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tv   World News Now  ABC  August 20, 2015 1:42am-4:01am PDT

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does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it. resolve it. our new formula with a special conditioning ingredient softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens but now it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and try resolve for amazing stain removal the first time.
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well, surveillance cameras were rolling when that man in a pickup truck pulled up to a 1,200-pound atm. he attached a chain. he actually yanked it away. but after all that effort, the thief didn't get one red cent. he dumped the machine by the side of the road where police later recovered it. the search is on for the suspect. after deadly incidents at movie theaters around the country, a theater chain has started random inspections of bags and backpacks. without saying what's behind the new policy, regal entertainment group says it's acting to ensure the safety of guests and employees. regal admits its policy is an inconvenience, believing cinema customers won't mind if it means better security.
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now to atlanta, where police are seeking the public's help to find four teenagers accused of a violent home invasion. it happened last sunday. >> the attack left a husband and father with gunshot wounds and has a neighborhood on edge. details now from abc's mara schiavocampo. >> reporter: atlanta police searching for this suspect and three accomplices seen in this surveillance video after a terrifying attack on a family. >> we're being robbed at gunpoint. >> reporter: they were just returning home from vacation sunday when mike lash was approached outside by teens, demanding to get into the house. >> he said "i can't let you because i have my wife and my two children are in there." >> reporter: as mike struggled with the men, wife whitney calmly called for help. >> i just ran outside with my baby. there's a black young man at the front door. he just pulled a gun on my husband. >> reporter: but before police could respond -- >> go ahead and get the officers. you heard a shot being fired? hello, ma'am? >> not the baby! not the baby! >> reporter: mike shot in the leg and foot.
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the gunman even firing at whitney as she ran from the home. mike is recovering from emergency surgery and the ordeal. mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> what a frightening situation. i always wonder if i was put in that situation, how i would react, what i would do. they acted pretty quickly. crimestoppers is offering a $5,000 reward for any details that could lead to an arrest and conviction. >> you're right. that is everybody's biggest nightmare and that's why you see a lot of people arm themselves in their home. you never think someone is going to come into your home while you're there, but time and time again, we continue to see that. but it's good to see at least everybody survived and he is recovering although he has suffered some serious nerve damage but still got a long way to go for recovery but wish him the best. >> certainly do. coming up in our next half hour, helping kids beat stress. millions of kids heading back to school, anxiety is at a yearly high. learn what to look out for and how to help kids stay happy and
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healthy. but first, dancing dance are here again, and the pros who will compete on this season of "dancing with the stars" is revealed. find out who will be heating up the ballroom including which fan favorite will be returning to the show. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now"
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÷h ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ oh that music can only mean one thing -- break out your spandex and your heels, shine them up. "dancing with the stars" getting ready for an all-new, action-packed season. >> the cast of celebrities has not yet been decided upon. however, we do know which pros will be back to lead them on to the dance floor. abc's abbie boudreau reports. >> reporter: they're back. a sneak peek at some of this season's pro dancers. >> okay, let's go. wow! my gosh. >> reporter: leading up to "dancing with the stars" season 21, they're hitting the studio rehearsing the show's opening number for the first time. >> the first day of school. >> reporter: derek, whitney peta val, artem, mark allison, sharna, and one big surprise? >> hi! >> hi. you're back! >> i am back.
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>> fan favorite karina smirnoff. >> fans miss you. >> i couldn't tell them i am coming back because i couldn't let the cat out of the bag, but the cat is here. >> reporter: defending champ val chmerkovskiy is also back. >> i want to do it again. >> reporter: val and castmate artem more than ready to meet their new celebrity partners. >> we're kind of known to be the heartthrobs of the show and you know sexy seductive -- >> reporter: if you don't say so yourself. >> if i may say so myself. but the truth is i'm not going to shy away from the fact that i love my partners. every single partner i have i love them unconditionally. >> reporter: a closely guarded secret. >> they keep us in the dark more than anybody else. >> reporter: which celebrities will grace the ballroom. >> i know one person that i can tell you. >> i'll beat him up later and get it out of him. >> reporter: the dancers not shy about revealing their dream partners. >> zac efron. >> really? >> zac, you want to dance? >> i love it! >> i know that ryan gosling is a dancer.
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so i mean, the girl can hope. >> shakira. >> john stamos. >> terry cruz. >> hugh jackman. >> oh, my gosh! >> reporter: i even got my own private dance lesson. >> we're going to teach you. >> reporter: val and artem teach me the salsa. am i the luckiest woman alive? abbie boudreau abc news, los angeles. >> look at abbie. her little baby belly or baby bump and getting the salsa on. i love that. >> i have an embarrassing admission. i have yet to see "dancing with the stars." so i know, i know i know. >> oh, you don't know what you're missing. >> you've got to let me know. tell me what i'm missing out. >> dance partner. >> is that what it is? >> you know your salsa. you always lead. now you got to work on your "dancing with the stars." >> it certainly looks intriguing and everybody's always talking about it, so i need to catch up. i need to catch up. in other big news, len goodman has decided he's not
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returning and focusing on the british version of the show and he has a new grandson, so that is big, big news. >> sure is. we're coming right back. to show your roots with roots touch-up from nice'n easy. seamlessly blends with leading shades even salon shades in just 10 minutes. no roots. no grays. just the most shade choices for natural looking color as real as you are. so go ahead, show the world your roots with america's #1 root touch-up. [ man ] look how beautiful it is. ♪ ♪ honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that.
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and now it's time for "the mix." there is a channel on youtube that has even "rolling stone" saying it's the must-follow channel for the presidential elections because of bad lip-reading. you've got to check this out. it's from the republican debates from earlier this month. >> whatever. look it's a thing the tuna melt does to me. >> carson. >> ah. >> what you working on? >> a puzzle. oh. i don't know how to do this actually. >> we can move on. you're not missing any playtime. >> america. >> governor bush. >> what? >> okay. so obviously, this is a group that uses overdubbing over the actual event, and it makes
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republican candidates sing songs, gives each other dirty looks, crazy stuff like that, and it's a big hit. more than 4 million people are subscribing to this channel. >> yeah, it's hilarious. they also do a football version that have, too. it's just great. we didn't want to talk over it because it's that funny. all right, let's move on now to world records. >> okay. >> there are all sorts of world records for all sorts of crazy things yet, there is not one yet for this. there is a young man who sticks pencils in his hair. 288 pencils he's sticking into his hair. >> what? >> we are speeding it up for you because it took like 40 minutes for him to put it all in there. >> what? that is wild. >> yeah. >> did he really break a world record? >> well they don't even know. you've got him shaking it out. it's never been done. there's know real precedent for it so -- >> and that's his real hair? >> it's a beautiful head of hair, actually. what i think is the university of texas is not giving him
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enough class work, clearly. >> maybe he's super smart and this is what he does with all the extra energy and time. >> it's possible. it looks like literally a basement there that he's living in. i don't want to -- and there's his mom in the back there helping out. really proud. she helps him. >> mom's involved too. >> exactly. where is the meatloaf, mom? speaking of students too, lots of cool cats going back to school. there's one cool cat that actually got an idea. this is in san jose, california. it's bubba. he doesn't have to raise his paw in class. he's allowed to freely roam the halls during class. and he's beloved over there at this high school. and you see him everywhere. he's sitting in class. he's got the lay of the land of this high school. allowed to do anything, including his own locker. >> they've got their own mascot. all right, in new york city it is very infamous for small apartments. we want to check this out. nothing smaller than this though. it is 100 square feet, tinyiest apartment ever.
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>> how much is it?
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this morning on "world news now," major developments from the northwest, where the forest fires have gone from a dangerous threat to deadly. the firefighters killed in what's being called a hell storm. not again. the florida sinkhole that took a man's life two years ago has opened, despite repairs. what is happening? new this half hour, a life-threatening hazard for golfers. >> they were playing golf when part of an airline jet fell from the sky, heading right their way. their anger and relief. and later in "the skinny," your chance to own part of movie history. the house where "silence of the lambs" took place now on the market. should you make a killer offer? it's thursday, august 20th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now."
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>> hey, good morning, everyone. i'm reena ninan. >> and i'm phillip mena. let's get right to that developing story from the northwest. firefighters killed battling a fast-moving blaze in north-central washington state. >> three firefighters died near the small town of twisp where people have been urged to evacuate because of flames. >> air tankers have been used in an attempt to stop the fire from spreading. it has been pushed by strong erratic winds. the situation has forced local officials to call in black hawk helicopters to help and the national guard. >> past ten hours we're up here. it's hot. you know i got new boots yesterday. we're breaking them in getting blisters on their heels. >> from our place up, they've kept it up out of the houses and up into the forest and they've got it into -- i think they've got a pretty good line dug up there now. >> further south, a complex of fires is still threatening the resort town of chelan, washington. more than 1,000 firefighters are on the lines there.
