tv ABC7 News 900AM ABC September 11, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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>> live where you live, this is abc7 news. >> good morning, everyone, i'm carolyn tyler. thanks for joining us on this sunday, september 11th. let's start with a quick check of the weather. frances dinglasan is in for lisa argen. >> hi, carolyn. good sunday morning everyone. we are starting off with gray skies once again. live doppler 7 shows the cloud coming in from the coast into the bay right now. we will get more sunshine this afternoon. here's a live shot at the of tyrant america tower. we are still dealing with the low clouds. temperatures in the upper 50s to low 6 60s. by lunchtime it's still cloudy at the beaches and this afternoon it's cooler and breezy. inland will only come into the low 80s. around the bay you are the 70s and along the coast not even making it to 60. it's going to be a cool night as
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well. sunset at 7:23. we have a cooler day ahead. i'll let you no i about the accuweather seven-day forecast. carolyn. >> carolyn, thank you. today marks 15 years since the 9/11 terrorist attack. from the white house to wall street, the nation gathers to mourn, to remember and to heal. >> we had start our coverage with abc reporter marcy gonzales with more on today's remembrances. >> so many families were gathered hear this morning saying this has not gotten any easier. >> today from the raw emotional images seared into collective memories to the faces and stories of the 2,996 lives lost. this morning a somber reflex on all of the heartbreak and horror
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of 15 years ago today. [bell tolling] >> the impact of the 9/11 terror attacks still piercing through the haunting recollections. >> the as we crawled in and squeezed into openings, we came to the understanding that we were willing to guy in that pile. >> and the lingering effects. 127 new york city firefighters who stayed at ground zero in the days and weeks to follow the attacks, searching heroically through the smoldering toxic debris have since died of respiratory and other ailments. >> nothing problems worsened, and a number. those became acute. and the number of those lost to the terrorist attack of september, 21011 began to grow. >> 17 new names added to the
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wall this year. and the other names etched into history. >> from here below the resilient reflection of the new one world trade center, to the pentagon and the field in shanksville, pennsylvania. mourning families and our country honoring the vow made 15 years ago to never forget. >> as families gather to pay tribute, the nypd said they are on high alert although there are no credible threats. live in new york, marcy gonzales abc7 news. thank you and we will never forget. hillary clinton apparently became overheated during her visit to ground zero this morning. she left the ceremony about 90 minutes after it began and went to an apartment. in a statement her campaign said she's feeling much better. there was video of clinton leaving the apartment just a few minutes ago waving at the crowd
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and seeming to be in good spirits. back in 2012 the former first lady suffered a concussion after fainting and falling. during this campaign her opponent, donald trump is trying to make her health an issue. he also attended this morning's 9/11 ceremony. at the pentagon this morning an american flag was unfollowed to remember the 1830 people who died there. president obama spoke at the national 9/11 memorial honoring the victims while holding a moment ever silence with a wreath laying ceremony. president spoke about those who spoke in america's combat mission in afghanistan saying we draw strength from the troops. >> we come together in prayer and in gratitude for the strength that has fortified us across these 15 years. and we renew the love and faith that binds us together as one american family. >> president obama will also
