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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  February 3, 2015 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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always. i'm dan ashley for ama and larry beil and sandhya patel. thank you for being here. mila kunis up n >> announcer: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight mila kunis, from "better call saul," bob odenkirk. and music from charli xcx. with cleto and the cletones. and now, here's jimmy kimmel! a a
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>> jimmy: tonight on the show music from charli xcx. how many in the audience are here specifically to get away from the cold? [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: how many are here specifically to get away from your families? [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: it's sunny and 75 degrees today. i don't say that to rub it in. today i tried to make a snow angel, a kid ran me over on a bike. winter decided to skip us and focus on the east coast.
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linus was blanketed with heavy snow, which is right, he did carry a blanket. boston had more than 16 inches of snow yesterday. it had more than 40 inches in a week, which 40 inch, do you know what you would look like in 40 inches of snow you would look something like this. [ applause ] one good thing about the snow, it makes the local news more interesting. this is from our local affiliate in boston. they're getting ready for a live shot and wound up witnessing this. >> oh! >> are you rolling that? are you guys okay? this is a hit-and-run. this is a hit-and-run right here. they're taking off. >> jimmy: that's right. hey, you know what?
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it's their fault they park on such a fun street. by the way, a good reporter always asks were you rolling on that first, then, are you guys okay. this is video from ashland county, ohio. not only are motor vehicle enthusiasts having fun in the snow, the amish are doing it too, okay? now that was a horse and buggy, doing donuts. there's got to be an easier way to churn butter, doesn't there? that is what people without iphones do for fun. you know, when it snows like this, the weather channel really comes to life. when the weather is nice, nobody's really watching the weather channel. but they go nuts like your mom does when you come home for a visit. but when you get there, there's a lot to talk about. i had somebody watch the weather channel for 24 hours yesterday, a kid named anthony.
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he's home taking a nap right now. he watched a full day of the weather channel and spliced all the most interesting parts together and here is how they spent the day talking about snow. >> one thing the weather channel does is provide expert analysis. >> i am in punxsutawney collecting snowflakes. >> you think that's a car under that? wow. >> i can use my boot and you can see concrete. >> you can watch this go back and forth. >> walking on the sidewalk, you have to do one of those oh, to get over it. some people have hoodies. some people have coats. >> look how it brushes off this thing here. >> they have a layer of light, fluffy snow, a then just, boom. >> now you can see that it's dripping, right behind. so this is what we're dealing with right here. >> jimmy: so be safe out there,
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guys. our real heroes. the climate separates the professionals from the enthusiasts. last night patriots was here and his family was here, with the party bus. i hung out with them a little after the show. i've never felt more like danny devito than i did last night. so after they left here they went out on the town. it's a slow monday night here in hollywood, but they made it a tmz caught up with rob coming out of a nightclub, and i think he's having fun. >> what up, rob? >> how you doing? >> oh! >> hey, hey, hey, >> we got a lot of hot chicks coming. we want to take your picture.
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>> whoo! >> oh, my gosh! >> whoo! >> jimmy: tell you what, rob gronkowski. i will say this, he is going to make the best bachelor ever next season. why not? nobody wants to live on a farm. yuck women want to live on a party bus. radio, i don't know if you heard this, radio shack may be going out of business. i guess people just aren't buying as many blank vhs tapes as they used to. radio shack is close to filing for bankruptcy. they're planning to sell half of their stores to sprint and close the rest. the real news here is that radio shack was still open in the first place. it's been around for what, it was founded in 1921, back when people still had radios. and while they might be going out of business, before they do, they're having a big sale so we
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can stock up on all the little things we might need in the future. >> after 94 years, radio shack is closing its doors and everything must go, red and black speaker thingies. this thing. these. that's not for sale, but this is. and so much more. remember, when all these doohickies and dongles are gone, they're gone. radio shack, last call, geeks. [ applause [ applause ] >> jimmy: if you haven't made valentine's day plans yet, this is a real thing happening in oregon. it's called cuddle con. they say cuddle con is a completely platonic experience, basically like an orgy minus all the good stuff. the convention begins, it opens with a class called consent 101. i don't know. i feel like if someone needs