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well air tankers have also been called to help contain a growing fire near livermore, california. at least one building has been lost others threatened. the livermore national lab is nearby, but the flames are not moving toward it. today conditions are expected to get worse in the fire zone. here's accuweather's justin povick with the latest. >> thanks and good morning to you. we're off to a dry start. it's going to be a scorcher of an afternoon in the northwest. bad news because we have an ongoing fire situation. gusty winds will enhance the threat for high fire danger over the course of the next 12 to 24 hours, so something we'll continue to closely monitor. meanwhile, the northeast, it's exactly the opposite. soaking showers, gusty thunderstorms here and huge travel delays expected from philadelphia to our nation's capital. phillip and reena, let's toss it back to you. >> justin, thank you. fire crews and cadaver dogs searching the rubble of that blown-apart motel near seattle, confirmed they have found no bodies. and they say the only reason dozens of motel guests weren't
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injured or killed the quick-thinking manager who sounded the alarm and made sure everyone evacuated. she says she learned long ago, when in doubt, get out. >> some of them may have children that are guests and they're just happy to see their little kids and see them all together. >> about ten people were staying in the section of the motel destroyed by the blast. police are looking at the surveillance videos following up on reports that someone may have accidentally damaged a gas line behind the building. one body has been recovered at the site of that landslide in alaska. two more people are still missing after they were engulfed in the slide while working on a house. two of the victims were house painters and brothers. the other was a sitka city official. the search is dangerous because of the thick mud, and of course the threat of more landslides in this very area. deputies near tampa are keeping an eye on a sinkhole this morning, trying to make sure it doesn't grow any larger. that sinkhole opened up in the same spot where a man died in
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2013 after the earth gave way underneath his house. abc's steve osunsami reports. >> reporter: florida authorities are trying to calm the nerves of frightened neighbors. >> what happened today is exactly what was designed to happen. so there's no danger. >> reporter: but it's still frighteningly large, now 17 feet wide and 20 feet deep and it was supposed to be repaired. the body of 37-year-old jeffrey bush was never recovered from the hole here two years ago. his family here again. >> i didn't get to say good-bye to him. >> reporter: sinkholes and former sinkholes are a part of life in florida. about 30 miles away, we saw them using more than ten trucks of sand to fill a 90-foot-wide hole that destroyed a pool and two homes. and look at the same spot today. the property is now for sale. and the realtor says it's probably the safest land you can buy in florida. the county blames this one on recent heavy rains. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. another fatal police shooting has started a new round of protests in st. louis.
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police shot and killed a young black suspect yesterday while serving a search warrant at a home. but this time, they say the 18-year-old pointed a gun at them. they also seized three other guns and crack cocaine. demonstrators chanted "black lives matter," the rallying call sparked by the death of michael brown in nearby ferguson. former subway pitchman jared fogle is facing more than 12 years in prison as he prepares to plead guilty to engaging in sex with minors and child pornography. investigators say fogle traveled to new york for sex with underaged girls and also received and distributed child porn. he has agreed to pay as many as 14 victims $100,000 each in restitution. >> fame and fortune will not protect you from attacking those most vulnerable in our communities. >> he will completely acknowledge his responsibility for his wrongdoing. >> fogle was released on home detention and ordered to wear a gps monitoring device. his wife announced that she is
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filing for divorce. subway released a statement calling the former spokesman's actions inexcusable. to politics now and a war of words between two republican rivals in new hampshire. speaking at a town hall meeting, donald trump dismissed jeb bush as unelectable and low energy. trump scheduled the event to compete with a town hall hosted by bush just a few miles away. >> mr. trump doesn't have a proven conservative record. he was a democrat longer in the last decade than he was a republican. >> well i think jeb bush is totally out of touch on women's health issues. i mean, totally. >> trump bragged about the wall he wants to build along the mexican border saying it would look good and keep people out. trump said the wall would pay for itself in a year because all of the money the government would save. we're learning more about the two women who are the first to complete the grueling training to be army rangers. captain kristen griest from connecticut is a military police
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officer who served in afghanistan, and 1st lieutenant shaye haver is from texas, an attack helicopter pilot. both are west point graduates. they'll be among the 96 soldiers graduating tomorrow. a big congratulations to knocking down a major barrier in the army. >> ditto. the federal judge presiding over tom brady's deflategate suspension court fight says he hopes to rule in the case by september 4th. that's just six days before brady and the patriots open the defense of their super bowl title. brady and nfl commissioner roger goodell were not in court for yesterday's hearing, at which the judge again pushed both sides to settle. he even warned the league's lawyers that there is legal precedent for judges to throw out penalties issued by arbiters. and here's something you might never have thought you'd see. former boxing champion roy jones jr. meeting with russian president vladimir putin. jones was asking putin for russian citizenship because he says it's easier to do business in russia that way.
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putin reportedly told the boxer turned rapper it's no problem, if jones intends to live in russia most of the time. okay so we know spain is really known for some really great big summer get-togethers, right? the messy and disgusting annual tomato fight comes to mind. of course there's the running of the bulls. can't forget that one. >> in pamplona. here is another one. the annual human towers festival taking place in a town about 60 miles south of barcelona. thousands of people packing the town's main square watching the teams form those towers which are known as castles. >> and one team stacked nine people on top of each other. they make it look so easy. the tradition of castles started in the region way back in the 18th century. every time i see these kind of videos i always think of the "i love lucy" episode where she kept stomping on all those grapes. i don't know if it's the shirt color that reminded me. the outfit. >> that looks extremely dangerous. they have a pretty organized way to get up and down there. it is if nothing else a great
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display of organization there. and some are wearing helmets, probably cheerleaders that are very well versed in the pyramid process, i'm sure. >> that's probably a good point. didn't realize there were lots of cheerleaders out there. >> you know for the pyramids. they're pretty good at climbing up there. >> yeah. >> at least have no fear doing that. it's like kids up there, though. well, coming up in "the skinny," breaking news about kelly clarkson, and it's personal. also ahead, the trend for trendy men. the hipster hairdo called the man bun. why it's so popular and is it right for you? >> i could see you sporting one. but first, anxiety for kids, especially this time of year. expert advice on helping school kids handle the stress and avoid getting sick. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85 this is an important message. so please, write down the number on your screen.
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the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase. your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and gift. both are free, with no obligation. don't wait call this number now.
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how often do you find time for intimacy? i'm so busy, i have two kids. we hit the pillow and pass out. have you considered using a pleasure gel? no we never have. we never tried one. so one product i think you guys would love, ky yours and mine. there is one warming and one tingling. when they combine it creates an intense new sensation. oooh hoo hoo hoo! when you discover something new together it's like falling in love all over again. is this something you'd try to spice things up? tonight.
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so this folks, is the panel door from a passenger jet that plunged on to a north carolina golf course. it came from an american airlines flight about to land in charlotte. the 15 by 15-inch part landed on the 7th hole not far from where some golfers were playing a round. >> just trolling around in the air, falling to the ground. >> i mean, that could have killed one of us. >> but the good news is no one on the plane or the ground was injured. american airlines claims that the panel door came from a nonpressurized area and it posed no safety issue for passengers. federal investigators are looking into why it fell down. from our health headlines, a new study suggests that overworking can kill you. that's according to new research from london. doctors discovered workers who put in 55 hours a week increased their risk of having a stroke by
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one-third, and the risk of heart attack went up too, by 13%. researchers say those who work too much are more likely to drink too much and skip those workouts. that's about right. >> i'm taking tomorrow off. >> great excuse to do that. but we're all overworked. you know? that's just the culture now, you know? >> you can handle the show tomorrow, right, by yourself? >> see what we can do. turning now to stress in children. surveys show kids' anxieties has increased over the past five decades, and it really intensifies this time of the year. >> yeah heading back to school is not easy for many kids, and abc's mara schiavocampo shows us what parents should look out for. >> reporter: headaches, stomach aches, even trips to the emergency room. these are some of the symptoms of stress exhibited by kids as young as age 5. >> stress and anxiety is one of the biggest struggles that our children and youth are facing. >> reporter: michelle kembolis is the author of "generation
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stressed." she says she's seen a steady uptick in the number of stressed-out kids the stress often peaking when kids head back to school. >> the anticipation and not knowing what to expect, all that anticipatory anxiety can really be upsetting to them. >> reporter: according to a study conducted over the course of five years by nationwide children's hospital, kids' trips to the emergency rooms for complaints regarding headaches jumped 31% in the fall. 7-year-old hannah faustis of arlington, texas, knows all about school-related stress. >> i get headaches. i get the tingly feeling that i'm going to throw up. >> reporter: hannah's mom, carrie, says the stress became more pronounced a few days before school started this year. >> the routine and the schedule and going back and the transition, that does produce some anxiety. >> reporter: while every kid is
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different, experts recommend trying these tips. encourage your kids to put down the ipad and get up and exercise. use active listening, stay empathetic and repeat what your child says to ensure you understand them correctly. and create a worry wall in your home where kids can add their worries on post-it notes to avoid internalizing their stress. >> what really seems to help the most is just talking to her, reassuring her that we're here for her, we love her, no matter what happens. >> when i get worried, i talk to my mom. >> mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> yeah adults we always think about adults being stressed out. >> yeah. >> never really take time to think about how much the kids, they're stressed out, too. >> it is true. i just started reading to my son "monkey doesn't want to go to kindergarten." it's a good book. and my husband's like why are you reading that to him? he's excited to go to school! but sometimes it helps to read books -- >> so the monkey didn't want to go to school, i'm guessing? >> he didn't but at the end, he
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came to terms withthat it was good. when we come back, not one but two real life battles for the stars from ""beverly hills 90210." plus the muppets channel n.w.a. seriously. "the skinny" is next. >> announcer: "world news no ÷h
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♪ skinny so skinny ♪
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okay, we start with breaking news. kelly clarkson is pregnant again. >> she announced it late last night in the middle of her concert in los angeles, getting emotional while performing. >> yep. and clarkson revealed that the news to her fans that this will be her second child for both her and her husband, brandon blackstock. so, congratulations to them. switching gears now to shannen doherty. she revealed she has breast cancer. she says she could have caught it sooner if it weren't for a mistake that she's now suing over. >> doherty rose to fame in the hit show from the '90s, "beverly hills 90210," playing brenda walsh. she also standard in the show "charmed." according to legal documents obtained by tmz, doherty is suing her former business manager for failing to pay insurance premiums which led to lapses in her health care coverage. >> she claims her cancer is more advanced now than it would have been had she been able to get a checkup or cancer screening. >> those checkups are so
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important to schedule and make sure you take care of that. turning now to a co-star of doherty from the "90210" years, brian austin green. he's perhaps known better these days as mr. megan fox. according to "us weekly," not anymore. the magazine reports they separated. >> fox and green have been together for 11 years, and 5 of those, they were married. they have two young children. >> they met when fox was 18. they were engaged once before, then splitting up. but green reproposed and they were finally married. i hate hollywood breakup stories, especially when they're good-looking people. >> when they're good looking people, neither of them are going to have much trouble getting right back out there. >> you're not crying over this one. >> i'm absolutely never going to cry over that one. it's sad it's a family now broken up, obviously, they are people. but again, because they're so pretty, you know -- >> they're on the market. >> exactly, exactly. not lost on a lot of people for sure. next, a famous house from a frightening movie is now for sale. the home of buffalo bill from "the silence of the lambs" movie is on the market.
