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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  January 25, 2015 7:00am-8:01am PST

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laughing cow. reinvent snacking. good morning, america. get ready for a winter weather double whammy. hot on the heels of one storm that caused a major digout and several dramatic spinouts, now comes a potential pounding. more than a foot of snow. expected for millions. who is in the path this time? for this one-two punch. scare in the air. twin twitter bomb threats. fighter jets scrambled for the emergency landing, terrifying passengers. >> you had to set down the bag and have it checked by a bomb-sniffing dog. >> the tweet causing a huge scare at one of america's busiest airports. deflategate defense. patriots' coach bill belichick tries to play science teacher to describe away the underinflated footballs. >> climatic conditions.
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atmosphering conditions. ekequilibrium states. >> did the explanation make any sense? and billion-dollar burger. shake shack, the so-called gourmet burger chain, ready to go public with a giant ipo. >> shake shack's amazing. >> ready to "shake up" the fast food world. in a positive way. that's what i -- sorry, we're arguing about burgers. we'll talk about that later. >> big burger debate. we want to get straight to our top story this morning. a major winter storm charging across america right now. millions in the northeast directly in the cross-hairs. >> look at that map. everyone in the giant red zone getting pummeled by snow. some up to two feet. rob marciano tracking it all. for us this morning. good morning, rob. >> this is on the heels of the storm that came through just
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yesterday, which, for this year was a big storm. let's recap that and we'll slide right into what's going to happen over the next 24 to 48 hours. a lot of road problems. the time-lapse video across the lower hudson valley. in poughkeepsie new york ewe see it quickly pile up there. five to eight inches, many spots. problems on the highways across eastern massachusetts. where we really saw the snow piling up yesterday. jackknifed trailers. flipping over at times with traffic just backing up for miles. all right. these are the latest advisories now. across the northeast. winter weather advisories. winter storm watches for this entire swath of the northeast. that orange that you see there, those are blizzard watches. haven't seen those posted much this year across the northeast. this is what we're watching. as these watches become evident, with this storm, that's fast-moving storm. doesn't have a lot of moisture. now moving across chicago. by the time it gets to the east coast, develops into a more intense storm. by 5:00 a.m. on tuesday, all the
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snow from d.c. back through boston. and the winds will intensify as well. that's where the blizzard conditions will pick up. eastern long island through parts of eastern massachusetts. tuesday at 11:00 p.m., most of this will be gone. but by that time new york to boston we could see well over a foot of snow in spots. so this could very well be a crippling weather event. we'll talk more about it coming up. >> we want to make clear that rob and ginger and the full weather team will be covering the story every step of the way. we move on to one of america's busiest airports partially paralyzed. twitter bomb threats sent fighter jets scrambling. and steve osunsami is on the ground at hartsfield-jackson airport. steve, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, dan. for passengers who, on these two in-bound affected flights, this was a nuisance. for the thousands of passengers here at the airport whose flights were delayed, a major headache. blame it on social media. nearly 300 passengers on two
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flights forced off their planes. away from the terminal. the bomb squad and fbi searching their things while they waited there for hours. >> we walked off the plane. you had to set down your bag. visit sniffed by a bomb-sniffing dog. >> reporter: it was all caused by an alarming series of messages on twitter that frightened the faa and nearly shut down one of the nation's busyiest airports. someone hiding behind the handle king zortic sent these threats. i have a bomb on one of your planes, but i forgot which one when i left the airport. can you help me find it? it was smuggled through one of the back entrances. officials tell abc news, the military and the airline were forced to take it seriously. worried the person was targeting inbound delta flight 1156 from portland. and southwest 2492 from milwaukee. >> the problem with bomb threats through twitter and other forms of social media is it's easy to be anonymous.
