tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC January 27, 2015 11:35pm-12:38am PST
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>> jimmy: we're sending warm thoughts to you all where the blizzard is blizzarding. there was supposed to be a historic winter storm in the northeast last night. the new york mayor warned residents to prepare for something worse than they ever had before. forecasters predicted 30 inches of snow, now it looks like there's 4 and 12 inches of snow. that never would have happened under mayor bloomberg. if there was predicted to be a storm, you can be damn sure there would be. but that's why they're called weather man. they have no idea whether or not something is going on. so there's plenty of snow on the
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ground. unfortunately, the weather channel was on hand to show us how serious the situation was. >> i'm going to show you how what weary dealing with. check that out. >> jimmy: wow, so that's how wind works. i'd been wondering. that was raegan medgie. not only did she give us a glimpse into the horrors of wind, but provided us unwittingly with tonight's edition of "behind the news." >> we've got 60-mile-per-hour gusts here in stoney brook. and everybody's having a great time out here, obviously. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: do they have such a
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thing as pui? plowing under the influence? with all the bad weather, people expecting to be cooped up. some have been turning to craig's list to find blizzard companions. people have posted ads looking for blizzard boyfriends and girlfriends -- mostly girlfriends, let's be honest. or you can be murdered in a stranger's apartment. as a general rule, if you wouldn't sleep on a futon you found on craigslist, you probably shouldn't sleep with a person you found there either. in connecticut, this dog was raring to go. i'm sure he'll turn up by summer. there will be no snow at the super bowl in phoenix, arizona.
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it will be sunny and 70 degrees. but if you want to go to the game, it will cost you a lot of money, double than what they were last year. the average asking price is around $6,000 per ticket. and that's the average price. that's not for the good seats. do people not know the game is on television this year? on ebay, a group of four tickets is going for $51,000. although to be fair, that price includes a full body rub down from stadium security, but today was media day. this is where the players from both teams have to answer questions from the media from all over the world, whether they want to or not. it's an especially difficult day for seahawks marshawn lynch. he's been fined in the past for skipping out of interview sessions. i think they have to be there for 4:36. he showed up for 4:51, during which he gave this answer 29 consecutive times. >> i'm just here so i don't get
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fined. so you can sit hire and ask me all the questions y'all want to. i'm going to answer with the same answer, so you all can shoot if you please. i'm here so i won't get fined. i'm here so i won't get fined. i'm here so i won't get fined. i'm just here so i won't get fined. i'm here so i won't get fined. i'm here so i won't get fined. i'm just here so i won't get fined. i'm here so i won't get fined. i'm just here so i won't get fined. hey, i'm just here so i won't get fined. i'm just here so i won't get fined. >> jimmy: like a broken -- [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: if i was commissioner of the nfl, i would immediately fine him, right? much of the talk this super bowl week continues to be centered on the new england patriots and their insufficiently inflated balls. the nfl is investigating a
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person of interest, rumored to be a patriots ball boy. the league has surveillance video that reportedly shows the ball boy taking footballs from the locker room into a bathroom for about 90 seconds before he takes them out onto the field. here is a video. see if you in any way think he could be deflating all these balls. okay. that's the kid. now this is, those are the balls that, they have them in nylon bags there. and it does seem as, yes, he definitely is deflating those balls. but there are a lot of them. and, wait a minute. and then you can see somebody comes in and he scoots out. and he didn't even wash his hands. he deflated them a little.
