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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  October 9, 2015 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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>> i'm ama dietz, thank you for joining us. right now, jimmy kimmel live, matt damon. >> we appreciate your time, good night. >> dicky: from hollywood -- it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- matt damon. dr. phil mcgraw. from "quantico," priyanka chopra. and music from fidlar. with cleto and the cletones. and now, all aboard, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: hi, everybody. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. oh, that's so nice. in the just the world, there's a lot going on in the universe right now. did you see the big super bloody lunar moon last night? the super moon was the reason all your facebook friends posted blurry pictures of the sky last night. a major astronomical event. it won't happen again until the year 2033. i was really excited about it. i read about it last week but i forget things. i set a reminder to go outside and look at it. but i was so eager to see it i didn't need the alarm. i went outside 6:45 last night. as soon as it started to get dark i waited. for a full 20, 30, 40 minutes i couldn't find the moon. i waited. i was in front of my house. well, maybe -- i went to the back of my house.
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my wife and i climbed up on a hill. nothing. meanwhile, everyone we know is posting pictures of the super moon on instagram. people who live three blocks away from us are posting photos. i'm like, where the hell is the moon? i really almost started calling people to ask where it is. but i just -- it was too embarrassing. where's the moon? so i just kept looking and looking. then finally around 7:30, it appeared like the great pumpkin from behind a house. and then i looked a at it for about a minute and went inside. [ laughter ] it wasn't as super as i hoped it would be. [ cheers and applause ] i'll tell you something, we're all very lucky to be here tonight. this afternoon, facebook went down for the second time this week. i know. you're okay? for 42 long minutes nobody knew if it was anyone's birthday. when facebook goes down it makes you realize, wow, this is what life must have been like in 2003.
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you know? it's funny. the new iphones came out on friday. as is usually the case customers camped outside their local apple stores to get them. this report came courtesy of our local fox affiliate here in l.a. who got to the apple store in pasadena in just early enough to make everyone in line there miserable. >> some of the people are still sleeping, there's some food here. he's taking a little nap still. yeah. oh, this does not look comfortable. his head is on that very hard chair. good morning, sir. it's almost time for the iphone 6. 6s. the new one is coming in just a couple of hours. we are opening the doors. they're still getting their rest, okay. we're going to let them sleep for a little bit. oh, he's on his tablet. this is not a new tablet, though. excited about the new phone? >> no, no. >> he's excited. >> jimmy: yeah, you can see
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that. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i have to say, it is kind of perfect that half of america was lined up to buy a $700 phone, while the other half was lined up to see the pope. you know, after almost a week of very intense waving at people, pope francis is back home in rome. i enjoyed the pope's visit. it was nice to see americans get excited about someone who wasn't a kardashian or a rat with a slice of pizza. [ cheers and applause ] the pope made visits to new york, philadelphia, washington, d.c. we want to have some fun with people here in l.a. so we went out on the street, asked people about the pope and all the terrible traffic his visit caused today. as you know, not only is the pope not in l.a. today, he's not even in the country today. but will that stop people from complaining? let's find out in tonight's pope francis edition of "lie witness news." >> we're talking to people about the pope's big trip did los
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angeles, have you been following that on the news? >> a little bit, yes. >> did you see him at l.a.x. this morning? >> yes, l.a.x. >> what were your impressions when you saw the pope get off the plane? >> i was surprised the pope came to california, know what i mean? he's everywhere. i didn't think he'd come here. >> so there's frenzy in l.a. because of the pope. what of that frenzy have you experienced? >> just the helicopters buzzing around. closing streets down, nobody can get anywhere. everyone wants to catch a selfie with him, i don't know. >> have any of your friends gotten selfies with the pope? no. >> everyone's trying? >> everyone's trying. >> did you see the moment he cut in line at in-n-out burger? >> yeah, but he has the right to do that, he doesn't have a lot of time, i think people are cool with that. >> you say you saw news coverage this morning. what struck you the most watching the pope get off the plane? >> just how slow he is. i worry about him. >> were you affected at all by the traffic jams the pope's
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motorcade caused? >> a little bit, yeah. all that traffic was lake, wow. being in california, of course it's traffic. >> how much extra traffic would you say you sat in today because of the pope's motorcade? >> i'll say about two hours worth of traffic. >> an extra two hours? >> yes. >> how much in gas would you say that extra two hours cost you? >> $40, $50. >> pope francis owes you $50? >> yes. >> do you want to say, hey, pope francis, give me my money? >> hey, pope francis, i need my money. >> for what? >> my gas, time wasted. or what's going to happen? >> i'm going to come see you. i don't know. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you know, i hesitate, i really hesitate to mention
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this. matt damon has a new movie opening on friday. it's called "the martian." matt plays an astronaut who gets stranded on mars. poor mars. they have one person on the whole planet and it's matt damon. i don't know how the movie producers managed this but nasa announced an enormous discovery today regarding mars. they found water, liquid water, on mars. we can't even find that in california. this is an amazing thing. scientists have suspected that mars had water for a long time. let me show you a photograph that they took from the rover, i think. you can see right here. i mean, it was right there the whole time. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] so they don't know if the water is drinkable or not. it could be very salty -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks, i appreciate that, did i miss something? anyway. so they found -- well, i just want to say, we have a -- quite a show for you tonight.
