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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  June 25, 2015 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

11:35 pm
>> jimmy: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel ve"! tonight -- jada pinkett-smith. from "terminator genesis," jai courtney. "this week in unnecessary censorship." and music from nate ruess. with cleto and the cletones. and now, moving on, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: hi, everyone. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. i'm very glad you did. it would be embarrassing if you hadn't. let's jump right into it. as we have a lot to get to. we had a major decision from the supreme court today. do you guys obamacare about that or not? [ cheers and applause ] the supreme court ruled in a 6-3 decision to preserve the affordable care act, more commonly known as obamacare, which means we can do anything we want. we could drink, we could smoke, we could jump mini bikes off of bridges, we could play chainsaw tag if we want to. we get hurt? it's not our problem, it's america a esproblem, together. [ cheers and applause ] obama was very happy, he triumphantlically claired that the affordable care act is here to stay. then he went into the rose
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garden and secretly puffed on an e-cigarette. so colonoscopies are on me tonight. meanwhile in paris today there was a riot against uber. french taxi drivers are upset because they have to pay more than $250,000 for the license to drive a cab. whereas uniber drivers pay nothing. also given france's history with germany, the fact that the company is named uber probably isn't helping. it's like heiling a cab, you don't do it. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] this morning the cab drivers blocked roads leading to the airport. they flipped some uber cars over. i mean, that's crazy. the police had -- two guys had to flip it back over. there are more guys. they set cars on fire, with their cologne i guess, i don't know. this surge pricing really gets people upset, it does. fortunately the uber drivers had
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a lot of tiny water bottles ss put all the fires out. there are reports of uber passengers being attacked. an uber car courtney love was in was attacked. she tweeted, they've ambushed our car and are holding our driver hostage. that's courtney in her uber car. she doesn't know what's going on. they were beating the cars with metal bats. she was forced out of the vehicle. she had to pay a guy on a motorcycle to get her out of there. a good way to kn know a situati has accumulated is when courtney love is like, hey, this is crazy now. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] so i don't know what's going on in france. but kim kardashian is in france. she had some drama there herself. yesterday, somebody tried to get into her hotel room. kim tweeted, thanks to the drunk naked woman banging on my door, i've been up since 4:00 a.m. apparently a drunk and naked woman was trying to get into kim's room swiping a credit card instead of a hotel key card.
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why she was naked outside of the room i don't know. maybe it was courtney love trying to get in the room. kim said she shot video of the woman but she decided not to post it. which -- that's smart, i agree with that decision. you don't want to see some random woman getting famous for getting naked on video. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] by the way, i noticed -- i like that the first thing both kim kardashian and courtney love did when presented with maniacs trying to get at them, not call the police, they tweet. twitter is the new 911 or something. by the way, shame on that drunk naked woman for interrupting kim kardashian while she was trying to sleep. interrupting people is kanye's thing and she has no right to. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] the oxford english dictionary, this is something they do every year. and every year it's annoying. they're adding 500 new words. this time around the big
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additions are twerking and foshizzle. that's right. foshizzle has been added to the dictionary. as in, is the english language dead? foshizzle. i am excited we finally get a definition of twerking in writing. now if we could just get someone to demonstrate on it video we would be set. other words that made the cut are webisode, e-cigarette, and meth. i think it's cute these people think we're still using dictionaries. as if. i don't even know -- i barely use words anymore. i'm 80% emoji now. tonight from the barclays center in brooklyn, a big night for football fans. the nba draft. for those unfamiliar the nba draft is basically a job fair for very tall people with the number one pick, the minnesota timberwolves chose karl anthony towns from kentucky. the lakers had the second pick.
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this is who they took. >> with the second pick in the 2015 nba draft, the los angeles lakers select -- deangelo russell from the ohio state university. >> jimmy: i'm glad some of his teammates showed up to support him. i think that was millhouse from "the simpsons." that is something. i was watching that in my office. can you imagine how stressful it is to be just out of college, waiting around to see if you get picked to play in the nba? remember how awful it was to get picked last in kickball? in like elementary school? now put that on television and imagine it. and this is crazy. some people paid more than $300 for tickets to go to the draft. just to sit there and watch the draft. which could have to do with the fact that it's in new york and the knicks had the fourth pick.
