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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 28, 2015 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- tim mcgraw and from "the middle", patricia heaton with cleto and the cletones and now, by the way, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: thank you. thank you for watching. thanks to all of you for coming. i am very grateful. we have so more important things to get to tonight. first, i want to talk about something that might be the most important movement we will ever be a part of. this is something we launched last night. it's big. i call it the finger of shame. i had a high school teacher -- who is the high school teacher that did that to us? used to point at us when we would misbehave. we would stop. now that i'm an adult, kind of, i'm ready to start fingering people myself. i would like you to join me. there's so much rude behavior that goes on everywhere.
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all day we see it. i thought it might help people if we became more aware of this. last night, i asked people to take photographs of people doing inconsiderate things in public with your finger in the photograph. here we go. it's from a guy named tim drake. all five cars are parked crooked and outside of the parking lines. finger of shame. you're right, tim, that's shameful. we got a lot of pictures of cars. this is crazy dave post eed scratching your ass in public. this woman says jennifer used the rest -- oh, that's a finger on the toilet paper roll. worst part is, i'm on crutches right now. finger of shame. that is no good, jennifer.
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this is from nick. he says dog humping my arm finger of shame? dogs got the finger a lot, by the way. this one, stole my pillow finger of shame. i feel like dogs should be exempt from this because they're dogs. but this one is from michelle. 21-year-old son in bed at 11:00 a.m. #needsjob, #getout. nice use of hash tags. okay. that's a finger of shame right there. she should do this every day until he does get a job. who's the next? says co-worker got his but then didn't make a fresh pop. i think this guy works at every office in america. that's a big one. most of the photos were parking-related, but a lot were food-related. this is got home and look in my
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fridge. the first lady is sending in a drone strike to attack this refrigerator. next one, this kid pays $3 for lunch every day and never eats it. throws the pizza in the garbage. finger of shame. this is from -- this is not how you dress in public, even at mcdonald's. finger of shame. he's got his shirt off. he's got his pants half on. i like this. his friend is wearing harvard pants. [ laughter ] but anyway, that's finger of shame. last but definitely not least, this is stephanie, two phones and a cigarette. one phone on the ear, another phone in the hand and she's got a butt going. that gets two fingers of shame right there. i want to thank those of you who
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joined on the shame frame. and when you see something unacceptable happening in a public place, please do not break into people's homes. take a picture, point a finger, post it to twitter or instagram with the hash tag #fingerofshame. oprah told people, live your best life. i will be the guy who tells people to stop ruining our life. so enjoy your journey. as those of you in our -- here in the studio know, we do this show in hollywood which is a major destination for tourists and people who dress up as sponge bob. from time to time, we like to play a game with them called foreign error or not. let's go to cousin sal. how is it going? how are you? >> how are you doing, jimmy?
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>> jimmy: i heard it's 92 degrees right now. >> i think it's true. >> jimmy: a pedestrian will stand next to sal. they're instructed not to speak because if we hear their voices, the game's ruined. i will try to determine if that person is a foreign error not, you got it? okay. sal, bring in the first subject. all right. this is a tall fellow there. all right. okay. his shirt is in english. it says, "it never fades." can we look at the neck tattoo. lot of body hair. gloria. that could say -- gloria is a multi-national type of name. i can't read the dog tag. wait a minute. what's that say on -- oh, something revolt. all right. all right. well, that's not english, is it? let's keep going.
