tv ABC7 News 1100AM ABC June 19, 2015 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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>> they're great. what can i say. the decibel level is -- you know it's like the sidelines. i couldn't hear myself or anybody else for that matter. you know how they always say that oakland is the new brooklyn? this side came from brooklyn. >> berkeley. >> berkeley. how did you get >> tell me how you got here.
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>> i'm so happy to be here. i'm so proud to be part of the team. it's a proud day. oakland has been so good to us. >> how are you enjoying the parade? >> oh, my god. it was awesome. awesome. warriors. they're the best. >> here's the deal. we're not waiting another 40 years. >> no no. >> three-peat. three in a row. go warriors! go! go, oakland. >> it's a letter erbetter story than i thought. >> we'll take berkeley. >> oh all the fans love it. look at that. take a look at skye 7 hg. they're assembly for thati
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"abc7 news" it's just a magnificent celebration. the parade is basically finished. we're now waiting for the big rally at kaiser the convention center, which should happen in just the next few moments. look at all the people. >> man. >> that's awesome. >> a sea of blue and gold. we're keeping an eye on this and social media as well. we have our eyes on the skies keeping track of everything on social media. >> you can forecast more than just the weather, drew. >> oh yeah. >> the weather is nice and beautiful. my job is done. i'm going to show you some awesome media. let's go. andre iguodala showing this picture. it's a celebration. look at that. the mvp is nothing but smile this morning. parade mvp. that's his hash tag. as we swipe on other to the next tweet, this is about to get
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started. this is brittney johnson. they're getting ready to go. the parade is under way. lots of smiles. andrew bogut, here we go oakland. they've been waiting decades, years for this to happen. the buses were loaded right on time. they're under way as we speak. andre iguodala. are you ready? i think we are. have you seen the crowds. they're celebrating all the players. he also tweeted them. which one? which hat? he has three to choose from. i think he picked the blue one. he definitely had options. he said #paradeattire. and barbosa, these are the real warriors. people lined up as early as 5:00 in the morning to get prime seats to see their favorite players. you can see they're so filled wi pride in oakland. one final one. warriors parade already the number four trending topic and
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we looked in the past five minutes. it bumped up to the number two trending topic in the united states. come on. we need to make it number one. #warriors #parade. mc hammer. it is parade time. we have seen him all throughout the parade. he's got his one nation wardrobe. golden state warriors. keep tweeting. use the #dubson7. so guys, fantastic photos out there this afternoon. >> you're right drew. let's get to number one. >> come on guys. we're almost there. so close. >> i've got to tell you. drew handles the video board like steph handles the basketball. >> true true. >> whatever. >> very impressive. >> that weather -- >> all right. well, mike schuman, he was out
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there. he's been there since the beginning. >> he's fast. >> all right guys we're right outside of kaiser. the warriors are ready to see their favorite players. 2015 nba champion. they've been lined up since 4:00 this morning out here at kieser to get a good seat. it's just been incredible. i've had a chance to talk to the kaiser co-owner peter before the parade. there you. >> joy happiness, smiles tears, all the good things that come when you have winnings, a winning season, a winning organization. it's fantastic. you know, this is like the golden globe the academy award. this is the moment where you say i've aspired to the moment. >> we lost mike. >> yeah we did.
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>> a little spotty, but we'll get it back look. look at the crowd that's gathered for the celebration. the parade is essentially finished. they will gather all the players inside, make a dramatic entrance on that stage and the stage will be filled with dignitaries, players, coaches. >> you can see the stage is already set. a sea of people jam packed in there between that stage and the mayor. and it's beautiful. >> yeah, it's absolutely stunning. what great day for city of oakland. what great day for the fans of the warriors. wait 40g years for a championship. so far this thing has gone without a hitch. look at the beautiful stage they set up. the same company that produced the event produced the giants' victory parade as well. they know what they're doing. they've had a lot of experience in the past five years in the bay area.
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>> they've been very efficient. we're seeing people make their way through. they're trying to get to the kaiser center so they can see their team in the rally. >> what's happening behind the scenes is they're getting everybody in line, in order, and how they're going to come out to get the whole orchestration done. it's going to take a few minutes here. what i compiled is a list of past warriors. some were great players and some were just awful. >> perfect. >> for fans out there that are really the die hards will appreciate this. i'm going to whip through them from a to z. joey, he'll laugh at timend. gilbert arenas was great until he left. beuke, we loved beuke. knewny. bloth. you remember the chorus line of "hideous center." muggsy was 5'3".