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it was the setting for some really scary scenes involving one of the film's two psychopaths psychopaths, and of course, jodie foster's character. >> i don't know why you'd want it. it kind of freaks me out a little bit. but this western pennsylvania victorian is listed for $300,000. you get three bedrooms, one full bath and a pool house made from a caboose. >> and a lifetime of nightmares, too. >> you know, i did not think of that. i wonder if that's on the marketing brochure. >> it's all in there. >> but what it doesn't have is the infamous basement where bill tortured his victims. >> those scenes were filmed on a separate set. the owner said they were eating dinner one night when a producer knocked on their door and the rest is history. the film went on to be the best picture at the oscars that year. and finally, it's one of the big films of the summer "straight outta compton" winning big at the box office last weekend. the movie inspiring another legendary group, that's right, the muppets. >> the mash-up features the movie, fozzie bear kermit and others and audio of n.w.a.'s
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"express yourself." ♪ again and again and again, watch your brother with no help ♪ ♪ help ♪ i will take beauty into my own hands...where it belongs. olay regenerist. it regenerates surface cells. new skin is revealed in only 5 days. without drastic measures. stunningly youthful. award-winning skin. never settle for anything less. the regenerist collection. from the world's #1. olay your best beautiful >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85 this is an important message. so please,
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write down the number on your screen. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase. your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and gift. both are free, with no obligation. don't wait
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call this number now. ♪ does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it. resolve it. our new formula with a special conditioning ingredient softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens but now it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and try resolve for amazing stain removal the first time.
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♪ ♪ finally this half hour, we explore a hotly debated hairstyle, the man bun. some love it, others loath it, but either way, america seems to be fascinated by it. >> but to get the look, it's going to take work. here's abc's abbie boudreau. ♪ >> reporter: a hair-raising trend that's got tinseltown tied up in a bun, a man bun. >> you can see it in hollywood now in actors like leonardo dicaprio, chris hemsworth, even david beckham has been rocking it. >> reporter: no longer just for girls, now guys are loving them
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too. >> i think a lot of women and girlfriends are saying you know what i want my guy to be rocking a man bun because it's kind of cool and kind of hot. >> reporter: editor in chief of yahoo! style jose says it's a look most men can pull off. is there a way to mess this thing up? >> there's a fine line. if it's too messy it's sloppy. if it's too done, it's like a red carpet hairdo. >> reporter: in search of the perfect gun, meet j.d. hoping for that orlando bloom look. clint inspired by jake gyllenhaal's half bun and kurt, channeling his inner jared leto. how long have you been growing it out? >> two years. my hair gross really slow. so it's been kind of annoying. >> wow! >> reporter: do you call it a man bun? >> guilty. yeah. >> we're seeing it everywhere. >> yes, you see it on the streets and the runways. >> reporter: master stylist lindsay adair transforming their long locks into modern buns. >> create the knot and there you are. >> reporter: at spoke & weal in west hollywood. >> what do you think? >> i think it's exactly what i
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was going for every time. >> reporter: but you'll need more than just the bun. >> he's got the facial hair going on. >> reporter: it's the whole look. >> you know what then maybe we just try a classic shirt like that and we can roll up the sleeves and all that. >> reporter: after a quick change -- >> oh, wow. >> see? >> yes. >> and it all works. >> reporter: from everyday hipsters to hollywood trend-setters. abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles. >> those guys look great! i mean, i wasn't into it at first but now kind of you can rock it low bun or high bun and you prefer the high bun. look at you! i didn't realize you sported this look. >> i have always wondered what that would look like. wow. >> b.k. and jack really approve. are you guys going to get one too? >> yeah. >> oh, no! >> that's awesome. more photoshop coming up. >> that's the news for this half hour. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. decades.
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good morning. i'm reena ninan. >> and i'm phillip mena. here are some of the top headlines we're following this morning on "world news now." jeb bush and donald trump attacking each other at dueling town hall meetings last night in new hampshire, bush calling trump a democrat trump saying bush is unelectable. more from the campaign in a moment. a man charged with threatening to blow up the statue of liberty back in april has been arrested in texas. jason smith allegedly made the bomb threat that turned out to be a hoax, but it forced more than 3,000 tourists to evacuate. six police officers were hurt after a powerful bomb went off near a government building in cairo, egypt. the explosion tore apart the building and shattered windows blocks away. no group has claimed responsibility. and random inspections of
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bags and backpacks have started at the regal movie theater chain. the company admits its policy is inconvenience but it believes customers won't mind better security. those are some of our top stories on this thursday, august 20th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." hey, good morning, everyone. we begin this half hour with republican rivals attacking each other at town hall meetings just miles apart. >> and donald trump scheduled his meeting to compete with the one hosted by jeb bush. trump criticizing bush as low energy who has trouble getting things done. bush said that trump was more of a democrat than a republican. and then there was the issue of immigration. abc's tom llamas is in new hampshire. >> reporter: donald trump riding high. his plan to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants now a flashpoint in this race. >> day one. if i win, day one of my presidency they're getting out. we're getting them out, and we're getting them out fast.
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>> reporter: he still won't say how, but trump is now taking it even further, suggesting he will now explore whether courts could revoke the citizenship of american born children of undocumented immigrants which is guaranteed by the 14th amendment. >> do you envision federal police kicking in the doors in barrios around the country, dragging families out and putting them on a bus? do you envision that? >> i don't think they have american citizenship. and if you speak to some very very good lawyers, and i know some of them would disagree but many of them agree with me you're going to find they do not have american citizenship. >> reporter: some of trump's opponents now signaling he is taking the party in the wrong direction. >> we ought to fix the problem rather than take away rights that are constitutionally endowed. >> reporter: would you end birthright citizenship? >> i would not. >> reporter: and democrat hillary clinton pulling no punches. >> the idea that the united states of america would round up 11 million or 12 million people and deport them is absolute fantasy. >> reporter: we should mention
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that some republican candidates do agree with trump. senator ted cruz and governor scott walker both questioning whether the american-born children of undocumented immigrants deserve to be citizens. tom llamas, abc news, derry, new hampshire. >> thank you, tom. and jimmy carter speaks today in atlanta. we expect to learn more about his cancer diagnosis. it was just days ago that mr. carter revealed he had cancer and that the disease had spread through his body. the former president did not are veal what kind of cancer but his brother father and two sisters all died of pancreatic cancer. another fatal police shooting has started a new round of protests in st. louis. officers who shot and killed a black 18-year-old suspect say he pointed a gun at them. they also seized three other guns and crack-cocaine. demonstrators gathered throughout the day chanting "black lives matter," the rallying call sparked by the death of michael brown in nearby ferguson. now to the rape trial involving students from an elite prep school in new hampshire. a teenager facing the judge, jury and his younger accuser. her voice shaking as she explains her actions and after
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the alleged attack. abc's gio benitez is covering the case. >> reporter: 19-year-old owen labrie sprinting out of court after a day of emotional testimony from his then 15-year-old schoolmate. she says he raped her in the science building on the leafy campus of their prep school. the teenage girl first describing how she felt when he asked to meet her. >> one of like the most popular boys on campus, sure. i was like, wow, a special boy wants my special attention. >> reporter: that attention, she says, part of a school tradition called the "senior salute," where graduating seniors reach out to younger students to spend time with them, sometimes intimately. on the stand, the girl testifies that what started out as kissing turned into rape. >> i didn't kick or scream or really push. i didn't. but i did say no. i said no three times.