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the shoes are usually -- oh, forget it. this is over. i will say foreigner. >> pull out your flag. >> jimmy: there you go, all right. where are you from? i'm sorry? >> ukraine. >> jimmy: how about that. welcome. how are you? >> fine. >> jimmy: how's your day going today so far? >> normal. >> jimmy: normal? are you here on vacation? >> yes. i came to new york to -- >> jimmy: yeah. guess what? you're in l.a. not new york. they dropped you off at the wrong airport. >> i'm traveling all through usa. >> jimmy: you're with the brothers, both of them? >> but i'm alone. >> we didn't go down far enough. pan down here. open-towe
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open-toed sandals on the boulevard. >> jimmy: maybe some toes of shame also. all right. well, we have a gift for you. post that to twitter. since you're here in america, it's an american apple pie. there you go. take that, giant man, and continue upon -- [ applause ] >> jimmy: you want to grab another. hi. i can't ask your name -- what's your name? oh, okay. we know she speaks english because she's being very coy. i like that hat. let's have a look at that tattoo. yeah, right there. okay. that could be anything. okay. all right. let's -- boy, really getting close up aren't we? kind of inspection no one wants on television. all right. okay. all right. all right. the shoes are very beachy.
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hmm. wow. okay. i am going to say -- let's go back up, cousin sal. i am going to say not a foreigner. >> what are you going to say? >> jimmy: that is right! >> good job. >> jimmy: where are you from? >> tarzana. >> jimmy: that's not another country at all. do you know what it is named after? >> tarzan. >> jimmy: that's right. the guy who wrote it owned the whole town and named it tarzana. >> he was really into his trade. >> jimmy: i guess so. what are you doing? >> shopping. >> jimmy: all right. well, if y're in the market for a pie, we have one for you. give this woman an apple pie. yeah, there we go. [ applause ] you keep grabbing people and
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we'll check back in. earlier tonight on abc, i like walking at the camera. it's like i'm a local news reporter. earlier tonight on abc -- this is how they do it. earlier tonight on abc -- very special, special. something that touched me emotionally. the 10th anniversary celebration of "dancing with the stars." [ applause ] did the applause light go on? [ laughter ] they brought almost everyone back. they had -- oh, they had super bowl champions curt warner, michael irvin and jerry rice teamed up for a bromance dance.
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proved that football-related concussions lead to poor decision making. for the first time, the show featured a pregnant dancer. katherine jacobs is now pregnant. they invited her to dance tonight. and they also invited maury povich to announce who the father is. [ applause ] thank you. so many form of contestants made time to celebrate. as much as we've had with the show, the list of famous individuals who've appeared on it really is remarkable. these are just some of the names who showed up tonight. >> tonight on the "dancing with the stars" ten-year anniversary special, curt warner, tucker carlson, oprah winfrey, former vice president dick cheney, g
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godzilla. leonardo dicaprio, the ghost of mickey rooney and more. it all starts now. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how can you not love this group? do you understand the hillside strangler was on the show tonight. when we come back, amazon has a crazy new delivery service thing plan i'll tell you about. and we'll play for foreigner or not. so stick with us. we'll be right back. [ applause ] t-mobile is breaking the rules of wireless. and the samsung galaxy s6 edge is breaking the rules of design. can't get your hands on it because you're locked down by a carrier? break free t-mobile will pay every penny of your switching fees.
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get ahead of the curve and get your hands on the galaxy s6 edge for $0 down at t-mobile today. redesigned ford mustang? ♪ ♪ it makes every thing more exciting. ♪ even this song. ♪
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is thno, it's, uh, breyers gelato indulgences. you really wouldn't like it. it's got caramel and crunchy stuff. i like caramel and crunchy stuff. breyers gelato indulgences... it's way beyond ice cream. i've been claritin clear for ten incdays.le! when your allergy symptoms start, doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your allergy season
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for continuous relief. with powerful 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin live claritin clear. every day.'re the valet? yea, sorta the valet. both drive for a living, both like to save money on car insurance, and we both know you may not get this car back in the same condition. watch your toes. wo! ya boy... get it! sorta you isn't you. with drivesense from esurance, you can earn a personalized discount based on how you drive, not how someone sorta like you drives. you'll even get a discount just for signing up. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call.
