tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC June 12, 2015 11:35pm-12:38am PDT
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joseph gordon levitz. >> have a great weekend >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- joseph gordon-levitt. from "entourage," emmanuelle chriqui. this week in unnecessary censorship. and music from wiz khalifa. with cleto and the cletones. and now, it's all right -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: hi there. welcome. hi. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching at home. thanks to all of you for coming in on this sacred night of basketball. earlier tonight an abc game one of the nba finals between the golden state warriors and cleveland cavaliers. by the way -- if you want to vote on who should win, the phone lines are still open. they have an interesting format, interesting way they are doing the finals this year. games one and two take place in oakland. then the series shifts to cleveland for games three and four. then fifa will sell the location for the last games to whoever bids the -- whoever pays the highest. i love the beginning of the series. anything could happen. it could go four games, five games or six games or seven. four things can happen.
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but still that's a lot of things, right? my hope is that by the end of the series we'll all learn a valuable lesson about the power of teamwork. hey, there's a new -- we have a new republican candidate for president who also happens to be an old republican candidate for president, former texas governor rick perry. remember rick perry? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: he was hoping you wouldn't. rick perry, you may recall, ran for president in 2012. that went over so well that today he announced he's doing it again. >> let's give them a president who leads us in the direction of our highest dreams, our best dreams, our highest hopes and our greatest promise. >> boy is he sweating like a pig. give him some air conditioning. you may notice he's wearing glasses which means he's smarter than the last time. rick perry isn't known for his
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intellect. rick perry makes george w. bush look like george h.w. bush but he's at it again and why not? there are only so many coyotes you can shoot on your ranch. what else does he have to do. the republican presidential race now officially has more characters than "game of thrones." this, by the way, is how they should pick a candidate. are you familiar with the roman candle? it's like a thick cardboard tube that shoots fire balls. i used to get them when i was a kid for the 4th of july. i think they are illegal almost every place. i don't know how these guys got ahold of it. this happened in chicago. this is a group of friends. who decided to have a roman candle shoot-out. i don't know if there were teams or every man for himself. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it almost looks like a "star wars" battle of some kind little balls of fire they are shooting at each other, which is -- you could lose an eyebrow doing that sort of thing.
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i have to say, i don't know, looks like a lot of fun to me. i would totally do that. if anyone has one of those things, mail them here. guillermo and i will shoot them at each other. >> guillermo: sure. let's do it. >> jimmy: have you ever played with one of those roman candles? >> guillermo: no, no, never. >> jimmy: you'd love it, yeah. put one on your birthday cake and see what happens. >> guillermo: that would be great. >> jimmy: meanwhile, in the state of indiana, they have a new lotto came in indiana. it's called bringing home the bacon. what makes the lottery unique is the tickets are bacon scented, and the prizes are bacon. it's a scratch-off game. the tickets cost $2. you can win up to $10,000 and five lucky players will win a 20-year supply of bacon which is actually a smart move, if you think about it. [ cheers and applause ] because there's no way the people who win that are going to live 20 years. [ laughter ]
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bacon-scented lottery tickets and they say we don't make anything in america anymore would you buy a lottery ticket that smells like bacon? >> guillermo: of course. i love bacon. >> jimmy: guillermo, i don't know if you saw this but there is a research group that did an international study and found the people happiest with their looks, their appearance live in what country? in all the world, you want to guess? >> guillermo: mexico. >> jimmy: you hit it right on the head, mexico is correct. mexicans are happier with their looks than anyone in the world. i would have guessed kardashians but -- 74% of mexicans say they are either completely satisfied or fairly satisfied with their looks. are you satisfied with your looks? >> guillermo: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: why wouldn't you be? the people of turkey are the second happiest. ukrainians and brazilians tied for third. the united states in sixth. 60% of us are satisfied with our
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looks. and the japanese are the most unhappy with their looks of all of the countries which is probably why they keep building sex robots. so congratulations, you beautiful little man. >> guillermo: thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: speaking of other countries and appearance, have you seen kim jong-un lately? there are new photos of the leader of north korea, and he's put on some pounds. there he is. looks like he is posing for a weight watchers ad. according to sources, kim jong-un has been emotionally eating since dennis rodman was spotted on a date with another dictator. last night at yankee stadium, the governor of new jersey, chris christie took part in a celebrity softball game to help a local charity. there he is. steps in the batter's box.