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>> reporter: but later that night, the teens exchanged the first of many messages. "you're an angel," he writes her. "you're quite an angel yourself," she responds. prosecutors asked her why. >> i was afraid of him coming after me again or coming to confront me or make fun of me. i had no control over what somebody else did to my body, it felt like. so i didn't want to lose control then, too. >> reporter: labrie insists he never had sex with his accuser, and soon the jury will hear from him when he takes the stand. gio benitez, abc news, concord, new hampshire. the planned prison release of south african athlete oscar pistorius has been put on hold. pistorius was scheduled to be freed tomorrow after serving just ten months of a five-year sentence for killing his girlfriend. the early release has outraged family and friends of the victim, reeva steenkamp.
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>> for the crime that he committed, ten months is definitely not enough. definitely without a doubt. >> south africa's justice minister said the early release was premature and without legal basis. the parole board will now reconsider the case. disgraced subway spokesman jared fogle is facing years in prison and divorce after admitting to underage sex and child pornography charges. the 37-year-old father of two has also agreed to pay restitution to more than a dozen victims. here's abc's marci gonzalez. >> hi i'm jared the subway guy. >> reporter: from famous tv pitchman -- >> in 1998 i weighed over 425 pounds. >> reporter: -- to accused sex offender. >> today, jared fogle has been charged and has admitted to participating in a five-year criminal scheme to exploit children. >> reporter: former subway spokesperson jared fogle in court in indianapolis after agreeing to plead guilty to paying for sex with a 13 and
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14-year-old girl and for receiving and distributing child pornography. >> in so doing, he will fully and completely acknowledge his responsibility for his wrongdoing and his acts and his conduct. >> reporter: prosecutors claim from 2007 until june of this year fogle traveled and used social networking in pursuit of underaged girls. according to court documents, investigators allege that in 2012, he met a 17-year-old prostitute at the plaza hotel in new york city asking her to find him another underaged girl saying "the younger, the better," leading to his alleged abuse of those two minors. after raiding his indiana home last month, investigators claim they found pornography involving children as young as 6 given to him, they say, by the executive director of his charity, russell taylor. prosecutors say taylor now in custody on child pornography charges, secretly recorded children and shared those videos with fogle for years.
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and subway has since cut ties with fogle. we're told fogle's agreed to pay 14 victims $100,000 each in restitution and he faces a minimum of five years in federal prison. marci gonzalez, abc news, new york. we should learn more today about the firefighters who died battling a wildfire in washington state. investigators say at least three of them were killed when their vehicle crashed and flames likely overtook them near the small town of twisp. those flames being pushed by strong, erratic winds. several small towns have been evacuated because of the fire threat. the fire situation there being called a hell storm by one sheriff. and firefighters are getting no help in today's forecast. >> and while powerful storms could display travelers in the east here's justin povick at accuweather. justin good morning to you. >> phillip and reena, thanks and good morning. showers and thunderstorms are making their march slowly to the east and we are concerned these are going to produce very heavy rain. in fact flash flooding is going
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to be possible from pittsburgh to philadelphia and south to our nation's capital, around richmond looking at some very heavy rain as well. one more dry day from hartford to boston. unfortunately, friday looks to be a complete washout in those areas. in the northwest, we need the rain desperately. unfortunately, not in the cards today or tomorrow. the winds increase, bad news for the ongoing fire situation. in terms of the tropics, we still have danny churning westbound, though it's not going to be strengthening rapidly any time soon. phillip and reena, let's toss it back over to you. >> all right, justin, thank you. federal investigators are trying to figure out why a panel door came off a passenger jet and fell on a golf course. as you might imagine, golfers playing a round on that north carolina golf course were stunned when they saw the 15 by 15-inch piece of metal swirling in the air, then landing right near them on the 7th hole. nobody on the ground or on board the plane was hurt. delta air lines is accused of using a not-so-friendly
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tactic to get passengers to spend more on upgrades. it's becoming more common for carriers to upsell, get passengers' attention with low fares and then try to sell them upgrades. but a passenger rights group says delta is now trying to shame travelers who buy economy tickets on their website, and they warn them about everything that they're not getting, such as seat assignments, refunds and also being last to board. that's not a good thing. >> airlines, airlines, airlines. all right. i know that you do not eat beef reena, right? that's correct. >> no, i'm not a big meat fan. >> you know aged beef is considered to be the really good stuff, the really delicious stuff. and there are some aged beef that even you can love. >> i believe it. take a look at sammy the cow on a farm in indiana. she's more than 27 years old and as far as anyone knows, she's the oldest heifer in the u.s. sammy's surrounded by family. she's given birth to 17 healthy calves. what more could you ask for? >> wow, wow, quite a life there. now she even has granddaughters
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on the farm there with her. sammy's owner said she believes her low stress -- it's all about low stress -- and their free range operation is a huge factor in keeping sammy healthy for all of these years. >> i think sammy should write a book or start an instagram account to help us deal with stress. >> i'm sure there will be a sammy the cow instagram somewhere by the end of the day. >> pregnancy isn't a problem for her. >> low stress. >> she clearly has low stress at work. >> i'm wondering who keeps track of this oldest cow alive thing. >> you're right. >> you know? going around keeping tabs on that sort of thing? >> well good luck to you, sammy. >> 27 years. >> that's a long time. >> what is that in cow years? do we know? >> not like dog years though. >> it's not? >> no. well coming up embarrassment for a dancing cop in our latest episode of "this happened." also ahead, millions of dollars of treasure found not far from a popular florida beach. the divers who discovered it. but first, the man who thought he had severe heartburn, but it turned out to be a heart attack and the reality tv show that was there to save a life.
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you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. brought to you by united health care. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans it could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. see why millions of people
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have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now. hmm. mom, what's a best buy? um, well it's a great product. it's what you buy if you're a smart shopper. then, why are we buying cascade instead of finish? finish all in 1 powerball rated a best buy three years in a row. finish has active cleaning enzymes that cascade gel does not. its powerful formula tackles the toughest jobs for an amazing clean. smart shoppers choose best buys. smart shoppers choose finish. >> reporter: he insists he never and new finish max in 1 is wrapper free. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me...
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zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. lysol disinfectant spray kills 99.9% of bacteria on more than just the trashcan. it's the "pungent gym bag stink" neutralizer. and the "prevent mold and mildew on the shower curtain for up to 7 days" spray. it's also the "odor causing bacteria" fighter. and even the "athlete's foot fungus" killer. discover more ways you can use lysol disinfectant spray to help keep your home healthier.
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western mexico's colima volcano is at it again, spewing two huge plumes of ash into the air. the second one a mile and a half high. the volcano has been very active since early last month. a yellow alert is actually in effect. that means residents should be ready to evacuate. and this sure looked like a disaster in rural maryland. check that out. cameras rolling when a violent explosion sent a ball of fire into the sky. the waldorf fire department was battling a fire in an amish barn when a diesel tank blew up. it took awhile for crews to control the flames after that explosion, but thankfully and amazingly, no one was hurt. >> that is incredible. they're very lucky there. wow. it's a question that plagues a lot of people.
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how can you tell the difference between if you're having heartburn or a heart attack? >> that's a serious question. a viewer watching abc's program "save my life" heard something about that and remembered it exactly when he needed it most. abc's ron claiborne has the story. >> reporter: the latest episode of abc's medical reality show, "save my life" told the story of manny couto, who was visiting his stepdaughter at a boston hospital when suddenly, he felt what he thought was severe heartburn. >> okay, what's going on? >> reporter: it wasn't. >> your ekg here tells us you're having a heart attack. >> oh, am i? >> yes. >> i'm dr. crose, the cardiologist who's going to take care of you. >> reporter: couto was rushed into surgery where dr. kevin crose and his team inserted a catheter to clear a blocked artery that could have triggered a heart attack at any moment. >> the artery's wide open. it looks great. >> reporter: watching at home was 71-year-old dana mower. just like couto, he had indigestion. >> that was it. there was no question in my mind, especially after watching that show. >> reporter: the next morning, he went to brigham and women's hospital.
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diagnosis? he was having a heart attack. his doctor? dr. crose. >> i joked that i was glad that he saw the tv show because it got him to us in a way where we could hopefully minimize the damage to his heart and make him feel better. how are you feeling? >> reporter: mower is feeling better. just maybe his life saved by "save my life." ron claiborne, abc news, new york. >> watching tv. huh? >> who said it's all bad for you, huh? but that's it. it is a serious subject because you never know when you're having a heart attack or what it could be. it really is a big problem there. sometimes a lot of guys feeling %-pkind of macho about it and just like playing it off, like you know what i'll be fine. but the bottom line is if you suspect it go get it checked out immediately, because it could be the real deal, and no turning back after that. >> i was doing burpees at the gym today and i had massive indigestion. the thought did cross my mind. >> what are burpees? >> when you jump in the air and you go like this on the ground. you jump back up. they're the worst things in the world but they're very good for you. >> squat thrusts is what we call them in texas.