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that class maybe i don't want to cuddle with them. but there are a number of activities including massage lesso lessons, pillow fights and a snuggle party which sounds great if you're a fabric softener bear. the founder, shockingly is a woman, had to say about this. >> it is in oregon, the cuddling capital of the world. we want to make sure we get everybody to the location because we have the experts. we know all the people who are going to keep you safe and happy and have a great time for everybody. there's a ton of touch-related industries. and we've got several different venues that will have activities going on. so come check them out. >> jimmy: i did not know there were a ton of cuddling-related industries there. hey, guys, when should we schedule cuddle con? how about right in the middle of
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flu season and a measles outbreak? [ applause ] while we're on the subject of uncomfortable humor interaction, uber today, uber is a limo app, they'll send a car to pick you up and take you wherever you want to go. uber announced plans to build self-driving cars. in other words, uber announced a plan to fire all their drivers. the ceo of uber said when there's no other dude in the car, the cost of taking a uber becomes cheaper than owning a vehicle. should we feel safe about putting our lives in the hands of a ceo who calls his drivers "dudes "? i feel like in 35 years it will be illegal to drive a car yourself and our grandchildren will be amazed that we did. wait a minute, you're telling me
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that people used to control these machines that weigh thousands of pounds? yes, we did. and people drove around them in them and crashed every day. they'll shake their heads and go back right into their sex pods. the technology they're planning to use here cos sound amazing. this is the announcement video from uber. ♪ >> we're so excited to unveil the new, self-driving uber, but we want to make sure our customers still received same outstanding uber experience they've become accustomed to. that's why we're announcing uber ai. >> hi, uber. >> what's up, bro? >> what's up? >> uber ai is programmed to do everything a physical driver used to do. like offer you water. >> you want water?
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>> sure. >> should be back there. >> play loud, annoying dance music. >> ooh! uber, can you turn down the music? >> aye. >> complain about how uber used to be better. >> uber used to be better because they take mustache. their price go down, down, down. they say they no do -- >> and of course, spray offensive cologne in the air. >> you like? it is very good, from cvs. >> the new uber ai, with all the little water bottles, bad music and cologne you'd expect, without him. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i like him. very sad. poor guy. he lost that and his radio shack gig all in the same week. february, as you probably know
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is black history month. president ford officially announced it in 1976. since then a lot of change, mostly for the better. not all but mostly. and i thought that would be a good area for tonight's pedestrian question. so today we went out on hollywood boulevard and asked people, do you have a black friend. now the way this works, we're going to see someone introduce themself and based on that introduction we will guess whether they have a black friend. our first pedestrian is -- >> my name's brian. >> do you have a black friend? >> jimmy: all right, does brian have a black friend? all right the country is divided. well, let's take a look. >> a black friend? of course. >> what's his name? >> his name is allen. >> jimmy: there's no allen. come on. is there an allen? that's brian. and who do we have next?
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>> hi, i'm australia. >> jimmy: does tracy have a black friend? >> no. >> why not? >> there aren't that many in australia. >> would you like a black friend? >> yeah, of course. >> jimmy: i think maybe we made a love connection right there. who is our next white person? >> i'm chuck pruitt from lancaster, oh, oio. >> do you have a black friend? >> jimmy: does chuck pruitt have a black friend? mostly yeses, but said softly. >> a black friend, yeah. >> name this person. >> black friend, who would that be? actually -- [ applause ] >> uh. >> jimmy: by the way, he's still standing out there trying to
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come up with a name. next up? >> i'm nicolette and i'm from new york. >> do you have a black friend? >> jimmy: everyone says she has a black friend. >> i do have a black boyfriend. >> all right, you're cool. thank you. >> jimmy: she gets double points for that. who else do we have on the boulevard? >> linwood, from virginia. >> do you have any white friends? >> jimmy: does linwood from virginia have any white friends? >> no. >> why not? >> i don't know. whites are kind of scary. >> jimmy: hard to argue with that. and finally? >> hi, isabel, from new york city. >> do you have a black friend? >> jimmy: does isabel -- >> yes! >> jimmy: pretty much everyone says yes except for one woman. >> uh, yeah.
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>> what's his name? >> tyrone. >> is it just one? >> no. i have a lot of black friends. >> prove it. >> how? >> are they in your phone? >> yeah. >> tyrone, you black? are you black? cool, sweet, peace. thanks. you have a good day. [ applause ] >> jimmy: poor tyrone had to be very confused. special thanks to tyrone and happy black history month. >> jimmy: tonight on the show music from charli xcx. from "better call saul" bob odenkirk is here. and we'll be right back with mila kunis.