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also it's really your one chance to stand and up shout, "is it me or is there a draft in here?" [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] this occurred to me today thinking about the draft. it occurred to me if you think about it, "the bachelorette" is a televised draft. right? except instead of millions of dollars in pay and endorsement deals the guys get chlamydia. [ laughter ] hey, this is fun. this comes via a wildlife sanctuasang medical sanctuary in melrose, florida. a bear diving into an above-ground pool. the bear's name bruiser. >> are you a happy bear this morning? >> jimmy: what if he talked? wouldn't that be crazy? what if he replied? i'd really be impressed. i like the other bear in the background lounging like this is perfectly normal behavior. watch this. he goes up for another round.
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just like an 8-year-old kid back into the pool. i know they're dangerous but i'm definitely getting one of those for my house. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] speaking of bears. mark burnett, the guy who produces "survivor" and "the voice" and "shark tank," pretty much every big reality show there is. he says he's trying to get russian president vladimir putin to star in his next reality show. this is a show, the idea is the show would follow putin, not the politician but the sportsman and outdoorsman. and then at the end of every episode, one small independent nation will be eliminated. [ laughter ] can you imagine that? vladimir putin would really be perfect for a reality show. he drinks vodka, he has a huge ego, he's basically a real housewife just to start. but i don't know, should we be encouraging this? don't they already have a version of "survivor" in russia?
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it's called "living in russia." you know, there's big summer movies coming up. two of them come out tomorrow. more over the next few weeks. most people won't get a chance to see all of them. as a service to our viewers, we enlisted the help of our friend yehya to give us his take on which movies are worth your money. tonight yehya weighs in on "terminator: genesis." here's yehya talking about the movie. >> again, talking about celebrity insight the movie. >> what do you say first before the celebrity? >> hi, it's me, yehya. i'm talking about summer movie. that the movie is called "terminator." yes, "terminator 1." "terminator 2." you don't have any what you want maybe 3, 4. anyway. the guy's terminator, arnold, arnold schwarzenegger. he comes with his body, after that you go to the movie, go to
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the movie with the danny devito, it's called "the twins." you know, every time in the movie you see it, i'll be back. has that la vees that, baby. california. the best guy with the fire. i got picture with him. and this girl, she look like selena coleman, maybe? i don't know what she look like. young girl. i never seen before. and the movie "terminator" look like action movie. i think some people come from the moon and the flar and they die and they come back again and they die and they come back again and you break and they come back again. i don't know, like a rabbit machine, you know? thank you, arnold. thank you for you guys watching the movie. a summer movie. good luck. i'll be back with arnold. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, yehya.
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we have to take a break. when we come back i have some very sinister-founding facebook news. and "this week in unnecessary censorship" too. so stick around. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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sure, when pigs fly. ♪ take it. good boy! ♪ong: rachel platten "fight song" two million, four hundred thirty-four thousand, three hundred eleven people in this city. and only one me. ♪ i'll take those odds. ♪ be unstoppable. the all-new 2015 ford edge.
11:48 pm
try new aveeno® why wsheer hydration.wn? its active naturals® oat formula... ...goes on feather light. absorbs in seconds... ...keeps skin healthy looking... ...and soft. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results. don't wake him. do it. [crunch] huh [laughing] looking good frank.