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honor those who lost their lives with a moment of silence in a private certainly at the white house. this morning there will be a special ceremony to honor the heroes of united airlines flight 93. it was headed here to san francisco from newark, new jersey september 11th. it went down in shanksville pennsylvania after passengers thwarted the planned attack on the u.s. capitol. at the flight 93 national memorial in shanksville the 40 passengers and crew will be remembered. last night hundreds of people gathered for a candlelight service. they lit 40 lanterns to represent the sacrifices made. >> tremendous pride as i look around and know we are all part of a wonderful team as we celebrate this great nation and the courage ultimately of those individuals. >> and today the names of the 40 victims will be read allowed at
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a wreath-laying ceremony at the national memorial. >> this morning in san francisco the fair department will hold a moment. -- a moment of silence and each victim's name was read. edwards lea was there. >> we say thank you to each and every one of those who deepen our appreciation for sacrifice for public service and for saving lives. >> there will also be a special mass at saint monica's church this morning. in fact, all over the bay area there are memorials. the uss hornet museum in almeda will hold a moment of silence. visitors can also make cards for local first responders. that starts at 9:45 this morning. and the south bay the san jose
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fire department about commemorate the anniversary with a patriot day ceremony. a memorial pass and procession starts at 11:00 at the cathedral basilica. and union city, a congressman will speak in honor of the fallen. that begins at 10:00 this morning at sugar mill landing park. you can find more events on our website, >> developing news out of the east bay this morning. the chp has now identified the victim of a deadly hit-and-run in oakland. they are still looking for the%-@driver who struckthe man who%-@wasona motorcycle.%-@it happenedjustafter 2:00this%-@morningan eastbound interstate%-@980and the 27thstreet%-@on-ramp.%-@when th e chp arrived,theyfound%-@thevictim, the 43-year-old man,%-@in the far right lanewithhis%-@motorcycle off tothe shoulder.%-@officer s believe the driver may%-@have
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madeanunsafelanechange%-@andran intothe backofthe%-@motorcycle. %-@they saidthe cyclist may have%-@been affiliatedwitha%-@motorcycle club.%-@>> at thetime he was ridingegg%-@wasn't partofa clubevent.%-@the witnessessaid h e was%-@travelingbyhimself. %-@they don't havea description of%-@thedriverbut say the vehicle%-@wasa darkvan.%-@ one car t-boned another,%-@leavingthree people strapped%-@inside.%-@it happenedat1:00 at the%-@intersection ofpleasantridge%-@avenue and allen rock.%-@thosethree victims weretaken%-@to th e hospitalwithmainly%-@injuries.%-@san jose policeare lacking for%-@thedriverwho hit the other%-@car.%-@new this morning,arson%-@investigators insan joseare%-@looking forthe personwho set a%-@mini cooperonfireovernight.%-@security cameras mounted ata%-@home captured the entire%-@incident.%-@it happenedjustbefore
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3%-@california thismorning ina%-@residentialneighborhoodnear%-@calvin drive and calvincourt.%-@a driverpulledalongside the%-@anyone any cooper, getsout and%-@uses somesortofflammable%-@liquid tolight the car onfire.%-@thefirefightersmanaged to put%-@outthe flameswithinminutes of%-@responding.%-@thesearchisnow on forthe%-@arsonist.%-@we are learningmoreabout a%-@driver who was arrested aftera%-@violentsan ramon drive that%-@left a young boy deadon frida y%-@night.%-@yarenit liliana malihan faces%-@vehicularmanslaughter charges.%-@abc7 newsreporterkatie utehs%-@has more.%-@p>> reporter: chuck manoiki still%-@hears the three-year-old elijah %-@dunn's voice.%-@>> hi, papa.%-@what are you doing here?%-@>> i miss him.%-@i miss him so much.%-@>>
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hewatched elijahand the%-@one-year-old. %-@he said his daughter, crystal %-@was driving home whenshe ran%-@out of gas on interstate 680 in%-@sanramon.%-@>> i told her you can'tblame%-@yourself.%-@everybodyruns outs of gas.%-@it happens.%-@>> chp investigators sa y%-@39-year-old yarenit liliana%-@malihan of pleasantonwas under%-@the influence when she hit the%-@camryaround6:20.%-@>> my family was doing%-@everything they could, given%-@their circumstances, but%-@unfortunately she slammed into%-@the back of thevehicle%-@>> the childrenwereall%-@properly buckled, but elijah%-@took the brunt of theimpact and%-@had to beairlifted to%-@children's hospital in oakland. %-@>> hediedright on the table.%-@>> early on an 11-year-old eric %-@junior arrived in an ambulance,%-@butthey are okay.%-@malihan had minorinjuries.%-@and