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>> squat thrusts. >> i feel you, though burpees. >> texas has a different name for burpees. >> you're there at the gym. >> but apparently burpees did not give me a heart attack. i thought you were going to be alone tonight for a few minutes this afternoon. >> oh, okay. well burning muscles are completely different than a heart attack. but good to know you're at least on alert. >> i am on alert. coming up, a treasure trove. an incredible underwater discovery. >> who's found it after it had been in the ocean hundreds of years. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after
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♪ you know, as kids, many of us dreamed of discovering buried treasure. so when we heard that items worth millions of dollars was found, we figured it would be in a pretty remote location. >> that makes sense, right? but not so much. how about right off a florida beach in about two feet of water. abc's david muir has more. >> reporter: it was off the coast of vero beach, florida, a group of divers sifting through the sand striking gold. the water not even four feet deep. they keep searching under this reef. they find even more. those gold coins and a fist pump all from the remains of a ship that went down 300 years ago. nine of those coins called
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royals worth $300,000 each. one of the lead salvagers telling us what they usually find. >> we find a lot of modern garbage -- fishing sinkers, beer cans, signs. >> reporter: the feeling this time? >> you really can't explain the feeling. it was 300 years ago to the day that we happened to find 300 gold coins. >> reporter: the second gold rush just this summer. in june, eric schmidt and his family finding $1 million in gold coins. and this newest discovery still sinking in. >> i felt like i was in a dream. it makes you think what else is out there you know? >> reporter: david muir abc news, new york. >> yeah, what else is out there? >> metal detector finally getting put to good use. >> that's true. >> your home state of florida they keep 20% of whatever you find down there. >> we've got to help pay for the education. i hope that's where that money goes to. >> something else, though. that is cool. >> it is pretty cool. and apparently the diver who discovered the coins, william bartlett, wouldn't say how much
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his cut would be. he said i'm just a guy on a boat living the dream. coming up next, we have a dancing cop and an elephant goes shopping. not super adventurous. have you ever thought about trying a pleasure gel? it just seems a little bit edgy and maybe a little racy? pleasure gels are for couples just like you. ky love creates a new sensation. sometimes it can be fun to incorporate something new because it brings you even closer emotionally. wow. i like the way this feels. so do you think you'd try it? i think so. does your carpet ever feel rough and
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dirty? don't avoid it. resolve it. our new formula with a special conditioning ingredient softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens but now it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and try resolve for amazing stain removal the first time. >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock
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that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. ♪
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♪ it is that time again for a handful of stories that simply happened. and now we want to share them with you. >> starting with the police officer asked if he could do the dance of the summer, and then this happened. officer bryson caught dancing on security cam at a 7-eleven in utah doing the whip, nae nae. here's what he had to say about it. >> i was singing the song and i walked in the front door and they asked me if i had -- if i knew the dance. i was like i know the dance. so i did the dance. and told them not to record it and i forgot about the surveillance camera. >> yeah, you sure did, officer. the footage was shown to the officer's co-workers and promptly uploaded to the department's facebook page. >> ridicule will last until retirement.
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all right, continuing on now with some more eye-popping store surveillance footage. just a treasure trove of great video here. a bottle falls. it starts to roll off the counter until an employee comes out of nowhere to make a diving grab. not sure what was in the bottle. there it is almost -- it's got to be alcohol in there, right? >> that is miraculous. >> waste not, want not. >> like that. look how he did that. dove in and saved it. it must have been an expensive bottle. >> he had nice shoes on. slid right across. perfect. great job, buddy. >> good catch. now, moving on to something else that happened, a zoologist for the uk shooting for the bbc looking for the elusive blue whale. he's ready to give up until this happened. >> you know they're here. you just jolly well can't find them. oh, look. there is one. >> i told you. you jolly well can find them!
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timing is everything, old chap. don't you know? >> oh. what a sense of humor that whale has. finally, what happens when a dutch town gets both a flea market and the circus? this might happen. this is bubba the elephant going for a stroll, perhaps doing some shopping. the funny thing is that neither the elephant nor the crowd seem to be very worried about the situation. they're just chilling there. it's a normal thing. the trainer eventually caught up with bubba and ended the shopping spree. >> that could have been very, very tragic actually, if the elephant was hungry went on a wild rampage, upset that nobody was selling churros, i don't know. >> but everybody just seems to be so chill, like that's normal. oh, there's bubba again. what's up, bubba? hey, bubba. >> there he goes. and that's "what happened." >> stay with abc news to find out what else happened.
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this morning on "world news now," political battlegrounds. >> the war of words between donald trump and republican rival jeb bush in dueling town hall meetings last night and more serious criticism for hillary clinton. firefighters killed. the developing story from the northwest, where fires have gone from threatening to deadly. the unpredictable danger. from fame to shame. the subway sandwich spokesman pleading guilty to serious charges. new details about allegations of sex with an underage girl to child pornography and what's next for his marriage. and later, stepping out. the professionals returning to the next season of "dancing with the stars." the dancers reveal their dream partners while keeping some big secrets. it's thursday, august 20th.
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>> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning on this thursday. i'm phillip mena. >> and i'm reena ninan. we begin with those dueling town hall meetings in new hampshire last night. donald trump launching an attack on rival jeb bush, calling him unelectable. >> just down the road at his town hall, bush called trump a democrat and criticized his plan to deport millions of undocumented immigrants. and hillary clinton facing tough, new criticism, as abc's bazi kanani reports. >> reporter: a visibly frustrated hillary clinton after more questions about her e-mail server. >> we turned over everything that was work-related. >> reporter: among democratic voters, a cnn poll has clinton dropping to 47%, a narrow lead over democratic contender bernie sanders at 29%. analysts say it's a sign the e-mail controversy may be taking a toll, despite her repeated denials of any wrongdoing.
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on the republican side, the first indication that donald trump could be competitive in the general election. for the first time, the cnn poll finds trump within striking distance of hillary clinton, just six points behind. ahead of his first town hall, trump continued his tough talk on the issue that catapulted his campaign, pressing stern immigration reform, including revoking the citizenship of children of illegal immigrants born in the u.s. >> there's a very big question as to whether or not the 14th amendment actually covers this. >> reporter: his call for changing birthright citizenship now dividing the republican field. >> it would require a constitutional amendment, which would take huge amounts of political will, and i think we need to focus our political will on actually securing the border. >> reporter: in a new magazine interview, donald trump says he's all in or all out in the race for the republican nomination and would not be willing to run for vice president. reena, phillip? >> bazi, thank you. we expect to learn much more
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about jimmy carter's health crisis when the former president speaks today in atlanta. it was just days ago mr. carter revealed he had cancer and that the disease had spread throughout his body. the former president did not reveal what kind of cancer, but his brother, father and two sisters all died of pancreatic cancer. we're following a developing story here from egypt. a large bomb has exploded this morning in cairo near a national security building. six people were hurt, including a police officer. the powerful blast tore off the front of the building. windows were shattered blocks away. glass was littering the streets. no claim of responsibility. devastating news from the wildfire zone in washington state. at least three firefighters battling a blaze in a remote part of north-central washington have been killed. several others were injured, one critically. the fast-moving fire was being pushed by gusty winds at the time that the firefighters were killed. one official called it "a hell storm." the fire has forced the evacuation of several small
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towns. and air tankers have been used to help contain a growing fire near livermore, california. that's east of oakland. the plumes of smoke seen for miles around. at least one building has been lost, others threatened. the livermore national lab is nearby, but the flames are not moving toward it. we're learning new details about the explosion that leveled much of a motel 6 outside of seattle. fire crews searching the debris say they found no bodies, but they say the blast could have been deadly. and the credit for that goes to the quick-thinking motel manager. here's abc's brandi hitt. >> reporter: an entire section of this motel 6 in bremerton, washington, demolished in seconds. >> motel 6. a report of an explosion at your location. >> reporter: a massive explosion heard miles away ripped through the building tuesday night. bathtubs and other debris thrown from the motel. >> i saw everything else blow straight up and start raining down. >> reporter: employees and guests first reported a large natural gas leak. >> i was breathing that gas.
