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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  June 16, 2016 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT

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♪ >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live: game night"! tonight -- oprah winfrey. and dikembe mutombo. presented by state farm. and now, off the glass, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" >> jimmy: welcome. hola. i'm jimmy kimmel, and -- [ cheers and applause ] welcome. you did not doze off and wake up at midnight. this is our primetime special. tonight from cleveland, ohio, game six of the finals between the warriors and the cavaliers. the phone lines are open. call or text in now with your vote. tonight let tonight's game be decided by the final score. let your vote be heard.
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is that how it works? i don't know. i get confused. the cavaliers made game six necessary with a big win on the road in oakland. lebron james and kyrie irving set a teammate finals record, scoring 41 points apiece. that's never been -- i tell you something. i don't think i could score 41 points if i was playing on an empty court by myself. but they did. and the cavaliers are back on their home court. the first two games were in oakland, games three and four in cleveland. then, they went back to oakland for game five, now they travel back to cleveland for game six and then they go back to oakland for a game seven if necessary. this isn't a basketball schedule. this is the flight route for spirit airlines. [ applause ] even if -- even if the cavaliers lose the series, they have killing it in frequent flyer miles. they really are. i'm sure lebron james is glad to be home and away from these very critical signs. let's read this one. this says, "lebron, take the high road back to cleveland with your second year losing to the gsw.
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golden state warriors. you are no longer known as king james, you are now loser cry baby james. with your feelings hurt." in a different color. i don't know if you notice, he took time to laminate that. [ laughter ] that's not a sign, that's a book report. the only way that could hurt lebron's feelings if he didn't read it. if you want to upset the opposing team, signs should not be longer than the apple terms agreement. the golden state warriors are very happy to have their all-star forward, draymond green, back at work. he was suspended in game five. over the last two series, he's been very active, getting into the groin of his opponents. that's steven adams. he got steven adams, not once, but two different times and he got the run-game suspension for this. for swatting king james in the crown jewels. so, he had to sit for game five. but he did have a productive day off.
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first of all, he returned some amazon stuff that needed to be returned. the mailman came and picked that up. [ laughter ] later, he went to get his car washed. [ laughter ] he had a quick workout at the gym. [ laughter ] and this is fun. he even flew all the way down here to l.a. >> hey, mr. draymond green. >> jimmy: to see a taping after our show. >> my -- >> jimmy: what? are you okay, guillermo? you all right? >> yeah, now i'm okay. >> jimmy: what was his name again? i missed the way you pronounced it on the tape. >> graymond green. >> jimmy: exactly. [ laughter ] can i get that one more time, just -- >> graymond green. >> jimmy: you know, if you've been watching our -- these shows we've been doing, the specials during the finals, then you probably know about baby steph curry and baby lebron james. they are two of sports fastest-growing stars and i'm excited to announce, they've landed their very first commercial endorsement deal. it was only a matter of time, and the time has arrived. so, here it is.
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their new commercial. ♪ >> hard work. dedication. toughness. perseverance. drive. commitment. diaper rash. guts. heart. the will to win. champions drink droolade. berry blast, cool blue and breast milk. droolade. drink it in. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very hydrating. all right. we have to take a break, but this is very exciting. oprah winfrey is here tonight with us. [ cheers and applause ] and i -- and i have -- i probobly shouldn't say this, but
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i haveve big surprise for everyone in our studioudience. you're not getting anynying from her. oh, it's not enough that she's here? and when we return, our father's day y youtube challenge for 201. it's good, so stick around. we'll be right back. there's still time to save on greatifts for dad! like a new dress shirt or tie. a watch gift set. or a performance golf shirt. and, no matter how you pay take an extra 20% off these sale prices!
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everyone gets kohl's cash too! all weekend at kohl's. ...and stumbled upon some stranded enthusiasts.d... he shared his sandwiches. he rescued their rover. he observed their methods... ...and was invnved to join the crew for the remaindede of the mission. no. james left to discover new frontiers... ...and potable water. how far will you take the all-new rav4 hybrid? toyota. let's go places. to find him the perfect gift for father's day. they have all the brands that dads love. i'm last and i wish mikey put in a little more effort. get a free kobalt® 38-piece tool set with purchase of this 24-volt max combo kit.
