tv Nightline ABC October 24, 2015 12:37am-1:08am PDT
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where's the late crowd ♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, today's l.a. cops every traffic stop, chase or arrest can be caught on camera for all the world to judge. certain infamous videos have already gone viral. tonight we're on patrol. seeing the effects of these body cameras during a heart-pounding pursuit. selena gomez, nick jonas, even mylie cyrus took a purity pledge. but this pride actually presented her father with a serf purity on her wedding day, even getting a doctor to sign it. why the newlyweds are now getting blasted online. how they're responding to the haters. and hello adele. ♪ fare fans the wait felt like
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eternity. now the beloved singer is back in full force with an instant hit. what's up with the flip phone? ♪ but first the "nightline 5." >> let's give these dayquil liquid gels and go. >> these are new. mucinex. >> it's the same difference. >> this is max strength and fights mucous. >> mucinex fast max. max strength and fights mucous. let's end this. innovative sonic care technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral-b. get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation sonic care. save when you buy. >> number one in just 60 ♪ ♪ ♪
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good evening. thank you for joining us. we begin with a major reform for lapd where every single officer is you fitted with a body cam. will it be cops in check? abc's matt gutman is with them on the ground. >> reporter: lapd giving chase, careening around a corner. we're with them. >> hands up! turn your back towards me! get on your knees! hands on top of your head! lay down on your stomach! >> reporter: for officers parras and splenga, nights like this are routine. the images you're seeing are not. >> thought he had a gun? >> reporter: over the past month lapd, which earned infamy with the rodney king video, becoming by far the largest police department in the nation to deploy body cameras on all its patrol officers, 7,000 of them.
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do you think this will change the lapd in any discernible way? >> i think it will change all law enforcement. first of all, the lapd is the biggest agency that's doing this. but it won't be long before all cops will do this. this is going to become a common piece of equipment for law enforcement. really the question will be not if you have them, it's why don't you have them? >> stop, stop, stop! >> reporter: over the past years body cameras have been a hot-button issue thanks in part to videos like these. this reserve deputy allegedly mistaking his gun for his taser in oklahoma city. >> i shot him, i'm sorry, [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. >> reporter: the reserve deputy is facing second-degree manslaughter charges. he says it was a terrible accident. but perhaps the most publicized example -- >> stop, stop! >> reporter: an officer for university of cincinnati shooting to death samuel due pose during a traffic stop. the video revealing what the
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prosecutor called -- >> the most asinine act i've ever seen a police officer make. >> reporter: officer ray tensing told other officers right after the incident he needed to protect himself. >> i thought he was going to run me over, he was dragging on me. he took off, my hand was caught inside. i missed the tires luckily but i was getting drug by him. >> reporter: the video seems to show a different story. investigators concluded he was never dragged and never in danger. tensing was fired from the department and charged with murder. despite these examples, advocates say the cameras have probably absolved more cops than they have condemned. >> i think it shows that we believe in what we do enough to put it on film. and this allows that to happen. this is a camera. you can tell by this blinking light that the camera's on. >> reporter: which is why the lapd is giving us an exclusive look at their new gear. the taser made axom.
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taser has seen sales surge over 154% in a year. more than 53,000 of these cameras are being buckled into police utility belts across the country still that's less than one camera per 10 cops in the u.s. we spent two days and nights with the lapd doing as they do. >> all units, code 4. >> reporter: filming every interaction with the public. >> right there. >> reporter: around midnight, he spots something in the darkness. he guns the engine. in pursuit of a suspected local gang member. >> you thought he had a gun? >> yeah. >> reporter: there's a scramble in the alleyways to find him. until now their dash cams would have only captured the car chase. those new cameras now capturing the foot pursuit, the stop, the frisk. close quarters contact that is often the source of complaints about excessive force. this young man knows what's
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coming. earlier this year the officers say he was charged with grand theft auto and the possession of a firearm. he doesn't pay us much attention. what is the tattoo on the back of your neck? >> darlene. >> reporter: while cuffed, artundia searches to see if a gun was ditched. both of them have significant others waiting for them at home. they do the toughest shifts in one of the nais nation's toughest beats. the mission division, aka gangland l.a. and skid row. made famous by the movie "end of watch." like those cops a decade of experience has honed an almost feral instinct about criminal activity and protecting themselves. they wear the cameras on their hips, near their guns. >> my personal preference for being on the belt, i want the video to catch the suspect's hands. not only that, but if we get into that situation where we are in a shooting, i don't want my
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hands blocking the suspect's. >> you can't be here and your hands be blocking. >> right. how you're wearing it, your hands would be blocking the suspect. >> is it helpful for you? >> it's only been a week, too early to tell. >> reporter: the video captures very little. mostly blackness as we race on a code 3. to what they know will be a prank call. and it jangles as we clamber up to a flophouse, knowing the officers will soon turn back around. they worry with police officers feeling under increased threat, when the real thing happens when their life is on the line, the camera will be a potentially dangerous or deadly distraction. >> what if there's an active shooter in front of me and i'm thinking about in instead of my gun? that's the only issue i have right now with this. >> reporter: another concern, it might not always give a complete picture. in some ways that makes this the product incomplete. gives you only that one snip pent of time. >> one piece of the puzzle.