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i was, my room was completely full. >> reporter: but it's manager tonya hinds who is being hailed a hero for pulling the fire alarm and evacuating the motel just minutes before the explosion. >> some of them may have children that are guests. and they're just happy to see their little kids and see them all together. >> reporter: the blast threw first responders to the ground. two firefighters were hurt and a gas company worker trying to fix the leak was also hospitalized with critical burns. [ sirens ] >> when i watched the explosion, he was on that retaining wall. and when it exploded, he disappeared. >> our prayers go out to his family. it could have been worse. >> reporter: among the 65 guests, 2 men remain unaccounted for. but after sifting through the rubble twice, firefighters found no one buried, and they believe the men weren't in the building at the time of the explosion. one-quarter of that motel is now gone, and police say they're treating this explosion as a
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criminal investigation until evidence proves otherwise. brandi hitt, abc news, los angeles. oscar pistorius's release from prison has been put on hold by south african officials. the star athlete was supposed to be freed tomorrow, but the release has now been sent back to the parole board for a new hearing because of a procedural error. that hearing is unlikely to take place before tomorrow. a man accused of threatening to blow up the statue of liberty in april has been arrested in lubbock, texas. the bomb threat turned out to be a hoax, but more than 3,000 tourists had to be evacuated from liberty island. prosecutors say jason smith made the call from his ipad using the name of one of the conspirators of the 1993 world trade center bombing. smith is also accused of threatening to attack times square and kill police. well, now to the appalling charges against subway spokesman jared fogle, the man at the center of one of the most successful and long-lasting ad campaigns, will soon be heading to prison for preying on young
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girls. his wife promptly filing for divorce. here's more from abc's alex perez. >> so i walked into a subway -- >> reporter: the subway pitchman had nothing to say. >> back up, back up, back up. >> reporter: escorted by police, pushing through a swarm of cameras after facing underage sex and child porn charges in court. his attorney saying jared fogle will plead guilty in a deal that will put him behind bars 5 to 12 years, and fogle will pay as many as 14 victims $100,000 each in restitution. >> he will fully and completely acknowledge his responsibility for his wrongdoing. >> reporter: court documents say that from 2007 to june of this year, fogle used the internet to allegedly arrange and travel to new york city to meet up with underage girls and received and distributed child porn. the executive director of fogle's antiobesity charity was arrested in april. he's accused of sending fogle secret recordings of as many as a dozen young victims. he has not entered a plea.
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in a statement, fogle's wife saying she is shocked and disappointed and seeking dissolution of the marriage. the judge had fogle fitted with a gps monitoring device as he awaits his next court date. subway, which had already ended their relationship with fogle, in a tweet calling his actions inexcusable. alex perez, abc news, indianapolis. a possible interest rate hike was one of the reasons for a selloff on wall street. evidence from the most recent federal reserve meeting indicates a hike in rates could come as early as next month. but a hike could put off because some federal officials also seem concerned about some economic factors. all of that and the dropping price of oil hit all the major averages. the dow losing 162 points. apple stores across the country getting a bit of a makeover. as ipod sales dip, they'll be moved to the side with headphones and accessories. one a hot seller. they're no longer in the middle of the store with iphones, macbooks and computers. also starting next wednesday,
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gone are those ipad smart signs, making room for more sample products. all right. last week, we told you about wheaties beer. now something a bit darker. >> for the second year in a row, a brewery in colorado is making what's called seriously count chocula beer. full boxes of the general mills cereal go straight into the vats. do you believe that? >> well, last year, the brewery bought out all of the count chocula cereal in a couple of supermarkets to make the brew, and that upset some people. so, this year, general mills stepped in and delivered the cereal straight to the brewery so that everyone can have their cereal and their beer, if that's what they want. you do not take count chocula from people's shelves unless you want a revolt on your hands. >> yeah, i think that's pretty blasphemous. >> what do you think that's going to taste like? i mean chocolate beer? >> i don't know. there are strange combinations. i like my count chocula with almond milk. >> there you go.
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>> is that a weird combination, too? >> not as weird as throwing beer in there to replace the milk. that might give you a good preview of what it might taste like. >> there you go. >> i'm sure it's good though. >> maybe we'll try it. >> i will try it. coming up "the mix," would you stick 288 pencils in your hair? we'll show you a guy who did just that. and also ahead, the professional returning to the stage of "dancing with the stars." the big surprises for the new season while the dancers are keeping some big secrets. and caught on camera, a frightening scene for a family returning from vacation. intruders and gunshots in the house. find out who is being called a hero. and remember, we are always posting behind-the-scenes pics on instagram, abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." you're watching "world news now."
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does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it. resolve it. our new formula with a special conditioning ingredient softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens but now it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and try resolve for amazing stain removal the first time.
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well, surveillance cameras were rolling when that man in a red pickup truck pulled up to a 1,200-pound atm. he attached a chain. he actually yanked it away. but after all that effort, the thief didn't get one red cent. he dumped the machine by the side of the road, where police later recovered it. the search is on for the suspect. after deadly incidents at movie theaters around the country, a theater chain has started random inspections of bags and backpacks. without saying what's behind the new policy, regal entertainment group says it's acting to ensure the safety of guests and employees. regal admits its policy is an inconvenience, believing cinema customers won't mind if it means better security. now to atlanta, where police are seeking the public's help to find four teenagers accused of a
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violent home invasion. it happened last sunday. >> the attack left a husband and father with gunshot wounds and has a neighborhood on edge. details now from abc's mara schiavocampo. >> reporter: atlanta police searching for this suspect and three accomplices seen in this surveillance video after a terrifying attack on a family. >> we're being robbed at gunpoint. >> reporter: they were just returning home from vacation sunday when mike lash was approached outside by teens, demanding to get into the house. >> he said, "i can't let you because i have my wife and my two children are in there." >> reporter: as mike struggled with the men, wife whitney calmly called for help. >> i just ran outside with my baby. there's a black young man at the front door. he just pulled a gun on my husband. >> reporter: but before police could respond -- >> go ahead and get the officers. you heard a shot being fired? hello, ma'am? [ screaming ] >> not the baby! not the baby! >> reporter: mike shot in the leg and foot.
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the gunman even firing at whitney as she ran from the home. mike is recovering from emergency surgery and the ordeal. mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> what a frightening situation. i always wonder if i was put in that situation, how i would react, what you would do. they acted pretty quickly. crimestoppers is offering a $5,000 reward for any details that could lead to an arrest and conviction. >> you're right. that is everybody's biggest nightmare and that's why you see a lot of people arm themselves in their home. you never think someone is going to come into your home while you're there, but time and time again, we continue to see that. but it's good to see at least everybody survived and he is recovering, although he has suffered some serious nerve damage, but still got a long way to go for recovery, but wish him the best. >> certainly do. coming up in our next half hour, helping kids beat stress. millions of kids heading back to school, anxiety is at a yearly high. learn what to look out for and how to help kids stay happy and healthy.
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but first, dancing days are here again, and the pros who will compete on this season of "dancing with the stars" is revealed. find out who will be heating up the ballroom, including which fan favorite will be returning to the show. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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oh, that music can only mean one thing -- break out your spandex and your heels, shine them up. "dancing with the stars" getting ready for an all-new, action-packed season. >> the cast of celebrities has not yet been decided upon. however, we do know which pros will be back to lead them on to the dance floor. abc's abbie boudreau reports. ♪ >> reporter: they're back. a sneak peek at some of this season's pro dancers. >> okay, let's go. wow! my gosh. >> reporter: leading up to "dancing with the stars" season 21, they're hitting the studio, rehearsing the show's opening number for the first time. >> it's the first day of school. >> reporter: derek, whitney, peta, val, artem, mark, allison, sharna, and one big surprise? >> hi! >> hi. you're back! >> i am back. >> reporter: fan favorite karina smirnoff.
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fans miss you. >> i couldn't tell them i am coming back because i couldn't let the cat out of the bag, but the cat is here. >> reporter: defending champ val chmerkovskiy is also back. >> i want to do it again. >> reporter: val and castmate artem more than ready to meet their new celebrity partners. >> we're kind of known to be the heartthrobs of the show, and you know, sexy, seductive -- >> reporter: if you don't say so yourself. >> if i may say so myself. but the truth is that i'm not going to shy away from the fact that i love my partners. every single partner i have, i love them unconditionally. >> reporter: a closely guarded secret. >> they keep us in the dark more than anybody else. >> reporter: which celebrities will grace the ballroom. >> i actually do know one person that i can tell you. >> reporter: do you really? >> i'll beat him up later and get it out of him. >> reporter: the dancers not shy about revealing their dream partners. >> zac efron. >> reporter: really? >> zac, you want to dance? let's go. >> reporter: oh, i love it!
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>> i know that ryan gosling is a dancer. so i mean, the girl can hope. >> shakira. >> john stamos. >> reporter: john stamos? >> hugh jackman. >> oh, my gosh! >> reporter: i even got my own private dance lesson. [ laughter ] >> we're going to teach you. >> reporter: val and artem teach me the salsa. am i the luckiest woman alive? abbie boudreau abc news, los angeles. >> look at abbie. her little baby belly or baby bump and getting the salsa on. i love that. >> i have an embarrassing admission. i have yet to see "dancing with the stars." so, i know, i know, i know. >> no. oh, you don't know what you're missing! >> you've got to let me know. tell me what i'm missing out. >> my dance partner. >> is that what it is? >> you know your salsa. you always lead. now you got to work on your "dancing with the stars." >> it certainly looks intriguing and everybody's always talking about it, so i need to catch up. i need to catch up. >> in other big news, len
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goodman has decided he's not returning and focusing on the british version of the show and he has a new grandson, so that is big, big news. >> sure is. we're coming right back. he has a new grandson, so that is big, big news. >> sure is. we're coming right back. to show your roots with roots touch-up from nice'n easy. seamlessly blends with leading shades even salon shades in just 10 minutes. no roots. no grays. just the most shade choices for natural looking color as real as you are. so go ahead, show the world your roots with america's #1 root touch-up. [ man ] look how beautiful it is. ♪ ♪ honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that.