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[cheers and applause] make it is look more natural. we have a birthday boy in the house. happy birthday, guillermo. [cheers and applause] guillermo's birthday. i want to tell you something. nobody knows how old you are. i tweeted about your birthday, and people were guessing that you were anywhere between 18 and 75 years old. >> wow. >> jimmy: it's hard to believe, that i found a the little pinata on the doorstep. inside was guillermo. how many shots have you had today? >> one. >> jimmy: but it was a super big gulp size, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: is there going to be a party or dinner? >> my mom's taking me to dinner. >> jimmy: where's your mom taking you? >> to this mexican place, you
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know. >> jimmy: i know the place. you'll be at home? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's nice. >> yeah. it's going to be great. >> jimmy: you know, facebook went down very early this morning. people might not have known that it was your birthday. around 1:00 this morning eastern time, facebook and instagram were temporarily out of commission for one terrible hour. monday fun days went out, ex-boyfriends went unstalked. we finally learned what it is like to be amish. so the outage went long enough for people to start complaining about it on twitter and google plus. you know, when people resort to using google plus, you now something has gone terribly wrong, but it's back up, thank god, and we can get back to our lives. there's a new service called pick at too. you can now take your selfies
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and put them all over yourse self selfie. instead of 12 tattoos, you order them, $14.99. they last about seven days on your body, and it will allow you to take the ultimate instagram picture. instead of your feet at the beach, you can post your feet at the beach tattooed on your feet at the beach. it's like instagram ception. this went down in the prime minister of hungary and what a handshake this is. [cheers and applause] they take the buddy system very seriously. i think that means they're married now. i'm not sure. you know, here in l.a. we are always obsessed with the latest food trends, and there are loot
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of them. right now people are drinking butter in their coffee. to lose weight. it's crazy. but maybe even crazier is all the cold pressed juice stores i see popping up. cold pressed juice is supposed to be better for you. they say it resets your body, which is ridiculous. but people are paying, like, $8 a bottle for it. so i decided to produce my company, and i sent people to the local market. we used fun dip. we mixed fun dip with water and told people it was a natural juice called soul. >> we're here with our line of cold pressed natural, extraordinarily expensive beverages. >> nice. >> does that sound appealing to you? >> that sounds appealing. that sounds very appealing. >> so go through your lungs,
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through your liver, your spleen. how do you feel? >> i feel great. that's a much lighter type, like a cleansing, more -- >> like deep breath, it feels refreshing, like you just drank something that's good for you. and you kind of take a deep breath, you know, a sigh of relief. >> i would drink it regularly. it tastes good, and it seems like it's good for you. and it's not too sugary, like a lot of juices are now. it still has that good juice taste to it. >> natural. it doesn't taste like chemically at all. >> it's kind of fun, right? >> yeah. yeah. >> and taking a little dip in some fun. >> a little refreshing dim into a pool of juice. >> jimmy: they really liked that. so then we got a can of tang, you know the drink that the astronauts were forced to
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we called this one cure. let's see how they liked this organic bingeverage. >> do you. >> reporter: yourself a juice connoisseur? >> definitely. that's really good. definitely citrus. some kind of citrus. it's not so sweet, it's like you squeezed it out of the fruit. >> what's the difference between this and a beverage from concentrate? >> it's fresh. much better. much, much better. it's delicious. >> would you call it tangy? >> it's not particularly sour, so i wouldn't call it tangy. a little bit more muted than tangy, but definitely very light, very summer. >> on a scale of one to ten, one being a powder drink and ten being the most organic thing imaginable -- >> oh, it's a ten, it's a ten. no doubt about it. >> not even like a tiny doubt.
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>> no doubt. >> do you think it's worth the $19 price tag? >> yes. yeah. your health is worth everything. >> jimmy: yeah, all right, so next -- [cheers and applause] as if that wasn't good enough, next we melted some creamsicles. you know the delicious ice cream bar with the vanilla inside? and we melted that and told people it was a juice mix called detox. and here we go. >> how does this taste to you? >> it tastes like natural, real juice, like it's pure juice. >> i don't feel no chemical. i don't feel anything. i just feel just natural. >> do you feel healthier just drinking it? >> i can go for a jog right now. feel great. >> you could go for a jog and then 20 minutes later feel horrible. >> right. >> jimmy: and finally we put a bag of skittles and water into a
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blender, and we called this one rainbow, i believe was what we called it, basically corn syrup and artificial color in water and we served it to the people at the farmer's market. >> we have one called rainbow. >> okay. >> and if you could just tell me what you're detecting. >> organic. delicious. >> you don't feel thirsty or it kind of quenches your thirst. >> you don't feel like you're coated with sugar? >> no. it doesn't taste too sweet at all. >> on a scale of one to to ten, one being skittles and ten being real grefruit, where does this fall? >> nine. >> you taste the kale. >> other kale obviously. this is my favorite one of all of them. i love this one. this is a ten in my eyes. >> maybe because it's crushed up skittles and water.
