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tv   Nightline  ABC  November 9, 2016 12:00am-1:01am PST

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is that rudy? oh, rudy got up here. another great man who has been really a friend to me, but i'll tell you, i got to know him as a competitor because he was one of the folks that was negotiating to go against those democrats, dr. ben carson. where is ben? where is ben? and, by the way, mike huckabee is here someplace, and he is fantastic, mike, his family, sarah, thank you very much. general mike flynn, where is mike? and general keller, we have over 200 generals and admirals that have been in our campaign, and they are special people, and it's really an honor. we have 22 congressional medal
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of honor recipients, just special people. i'd read reports that i was not getting along with him, but i never had a bad second with him. he's an unbelievable star. he is -- that's right, how did you possibly guess? i have to tell you about reince, and i know it, i know it, look at all those people over there. i know it. reince is a superstar, but i said, they can't call you a superstar unless we win because you can't be called a superstar like if secretariat came in second, there would be be a big bronze, but he is the hardest working guy, and in -- where is reince, get over here. boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.
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it's about time you did this reince, huh? say a few words. >> no. >> say something. >> ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the united states, donald trump! thank you, it's been an honor, god bless. thank god. >> amazing guy. our partnership with the rnc is so important to the success in what we've done. i also have to say i've gotten to know some incredible people, the secret service people. they're tough and they're smart and they're sharp, and i don't want to mess around with them, i can tell you, and when i want to go and wave to a big group of people, and they rip me down and put me back down in the seat,
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but they are fantastic people, so i want to thank the secret service. and law enforcement in new york city, they are here tonight. these are spectacular people, sometimes under appreciated, unfortunately, but we appreciate them. we know what they go through. so it's been what they call a historic event, but to be really historic, we have to do a great job, and i promise you that i will not let you down. we will do a great job. we will do a great job. i look very much forward to being your president, and hopefully at the end of two years or three years or four years or maybe even eight yeas,s
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you will say so many of you work so hard for us, but you will say that that was something that were really proud to do, and i can only say that while the campaign is over, our work on this movement is now really just beginning. we're going to get to work immediately for the american people, and we're going to be doing a job that hopefully you'll be so proud of your president, you'll be so proud, again, it's my honor. it's been an amazing evening. it's been an amazing two year period, and i love this country. thank you. thank you very much. >> there he is, the 45th president of the united states, president-elect donald j. trump,
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he has trywon, proving all the doubters wrong, pennsylvania has gone his way, state of wisconsin went his way, received a call from hillary clinton, and he will be the next president of the united states. you can't say it often enough, but he called it amazing, and it is just stunning. he's pulled off something that no one thought was possible two years ago, and he now will be the next president of the united states, and in those comments, we had some vintage donald trump. he called this a complicated business, a nasty and tough business, but he also said it was time to bind the wounds of division, time for this nation to come together, promise to be a president for all americans, and matthew dowd, he seemed moved by the moment. >> he seemed visibly, physically moved, and you can tell it as he walked up in his face. it was a very gracious speech. he thanked everybody. i was struck by two things. he talk about two things that he wanted to do that republicans,
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democrats, and independents can agree on, infrastructure i want provements and veteran improvements. if he pushes that first, he'll get cooperation. >> he wants to be the president of all americans. >> all america. he said it's a great moment. we will bring the country together. it's also, george, a sobering moment. this is the hardest, most important job in the world, and one of the jobs as the president is to keep us safe, and donald trump has said again and again he's the man to do it. >> he said he was also deeply humbled by this moment. >> he, in fact, did say that, and you could see it on that stage. he talked about making sure this is a country where everyone can live up to his or her own potential, which was interesting begin up who he was up against tonight. he talked about the phone call, thanking hillary clinton for her years of service. he said to be really historic,
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you have to do a great job. that was a real clear signal he knows now the hard tasks lie ahead, and i have to say this is a man who proudly went it alone, especially in the final days, talking about the big names, the celebrities, the president, the first lady out there helping secretary clinton, and it was often donald trump and his surrogates who often had his same last name. >> john, he's not going to be alone in washington. republicans now control, will control the white house, the senate, the house, and the majority of governships, he'll get a pick of the supreme court. >> it was a huge day, huge night for republicans across the board, solidly republican senate remains, he will -- garland, president obama's pick is pushed aside, and he'll get his pick for the supreme court. it was notable, george, describing the call he got from hillary clinton. he said that she called to congratulate us. this was a real effort by donald trump to do what many doubted he could do, which was to be