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playing for the nypd. you can see he's -- i don't know about you, but i'll tell you something, i admire a very fat man who voluntarily squeezes into a pair of stretch pants like that. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i feel like we got a visit from the ghost of babe ruth there. we do our show from hollywood, california. i live here. i was born in brooklyn. i love both coasts. i really do. for whatever reason there is a rivalry between l.a. and new york. so we decided to have fun with that. we sent a camera crew to talk to real new yorkers and had another crew ask the same questions in l.a. we asked people from new york to do an impression of people from l.a. and vice-versa. the result is this -- l.a. versus new york. ♪
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>> what's the most annoying thing about people from l.a.? >> i think their accent. >> what's the accent like? >> it's just slow. >> it's a slow accent? >> yeah. >> can you give an example? >> they sound like a dog with peanut butter on the roof of their mouth i think. it's very slow. they speak like this. i can't take it. i like to talk fast. >> tell me about the foods you think new yorkers eat. >> pizza, chinese food getting delivered at 4:00 in the morning. we don't have that. italian i heard is great. >> if you were a person in l.a. ordering lunch, how would you do it? what would you sound like? >> hi. i'd like to order the kale salad. i hope it is hand picked outside and i need to feed my rabbits at home. >> i will have some chicken, i guess but whatever. >> can i have you know, like, you know, is there, like, i don't know, like a sandwich?
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>> can i have a salad, a salad and a side salad, please, with a half of an avocado? >> hey, dude, totally awesome, dude. where is my surf board? >> do an impression of a new yorker ordering a slice of pizza. >> yo, mom, you want to get some pizza over there, please, cheese on the double, make me some coffee too. >> you guys have fresh pepperoni in here? >> yo, tony, c can i get the exa cheese, please. >> can i get a pie, mack? one pie? >> you want to have a calzone? you have a calzone for me? >> are you a professional actress? >> yeah, i am. >> give me an impression of someone from new york. >> you step on my toes, big whoop. you want to [ bleep ] fight about it? >> now do somebody from new york. >> can you do an impression of a new yorker calling a cab? >> can i move around?
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>> sure. >> oh. >> hold it, lady! >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. just when she was about to eat a kale salad. when we come back, we are going to talk to a guy in brooklyn who has a great invention. he invented a pizza topped with a pizza. you can go to his restaurant and order a pizza with a pizza on it. his name is sean and sean will tell us about this pizza next. pizza de resistance next. plus this week in unnecessary censorship, too. so stick around. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ expected wait time: 55 minutes. your call is important to us. thank you for your patience. waiter! vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. vo: we put members first... join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side
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>> jimmy: hi there. still to come, music from with khalifa. first we stra very important subject to discuss. it might be the most important subject in the world, that is pizza. there is a pizzeria in new york called vinny's. a pizza shop and the co-owner is getting attention for inventing a pizza topped with another pizza. they only started to sell this last weekend. it's become, i guess a huge success. already the number two cause of death in america. it's the brain child of sean berthiaume and he is the co-owner of vinnie's. let's go to sean now. as a pizza aficionado i must know about this. [ cheers and applause ] hi, sean. how are you? >> hi. >> jimmy: that's your place. that's vinny's. is there a vinny's? >> no. >> jimmy: there's no vinnie? >> no one would buy from sean's
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pizza. >> jimmy: wait a minute. already you are committing fraud right off the bat. >> yeah. >> jimmy: what do you call the new invention pizza? is the a name for it? >> yeah, it is called mini vinnie. >> jimmy: mini vinnie. and yet it is not mini at all. it's two pizzas really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: and may we see the mini vinnie? >> yes, you may. >> jimmy: okay. let's take a look. this is it, folks. get ready. wow. i bet we will always remember where we were at this moment. okay. there you see. there you see a little pizza on top of a big pizza. wow. have you considered maybe a bowl of soup with more soup in it? this is remarkable. how did you come up with this idea? >> i was bored at work and just trying different things. >> jimmy: did medical marijuana play a role in this decision?