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>> is it really? >> yeah. >> swear. >> i swear. >> are you serious? >> yeah. >> it tastes healthy. i guess i'll start drinking skittles now. taste the rainbow. >> taste the rainbow. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: we have a big show tonight music from jamie cullum, eddie redmayne is here, and we'll be right back with kevin costner. welcoi'm jerry rice,down! here discussing the big race between the tortoise and the hare. my guest is stephanie branton. jerry, i'm going bunny. shocker. not really. you see, the hare's "thoracic limbs" allow for greater extension and elongated strides. look for the hare to leverage this advantage. ok.
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sizzling with prime rib and gooey cheese. i better (just) silence this sizzle! the new philly cheesesteak and egg skillet. denny's. welcome to america's diner. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: hello again. tonight, a talented young man from across the atlantic ocean. he is nominated for a best actor oscar for his role in "the theory of everything," eddie redmayne is here. then later, another very gifted englishman, his new album came out today, it's called "interlude," jamie cullum from the at&t stage. he has an eight piece horn section. so it's going to be an especially horny night. you can see jamie live on february 5th at the beacon theater in new york. tomorrow night, maybe our most beautiful show ever,
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david beckham will be here, elle macpherson will join us, and we'll have music fron vance joy. and on thursday, kerry washington, dave salmoni with wild animals, and music from ne-yo. >> jimmy: our first guest is a terrific actor and oscar-winning director who, to save time, you know from "dances with jfk & bull durham in an untouchable field of dreams," with wolves. his latest is called "black or white," it opens in theaters friday. please welcome, kevin costner. >> jimmy: i don't want to embarrass you, but i know you had a big birthday this month. >> i turned 60.
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[cheers and applause] >> jimmy: you look good. >> thank you. thanks. >> jimmy: it happens, right? best case scenario. >> yeah, like you can hold that back. >> jimmy: and i heard you rented the whole back room at soup plantation, yes? >> i probably had about 100 friends come, and it was a good night. i didn't want to do it. my daughter, my wife made me do t my daughter did kind of a cool thing. she had 60 of my friends i guess circling the number 60, write me really personal letters and put them in a treasure box and handed it to me that night, and i thought how cool that your friends get to talk to you so wherever i go i take four or five of those letters and revisit my life with those people. >> jimmy: that's a great idea. >> it kind of beat all the other stuff. a treasure chest, here you go. >> jimmy: have you gone through all of them? >> no, i keep taking them. >> jimmy: and do you have to write a letter?
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>> i'll have to do something. >> jimmy: but this will turn out to be like 18 months of work for you. this is a really great gift. do you get emotional? >> a couple of them. you never know how you affect people. and some people wanted money back. you never know. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so when you have a big party like that, do you like that kind of thing? >> not really. but this went all through the night. when they finally kicked us out of the place we ended up at our house in the kitchen and made breakfast at 4:00 in the morning. i'm going, ooh, what camp am i in? >> jimmy: you can be in both camps, cross pollinate the camp. instead of syrup, you have tequila on your pancakes. that's what guillermo will be doing. how old are your kids by the way? >> they go from 4 to
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>> jimmy: i have a 6 month old daughter and a 23-year-old and a 21 year old. it's strange. >> it is, just crazy. >> jimmy: do you find that your older children are helpful with the little ones? >> they are. but if the little ones are also finding like, boy, they're so defined in who they are. and i mean, you know, you're always going, people want you to describe one, describe their differences, and i tell you. they had, i can describe them all based on one event. i had a 3-year-old girl, 4-year-old boy, 6-year-old boy, and they're going to get their flu shot, and my 6-year-old boy is a brave boy, tough, but the needle freaked him out. the needle made him to where he made like a scene, a really bad scene, you know, and people were kind of watching, and my middle boy is my gentle boy, hayes, and he says to his mom, he says, let's bring caden back tomorrow. it's like, wow, because let's just bring caden back tomorrow.
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and my 3-year-old girl says no. he gets it now. [ laughter ] no. he gets it now. she pulled up her sleeve and right at him, she never winced. and my 6-year-old boy was dying and my jebtsle boy was here, and grace was, no, he gets it now. >> jimmy: he had to go along with it, i guess. >> she's the one that puts me in my place for sure. >> jimmy: are the little ones aware of what you do for a living? >> not really. a little bit. they kind of understand, like grace, oh, grace, i was watching "black or white". there's this moment when i'm coming out of a pool. and i was studying, i didn't wat her really in the room. and she came in and sat next to me, and i didn't really feel her because i was really concentrating. then i get pulled out of the pool. and it's done, and i look over to her, and she said dad, you got a fat belly. and i looked at, what? yeah, you got a big belly.