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>> reporter: the government scrambled twin f-16 fighters and the planes landed safely. authorities serging the plane found nothing. >> no signs of any explosives. >> it's uncomfortable sitting on the tarmac for two hours. >> reporter: another example of an anonymous tweet causing real-world chaos. in april, dutch police arrested a teen in the netherlands after she sent a fake threat on twitter to american airlines. this morning, the fbi is on the case, trying to find the owner of this twitter handle. twitter tells us that authorities may need a court order for more information. paula? >> tense moments in the air. steve osunsami, thank you very much. now to the new developments in the deflate-gate scandal. with super bowl sunday just one week from today. the patriots coach calling an impromptu, bizarre press conference, sounding more scientist than coach. linzie janis is here to break it down. good morning, linzie. >> reporter: good morning, paula. bill belichick says he spent the last week conducting an internal review of his team's process of
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breaking in their footballs. he gave several potential reasons why they may have become deflated. this morning, some now asking, was he trying to blind us with science? the morning, patriots head coach bill belichick confident his team didn't break any rules. >> the organization followed every rule to the letter. >> reporter: in a surprise news conference saturday afternoon, belichick finally ready to explain how he thinks 11 of 12 patriots footballs got deflated in last sunday's game against the colts. >> touchdown! >> climatic conditions. air pressure. equilibrium state. atmospheric conditions. >> reporter: sounding more high school science teacher than football coach -- >> the preparation of the ball caused the ball to, i would say be artificially high in psi. >> reporter: -- belichick talking about how rubbing footballs to break in the leather affects their air
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pressure once the team takes the field. >> it reached its equilibrium at some point later on, an hour, two hours. that level was below what was set in this climatic condition. >> reporter: belichick's dissertation earning him a new nickname. bill belichick, the science guy. we asked the real science guy, bill nye, what he thought. >> i'm not too worried about coach belichick competing with me. what he said didn't make any sense. >> reporter: and nye says, eke equilibrium or not, the explanation falls flat. >> rubbing the football, i don't think you can change the pressure. to really change the pressure, you need one of these. the inflation needle. >> reporter: our science expert admitting he left out one crucial bit of data. >> i cannot help but say, go seahawks. >> reporter: belichick saying he's also moving on. >> this is the end of this subject for me for a long time. >> reporter: while saying he
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understands its importance, belichick saying he's embarrassed about the amount of time he's put into deflategate relative to preparing for the super bowl next weekend. paula paula? >> great get by the science guy saying that falls flat. for more let's bring in espn analyst and former nfl quarterback jesse palmer. bill belichick had exonerated the patriots. saying the footballs naturally deflated. a result of atmosphering conditions. even though the colts footballs didn't. did he hurt himself or help? >> he didn't help himself. he did educate himself on footballs. that was a 19-minute symposium on footballs. that was way over my head. the biggest key to me, two hours and 15 minutes before the game, the referees have both sets of footballs in the locker room. and they set the psi looefl what we assume was an equal level. at kickoff, 11 of the 12 for the patriots were less. something happened in that time window.
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that's something bill belichick can't explain. that's something right now nobody can explain. >> the nfl considering everything that's happened this season, has to get this right. but it's going to be a distraction heading into super bowl week. can you think of why this is taking so long? >> the patriots have been accused in the past of using deflated footballs. maybe that's why the nfl is looking into past games and seeing if they can find more evidence. i don't know how you prove them wrong? you need definitive evidence. bill belichick should have been in the film room game-planning. where he had to learn about footballs. i think that's why he was so embarrassed in that press conference. >> i have to be honest, this didn't affect the outcome of the game at all. >> not at all. >> it just raises the questions of playing by the rules. would this still be a story if it weren't the patriots?
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>> no, i don't think so. this is the patriots. they're team people love to hate. they have a hall of fame quarterback. a hall of fame coach. this is a team people look at as potential cheaters. it's not just deflategate. in 2007, they were accused and found guilty of stealing the new york jets' signals. bill belichick was fined a half a million dollars for that. and the patriots lost draft picks. they are a sexy team. that's why it's a big story. >> as always, jesse palmer, expert analysis. get back to the science lab. >> i'm from boston. i love to love them. just for the record. >> of course you do. >> we appreciate you -- >> a little bit of boston love this morning. >> we appreciate you calling them a sexy team. that's how we think of them as well. >> bringing sexy back. we have to switch gears in a very, very serious way. we're going to talk about isis striking again. in a gruesome new video, the terror group claims to have executed one of its japanese hostages. now they're making a new demand. and abc's chief investigative
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correspondent brian ross is on the story this morning. brian, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, dan. once again, isis has the world watching and waiting. it's murdered 1 of its 2 japanese hostages. now instead of a ransom it wants a prisoner swap to spare the life of the other japanese hostage. this morning, his family and government are desperate. to save the life of japanese television journalist kenji goto. isis posed this picture. forced to hold what appears to be the head of his beheaded cell mate. >> they are being fair. they no longer want money. so -- you don't need to worry about funding terrorists. >> reporter: in japan, the prime minister called the video an outrageous and unforgivable act. and goto's mother told reporters her son sounded extremely nervous.