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♪ >> little bibibibibibibibibit . mixed with red. ok like they got a litittle bibi bloody on that. are they trying to do to me today? i don't know. but i'm going to test it. it looks fun. it's very good. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: dikembe mutombo, sharing his thoughts on jelly beans. all right. thank you. welcome back to our game six game night special.. oprah is on the way to save us. [ cheers and applause e but first -- i want to mention that father's day is on susuay. i hope you didn't forget. father's day, as you know, is sort of like a mother's day for dads, but -- [ laughter ] but not as important. so, this year, to honor all the dads out there, i am once again issuing one of our now infamous father's day ytube challenges. we really hit e father lode on these ininhe past. one year, we asked kids to make dad breakfast in bed and then dump the whole breakfast on him. and that turned out like this. ♪ happy father's day to yououou >> you got to be kiddingnge!
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: so, thatatas a s s s surprise. another year, we chahaenged children to spray dad with a hose. very simple. that went well. >> why are you doing this? >> jimmy: dad attacked by the thing that he loves most, the hose. this is a goododod one. a couple years ago we had people hop on pop. in other words, we asked them m m to jum their dadadadadad whililhe was still effective. was surprisingly [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so -- it's his own fault for r hang k kids, you kn? if he hadn't done what h hdid to their mothers, huld be able to sleep. so, this year, i'm inviting you to participate.
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there's a new father's date challenge. the challenge is, catch your dad by surprise with an unplanned game of catch. you know, dad's like to play catch. -- what i like you to do is throw a ball or something to your dad, but don'tell him it's coming. just say, dad, catch! and throw it. we ask you to record this and upload it to youtube with the title "hey jimmy kimmel, i played catch with my dad." it doesn'te to be a ball. you could throw an egg. you could throw a grapefruit, a burrito. [ laughter ] be creative.e.e.e.e. have f with it. all we ask, by all we ask, i mean, all our lawyers ask is, do not throw anything that could hurt your father. so, nothing g sharp, nothing heavy, no steak knives, snowglobes. do not throw anything that could potentially kill your father. because it will ruin father's day, really, so -- [ ughter ] but record it, throw it and, again, post the video to youtube with "hey jimmy kimmel, i played catch with my dad." that way we can find it and check for a message from us and we'll share our favorites on the show next week. so, get to work, kids.s. and i'll tell you this, they pretended to eat your halloween
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candy. now, they're going to o o o o p price fothat, all right? [ cheers andpplause ] all right. we'll be right back with oprah winfrey. welcome to mcdonald's. you rmay i take your order? (sings) ♪ lemme get a mcpick 2! ♪ everybody loves finding new ways to choose a mcpick 2 deal. hurry in and choose two mouthwatering mickey d's classics 100% pure beef big mac, 10pc chicken mcnuggets made with white meat, or a filet-o-fish made with sustainably sourced fish for just five bucks. so no matter how you mcpick 2... ♪ lemme get a mcpick 2! it's always a deal you'll wanna share. mcpick 2 for $5. enjoy the choice. ♪ ba da ba ba ba ♪
10:12 pm
with t-mobile and the incredible iphone, you can reach more people in more places than before. whether you're at home in the basement, on the open road, or pulling the late shift at work. you're more connected now, because t-mobile doubled its lte coverage...
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and added extended range lte which reaches two times farther than before and is four times better in buildings. right now, hook up thehehole family with an iphone. buy any iphone and get an iphone se free when you add a line.