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your moget in...rible driver. that's not my mom! hey! i'm sorta your mom. we're both 25-35 years old, we're both women on the go and we've both clocked a lot of miles. believe me. whatever. i'm out of here. sorta you, isn't you. only esurance has coveragemyway. it helps make sure you only pay for what's right for you, not someone sorta like you. that's insurance for the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. introducing olive garden's first-ever four course starting at $12.99. enjoy an individual appetizer, salad, and breadsticks. one of six entrees, like smoked mozzarella chicken. and a decadent dessert. four courses start at just $12.99 at olive garden.
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who wants to try a new burger? that's good! it's really good. very juicy. that's melted garlic herb butter. it's original. i like soft buns. i would buy this. this is amazing! could this be from jack in the box? definitely not jack in the box, no. i'm not a big fan of jack in the box burgers
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and... this is really good! thanks... i guess. that is my new buttery jack with garlic herb butter melted right on. you can go classic or bacon & swiss will they melt in your mouth? you butter believe it. they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud.
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>> jimmy: hello everyone. tonight from the new "breaking bad" spin-off known as "better call saul" it premieres sunday night on amc the very funny bob odenkirk is here. then later a talented, grammy-nominated artist her album is called "sucker" charli
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xcx from the at&t outdoor stage. tomorrow jeff bridges will be here to chat and play music too from "the walking dead" lauren cohan will be here. and thursday a magical night with magic johnson and music from the band magic! together. [ applause ] siegfried & roy back together? we should get them. no. our first guest tonight has been famous since the 70s, even though she was born in the 80s her new science fiction spectacular "jupiter ascending" opens in theatres friday. please welcome mila kunis. [cheers and applause] ♪
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>> jimmy: very good to see you. the last time you were here, you were, you know, were you very much with child. >> yeah, i was. >> jimmy: so what happened? you had the child? >> she came out. >> jimmy: thank goodness. >> she made her appearance. >> jimmy: and you lost the weight, like immediately? >> it's been four months. >> jimmy: that's pretty impressive. >> breast-feeding is like working out. >> jimmy: i have a daughter. she's six months. and i've been trying that. she won't latch on. >> jimmy, you're funny. >> jimmy: they say that works. >> i am very active. i hike almost every day with her. >> jimmy: oh, exercise, i didn't think. >> a strap and a papoose and here we go. this is my very first time to be out and about. i left her at home yesterday for the first time during the premiere. it's frightening. i was with her every day for the first four months of her little life. >> jimmy: does it make you feel
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sad when you're away from her? >> i cried. if anyone's a mom and being a stay-at-home mom, it's a very weird feeling to all of a sudden leave your child. it's not that i don't trust who she's with. it's just that i'm not with her. >> jimmy: you don't trust ashton? like using her as a prop in a sketch or something like that? >> on that note, no. i trust him. he's an incredible father. but the way i hold the baby and the way he holds the body. he's like a jungle gym. i'm like oh, child, and he's like oh, child! >> jimmy: i think it toughens them up if you carry them like a football and swing them around. i couldn't understand why my daughter kept spitting up on me all the time. and i figured out hanging her upside down like this had gravity. it turns out that's not a good
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thing to do. congratulations. wyatt is her name? cute name for a girl. >> she has a boy cousin named wyatt. it's fine. >> jimmy: draidrai ukraine. >> mm-hm. >> jimmy: i have a movie-oriented, i imagine everything in the ukraine to be black and white. >> that's because it is. it's weird. chernobyl really did a number on that country, took all the color out of it. i know where you're going with this story and my mom's going to kill me. i'm so sorry, but this is the truth. my mom, i was cloth diapered, in russia, 31 years ago they didn't have the current-day diapers, everything was cloth. you sanitized them in a hot bucket, you hang them, iron them, pin them. that's how i was raised.
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and when i showed my mom current diapers, she's like, i don't understand. what is this? well, mommy, you stick the baby on and velcro. and she's like, throw it in the trash? this is amazing. it took her the longest time to stop putting it upside down. the velcro on the top, and i'm like, no, on the bottom. the velcro things really got her. >> jimmy: that's crazy. wait until she gets hold of tickle me elmo. >> by the way, all the toys that they have. my dad has gone crazy buying her things. her very first cell phone and the piano kirk and the baby einstein -- and my house is full of noise. >> jimmy: and all they really want is an empty water bottle. >> all she wants is rope and string. it would be like this, all in her mouth.