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>> jimmy: welcome back. tim mcgraw and patricia heaton
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on the way. we're very busy on hollywood boulevard. i will see a pedestrian and slowly based on their appearance, i will determine whether that individual is a foreigner or not. is there any prize for me? >> maybe i'll give you a lock of this man's beautiful hair right there. >> jimmy: oh, boy. now, i'm two for two so far. right? whoa. look at that shirt. test such a foreigner that i'm inclined to go right to foreigner. also i think maybe you guys are trying to trick me out there. let's see the rest of the outfit. okay. all right. oh, those shoes. you know, the thing about shoes you used to be able to figure it out. then everybody started wearing these shoes like this. it really made my job so much more difficult. that shirt is pretty crazy.
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i'm going to have to say foreigner. >> all right. reveal. >> jimmy: where are you from? oh. >> i'm from massachusetts. >> jimmy: then you have no excuse for this. >> probably true. >> jimmy: what do you do for a living? >> i'm a composer. >> jimmy: oh, okay. yeah, that makes more sense. what kind of music do you compose? >> electronic music, sound tracks, things like that. >> jimmy: it's such a square thing to do that you have to rebel and go the other way and dress like you're in -- what was that -- that rock-a-billy band from the '80s. >> the stray cats. >> he's a really bad loser. >> jimmy: sal gives him a pie and what's going on back there. oh, there you go. thank you very much. bring me one more.
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i want to try again. i can't go out on a loss. all right. all right. here we go. wow. look at that. you're staring me down as if we're about to fight. why am i intimidated all of a sudden. all right. okay. yes. go down. creme de la creme. that's french, but who the hell knows. oh, what is going on there? that was unexpected. [ laughter ] all right. some scuffing. everybody wearing the yoga pants nowadays. i am going to say foreigner. >> let's see it. [ applause ] >> jimmy: where are you from? >> australia. >> jimmy: and you're here on vacation? >> yeah, just a holiday. >> jimmy: are you enjoying yourself? >> i flew in this morning so i'm jet-lagged. >> jimmy: did you come by yourself? >> no, i came with my best
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friend. >> jimmy: where's she? >> just over there. >> jimmy: maybe we'll meet up for drinks later. give her a pie and send her along her way. there you go. hey, this comes to us from -- i'm walking again, by the way. this comes from a foreign land. braz brazil, a firefighter managed to save a woman thinking about jumping out of a window. i don't know if this is an approved maneuver or not, but i've never seen a rescue like this. [ applause ] >> clear through the other side of the building. let's see that again in slow motion. [ laughter ] he's going -- he?
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wouldn't it be great if after that they fell in love? anyway, she's now suing him for $10 million. amazon has plans to start testing a new delivery service next month. they'll dleeliver packages directly into the trunk of your car. order the item. if you have an audi they can pop your trunk electronically. they don't have to leave it in front of your door where it can get stolen. if you aren't at home, don't you usually have your car with you? i take mine almost everywhere i go. by the way, if you do this and want to scare the delivery guy, order a hacksaw and leave a body in the trunk. sometimes i feel like i get things delivered to me just by thinking about them. the packages come so fast, you
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can get things delivered to your door, your car. if this new service works out, we might never have to leave the house again. >> we know your life moves at the speed of you. high speed, high band width and definitely wireless. which is why we're proud to introduce amazon feed. a service that delivered fresh food directly to your mouse. hassle-free. coming soon, amazon wipe. amazon, because you're lazy [ applause ] >> jimmy: okay. we have a big show tonight. patricia heaton is here. and we'll be right back with tim mcgraw. so stick around. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by western union. send money at an agent location, online, or download the app today! western union -- moving money for better.
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♪ the avengers have assembled. get your gear now at target. ♪grunt] [engine revving] ♪ i got bit by a snake. poison? oh god, oh wow. ok, yeah. i feel that. it's definitely poison. apparently, i'm immune to venom. immune steve. immune to venom? ♪
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[indistinct high pitched speech] ♪ [loud electric guitar solo] ♪ it's a different kind of peanut butter cup. smooth and crunchy butterfinger peanut butter cups. now in minis. ♪ i like fun as much as anyone. but we need to talk about - whoa! what was that? - about mustache safety. my blazin' chicken sandwich has ghost pepper ranch sauce. you crave it. but you need to respect it. so remember: keep it neat, before you eat the heat. coming in hot! jack's blazin' chicken sandwich is back, and it's got a new bacon buddy. they're both fired-up with spicy crispy chicken, sliced jalapeños and ghost pepper ranch sauce. you've. been. warned.