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looking good. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. jada pinkett-smith, jai courtney, first facebook is up to something weird. have you ever used facebook? okay, good. according to the head of artificial intelligence at facebook, which is an actual position, they have developed facial recognition technology that is now so advanced they can identify us without even seeing our faces. like the terminator, really. and they found a way to identify
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you using cues like hair color, clothing, types of posts, and posture. just by seeing those things they claim they can identify people with 83% accuracy. without the face. i mean, i wish they could help me remember people's names at parties because i'm at about 43%. and i'm not sure i understand really how this all works. so we asked a representative from facebook to speak with us tonight. he's here now via web cam from menlo park. please welcome facebook vice president of user management david phillips. hello, david. thank you very much for joining us. >> thanks so much for having me. >> jimmy: help us understand. with this process, facebook doesn't even need to see your face to automatically tag you in a picture? >> correct. people on facebook want to see pictures of their friends immediately. as soon as they're posted. so we developed a more advanced facial recognition algorithm
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that allows us to tag a user's profile even if we can't see their face. >> jimmy: i understand why that's amazing but what about privacy? what about those issues? >> well, jimmy, we are very aware of users' privacy concerns here at facebook. we do take them extremely seriously. have you seen this video of a puppy shaking its head? >> jimmy: no, i hadn't seen that. no, that's very -- that's -- yeah, that's very cute. >> it is cute, isn't it? >> jimmy: i don't see how that answers my question about prive yes, though. >> okay, well -- to put it in layman's terms, facebook is aggregating the world's largest database of personal information so that we can learn what our users want, what they need, how they use it, and when they need it. the goal is to make your facebook experience as personal as possible. >> jimmy: you could see how that's kind of scary. a major corporation knowing who we are and gathering huge amounts of personal information about us. right? >> well, the fact is your privacy settings remain unchanged. users have always had the
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ability to -- oh my god, have you seen this quiz that tells you what character from "entourage" you are? >> jimmy: no, well -- >> jimmy, i think you should take the quiz. >> jimmy: i don't want to take the quit. i have to be honest. it kind of seems like you keep trying to distract me with nonsense. >> distract you with nonsense at facebook? no. that is not what we are trying to do here. our goal is completely clear. all rewant to do is gather enough information on everyone so we can displace and dismantle the federal government -- oh my god did you see your son's new high score on cookie crush? >> jimmy: wow, that is a high score on cookie crush. my son did this? >> yeah, he did. >> jimmy: oh. >> he even posted "kicked your butt, dad." >> jimmy: he posted that? that little son of a -- hold on a second. i can definitely beat that score. >> you're doing a very good job. >> jimmy: thank you. wait. you can see what's on my phone? >> oh, yeah, we can see what's on everyone's phones.
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>> jimmy: oh. okay. hey, what were we talking about, again? >> nothing at all, jimmy. >> jimmy: okay. >> nothing. >> jimmy: thank you, david. that was david. thanks so much for talking -- nice guy. i think i'm going to friend him. [ cheers and applause ] all right, one more thing. it's thursday night. as we do we bleep and blur the big tv moments of the week whether they need it or not. it is "this week in unnecessary censorship." pardon me. [ cheers and applause ] >> i miss some things about being president. i miss having a [ bleep ] on an airplane. >> you seem to really be [ bleep ]ing jeb bush. >> i felt bad because i [ bleep ]ed him very hard one day, a few days ago. and i said, why am i [ bleep ]ing him so hard? >> yeah, perfect body. he doesn't have a longer to sew, he doesn't have a long [ bleep ]. >> what actor had his [ bleep ] in "fast and furious 7"?
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i love them both. i [ bleep ] them both in my dreams. >> you'll get [ bleep ]ed in ways you never saw coming. >> sean diddy combs said he was [ bleep ]ing himself and his son when he was arrested at ucla. >> i [ bleep ] 8,000 [ bleep ] at major league stadiums mostly during watti ibatting practice. >> which do you think is going to take the top song called [ bleep ] on my face? >> a lot of people have been [ bleep ] by lee majors. >> you got some great kids. >> i really do. >> welcome back, everyone. [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. >> do you have any ideas who we are? >> um -- wait, wait. i'll show you. >> we call us the [ bleep ], [ bleep ] boys. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight on the show we have music from nate ruess, from "terminator: jen ris" jai courtney is here.
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be right back with jada poong ket smith! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by schick hydro. with a great shave, epic things happen. check them out at ...where you least expect it. schick hydro. now with shave oils, the hydrating gel works with skin guards to reduce friction, stroke after stroke. our best shave for your skin. schick hydro. free your skin.
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let's make this right. nicely done. enough! uhh. check please. oh wow, that's a good one! that dress was only eight dollars... and the whole store is up to 60% off! (continues laughing uncontrollably)
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11:59 pm
but with all this speed from xfinity, it's all good. hey, why don't we do some homework for a change? gary, you too. stuff. yes! [laughs] lovin' the new design! konichiwa hirosan. five minutes... all this speed is very empowering. check out the new hardware. with the fastest internet available, xfinity is perfect for people who need to get a lot done at home. and now you can go even faster. we've just increased the speeds on two of our most popular plans.