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she doesn't care about anything else. >> jimmy: i wonder if people are bored who get together they have babies and people don't have babies. >> i'm sorry. this is awful. >> jimmy: i have ideas for inventions when it comes to, because at home they could do this better and they could change this. >> yes. >> jimmy: and everybody time i mention something on the air somebody send it is to me, because it's already been invented. is ashton doing technology? >> people bring more baby things to him and he kind of runs them by me. there are these things like bella beads. i'm not doing an advertisement, but you put a microphone around the baby's belly and you ask hear the baby's heartbeat. i think this is awful. if you're doing something, sometimes you can't hear the heartbeat and you panic.
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if your baby is a little poppy seed, you have to dig for it. at three months, i was like, where is it? going crazy. people run these things by him all the tile. when we started dating, this is an awesome story. this is fact. tinder hadn't been out yet, so he's like, babe, i've got this thing i'm looking at. you need to look at this app. i download tindr. this is stof they do at home. he makes me go on all these websites. >> jimmy: so he put you on a dating website? >> yes. >> jimmy: what's the baby version of tinder? >> jimmy: grind ir. i don't know. >> jimmy: more with mila kunis when we come back.
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12:06 am
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what's going on? what was that?
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>> jimmy: that is mila kunis "jupiter ascending." this is a big sci-fi movie. >> i play a housekeeper. what's so funny? i clean. >> jimmy: it's such a big and visual movie, and you're, like, i play a house keep nkeeper >> and she tries to find a bigger purpose in life. and the dna serves a higher purpose than her own, and what she does with that power is what it's about. >> jimmy: and channing tatum, what kind of creature is he? human spliced with a wolf-type
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animal. >> jimmy: just like twilight. >> there are like dog human splice, like genetics. >> jimmy: i wonder if that will happen, we will be spliced into a dog. >> who knows. >> jimmy: we'll run around humping each other's legs. >> sniffing each other inappropriately. i know where this is going. tracy, i'm going to embarrass my makeup artist. we were doing a massive stunt. i just want proof to show people i did it, but i'm going to show my family. it was an 80-foot drop off of a crane. it was minus 10 degrees in london. i'm in like a tee shirt and jeans being dumped off of a crane, and she recorded it on the phone. she brought t there's no special effects. you're going to see cr
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puppies and me falling. >> jimmy: let's take a look. >> whoo! [ applause ] >> jimmy: was it fun? offer terrib or terrible? >> it's the stupidest thing ever, like yeah, drop me 80 feet. >> jimmy: were you pregnant during the time? >> no. there was a scene in the movie where wyatt does make her big screen debut. i was three months pregnant. let me be clear, a whole other sequence. >> jimmy: yes, not recommended to try. >> no. >> jimmy: the movie is called "jupiter ascending." mila kunis, everybody. we'll be right back. >> dicky: jimmy kimmel concert series is brought to you by
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12:12 am
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>> jimmy: welcome back. bob odenkirk and charlie xcx are on the way. but first a message from our friends at esurance. some companies base your car
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insurance on general categories like your age and gender, not really based on you. isn't that right, guillermo? >> yes jimmy. >> jimmy: that means you're not getting insurance based on who you are. you're getting insurance for someone who's sorta like you. right guillermo? >> right jimmy. >> jimmy: is that you guillermo? >> sorta. >> jimmy: you look about 200 pounds lighter than usual. >> i've been going to pilates. >> jimmy: you look great. anyway esurance uses smart technology to help make sure you only pay for what's right for you, not someone sorta like you. are you sure you're guillermo because you look a little bit like lindsay lohan. >> i'm sorta guillermo. and i'm definitely not lindsay lohan. >> this is lindsay lohan sorta. [cheers and applause] >> hello i am sorta lindsay lohan! >> announcer: get a quote for you, not someone sorta like you at >> jimmy: i've never been more confused. we'll be right back with bob odenkirk.
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[bell rings] you're not mr. craig. yeah, i'm confused, where's mr. craig? well, i'm sorta mr. craig. we're both between 35 and 45 years old. we both like to save money on car insurance. and we're both really good at teaching people a lesson. um, let's go. cool. sit down! alright. sorta you, isn't you. only esurance has coveragemyway. it helps make sure you only pay for what's right for you, not someone sorta like you. i think i blacked out from fear... did we ask him where mr. craig was? we did. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call.
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that's how i own it. try zyrtec-d® to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms... so you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec-d®. find it at the pharmacy counter. zyrtec-d®. i'll never look back, i will jur new olay total effects with more vitamins than the leading prestige moisturizer to fight 7 signs of aging. in just 4 weeks, skin looks up to 10 years younger. from the world's #1. olay. your best beautiful painstakingly engineered without compromise. to be more powerful... and, miraculously, unleash 46 mpg highway. an extravagance reserved for the privileged few. until now. hey josh! new jetta? yeah. introducing lots of new. the new volkswagen jetta tdi clean diesel. isn't it time for german engineering?