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10:15 pm
>> jimmy: well, hello, again, everyone. we are smack dab in the middle of our nba game night primetime special. later tonight on our regular time, we have a new show with mindy kaling, ben mendelsohn, music from meghan trainor and an all-new episode of "judge james." i'll be hearing quite a case. it could get me nominated to the supreme court. if they do those, you know? here tonight, she is executive producer and recurring cast member of the new television drama "greenleaf." it premiers next tuesday night at 10:00 on own. please welcome oprah winfrey. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome. welcome. >> hello. >> jimmy: great to have you here. thank you for coming. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> hello. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this never happens. i mean, to you, i'm sure it happens all the time. to me, it never happens. you look fantastic. how are you? >> i'm so good. and you? >> jimmy: doing well. are you watching the nba finals? is this something that you care about? >> watching -- i will be watching tonight. because i think, you know, this is -- this is the one. >> jimmy: it is? >> this is the one. i'll tell you this. so, every year i go to cleveland for my annual checkup and, you just want to keep the same doctors, right? so i go into cleveland, and i wasn't ware this was going on. cleveland was down two. >> jimmy: you didn't know this? >> i didn't know this. >> jimmy: i see. so, i arrive in and i say, you know, at the airport, i say to someone, how are you? they say, we're just praying. and then i get to the hospital and i'm getting ready to get in my robe, i say to the lady, how
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are you? she said, praying. and then, she does the sign of the cross and i think, this is a really religious town. everybody you run into is praying and it took me awhile. then i went in with my doctor to get the whole, you know, elek cardiogram thing going. we're just praying. >> jimmy: they want to make sure you're healthy when you're at the hospital. >> yes. >> jimmy: what about stedman? >> he watches so much, and i'm no fun to watch the game with, so, he leaves and goes and watches with his friends. he was with his friend watching and then wants to call and discuss it with me. great. >> jimmy: he has friends over watching the game, do you bring snacks and stuff to them? how does that go? >> actually, i do. i make a fantastic truffle popcorn. >> jimmy: oh, well, yeah. >> with lemon zest. fantastic. >> jimmy: that's a good snack. >> isn't it? >> jimmy: that's the only snack that is worthy of you bringing to him. [ laughter ] are you aware that i'm running
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for vice president of the united states? >> i heard. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. thanks, everyone. >> what is your platform? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, i want to put the i can back in american. that's my primary platform. >> i love what happened with cbs. that was needed. much needed. >> jimmy: thank you for mentioning that. >> change is on the way. >> jimmy: cvs had the long resents. >> ridiculous. >> jimmy: and i got them shortened down to almost nothing. you can't even read them anymore. that's how small they are. thank you for mentioning that. >> change is in the air. >> jimmy: so, do you feel like i'm someone you can endorse? because i know when you endorsed president obama, it was helpful to his campaign, and i think this could be really good for me. [ laughter ] >> do i have to have one of
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those science -- ion signs on the lawn? >> jimmy: no, you don't have to have a sign on the lawn. >> i don't. >> jimmy: you don't, no. you don't have to have a sign. >> i want to hear more about what your platform is. >> jimmy: okay. >> what you intend to do. >> jimmy: oh, boy, see, i don't know. donald trump didn't have to go through any of this, he just said he's going to make america great. [ laughter ] why do you have to -- >> what is your slogan? >> jimmy: a good, solid number two. that's my slogan. [ applause ] thank you. oprah has endorsed me, everyone. [ cheers and applause ] wow. >> listen. anything's possible. i think it's possible. i think you can win without a presidential candidate. i think you could. >> jimmy: i'm going to have to, because no one will take me. speaking of presidential candidates, and anything being possible, donald trump has said many times, even, like, 15 years ago, he said that he would -- if he ran for president, he would love for you to be his running mate. >> i think he was joking. >> jimmy: i don't think he was.
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>> i think he was, but okay. has he contacted you? >> have not gotten the call. >> jimmy: would you take the call? >> i would say -- donald, i'm with her. >> jimmy: ah. i see. [ applause ] i know what i think about this, but true or false, if you decided, and if you were able to do this, to run for president, today, you would beat both donald trump and hillary clinton. >> i do not believe that. [ cheers and applause ] no. but i will say -- i will say -- i do not believe that, and believe me, that is never, will never, it's the one thing that i know for sure, sure, sure, is i will never run for office. but i would say that for many years, i used to think, until this election year, i thought, wow, i have -- why do people say that? i have no qualifications to run. i'm feeling pretty qualified. [ applause ] i'm feeling really qualified. i love people, i want to help people. yes.
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>> jimmy: i watch your commencement speech that you gave last month. >> commencement speeches are tough. you have done it? >> jimmy: i have. i did it at unlv where i went to college. the bar was set very low. >> well, see, i will say it's easier if you went to that college. so, you have a doctorate. >> jimmy: i am. dr. james kimmel. you don't need to fly to cleveland anymore if you need a checkup. we can take care of it right here. >> did you -- is it stressful? was it stressful? >> jimmy: it was stressful for me and i got advice from people telling me, you know, what i shouldn't say, what i should say, people weighed in on it. >> i tell you what was more stressful, so i was coming from one part of the country, i was coming from california, because i had two girls, i had two of my girls, they were graduating at jcsu in north carolina. hello. and stedman was coming from chicago, so, we were meeting in north carolina.
