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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  October 6, 2016 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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off. >> the moment her family tifinay gets a glimpse of her brand new smile. >> why are you laughing? lots of riders wear helmet cameras. this is our dash cam. the guy in this video wearing a helmet cam caught this. >> heard that. >> the rider heard it too. he heard a screech of tires, turned around, and he appears to have caught what looks like a car accident. >> oh, man. that guy just hit that other guy. >> uh-oh. >> bummer. now, our buddy here with the helmet camera turns around to go check on everybody. >> wait, the car is gone. >> he's trying to leave. >> wow, the person just took off? >> it looks like it. the guy here on the motorcycle helmet cam points out the car that he believes was involved. >> well, considering all the
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damage, if that guy has a dent, this may be the one. >> yeah. >> do not engage. just get the license plate number for the police. >> pretty smart. that's what this guy does. he records the license plate on his camera, and he also recites it back to himself so it's recorded on the audio. yep, looks like there's clear damage. >> the guy behind the wheel doesn't really seem to care. the guy on the motorcycle is like, hey -- >> it's all on camera. you should go back. >> i got to give the motorcyclist credit. he doesn't engage. he doesn't get aggressive. all he does is record what he believes to be potential evidence for the police. so he decides, i'm going to call off this chase, and he returns to the scene of the accident. >> you get it on your helmet? got his tags? >> oh, yeah. i got his face. >> oh, that's awesome. >> people that were in that car that were hit obviously on the phone with maybe police or insurance company. the guy on the motorcycle is like, look, give me your information, and i'll get you
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the video. we have put calls into the orlando police department, but we did not hear back from them in time. this was a terrible day to be an elderly stray dog. can you see why? >> look at that leg. >> something is stuck in his eye. did somebody shoot it with an arrow? >> no, that's a porcupine quill in her eye. it's really hard to look at. >> it's hard to look at for us. what do you think the dog feels? >> fortunately, the guys at animal aid unlimited in india were called. they came to the rescue. don't worry. this dog is going to be a-okay. >> look at her little doggy buddy standing on the stairs. it's going to be okay. you'll be all right. >> it sounds like it actually hit the eye. so it got wedged in the cavity, but it didn't damage the actual eyeball. now they just have to get it out. >> jabbing at your eye.
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>> they sedate her. look closely. this thing is three inches in the cavity. >> it's in the brain. >> look, do you see that? you can actually see the other end of the quill moving. >> so it's in the brain sort of. it missed the brain, just went straight up that way. >> i am so disheartened by you two right now. >> oh, having sensitivity for a dog with a quill in his eye. yes, we suck. >> this is the moment they're able to grab it, secure it, and pull it out. >> that'll learn you there, puppy. don't go after porcupine, huh. >> but look at the dog now. it's healthy and going to keep its eye. i like big trucks, and i can't deny that i really like this video. the folks at atlas have a new truck. the last truck was the mt-60.
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this is the mt-65. it can carry the additional five tons. they asked the question, how much is five tons? >> a lot. >> or 11,000 pounds. 11,023, if you want to be exact. they decided to set up a crash test to demonstrate how much five tons is. first, they went to an abandoned quarry in sweden and then set up this really cool robotic band to kind of offer some mood music. now look what they do. ♪
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>> i don't know if that really demonstrates to you how heavy it is, but i got a big kick out of looking at that big truck. >> i love the look of this truck. it's got that low cab. it can carry 65 tons. that's a lot. >> they show off its capabilities and all its new stuff. you can just tilt that cab enough and get to the engine. they say this has easier access to make any repairs and stuff you need to do. plus, it can carry an additional five tons. this is a mining truck. >> i'm taking that to work. it's time to give away another ipad mini, and today is bonus day. that means we're also giving away a flat screen tv. >> that's right. two winners today. all you need is thursday's buzz word, to be at least 21 years old, and to be a legal u.s. or canadian resident. >> the "rtm" buzz word is coming up in just a little bit. >> stand by, everybody, for the
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"rtm" ipad mini giveaway. this rescue crew in china really had their work cut out for them. >> this has got to stop. these kids getting stuck on these grates. there's got to be some netting or something. >> how high up are we? >> we're on the fourth floor. you can see this little boy hanging outside of the window. they've got their drill and other supplies. >> is he holding on, or is he stuck? >> reports say the kid got stuck. he's not going anywhere until they let him free. >> the thing is, the only way to get him now is to really cut him out. as you're cutting him, you're taking out whatever is holding him. >> do they put any straps around his leg to help keep him up there, or are they just holding on hoping their hands don't get sweaty? >> doesn't look like there are any straps to hold him. there's quite a few people working on this mission. they've secured him. after quite some time, they get
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him out. this was a close call. >> that's just scary. there's a gift in that bag for him. >> he starts opening this present that only has tissues in it. >> find out what it is that got him in tiears. >> it's awesome he was able to experience that in person with her. and this bartender has some flare. >> i respect this guy's talent, but all i can think is, can i get a, i want a -- >> watch this performance heat up. >> this place is popping. ["diggy" by spencer ludwig] ♪
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♪ with sleep number, you choose the exact firmness and comfort you want and so does your partner. amazing sleep for all. don't miss the columbus day sale going on now! save $400 on the queen c4 mattress set. learn more at
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closed captioning provided by -- lidocaine. desensitizes aggravated nerves with the max strength lidocaine available. new icy hot lidocaine. as a younger man, i was a barman. my job was to pour drinks. turns out the role has changed significantly. check this dude out. like cirque du soleil. this is in new york where the barman/stripper/juggler/fire breather/entertainer is just doing it all. >> this is a big thing for bartenders. they have some competitions. when you got it, you got it. when you don't, poof. >> i respect this guy's talent, but i can sit there and think is, can i just -- can i get a -- i want a -- i'm dry -- can i.