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i tried to explain to her, character development. i was going to be a grandpa. [ applause ] >> you got a big belly. so in a nutshell, that's who they are. >> jimmy: we talked about football before. you're a very serious football fan. you don't like to have a whole bunch of, like a big thing going on around you. >> i like it on tv and i like it pretty quiet. i very rarely say anything. i want to watch every play. that's just the way it's always been. >> jimmy: super bowl, will you go to a party? >> i will not go to a party, but when i have found myself at one because of various -- i did draft day last year. and a big part of the promotion, hey, go to the super bowl. i was miserable there. >> jimmy: super bowl is one of the worst events to go to. >> i want to be close, i want to have the dog. i don't want to be there in person. i like the replay.
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i like all of it. kind of boring, but that's how i watch sports, and i'm not really wild about people talking to me. >> jimmy: do you feel -- [ laughter ] do you feel, i know you watch and study, do you feel one way or another about who will win this game? >> i don't know. these are the two tough guys in junior high where you don't know who will win. russell is a really interesting player. >> jimmy: does it bother you, this incident with the footballs? >> i hope it's not true, but i'd never say to belichick and tom after they said we didn't tamper with the balls. somebody said that to me and i said i didn't do it, and then you say it to my face, that's a problem. so when they both said it, i didn't mesh with them. that's where i line up. and i like troy achemanikman but if tom said i didn't do it, that's where i sit.
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but if they said they didn't do it, let it alone. and if they find out later they did, something else. but for right now, for guys who can bold-faced say they knew, that's a bold position. >> jimmy: there you go. kevin costner. he stands for truth, justice and the american way. and "black or white". we'll be right back. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by stouffer's mac cups. the mac and cheese you love, in a convenient little cup. now available in pepperoni pizza, chili cheese, and buffalo style! can we get a little help? we've got pepsi! what if we just take like 15 minutes? halfway through the game? they've got pepsi. (whistle) ♪ so what do we call that? halftime. i like halftime. even the first halftime wasn't halftime without pepsi. because it's not football without halftime and it's not halftime without pepsi.
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are you okay, >> it just doesn't make any sense. >> it's not sad. we'll take a family vacation. >> i know. it just reminds me of another story. a sad one. i just got sad. that's fine. we've been spying on her, but we can't get too close to the shore. is lanna okay? >> jimmy: that is kevin costner. "black or white" opens in theaters everywhere friday. that little girl, what is her name? >> julian estelle. >> jimmy: is so great and
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adorable in this movie. in a lot of movies it seems like they're acting, but she didn't. >> she's just really outstanding. i hope it's a movie that you guys go see. >> jimmy: you had q&a and i asked you about that scene in particular. >> yeah, you did. >> jimmy: because i wondered how a kid would be able to do something like that. >> that last thing where she raised up and kissed me was a, you know, a lot of times actors do things that aren't in the page. you don't expect children to do that, what they're told, and she intuitively made that scene, and you have to obviously see the movie in its whole -- >> jimmy: it's very sweet. >> but it was an electric moment where she handed me my performance. >> jimmy: and to keep going like that has to take some real concentration i guess. >> sometimes the little people know what the big people need in this world. [ applause ] >> jimmy: see that, guillermo? that's what i do.