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>> not medical. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you started this last week and how many have you sold, how many pizzas have been sold so far? >> probably about a thousand so far. >> jimmy: wow, that's a lot. isn't it? >> yeah, that's a lot. >> jimmy: how do you prepare? do you do anything special or throw one on top of the other? >> it's a little more than that. i make a small pizza first and throw that in and cook a large pizza and when the large pizza is almost done i cut that up and put it in so it melts on it. it's not just thrown on. >> jimmy: so simple and yet so brilliant at the same time. when people ask for no gluten in their pizza, do you punch them in the face? >> no. i mean, i'll sell whatever people want to buy. >> jimmy: all right. you are known -- i know you are known for your daily specials
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board, which is inspired by movies and television and stuff like that. >> yeah. >> jimmy: tell us about some of your daily specials. >> we had a "breaking bad" one called bacon bad. >> jimmy: what was on that pizza? >> a lot of bacon and sausage and pippin and extra cheese. >> jimmy: okay. >> with that i had a meth ham, feta, bean. >> jimmy: nice. meth ham. i would have thought the "breaking bad" pizza would have been served on the roof, right? >> definitely. >> jimmy: what is tonight's special? i know you have done something particular. >> you actually might like today's special. hold on.
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>> jimmy: let's see what today's is. i heard you did something special for us. you drew this picture of me? >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's pretty good. >> the jimmychanga. >> jimmy: deep fried spicy chicken, pico de gallo, and a sour cream on a black bean pie. wow. >> yes. >> jimmy: that's -- that sounds like -- i mean, that sounds great. [ cheers and applause ] the kimmelt is melted mozzarella, cheddar -- i would never put cheddar on -- can you take off the cheddar? >> absolutely. >> jimmy: but keep the parmesan. i like that. sean, you are an american hero. i'm here to present you right now with -- i don't know what we are calling it but i will put it around your neck. we will mail this to you. this is our version of the presidential medal of freedom and it will be hanging around your neck. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, sean. vinny's pizza in brooklyn. i'm sure you will treasure this.
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one more thing, it's thursday night which means it's time to bleep and blur the big tv moments of the week whether they need it or not. it's "this week in unnecessary censorship." [ cheers and applause ] >> u.s. secretary of state john kerry is now on his way to boston after breaking his [ bleep ] in a bicycle crash. >> i'm a man with many [ bleep ]. >> i kind of learned everything sexual i knew as a kid by [ bleep ] our cows. >> here with terry crews who [ bleep ] more than anyone in hollywood. >> would you [ bleep ] your brother? >> i would [ bleep ] my brother, sister, every relative, every person i can. >> police near detroit spent part of their shift [ bleep ] a pig which led to a priceless photograph. >> [ bleep ] in my sleep. you can't be [ bleep ] in your sleep. i watch you when you sleep. >> do you have rituals or things you do before a race? >> i'm not superstitious but i like to take a [ bleep ] before the race. >> bridges are great place to [ bleep ] chicks. >> today might be a good day to [ bleep ] your mother.
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>> mother [ bleep ]. >> mother [ bleep ]. >> when you are [ bleep ] and they are sucking that's when you have fun. >> nothing says fun like watching grown men ram their [ bleep ] in to each other. hey, is that your dad? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight on the show, music from wiz khalifa, from the "entourage" movie, emmanuelle chriqui is here, and we'll be right back with joseph gordon-levitt. so stick around.
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don't wake him. do it. [crunch] huh [laughing] looking good frank. looking good. toyou use the most innovative technology available. to craft a more luxurious vehicle, you use the most skilled hands on earth. like ones that spend 38 days creating a lexus ls steering wheel. or 2,000 hours calibrating an available mark levinson audio system. the high-tech, handcrafted lexus ls. luxury, uncompromised.