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we have music from fidlar. they are not on the roof, i asked them to get up there but they wouldn't. from "quantico," priyanka chopra is here, and stick around for dr. phil. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: portions of gem jimmy kimmel are brought to you by sam adams. jimmy kimmel live brought to you by verizon. there's verizon.n you rr which is great, because if you're going to get the best iphone wouldn't you want to have the best network? kinda makes you want to jump for joy. tell all your friends and family. even throw a party. get up to $400 when you switch to verizon and trade up to the iphone 6s. and now you can upgrade to a new iphone every year without the wait. so you'll always have the best iphone on the best network. with roots touch-up gefrom nice'n easy.our roots seamlessly blends with leading shades,
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11:45 pm
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>> jimmy: hi, there. welcome back. tonight from the new show "quantico" which premiered last night on abc, one of the biggest movie stars in all the world priyanka chopra is here with us. right here in los angeles - their latest album is called "too." fidlar from the samsung stage.
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anyone know who viola davis is? michael pena, don rickles, ll cool j, ken jeong, music from an dra day and kelsey ballerini. for 14 seasons our first guest has been trying to help us but i think we're unhelpable. he's host of the most popular talk show in syndicated television, "dr. phil" is on every weekday. please say hello to dr. phil! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. thank you so much.
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thank you so much. i tell you what jimmy. a squirrel in a tophat is like a donkey in a dress. you can take it to the prom but if you try to make it wear lipstick you gonna get kicked. go on take a seat. if it walks like a turkey and talks like a turkey you can put sunglasses on it. put on it a horn frog and call it a unicorn, that don't mean you're going to get a bingo. am i right? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: what are you doing? what is this? what are you doing? >> oh, don't make a pig out of a peanut, jimmy. >> jimmy: seriously. what are you doing here? what are you doing here? >> what do you mean? >> jimmy: i mean, what are you doing? what is this outfit? why are you dressed like this? where's dr. phil? it's supposed to be dr. phil. >> but you said that -- that i could be on the show today when we were in therapy.
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>> jimmy: listen, i know "the martian" is coming out friday and i did say i would help you promote it but i did not say -- >> no, you said i would be on the show. >> jimmy: i said i would try to get you on the show tonight. and we have a very, very busy night. i have the whole therapy session on tape. i have it. i can show it. i know what i said. >> that's private. >> jimmy: let's let the audience decide if it's private or not. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: do you think it's private? i guess they don't think it's private. so i do want to show this. because i just want to give you an idea what kind of guy this is. the doctor here and i decided to work our issues out with a therapist. yes? >> i -- >> jimmy: yeah, we did. >> i thought it was supposed to be private. >> jimmy: there was a camera
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crew in the room, how private did you think it was? show the tape because i want people to see this. >> so how are you feeling about today? >> jimmy: i feel -- i feel anxious. i feel nervous. but i also feel -- i guess hopeful. >> you feel open? >> jimmy: i don't know. it's a hard thing. you know, i mean -- it's a hard thing. >> so you think you're ready to let this person back into your life? >> jimmy: i think so, yeah. i think i'm willing to give it a shot. you know. to talk. >> well, let's do it. hi. please come on in. >> thank you. jimmy. >> so what are you hoping to get out of today? how can i help you guys?