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zarko, he was great. he was from europe and couldn't speak a lot of english. we'd start an hour show, we'rer five minutes in and he turns to me and say i go now, i know no more english. i tell him, you're not going anywhere. you've got 55 more minutes. kohl's. cardinal who was diving around on the floor. they called him the custodian, the janitor because he did the dirty work. gilbertly cares. eric stam peer, sleepy stone. tellus frank. jim thought his name was frank tellus. the gunner from the corner who would shoot anywhere from the court. todd fuller. they took him instead of kobe bryant. tom gug leah da. he came over in the ill-fated
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chris webber deal. tim hardeman. i saw him a few weeks aechlg antawn jamison was part of them whetherwhere they tried and tried and tried but could chblt get anywhere. anyone remember keith jennings. couldn't get anywhere jennings? popeye jones was a warrior with the big years. bernard king one of the greatest players of all l tom lichte. and i can still feel that rattling around. corey maggette. uh-oh maggettio. patrick oh bryant. billy owens part of the worst trade don ever made to bring in billy owens.
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miguel pietrus. anthony randolph that i thought would be a top ten player and i have no idea what i was thinking when i said that. mitchell is richmond was great. michael wade richardson was a warrior back in the dark times. ralph sampson all 7'4" of him. short who had the jumper from behind his head. joe smith a first round draft pick. the warriors are the number one pick when joe smith was the top player and that didn't work out well. mike was like the human foul. latrell spreewell. p.j. carlos was the coach backe then. terry teaguele who made some jump shots. chris washburn who was going to be a great and was just terrible and chris webber who was great,
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unfortunately after one year -- >> what a list. >> this is the short list. it was 100. down to 40. and chris mullen who was a hall of famer and a great and is now coaching. >> from that past we get to this great moment, which is terrific. >> it's fantastic. the trophy presentations. let's take a look at that. >> let's take a look at this. that night when they won in game six, this is in cleveland of course. it would be fun to win at home, but they'll take a win anywhere. it doesn't matter whether it's home or away. in game six they got it done against the cavaliers. nobody thought it was possible but it certainly was. >> you've never seen such happy faces and great group of people. you were happy for them. >> after that they partied and partied and partied. they went out to morton's
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steakhouse in cleveland. two had never had a sip of alcohol. one was barnes and one was iguodala. he was drenched with barnes took one first dip and iguodala said they didn't get me. >> this is such a good group of guys which has made it so much fun. >> pretty clean-cut group of guys. that speaks to the fact that two guys aren't even drinkers. >> the camaraderie on this team. they talk about winning championships. >> look at them. >> i love steve kerr. he's one of the best humans on the planet. >> class act in every respect. >> he always knows the right thing to say says the right thing. he's actually really a renaissance man. they tweeted a photo of him reading books.
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i remember when they were down 2-1 in the memphis series, steve kerr was reading a book. he doesn't read the normal stuff people read. he was reading a book about a blind girl growing up in war-torn germany and i was saying, steve we're down two games to one against the grizzlies, will you read the play book, please? concentrate. he really is a renaissance man. i've known him for years. he just -- he's just the best. >> he's such a gracious guy too. >> he's going to do nothing and not do it till noon. >> you can only imagine the focus that this takes and when it's over for the coaches, the players, everybody involved, the enormous relief and the comedown from the adrenaline level of two months of playoffs and then
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finals. you have to be bwiped out. >> i'm sure. >> this is the final adrenaline rush and then the players will take off and get out of town for those who don't live here. >> let's get back to the parade, the rally. we have our live reporters. hi, guys. >> reporter: hi. yeah, you talk about teamwork. we're here to do that for you today. you know larry was talking about how there have been a lot of fun years other than this championship year. as a season ticket holder i remember going to the game kind of to see the hot guys on the other team play the warriors but those days are other. >> there's no question. when your player is not a jerk like steph curry, it permeates throughout the team. this was really a band of brothers. they were pham. i was basically embedded with them the last two months. they were so fun to cover.
