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tv   Beyond the Headlines  ABC  June 6, 2015 1:30am-2:01am PDT

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kneecap. he came in hobbling. he played well in game one of the finals for 23 points last night. in the over time irving knocks knees with klay thompson and left in absolute agony. today an mri revealed a fracture kneecap. irving is out for three to four months. look for matthew delavadova to get the start. >> i have played a longtime. seen it all no matter what the circumstances is you go out and play as hard as you can and live with the results. >> who ever is gonna play those minutes, they will come in and try to win the game as well and impact the game. we can't assume it will be a cake walk to get a championship. it will still be a challenge. it will still be tough. >> you figure delavadova will have a much bigger role. the former saint mary's star will probably start. he played only 9 minutes last fight and did not score. he didn't even attempt a shot. he did play well in the previous series though.
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to nfl news and it is another stunning retirement from the 40 thiners. right tackle anthony davis who is 25 years old and he says he wants to get his mind and body healthy. he battled several injuries including a concussion that left him woozy for some time. davis said he may return in a year or two, but the immediate question is who will be blocking for kap in september? that's a big problem. in boston, oakland switched pitcher and was the first major leaguer to throw righty and lefty in a single game. back from battling the shoulder soreness and lasted four and two-thirds inkings. holtz doubles to left and pedroza scores. this is his major league debut. two score less innings struck out one. man at first and he gets uh
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hold of it. this could tie it up. bounces off the green monster. misses a homer by five feet. brett lawrie stops at third. a line drive and it is -- caught for the final out. boston wins it 4-2. they snap the a's four-game win streak. giants and phillies, other our old friend the phillie phanatic. best mascot in all of sports. i hope lucille didn't hear me say that. giants down 3-1 and justin maxwell explodes off jerome williams. it is in the second deck up there. a two-run shot and tied at three. giants take the lead in the third. hang it and bang it. that was franco and that was crushed. timmy pulled after six. a 4-4 game and buster posey, high, deep and aloha means it is landing in the forest out there. buster's 9th of the year. giants snap their five-game losing streak 5-4 the final.
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game two thab final. nba final. early tip at oracle. >> abc7 news president coulds on-line, on twitter, abc7 news continues on-line and on twitter. >> our next newscast
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>> welcome to "beyond the headlines." i'm cheryl jennings. we have a special roundtable edition today, focusing on our bay area's asian-pacific american community. according to the library of congress, the term "asian-pacific" encompasses all of the asian continent, as well as the pacific islands of melanesia, micronesia, and polynesia. the people and cultures of this region have added significantly to the rich diversity of the bay area. the u.s. census estimates, in 2013, asians and pacific islanders made up 20.8 million residents, or 6.4%. california had the largest population at almost 6.5 million, or more than 16% of the state. abc7's kristen sze is here now
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with leaders in our bay area's asian-pacific american community. >> thank you, cheryl. let's welcome today's guests. margaret abe-koga is a member of the san francisco regional water quality control board and district director for assembly member evan low. welcome. asha jadeja is highly respected as a venture capitalist, angel investor in more than a hundred silicon valley startups, closely affiliated with stanford university, and an active philanthropist. chris punongbayan is executive director of asian americans advancing justice, asian law caucus. thank you all for being here. now, this is meant to be a stimulating conversation, so feel free to jump in with your thoughts and ideas like you would with friends, because we are all friends here. all right? welcome. you know, cheryl cited the growing asian-american population in the u.s. this has historical basis, of course, in a very important piece of federal law that passed 50 years ago. so, chris, let's begin with you. how did the immigration and nationality act open the door for immigrants, specifically for asians?
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>> mm-hmm. so that law was really transformative for all immigrants but particularly from asia. prior to 1965, there were quotas sealing limits on immigrants from certain countries, but in 1965, the doors were opened wide. prior to 1965, there had only been 1.5 million immigrants from asia in almost the 150 years prior to that. since then, in the last 50 years, we've seen over 12 million immigrants come from asia, and this is all due to the 1965 act. >> all right, this is really for anyone to answer. how have asian-americans, the immigrants, fared culturally, financially, educationally? what do you think? >> i think it's a diverse community that we're talking about, so overall, i would say -- and i come from the south bay -- that we're at, i think, close to 30% now apis in santa clara county. and you'll see it in the tech world, in silicon valley. there are a lot of high-tech workers from -- of api descent.