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>> um -- he promised me over a decade ago that i was going to be able to be a guest on the show. >> for a decade you've been waiting? >> i've taken over -- jimmy would say he's been nice enough to give me a room where i come and i wait every night. every night. >> so for a decade you've been waiting. have you ever considered not coming any more? >> but i'm scheduled to be on the show tonight. you know, i mean -- >> jimmy: he is scheduled, it's in the listings. >> it's in the listings. >> jimmy: you have to come. >> every night. then if you don't go it would be like i'm big-timing him or something. >> jimmy: it's in the listing. if it's in the listing you don't have a choice, you have to go. >> what's your perspective? what do you think? >> jimmy: i tried to get him on the show. i mean, we have a one-hour show every night. we have other guests if he doesn't care about, obviously. i have a monologue, we have a band, sometimes we have important commercials to run. it's hard. you know, listen. i understand his point of view. but he has to understand my point of view.
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>> what do you think his point of view is? >> jimmy: he thinks the world revolves around him. he thinks he's the only celebrity in california. i mean, it's -- >> you think he's being unreasonable? >> jimmy: yeah, i do. i do. i mean, it's like -- >> now things are getting totally turned around and this is what he does, it's what he does so well. he talks the talk, now he makes me think i'm crazy. >> jimmy: it's all about him. that's the thing. it's always about him. >> what do you imagine it feels like to be him? >> jimmy: i imagine it would suck to be him. first of all, look at him. i mean -- and he's trying to be a movie star. >> what does that mean? >> jimmy: what? >> look at him? >> jimmy: look at his face, look at his body. it's not a movie star face and body. >> this is how -- >> jimmy: i understand that he's trying. i do understand that he's trying. >> he -- he -- he is verbally abusive to me and couches it as truth. you know, what my supposed to do? >> jimmy: when you wanted to buy that zoo, what did i tell you?
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>> that zoo was for body of us. that zoo was supposed to be something beautiful. it was for body of us. you never even showed up. >> jimmy: i don't like animals that much. >> you didn't even give it a chance. you didn't even try. you never even saw the zoo. >> what were you hoping to accomplish by buying the zoo? >> i just wanted to build something with him. and share it and nurture it and watch it grow. and those animals were just -- that was our chance. >> jimmy: okay. >> but no. i live, you know, at the show in a dressing room. you know. i'm excited about coming out every night and -- >> is there something that you feel particularly angry at with matt? >> jimmy: i'm angry that he's angry. i'm doing my best to get him on the show every night. and he is so -- i mean, he's so spoiled. he throws a tantrum. and i know that -- i know what goes on on these hollywood sets, okay? he's in his trailer, he's got the star on the door. but that's not how it is here. this is my show.
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and he thinks it's his show. >> it was that one time. i took the [ bleep ] over and [ bleep ] busted the ratings wide open. [ cheers and applause ] >> say more about that. >> jimmy: don't say more about that, that was a difficult thing for me, that was a felony. i was kidnapped, i was held against my will -- >> what did it feel like to be sitting there wishing you were on the jimmy kimmel show and not being able to? what did that feel like? >> jimmy: i was terrified. >> really, really? yeah, okay, okay. >> jimmy: you taped up my -- >> keep talking, what else did it feel like? >> jimmy: it effectively felt like duct tape was suffocating me. that's what it felt like. you taped me to a chair. >> everything except the duct tape happens to me every night. >> you wanted him to experience -- >> i wanted him to know -- to try to be on the show and suddenly he's not on the show and he can't get to the show. the show's right there and he can't get to it. >> how did you work through that? >> we didn't. >> jimmy: we didn't. >> didn't talk about it, no. >> is there anything that you
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like about each other? can you say something nice about each other? >> jimmy: i like some of his friends. you know. ben. >> uh -- all right, to be fair, i like his show. >> that's a very nice thing to say. >> i wouldn't have waited for 12 years to get on if i didn't like the show. >> jimmy: i mean, that's -- i appreciate that. i do. >> so, guys, we're just about out of time so we'll start wrapping it up. i'm really very impressed with the way you guys handled each other and really communicated. so i think this has been really good. what i'd like to do now is have you guys look at each other and make some sort of commitment to the relationship and maybe what you're going to work on. so jimmy, let's start with you. >> jimmy: i hope you know that what i -- where i'm coming from is that i have been trying to get you on the show. i've been trying really hard and i feel like you don't appreciate
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it. but i will try harder in the future. if this is important to you i will try to get you on the show. you know, just not tonight. because this counseling thing has gone on for a pretty long time. >> that means a lot. and it just sounded, you know, very genuine. >> jimmy: it was. >> i'll commit to another 12 years. in my room at the show. you know, i mean -- it is my home now. you know. it would be tough for me to just give that up. i'd love it, i'd love it if maybe i could get a television. you know, just because it -- there's no windows. you know. and -- you know, you can just -- >> jimmy: we could probably get -- i bet we could get an old television in there. >> that would be amazing. just to distract me a little bit.