12:00 am
[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello, there. we are back. tonight, from the new "terminator" movie, "terminator: genisys," jai courtney is here with us. you know him as the lead singer from the band fun. this is his solo album "grand
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romantic," nate ruess from the at&t stage. next week amelia clark, andy samberg, halle berry, leaiev schreib schreiber, ronda rousey, seattle seahawks quarterback russell wilson will be with us, and we'll have music from everclear, vince staples, butch walker and miguel too. so please join us for all of those shows or one of or two or three and a half of those shows. after one "scream 2," three matrixes, our first guest has mastered the art of the movie sequel. she is a bona fide fresh princess. starting wednesday you can see her surrounded by oily men in "magic mike xxl." please say hello to jada pinkett-smith! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: you look fantastic. >> thank you. >> jimmy: where do you even get a dress like that? do they have those at the store? >> yeah, they have them at the store. that's why, you know, they let me wear these things. so the ladies out there will want to buy one. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah! >> jimmy: that's the way to go. >> that's the way to go. >> jimmy: i heard, and i'm unaware of the details of this. i heard you've been traveling around the country with male strippers this week. >> i have. >> jimmy: you have. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and not the actor male strippers that are in the movie but actual male strippers. >> they're actually dancers. some of them were from the movie. and they're pretending to be strippers. >> jimmy: yeah, oh, so -- wait, what's the difference between a dancer and a stripper? >> because they can do acrobatics, they're flipping around. >> jimmy: do they take off their clothes? >> there's serious choreography, yeah. so there's dancer/strippers. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> there's no difference -- when you go to a regular male
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revue -- have you ever been to a male strip club? >> jimmy: yes, i have. >> have you? >> jimmy: yes, i worked outside a male strip club as a valet parker. it was a place, it was a nightclub, then sometimes it was a gym, and then on like monday or tuesday night when i was in college, i would park cars outside of this place. >> really. >> jimmy: and the women would go in, they'd be very normal. i'd take the keys and park their cars. they'd come out maniacs. >> see? did you get any action? >> jimmy: only unwanted action. yes. only action that i was not looking for. >> got it. >> jimmy: at all. yeah. i mean, it was really like a molestation instead of a tip. >> oh, really? >> jimmy: with almost every car. >> i have to be honest, that was one of the things -- i'd never been to a male strip club before. after doing this movie i really did see how male stripping can be inspirational. >> jimmy: it's dancing, it's not stripping. >> well -- [ laughter ] >> a little bit of both.
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>> jimmy: wait a minute, it can be what? inspirational? >> inspirational. >> jimmy: to whom? >> to ladies. >> jimmy: in what way? >> in the way like it opens up a lot of different channels. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] >> it does. a lot of happiness. yeah transfer a lot of energy. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. inspiration, i don't know. >> inspiration. >> jimmy: we'd have to check with the dictionary people on that one. so -- but it's fun? >> it was so much fun. and, i mean -- you know, with channing and the guys, i mean -- channing's so talented. like channing and -- just watch -- it's not like your regular male revue. i got to see the male revue of a lifetime. >> jimmy: yeah, you got to see the premier male revue. >> i got to see the creme de la creme. >> jimmy: what does will think about you seeing the creme de la creme all the time? >> i think he was really happy for me. >> jimmy: he was? >> i think he was. >> jimmy: wow. >> when you've been married to a woman for 20 years, you can imagine it, go have some fun.
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>> jimmy: that's a very healthy attitude. >> yes. go have some fun, have a good time, then bring it all back here to me. >> jimmy: i see. >> you know? because he reaps a lot of benefits from that kind of joy and happiness. >> jimmy: yeah, i gotcha. the inspiration, yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: were you with the dancers, strippers, whatever they're called, on father's day? >> yes. >> jimmy: you were? [ laughter ] >> yeah, i was. i had to work. but you know what? will is going to get a great father's day gift. because he asked that his gift be that he gets to choose the family vacation this year, and nobody gets a say. >> jimmy: oh! i like that. >> because he never really gets a choice of where we go. >> jimmy: who usually picks? >> either will or myself. >> jimmy: right. >> sometimes jaden gets a say, and trey and will -- trey's really relaxed, he goes where everybody else wants to go. will never gets to pick. >> jimmy: are you concerned about the fact that he's now got to do something that only really