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he only packed one shoe. [ laughter ] so, we had to be, like, there at -- he realizes the night before at midnight, because i met him there, and we realize at midnight he doesn't have his shoes. he only has sneakers. i think i have a picture. i took a picture. he only has sneakers. so, we don't know anymore in north carolina who has a size 15 foot. he's a size 15. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, you can't just go to the store for something like that. >> and even if you could, the store's closed at midnight. so, stedman, who has never had a drink in all the years that we've been together, went to the bar and is going through the bar, person by person, saying, what size shoe are you, what size shoe are you? and then came up with this idea he was going to call cam newton. he didn't know what size he wore. >> jimmy: the quarterback from the panthers? >> yes. they're friends. he calls cam at midnight. cam's not home. but he calls cam.
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cam does call him back and cam sends over two pairs of shoes. which are not size 15. but they're a size 13. >> jimmy: size 13. >> so, stedman wore cam's size 13 shoes. >> jimmy: wow. stedman has some big feet, by the way. >> yes, so, he wore his shoes. i think i have a picture. >> jimmy: it's almost like a parable. except for the ending is just him wearing shoes. >> yeah, but there's nothing to tha that. but look. that's a size 15. >> jimmy: may i show that? >> that's a size 13 -- >> jimmy: there's stedman wearing dad shoes. when we come back, we're going to talk about "greenleaf," oe op arah's new show on own. we'll be right back with oprah winfrey after this. ♪ oprah's new show on own.
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we'll be right back with oprah winfrey after this. prah's new s. we'll be right back with oprah winfrey after this. start at tw, with no contract. and give you talk, text and data with unlimited carryover. it was amazing! that's ninety days of nothing-but-net (buzzer) for less. america's largest and most dependable 4g lte networks. android smartphones start at $19.99. or bring your favorite smartphone phone. tracfone. do everything for less. there's only one question to ask onare you dad enough? because at outback the steaks are big! and, hurry in, for a free $10 bonus card with every $50 gift card. nothing but the best for us dads!
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♪ this father's day, get dad the tools he needs. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ the new ford escape. life is a sport. we are the utility. be unstoppable. this stuff no problem, no problem, no problem! got a new hotel for us? ♪ we know just the place. i like your robe. no matter what you need or when you need it, check yelp first.
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i don't know how you got to be the way you are. i don't know if daddy did something. i don't know about. maybe momma, i don't know. i don't care. god knows i had my share of pain from them, but i didn't go handing it on like it was some kind of gift. now it's one thing to be sick, it's another thing to go walking around peacocking about it. from what i remember from my bible, that kind of prancing's reserved for satan. >> jimmy: that is oprah in "greenleaf" on own. this is on your network. >> o-w-n, yes. >> jimmy: you, as well, are one of the stars of this. >> yes. we have a wonderful ensemble cast and i wanted to get in the fun and, so, i didn't want to play a main character, so,
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recurring is better. >> jimmy: producers come in all the time, they say, oprah, we would like to pitch this to you and we'd like you to be in it and you probably say, no, no, no. >> i probably say no. craig wright, who worked on "lost" and "six feet under," he and i became friends and we started talking about this idea of using the megachurch and particularly a black megachurch to do some great story telling. because, you know, people who got to church sometimes sin. and sin -- >> jimmy: so i've heard, yeah. >> yes. and sin makes for some really nice arcs in story telling. >> jimmy: sin is good for tv. >> sin is great for tv. sin and dysfunction, y'all, is fantastic. >> jimmy: when you have language, like, your character has in the show, salty language, if you will. does that make you uncomfortable? >> no, it does not. i just step right in there. >> jimmy: you like it? >> i like it. >> jimmy: would you ever play a super hero in, like, a marvel movie?
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>> yeah, i would. i think that would be fun. >> jimmy: you would? oh, my god. i have to get bob iger on the phone immediately. >> don't you think that would be fun? >> jimmy: well, for me, yeah. nobody's asking. for you, you could just show up at oprah. >> this is what i love about -- i'm getting ready to do something, actually, this summer for hbo, not marvel, but it's, i'm doing that with george wolf, and what i love about submerging yourself is that you get to be somebody else, to have somebody else's life. so, it's a little vacation. >> jimmy: who else's life would you want? [ laughter ] that seems like a negative for you. >> well -- i would say i have a pretty great life, but you do get to submerge yourself into someone else. that's wonderful. >> jimmy: it is always great to see you. thank you so much for coming. the show is called "greenleaf." it premieres on tuesday, june 21st on own. o-w-n. oprah winfrey, everybody. we have a new show later tonight. thank you for watching. i'll see you then. good night.
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♪ i ♪ shining through rs ♪ i see your true colors ♪ and that's why i love you ♪ so don't be afraid ♪ to let them show ♪ your true colors ♪ true colors ♪ true colors


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