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gracious, to say something nice about her, to show some humility, to make it not about him, but now, of course, this is the first step. >> first step inside that hall now, going through the signing of those hats. >> that's right. you know, i was struck as we heard donald trump thank hillary clinton for her service and her her hard fought campaign. all night long, we heard the crowd booing hillary clinton. every time her face of shown on one of the big screens, screams "lock her up", and the moment he said that, you'll realize, the entire audience clapped, clapped and applauded for hillary clinton, and i thought that was a very poignant moment and a complete tonal shift from the group earlier on in the night, and, certainly, people are hugging, wiping away tears, and it's a joyous moment as we're seeing donald trump getting help getting out of this ballroom as
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many people there just wanting to shake his hand and wanting to take that pg wiicture with him, he's enjoying the moment taking the time to be with the crowd here who supported him, even in the early hours when many people did not believe this would be the ending we would see this evening, george. >> what a roller coaster we rode tonight, campaigns rode tonight, the country ridden this night, and, boy, with the clinton campaign, just blind sided. >> that is the only word right now, george. i mean, blind sided, befuddled, shell shocked, i just can't emphasize enough to you what a complete shock it was. you see the room here behind me. this was supposed to be the party. it's empty right now. i have to tell you after covering hillary clinton for a year and a half, the question i have right now is what next? what does hillary clinton do tomorrow and the next day and, you know, we're talking about a
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woman who is a former senator, former first lady, and now a two-time presidential candidate who has lost these races. i don't know what she does tomorrow. i don't know what her husband does tomorrow. i don't know what happens to the clinton dynasty, if you will, after a night like this. >> a great question. one thing we know for sure, tom llamas, you've been with trump's campaign from the start, voted for change. they are going to get it. >> george, so many thoughts, looking at the map of the united states, there's so much red on the map, and the only person who can take credit for that is donald trump. he started this speech coming down to air force one. literally, the theme music from the movie "air force one," reminder that show business is moving into pennsylvania avenue. we'll be covering and following a very different type of president. he loves those rallies. he loves giving speeches. he doesn't love the prompter. you know, it's a sign he followed the prompter a little bit, the speech was written for him, waved off, and ad libbing,
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which he likes, and i think donald trump takes the show on the road in the first 100 days. he loves the media, he loves the cameras. i wonder if we'll see a new type of fire side chat with donald trump, but in front of the cameras. no need for trump tv because he is the president, but i wonder if that's theway he explains his policies similar to what fdr did so many years ago. >> europe, asia, rest of the world woke up to the news. >> they have. they are already reeling. also beginning to come to grips with the fact this is a new era, not just in the united states, but around the world. people of the united states and other countries are sending a message to their leaders, and when i look at donald trump, bold leaders break the rules, and what the american people have done is elected a bold leader who broke the rules of how to run a political campaign, broke the rules of political correctness. he's going to come to washington. he's going to be america in the world and break some rules.
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we'll have to see which one. >> he promised to rebuild in the speech. he's broken everything. he broke the rules. in some ways, he broke the republican party. he broke the democratic party. he's going to the white house. can he start to build up a platform in the country as well? >> i think everybody hopes that that's the case. he is now the president. he's now our president. will be our president as of january 20th, and i think everyone has to invest those hopes in him, but we don't know. you know, george, i -- you -- i think we all have seminal moments in this last few months when something happens, and i was in the locker room, no banter going on in the locker room, but there were two guys in the locker room, and one was extolling donald trump, and the other guy said to him, yeah, but do you listen to what he says? and the first guy said, doesn't matter what he says, he's not one of them. and i, you know, i shook my head, and i think we saw an
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expression of that on the mass scale tonight. >> we know divisions have been revealed, donald trump, like you said, time to bind them together. >> and what he said tonight was entirely graceful and gracious and talking about the nation owing a debt of gratitude to hillary clinton for her service, so now i think the democrats also have to now show some graciousness and some generosity, and be willing to give him a chance. he is, as charlie just said, of course, obviously true, he is our president, and now it is up to all -- everybody -- to come together, not just him and his people. >> and j.d., he promised something tangible. pro promised to rebuild the country, an infrastructure second to none. >> reminds me of a debate in 2015 whether the party was ready to move beyond ideological ideas
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of reaganism, and that's what president obama promised in 2008, and that was policy speech. >> part of the donald trump movement, as you said, he took on your magazine, and he's now the next president of the united states. what's your biggest hope and fear? >> that i thought he shouldn't be president. i hope i'm wrong. i hope he's a good president. i very much agree, republican and democrat alike, have to try to help him as president-elect. oppose them as a candidate and oppose strongly, but it's different when they are elected or is the president-elect of the united states. >> i thought that was a generous speech, a kind speech, looking out for the little guy, the secret service guys who protect you, using this forum, standing in front of the world to thank the little guy. i hope that characterizes the administration, and i also saw someone tonight who was self-aware. the show's over.