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because my mind like just can -- >> jimmy: right, yeah. >> can go places. you know, if -- i would love like a wi-fi connection. like that would be -- >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, that's kind of a no can do. >> no, i know, i know. you've built everything in. >> jimmy: he's in the basement so the wi-fi is not great. >> just doesn't work at all down there. but i mean -- >> listen, you guys. i'm very happy with the way you've communicated today. >> jimmy: yeah, me too. >> yeah. as a sign of your commitment to each other and the work that you've done, i think it's really important to end a couples session with a hug. so, you know, i'd like you guys to do that now. just get up and just give each other -- >> jimmy: hug each other? >> like a hug. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. >> hug it out, that's right. a pat would be good, yeah. very nice.
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[ applause ] >> how does that feel? >> it was really good. >> just a little bit -- >> you guys all right there? >> yeah. >> jimmy: thank you. >> yeah, sure. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we said nothing about being on the show tonight. we'll be right back with the real dr. phil. guillermo, come on. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by sam adams. sam adam the bls for the love of beer from time in the service... to different jobs...
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thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm
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you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: for 14 seasons our first guest has been trying to help us. he's the host of the most popular talk show in syndicated television, "dr. phil" is on every weekday.
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please say hello to dr. phil! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i just want to first say, i am so sorry about that. he is the worst. i didn't know that was going to happen. and he really infringed on your time here, dr. phil. >> what are you doing to me? >> jimmy: what is matt damon doing to your wife is really the question we should be wondering. yeah, that's right. yeah. believe me. he's up to no good in that dressing room. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you look better than he does. are you working out? what's going on with you? have you been throwing up? >> don't -- [ laughter ] don't suck up now. you always have me follow something like that. what, are you kidding me? that's a tough act to follow. right? >> jimmy: well, see, you could do it.
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i think you can follow that. you do look good. you just had an anniversary with your wife. >> i did. [ cheers and applause ] >> i've been married 39 years. you've got to work it out when you've been married 39 years. this stuff gets closer to the sidewalk after a while. off got to work out. i got a trainer, i'm hitting it hard. >> jimmy: who's your trainer? >> a guy named aaron babyon, how's that for a trainer? >> jimmy: not very good. >> he's like a drill sergeant. >> jimmy: he is? >> he works with guys that are -- really have to take their shirts off. >> jimmy: really, okay, all right. you're enjoying that? >> well, i enjoy when it's over. feels so good when he quits. >> your wife made a beautiful video for you for your anniversary. >> she did. >> jimmy: and then she posted it to facebook. now, did you okay this before it happened? >> i didn't know it. this was a surprise. and i made something for her and felt like a real dip [ bleep ] after i gave her my gift and she
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gave me her gift. >> jimmy: she made a painting for you. then she videotaped the whole thing. and put it on the internet. then you gave her a mix tape. >> yeah. >> jimmy: which is something that -- >> thanks for pointing that out again. >> jimmy: yeah. like an eighth grader would give to a girl he wants to go out with. >> i gave her the links and everything. >> jimmy: it wasn't even a mix tape? >> it wasn't even a cassette, it wasn't a dvd. i gave her the links. but i actually -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the links? you gave her the links so she had to go and buy them on her own? >> no, this is -- i bought them. sort of. >> jimmy: uh-huh. interesting. wow. >> they were kind of free. >> jimmy: you are so romantic. let's show a bit of the videotape, all the work your wife, dr. phyllis, did for you. ♪ ♪ the light of a thousand stars oh darling ♪ ♪ place your head on my beating heart ♪
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♪ thinking our love maybe we found love right where we are ♪ ♪ baby we found love right where we are ♪ [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's beautiful. isn't that sweet. [ cheers and applause ] >> i think you defaced the page -- >> jimmy: i may have done something to that. >> you may have adjusted the painting. that was the veil she wore 39 years ago. >> jimmy: i believe that, yeah. >> i like the way you fixed the painting though. >> jimmy: does she wear the veil every year? did she get it out of storage for number 39? >> she wears it every night. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you guys were on "the celebrity family feud" together, right? >> we were. >> jimmy: was that fun? >> no. >> jimmy: no? >> no. we got our ass kicked. >> jimmy: who were you playing against?