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allthey want to hear from%-@her is "i'msorry."%-@>> it'snot going to bring my%-@grandson back, but atleast she%-@should feelremorse about what%-@she did.%-@>> we approached malihan's home%-@for comment, but the people%-@inside did not answer the door.%-@they said she did not have prior%-@dui convictions and shehad a%-@valid driver's license.%-@in the eastbay,katie utehs,%-@abc 7 news.%-@>> people have beencomplaining%-@about theweather in%-@san francisco, and i'm going to%-@give thema freepassto%-@complain some morebecause it's%-@going to beevencooler today%-@andthe coolertrend continues%-@into tomorrow.%-@i'll haveyour numbers with the%-@seven-dayforecastcomingup.%-@>> thank you, frances.%-@also comingup,na lifefor a%-@popularbasketballcourt in%-@san francisco.%-@howit'shonoringannb a great.%-@andpreparationsunderwayright%-@nowahead oftonight's miss%-@america ♪ ♪ ♪
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it's time for something new, something simple. grown right here in california with absolutely no antibiotics ever. food we're comfortable eating, making, serving. this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. let's get comfortable with our food again. %-@ an intense tactical training%-@expo for law enforcement all%-@over the bay areacontinues%-@later today.%-@abc7 newsreporter lonnyrivera%-@caught up with officers working%-@around the clock toprepare%-@themselves for emerging%-@challenges on the job .%-@>> medical personnel takethe%-@pressure and pulse of in this%-@almeda countydeputy.%-@>>
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today isa mad rush.%-@getting fromone scenarioto %-@another.%-@>> and in this scenario, oakland%-@housing authority police focused%-@on physicalfitness.%-@>> it'sa three-mile run with%-@five or six obstacles, and you%-@have the confidence course.%-@>> it'snathan's first year%-@competing at urban shield.%-@in thisdrill,university of%-@oakland police handle a hostage %-@situation.%-@they are given a thermal imaging%-@device to locate a baby inside. %-@>> all law enforcement are%-@issued the same technology and%-@seeing similar situations.%-@it gives them achance to train%-@with what they needto do. %-@>> 35 scenarios in all over a%-@48-hour period.%-@the take away, the hope is to be%-@better peace officers in really%-@world situations.
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%-@in almeda county, abc7 news%-@>> happening today, elan musk is%-@expected toreveal major %-@improvements to tesla's%-@autopilot program .%-@teslais under scrutiny after a%-@driver using autopilot died back%-@in may.%-@thesystemfailedtotellthe%-@difference between the bright%-@skyan d isa big rig.%-@he said the company will add%-@more radars and camerasand%-@upgrade the software.%-@ thecountdown tocrowning %-@begins.%-@tonight anew missamerica will%-@be named in atlantic city.%-@that's where we find the abc%-@news reporter with a preview of%-@tonight's competition.%-@p>> reporter: the contestants%-@from across and the u.s. and%-@it's territories,all vying and%-@dreaming of this verymoment.%-@>> miss georgia
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!%-@>> the coveted title of miss%-@america for 2017.%-@for thelast two weeks the%-@beautiful and sophisticated%-@young women have put forward%-@their absolute best .%-@this year it's pam sage steel %-@and chrisharrisonhost the%-@pageant.%-@among thewomen vying to take%-@the crownis thefirst openly%-@gaycontestant.%-@andalong with the glitz and%-@glamour is tohonor the darkest%-@day, the same day america%-@memorializes those lost in the%-@9/11 terrorist attacks.%-@tonight's miss america pagean t%-@promises to be anentertaining%-@spectacle.%-@miss america 2017 airs tonight%-@right here onabc.%-@abc news,atlantic city,%-@new jersey. %-@ andcoming up inthe next%-@half-hour here on abc7 morning%-@news, you will meet miss%-@california.%-@she's
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a bayareanative, a%-@former 49ercheerleader,and a%-@san jose state university%-@graduate.%-@>> there's now a prominen t honor%-@forour fixture "afterthe game"%-@coverage.%-@nate thurmondwas a member.%-@thebeloved abc family.%-@he diedbackinjuly.%-@therewas a dedication forthe%-@newlyrefurbishe d natethurmond%-@basketball courts.%-@it's nearthe entranceto golden%-@gate park.%-@children played, and a former%-@teammate and formermayor who%-@dedicated the court tothurmond%-@back in2000, and celebratedthe%-@brandnew surface.%-@browncalls itthe athletic %-@symbol ofthe city.%-@>> heis with the school.%-@> > abc7'ssportsdirector, larry%-@beil,who