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so they're definitely a part of the community and have made great strides. i think we've made advancements. i come from the political world, and we've seen those gains over the last 20 years where, back 20 years ago, there were maybe a handful of elected officials who were asian-american, and now we have 13 in the state legislature, 12 in congress. so, definitely, we've seen some big advancements. >> a little trivia here. margaret and i actually went to the same high school, where she was student-body president, i believe. and you made the leap to mountain view mayor at one point. so, a terrific role model for asian-americans, especially women, in government. okay, asha, what do you think? i mean, asian-americans certainly have made huge inroads in tech, silicon valley. >> they have. i think there is -- although, as margaret mentioned, i think there is a -- there's a difference in -- the asian-americans are a large -- sort of a large community. there's chinese americans, there is korean americans. and pacific islanders i don't think have made that much of an
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inroad as have maybe the indians, for example, in tech. i'm from india, originally, but what i see is that the asian-american population, in general, has made inroads in every regard, from college education to jobs in the tech industry to jobs in the creation of tech -- tech-industry jobs. and in venture capital, also, we see a lot of people of asian origin in positions of founding roles. so i think -- that has happened for sure, kristen. i think there might be a gap, though, between, i think, pacific islanders and some of the other groups of -- and i don't know how those numbers are, but i think i would like to see more of an inclusion of the pacific islanders, for example, into stem studies and stem education and in tech in general. >> but even within the asian-american community, there is a lot of economic diversity. there are still a lot of legal problems that the community faces. even with the recession, we've
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seen san francisco and the bay area really transform and rejuvenate, but many low-income asian-americans really haven't been able to experience the same vitalization. so, during that period of the recession, asian-americans were the fastest-growing group in poverty and not just in san francisco but in california. many asian-americans are still working very hard and not getting paid minimum wage or overtime in restaurants, in the caregiving industry, so there's still a lot of civil rights and legal struggles that the community is trying to overcome. >> well, chris, with the immigration reform president obama has embarked upon, is there something in there to help some of those asian-americans trapped in those low-paying jobs? >> mm-hmm. so, the last time we really saw congress and the president really try and take on immigration reform was two years ago. it stalled out because of the depolarization in congress, so the president did take affirmative steps last november to try and create more opportunities for the 11 million undocumented americans who are here. there are over 1 million undocumented asian-americans who
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would stand to benefit from some of the president's initiatives. at the same time, families are still being torn apart because of misguided enforcement efforts on the immigration front. so a lot of progress still needs to be made on behalf of the community. >> absolutely. i think even in the indian community, i notice, that a lot of times, families are torn apart -- right? -- because of h-1b visa gaps and families are stuck in india, where the spouses might be working here. so there is a lot of that going on. so the general perception that the indian-american population is kind of playing sort of a significant role in tech is -- you're right about that. it's good, but there is a huge segment below, which is still struggling with the issue of sort of families all over the world. >> are there enough services available, margaret? >> i think the key is that, within the api umbrella, we are not -- we're not a monolithic group. we are diverse. and so we cover the spectrum. and so it's great -- yes, some
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people have been able to succeed -- but we have to continue to look at who else can we help, who else can we bring up to continue to get our entire community to a sufficient level? >> all right, those are some great points. we are just getting the conversation started, if you're just joining us. right now, we're gonna take a short break, but please stay with us for more of our conversation about our asian-pacific american community.