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you know how long you're going to be waiting for a drink while this guy is dancing. >> that's exactly what i was just thinking. i know he's not serving the bar he's burning. >> a little daingerous. literally everything behind him on the bar is flammable. but he's putting on a show. great facial hair, multiple man buns. >> don't go here if you want to drink. >> you still drink. you just get a show with your drir drink. >> it's a big draw. >> and let's be honest, this place is popping. obviously something is working. this puppy is stuck.
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♪ >> i truly am amazed at the sacrifice our service members have to endure to serve their country. that includes being away from family, missing birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, finding out that you're going to be a parent. brandon, our soldier, is actually sitting in his living room. he's reading a note his wife miranda gave him. >> what did the note say? >> well, the gift in the bag is actually a pregnancy test, a positive one. as a matter of fact, he just found out he's going to be a dad. the family wanted to share this video because it's a really special moment, and they do now have a daughter. >> it's awesome he was able to experience that in person with
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her versus having to do it online. >> like so many other service members. like the ones in this next video. this is kim. her husband is deployed. >> so i just got out of the doctor's. they wrote the gender in here. i'm going to facetime my husband. >> she had an ultrasound, and the doctor wrote the results of the gender on a piece of paper. at this point, neither of them know. >> that's just some strength. i don't know if i'd be able to wait. >> do it! >> my heart is beating so fast. >> then she takes the envelope and opens it up while her man is eagerly waiting. >> it's a girl! >> she just screams. i'm sure in that moment, she wanted to go right through the phone and give him a hug. >> oh, my god. we're having a girl. >> that's pretty exciting, actually. someone has crashed a family picnic. >> you can't blame the bear.
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you smell stuff cooking on a grill. >> see the uninvited guest. >> she takes a big tin lid and puts it on the meat saying you can't have it. plus, it's bonus giveaway day, which means you can win an ipad mini or a flat screen tv. so don't go anywhere. the buzz word for your short to win is up next. for her birthday so i mowed the lawn, put up all the decorations. i thought i got everything. almost everything! you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to $13,000. but for only $7 a month, rid-x is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. rid-x. the #1 brand used by septic professionals in their own tanks. see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis
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and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers the omega-3 power of two regular fish oil pills... so give your body mega support with megared advanced 4in1. promotional considerations provided by -- shampoo. dandruff fighters with proteins and vitamins for fuller, thicker looking hair. new selsun blue full & thick. even agingivitis and plaque.ave germs that cause bad breath, act® advanced kills 99% of these germs. act® advanced. let this be a lesson to all of us. >> look before you cross the
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street. how about that? >> reports are this driver was running late to a lecture. he's a professor. that's why he said he was speeding. it looks like a pedestrian ran out into the street. as he does, he just goes flying like a rag doll. >> that's the thing. it's the yellow van. the pedestrian couldn't see left, but the yellow van is also blocking that driver, who is going fast. >> but you should also realize, i live in russia. the pedestrian crossing signs look like postage stamps. i need to be careful when i walk into this crossing. >> crazy enough, they say the guy got up and put his shoes on. but the driver didn't let him get away. he took him to the hospital. >> that yellow bus and that car that hit that person aren't the only ones driving past the intersection right now. there's like four lanes of traffic moving. you got to stop. this double decker bus just comes plunging into the frame of this next video. >> oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. >> yeah. >> big old double decker.