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we have serious work to do to make any of this matter. so a lot of promise tonight. a lot of uncertainty, but, hey, that's how the future always works. >> that's how the future works. a victory for the republican party tonight, despite the fact that donald trump did almost exactly the opposite of what the republican party needed him to do after the loss four years ago. >> exactly. this is short term and long term political realities coming to a head, and there's a lot of change that's happening in america, but a lot of folks that either aren't excited about that change or that change has not fully come in terms of the demographics and the acceptance of globalism and technology and all of that, so i really feel like right now for the republican party, the coalition has changed. instead of the things that the republican autopsy said they should do in 2012, donald trump rewrote the playbook and rewritten the republican party with it. >> but can the republican party continue in the vain without the campaign?
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does he was to find a way to bring in latinos and african-americans? >> he absolutely needs to bring in more people. to be historic, we have to do a great job. success is the sort of thing that brings people in, even this they don't like the words you've been using. if your administration grows the economy, create jobs, do repair our infrastructure, i mean, if you think about it, if hillary clinton had given an acceptance speech or said we're going to rebuild the nation's infrastructure, she would have run into a buzz saw of the republican congress, disagreements how much to spend and how to do it, but donald trump less constrained by the normal ideological boundaries, a president trump can go to a republican congress, spend this much money on rebuilding the nation's infrastructure, and they are willing to hear it from him. if he's able to accomplish things that have not been able to be accomplished in a washington stuck in gridlock, that may be the sort of thing that brings in folks that finds his rhetoric hostile. >> despite the high approval rating, president obama joins the list of presidents in the
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modern era who could not elect their successor. a day of reckoning for democrats. >> well, george, as you know, electing someone in the same party as a two-term president is difficult. it's only happened once in the modern era. take history intoing the there. i think the president, if he has not already, will probably invite trump down to the white house this week, and start the discussion, start to figure out how we build and transition over. i would hearten to hear that donald trump said he's going to be the president for all -- for everybody, for all the people. i hope he can back that up, deep in actions. and a campaign largely not run on issues can start to be about issues that will make a difference in people's leaves. >> the mayor of baltimore, democrats have to rebuild now as well. >> we have to, but one thing i can say is that leadership, you know, assuming the leadership position is very sobering, and what we saw, what i saw was a very sober donald trump who
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clearly understands from what i could see the gravity and the importance of the position that he's going to take, and the u.s. conference of mayors, mayors across the country, republican and democrats, screamed for the need to fix our d-plus, d-minus infrastructure, and we wanted to, you know, make sure that the next president focused on our infrastructure investment, and he seems to understand that as well, so i'm optimistic that the tone he struck this evening is the right tone, and, you know, the democrats will go home and lick our wounds, and many of us are hoping this is all just a strange fantasy, wake up tomorrow, and it's all different but we know that -- we do have a lot of work to do in our party. >> a lot of work to do, but this is the night for donald trump. this is the night, this is his try victory, going to be the 45th
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president of the united states, pulling off what no one believed he could do, not looking possible, perhaps only he believed it possible. there on the board there, 278 electoral votes already more than enough to win the presidency of the united states. he's received a phone call from hillary clinton. he will be the next president, the most stunning upset in american political history. stay tuned for a special edition of "nightline," full coverage on "good morning america", and thank you for watching. have a great evening.
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>> a year ago we were all acting like trump, no way. kind of laughing at how ridiculous he is. >> all the votes haven't been counted yet. i prefer to put my faith in waiting until later, until everything has been counted. >> if trump wins tonight, what does this tell you? >> it tells me we have an interesting next four years at
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the least. >> so donald trump winning, what does it say to you about us? >> i don't think i can say that on camera. >> did you think you would be in a bar tonight, watching this election? >> no. [ laughter ] >> is it a good place to be right now? >> yeah, probably. >> and that would be a footnote in history. they can say where were you on election night 2016, the answer was tiki tom's bar in walnut creek, as were we. wayne friedman, abc 7. >> thank you, wayne, very much. all right. now we want to get to breaking news from sky 7. we're getting reports that a person was apparently hit by a car. this is eastbound 24. >> by telegraph avenue. you can see what looks like someone being treated there.