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interests him? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you are? >> i am. >> jimmy: what kind of thing do you think he's going to do? >> i think it's going to be a boat and i don't like boats. >> jimmy: oh. >> i think that's why he said, you know -- i'm not going to tell you, and you can't reject it, and you're just going to do what i say this go-round for this vacation, like i do for your vacations! >> jimmy: right, yes. >> i was like, okay. i have a feeling it's a boat. >> jimmy: do you get sick on boats? >> i don't get sick. but i don't -- i need to seven land. i need to believe that there's something -- i'm scared. >> jimmy: i see. >> yeah, i need to believe that, you know, i could jump off and swim to land picked. you kn if i could. i can't but if i see land it seems like i can. >> jimmy: that could be unpleasant. how long do you think you'll go? >> who knows. i know i'm not going to be able to say anything. i think it's going to be fun. the one thing about will, it's always fun and adventurous. he loves adventure. >> jimmy: i bet. he does seem like a lot of fun. the last time he was here, not
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so long ago, during the commercial break the band was playing -- what song? "summertime" or something like that? >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: will grabbed the microphone and did the whole song off the air for the audience. >> right. free concert. absolutely. >> jimmy: then i think you guys started another song. i was like, we're not going to be able to finish the show. >> yeah, don't -- will in a room with a microphone? and then music? forget about it. i mean, i have to tell people, look, don't go to restaurants, if you have a microphone, get rid of it. he loves performing. >> jimmy: he does this regularly? >> he loves it. >> jimmy: will he do it at a wedding? >> he'll do it at a wedding, he's done it at restaurants, he'll do it at other people's concerts. >> jimmy: really. >> oh, yeah. you know. everybody kept asking, when is will coming to the set? you know. we were magic mike. i was like, you don't want will here, he'll flip channing right off that stage and he'll be singing "summertime" taking his
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shirt off. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: jada pinkett submit is with us. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world.
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sure, when pigs fly. ♪ take it.
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i got a little treat for you all tonight. a man i knew as white chocolate.
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still might know him. as magic mike. we're going to see if he's still got some magic in that mike. >> jimmy: i bet he does. that is jada pinkett-smith in "magic mike xxl." you're like a -- you're not a dancer, you're a boss of the dancers. >> well, i own a private club. >> jimmy: right. >> he used to -- we used to date. he used to be part of the club. >> jimmy: and now? >> and now, you know, he's coming back and he's asking me for, you know, some favors. you know. i just -- i'm going to make a decision whether i'm going to give him the favor or not. >> jimmy: did you get bored at all being around all these very greasy, very handsome -- >> no, no, i didn't. >> jimmy: you did not. >> no. >> jimmy: were you encouraged to -- are you allowed to touch? how does it work, exactly? >> well, you shouldn't. >> jimmy: you shouldn't. >> yeah. you shouldn't. but i did.
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i think i broke that rule a couple of times. >> you did? >> yeah, with matt. >> jimmy: with matt bomer? yeah, i touched him a few times when he was here. >> you can't help it, right? that beauty just draws you in. >> jimmy: i'm guessing he was okay with it. >> he was, he was. but, you know -- i really felt like i had to apologize. because if he had done that to me? >> jimmy: right. >> if his intro to me every morning was, hey, jade dashes how you doing? you know, i think that would be a problem. >> jimmy: you'd have him arrested, i wanted to give that respect, that quality, trying to have men and women on equal grounds. >> jimmy: right. yeah. but you apologized after you did it? >> i apologized after i did it, several times. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well what are you going to do. >> what are you going to do? >> jimmy: your fingernails are long, did you scratch him? >> no, i didn't. >> jimmy: are those your real nails? >> they are, but cut down from the fish mooney length. >> jimmy: from "gotham."
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>> i'm holding on to her a little bit. i did cut them down. >> jimmy: were those your real names in "gotham"? >> yeah. >> jimmy: they were? there's acrylic on top, my nail grows underneath, so that is my flail. >> jimmy: do you like having long nails? >> i do. >> jimmy: are you able to text and do the things one needs to do with fingers? >> absolutely, i can. >> jimmy: no problem at all? >> no problem whatsoever. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah you get used to it. i've scratched myself a couple of times but you get over it. >> jimmy: how about matt's chest? did he get scratched? >> no, that was just a very light -- >> jimmy: you could unwrap a piece of gum or something like that? >> yeah. >> jimmy: let me see. oh my god. it's unbelievable. it's actually like a super power. >> yes, it really is, they come in handy. >> jimmy: maybe i'll get some myself. it's very good to see you. >> nice to see you. >> jimmy: please give my best to the whole family. jada pinkett-smith, everyone! "magic mike xxl" opens next wednesday, july 1st. be right back with jai courtney!