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>> jimmy: tonight, from "the middle", patricia heaton is here. tomorrow, billy crystal will join us, dave salmoni will bring wild animal friends, and we'll have music from modest mouse. and thursday night, kim kardashian west, michael sheen, and music from yelawolf featuring travis barker. join us for all of that. first, an enormously successful singer and actor who loves you so much, he's coming to visit you. the "shotgun rider tour" starts june 5th in little rock and goes
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all summer long. please welcome tim mcgraw. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how's it going? >> good, good, how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. i want to thank you again. several months ago, guillermo and i traveled to tennessee and you and your lovely wife faith hill were kind enough to let us sleep over your house. >> we did. i don't know if we let you. >> jimmy: you asked if we could sleep over. you said okay. >> i wanted to show you around the farm. some horses i wanted you to see. you were more interested in all the stuff faith had sitting around the house. >> jimmy: that's true. faith and i talked about decorating a lot. >> let's go outside. no, this is a nice rug.
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>> jimmy: i wish that was a joke, but it wasn't. it really wasn't. [ laughter ] i wanted to talk to faith. it's as simple as that. >> you were trying to get me out of the house. >> jimmy: do whatever men do out there, i don't know. we have wicker to discuss. >> but it was fun. >> jimmy: so you go out on tour like this, who watches the house for you? >> well, faith watches the house for me whether i'm there or not. she's the boss of the house for sure. well, hooter is at the farm. >> jimmy: that's right. hooter. >> it's real. we went to college together. he sold t-shirts for me for a while. he guide hunts in montana sometimes. he runs my farm. he's out there all the time. we've been best friends for 30 years now. >> jimmy: how did he get the name hooter? >> that's his name. ricky dale hooter.
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>> jimmy: his last name, okay. >> one of the greatest guys you'll ever meet. >> jimmy: when he sees hooters, the restaurant, he thinks i'm home. >> we tried that in college one time. >> jimmy: so hooter's in charge. when you go out on a big tour, how many trucks do you have full of stuff? >> there was one tour we had 22 buses and 18 trucks at one time. that was on the soul to soul tour. faith and i were out. most of that were her dresses. >> jimmy: there was not a full trailer for hats? >> no. we'll have ten, 12 buses and trucks. >> jimmy: do you think about those early days starting out, i don't know, did you carry your own stuff? did you even have a truck? >> we had a van. we called it -- riding around back in those days. we pulled a u-haul trailer and traveled all over the country
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playing music. we played one club. we were setting up equipment. they said there were bullet holes behind the stage. somebody shot a gun off last night. we were hoping to be good enough they wouldn't shoot at us. >> jimmy: that's how they could really improve things on "american idol" if they shot -- right? you'd really be on top of your game. >> you got to be on then. >> jimmy: did you play in a lot of rough places? >> any band coming up, you play in rough places. especially as a country singer. >> jimmy: people get drunk and -- >> we've been in plenty of fights coming off the stage. >> jimmy: you've been in the fights yourself? >> sure. i think we were playing in delaware. big fight broke out. the whole crowd swooped out the door. i was in the middle of a song. i kind of got upset. nobody was there to listen to me. so i went outside. this was back when i was young and i was pretty into it myself.