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>> is that a bike strapped at the front as well? >> yes. >> oh! >> they jumped out of the way. they heard the crashing and crunching and jumped off their scooter. >> talk about acting quickly. >> saving your own life. >> oh, no, no, no. >> what's going on? >> the people on the bus say the driver fainted. >> a person saw all of this, jumped on the bus. fortunately, they were able to stop the bus. unfortunately, the driver and other person were taken to the hospital. the driver is at home and doing well. you know, this is really similar to a lot of heist videos we see. >> oh, the suspect's a bear. >> and is he invading the picnic? >> yes, it is a family picnic. >> yogi! >> this happened in mexico. they're in a park area. this bear is like, time to go
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get some for the bear. just standing there trying to reach over and order some goat meat. >> you can't blame the bear. you ever smell stuff cooking on a grill? >> this is like something coming into your house and cooking up a delicious meal and saying, nah, you can't have any. >> everyone's got that one uncle who's not afraid of anything. that guy would be it. then there's the one auntie that's tougher than him. she takes a big tin lid and puts it on top of the meat and says you can't have any. they said the bear couldn't get at the meat, so it walked away. now, our next culprit has been wandering through this neighborhood. >> oh, holy -- >> he's like, what's up? >> the bear just casually walks through their yard. it's like, you know what, you guys don't have anything i want here. time to go.
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>> nice move. >> that big old bear just walking the plank. >> that big old bear is pulling a simone biles right here. look at that. no balance problems whatsoever. gets the end and is like dismount. >> that's so cool. >> but then the bear eventually climbs the other fence. going through the neighborhood. this last bear, it found food ve very easily in the front yard of these folks. he's like, you ain't got to be rude. i'm just helping take out the trash, lady. and the bear does. >> no, no. that's not for you. >> a to-go bag. it's that time. it's time it to give away another ipad mini. >> you need to be at least 21 years old and be a legal u.s. or canadian resident. >> enter the buzz word on facebook, twitter, or both.
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you can enter each every day. >> so let's reveal thursday's buzz word. it's "camping." get to click on the win ipad button and enter thursday's buzz word camping. >> and you want to enter today because it's bonus giveaway day. that means one winner wins an ipad and one winner gets a flat screen tv. >> good luck, everybody. her grill is about to come out. >> today is the day that i get my braces off. let's go. >> she's had braces for 15 years? >> find out why she's had them for so long. >> weird as it might be for a british person, my teeth are perfect.
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suzette is really excited. >> good day, good day, good day.
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>> this is something that is 15 years in the making. >> i have been waiting for this day for half of my life. >> what this day is, is finally getting her braces off. >> she's had braces for 15 years? >> her parents had a peruvian restaurant, so they depended on her to walk to the dentist to go to her appointments. she says she was a bit rebellious and just wasn't getting it done. she's part of the our together youtube channel. she says something very important about martin. >> martin hasn't seen me without braces. >> that's the father of her child, her boyfriend. now finally, she is getting the braces off. when she gets there, they decide to pull a little prank. >> we don't have your retainers. i'm being honest. >> they say, yeah, you're not getting them off because we don't have your retainers. they did. so they did remove them. now it's time to reveal herself.
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>> brace yourself. >> look at mom's teeth. >> where's the blingy grill, ma? >> how do i look? >> you look good. >> now it's time to get her man's reaction. >> let me see. >> how do i look? >> you look different. >> not one person can compliment a gal. >> she looks great. >> she goes from one form of metal bondage to another. >> now i have retainers to save the day. >> she's got to wear the retainers all the time unless she's eating. basically, i like her final review. >> basically, i just went from one hell to another. >> that's right. that's why i have these wo wonk. i didn't wear my retainers enough. >> weird as it is for a british person, my teeth are perfect. >> i'm glad you finally got rid of your braces, but you probably could have done it a while ago.
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that's our rundown of the day's best viral videos. catch us on the next epis when mexico sends its people... they're bringing crime, they're rapists. are you going to have a massive deportation force? you're going to have a deportation force. we're rounding 'em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. we're going to build a wall. that's not america. we're all californians. i'm tom steyer. it's time to speak out. please, register. and vote. vote. nextgen california action committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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don't take a chance. time is running out. hundreds of thousands of people were told to evacuate as hurricane matthew barrels towards the u.s. >> the damage and death toll is adding up and in the u.s., people are rushing to


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