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asyou knowworked%-@with big nateand was his%-@friend,mc'd saturday's%-@dedication tomorrowisa special%-@dayon abc. %-@thenew show "right this minute"%-@premieres at 3:00 p.m.%-@it willbe followed by%-@an early edition ofworld news%-@tonight.%-@and abc7 news at 4:00 and season%-@23 of "dancing with the stars"%-@premieres at 5:00 p.m. live from%-@los angeles.%- @it's on earlybecause at 7:00%-@p.m. we begin the abc7 49ers%-@pregame show.%-@watch as the 49ers take on the%-@rams in santaclara.%-@theirregular season opener is%-@live right here on abc7 monday%-@night.%-@>> now your accuweather forecast%-@from abc7news.%-@>> we aren't going towarmup%-@much today,especially at the%-@coast.%-@live doppler showing usthe gray%-@clouds intothe bay,aswell.%-@but starting toclear right now%-@forthe inlandareas and in%-@parts o f the south bay.%-@aliveshothere.%-@we are looking fromthe roof%-@camera
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out towardthe flag%-@blowing at half-staff: wind s%-@pick upthisafternoon and%-@that's why temperatureswillbe%-@belowaverage.%-@itscurrently 57in%-@san francisco.%-@oaklandinthe low 60s. %-@61 mountainview, alsointhe%-@low60s and 62.%-@san jose still at59 degrees.%-@half moonbay currentl y at%-@57 degrees. %-@>> ask iswehavea cooling%-@trendthatstartstoday.%-@andweare cooler
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tomorrow.%-@>> let meshowyou what i%-@in oakland,it's 65 tomorrow.%-@only 72, wellbelow the average%-@of 83.%-@and it will be lower inthe%-@inland areas.%-@ailshowyo u thatalsoina bit.%-@thehay today,only 5 in half%-@moon bay.%-@san francisco, 61oakland and 65%-@northbay numbers. %-@in the mid-to low70s. %-@mild inland.%-@we are going tojustbarelymake%-@it tothe low 80s inlivermore%-@andalsoantioch and concord at%-@80 degrees today. %-@if you wanttoheadtothe%-@beach, graba jacket.%-@>> it'sgoing tobecrazy,%-@especially thisafternoon.%-@temperatures willbenear60 - -%-@actually it'sat oceanbeach and%-@half moonbay inthe upper%-@50s.%-@santacruzwitha
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littlemore%-@sunshine getting upto 68.%-@but ithink temperatureswillbe%-@perfect.%-@you havea niceday for the art%-@andwinefestival.%-@very comfortable inthe low%-@70swithmild sunshine and a%-@lightbreeze.%-@here' s a look - - it'slittle%-@going to bea coolone.%-@mid-60sto low50s bythe%-@time the gameends.%-@here's the accuweather forecast.%-@agraystart this morning.%-@cooler afternoon.%-@tomorrow a drizzle and very%-@breezy conditions with the%-@really cooltemperatures.%-@onl y mid-70s. %-@and then 60s,upper 60s%-@around the bay.%-@notice atthe coast itdoesn't%-@change much.%-@andwewillbeupdatingth e%-@7-dayforecast.%-@>> all
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in %-@washington,d.c.%-@two womensa t down next to him %-@and he believed they were drunk.%-@they tried talking tohim.%-@one of the woman reached over%-@and took a frenchfry from the%-@officer'splate.%-@when she took another, he asked%-@her to stop.%-@the officer saysshe toldhim he%-@mght justaswelltakeher to%-@jail.%-@>> it was technically very%-@strange on her part .%-@i don'tknowif she was probably%-@hitting on him,but i think --%-@-- ifanyonecameupand tookmy%-@food, iwould be prettyupset%-@too.%-@>> i didn't answer.%-@>> police are still%-@investigating that incident.%-@>> still to come on abc7%-@morning, dozenshurt aftera%-@deck gives way duringa college%-@partybackeast.%-@whyofficials say the accident%-@could have beenmuch worse.%-@we willberigh
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♪ (music plays from radio alarm clock) ♪ ♪ one way or another ♪ ♪ i'm gonna find ya ♪ ♪ i'm gonna getcha ♪ ♪ getcha getcha getcha ♪ ♪ one way or another ♪ ♪ i'm gonna win ya ♪ ♪ i'm gonna getcha ♪ ♪ getcha getcha getcha ♪ ♪ one way or another ♪ ♪ i'm gonna see ya ♪ (inhales cigarette) it was doggie destiny was mr. bonejangles expecting the perfect toy at an amazing price? of course not. he's a dog. but that's the beauty of a store full of surprises. you never know what you're gonna find but you know you're gonna love it.