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it's a big piece. in some cases it's going to be a huge piece. in other cases it's going to be a smaller piece. it totally depends on when it's activated, what the angle is, where the individual's standing. >> reporter: lapd believes the cameras could protect its officers in the field and in court. and a couple of days before we interviews chief beck, reembedded with another unit that shot a man believed to be armed. >> dealing with the public, will we be able to see that? >> if presented in court it becomes part of the public domain. >> reporter: that means the public and media will have to wait. it's end of watch. artundia and spalenka dock their cameras, grateful a relatively uneventful night means they won't have video to review. matt gutman in los angeles. next, they publicly declare their marriage vows and their chastity. then this couple found unexpected infamy online. plus a belle says hello
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again and immediately gets a question in response. why does her shiny new music video feature an ancient flip-phone? i sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my family? my li'l buddy? and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots, but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding.
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the young woman you're about to meet is proud to prove to her father she kept her promise to stay a virgin until her wedding day. so proud, in fact, she presented him with a serf purity signed by a doctor. then a photo of her big moment went viral, igniting a firestorm of criticism. here's my "nightline" coanchor juju chang. >> reporter: we've all heard of purity balls where young girls promise their dads they'll remain virgins till marriage. 22-year-old brieland bowman took it one step further. >> i have a special presentation -- >> reporter: surprising her father, a pastor, with a framed serf purity.
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>> i am really excited. because i went to the doctors. and i got checked out. and my hymen is still intact. >> reporter: showcasing her chastity in front of her 600 wedding guests. >> i really wanted to prove to him at another level, dad, your word is good and my word is good and we did it. >> for her to be able to accomplish something, especially in this society where it is so sexually driven, it was an exciting moment. >> reporter: the document signed by brieland and her doctor reading in part, to show how i have honored god and my earthly father in my body by maintaining my purity." >> even though it was something presented to her, it was still her choice to decide to sign it. it wasn't like it was something that she was forced or made to do. >> reporter: her husband, 28-year-old tim bowman, says he was also a virgin until marriage. >> just to say that i was the
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first person to be with her and vice versa, i think it's just something that's special. >> reporter: when he takes to the mike about his purity, a slightly different reaction. >> i was worried about seeing there was no way they could verify -- there was no test they could run on me. you got to take my word for it. take to it the bank. >> there's a double standard here. he talked about his virginity and everyone laughed wit. right? it was really unimportant. whereas women's virginity, it really gets very deeply wrapped up in whether or not we think that young women have value. >> reporter: the couple who dated for three years admits it wasn't always easy. >> i've dated people and got in situations where i've come close to not doing what i said i was going to do -- >> i don't want to hear that. i don't want to hear that. >> reporter: the newlyweds honeymooning in dubai when brieland's online posts about
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that purity certificate went viral. >> our phones blew up. >> whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop! >> we looked at each other. some of the stuff was seemingly nasty. >> very nasty. >> reporter: thousands commenting. one writing, why on earth is she presenting such a certificate to her father? another saying, how sexist is it that we're giving women away to their husbands as some sort of prize? where is his certificate? >> the idea that the most valuable thing a woman has is whether or not she's engaged in any particular sex act is insulting and dehumanizing for women, when we scratch the surface of it. >> reporter: brieland's husband says the negativity didn't shake their faith. >> to see people support and people have issues with it i think is an empowering thing. it's getting the conversation started. >> reporter: it's not just public ceremonies pushing celibacy, sometimes it's public personas. nick jonas was famously chained to his purity ring. ♪ you got me in chains