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and she added, this is no time to be optimistic. >> we're going to work closely with the japanese and the europeans. this is a team effort to find these individuals. >> reporter: the prisoner isis is demanding be freed, sajida rishawi, a failed suicide bomber is on death row in jordan. whom islamist groups have tried several times before, and failed, to free. she was part of an attack on a jordanian hotel ten years ago that killed at least 60 people attending a wedding. u.s. intelligence agents are working closely with the japanese. looking for any clue in the videos. as to where they were produced or where they were posted. at least one u.s. citizen is being held, a 26-year-old female humanitarian worker. and u.s. officials have clearly said that even if they have just a whiff of actionable intelligence, it could lead to another special forces rescue raid. >> anxious time for those families. brian, thank you. we're going to move on to what they're calling the unofficial start of the 2016 race for the white house. it was a gop beauty pageant in iowa.
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big names like chris christie, mike huckabee, rick perry showing up. sarah palin and donald trump were also there to serve a little bit of red meat to the heavily conservative audience. not in attendance, mitt romney. or jeb bush. george stephanopoulos joins us. was there a candidate that stood out to you? >> a couple. no question. scott walker. governor, wisconsin, won re-election this year. a breakout star for a lot of conservatives. he delivered yesterday. she's excited -- he excited the crowd yesterday. also, ted cruz. he revved up the crowd. his refrain was show me. he says he's the one that's been there for conservatives. mitt romney took a lot of shots from the podium. to did jeb bush.
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and hillary clinton. i don't think you would be surprised by that. >> two people that riled up the audience not surprisingly donald trump and sarah palin. let's play a snippet of what sarah palin had to say. >> thing like that. it must change. things must change for our government. look at it. it's not too big to fail. it's too big to succeed. it's too big to succeed. >> so there's sarah palin. donald trump had equally colorful things to say. in your view, is either a serious presidential candidate? >> i don't think so. though sarah palin said she was seriously looking at it. >> so did trump. >> but trump's done this every four years. >> 1988 1992. >> you have to admire the guy for going back to the same well time and time and time again. we all bite at it. i don't think he's going to run.
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>> george stephanopoulos, thank you. he has a big show this morning, including a one on one with another possible republican presidential contender, louisiana governor bobby jindal. later this morning, right here on abc. george, thanks again. the president is in indiana. ron has more on that and the other stories. good morning to you, paula. good morning to you, patriots fan, dan harris. seattle fan, ron claiborne. good morning, everyone. we begin overseas with the president kicking off his scaled back visit to india. the president and first lady touching down in new delhi. michelle obama wearing a floral outfit by an indian designer. the president later attended a wreath-laying burial site of mahatma gandhi. he wrote, the spirit of gandhi is alive and well in india. back here at home caught on
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camera some wild wild santa ana winds through california. the winds knocking over this huge 40-foot billboard. the driver of the white truck narrowly escaped the falling billboard. the wind gusts clocked in at 60 miles an hour. no one, however, was injured. a 21-year-old snowboarder missing for three days was found alive saturday on a canadian mountain. july abramson was vacationing in whistler. she was last seen last wednesday. despite the extreme weather conditions, she was found and was not hurt. and finally, some more snow news. some history during the x games. for the first time, the faa allowing drones, drones to record the event from up high. california native akoye kim becoming the youngest winter x games gold medal winner. she's just 14 years of age. too young to have competed in sochi a few years ago. she scored 92 points. in her third and final run. a wild wipeout during the men's slopestyle final.