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tonight a new miss america will be crowned right here on abc7. this year miss california is a bay area native and a former nfl cheerleader. she was back home a few days getting ready for the competition and we caught up with her. >> our new miss california jessa carmack! >> from the looks of it, she was not expecting this moment. but many people behind the scenes saw it coming. her coach, missy, still remembers the moment six years ago when she saw jessa in her first pageant. >> she was 15 or 16, and when we saw her walk on stage, we knew she had a little something extra.
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>> jessa had been competing in gymnastics. but when she was a sophomore in santa clara, she decided to try a pageant instead, hoping to win a college scholarship. >> i had no idea really what i was doing. we had to do talent, and i didn't know how to choreograph a talent, but i picked up something. i picked up my cheerleading uniform. >> we brought in all our family to come watch jessa compete. that was at a local pageant and low and behold, she won the title. >> jessa's mom was thrilled to see her named the most outstanding teen and later california's most outstanding teen. but it was a big change. >> we are a sports family. we wear football jerseys. our baseball jerseys. so it's a lot different. there's a lot more sparkle. >> as a senior in high school she tried another dream. she tried out to be a 49ers cheerleader. something she dreamed about with
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since she was little. and she made it. >> she got to experience a dream that not a lot of people get to experience. >> she was on the squad for four years while she went to college at san jose state. then she went back to the pageant world and started winning again. she's been miss santa clara, miss mission city, and miss north bay. in july she won miss california, bringing her scholarship total to more than $35,000. >> i paid for college 100% on my own, and with the help of this program i'm proud to say i'm debt-free off of student loans. >> next stop, the miss america competition. she's promoting healthy lifestyles. and she's preparing for the talent portion of the show. >> my parents have always told me no drem is too big or too small, and that's really what i thought of my entire is life. >> abc7 news.
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>> and you can find out how jessa does tonight at 9:00 right here on abc7. be sure to tune in. she says she paid for college with that. >> well worth it. we have cooler temperatures heading our way. we have some gray skies. i will have your complete accuweather forecast coming up. >> thank you frances. we will have the
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>> the life guards say the 5 is-year-old victim swims at that beach on a regular basis. >> in sports, the oakland raiders take on the new orleans saints in the big easy later this morning. and it was a disheartening loss for the cal bears in san diego. it was a game they badly needed. here's shu with this morning's sports. >> good morning. well, the cal bears were well-rested for their second game of the season. after beating hawaii in australia august 26th, bears had a bye and seemed to be ready for their second road game against san diego state. sunny dikes was steaming the whole way through. davis to hanson. proved to be a good combo. 49-yard shot here. in the second quarter, tied at 21. web in trouble. picked by a lineman. third quarter. godfrey. 57 yards. scores. breaks marshall's record of
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443 yards. and san diego state up 38-21. demitrus robinson. 59 yards 38, 28. now a five point game and cal a chance to win it. but web threw for 520 yards. picked be by demonte. and the as text have won twelve in a row. 45, 40, the final after they fall. and san jose state versus portland state. they bussed almost 700 miles and it was a long trip back out from this game. they needed a big game from their quarterback. he's mobile. second quarter 8 yards made it 14-7. potter threw for 233 yards and three touchdowns. he had two rushes for five total. going deep for justin holmes. 46-yard stride. the smarty party is underway. 42-14. after the loss of tyler irvin he said he needed a committee at running back, and he got it. six touchdowns.
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cooper with 18 carries. 126 yards. the spartans win big 66-35. >> as we were playing last week we didn't show our potential against tulsa. it's good that we bounced back. it's very important for our team. we know we are a better team than we showed last week. >> all right. a little baseball. giants offense showing life in the desert. giants put up a four-spot on the d-backs in the third. the triple. giants up 5-0 after of the inning. that's all johnny cueto needed. he was dealing on a night when the bullpen needed rest. one hit, a home run. otherwise shutting down the d-backs. 6 ks in seven innings. hunter pence, home run. last week he's 10 tore 13 and three doubles. giants an easy win, 11-3, your final. kendall grave man, the only a's pitcher to make all his starts this year.
