room. and i was getting some very emotional speech. and i started to cry. jenna started to cry. we were like, don't, don't you -- don't you -- don't you start. literally yelling at each other to not get emotional. >> jimmy: did it work, the yelling? >> yes, it did. >> jimmy: that works in my family also. yeah. >> it's going to be tough. >> jimmy: yes. >> it really is. what's so crazy is we're so in the thick of it right now, even still, with three left. we're so -- like musical numbers and circus acts and crazy stuff that's hard to think. oh, it's going to be done soon. >> jimmy: i got very emotional after my sixth year of high school also. well, you've returned now.
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>> i have. i've had a lot of different lives on the show so far. >> jimmy: you sang the "frozen" song in the premiere. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah, i did. i sang it. at first i was sort of worried. because idina sang it and debbie sang it. like i don't want -- so many people have done it. but i got idina's blessing which was wonderful wonderful. >> jimmy: did you call idina menzel and ask her? >> we were tweeting each other. she knew it was happening. >> jimmy: i see. >> i felt -- it's her song at the end of the day. it might be in a movie. >> jimmy: i think of it as my song. >> right. i mean, it's our song. >> jimmy: they did a great job with it. >> i was super nervous. the day didn't start off so well. i was singing. there was snow falling. i looked up trying to make it magical and beautiful. and ended up choking on the snow and vomiting. >> jimmy: that happened to me once. >> they have it in slo-mo. >> jimmy: they do?
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let's go to the clip. they have you vomiting in slo-mo? that's going to be a great dvd extra. >> thank you. some of the crew members were out there, kids -- >> jimmy: vomiting. >> thank you. the rest of the day, people brought their children, which i thought was so nice. oh, you're bringing your kids. when their children came up to me they're like, they want to say hi. sure, thinking i've known these kids since they were born. they came at me, they were like -- >> jimmy: oh. >> and i was like, this is super weird, these kids are acting really crazy. then i realized, oh, they think i'm her. and then it was awesome. it was like, i am god right now. i have a disney princess. >> jimmy: isn't it funny how kids are. my cousin's daughter, my goddaughter, we've had the same woman playing the little mermaid and the "frozen" character. >> and they have no idea. >> jimmy: she has no idea. >> they don't care. >> jimmy: it's the same person
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who teaches her ice skating. >> whoever that girl is, she must feel amazing every day. because that one moment of having those children be like -- this is like incredible. >> jimmy: like being a high-class hooker. >> well -- i mean, i don't know about that. >> jimmy: maybe it's not. >> i literally felt like i'm -- >> jimmy: that's how hour hollywood boulevard spider-man probably feels. >> they're all given shapes and sizes. >> jimmy: you know spiders, they multiply all over the place. you're doing a show after "glee" already? >> it helps. everyone wants to know what you're doing next. >> jimmy: it must be annoying people asking you what you're doing next. what are you doing next? >> as if i -- vacation, yeah, who wants to do that? >> jimmy: guillermo's on vacation right now. >> oh, yeah? >> jimmy: yeah, he took a staycation here at work. i'm sorry. you decided not to vacation. >> no. i'm so excited, i'm starting a
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new show. >> jimmy: how much time do you have between the new show and the old show? >> about a week. >> jimmy: that's it? >> yeah. >> jimmy: wow. >> why not. >> jimmy: what's the show? >> ryan murphy's new show "steam screen." >> jimmy: that's great, how about that. >> we have some really exciting stuff that i'll be doing. i've so enjoyed working for him and the network for the past almost seven years. so to have this be a great transition to help with the potential breakdown post-"glee." i think that they're just covering their bases with me. >> jimmy: you're the only one he's bringing, you must be his favorite. >> well, we do get along really well. >> jimmy: lea michele, everybody. the final season of "glee" is friday night. we'll be right back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is
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presented by at&t. mobilizing your world.
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super hungry? get my chipotle chicken club combo with fries and a drink. olivia. that's a ton of food for $4.99. let's do this. [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world.
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>> jimmy: i'd like to thank ewan mcgregor, lea michele and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next. but first, this is her ep "wonderland" comes out february 10th, making her television debut here, tess henley! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ whoo-hoo whoo-hoo whoo-hoo ♪ if heaven knows just how the story goes one would suppose i could follow along ♪ ♪ but friends become wives they live different lives far behind it's so hard to see ♪ ♪ and don't wanna keep asking myself
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oh if i'm past the point of help ♪ ♪ there's no where else i'm supposed to be certainly positively ♪ ♪ and no one else i'm supposed to be certainly positively me ♪ ♪ ♪ da da da dah dah dah dah doh mmmm ooh ♪ ♪ dear wishing well well i wish you well and magic spells no i don't need the voodoo ♪ ♪ my garden will be so lovely and green ♪ i'll give it
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the time it needs to bloom and be beautiful ♪ ♪ don't wanna keep asking myself oh if i'm past the point of help ♪ ♪ there's no where else i'm supposed to be certainly positively ♪ ♪ and no one else i'm supposed to be certainly positively me ♪ ♪ there's no where else i'm supposed to be certainly positively ♪ ♪ and no one else i'm supposed to be certainly absolutely positively me ♪ ♪ hey hey yeah
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♪ ♪ certainly positively ♪ whoo whoo whoo ♪ certainly positively ♪ nowhere else no one else i'm supposed to be ♪ ♪ certainly positively ♪ no one else no one no one else i'm supposed to be ♪ ♪ certainly positively ♪ there's no one else no one else i'm supposed to be ♪ ♪ certainly positively ♪ there's no one else no one else i'm supposed to be ♪ ♪ certainly positively ♪ no one else no one else i'm supposed to be ♪ ♪ certainly positively
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♪ there's no one else no one else i'm supposed to be ♪ ♪ certainly positively ♪ positively me ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ down the hole here i go he let go now my hands are cold ♪ ♪ i love that man but did he give me all he can i love that man
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mmm-mmm ♪ ♪ in a wonderland in a wonderland we'd be we'd be all we can ♪ in a wonderland in a wonderland we'd be we'd be all we can ♪ ♪ cross my heart hope we find this place you're slipping out my fingers into space ♪ ♪ silver skies moonlit eyes you're not there i try not to care ♪
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♪ give my heart a break no don't break it this is "nightline." tonight, carjacked. every 45 seconds, car thieves somewhere making a strike. our investigation reveals how these criminals choose their targets and the surprising ways you could be putting yourself at risk. deflategate. the new england patriots now responding to the firestorm of criticism for allegedly underinflating their footballs in a championship game against the colts. it's not their first cheating scandal and with accusations flying, this winning team has a lot to lose. and royal sex scandal. the snapshot, a 17-year-old girl with prince andrew. and the picture it's painting is not pretty. tonight, new details emerging


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