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♪ ♪
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i moved our old security whsystem out here? to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don't you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit >> jimmy: if you're watching our show from a department store tonight because you sold your tv after "breaking bad" went off the air, you made a terrible mistake. "better call saul" premieres sunday night at 8 on amc.
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then moves to monday night at 10:00. please welcome bob [cheers and applause] >> oh, wow! >> jimmy: i want to thank you, because -- [cheers and applause] >> i think i'm the other bob odenkirk. who is this famous one? >> jimmy: everybody's excited. i got to see the first two episodes of the show because you are my guest tonight, so i will thank you for that. i was worried, because i loved breaking bad so much. and i didn't want -- >> to be ruined. >> jimmy: to be ruined, but it's fantastic. the show came out great, and you
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must be delighted. [cheers and applause] >> well, i, we all respect and love the experience of "breaking bad", and the excellence of it. everyone who made it, and actually, we have the same writers, mostly, from "breaking bad." many of them came over. so everyone gave it a lot of care and took it very >> jimmy: i got the impression, i discussed it with vince gilligan. at first he was not going to be part of the show. >> he is a mad genius. >> jimmy: he is. it's almost a shaem he writes television shows. you get the feeling that if he was working on something really important, we could solve a big problem at some time. i'm glad, to me, this is the most important thing, is having good things to watch. >> i'm glad you've seen two. i've only seen one, but i've heard good things about that second one. >> jimmy: really? you've only seen one?
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>> i spent 14 hours on my knees in the desert for that second one. >> jimmy: i think it worked out. it was worth it for all those terrible things did you. it's like you ordered pizza, ate all the pizza and the delivery guy all of a sudden knocks on the door and says, we forgot to geoff you this meatball pizza. >> "better call saul" is that extra pizza. the eighth episode, the "better call saul", came to this show. >> jimmy: do you get pulled aside and questioned? >> you know that i've done a lot of comedy, and i had a show called "mr. show." [cheers and applause] for so many years, i would be recognized by crazy comedy fans, and the way i could walk in a
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room and i knew who knew mr. show. you know how i know? >> jimmy: no. >> they had a tattoo of mr. show on their face. and now, breaking bad was this phenomenon. so i'm not famous, but that thing is famous, and i'm in it. so they see me, and they, the weird thick is, that they know the show so well that they know this character and yet somehow they get the name of the spinoff wrong and i get a lot of get sal "! "i want to phone salvatore"! >> jimmy: it really isn't that hard, but is that exciting for you. >> it's fun. >> the whole getting recognized thing, i've been in this business for so many years and i've written a lot of comedy and had a lot of friends become big
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movie stars, and it's been fun to watch from afar. now to be recognized fairly often, you have to figure out how you're going to handle that. i've got kids and mostly i'm a dad more than i'm an actor or anything else. so when people recognize me, they say i love your work, and i'm always, like, what, shopping? or doing the dishes? or, you know, i guess the way to approach it, i just do what probably you do, which is baseball cap and sunglasses. >> jimmy: how does that go? >> it works. your objections are you just go with it. get a popemobile, get a car that says "better call saul". and be in a parade all day everywhere you are. the other way is total recluse. you hire a bunch of assistants to live your life. they get your food, have fun for you. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and the third way is the baseball cap and sunglasses, which works. you're a regular guy.
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sometimes you go into a place like, i'm in a bank or a temple or, and people are like, what's with the guy with the sunglasses? does he think he's famous? >> jimmy: or should we call the police? for those who don't know the show "breaking bad", how would you describe "better call saul "? >>it's a fun mix. it would probably be best if i just showed a clip. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. okay. [cheers and applause] >> i'm here for the entire day. five stickers, i don't know from stickers. i was back there saving people's lives, so. >> and thank you for restoring my faith in the judicial system. now you either pay the $3 or you go back inside and get an
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additional sticker. >> fine. you win. hooray for you. i'm backing up. i have to back up. i need more stickers. don't have enough stickers. [ applause ] >> jimmy: parking lot attendant. what's it like being the star of the show this time around? >> honestly, i didn't know i was the star until i saw it. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. i've done a lot of character acting, and i thought maybe i just had more lines than i usual do. and then when they gave me the defendant dvd a week ago, i put it in and it hit me. i was amazed. i would say i was flabbergasted. >> jimmy: really? >> you know what? i should just show a clip. >> jimmy: of what? >> i have a clip of me watching the show for the first time and realizing i'm the star.