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penny marshall? >> penny marshall and her family. >> jimmy: garry marshall. >> and we won every question. steve harvey, we win every question, like every face-off, we went through every question. and then we lost the game at the end. what the hell's up with that? >> jimmy: it's about the points. you got to score points, simple as that. >> i know. i tried to get -- all robin wanted to do was play fast money. i even tried to bribe them. >> jimmy: who? >> steve. >> jimmy: you can't bribe steve, he's unbribable. >> no, i said, look, she wants to do fast money. you were playing for $25,000 for charity. i said, i'll give you $25,000, just let her play fast money. she could play it in the parking lot, i don't care. you don't even have to air it. i'll just give you $25,000. no, there's not time. >> jimmy: did this come on the heels of you giving your wife that crappy mix tape for her anniversary? sounds like you might need some
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couples counseling from me. >> you're going to keep bringing that tape up. there were some good songs on that tape. >> jimmy: i'm sure. what, "easy lover" by phil collins and philip bailey? i'm not making this up, this is the real mix tape. >> you need to do a commercial. >> jimmy: cher, "believe." cher? >> don't you need to do a commercial? >> jimmy: kid rock, "only god knows why." >> more jimmy kimmel after the break, we'll be right back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're back with dr. phil who is back to work on his show every day. seems like all these years you've been on we really haven't learned anything, have we? >> no. you mean you haven't? >> jimmy: i haven't, i'm one of them, i haven't learned much. seems like you still get a stockpile of wackos that come through your studio. >> we have teachable moments but you have to be teachable. >> jimmy: yeah, but seems like most of the people on the show are not teachable. >> no, that's not true. >> jimmy: well -- what about this one? >> oh, god. >> jimmy: my daughter is a beautiful, intelligent, talented, ego maniacal, drug-addicted liar and thief. is there a specific person that comes up with these subjects/titles on your show? >> we just book random people then make the titles. [ laughter ] that just goes with whoever was booked that day. that doesn't have anything to do with the story. >> jimmy: i want to ask you about donald trump. do you know donald trump? >> i do know donald trump. >> jimmy: have you spent personal time with him? >> i have spent personal time.
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>> jimmy: as a doctor, what is your specialty area? >> you just said i was a quack. now you want me to -- >> jimmy: i would never say that about you, please. >> not with me here. >> jimmy: take that back. that's right, i don't ever say you're a quack. >> you said it in the intro. >> jimmy: i make a quacking noise sometimes. i don't think you're a quack. you're on tv, sometimes there's a simple answer to these things and maybe they aren't so simple. but donald trump, what do you think of him? what would your diagnosis be of him? >> well, i project into the future. and i wonder sometimes just exactly how diplomacy would play out with him. if let's say we were in a real tight, tense situation with another world power. and he decided to make [ bleep ] up. and he decided to claim that we
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had 4,000 submarines in their harbor. and we didn't have any, or something. i just wonder if that might -- i just wonder if he might lack in diplomacy. >> jimmy: i see. do you think that he is a narcissist? would you say that he is a narcissist? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what about insecurity? do you think the fact that he's always talking about how beautiful his hair is and how much money he has, is that because he is insecure? is that maybe he didn't get enough, i don't know, positive feedback from his parents? >> why do you think he's wearing that hat? >> jimmy: to make america great. because he wants to make america great, why else would he wear that hat? [ laughter ] >> because he's got a dead cat on his head? i don't know. [ applause ]
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look, i do know donald. he's a very smart guy. and if you sit down with him one on one and talk to him you would really like him. he's a really nice guy to sit down with one on one. >> jimmy: yeah? >> but i -- i think -- too much time in the spotlight fades the suit. and i think it's a long time from here to the election. >> jimmy: it is a long time. you will not be on tour on the campaign tour with donald trump, i can assume? >> well, he hasn't asked me. >> jimmy: oh. >> i like donald trump. i think he gets a bad rap on some stuff. and he scares the bejeegers out of me on other stuff. >> jimmy: you're jealous of his hair. >> who am i to criticize somebody's hair? i haven't had hair since i was 12. [ laughter ] i just think at some point, he's going to have to replace some of his adjectives with verbs.