11:59 pm
wbut with all this speed from xfinity, it's all good. hey, why don't we do some homework for a change? gary, you too. stuff. yes! lovin' the new design! konichiwa hirosan. five minutes... all this speed is very empowering. check out the new hardware. with the fastest internet available, xfinity is perfect for people who need to get a lot done at home. and now you can go even faster. we've just increased the speeds on two of our most popular plans.
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on his quest, jack searched the globe for a flavorful spice coveted by kings and sultans. at last, he found it. exotic black pepper. jack knew what he had to do. trade his most beloved possession. and that's how far jack went to bring you the black pepper cheeseburger. black pepper cheese and peppercorn mayo. the black pepper cheeseburger. taste it before it's gone.
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>> jimmy: tonight, from the new "entourage" movie, emmanuelle chriqui is here. then, a performer extraordinaire, with the number one song in the country from the "furious 7" soundtrack, wiz khalifa from the at&t outdoor stage. [ cheers and applause ] you can see him live this summer, on the "boys of zummer tour" with fall out boy. on sunday, game two of the nba finals and night two of our nba game night primetime specials with steve harvey,
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michael jordan and jimmy butler of the chicago bulls. that's sunday night, before the game at 7:00 eastern, 6:00 central, and after the game for those on the west coast. and then we will be in primetime again next week for games three and four with amy poehler, and adam sandler. our first guest is a multi-talented young man whom you know from movies and television. he is the creator, producer and host of, "hit record on tv" which returns to pivot friday, june 12th. please welcome the boy wonder, joseph gordon-levitt. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how's life? >> pretty good, man. >> jimmy: by the way, your show is so much fun to watch. so creative. >> thank you. >> jimmy: for those that don't know, this show is a lot of people, viewers will send in their work and you -- it must
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be -- must be more work putting this all together than just doing it yourself. >> yeah, maybe that's true. yeah. there's so -- i feel lucky to get to work within the entertainment industry. i love my job and i'm grateful to get to do it but there are a lot of people out there who are really skilled artists and talented people that don't necessarily have that opportunity. >> jimmy: they don't have a platform. >> they don't live in l.a. don't have an agent. so "hit record." we do it on the internet. anyone can join our website and there are a bunch of collaborations and that's how we make our short films, cartoons songs and documentaries that we put on the tv show. >> jimmy: people make cartoons, animations, claymations and you put it together and make a show out of it. you have a theme -- the one i saw was dark was the theme. people run with it and it comes out really good. >> thank you. i'm glad you like it. >> jimmy: the reason i want to bring this up is because i met somebody not long ago who needs your help. >> okay.
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>> jimmy: he's from sweden. >> all right. >> jimmy: he is in our audience tonight. he's apparently the victim of a scam where he thought he was moving here to go to ucla and instead he is going to glendale community college. >> hi. >> jimmy: i don't know if you have offices there that he could live in or something but he wants to be an actor. if you can take him under your wing? >> of course. anyone who is going to glendale community college is going to be a great actor and i would be happy to vouch for you. >> jimmy: there you go, right? >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we need fun people in our studio. >> glendale community college will be great. you're going to have a gad time, you're going to take great classes. >> jimmy: do you think so? >> are you going to help me? >> are you going to help yourself, junior? >> of course. that's why i moved. >> jimmy: we had an argument because he claims swedish fish are not from sweden. >> no, they are from germany, right?
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>> maybe they are made there but they are not swedish fish. we don't have red fish. >> i made that up entirely. >> jimmy: no red fish in sweden. that's surprising. anyway. whatever you can do to help him would be gratefully appreciated. >> no problem. sure. >> jimmy: you have a lot of -- you're working on a project which i think is very -- one of the things, both of them i think are interesting. but edward snowden, who is a guy who we all know his name. and all have an idea that he revealed things that he wasn't necessarily supposed to reveal. you are going to play him. do you feel compassion? do you feel he did the right thing in general? >> here's what happened. the director of the movie, oliver stone. >> jimmy: i have heard of him. >> he's a great director. i grew up watching his movies. he called me and he said he was going to make a movie about edward snowden and he wanted me to play him. and the honest truth is i really didn't know very much about him at the time.