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check that out. henrik harlaut took a nasty spin during that daring run. he was knocked out for several minutes. but, believe it or not, he was okay. he took to instagram to show photos of his x-rays. he's okay. that's tough. >> dr. claiborne, doing a distant diagnosis. on that x-ray, right? >> looked rough, but he's okay. >> thank you, ron. there's a big burger battle heating up this week. shake shack is hitting wall street with a closely watched ipo. >> this young so-called gourmet chain and some others like it are trying to take a bite out of mcdonald's in the all-out fast food -- i couldn't help it. it was too easy. sara haines here with the story. good morning, sara. >> reporter: good morning. you remember the days where we asked, where's the beef? we had a few options for a takeout burger. now the landscape has grown. so move over for something meatier. this morning, shake shack
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known for gourmet grub and lines around the block, getting ready to take a bite out of wall street with their ipo this week expected to be worth as much as $1 billion. what is their secret? >> happiness in a plate. >> the food is of higher quality than those other fast food places. >> reporter: what started as a hot dog stand in madison square park ten years ago is now one of the most popular burger joints in the world. >> i really enjoy the burgers. >> shake shack's amazing. >> reporter: with a cult following as favorful as their burgers. >> i like the fries. i like the shakes. >> i just tried it out for the first time. delicious. i'll come back here again. >> reporter: with 63 locations worldwide, the growth is booming. it says thanks to the focus on quality. they're not the only burger joint cashing in on fancier fast food. the washington, d.c.-based five guys has a loyal following. >> one cheeseburger and one fries for me. >> reporter: and in hollywood, in-n-out devotees love their
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burgers. featuring the stacked 4 x 4 burgers. and the bunless flying dutchman. even anthony bourdain going viral early this month for waxing poetic as he chowed down on a double double animal style. >> you have to have a decent bun. good quality meat. fresh. lean. this cheese-like substance is perfect. brilliant. >> reporter: the best news for anyone looking to flip for shake shack, it says it plans to spend the cash from hungry investors serving foodies from 450 new modern day roadside stands. >> i'll drink to that. >> i have an easy palate. i love in-n-out burger. >> i do, too. >> but not as good as shake shack. >> i love shake shack for the concrete. not the burger. >> know who i know agrees with me on this is rob marciano? rob, am i correct that shake shack is better than -- >> that's leading question.
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>> that's very true. i think you have a coastal thing. shake shack is east coast. west coast is in-n-out burger. if i'm on a road trip, the double mcdonald's cheeseburger meal. >> there you two. >> wow. >> it's easy to eat. they're small. not much of a mess. much easier to drive and eat at the same time. if you're driving across the midwest, this alberta clipper is what's driving snow from milwaukee across chicago, indianapolis will get some. pittsburgh, parts of columbus. it will get by tomorrow morning, start reaching into the east coast. this is the beginning part of this system that we've been talking about. once it gets to the coastline, it will start to energize, not just with the ocean but with some help from the jet stream. and really start to crank things up. we'll see light snow out of this thing. anywhere from two to four inches. locally over six inches in spots. and it will create some icy conditions throughout the day, overnight tonight into tomorrow. and then we mentioned the nor'easter that will crank up tomorrow night into tuesday. the question is how much snow will we get there? looks like it could be quite a bit, especially east of new york city.
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65 in dallas. in the so cal, the santa ana winds continue to blow. >> haven't had a good snowstorm in awhile. it's fantastic burger-eating weather coming at you in the next couple of days. >> best burger in the u.s., tommy burger. in l.a. beverly and rampart. the original tommy burger. >> gotta give burger king and wendy's some good. >> and chili on it. wendy's. >> clearly, this is a hungry group.
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>> gluttonous. this is a fascinating case. did a boss offer one of his workers 20 grand to kill his wife? the high-profile murder trial with lots of twists and turns, after the break. plus oscar predictor. why tonight's s.a.g. awards are seen as a dress rehearsal for the academy awards. push your enterprise and you can move the world. ♪ ♪ but to get from the old way to the new you'll need the right it infrastructure. from a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. and stay ready for everything that is still to come.