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great group of guys. harrison barnes andrew bogut. just a class group of people. i can't believe how many have shown up here today. >> oh my goodness. the arena holds 19,000-something fans. they have a waiting list now of the same number. it seems like everybody warted to come out today. the merchandise yet the championship gear set a one-day record on the internet. they were selling all the way in the middle east europe everybody wanting to kind of celebrate with the team. >> i think this was such a magical season. steve kerr said it. everything went right. he has five championship rings as a player. i think for this team it's so magical it took the nation by storm. not only the bay area but the entire nation. a lot of people were pulling for lebron to bring it back to
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cleveland but i think more thought the warriors were a fun people to watch with the way they watched. it took the nation by storm. >> the teamwork that you're talking about and the guys like steph curry, i would not call him a big baller. an ordinary guy. those are the things you don't see all the time with basketball players. i think that resonated with the crowd too. >> no question. a lot of single guys on the team and family guys. he was the guy who set the tone for everybody. it was just phenomenal to watch and this kind of they celebrated when they were on the road. they celebrate when they get back. but the hundreds of thousands in the bay area. i'm going to step away. you can see here it's incredible how many people have shown up here. and this lines the entire
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broadway, grand street. they line up at 4:00 a.m. to get a seat. it's just spectacular. unbelievable. a beautiful setting with the lake behind us and a phenomenal phenomenal finale. you sat there and watched for years. >> it's been fun. >> you tweet out with harrison barnes. i was almost jealous of the events you went to and that must have been fun. >> reporter: i was jealous of you in cleveland getting a front row seat. some said, don't you want to have them come become and get a game seven? no do what you need to do and get it done. >> you don't want to have lebron get another chachblts in way you feel sorry for cleveland who has hand a championship since 1964. but that lasted a second. >> come on. we haven't had one in over 40 years. >> rick was the steph curry of
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that team, just a phenomenal phenomenal day for them also. the analysts for us, the playoffs, they got a chance. they were excited. just a great day f oakland. >> he gave a lot of props to steve kerr being a rookie coach. he said he was a great player and he turned into a great coach and gave him a lot of credit. very classy. >> you very rarely see the great players become great coach. magic johnson didn't succeed. larry bird didn't succeed. steve kerr was a fundamental player. those guys have become great coaches. i kind of question if they could go all the way for guys who never coached anymore and that's what made this run even more magical. he knew,000 relate to the players. he told them how tough they were going to be and here they are champions.
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>> i have to say as a casual fan, i can understand the movies he was making on the court. i never quite understood what was going on. >> i think jeff under -- if it was a chess match, he had a great understanding. the defensive coach shows no emotion after the game. walked around like it was another game. steve kerr learned so much from those coaches that he r he'll learn from. these are two teams that could be right back at it next year in the finals. >> you talk about the players celebrating when they came off the play yesterday or the day before before. >> some people saying they were listening to the radio. and he was cradling the trophy like a baby. >> 30 seconds left in the game,
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he looked up to his family, pointed to his dad who played 16 years and never won a championship. that was for his dad. his dad told us that afterward. i said to steph you should give that ring to your dad. that moment for the family, as a player, just phenomenal. so many story lines with this team. it's just -- i think they deserved it. it was magical like they said and this was a fabulous reward for their season. >> yes. steph said he's in the family business. named after his dad doing what his dad did and going beyond. >> and your friend is a sweetie. >> yes. >> 106 years old. >> yes. she had her 106th birthday during the finals. >> how excited is she? >> she has to be excited. she hoped to be in the parade. her family thought otherwise. this would be too overwhelming
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with her. i saw her in game one and she enjoyed it but even that's a lot for someone 106 years old. her family said sweetie will watch it from her couch with everyone in chairs around her. >> this is like the first nba championship for most of the fans out here. that makes it more special because they've never had one or experienced one. rickperry said they never had one. >> the crowds booming coming in. also you would see someone else wearing gear or the colors they were a stranger but you smiled and said hello. it's really brought the community together in a very beautiful way. lling the people in
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cleveland, we really need this. they were like no, no. oakland really needs it. fortunately for us in the bayarea golden state, or the oakland warriors ended up winning this championship. >> i can't wait to see them step up to the podium there show off the beautiful trophy, and i know this crowd is going to go crazy. >> well steph a man of few words, will probably not be up there for a while, but draymond green, will be up there for a while klay it will be fun to see, i don't know if everybody is going to get a chance to speak. but steve kerr is just loving this, it's a special day. these never get old. now with the warriors. so the bay area is the sports universe right now. >> look forward to this. hey guys back to you. >> good work, guys.
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