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>> jimmy: right. >> when it was happening i wasn't up on the news. i didn't really know. i was like, wait, is he the guy that did that or is that wikileaks or who? once oliver asked me to do it i started to read about it. and yeah, i think he did very much do the right thing. >> jimmy: you do think he did the right thing. >> yeah, definitely. >> jimmy: oliver must definitely think he did the right thing. >> yeah. well, look. you know, it's a long conversation to have. but what i would recommend is if you are interested at all, do some looking into it on your own. >> jimmy: that's a lot of trouble. >> i know. ultimately i think that's the main point he's making is what is beautiful about the united states of america is that we have the right and privilege and even an obligation to look in those things and know about those things and know what our government is doing. so when the government is keeping secrets from us that's not right. when they are changing laws without telling us, that's not
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okay. that's kind of his whole point. i think that's what he was trying to get out there. >> jimmy: also you are playing this guy -- i remember this guy from when i was a kid, french guy who decided to walk on a tightrope across the twin towers. >> yes. >> jimmy: what did he use an arrow or something like that. >> you're right, yeah. to get the wire from one tower to the other they had to use a bow and arrow. >> jimmy: is this guy still alive? >> yes, and he's still completely insane. [ laughter ] that's the question with him. because he's a brilliant artist. he's such an incredibly driven guy. i've never met anyone like him. >> jimmy: do you think of him as an artist? is that the way you describe him? >> i mean, it's different than the kind of art you or i do, because we don't risk our lives doing it. >> jimmy: i do. look at my security guard over there, by the way. i mean, i'm risking my life -- i have swedes coming in here. it's dangerous.
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i can't wait to see that. that sounds like an interesting project. >> really good. the director is robert zemeckis who made "back to the future," "forrest gump," so many great movies, it was such an honor. >> jimmy: you don't mess around with the directors you work with? >> i told you i'm lucky. >> jimmy: you are working with big aaa directors or the kids on youtube are mailing it to you. >> that's exactly right, exactly right. yeah. >> jimmy: you did something for us that i really think it is one of the best things that's ever been on our show. i'm marvelled at it because we asked you -- and we asked a bunch of different actors -- we did a -- we re-enacted -- we did a movie version of different youtube videos. one of them is david after the dentist. the video everybody knows of the kid after the dentist. when i watched your performance, i asked the director, was he going from cue cards? how did this happen? you memorized, not only all of the things that david said but you had the timing down.
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>> yeah. >> jimmy: to the point where i asked them to put you side by side with the kid and watch this because this boggles my mind. >> is this real life? >> yeah, this is real life. >> okay. now. >> okay now. okay now. i have two fingers. >> good. >> i have four fingers. >> four fingers? don't put that in -- don't put it in your mouth. >> i can't see anything. >> yes, you can. stay in your seat. >> jimmy: unbelievable. it's a lot longer than that. >> acting, my dear friend, acting. >> jimmy: acting. i never knew there was something to acting. i thought it is just something you did. you can memorize not just the
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words but the meter like that? >> you know, i think a lot of actors -- and god bless them, they want to be an actor because they want to walk the red carpet or whatever. i just really love acting. i like learning lines. i like figuring out the timing. i sit at home and do that. like you sent me that bit to do. you didn't ask me to memorize it but i had it in front of me and i'm like this is actually a brilliant scene. i sat there and watched it over and over again. >> jimmy: i have to say i'm so impressed by that. really. we still have it on you tube if you want to watch the whole thing. it's unbleefshlg. >> thank you. >> jimmy: and "hit record" is the show of yours, "hit record on tv." if you want to be part of it watch it on pivot and they explain the whole thing. joseph gordon-levitt, everybody. thank you, joseph. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t.
