tv Right This Minute ABC February 1, 2017 3:30pm-4:01pm PST
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tonight, go nuclear. those words from president trump after his pick for the supreme court. telling republican leaders to go nuclear if that's what it takes to get him through. also the warning late today from the trump white house to iran. saying we are officially putting iran on notice. martha raddatz is standing by. also that moment late today. president trump talking his taught, ivanka, to pay respects to the navy s.e.a.l. from illinois killed in the raid in yemen. the hostage situation unfolding at this hour. seven workers being held captive inside. injuries reported. the denver area officer killed, and the suspect coming up from behind. killing hip execution style. tonight what we are learning.
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and america strong tonight. the woman who lost her leg in the boston bombings. the man who saved her and what has the whole town celebrating. good evening, and it's great to have you with us here on wednesday night, and we are following two major headlines coming out of trump white house. tonight, that warning to iran, pulling that country, quote, on notice. also less than 24 hours after the president revealed his puck for the supreme court, he is telling republicans to go nuclear to get his pick through if it comes to that. judge neil gorsuch at the capitol beginning to meet with the senators who will decide his fate, and some democrats vowing to block him, calling it a stolen seat after president obama's final supreme court nominee was never even given a hearing. abc's chief white house correspondent, jon karl starting us off. >> reporter: as newly minted supreme court nominee neil gorsuch began making the rounds on capitol hill today. >> a little bit of colorado in
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washington. >> reporter: back at the white house, president trump urged republican senate leader mitch mcconnell to do whatever it takes to get him confirmed. >> if we end up with that gridlock, i would say if you can, mitch, go nuclear because that would be an absolute shame if a man of this quality was caught up in the web. >> reporter: by going nuclear, he means a rare change to the senate rules to effectively make it impossible for democrats alone to block to block the nomination. either way, it will be a bruising battle -- >> so let me get this straight, you are against neil gorsuch no matter what? no matter what happens in his hearings, no matter what others say about him, you will do everything you can to stop him? >> i am indeed for two reasons. the first, that this nomination should have never have occurred and second, the man's record. >> reporter: democrat senator
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jeff merkley accuses republicans of stealing a supreme court seat because for ten months, they blocked barack obama's nominee to replace the late justice antonin scalia. >> and you're not going to back down on this no matter what happens? >> no, i'm not. >> no matter what happens in those hearings -- nothing? >> no. >> reporter: gu gorsuch comes with a sterling resume, degrees from columbia and harvard law and a phd in legal philosophy from oxford. conservatives applaud his opinions in two cases voting for a religious exemption to the obamacare mandate requiring coverage of contraception. he's written nothing significant about hot-button issues like gay marriage or abortion but he did write a book backing laws against euthanasia, writing,"all human beings are intrinsically valuable and the intentional taking of human life by private persons is always wrong." >> i will do all my powers permit to be a faithful servant of the constitution and laws of this great country. >> reporter: gorsuch is a great admirer of justice scalia, who he would be replacing. but he also clerked for justice anthony kennedy, the key swing vote on the high court. his nomination has unified
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republicans, even trump's strongest republican critics are lining up to fight for him. >> neil gorsuch what do you think? >> home run. judge's judge. this is the kind of person who the founders envisioned sitting on the supreme court. he knows what a judge's job is. >>on karl with us live at the white house, and we're seeing republicans say judge gorsuch is eminently qualified. you have the democrats saying look at what republicans did to president obama's nominee. are the democrats going to do what the republicans just did? >> reporter: well, democrats are still furious about the way merrick garland was treated without even getting a hearing, and there is no question they are taking it out on neil gorsuch. there's hypocrisy all around, and the bottom line is few people question whether either nominee is qualified for the supreme court, and both have been opposed by senators for purely political reasons. >> here we go again. jon karl, thank you. there was a moment late today driving home. president trump's sobering role
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as commander in chief. taking his daughter, ivanka to pay respects for the navy s.e.a.l. killed in yemen. also coming today, saying they are putting iran on notice. does this mean military action is on the table? here's martha raddatz. >> reporter: the security adviser came to the white house podium unexpectedly, and took no questions, but his message to iran was plunt. >> as of today, we are putting iran on notice. >> reporter: general flynn's warning came after iran's test of yet another ballistic missile and another actions including high speed approaches to u.s. warships. >> reporter:. >> they continue to threaten the u.s. and allies in the region. >> reporter: he called it an adequate response to iran in the past, but the white house didn't
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speci specify how they would hold them responsible now, but that they would take appropriate action. mean while, the president today along with his daughter, ivanka, took that somber trip to joint pace andrews for the remains of william "ryan" owens killed in yemen. this is the first service member killed since donald trump became cha commander in chief. >> those duties difficult for any president, and martha live from washington. i want to two back to iran for a moment. did the white house rule out military action in iran? >> reporter: they didn't put it out there as an option, be you they didn't rule it out. what michael flynn did was let iran know there is a new sheriff in town, and he may not be pulling his gun out, but it's in his holster. >> thank you as always. in the meantime, the showdown on capitol hill. fireworks tonight, just 5 of the 21 nominees for the cabinet have been confirmed.