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you're in a group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma. that's why your best shot is to check for a spot. follow through and check your skin. go to to find out how. >> welcome back. i'm kristen zse, in for cheryl jennings for this special edition of "beyond the headlines," focusing on the bay area's asian-pacific american community. in the last two decades, there's
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been a great deal of change in the way asian-americans view ourselves and the way society at large views asian-americans. one sign is the popular new abc sitcom "fresh off the boat," about a chinese-american family's fish-out-of-water story in florida. >> jessica, i figured it out. >> dad, how come i have to start school on a wednesday? >> that's a great question. go to school. go, go, go, go. i was blow-drying my hair, and i figured it out, how the restaurant can attract bigger crowds. >> how? >> i need to hire a white host. instead of people coming in and seeing a chinese face and saying, "huh? i thought this was an all-white steakhouse," they see a white face and say, "oh, hello, white friend. i am comfortable." see? exactly. not welcoming. that's why no to your face and yes to the white face. nice, happy white face, like bill pullman. >> [ chuckles ] >> actor randall park, who plays the dad, louis, there, expressing that perhaps an asian face won't sell as a restaurant host, kind of ironic because this show is actually about an asian-american family, and it's
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selling quite well to a general audience. chris, let's begin with you. what does that say about the acceptance and assimilation of asian-americans today? >> you know, and i think what's great about the show is that it's really offering a full, human experience of an asian-american family on mainstream media. prior images in previous periods were really flat, one-dimensional stereotypes, and so i think the show really, through humor, is able to poke fun at ourselves. but, also, i think, the stereotypes that do exist in american society against asian-americans -- and other communities, too -- it's a great cracking open of the nut to talk about race issues. >> yeah, want to get back to that. but, margaret, you know, when we grew up in the san mateo area, "fresh off the boat" -- f.o.b. -- was a bad term. you don't want to be called that. i mean, you were foreign, you were different, you were strange, you were not cool. what does it say that the connotation has changed so much with that phrase? >> absolutely. i think it says that our community has arrived. we really have become a part of the mainstream.
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and i was thinking about the last program before this, "all-american girl"... >> margaret cho, yeah. >> ...and that was what you were talking about -- the one-dimensional stereotypes. and "fresh off the boat" is -- it's refreshing because it does -- it's multi-dimensional. it picks fun at us as asian-americans but also the mainstream community, and i think that's what the message is is that we are all a part of the same community now. >> that's right. i mean, you might have the tiger mom, but she's gonna relent and let her kids do the school play, or you have the kids who are straight-a students but they're not your typical nerds. they also have girlfriends who bring them soda. asha, what do you think? i know you are very anti-the tiger mom. tell me about your philosophy there. >> so, i believe, actually, as a mom of a 9-year-old right now, and our children are classmates, is that i feel that if children are left to learn by themselves, a self-driven learning -- i'm actually now quite a bit in the field of education and non-formal learning now in my philanthropic work, and there, i believe, that if a child is
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allowed to learn by themselves in a small peer group, rather than in an institutional learning, that they're clearly much better off picking up what's important to them and thereby sticking with learning and having the love of learning that they would normally not have if they were sort of forced to do stem kind of stuff all the time. >> well, how could a typical parent give their child that kind of experience? >> i think the best way is -- we are used to this, kristen, because we see schools in our lives which allow children to be who they are and allow them to be sort of, you know, pick and choose what they want to learn and self-drive the learning. the way, i think, the larger part of the community can do that is that, for the first time, we have so much information and course work available online. so let your children learn a lot of these things that they're learning in -- it's boring in the classroom setting. learn it at their own pace, individually, and then let classroom learning sort of enrich that learning, that individual learning. so i think that's probably the best way to do it, which is to really leverage the online tools for individual learning.