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>> that's what i do. >> jimmy: you made so many great movies, and i feel like, you know, your movies are like my life or something. not that i've really ever achieved anything, but, you know, you can mark each time of your life by all of these great movies. you won a couple of academy awards. and you know redmayne might win best actor, would you give advice? >> i would say this is a great time. you dream of acting, now you get asked to dress up, take your sweet heart, let her dress up. your girl gets to dress up. but i walked in to say something to him, because i said look, congratulations, but i also said, you know, i metz steven hawkins. i got a call. he asked to come to my house. and i have a bizarre enough life
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as it is. but 12, 15 years ago, i steven hawking would like to meet you. and i said okay. so he came, in a van with an entourage of ten people. it looked a little bit like cuckoo's nest to me. there were people and nurses with long hair from netherlands, and they wanted to go dancing later that night, but he wanted to meet me. my oldest was 12, and i said i want you to meet this machbts i didn't know a lot about him. i'm a public school man, so steven hawkins, let's go. so he came, and i was obviously taken back at, you know, he was in that wheelchair. he wasn't able to move. wanted, got him a drink and most of it ended up on the floor, and i saw my children just a little bit shocked, and i said, look, if you want to go finish your
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homework you can do that. and of course they peeled off, because i thought this isn't going to work for them. but he came over. >> jimmy: did he explain what he wanted? >> i was waiting for it. and finally he said, i'd like to know about whitney houston. i said you're just like me, let's get to it. i said you're not the only one, steve, a lot of people want to know about whitney. what do you want to know? and that was it. and they got in their van, and they took off. >> jimmy: wow. somebody should tell him about e-mail. you could have covered that really quickly. now congratulations on the movie. it's called "black or white". go see it. it opens at theaters everywhere on friday. kevin costner, everybody. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world.
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it would be fun to pick my favorite top of the night. something that is really cute. you ready? let's scan the audience and find out. yes, there we go. that is such a cute top! congratulations to our cute top wearer of the night! >> jimmy: we'll be right back with eddie redmayne. (announcer) don't settle for 4g lte coverage that's smaller or less reliable when only one network is america's largest and most reliable 4g lte network: verizon. with xlte, our 4g lte bandwidth has doubled in over 400 cities. and now, save without settling. get 2 lines with 10gb of data for just $110... ...or four lines for just $140. and get a $150 bill credit for each smartphone you switch. hurry! offers end february 4th. only on verizon.
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[cheers and applause] >> jimmy: our next guest is a very gifted actor who is having a great year. he won a golden globe and a sag award, and is nominated for an oscar for best actor, his movie is "the theory of everything." >> bow ties, how they glow more than the women's dresses. >> yes. >> do you know why? >> tide. >> the washing powder? >> it is caused by the uv light. >> why do you know that? "the theory of everything" is in theatres now. please welcome eddie redmayne.
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>> jimmy: how are you doing? >> thank you for having me. >> jimmy: many accolades, is it still exciting when a celebrity opens an envelope and calls your name? >> endlessly exciting. it's completely surreal. maybe in a few months or few years time i'll look back on it and put it all together. >> jimmy: who presented you with the sag award? >> julia roberts. my dad's favorite film is "pretty woman". so as a kid at an appropriate age, i was watching "pretty woman." when your name gets called out, it's a euphoria. suddenly there i was hugging julia roberts, and i was meant to be articulate and all i could
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think of was, "i want to tell my dad." >> jimmy: did you give him the low down afterwards? >> we had a long conversation afterwards. >> jimmy: was there anyone else you were excited to meet? >> endlessly. it's like a kid in a candy store. all these people that you've long admired. my wife and i love "friends." >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> we love friends generally. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> and so we saw jennifer aniston at a party. >> jimmy: oh, nice. >> and we were just incredibly inpropriate and we wanted to meet her and we literally stalked about 4 meters behind her for the entire evening and eventually -- [ laughter ] >> and she was as beautiful and wonderful as you'd expect her to be. and there were lots of high points. >> jimmy: thank goodness. if someone disappoints you you
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can take it pretty hashed. >> she could have turned around and slapped us for being stalkers. >> jimmy: well, yes, she would have been within her legal right to do that. but this movie is about steven hawking. now you've met steven hawking, i assume. >> i have. >> jimmy: did he ask you about whitney houston? >> he didn't. he definitely, he's one of the most charismatic men i've ever met, and he has, he's definitely a lady's man. and i, he's like, in my trailer before i started filming, ended up having three photographs. one was albert einstein with his tongue out, one was a joker in a pack of cards, and the last was james dean, because he has this kind of sex appeal. >> jimmy: and do you feel like you got to know the manuel