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the highway has shut down that section of roadway, and there have been a number of protests on both sides of the bay as a result of the election results tonight. don't know if this was connected directly to that, but it looks like it was. it looks like someone is being treated in the middle of highway 24 eastbound. >> you're seeing all the protests were on the road. now they're off to the side of the road. we will continue to monitor this. >> the result of the presidential election has sent stock markets into a nosedive. >> kristen sze has more what investors can expect when markets open in a few hours. >> all my investors are jittery about a trump presidency, and the markets are paying the price. yahoo finance showing the biggest dip in dow futures. they plunged more than 700 points, and they have not recovered. if they open that low in the
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morning, it will compare with the market's worst day in history during the great recession in 2008. also in a free-fall, the asian markets. here is a look at japan's nikkei, plunged more than 900 points. and the value of the mexican peso has fallen to its lowest level. but on the flip side, gold is soaring in value. gold often seen as a safe haven during tumultuous times. investors are nervous because trump has pledged to pull out of international trade agreements and slap tariffs on trade to mexico and china. whether he would push through with that as president, that remains to be seen. dan and alma? >> kristen, thank you. a biproduct of tonight's election, canada's website crashed this evening, apparently overloaded by a huge increase in traffic, most of it originating from america. all right. again, just a stung night. many have called it one of the most remarkable upsets in american political history. we did not hear from hillary clinton tonight.
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although she did call on the future president donald trump and concede defeat. we expect we will hear from her before the cameras tomorrow. but there is much more to talk about as we wrap up all of the election day results. >> right. >> let's talk about the u.s. senate race, closely watched here of course. attorney general kamala harris and loretta sanchez are vying to replace barbara boxer. and as you can see, with 59% of the precincts reporting, kamala harris will win that u.s. senate seat. and that is what the polling suggested going into this day. so it's not a huge surprise. and let's go live now to abc 7 news reporter laura anthony. >> she is live at harris' campaign headquarters which is in los angeles. laura? >> hi, dan. the party wrapped up here a short time ago is actually a celebration for democrats here statewide, anyway. but it ended rather quickly as they were watching some of those national returns. this race is actually called within minutes of the polls closing here in california with
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kamala harris winning handily. with that victory, the 52-year-old harris becomes just the second african american woman to serve in the u.s. senate and the first indian american. she brings with her two terms of experience as california's attorney general, and she will take office with the overwhelming support of her predecessor, barbara boxer, senator dianne feinstein, governor jerry brown and president obama. she took the stage here in downtown los angeles just after 10:00 p.m. with her husband at her side. >> do not throw up our hands when it is time to roll up our sleeves and fight for who we are. >> the associated press already said that my opponent has won. well, i don't believe that i don't believe that yet. so i'm going to wait for more of the counting to happen. >> of course, that was loretta sanchez, not exactly conceding
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there. as is tradition, the balloons dropped here after harris finished her acceptance speech and the party wrapped up quickly after that. the celebration definitely tempered by what was going on the national scene. and of course the presidential race. live in los angeles, laura anthony, abc 7 news. >> bittersweet night there obviously, laura. thank you very much. turning to proposition 64, which asked voters whether california should legalize, regulate and tax recreational marijuana. here are the results as we have them. yes on proposition 64, winning with 56% of the vote as the count still continues. but that is the projection. >> abc 7 news reporter cornell bernard is live in san francisco where prop 64 supporters celebrated a win tonight. cornell? >> yeah, there was a party. it is over here tonight at the diverso nightclub. they were celebrating the
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passage of 64 which would legalize pot and make the largest market for marijuana production really in the united states. now many here agree that it is time to make pot legal in california. regulated and taxed like a business. lieutenant governor gavin newsom spoke to the crowd. he said it would not be sold to minor, not be allowed to be sold to minors or couldn't smoke it in public places. but it would clear the drug records of many offenders there. >> are million people right now, one million people in the state of california whose lives potentially have profoundly changed. a million folks that have records associated with marijuana that have the ability to have their records cleared. to have a second chance, to have their lives back in some equilibrium. >> so what happens now next? the initiative will allow californians to possess and use marijuana, starting right now. but the state will have until
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january 2018 to come up with a system for licensing for those who want to grow and transport and sell marijuana. that's going to take some time, though. live in san francisco, cornell bernard, abc 7 news. >> all right, thank you, cornell. >> that is 64. let's talk about some of the other propositions. 62 would repeal the death penalty and replace it with life in prisonment without the possibility of parole. right now 58% of the precincts reporting no has 54% on proposition 62. yes, 46%. >> the other death penalty measure is proposition 66. prop 66 would shorten the time of legal challenges to death sentences to a maximum of five years. right now the vote is 51% in favor. 49% against. 59% of precincts are reporting. and if both proposition 62 and 66 pass, the proposition with the most yes votes actually wins. >> and proposition 60.