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>> jimmy: oh, well, let's take a look. can we watch that? >> ah. >> don't let false allegations pull you into an unfair fight. i'm saul goodman, and i will do the fighting for you. no charge is too big for me. >> what? that's! i'm, i'm amazed! i'm flabbergasted. this is, what's the word, stupefying? god damn, i'm the star! >> maybe they told you -- [ applause ] >> jimmy: you're the star and you immediately changed the channel? >> i have a problem with, i changed the channel a lot. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> i like american pickers.
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>> jimmy: what is american pickers? >> it's these two guys, you know what? they find things, you know, it'd be best if i just showed a clip. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. can i show a clip? >> jimmy: yeah, i guess so. >> i do 1,050. >> and i would say, give me 1,050. >> all right. >> yeah! whoo! he got the "better call saul," "better call saul" premieres sunday at 8pm on amc, then airs mondays at 10pm. bob oden kirk everybody!
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel concert series is brought to you by at&t, mobilizing your world. i love my shows, sit around all day. that's why i have xfinity. their cloud based dvr lets me take everything i recorded, anywhere i go. which is perfect for me, [whispering] because i have responsibilities. ...i mean that's really interesting, then how do you explain these photos?! [people gasping] objection your hon. sustained. with the x1 dvr library you could take anywhere, xfinity is perfect for people on the go.
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ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel
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concert series is brought to you by at&t. >> jimmy: i want to thank mila kunis, bob odenkirk and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next, but first this is her album "sucker" here the song "doing it" charli xcx. ♪ we're staying all night we never slow down i think we better do it like we're doing it now ♪ ♪ it's been a long time since we've been around so come on let's keep doing it ♪ ♪ like we're doing it doing it like we're doing it waited so long just to be here now we're ♪ ♪ bringing this back to life yeah we're bringing this back to life want you to know how ♪ ♪ i've missed ya now i got you right by my side yeah i got you right by my side ♪ ♪ locked inside my veins you're in my blood in my blood and we're united ♪ ♪ forever more
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we're staying all night we never slow down i think we better do it ♪ ♪ like we're doing it now it's been a long time since we've been around so come on let's keep ♪ ♪ doing it like we're doing it doing it like we're doing it now keep doing it ♪ ♪ like we're doing it doing it like we're doing it friends like a team in a circle we're together ♪ ♪ we're so alive yeah together we're so alive joy like a jewell let it sparkle ♪ ♪ know that i've got your back for life yeah i got your back for life locked inside my veins ♪ ♪ you're in my blood in my blood and we're united forever more we're staying all night ♪ ♪ we never slow down i think we better do it like we're doing it now
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it's been a long time ♪ ♪ since we've been around so come on let's keep doing it like we're doing it ♪ ♪ doing it like we're doing it now keep doing it like we're doing it ♪ ♪ doing it like we're doing it now keep doing it like we're doing it ♪ ♪ doing it like we're doing it all night long we dancing to this song ♪ ♪ we doing it we going on and on on and on all night long ♪ ♪ we dancing to this song we doing it we going on and on on and on we're staying all night ♪ ♪ we never slow down i think we better do it like we're doing it now it's been a long time ♪ ♪ since we've been around
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so come on let's keep doing it like we're doing it ♪ ♪ doing it like we're doing it now all night long we dancing to this song ♪ ♪ let's keep doing it like we're doing it doing it like we're doing it now ♪ ♪ all night long we dancing to this song let's keep doing it like we're doing it ♪ ♪ doing it like we're doing it now we're staying all night we never slow down ♪ ♪ i think we better do it like we're doing it now it's been a long time since we've been around ♪ ♪ so come on let's keep doing it like we're doing it doing it like ♪ ♪ we're doing it now chas [cheers and applause][cheers an]
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>> thank you! [cheers and applause] this is "nightline." tonight, breaking news. a rush hour nightmare. at least six people killed after a packed train on one of america's busiest railroads slams into a vehicle. the flames, the injuries, the mad rush to evacuate, we have the very latest tonight. humiliating pictures from everyone to jennifer lawrence to kate upton posted on the internet. but imagine if the person doing the leaking is your ex-lover. it's called revenge porn and up until now people have been getting away with it. will a major new court ruling be enough to finally shut this industry down? american dreams for sale


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