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the big-screen version is in theaters now. please welcome emmanuelle chriqui. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: very good to see you. >> so good to see you. >> jimmy: i did not realize, you are moroccan-canadian. >> yes, french, jewish, moroccan canadian. >> jimmy: that's a lot of things. french, jewish, moroccan canadian. so your dad -- >> my mom and dad -- my mom from casablanca, my dad from rabat, they grew up in morocco, then emgreated to montreal 40-some-odd years ago. >> jimmy: before you were born. >> right. >> jimmy: casablanca is a real place, not just a movie? >> it's a real place. >> jimmy: we are learning all sorts of things about the world. >> speaking of morocco, i made you a little something. >> jimmy: oh, good. >> yeah.
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in my family we used to drink moroccan mint tea all the time, anytime, all the time. >> jimmy: is it a hot tea? >> it's a hot tea. and it's a family recipe. and guillermo -- hi. >> jimmy: oh. >> look at you. >> jimmy: wow, look at this. >> so nice. >> jimmy: guillermo made this? what a lovely presentation. >> so nice, right. >> jimmy: very nice. >> so here's the thing. all of these little cups. they have a little gold leaf. this is very beautiful. a super traditional moroccan situation. when we pour -- when we pour we go like this. you lift it real high. >> jimmy: why? >> because it cools a little bit and brings the flavor in the tea. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> so the recipe -- my dad -- there are different recipes. my dad used to do like gunpowder
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earl grey tea, or you can do black tea. a ton of sugar and a giant handful of fresh mint. and then you can go real high and down. >> jimmy: is mint something that grows in morocco all over the place? >> i'm going to say yes. >> jimmy: okay, all right. what do we do? >> then we drink it. >> jimmy: i like that. i like a tradition like this. >> traditionally, they actually pour it back in the teapot a couple of times to get the flavor going and it cools it but we'll do just one time. >> jimmy: okay, just once. oh, you say cheers? >> no. >> jimmy: what do you say? >> nothing. >> jimmy: just quiet? you must have poured that third one for guillermo. you can have one if you want. but you don't have to, guillermo. >> guillermo: all right. never mind. >> jimmy: it's very tasty, yes. it's good. good tea. this would be offered to guests at your home? >> always. or with like family, whatever. yeah. >> jimmy: thank you, that's a good little tradition.
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i didn't know about this. >> glad you liked it. >> jimmy: i did enjoy it. well, this is something your dad taught you. >> yep. >> jimmy: i heard you don't have any plastic in your home at all? >> i -- okay. i've eliminated plastic from my life because i have a water filtration system at home. and i'm very eco. >> jimmy: i want to ask what about a rubik's cube. would that be allowed at your house? >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: that would be okay? >> there are plastic elements. as far as ingesting, drinking, water bottles, you are not going to see a water bottle at my house. >> jimmy: never? >> never. >> jimmy: what about a bucket? >> yes, there are buckets. >> jimmy: plastic buckets would be allowed? >> yes. >> jimmy: so there is -- plastic is not completely -- like an ice tray in your -- >> it exists, yes. >> jimmy: in your freezer is there a plastic ice tray? because if so -- >> >> no. you want to know why? in my fridge i have a thing that makes the ice. >> jimmy: in the front or pouring into that big plastic container?
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>> i got you. >> jimmy: is it? >> yes. you know what i mean. it's an interesting thing. i'd love to eliminate it completely but it's a really difficult thing to do. >> jimmy: so convenient and then plastic everywhere. >> everywhere. >> jimmy: it's a weird thing. also you get the brita thing and you don't change the filter. ever. i change it every four or five years. >> exactly. and it's not doing anything anymore. >> jimmy: you have to get one and there's beads of black -- what look like little seeds all in your water and everything. >> carbon. >> jimmy: you are militant about that? >> i am. >> jimmy: if i were to bring a plastic bottle in to your house, would what would happen? would i be thrown out of your home? >> no. not at all. but you know -- no, you would not be thrown out of my home. >> jimmy: that's good. you are in this "entourage" movie. how long has it been since -- how many years have elapsed since the tv show was on and this movie?