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personally? >> i've met him a few times, and he's been so generous to us. but that first time i met him, i spent months and months with harry, reading and watching everything i could and i got to spend time with him. and he now uses his imeye muscl. and he has a screen and that goes agross the alphabet. i was filling air and calling him professor hawking this, trying to be -- and the first thing he said in his iconic voice, he said please call me steven. but because you can't choose the information or he can't alter the information i couldn't work out whether he was saying stop being such a
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i just sweated a lot. and by the end, i was hoping the glass was half full. >> jimmy: i have to say, it must be a strange thing for someone to play you in a movie while you're alive and most of the people that are portrayed in the movie are still alive, and for him to not hate you after that has got to be a great compliment. >> it's a blessed relief. >> jimmy: sure, absolutely. you live in london. are the oscars a big thing? london? >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's the middle of the night there? >> yeah, but i was able to stay up till 5:00 in the morning and watch them. >> jimmy: so you've been planning for that. >> yeah, but definitely dreaming. >> jimmy: i have to imagine that this is somewhat nerve-wracking going into a situation like that. >> i don't think i was lucky enough a couple years ago, i was in les miserables, and we had to
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sing at the oscars, and that was, we'd sung live when we made the film, but if you messed up a take you could do it again. and actually, when you had to sing live at the oscars, we had only one opportunity, and we were there behind the scenes with hugh jackman and amanda seyfried and russell crowe, all of us sort of nervous, and literally as we being shoved on, they said yeah, that will be an audience of a billion people, at which point, literally my armpits started rubbing. i had to be given an aggressive shove. >> jimmy: that's a very comfort being thing for him to say. sounds like you had one of the top guys back there. you're also in the movie "jupiter ascending", with channing tatum which opens february 5th. >> february 5th. >> jimmy: 5th. so you are doing a lot of stuff. i imagine in a situation like this when you're winning a lot
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of stuff you get all kinds of great offers. >> those who make the matrix, they have the most crazy, insane imaginations, and when you do a film with them you get a glimpse in their mind for a minute. and it was a joyous, wondrous, wild place to be. >> jimmy: you got married last month. have you had a chance to take a honeymoon yet? >> we did. we got married over christmas and were able to go skiing. there was no snow until we left, there was like 2 feet in new york. we got in a traffic jam like refugees fleeing. i scrambled in the car. do you want to know anymore? >> jimmy: i hope after the oscars you can take your wife on a proper honeymoon. >> i hope so. >> jimmy: that would be the proper thing to do. very good to have you here. "the theory of everything" is in theatres now, and "jupiter ascending" opens february 6th.
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we shall return with music from jamie cullum. [cheers and applause] >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world. ♪ for th♪forever...e in... ♪...there'll be music... ♪...there'll be light... ♪...for the first time in forever♪ ♪...i'll be dancing through the night♪ frozen fun is at disney california adventure park for a limited time. with a great room offer you'll be close to all the fun! ♪...'cause for the first time in forever...♪ ♪...i won't be alone.
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is present by at&t. mobilizing your world. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank kevin costner, eddie redmayne, and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. nightline is next, but first his album "interlude" came out today, here with the song "don't you know," with help from the cletones, jamie cullum. [cheers and applause] ♪ well, don't you know baby well, don't you know baby now don't you know baby little girl, little girl ♪ ♪ don't you know please listen to me baby girl, i'm in love with you so now turn your lamp down low ♪ ♪ i said turn your lamp down low woo, turn your lamp down low
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and turn your lamp down low ♪ ♪ come on, now baby girl, i'm in love with you so now i know i've been away for such a long time ♪ but now baby i can't get you off of my mind so come on now baby come on, come on now child ♪ ♪ oh, listen to me baby love your daddy all night long so turn your lamp down low like i love you ♪ ♪ so we can do all the things that we use to do come on, come on now baby come on, come on now baby ♪ ♪ please listen to me baby love your daddy all night long
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i'm back in town ♪ ♪ let's mess around see what i'm puttin down come on now baby come on, come on now, child ♪ ♪ please listen to me baby love your daddy all night long so turn your lamp down low 'cause i love you so ♪ ♪ baby, baby please come on baby, baby please come on now you give me talking with me baby love your daddy ♪ ♪ all night long asked
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[cheers and applause] this is nightline. tonight. the verdict is in the former college football players. what key evidence caught on tape could mean for their sentence. the new face of mormonism. they're pretty, friendly, and coming for you. younger and hipper than ever before, these modern missionaries are taking us inside their private world. >> people want to talk to you when they see you just happy and colorful. and nine months from now, will we see a blizzard baby boom? what the
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