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and coming up on "good morning america," the man on trial for shooting his wife outside a movie theater. was the jury convinced by testimony from the prosecution's star witness? coming up, a preview of the awards show tonight that prides itself on picking who will win the oscars. it's the s.a.g. awards. more on that after the break. rs. it's the s.a.g. awards. more on that after the break. female announcer: get beautyrest, posturepedic even tempur-pedic mattress sets at low clearance prices. save even more on floor samples, demonstrators, and closeout inventory. the year end clearance sale ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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because together, we thrive. ♪ picture this. we open on you. driving in a beautiful car. you come around the bend. there's something blocking your way. >> the missile launcher, right? >> no, a moose. and there it is, a cabin. >> a cabin. and it explodes. >> what? no. it's just a cabin. no explosions. but there are fireworks. >> oh? >> there will be fireworks next sunday. this is your exclusive look at kia's new commercial aired during the super bowl. good morning, america. the price of a 30-second slot, upwards of 4 million bucks. >> wow. >> and you can see the full version of that commercial, it's a minute long. >> i have never been good at math. >> $8 million for 60 seconds. >> my abacus is under the desk. coming up here on "gma," after a -- i said abacus, i did. without it even being in the teleprompter.
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after kim kardashian broke the internet with her derriere, what taylor swift is revealing, something that has never been seen before it has social media abuzz. >> we're going to reveal it? >> that's a tease, ladies and gentlemen. we start with a trial. the shooting outside a washington state movie theater, a case of cold and calculated murder. >> and his lawyer's busy trying to poke holes in the testimony of the star witness and say no one was around to see who pulled that trigger. neal karlinsky is in our los angeles bureau with the story this morning. >> reporter: good morning. the trial has gotten under way. s it has already had a bit of an explosive start. man testified that he helped the defendant allegedly kill his wife because he was worried he would lose his job if he didn't. it was just outside the movie theater in yakama, washington,
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and john munzanreder and his wife, cynthia, had seen the film "parental guidance." >> it's an omen. >> of what? >> impending doom. >> reporter: they were just getting into their pickup truck when john shot his wife in the head. and a co-worker lit up the courtroom, he said the man had already offered him $20,000 to kill his wife. >> i said who. and he said, my wife. i asked him why. he told me he had suspicions that she had tried to kill him. >> reporter: that co-worker testifying in exchange for a lesser charge of second-degree murder says he turned down the offer to pull the trigger himself but he helped munzanreder out of fear he would lose his job. he told the jury he helped the suspect get rid of the murder weapon after he allegedly tossed it away from the crime scene. later, he says, he got a call. >> first phone call is, are you all right? are you okay?
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did you cover your tracks? did you delete your text messages? >> reporter: munzanreder's attorney says his client has done nothing but cooperate. even letting detectives swab his hand for gunshot residue. evidence will show he couldn't have shot his wife because they were on opposite sides of the pickup truck when she was hit. he was pleaded not guilty. as for a possible motive, a woman was on the stand saying she had an affair with the defendant, saying he discussed divorcing his wife, but that's all. the trial is expected to last a month. paula, dan? >> thank you, neal. let's head back to ron for another look at the headlines. good morning, ron. >> hi, again, paula, sara, dan, rob. >> hello, ron. >> so inclusive. >> the whole group. we begin with twin bomb threats targeting two commercial airliners. the fbi and the bomb squad searching the delta and southwest planes in atlanta. this was on saturday after a series of alarming messages on
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twitter about those flights. the planes landed safely accompanied by two twin f-16 air force fighter jets. no explosives were found. angelina jolie makes a surprise visit to iraq today. she visited a few refugee camps. the unannounced visit even surprising authorities. and in kansas city, missouri, demolition crews detonating part of the fairfax bridge. the controlled implosion will make way for a new roadway. the rest of the bridge will be taken down later this week. if you're thinking about a career change, look at this. a mysterious person or persons behind this hugely popular youtube video became the highest paid youtubers or youtuber last year. they raked in, he, she, it, they -- 5 million bucks. they open up packaged toys. mostly disney princess toys and play-doh products. videos racked up 15 million views, believed to be mostly by toddlers. >> play-doh? you play with some play-doh and
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you make $5 million? i play with play-doh all the time and i don't get paid for it. >> i should say that disney is the parent company of disney world. >> and that was ron doing that video. >> and abc and espn and others.+ >> they're good at opening the toys themselves. because they come in that plastic that's impossible to get open or you cut yourself doing it. so that's some of the trick right there. any-who -- >> awkward. >> on what ron mentioned. winds across southern california. we want to show you the san bernardino area. the area knocked out power yesterday. those transformers on the ground from winds gusting at over 60 miles an hour in the valleys. and over 80 miles an hour in some of the mountains east of san diego. they're going to continue today. hopefully, we don't have those kinds of trees down today. but it's possible. a warm wind for los angeles, 79. 64 degrees in san diego. high wind warnings and advisories are up once again. as the offshore flow continues.