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got roughed up in seattle. he doubles past the diving chris olson in left field for the two-run double. 8-0 seattle. he gives up 8 runs on 12 hits. highest totals of the year. falling to 10-10. here is the two-run homer. too little too late. mariners role 14-3. that's the way the ball bounces. i'm mike shumann. see you tonight at 5:00. have a great day. a now your accuweather forecast from abc7 news. >> all right. you see the clouds coming back to the coast. we have gray skies over parts of the north bay spinning into the bay and in the east bay. and it might take a little bit longer for it to clear. hears a live shot in san jose. clouds over the south bay right now. temperatures are in the 50s and 60s. san francisco at 57. oakland 61. mountain view 62. san jose 59. morgan hill clear and half moon bay at 57 degrees. another live shot at sfo where we saw some breaks in the
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clouds. we are starting to see some out there. temperatures in the north bay mainly in the 50s. novato 59. but concord and livermore in the east bay in the low 60s right now. we are looking live towards the bay bridge from the exploratorium. here's what you can expect. the cooling trend starts today. it's going to be breezy and cooler tomorrow. especially in the inland areas where temperatures will be dropping. more seasonal later this week. and i'll show you that. if you are headed to the a's game this afternoon, you will get mostly sunny conditions and its going to be in the low 60s throughout the game. 63 degrees when the game starts. highs today will range from upper 50s at the coast. half moon bay only 59 degrees. we have the clouds there staying all day. only 61 in san francisco. oakland 65. san jose 74. and in the north bay we will see santa rosa hit 74, as well and
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napa 73. inland areas mild, only in the low 80s. so that's much more comfortable in antioch and 8 is degrees for you today. now overnight the clouds will move in and we have this area of low pressure to our north. that's going to increase the breeze and bring us cooler air into monday. so we will wake up with extensive cloud cover 5:00 a.m. lows will be in the 50s but especially cool in the north bay valleys. only 50 or so. and 51 napa. you could see some drizzle as well along the coast. now our biggest cool-down is on monday. that's when we see much cooler temperatures. we are talking 10 to 15 degrees cooler than normal in some areas. san francisco will be coming down to 06. not too much of a change. and oakland dropping a few degrees, but notice the inland areas. they will only be in the mid-70s for monday. that's well below average. and here's a look at san francisco's temperature.
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average high is 70. we barely made that all last month and we are going to be well below that for the next couple days. and then slowly ramping our way back up to near normal by this this weekend. so enjoyed to's weather. hopefully next weekend will be looking better for you. we have a cooler afternoon. tomorrow we will start off with some gray clouds morning drizzle again and even cooler numbers, especilly inland. cool on tuesday. still below average. sunny and mild. we start to ramp back up midweek, and then saturday and saturday near normal, sunny and near 90 degrees inland. >> it's been the strangest summer. >> it's been the coolest summer of -- the coolest winter we ever had. and summer -- >> well, thank you frances. coming up, an abandoned dog found covered in its own food.
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ally a hug. this toy is a reminder that someone cares. these are a chance to be part of a team. and this is the chance to succeed. female announcer: with your support, everyone at sleep train proudly dedicates their time hearts, and resources to giving local foster children one important thing: - hope... - hope... hope... not everyone can be a foster parent... ...but anyone can help a foster child. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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so the jackpot jumps now to $34 million. a dog abandoned in mountain view will soon have a new home. mountain view police posted these pictures of the dog. officers found him inside a cage at the park saturday morning covered in his own food. the cops took the little guy back to te police station to rinse him off. one of their dispatchers fell in love with him. she called silicon valley animal control authority, and is now in the process of adopting him. >> bay area residents are remembering the victims who died on 9/11 in different ways this weekend. abc7 news was in oakland yesterday where more than 100 volunteers picked up litter and worked to beautify their neighborhood. local leaders organized saturday's cleanup drive as a service event to remember those who gave their lives to help others back in 2001.
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>> the airplane hit the tower and we need to remember that. and most of us it's committing to the city of oakland and the united states of america and bringing us together. >> council member leads similar cleanups every weekend as a way of empowering oakland residents. >> let's get a check of the forecast. 50s at the coast and mild inland. if you want the low 80s that's where you find them. san jose 74 degrees. and it's going to be even cooler tomorrow. i'm just trying to warn everybody. >> all right. that will do it. thank you for joining us on the abc7 mornings. i'm carolyn tyler along with frances dinglasan in for lisa argen this morning. the news continues now online, on twitter facebook and instagram. abc7 news continues at 5:00 temperature. have a great sunday, everyone.
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