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>> jimmy: okay. [ cheers and applause ] >> we're going to have to see what it amounts to. >> jimmy: advice on donald trump from dr. phil. watch "dr. phil" every weekday in syndication. thank you: phil. be right back with priyanka chopra! >> dicky: portions of jimmy kimmel live are brought to you by sam adams, watch the championship live on october 13th. change channels while he changes pants. you don't have to be a couch potato, you can be a train potato! and let them watch all the shows they love, inside the ride that you really kind of hate. introducing the all in one plan. only from directv and at&t. ♪
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>> jimmy: still to come, music from fidlar. our next guest has gone from the miss world pageant to indian movie stardom to her own tv series here in the united states. her show is called "quantico." watch it sunday nights at 10:00 here on abc. please welcome priyanka chopra. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: first may i say you smell fantastic. >> oh, that's -- i wake up like this. everyone's been telling me that ever since i've come to america. >> jimmy: is that right? >> sounds great. >> jimmy: do americans ask dumb questions about india in
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general? >> yeah. when i was in -- sometimes. >> jimmy: yes. >> not all the time. when i was in school, i was asked, do you find gold in the rivers? and i was like, that's is other india. >> jimmy: oh, i see. gold. >> questions like that come my way. >> jimmy: i don't even think those are indians, those are prospectors they're thinking of. when did you come here? you went to school here? >> yeah, when i was 12 years old. >> jimmy: 12 years old. >> in india when you go to school you have to wear uniforms. and you don't have to do it here. that was the reason for me wanting to go to school. >> jimmy: that's a long commute just to get out of wearing a uniform. >> well, that's not what i told my parents at that point. i told them i wanted to broaden my horizons. >> jimmy: i see. >> get to know the world. i guess they fell for it. >> jimmy: who did you live with when you came out here? >> my mom's sister. my mom's side of the family is here, sisters and brothers. you know indians, we travel in packs. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: did you love it in america? >> i did. it was high school. high school is so good for
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everyone. plus coming from india, i was 12 years old. i didn't know too many things. it was a big culture shock. every morning i had to wake up two hours early to figure out what i was supposed to wear. >> jimmy: see that? uniforms. >> uniforms are so much better, you don't have to think about it. >> jimmy: when you were here did you like -- did you get into american music and american culture, television, that sort of thing? >> i'm going to say this on national television right now, you guys. but i was supposed to be mrs. tupac shakur. >> jimmy: mrs. tupac shakur? >> i believed it. i really did. >> jimmy: how old were you? >> 12, 13. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. that didn't work out, i guess. >> yes, hail mary. >> jimmy: you love tupac? >> i did. i wore black for almost 20 days to school with my hair down. >> jimmy: when he was shot? >> yes. >> jimmy: your parents must have been thrilled when you came home rapping tupac songs. >> they were not happy. >> jimmy: i would not think they were happy.
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what happened when he was shot? did you move on to another pper? >> i did have -- i mean, you know how it is when you're in school, you have crushes every week. i did stay with tupac in my heart for two years. >> jimmy: okay. appropriate mourning period. >> when he died i kind of moved on -- i kind of moved on as a rebound crush to dennis rodman. >> jimmy: dennis rodman? what? >> in my defense it was before the wedding dress. he was still with the bulls. >> jimmy: okay. >> and i just thought it was a great way to express yourself with all the things he did with his hair. >> jimmy: oh, boy. you could have -- well, you could have gotten an all-expenses paid trip to north korea. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> i still do. >> jimmy: you have strange taste in men. don't say that, dennis will be pounding on your door. >> not the crush, free trips to korea. >> jimmy: free trips to north korea. i would imagine they would fly
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you over there immediately if you so desired. your show, "quantico." i thought it was a great show. >> yay! >> jimmy: you play an fbi agent in training. part of like the academy. >> quantico has like two time zones. one is in the future, one is in the present. in the present we're trainees, almost like college, there's relationships and sex, people fighting, enemies. then the future which is kind of serious because grand central station's blown up and i am framed for it. >> jimmy: and they think you are the terrorist. but you probably aren't the terrorist. >> i don't know. >> jimmy: that would be weird if you were the terrorist at the end. >> maybe i was super extra smart, that i made everybody believe i was not the terrorist but i actually was. >> jimmy: that's possible but it seems like the show would not continue into further seasons because you would not root for the terrorist. >> no, i would hope not. please, america. >> jimmy: you are not the terrorist. i'm ruling you out right now. >> there you go. i didn't want to be one. >> jimmy: who does nowadays, really. >> terrorist is not the top choice.