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>> reporter: but it didn't work out. confessing all to wendy williams. >> nick? >> yes? >> are you still a virgin? >> no. >> okay. just asking. just to be clear. taking off the ring could mean you're not a virgin or you're contemplating. >> no, i'm an adult in all ways, comfortable with who i am. >> reporter: selena gomez ditched her purity ring. and long before the wrecking ball, mylie cyrus had a chastity promise. >> i hope young people who are paying attention learn the right lesson which is that these abstinence pledges do not keep anyone from having sex, right? these celebrities put them on, then when they feel like having sex, they take them off. >> reporter: according to one study chastity pledges are just as likely to have premarital sex as nonpledge is where they do have sex they are less likely to use protection and birth control methods. >> this is just a reminder, keeping yourself pure is important. >> reporter: last year
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"nightline" visited caroline johnson just before her very own purity ball. >> one of the things that you were talking to daddy about was when am i going to get my purity ring? and one of the things that i think's important for us to remember is this is your desire to do it the lord's way, to really save yourself from kissing lots of toads along the way and wait for your prince charming to come along. so weep that on your finger and it's a daily reminder that at this point you're married to the lord. and your father is your boyfriend. >> reporter: pledging to her father to not even kiss until her wedding day. >> get ready to dance the night away. >> fathers, stand with me. will you stand together in this accord? >> reporter: 60 like-minded fathers pledging to protect their daughters' vows. >> what i hear from young ladies is, there's this need for that physical touch. and from a male being. that's what i believe the father role is. >> let's take those covenants in
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the middle of your table. i choose before god to cover my daughter as her authority and protection in the area of purity. there's a pen in the middle of your paper, pick that up and sign that. then have your daughters witness that. >> reporter: it's an event to remember. a public declaration of chastity. >> these very public rituals, it's a way of evangelizing, a way of saying, this is the standard we should all adhere to. it's a way of trying to make it a cultural standard. the trouble with that is, there's no one size fits all approach to sex. >> reporter: as for the bowmans? >> i couldn't be any more happy, more proud. my wife is amazing. >> reporter: they have one more public declaration. >> we're not virgin anymore. >> reporter: for "nightline" i'm juju chang in new york. and next, say hello to singer adele. after going on hiatus for years, it looks like she hasn't updated
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her phone since then either. [tires squealing] ♪ charged up. ♪ by design. ♪ ♪ ♪ heart pounding. ♪ by design. ♪ looki had the whitest smile. now i'm going to show up to the reunion with this whole situation. oh please. do what i'm doing. use crest whitestrips! crest 3d white whitestrips... remove 14 years of stains. i knew i recognized that smile.
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>> reporter: with the simple hello, your favorite shoulder to cry on is back. multi grammy winner adele dropping her first full music video in years. ♪ seem to be home >> reporter: adole has been low-key since having a baby. she spoke to bbc radio 1 about the anticipation of a new album due in november. >> the only reason that people seem to react like how you're saying they are is because i haven't done anything else. i have been doing other things. i haven't been sitting around. >> reporter: making history as the first music video to be shot using imax cameras, six minutes of classic adele, a soaring chorus, a troubled relationship. adele looking to the camera, looking into your soul. the video reaching nearly 20 million views in just one day. >> it's already happening! >> adele's music is too beautiful! >> reporter: videos celebrating the emotional effect her music has on someone like you.
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♪ never mind i'll find someone like you ♪ >> reporter: what's with all those flip phones and that vintage phone booth in this new video? the director, za xavier dolan s newer phones are too identifiable with everyday lives, as soon as you film these elements it's like you're shooting with every commercial. i find them to be nonnarrative in the meantimes. a retro choice to showcase a timeless voice. ♪ when i call you never seem to be home ♪ >> it was the incomparable ella fitzgerald who said, the only thing better than singing is more singing. thank you for watching abc news. good night, america.
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