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>> like three and a half years. >> jimmy: three and a half years. >> yeah. >> jimmy: true or false, you did not speak to any of those guys during that three and a half year period? >> false. >> jimmy: that's false, okay. >> so false. >> jimmy: i figured i'd fish, a fight over a water bottle or something. and your character is pregnant. >> yes, very. >> jimmy: was that fun being fake pregnant? >> yeah. >> jimmy: there's a picture of you pregnant with what looks like a yoga mat. >> constantly rubbing the belly. it was so interesting being pregnant because during the wardrobe fitting -- you know, all of my friends have had babies or most of them and we were doing our wardrobe fitting and putting on this big fake belly and the tight dress on top. we were looking in the mirror and like, this looks really disproportionate. and i can't believe it but i was like we need to make my boobs bigger. so chicken cutlets, that's an industry term, these fake little
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things that we would put in our boobs. my boobs. >> jimmy: what do you mean put in them? >> like underneath to give giant -- >> jimmy: and this is the result of what they call the chicken cutlets? >> this is pregnant boobs. >> jimmy: they got a round of applause. >> i mean -- yeah. >> jimmy: in a pinch you can fill those with swedish fish. >> way more delicious. >> jimmy: good to see you. thank you for the tea. it's delicious. emmanuelle chriqui in "entourage." we'll be right back with wiz khalifa. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t, mobilizing your world.
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on the "furious 7" soundtrack here with the song "see you again" with some help from charlie puth, wiz khalifa! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ it's been a long day without you my friend and i'll tell you all about it ♪ ♪ when i see you again we've come a long way from where we began oh i'll tell you ♪ ♪ all about it when i see you again when i see you again damn who knew ♪ ♪ all the planes we flew good things we've been through that
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i'll be standing ♪ ♪ right here talking to you 'bout another path i know we loved to hit ♪ ♪ the road and laugh but, something told me that it wouldn't last had to switch up ♪ ♪ look at things different see the bigger picture those were the days hard work forever pays ♪ ♪ now i see you in a better place how could we not talk about family when family's ♪ ♪ all that we got everything i went through you were standing there by my side ♪ ♪ and now you gon' be with me for the last ride it's been a long day without you, my friend ♪ ♪ and i'll tell you all about it when i see you again we've come a long way ♪ ♪ from where we began oh, i'll tell you all about it when i see you again ♪ ♪ when i see you again oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ooh ♪
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♪ ooh first you both go out your way and the vibe is ♪ ♪ feeling strong and what's small turn to a friendship ♪ ♪ a friendship turn to a bond and that bond will never be broken and the love ♪ ♪ will never get lost and when brotherhood come first then the line will ♪ ♪ never be crossed established it on our own when that line had to be drawn ♪ ♪ and that line is what we reach so remember me when i'm gone how could we not talk ♪ ♪ about family when family's all that we got everything i went through ♪ ♪ you were standing there by my side and now you gon' be with me for the last ride ♪ ♪ so let the light guide your way yeah hold every memory as you go ♪ ♪ and every road you take will always lead you home home ♪
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♪ it's been a long day without you my friend and i'll tell you all about it ♪ ♪ when i see you again we've come a long way from where we began oh i'll tell you ♪ ♪ all about it when i see you again see you again when i see you again ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ooh ooh ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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like she won the lotto must be hold up ♪ ♪ hold up hold up ♪ do it just like nicky ♪ i'm done but you know i'm ready ♪ ♪ boys and girls call me sexy white girls, but i got to roll this joint ♪ ♪ hold up hold up hold up we dem boys ♪ ♪ hold up we dem boys hold up hold up ♪ ♪ hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up ♪ ♪ hold up hold up we dem boys ♪ hold up we dem boys we dem boys ♪ ♪ hold up hold up we making noise hold up ♪ ♪ hold up we dem boys
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>> hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold on hold on hold up you drive me crazy ♪ this is "nightline." tonight -- passing for black? she has built an identity around being black. >> rachel is clearly white as we are. >> now her parents who say they're white are coming forward claiming this naacp leader has been lying about her race. >> are you african-american? >> i don't understand the question. >> tonight the backlash. >> welcome to hotel branson. his company is called virgin. richard branson wants travelers to have more fun on the road. tonight taking matters into his own hands. why his sexy new hotel chain features an in room
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