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and now it's time for "the mix." there is a channel on youtube that has even "rolling stone" saying it's the must-follow channel for the presidential elections because of bad lip-reading. you've got to check this out. it's from the republican debates from earlier this month. >> whatever. look, it's a thing the tuna melt does to me. >> carson. >> ah. >> what you working on? >> a puzzle. oh. i don't know how to do this actually. >> we can move on. you're not missing any playtime. >> america. >> governor bush. >> what? >> okay. so obviously, this is a group that uses overdubbing over the actual event, and it makes
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republican candidates sing songs, gives each other dirty looks, crazy stuff like that, and it's a big hit. more than 4 million people are subscribing to this channel. >> yeah, it's hilarious. they also do a football version of that, too. it's just great. we didn't want to talk over it because it's that funny. all right, let's move on now to world records. >> okay. >> there are all sorts of world records for all sorts of crazy things, yet, there is not one yet for this. there is a young man who sticks pencils in his hair. 288 pencils he's sticking into his hair. >> what? >> we are speeding it up for you because it took like 40 minutes for him to put it all in there. >> what? that is wild. >> yeah. >> did he really break a world record? >> well, they don't even know. you've got him shaking it out. it's never been done. there's know real precedent for it, so -- >> and that's his real hair? >> it's a beautiful head of hair, actually. what i think is the university of texas is not giving him enough class work, clearly. >> maybe he's super smart and this is what he does with all
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the extra energy and time. >> it's possible. it looks like literally a basement there that he's living in. i don't want to -- and there's his mom in the back there helping out. she's clearly proud. she helps him shake it out. >> mom's involved, too. >> exactly. where is the meatloaf, mom? speaking of students, too, lots of cool cats going back to school. there's one cool cat that actually got a student i.d. this is in san jose, california. it's bubba. he doesn't have to raise his paw in class. he's allowed to freely roam the halls during class. and he's beloved over there at this high school. and you see him everywhere. he's sitting in class. he's got the lay of the land of this high school. allowed to do anything, including his own locker. >> they've got their own mascot. all right, in new york city, it is very infamous for small apartments. we want to check this out. nothing smaller than this, though. it is 100 square feet, tiniest apartment ever. >> how much is it? >> $1,000 a month, so not a bad deal for manhattan.
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>> okay. we'll be right
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this morning on "world news now," major develoest fires have gone from a dangerous threat to deadly. the firefighters killed in what's being called a hell storm. not again. the florida sinkhole that took a man's life two years ago has opened, despite repairs. what is happening? and new this half hour a life-threatening hazard for golfers. >> they were playing golf when part of an airline jet fell from the sky, heading right their way. their anger and relief. and later in "the skinny," your chance to own part of movie history. the house where "silence of the lambs" took place now on the market. should you make a killer offer? it's thursday, august 20th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> hey, good morning, everyone. i'm reena ninan.
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>> and i'm phillip mena. let's get right to that developing story from the northwest. firefighters killed battling a fast-moving blaze in north-central washington state. >> three firefighters died near the small town of twisp, where people have been urged to evacuate because of flames. >> air tankers have been used in an attempt to stop the fire from spreading. it is being pushed by strong, erratic winds. the situation has forced local officials to call in black hawk helicopters to help and the national guard. >> past ten hours we're up here. it's hot. you know, i got new boots yesterday. we're breaking them in, getting blisters on their heels. >> from our place up, they've kept it up out of the houses and up into the forest, and they've got it into -- i think they've got a pretty good line dug up there now. >> further south, a complex of fires is still threatening the resort town of chelan, washington. more than 1,000 firefighters are on the lines there. well, air tankers have also
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been called to help contain a growing fire near livermore, california. at least one building has been lost, others threatened. the livermore national lab is nearby, but the flames are not moving toward it. today conditions are expected to get worse in the fire zone. here's accuweather's justin povick with the latest. justin good morning to you. >> phillip and reena, thanks and good morning to you. we're off to a dry start. it's going to be a scorcher of an afternoon in the northwest. bad news because we have an ongoing fire situation. gusty winds will enhance the threat for high fire danger over the course of the next 12 to 24 hours, so something we'll continue to closely monitor. meanwhile, the northeast, it's the opposite. soaking showers, gusty thunderstorms here and huge travel delays expected from philadelphia to our nation's capital. phillip and reena, let's toss it back to you. >> justin, thank you. fire crews and cadaver dogs searching the rubble of that blown-apart motel near seattle, confirm they have found no bodies. and they say the only reason dozens of motel guests weren't
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injured or killed, the quick-thinking manager who sounded the alarm and made sure everyone evacuated. she says she learned long ago, when in doubt, get out. >> some of them may have children that are guests, and they're just happy to see their little kids and see them all together. >> about ten people were staying in the section of the motel destroyed by the blast. police are looking at the surveillance videos, following up on reports that someone may have accidentally damaged a gas line behind the building. one body has been recovered at the site of that landslide in alaska. two more people are still missing after they were engulfed in the slide while working on a house. two of the victims were house painters and brothers. the other was a sitka city official. the search is dangerous because of the thick mud, and of course, the threat of more landslides in this very area. deputies near tampa are keeping an eye on a sinkhole this morning, trying to make sure it doesn't grow any larger. that sinkhole opened up in the same spot where a man died in
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2013 after the earth gave way underneath his house. abc's steve osunsami reports. >> reporter: florida authorities sdryd a pool and two homes. and look at the same spot today. the property is now for sale and the realtor says it's probably the safest land you can buy in florida. the county blames this one on recent heavy rains. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. another fatal police
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shooting has started a new round of protests in st. louis. police shot and killed a young black suspect yesterday while serving a search warrant at a home. but this time, they say the 18-year-old pointed a gun at them. they also seized three other guns and crack-cocaine. demonstrators chanted "black lives matter," the rallying call sparked by the death of michael brown in nearby ferguson. former subway pitchman jared fogle is facing more than 12 years in prison as he prepares to plead guilty to engaging in sex with minors and child pornography. investigators say fogle traveled to new york for sex with underaged girls and also received and distributed child porn. he has agreed to pay as many as 14 victims $100,000 each in restitution. >> fame and fortune will not protect you from attacking those most vulnerable in our communities. >> he will completely acknowledge his responsibility for his wrongdoing. >> fogle was released on home detention and ordered to wear a gps monitoring device. his wife announced that she is
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filing for divorce. subway released a statement calling the former spokesman's actions inexcusable. to politics now and a war of words between two republican rivals in new hampshire. speaking at a town hall meeting, donald trump dismissed jeb bush as unelectable and low energy. trump scheduled the event to compete with a town hall hosted by bush just a few miles away. >> mr. trump doesn't have a proven conservative record. he was a democrat longer in the last decade than he was a republican. >> well, i think jeb bush is totally out of touch on women's health issues. i mean, totally. >> trump bragged about the wall he wants to build along the mexican border, saying it would look good and keep people out. trump said the wall would pay for itself in a year because all of the money the government would save. we're learning more about the two women who are the first to complete the grueling training to be army rangers. captain kristen griest from connecticut is a military police officer who served in afghanistan, and 1st lieutenant
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shaye haver is from texas, an attack helicopter pilot. both are west point graduates. they'll be among the 96 soldiers graduating tomorrow. a big congratulations to knocking down a major barrier in the army. >> ditto. the federal judge presiding over tom brady's deflategate suspension court fight says he hopes to rule in the case by september 4th. that's just six days before brady and the patriots open the defense of their super bowl title. brady and nfl commissioner roger goodell were not in court for yesterday's hearing, at which the judge again pushed both sides to settle. he even warned the league's lawyers that there is legal precedent for judges to throw out penalties issued by arbiters. and here's something you might never have thought you'd see. former boxing champion roy jones jr. meeting with russian president vladimir putin. jones was asking putin for russian citizenship because he says it's easier to do business in russia that way. putin reportedly told the boxer
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turned rapper it's no problem, if jones intends to live in russia most of the time. okay, so, we know spain is really known for some really great big summer get-togethers, right? the messy and disgusting annual tomato fight comes to mind. of course, there's the running of the bulls. can't forget that one. >> in pamplona. here is another one. the annual human towers festival taking place in a town about 60 miles south of barcelona. thousands of people packing the town's main square watching the teams form those towers, which are known as castles. >> and one team stacked nine people on top of each other. they make it look so easy. the tradition of castles started in the region way back in the 18th century. every time i see these kind of videos, i always think of the "i love lucy" episode where she kept stomping on all those grapes. i don't know if it's the shirt r that reminded me. the outfit. >> that looks extremely dangerous. they have a pretty organized way to get up and down there. it is, if nothing else, a great display of organization there. and some are wearing helmets, probably cheerleaders that are
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very well versed in the pyramid process, i'm sure. >> that's probably a good point. didn't realize there were lots of cheerleaders out there. >> you know, for the pyramids. they're pretty good at climbing up there. >> yeah. >> at least have no fear doing that. it's like kids up there, though. well, coming up in "the skinny," breaking news about kelly clarkson, and it's personal. also ahead, the trend for trendy men. the hipster hairdo called the man bun. why it's so popular and is it right for you? >> i could see you sporting one. but first, anxiety for kids, especially this time of year. expert advice on helping school kids handle the stress and avoid getting sick. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85 this is an important message. so please, write down the number on your screen. the lock i want to talk
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how often do you find time for intimacy? i'm so busy, i have two kids. we hit the pillow and pass out. have you considered using a pleasure gel? no we never have. we never tried one. so one product i think you guys would love, ky yours and mine. there is one warming and one tingling. when they combine it creates an intense new sensation. oooh hoo hoo hoo! when you discover something new together it's like falling in love all over again. is this something you'd try to spice things up? tonight.