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67 in san francisco. we'll see a chance for showers come monday and tuesday. more than just a few snow showers expected monday and tuesday across the northeast. this is the storm we've been talking about. the alberta clipper that we've been talking about. moving quickly. it will tap some of the warm moisture of the atlantic and really intensify. only one of our models keeps it offshore. most of the computers are agreeing we'll see a significant snow event. if it's farther offshore, new york gets skunked. but i think eastern new england is a sure thing of getting a foot, maybe two. this is the
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next couple of weeks. [ inhaling ] >> what could that be? >> this weather report sponsored by breathe-right nasal strips. >> oh. >> i thought you were doing yoga over there. >> meditation. you're the meditation guy. >> i am, i am. that's why i fully approve of everything rob marciano does. coming up, the awards show that could tell us who is likely to win big at the oscars. the favorites heading into the s.a.g. awards tonight. and taylor swift reveals something she never has before. and her fans can't stop talking about it. like ron. details up ahead in "pop news." >> ron is taylor swift fan number one. >> swifty. ther. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. and look for the calming scent of new
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that's how i own it. when the flu hits, it's a really big deal. the aches. the chills. the fever. an even bigger deal? everything you miss out on... family pizza night. the big game. or date night. why lose out to the flu any longer than you have to? prescription tamiflu can help you get better 1.3 days faster. that's 30% sooner. call your doctor right away. and attack the flu virus at its source with prescription tamiflu. tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash,
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or signs of unusual behavior stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. call your doctor right away. don't lose another moment to the flu. when there's flu, tamiflu. ♪ oh, here we go feel it in my soul really need it ♪ if you can't wait to find out who is going to win an oscar, you may want to keep an eye on tonight's s.a.g. >> they're seen as a look at things to come. kendis gibson is here with who is in the running. >> it's only been around for two decades. but the screen actors guild defining itself as the predictor for the oscars. sort of like a dress rehearsal. actors testing out their possible oscars acceptance
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speeches tonight. the red carpet rolled out. the statues polished. and the seats are selected for the 21st annual screen actors guild awards. where you can expect to see nominee julia roberts sitting with viola davis, both vying the very special statue. >> might as well hand you the trophy right now, miss pratt. >> it's very hard to know who the winners will be. this is the actors awards. they're going look for a film that is full of great acting. >> reporter: stars set to shine at the shrine auditorium. the film, "birdman" exploding on to the scene. leading the film category with four nominations, including outstanding performance by a cast and an outstanding actor nod for michael keaton. >> i'm sorry if i'm popular, mike. >> reporter: and abc's "modern family" leading the television categories with four nominations. the show defying the odds.
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>> hey. you feel like doing something a little crazy with me? >> what, no. >> reporter: with ty burrell and eric stonestreet both competing for the same award. the awards show an unofficial predictor of what we can expect for the oscars. last year, jared leto and matthew mcconaughey held the s.a.g. awards just weeks before holding up their academy award. >> all right, all right, all right. >> the screen actors guild has the best record for the actor winner going on to win the oz car. "boy hood" looks great. will it be will it be eddie redmayne for "the theory of everything"? >> reporter: the s.a.g. awards are set to spark oscar buzz once more. last year, all four actors winning s.a.g. awards went on to winning it all at the oscars. same thing has happened in much of the last four years. the oscars, of course, one month from tonight. one small little caveat.
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bradley cooper is nominated for an oscar. tonight, he's not nominated for a s.a.g. >> really? not nominated. >> uh-oh. >> he was incredible this that movie. how many awards are there? s.a.g.? dga. >> time line. go ahead. >> i think there's 15 in january. critic's choice. >> i need my abacus back. >> where is your abacus. >> is it under the table? >> what is it? >> you don't know what it is? for old people like me, how we used to count back in the day. >> sara what's three plus three? >> six. >> all righty, everybody. coming up on "good morning america," "snl" hilarious take on deflategate. it was way too easy. we're going to be right back with this. medicare part d, walgreens gets that you might be at the corner of "looking for a good deal" and "sheesh, i wish i'd looked some more." that's why walgreens makes it easy to switch your prescriptions and save money. just stop by. and leave all the legwork to us.