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>> mm-hmm. there is a class issue there with that, too, right? 'cause, i mean, the difficulty of giving that -- bridging that digital divide and giving that access to everybody... >> mm-hmm. that's not a privilege that all -- within the asian-american community or the american community -- are not able to fully take advantage of. so there are a lot of efforts, i think, to bridge that digital divide to create more opportunity in education and other fields that would really help people realize the american dream and achieve their full potential. >> okay. here's another question for you, chris, and it's -- i don't mind if this is a little sexist, because you're a man, so this question is going to you. an asian-american man, to see the character, louis, the father in "fresh off the boat" -- and, also, abc has a new show, "dr. ken," coming out this fall -- what is it like to see images of yourself in mainstream media now? >> mm-hmm. i think it's a great thing. i grew up in massachusetts. we were the only asian-american family -- probably the only family of color in the whole town i grew up in, so the show has a lot of relatability, and i
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think that's important for many asian-americans who are still living in relative ethnic isolation to see positive images in the mainstream -- helps a lot with self-esteem. it helps a lot with feelings of belonging. >> you agree with that, margaret? >> absolutely. i think role models play a really big role in giving folks that feeling that they can achieve this, too. and i just want to acknowledge you, because i remember in high school, you wanted to be a newscaster, and here you are, and you really have been a trailblazer, and it's been great to see folks like you in the media. >> thank you. you know what? i had great mentors. i think that is something very important to point out, too, is, whatever your chosen career is something you're interested in. how easy is it to find a mentor, and what is our responsibility to become mentors to the younger generation? >> i think that we in the bay area are really lucky to be in the bay area, because here, in silicon valley, the culture is that of mentoring young startups and young entrepreneurs, and we see a lot of that around us.
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so even we don't know a mentor immediately close to us, it's very easy to ask somebody to help us, to introduce us to a mentor. and i see this a lot, because when i go back to india, i find that there's almost no mentorship. so here, when i compare that, i feel like, "oh, my god. this is..." all of us have access to so many good mentors, and i think that's something we can leverage easily. i find that, even in east paolo alto, where we're doing a little bit of work, to find -- for young students to find mentors from stanford is easier than i ever imagined now. so it's something that -- it's crucial. it's sort of the dna of the valley. the reason the valley is so successful, i think, is part -- successful in innovation -- is because of this whole notion of giving back selflessly and unconditionally by the mentors. >> all right, margaret, asha, chris, whave a lot more to talk about, but right now, we do need to take another short break. we'll be back with more from our a.p.a. community leaders with interesting conversation. we'll be right back.
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you're in a group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma. that's why your best shot is to check for a spot. follow through and check your skin. go to to find out how. >> welcome back to "beyond the headlines." i'm kristen zse with a special edition, talking with leaders in
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the bay area's asian-pacific american community. now, i want to focus a little bit on the engagement and connectedness in this final segment. for a long time, asian-americans had been seen as keeping to themselves, you know, putting their heads down and doing hard work, but not really connecting to the society at large or other groups. to what extent do you think that has evolved, really, in government, maybe, in networking, in our philanthropic or nonprofit ventures? asha, how about we start with you? >> sure. i think it has evolved significantly over the last 20 years that i've seen this population. and by asian-american, i mean pretty much all the nationalities that we can think of right now. i feel that one of the largest, one of the sort of the most significant forces in our lifetime, of course, has been the internet, which has been a unifying force -- right? -- which sort of shows us role models of how other asians, like yourself -- or even for an immigrant -- like yourself might have achieved some level of visibility and success and giving back, actually.