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i was like, i'll kick your ass y'all don't get in here and listen to me sing. >> jimmy: it is a funny thing to go from singing to punching people. >> you don't think of singers as being very good fighters. >> jimmy: that's right. like michael jackson was a lover, not a fighter [ laughter ] >> i don't want to make anybody mad. bruce springsteen is pretty tough i'm sure. >> jimmy: more tough guys in country music than most places. >> there's a few. like trace at kins. i wouldn't want to run up on him. >> jimmy: terrifying man, yes? >> he's a sweet heart. >> jimmy: but his voice is like -- i don't know. >> how does that go again? >> jimmy: i was going to say i ran into him once somewhere. i was startled.
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it was like lurch from the adam's family. >> trace, that's him saying that. not me. >> jimmy: you know me. i just like to look at decorations with the women folk. >> i know. i don't think trace will be hanging out with you doing that. >> jimmy: i don't think so either. guillermo, you had fun over there, right? >> a lot of fun. thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> jimmy: you're in this big movie "tomorrowland" with george clooney. director is fantastic. >> yeah. >> jimmy: what is the movie about? >> well, i play a nasty engineer. i know it's not much of a stretch. i mean, i think they thought, you know, first off who wouldn't want to come see that dumb ass play -- >> jimmy: irony was a factor? >> but, you know, the nasa program was shutdown.
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i was in charge of building the shuttle program and the shuttle platform. my character was. so i'm pretty upset about that. my daughter in the movie is really curious and scientific. she can't understand what's going on. she discovers this pen. every time she tuouches this pe, it transports her into what our future might look like. >> jimmy: we have a clip. let's take a look. >> have you ever seen this before? does it look weird? don't touch it! >> why are you yelling at me? >> you're driving, dad. it's dangerous. pull over. >> if you're on drugs -- >> i'm not on drugs. it all will be explained as soon as you touch this pen. what is -- it's not working? ♪
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>> stop it! >> jimmy: that is tomorrowland. looks good. and your tour starts in little rock, arkansas. goes through like, october. >> yeah, through october. >> jimmy: tim's coming to your town. it starts june 5th. later on you're going to play music for us. >> yeah, i am. >> jimmy: tim mcgraw. [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world.
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hey, can i help you? yeah, we're interested in the iphone. we promised one to beth for her birthday. you know mobile share value plans now include rollover data, so the data you don't use this month rolls over to the next month. wow, even better. so what are you gonna do with your old phone? i'm giving it to my sister emily. she gets all my old hand-me-downs. oh i'm into bedazzling too. and you admit that? yeah...i...i used to be into bedazzling.
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i'll go get your phone. get the iphone 6 with rollover data to share. only from at&t. we want a spirited performance. who offers the most horsepower? lincoln mkc. we also want clever thinking in a tight spot. anyone offer hands-free in and out park assist? lincoln mkc. bra-vo. the lincoln luxury uncovered event is on.
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lease the mkc for $329 a month. and for a limited time competitive owners and lessees get one-thousand dollars bonus cash. one coat coverage,) one coat guaranteed, one happy couple. marquee, behr's most advanced paint and primer, only at the home depot. wheall i can think abouthit, is getting relief. nicorette mini starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. anytime. anywhere. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i choose nicorette mini. isthickness? lacking garnier fructis creates new full & plush. our first system to create big, bigger, plush hair. it's strength? the formula with pomegranate and fibra cyclane expands and builds the thickness of each strand. the result? 38% more hair mass. visible fullness. luxurious thickness. touch it.
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see it. feel it. get big, bigger, massive hair. new fructis full & plush. the strength to shine. garnier.
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>> jimmy: patricia heaton is still to come. she's from the show "the middle." guillermo, what are you doing? >> guillermo: i'm sending my mom money for mother's day. >> jimmy: really? you know, there are easier ways to send your mom money. >> guillermo: really? tell me more. >> jimmy: sending money has gotten faster and easier over time. let's take a look back at something i call "the past." >> though out mankind. humans have sought ways to send money. ♪
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♪ >> i'll send it with this memo. ♪ >> this is taking too long. it needs to get there faster. >> man finally create add way to send money that's fast, convenient, and easy. >> great, i will send some money to my mom in chicago for mother's day brunch. and what the heck, for dinner too. >> thank you, guillermo. mmm. mmm. >> thank you western union for making my life more easy.