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this would require the use of condoms during the filming of adult movies. right now 54s were of those who voted say no on proposition 60. yes, 46%. >> three bay area cities all had soda tax measures on their ballot in this election. the first soda tax in america was passed in berkeley in 2014. >> that's right. san francisco voters rejected a soda tax that same year. this year san francisco voters had measure v on the ballot, and they said yes in resounding fashion with 62% of the vote. all the precincts. in. >> in oakland, soda tax is measure hh. and as you can see there, 62% say yes to 38% no. 85% of precincts reporting. >> and in albany, it was measure 01 that voters had to decide on with respect to the soda tax. all the precincts are in now. 71%, 3/4 of those voting say yes to the soda tax in albany. >> and we do continue to cover all of your election results.
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but there is weather to discuss as well. >> there is some weather to discuss. meteorologist sandhya patel has been tracking it all day. >> absolutely. lovely weather for the polls. here is a look at live doppler 7, dan and ama. there are high clouds. fog is becoming thick, about 3/4 mile visibility in napa and in santa rosa, three-mile visibility. watch out in the morning. the commute is going to be a challenging one, especially if you're driving. patches of dense fog. ferry ride? well, it's going to be good. light chop. and if you are walking, crisp and cool so make sure that you do bundle up. temperatures will begin in the upper 40s to the mid-50s. and then for the afternoon it's another mild to warm day with just over a month away from winter. and it's unseasonably warm for november. high surf advisory. so watch out for the potential for rip currents. wave heights are coming up. here is a look at the accuweather seven-day forecast. it's dry. it's warm for a couple of days. veterans day cools off. the possibility of a few
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sprinkles saturday. better chance of showers on tuesday. it's a 1 on our storm impact scale. dan and ama? >> all right. let's go back to breaking news we're following as a result of the election tonight there have been some protests on both sides of the bay. we can show you pictures from sky 7 hd where one of the protests has resulted in someone being hurt, perhaps very badly. >> protesters were on highway 24. and it appears somebody got hit on eastbound highway 24. the lanes there are closed. this is near telegraph in oakland. we do realize it is dark. but you can see first responders trying to work on somebody there on the ground. >> that's a shame. stay with us. we have much more election coverage as we continue. but first we leave you with more election results. >> these are state propositions.
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this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken.
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. welcome back to abc 7 news special election night coverage. let's take a look at a big transportation measure on the ballot. voters in three counties -- alameda, san francisco and contra costa had to vote on
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measure rr, which would approve more than $3 billion worth of bonds to fund bart. yes, 75%. no, 25%. 89% of the precincts are reporting. >> and we have an update on the race for president. we have just learned that hillary clinton will speak later this morning. this is according to abc news. >> she did not speak tonight, as you saw. perhaps donald trump accepted his victory. but we did not hear from hillary clinton yet. no other details are available right now. abc 7 news at 11:00 continues with more election coverage here on this historic night. >> yes. first, though, we leave you with more state proposition results. we'll be right back.
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all right. back now to sky 7. you're looking at a fire that has broken out on 12th and broadway in oakland, as we have said. there have been a number of protests. and this one has resulted in some fires, spot fires happening there on 12th and broadway, as you can see. >> you can see several. you can see officers arriving on scene. we'd just been monitoring a pedestrian who had been hit on 24 eastbound. you can see a person standing right there. it's hard to tell if they're a protester or what. but there are fires breaking out there. we're initially looking at 12th and broadway had a big fire. and officers arriving. >> this is all reaction by some
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to the results of the election, donald trump being elected the next president, the 45th president of the united states. this was a very bitter campaign on all sides, very divisive campaign. and if any wounds are going to be healed, it's going to take some time. and certainly the folks lighting fires and protesting tonight are in no mood to heal wounds at this moment. >> right. well, we are keeping a close watch on this, as we have been watching all the election results come in. we do have more live local election results ahead. >> we're going live to san francisco city hall to find out about a hotly contested race for state senate. >> first, we leave you with the results of proposition 65 and 67. we'll be right back.