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>> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by schick hydro. with a great shave, epic things hey ralph, can i have a dorito? sure, when pigs fly. ♪ hey ralph... [explosion] [rocket sound] take it. good boy. ...where you least expect it. schick hydro. now with shave oils, the hydrating gel works with skin guards to reduce friction, stroke after stroke. our best shave for your skin. schick hydro. free your skin. ♪
12:18 am
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the black pepper cheeseburger. taste it before it's gone. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello, there. welcome back. still to come, music from nate ruess. our next guest joins forces with the former governor of california to save sarah conner and the world from cyborgs with scary eyes. "terminator: genisys" opens in theaters on wednesday. please welcome jai courtney! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how's it going? >> good, man, how you doing? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. is jai a common name in australia? >> it is not. >> jimmy: it is not, okay. where did the name come from? >> my parents got it from the original tarzan tv series from the '60s. >> jimmy: it was a character on
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the show? >> apparently there's a little boy that he adopted from the jungle called jai. >> jimmy: so they named you after the boy from the jungle? wow. we named my daughter jane. but not from tarzan. >> but not from the tarzan. >> jimmy: not tarzan related. i know you flew in from toronto. >> i did. >> jimmy: you're shooting "suicide squad" with will smith, strangery enough. >> will smith. >> jimmy: do you find he's rapping at the drop of a hat? >> he threw a killer kickoff party. there were shirts off and -- >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. everything jada said is true. >> jimmy: do you hang out socially? >> no, we're super busy. but yeah we've managed to, you know -- >> jimmy: you make time. what do you do together? >> just take our shirts off and sing "summertime." >> jimmy: right. it seems to be a running theme on the show tonight. the last time you were here, i think you were just about to go to new orleans to make the
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"terminator" movie. and how did that go? how long were you there in new orleans? >> it was about five months, i think. >> jimmy: five months. did you enjoy being in new orleans? >> i did, i did. i didn't get to enjoy all the fruits of new orleans as most people do. >> jimmy: why not? >> i was looking forward to it. it's a party town, people have a good time there. >> jimmy: right. >> but the restrictions on our schedule, training, all that sort of thing. i've never had a drink on bourbon street. i spent seven months there last year. >> jimmy: really. >> that's pretty sad. >> jimmy: you didn't go to new orleans. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you flew through is what you. >> dicky: i snuck out a couple of times. my producers didn't know about it. but yeah. for the most part it was pretty tame. >> jimmy: wow. that's disappointing. so it was not a good -- it was not the -- you didn't have the full new orleans experience. were you staying there? >> i had a little place, like in the garden district, you know. it was opposite a school. it was very tame. >> jimmy: yeah, i guess.
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>> i need to go back again. >> jimmy: you should go back there immediately. >> yes. >> jimmy: did you work with arnold schwarzenegger? or there is a wax ambiguofigure you worked with? >> he's there, he's in the movie. >> jimmy: you're sure of it? >> i'm positive. >> jimmy: okay. the real guy? >> the real guy. >> jimmy: and working with arnold schwarzenegger is -- has to be just an -- like a funny experience. >> it's surreal, it's pretty funny. he's such an icon. >> jimmy: yes. >> and he kind of lives up to it. he's larger than life. yeah. it's pretty wonderful. >> jimmy: smoking everywhere? >> cigars everywhere. >> jimmy: did you work out together? >> we managed to right at the end. we didn't the whole time. and then in san francisco, we're finishing the movie, i ran into him in the gym. and i was like, box kick. pumped iron with arnold schwarzenegger. >> jimmy: guys like you and like me, guys who are really into fitness -- [ laughter ] >> that's good deal for us. >> jimmy: yeah, it's a huge
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thing. >> yeah, pioneers. >> jimmy: like jumping into a race car beside mario andretti. >> precisely. >> jimmy: and did he teach you anything? did he give you tips? spot you? >> he keeps them all to himself. >> jimmy: he does, even to this day, he remains competitive? >> absolutely. >> jimmy: did you do sets? what do they call them? [ laughter ] what do they call when the guys lift the things up? >> yeah, reps. >> jimmy: reps, right. >> reps turn into sets. >> jimmy: reps turn into sets? >> eventually. you do enough reps you end up with a set. >> jimmy: that's what's going on. did you feel self conscious working out with him? because you've got to be stronger than him, you could beat the crap out of him. >> i don't know about that. >> jimmy: yeah. >> have you seen his shape, man? >> jimmy: come on, let's be honest. >> no. >> jimmy: and that's the governor, like beating up a whole state. so you worked with some other kind of ax action heroes.