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>> relax, we make sending money easy. send money using our app or online. western union. >> jimmy: we'll be back with patricia heaton. i can't believe it's not butter! but this is the improved 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. made with a blend of delicious oils, purified water, and just a pinch of salt. two, please. i can't believe it's not butter. 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives.
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strong can heal from miles away. ...unite us for a common good. ...and turn a simple video into endless laughter. strong can take you... ...all the way to the summit. oh my! so cool! think what strong can do for you. can i play too? at&t's network now has the nation's strongest 4g lte signal.
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♪ ♪ long live the pioneers ♪ rebels and mutineers ♪ go forth and have no fear ♪ come close and lend an ear ♪ and i said hey, hey hey hey ♪ living like we're renegades ♪ renegades
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then combine tender with turkey-breast,bread; with robust, spicy, melty italian favorites; adding a splash of our new subway vinaigrette. the magnificent new turkey italiano melt. only at subway. ♪ hey. hey! what's up, man?! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> jimmy: our next guest is an emmy-winning actress and two-time tv mom. she plays frankie heck on the very funny show "the middle." watch it wednesdays at 8:00 here on abc. please say hello to patricia heaton. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: may i say i love that dress. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: that is really a nice dress. >> well, thank you. >> jimmy: it's almost like a photograph became a dress. >> that's kind of what they do these days. >> jimmy: i like it.
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last time you were here, your son was just going to bar tending school. >> yeah. >> jimmy: how did that turn out? >> i'm pretty sure he's practicing his craft because he accidentally sent me a photo on my messaging that no mother should have to see. >> jimmy: really? what was it? >> i can't -- i blocked it out of my mind. >> jimmy: really, wow. >> although, i've shown it to all my friends. >> jimmy: who was more upset about it, you are him? >> i said, really. he said, oh, i didn't mean to send that. but as long as you've seen that, here's this. >> jimmy: okay. so he likes to get a rise out of you. >> so send your kids to the christian college. you never know -- >> jimmy: that's where it all comes out. your other boys are in high school?
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>> i have a couple in high school. the youngest is finally getting his driver's license, so i'll be done with the driving. >> jimmy: that makes you happy. >> it makes me happy, but now i'm sitting in the passenger seat while we're going to school in the morning because he's driving. >> jimmy: oh. >> yeah. >> jimmy: does he drop you off or how does it work? >> i drop him off. for some reason, i feel like clenching my butt cheeks is going to somehow control the car. you know -- he's like, he's real casual about braking. he turns underneath like this. >> jimmy: oh. >> i don't think you can do that on the test. no, you can do that. >> jimmy: he's doing that with you in the car. god knows what's going on when you aren't. >> it's like a classic mom thing. that car's stopping. stop, stop, stop!
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i know, mom, i know. he came we just pulling it out and putting it in the parking lot. >> jimmy: you bought a new one? >> i'm can you we're not going to tell dad. hopefully my husband won't watch this episode of your show. >> jimmy: you got out? >> there was no problem with anybody's car. there were a thousand witnesses. everybody said, coming back again.
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>> jimmy: obviously you'll be coming back. the show is fa namnally successful? >> isn't it great. i'm very blessed. i have another wonderful show like this. we got to work with a great -- i just worked with dick van dyke. >> jimmy: oh, would you. >> jerry plays my dad. what's really cool about this business, way back in the second grade when i was saying i saw mary poppins and i could do all the songs, little did i know i'd be sitting in the makeup trailer with dick van dyke and we were playing name that tune. what movie is this from, dick. then we were singing show tunes together. and he tap dances. >> jimmy: does he really? >> he keeps his mind going, he memorizes shakespeare.