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afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine.
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all seems beautiful to me. your voice, your vote live from abc 7 news. >> good evening, or good early morning. thank you for joining us. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley. we appreciate you staying up to late with us. in the south bay, there was a hotly contested race, khanna versus hand. 51% of the precincts reporting. this is a rematch from two years ago. >> katie marzullo is live at mike honda's headquarters tonight. katie? >> ama, dan, the party here very much over, as is the 16-year-long career of congressman mike honda. he has not yet called his
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opponent ro khanna to concede the race. he only left the party a short time ago. he told us at that time he would be making that phone call in the morning. now, he arrived at his party around 9:00. he immediately addressed supporters here with a hopeful message saying even though the numbers were low, he was still waiting. and he said it's not over until it's over. but the writing really was on the wall. and around 10:00, he told us this. >> the very thoughtful about the outcome. i guess i'll just try to figure out what some of the steps i may have missed or. but then when i look at the presidential races right now, i think that there seems to be a mood out there that is permeating the entire country. >> trying to keep things positive, he said there is still plenty of work to do in district 17, a district he describes as unique and very diverse. also, he says the lawsuit that he filed against his opponent ro khanna alleging that khanna's manager stole campaign data will move forward as planned.
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as far as for him personally, congressman honda telling us he is going to take some time to get to know his grandkids better, and he did acknowledge it's been a good run. live in santa clara, katie marzullo, abc 7 news. >> all right, katie, thank you. >> that's mike honda's campaign. let's go live now to the khanna headquarters. chris? >> am that, dan, it was quite the night for ro khanna. he currently has a commanding lead over the incumbent. earlier today he delivered what appeared to be a victory speech, but he did stop short of actually declaring the win. now, as we take a look at some video from earlier tonight, many people here at the party had no doubt that ro khanna was going to take the win over mike honda. in his speech, he talked a little bit about his upbringing as the son of two indian american immigrants, and what he hopes to do for silicon valley. >> i've got to work really hard, come back to the district, and not take a single vote for
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granted. so i take this as people saying we want change. we want to take a chance on this new person. let's see what he can do. and i'm going to take that very seriously. >> and in speaking to supporter, khanna also thanked mike honda for his many years of service, saying that it's now time to come together as a district, and that it's important to bring people around a common vision for silicon valley. back here live, khanna supporters feeling good about their candidate, but very disappointed about the race for president. we're live tonight in fremont, i'm chris nguyen, abc 7 news. >> all right, chris, thank you. let's take a look at the state senate and the race in district 11, which includes all of san francisco and parts of northern san mateo county. san francisco supervisor scott wean and jane kim. wiener has 53% of the vote. 100% of the precincts are
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reporting. >> for more on the race let's get to carolyn tyler live at san francisco city hall. carolyn? >> well, this has been a very bitter and turned into a negative battle, not only pitting two colleagues on the board of supervisors against each other, but also two ideologies. in san francisco, just about every elected official, in fact every one is a democrat. so this is all about shades of blue, if you will, what shade of democrat are you. and this will impact the balance of power here at city hall. jane kim is with the progressive faction, the more liberal wing of the party. she got a big boost from bernie sanders that helped her edge out scott wiener in the primary. wiener is a moderate. he was endorsed by just about everybody in the mainstream, including senator dianne feinstein, lieutenant governor gavin newsom, and the man he hopes to replace, mark leno. whoever win, the mayor will be
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able to name a replacement on the board. and no doubt he will pick a moderate, just as he is. and right now there are also some other seats that are going to make an impact as well. there are three progressives who have been termed out. and right now the balance of power on the board is six progressives to five moderates. so with those three termed out, who knows who takes their seat with rank choice voting, we may not know that for some time. live in san francisco, carolyn tyler, abc 7 news. >> all right, carolyn, thank you. >> as we go to break, let's give you some results now from berkeley. >> yes. we'll be right back.
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is make it your own. happy friendsgiving.low warm up with pillsbury. and welcome back to abc 7 news election coverage. >> we have results scrolling at the bottom of your screen there as you can see. for more on the presidential election results, let's go back to chris christie sten zee. >> i'm joined by melinda jackson, the chair of political science at san jose state. thanks for sticking it out and hanging out with us. >> it's been a listening night, which had a long talk. you used the term perfect storm. what do you t


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