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7:48 am
come on ron. listen up claiborne. sara what do you have for us? it's time for "pop news." >> we're starting with a programming note. i didn't know what an abacus was. it's not because i'm dumb, it's because i'm young. you had to know "saturday night live" wasn't going to leave deflategate alone. they had fun playing with the now infamous patriots press conference given by quarterback tom brady. then brought in an assistant equipment co-manager who took the heat. >> deep down in places you don't talk about at super bowl parties, you want me on that ball, you need me on that ball! >> did you deflate the ball? >> i did the job i was told to do! >> did you deflate the ball? >> you're damn right i did! >> you know, i'm a huge fan of "a few good men." so i cannot hear "you can't handle the truth" enough.
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>> they did it well. they did it very well. >> they had to do it. >> i love the screaming reporter though. nailed it. nailed it. the super bowl is a week away. deflategate or not, football fans gotta eat. chances are chicken wings will be on the menu. so gang, grab some wings. right here. i'm going to share some fun facts. that ubiquitous plate of wings will cost you a bit more than last year. >> why? >> that's interesting, isn't it? because chicken wings are up. the national chicken council, listen up, dan, says we'll eat 1.25 billion wings. during the super bowl. that's enough to stretch from centurylink field to gillett stadium in foxboro almost 28 times. >> dan, you can eat the wings. >> that's delicious. >> ron, i want your help on this next pod. ron, ron? >> i'm eating, sara. >> taylor swift. >> oh. >> pop it, ron. no, read it. >> hold on. i'm eating.
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>> go, ron. >> taylor swift has answered a question her fans have been wondering about for ages. ages. i have. yes, she does have a belly button. who knew? the big reveal came in this instagram showing taylor and the girls posing for a picture. taylor swift said she wanted that part of her body to be a mystery. innie or outie. >> sell it ron. >> what did we find out? >> thank you, taylor. >> what did we find? >> ron, that was the best "pop news" ever. >> i was into it. i was into it. >> that had your name all over it. >> i was eating. by the way. >> sorry for the interruption. and, get ready to blast into the future with a little help from the past. there's word that america's best
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loved family is headed to the big screen. a new movie version of "the jetsons." the original program by hannah barbara fard aaired for a year in the 1960s --. >> barbera. >> barbera. >> it is? i thought it was like santa barbara. it took place in the year 2062. and by the looks of their outer space-age car, we have a lot of catching up to do. >> they didn't have a correct vision of where we are in the future. >> no it came back in the '80s. it did come back. >> yes, i remember watching in the '80s. >> seriously, who was alive in 1962. uncle ron? >> very old people. very, very old people. >> we all watched the reruns. good show. >> it was a good show. we'll be right back with more of this good show. "gma." keep it here.
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hey, thanks for watching everyone. don't forget "this week" coming up. >> george stephanopoulos. more wings for everybody.
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when the flu hits, it's a really big deal. the aches. the chills. the fever. an even bigger deal? everything you miss out on... family pizza night. the big game. or date night. why lose out to the flu any longer than you have to? prescription tamiflu can help you get better 1.3 days faster. that's 30% sooner. call your doctor right away. and attack the flu virus at its source
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with prescription tamiflu. tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. call your doctor right away. don't lose another moment to the flu. when there's flu, tamiflu.
8:00 am
>> announcer: starting right now on abc's "this week" -- breaking news. isis strikes again. what the terror group is demanding now to spare the lives of hostages. off and running. republicans descending on iowa. >> can you really compete in iowa? >> announcer: some key players making major moves. why what's happening this weekend could shake up 2016. >> you're in iowa. >> announcer: complete coverage from the hawkeye state. and, deflategate getting bigger. >> i'm embarrassed to talk about the amount of time i've put into this. >> reporter: the surprising new steps the patriots are taking now. could this supersize scandal overshadow the super bowl? from abc news, "this week" with george stephanopoulos begins now.


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