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so, this, folks, is the panel door from a passenger jet that plunged on to a north carolina golf course. it came from an american airlines flight that was about to land in charlotte. the 15 by 15-inch part landed on the 7th hole, not far from where some golfers were playing a round. >> just trolling around in the air, falling to the ground. >> i mean, that could have killed one of us. >> but the good news is no one on the plane or the ground was injured. american airlines claims that the panel door came from a nonpressurized area, and it posed no safety issue for passengers. federal investigators are looking into why it fell down. from our health headlines, a new study suggests that overworking can kill you. that's according to new research from london. doctors discovered workers who put in 55 hours a week increased their risk of having a stroke by
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one-third, and the risk of heart attack went up, too, by 13%. researchers say those who work too much are more likely to drink too much and skip those workouts. that's about right. >> i'm taking tomorrow off. >> great excuse to do that. but we're all overworked. you know? that's just the culture now, you know? >> you can handle the show tomorrow, right, by yourself? >> see what we can do. turning now to stress in children. surveys show kids' anxieties has increased over the past five decades, and it really intensifies this time of the year. >> yeah, heading back to school is not easy for many kids, and abc's mara schiavocampo shows us what parents should look out for. >> reporter: headaches, stomach aches, even trips to the emergency room. these are some of the symptoms of stress exhibited by kids as young as age 5. >> stress and anxiety is one of the biggest struggles that our children and youth are facing. >> reporter: michele kambolis is the author of "generation stressed." she says she's seen a steady
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uptick in the number of stressed-out kids, the stress often peaking when kids head back to school. >> the anticipation and not knowing what to expect. all that anticipatory anxiety can really be upsetting to them. >> reporter: according to a study conducted over the course of five years by nationwide children's hospital, kids' trips to the emergency rooms for complaints regarding headaches jumped 31% in the fall. 7-year-old hannah faustis of arlington, texas, knows all about school-related stress. >> i get headaches. i get the tingly feeling that i'm going to throw up. >> reporter: hannah's mom, carrie, says the stress became more pronounced a few days before school started this year. >> the routine and the schedule and going back and the transition, that does produce some anxiety. >> reporter: while every kid is different, experts recommend trying these tips. encourage your kids to put down
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the ipad and get up and exercise. use active listening, stay empathetic and repeat what your child says to ensure you understand them correctly. and create a worry wall in your home where kids can add their worries on post-it notes to avoid internalizing their stress. >> what really seems to help the most is just talking to her, reassuring her that we're here for her, we love her, no matter what happens. >> when i get worried, i talk to my mom. >> mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> yeah, adults, we always think about adults being stressed out. >> yeah. >> never really take time to think about how much, the kids, they're stressed out, too. >> it is true. i just started reading to my son "monkey doesn't want to go to kindergarten." it's a good book. and my husband's like, why are you reading that to him? he's excited to go to school! but sometimes it helps to read books that sort of -- >> so, the monkey didn't want to go to school, i'm guessing? >> he didn't want to go to school but in the end, he came
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to terms that it was good. >> happy ending. when we come back, not one but two real life battles for the stars from ""beverly hills 90210." plus, the muppets channel n.w.a. seriously. "the skinny" is next. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our
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♪ skinny so skinny ♪ okay, we start with breaking
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news. kelly clarkson is pregnant again. >> she announced it late last night in the middle of her concert in los angeles, getting emotional while performing. >> yep. and clarkson revealed that the news to her fans that this will be her second child for both her and her husband, brandon blackstock. so, congratulations to them. switching gears now to shannen doherty. she revealed she has breast cancer. she says she could have caught it sooner if it weren't for a mistake that she's now suing over. >> doherty rose to fame in the hit show from the '90s, "beverly hills 90210," playing brenda walsh. she also starred in the show "charmed." according to legal documents obtained by tmz, doherty is suing her former business manager for failing to pay insurance premiums which led to a lapse in her health care coverage. >> doherty claims that her breast cancer is more advanced now than it would have been had she been able to get a checkup or cancer screening. >> those checkups are so important to schedule and make sure you take care of that.
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turning now to a co-star of doherty's from the "90210" years, brian austin green. he's perhaps known better these days as mr. megan fox. according to "us weekly," not anymore. the magazine reports they separated. >> fox and green have been together for 11 years, and 5 of those, they were married. they have two young children. >> they met when fox was 18. they were engaged once before, then splitting up. but green reproposed and they were finally married. i hate hollywood breakup stories, especially when they're good-looking people. >> well see, when they're good-looking people though neither of them are going to have much trouble getting right back out there. >> you're not crying over this one. >> i'm absolutely never going to cry over that one. it's sad it's a family now broken up, obviously, they are people. but again, because they're so pretty, you know -- >> they're on the market. >> exactly, exactly. not lost on a lot of people for sure. next, a famous house from a frightening movie is now for sale. the home of buffalo bill from "the silence of the lambs" movie is on the market. it was the setting for some really scary scenes involving one of the film's two
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psychopaths, and of course, jodie foster's character. >> i don't know why you'd want it. it kind of freaks me out a little bit. but this western pennsylvania victorian is listed for $300,000. you get three bedrooms, one full bath and a pool house made from a caboose. >> and a lifetime of nightmares, too. >> you know, i did not think of that. i wonder if that's on the marketing brochure. >> it's all in there. >> but what it doesn't have is the infamous basement where bill tortured his victims. >> those scenes were filmed on a separate set. the owner said they were eating dinner one night when a producer knocked on their door and the rest is history. the film went on to be the best picture at the oscars that year. and finally, it's one of the big films of the summer, "straight outta compton" winning big at the box office last weekend. the movie inspiring another legendary group, that's right, the muppets. >> this mash-up includes a video from the 1979's muppet movie featuring fozzie bear kermit and others and audio of n.w.a.'s
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♪ finally this half hour, we explore a hotly debated hairstyle, the man bun. some love it, others loath it, but either way, america seems to be fascinated by it. >> but to get the look, it's going to take work. here's abc's abbie boudreau. ♪ >> reporter: a hair-raising trend that's got tinseltown tied up in a bun, a man bun. >> you can see it in hollywood now in actors like leonardo dicaprio, chris hemsworth, even david beckham has been rocking it. >> reporter: no longer just for girls, now guys are loving them too. >> i think a lot of women and
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girlfriends are saying, you know what, i want my guy to be rocking a man bun because it's kind of cool and kind of hot. >> reporter: editor in chief of yahoo! style jose says it's a look most men can pull off. is there a way to mess this thing up? >> there's a fine line. if it's too messy it's sloppy. if it's too done, it's like a red carpet hairdo. >> reporter: in search of the perfect gun, meet j.d., hoping for that orlando bloom look, clint, inspired by jake gyllenhaal's half bun, and kurt, channeling his inner jared leto. how long have you been growing it out? >> two years. my hair gross really slow. so, it's been kind of annoying. >> wow! >> reporter: do you call it a man bun? >> guilty. yeah. >> we're seeing it everywhere. >> yes, you see it on the streets and the runways. >> reporter: master stylist lindsay adair transforming their long locks into modern buns. >> create the knot and there you are. >> reporter: at spoke & weal in west hollywood. >> what do you think? >> i think it's exactly what i was going for every time. >> reporter: but you'll need
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more than just the bun. >> he's got the facial hair going on. >> reporter: it's the whole look. >> you know what, then, maybe we just try a classic shirt like that and we can roll up the sleeves and all that. >> reporter: after a quick change -- >> come on in. oh, wow. >> see? >> yes. >> and it all works. >> reporter: from everyday hipsters to hollywood trend-setters. abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles. >> those guys look great! i mean, i wasn't into it at first but now kind of you can rock it low bun or high bun and you prefer the high bun. look at you! i didn't realize you sported this look. >> i have always wondered what that would look like. wow. >> b.k. and jack really approve. are you guys going to get one too? >> yeah. >> oh, no! >> that's awesome. more photoshop coming up. >> that's the news for this half hour. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. insomniacs for two decades. decades.
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making news in america this morning, wildfire tragedy. firefighters killed on the front lines while battling a fast-moving blaze. new details just in about how it happened. war of words. jeb bush and donald trump taking jabs at each other, the back and forth in a battleground state. ice bucket breakthrough. last summer's viral campaign for als paying off. the major discovery just announced all because of those donations. plus, moving and grooving in the delivery room. a mom's labor dance entertained the nurses and the internet. good morning, everyone. i'm reena ninan. >> and i'm phillip mena.


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