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>> jimmy: someone is the terrorist. >> somebody from my class. >> jimmy: we need to figure out who the terrorist is. >> that's what i do through the season. >> jimmy: are you living here now? do you go back? you make a lot -- how many movies have you been in? >> almost 50. >> jimmy: almost 50 movies, wow. that's like all of them, right? >> 49 1/2. i'm still filming one. >> jimmy: you're shooting right now. then do you go back there then come back here? >> i go back and forth all the time. i have weekends off, which is the only time i get off from the show, i fly to india, finish a scene, come back. >> jimmy: our weekends are only two days here. >> i know. you lose time, then you gain time when you come back. >> jimmy: we're going to require you to spend more time here in the future. >> i go where my work takes me. i live on a plane. i'm a nomad. >> jimmy: we are very happy to have you. congratulations on the show. "quantico." priyanka chopra, sunday nights, 10 partly cloudy on abc. be right back with fidlar!
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♪ >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by samsung.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by samsung. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'd like to thank dr. phil, priyanka chopra and i've apologized to matt damon enough. "nightline" is next but first, their album is called "too." making their television debut with the song "west coast," fidlar! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ ah-ah-ah-ahh ah-ah-ah-ah ah ah-ah-ah-ahh ah-ah-ah-ah ah ♪ ♪ ah-ah-ah-ahh ah-ah-ah-ah ah ah-ah-ah-ahh ah-ah-ah-ah ah ♪ ♪ checked out i'm waiting for the weekend hooked up it's alright i'm leaving ♪ ♪ but i don't ever wanna go ♪ skip school i'm already failing told mom and dad that i'm bailing ♪
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♪ now we're driving up the coast ♪ ♪ ah-ah-ah-ahh ah-ah-ah-ah ah ah-ah-ah-ahh ah-ah-ah-ah ah ♪ ♪ cracked out and sleepless in seattle got drunk and barfed on my shadow ♪ ♪ i don't ever wanna go ♪ got high and ended up in portland but you can't buy liquor in oregon ♪ ♪ so we'll just talk and bum some smokes ♪ ♪ woke up you caught me with a smile passed out on your bathroom tile ♪ ♪ man i think that this is home ♪ ♪ so sad, i should've told her something call her up and talk about nothing ♪ ♪ but i forgot i lost my phone ♪ ah-ah-ah-ahh ah-ah-ah-ah ah ah-ah-ah-ahh ah-ah-ah-ah ah ♪ ♪ ah-ah-ah-ahh ah-ah-ah-ah ah
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ah-ah-ah-ahh ah-ah-ah-ah ah ♪ ♪ and all my friends they just stay the same i'm growing up but nothing's changing ♪ ♪ i'm so sick of this stupid place it's so suburban and so boring ♪ ♪ i should try and get a life but i don't want that nine to five ♪ ♪ i'd rather die keep getting high so pack my things and say goodbye ♪ ♪ ah-ah-ah-ahh ah-ah-ah-ah ah ah-ah-ah-ahh ah-ah-ah-ah ah ♪ ♪ checked out i'm waiting for the weekend checked out i'm
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waiting for the weekend ♪ ♪ checked out i'm waiting for the weekend checked out i'm waiting for the weekend ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ there's a secret we wanna know ♪ ♪ but you keep it yeah you keep it for your own ♪
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♪ and all the kids all the kids wanna know where do i belong this is "nightline." tonight, hollywood sex scandal. she had big time dreames, and this acting coach said he could help her for free, but then unfriended. how did a social media queue leave to cold-blooded murder of this couple. now we confront the alleged mastermind behind the twisted plot. walking wounded. that's not a human


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