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so, in my own personal work, a lot of my philanthropic activities are actually modeled after some of my other senior sort of indian colleagues in venture capital who, in giving back significantly for the last 25 years, and i model a lot of my activity after their work. and i see a lot of this happening right now. >> so, i know you find it very important to support emerging entrepreneurs and girls in particular, right? can you talk about how that became a mission for you? >> well, part of this is because i have two daughters, but i also go back and forth to india quite a lot, and i see the difference in the level of, you know -- that level of sort of freedom and success that women have here versus that in india. i mean, here we think it's bad. to see other countries, you know, suddenly, it's a glaring difference. and so, as a mother of two daughters, for me, it is absolutely crucial that a lot of my work, going forward, is gonna be in the field of learning and the girl child. and the reason the girl child is because it just -- you know, it is very clear now that the r.o.i. -- the return on investment -- on a dollar spent on a girl's education has an
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almost tenfold return on investment. and so that is -- i mean, those numbers are pretty clear now, so that's part of the reason why i have a focus there. >> yeah. i mean, we absolutely need to lift up girls and women out of poverty and give them opportunities. chris, i know your organization has done work to really help some of the ladies who work in the dim sum industry or nail salon industry. can you tell us a little bit about the efforts there? >> right. so, there is still a lot of inequality and discrimination in the workforce for many asian-americans, and asian-american women still feel a heavy burden -- or, a heavy barrier into achieving equality in the workplace. so, in nail salons, in restaurants, caregivers for the sick and elderly, there is a lot of income inequality, and there is a lot of labor problems, where people are not able to fully actualize their labor rights because of problems with employers understanding what their obligations are, problems with immigration status for many of the workers. so we advocate actively for community members to realize
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their rights so that their work is treated equally, as every other americans is. >> well, it is hard to speak up, isn't it? number one, if you don't know the language, and, number two, when you do fear immigration issues -- deportation, things like that. >> yeah, it's a major barrier, and so that's why we do need strong community organizations. we need to develop a lot of the community's leaders to be outspoken, so it's not just coming from nonprofits, it's not just coming from elected officials. it's coming from corporations, as well. with those three sectors working in synch, we can really raise the floor for everyone. >> and it is important for asian-americans and women, in general, to really get engaged civically, in government. and, margaret, you've been trying to do that. and talk about the importance of that. >> absolutely. it's the idea of having your voice heard. my parents were immigrants. they didn't speak the language, and i translated for them when i was young. and i saw what you miss out on when you're not able to speak up, and so that's what drove me
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to get involved in the political process and public service. we have a community, we have definitely distinct needs and interests, and so it's important for us to be there and to be a part of that conversation as decisions are made. >> okay. but a girl might be watching you now, thinking, "that's great. but how do i get started? how do you just get into politics and become an elected official?" >> well, it's definitely, as we were talking about -- mentorship. i think that is really important. and there are a lot of programs now that there weren't before -- internship programs for asian-americans specifically to get involved in community service and public service. so you can do that in high school or even younger and definitely into college. and so those are great ways to get a glimpse of what this whole world is like. >> yeah. and in your capacity as mountain view mayor in the past, how did you try to give more opportunities to give children access? >> yeah, so, mountain view -- we
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do have a population of the poor. 50% of our kids in our public schools -- >> it's easy to forget that when you have google based there. >> absolutely. and most people think we all live in mansions, but that's really not the case. and so i was trying to maximize their resources, so partnerships with the schools and the cities. and so we were the city side. when we don't get involved in it, maybe the school curriculum. but we can offer after-school programs, homework centers. one of my biggest joys of my time on the city council was that we opened a teen center in a neighborhood that's been considered less advantaged. and so those are the opportunities that we have and that we can maximize. >> you know, i think acting cally is important. acting globally is important, as well, asha. we've got about one more minute, but i'd love to hear about how you brought the makerfaire, which we've all been to here and love, to india and africa, as well, right? >> yes. i started out, actually, supporting an entrepreneur who had wanted to take it to cairo, in egypt, and we just ended up
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funding it, actually. we're not really hands-on. but later on, and once i saw the success of makerfaire in africa and how it spread to all other countries, i said, "let me try it out -- let me try and see if i can have a similar one in india." and i did that in my city, ahmedabad. it has taken off like crazy. it's now in multiple other cities now. and i'm just delight that we have that whole maker community that is coming together globally now. because whether you're based in the u.s. or in india, a maker is a maker, and people who are interested in sort of technology and using technology for creating tools, it's a very similar mind-set, and people connect with that over the internet now. so i think it's a really rich community that's coming together. >> all right. asha, thank you very much, and to you, margaret, and to you, chris, as well. we explored very interesting ideas, based on your expertise and passions. thank you for spending the time today. >> thank you so much. >> hope you had fun. >> lovely. enjoyed it. >> excellent. well, hopefully, these conversations will spur others and use it as a starting point and a trigger for discussions
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all year round beyond this asian-pacific american heritage month. we hope you enjoyed the program. now back to you, cheryl. >> thank you, kristen. for more information about today's program, just go to our website, we're also on facebook at abc7communityaffairs. and follow me on twitter @cherylabc7. i'm cheryl jennings. thanks for joining us. have a great week.
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