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>> jimmy: that's a lot of fun. i met him. i was a little bit star-struck to meet him. >> he was like iconic from our times. >> jimmy: absolutely. the dick van dyke show. >> tripping over the ottoman. >> jimmy: the mustache always seems out of place to me. >> that started when he was doing that tv series. >> jimmy: matlock -- not matlock. >> i did one. you probably did too. >> jimmy: you did matlock? >> everybody did. i was a witness in a murder case. >> jimmy: oh, you were. okay. wow. >> i had this, like, so mid-atlantic accent. i think my high school teacher said if i didn't get rid of my cleveland accent, i would never get an acting job. i said, i think it's her!
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i remember -- somebody said it to me on youtube. i was like, what am i doing. i'm like madonna during her english period, you know [ laughter ] although i am married to a brit. >> jimmy: no excuse at all. wow. that's interesting. i'm going to youtube that myself. >> i should never have said anything. >> jimmy: i heard that you have an interesting fan. a fan in space in fact. >> this is one of the wonderful things about being in this business. i just feel lucky i have a job. but it turns out that one of the fans of "the middle" is the captain of the space station 100 miles above us. he asked if we could do a skype with him. so just last week, we're talking to the captain of the -- it's like captain kirk. like, this guy -- first of all, he's really educated. worked with the air force, but
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the french air force. it's one of his favorite shows. he has them send it to him while he's on the treadmill. they have to exercise two and a half hours a day or else your muscles and bones descent rate. if it was ever on my bucket list, that just took it right off. >> jimmy: me too. is there a bally's total fitness up there? >> they have to strap themselves onto this thing. although, i have to say the advantage to being up there is you age more slowly and you grow taller because there's no gravity pressing you down. >> jimmy: really? >> i may be knocking over astronauts to just get up there for a month. >> jimmy: we should send shaq into space to see what happens. >> you can't be that tall. you could never go. >> jimmy: they said that to me
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too but for a different reason. very good to see you. >> jimmy: patricia heaton! "the middle" airs wednesday's at 8pm here on abc. and we shall return with music from tim mcgraw. [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank patricia heaton and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next. but first, you can see him on tour all summer long, here with the song "shotgun rider", tim mcgraw! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ roll won't you come roll with me slow fast ♪ ♪ full speed girl, wherever
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sweet time takes us ♪ ♪ hang with me down this old road only god knows ♪ ♪ where we'll go don't matter long as i've got your love ♪ ♪ i don't ever wanna wake up lookin' into someone else's eyes ♪ ♪ another voice callin' me baby on the other end of the phone ♪ ♪ a new girl puttin' on her makeup before dinner on friday night ♪ ♪ no i don't ever wanna know ♪ ♪ no other shotgun rider beside me singin' to the radio ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ slide slide over nice and close lay your head down ♪
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♪ on my shoulder you can fall asleep i'll let you ♪ ♪ dream life ain't nothin' but a dream ♪ ♪ don't wanna be cruisin' through this dream without you ♪ ♪ i don't ever wanna wake up lookin' into someone else's eyes ♪ ♪ another voice callin' me baby on the other end of the phone ♪ ♪ a new girl puttin' on her makeup before dinner on friday night ♪ ♪ no i don't ever wanna know ♪ ♪ no other shotgun rider beside me singin' to the radio ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪
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♪ i don't ever wanna wake up lookin' into someone else's eyes ♪ ♪ another voice callin' me baby on the other end of the phone ♪ ♪ a new girl puttin' on her make-up before dinner on friday night ♪ ♪ no i don't ever wanna know ♪ ♪ no other shotgun rider beside me singin' to the radio ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh no other shotgun rider ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] nouns noubs this is "nightline." tonight we're on the ground in baltimore on the first night of a government enforced curfew. >> tension between police and protestors after the death of freddie gray. moments of peace can turn into violence in seconds. how business owners and residents are struggling to cope with chaos in the streets. finally free. these three women lived through a nightmare together held captive by their tore meanter for a decade. now they're sharing their sry


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