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his pick for education secretary facing new hurdles, and news on rex tirlson who has been scrutinized for his ties to putin. he has been confirm. nearly 1,000 diplomats have opposed the president's travel ban. abc's mary bruce back on the hill tonight. >> reporter: tonight, trump's billionaire pick to lead the education department could be the first confirmation casualty. >> i cannot vote to confirm her. >> reporter: two republican senators, susan collins and lisa murkowski both citing her lack of experience. >> i think she has much to learn about our nation's public schools. >> reporter: devos, a strong supporter of vouchers, under fire for never having worked in the public school system. >> in order to clarify, you never attended a public school, did you? >> correct. >> and your children did not,
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correct? >> correct. >> reporter: and she was mocked for this bizarre exchange when talk of guns in schools turned to griz li bears. >> you can't say that guns shouldn't. in schools? >> well, i will refer back to senator enzi and the school he was talking about in wyoming, and probably there, i would imagine there is probably a gun in the school to protect from potential grizzlies. >> reporter: and new allegations she may have plagiarized part of her answers on a senate confirmation questionnaire. >> many of the answers look copied and pasted and are not true responses at all. >> reporter: the confirmation now in jeopardy. it could require vice president mike pence to step in and break a senate tie. >> i have 100% confidence she will be the next secretary of education. >> reporter: but team trump did notch one big victory today.
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the senate confirming former exxon ceo rex tillerson of secretary of state, a contentious pick because of images like this. sharing a champagne toast with russian president, vladimir putin. he passed the senate 56 to 43. a tighter margin than most secretaries of state. the closest comparison, condoleezza rice. 94 senators voted to confirm hillary clinton. tillerson takes control of an agency with hups of employees and open rebellion against the new administration. after the ban, nearly 1,000 state department employees signing a letter of dissent. >> mary bruce with us live from capitol hill tonight. and one former top state department official with a message for the new administration? >> reporter: this was quite the parting gift, david. tom countryman, a member of obama's state department leadership, in his address saying that business leaders
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important partners, but despite the similaritiesimilarities, a a cat, baseball is not football, and diplomacy is not a business. david? >> thank you. there is new scrutiny tonight of president trump's chief strategist in the white house, steve bannon, who was given a permanent seat during national security council meetings. there is backlash over his own words. and tonight, senior white house correspondent, cecilia vega asking questions today. >> reporter: the white house asked about the chief strategist and his controversial views op islam. last year, he said this. >> it's pretty dark here in europe right now, you. there is something darker and that is islam. >> reporter: the former publisher of that news site, breitbart is even as one of the most powerful people in the white house. usa today reviewed dozens of hours of boannon on the radio unearthing this.
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>> christianity is dying in europe and islam is on the rise. >> reporter: the white house trying to distance the president. >> steve bannon can be heard on recording saying islam is a dark religion. not a religion of peace. does the president share his chief strategist's apparent beliefs on islam? >> i think the president has been clear that his number one goal is not to target any one religion, but places, and areas where we believe that there is an issue. there is a big difference between islam the religion and radical islamic terrorists. >> nothing about the kmnt that he wants to distance himself from? >> i made it clear there's a difference between the president's view. >> reporter: in a rare white house move, the president recently giving his confidant a permanent seat on the security council where he sits side by side with secretaries of state and defense. bannon also played a key role in crafting president trump's extreme vetting order, that
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temporary ban from seven countries with pro dominantly muslim countries. >> why even let them in? the opportunity cost to put in a structure to vet these people, the cost to do that. to what end? can't that money be used in the united states? i think the issue is should we just take a pause and hiatus for a number of years? >> and cecilia vega joining us live, and some house democrats now asking president trump to remove steve bannon from the national security council, that seat he has been given? >> reporter: they are nademandi that in a letter to the president. it doesn't expect to go very far or have an imkt pa. they say, quote, his lack of government experience and extreme little agenda remains troubling. >> thank you. in the meantime, we move onto other news this evening, and we're following developments in delaware.