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bruce willis, tom cruise, russell crowe, arnold schwarzenegger. who would win in a fight of all those guys? >> oh. i reckon russell would probably -- >> jimmy: russell would, really? >> i'm going with the -- he's an aussie, man, come on. >> jimmy: you're going with your hometown boy. do you think that australian men are in general tougher than american men? >> far, far tougher. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i don't disagree with you at all. why do you think that is? >> i don't know, man. it's one of those things. >> jimmy: is there pressure there to be very masculine? is it because of all the dangerous creatures running around? >> probably. yeah. it probably is. we got into this last time, talking about the dangerous creatures. >> jimmy: yeah, there are dangerous creatures. >> we do grow up wrestling sharks and alligators. >> jimmy: yeah. like even your friendliest animal, a kangaroo, which will kick you in the face.
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>> like this. >> jimmy: exactly. even your adorable animals are terrifying. >> absolutely, exactly. >> jimmy: so do australian men cry? i mean, this is something that -- when was the last time you shed a tear? >> i don't know, i'm pretty soft. >> jimmy: are you? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you're one of the soft ones? >> i'm one of the soft ones. >> jimmy: really? because i'm in fear right now of you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i should not be -- i'll do whatever you want. this is exciting to be in this terminator thing. >> it is. >> jimmy: is it something you watched growing up? >> of course, t2 was the one for me that i remember the best. i was minus 2 when the first one came out. i caught up eventually. no, it's great, man. it's really, really cool. >> jimmy: congratulations. it's exciting to be in a big thing like this. "terminator: genisys" opens on wednesday. jai courtney, everybody! we'll be right back with music from nate ruess.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t, mobilizing your world. >> jimmy: thank you to jada ping kit smith, jai courtney. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next but first, this is his album "grand romantic." here with the song "great big storm," nate ruess! ♪ it's a great big song in a great big song ♪ ♪ who's in love with some friends losing faith ♪ ♪ one day you'll find me note
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♪ i saw my mother cry it's catching up i keep a phone by my side ♪ ♪ to wake me up to catch the next flight in time to say good-bye ♪ ♪ at times i fall asleep and it's safe ♪ ♪ because we're holding on tight ♪ ♪ we rock that song ♪ i can't believe that it's coming down to me ♪
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♪ coming on home to a great big song ♪ ♪ and a great big song and we're coming on home ♪ ♪ we're in love let me go ♪ you know i've got to find my own way through the mistakes that i can't change ♪ ♪ everything every single blast ♪ ♪ i had to move just before the sun set ♪ ♪ no i don't believe in all the things ♪ ♪ sometimes i fall asleep and i see your smile ♪ ♪ whoa one day i'm going to make it up to you ♪ ♪ we're fighting it strong we
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know we can't say ♪ ♪ now we're holding up home ♪ holding up home in a great big song in a great big song and we're holding up ♪ ♪ i can't help myself from the words in the song ♪ ♪ you knew how to breeze and it's all going to be all right ♪ ♪ i can't tell myself whoo but we gave it a try ♪ ♪ i think i'm going to find it for myself ♪
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♪ and a great big song and i'm holding it close ♪ ♪ knowing what went wrong whoa ♪ i can't believe when we were holding up home ♪ ♪ no we won't let go no we won't let go ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i'm here without love my body shifts again the same ♪ ♪ i'm all alone but i'm nothing
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without love ♪ ♪ ♪ how can i hold her in my arms keep feeling long i feel insane ♪ ♪ i would take credit but i'm nothing without love ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ three years at sea after the storm and this sinking ship that love had put me on ♪
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♪ god i wish a gust of wind would come and car me home ♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, alleged mass murderer dylann roof was radicalized online. in the wake of tragedy in charleston some are harnessing their power to make change for good. meet the man behind the growing digital dialogue. >> yeah, i'm redneck. >> self-professed former racist, now starting race conversations with the controversial new idea. and the boys are back. tonight, the stars of "magic mike xxl" talk bodies, brotherhood, and one cast member's upcoming wedding to a certain miss sofia vergara. plus what our juju chang did to turn channing tatum into a total softy. first the "nightline 5."


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