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inmates taking guards and a counselor hostage at a state prison. one of those hostages injured. triggering an aall right at all prisons in the state. abc's eva pilgrim there tonight. >> reporter: four guards and a counselor taken hostage, the calls coming in just before 10:30 a.m., and for a report of smoke. >> reporting in the c building. >> reporter: injuries reported, including one guard reportedly struck multiple times with a mop >> we don't know if there are any other injuries. >> reporter: images from above showing heavily armed swat teams and armored cars gathered in groups in the prison yard. the situation unfolding in an area of the prison where maximum security inmates transition to medium security. >> we continue negotiations to obtain a peaceful and safe resolution. >> reporter: david, a teps and active situation here.
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the roads around the prison blocked off. authorities locking down prisons across the state as a recaution. dave. >> eva, thank you. next from denver tonight, the execution style killing of a transit security officer. the gunman approaching the officer from behind late last night and opening fire. the suspect is in custody. but tonight, the search for a motive continues and this evening, authorities are now asking this question. the officer's uniform, did it make him a target? there is much more had on "world news tonight." the head line involving george h.w. bush from the hospital, and now this. and there's news involving hillary clinton tonight. the incredible images coming in. and the new concern over bacon. did you see these headlines? a bacon shortage. and let the delivery wars begin. there's an attempt to up amazon. our correspondent with the numbers you need to pay
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next tonight, your money and the new battle when it comes to delivering what you order online. walmart attempting the go toe to toe with am zopp. abc's linzie janis on what you can do right now save your family's money. >> reporter: attention online shoppers, walmart is changing the game. offering free two-day shipping to everyone. the only catch, you have to spend a minimum of $35. >> amazon amaze made scription shopping the center. what walmart is said is you get better prices and you get free shipping. what does amazon do next? >> reporter: we wanted osi for yourselves. this laundry detergent was cheaper at walmart. and these coffee pots.
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$37.95 at walmart compared to but with amazon, you have to pay $99 a year, if you want free shipping. >> if amazon says you can get cheap prices and free shipping, everybody has to match them. this is a price war. let it happen. >> reporter: they say everyday household items will be kaeper on, but amazon has a bigger option. >> reporter: a bacon shortage in this country? also the images coming in from hawaii's big island. and hillary clinton's next move tonight has been revealed, and former president george h.w. push just home. big news for him, too coming up. ush just home. big news for him, too coming up. s bush just home. big news for him, too coming up. >and former president george h.w. bush just home. big news for him, too coming up.
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h.w. bush just home. big news for him, too coming up. h.w. bush just home. big news for him, too coming up. h.w. bush just home. big news for him, too coming up. and former president george h.w. bush just home. big news for him, too coming up. and former president george h.w. bush just home. big news for him, too coming up. humira is the number #1 prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. want more proof? ask your rheumatologist about humira. humira. what's your body of proof? and i smoked while (amanda) my i was pregnant. this is the view i had of my baby in the nicu. my tip is, speak into the opening so your baby can hear you better. (announcer) you can quit. for free help,
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the volcano into the pacific. the two-meter wide stream, and it has been erupting since '83. a bacon shortage getting a lot of attention online today. a usda report showing that they have less than 18 million pounds, and that's triggering alarms among maken lovers, and driving the cost up. they i cyst the hog supply will keep up with demand. what's next with hillary clinton? keeping her promise to attend donald trump's inauguration. she will publish a new book of essays including her thoughts of bruising campaign, and return to her alma mater. she went in 1982 with honors, and gave a speech as a graduating senior in 1969. and george h.w. bush will flip the coin before super bowl li in houston. confirming the bushes have accepted the invitation from the
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nfl to perform the duty at his hometown stadium less than a week after he was discharged from the hospital, and receiving treatment for pneumonia. the 92-year-old showing he is game writing that he is getting fired up. along with the rest of us for sunday. great news. when we come back here tonight, meamerica strong. the woman who lost her leg in the boston bombings. the firefighter who saved her and what the whole town is celebrating tonight. before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain these feet... jumped into city life as a kid... ...and kept my town moving. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica.
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finally tonight here, america strong. he came to her side when she needed it most at the boston bombings, and now they will be here all the time. here's linsey davis. >> reporter: she was just steps away from that infamous backpack at the boston marathon when the bomb exploded. firefighter mike materia helped her get to the hospital. >> i asked him if i was going to die, and he just told me i had flesh wound, trying to keep me focused and calm. >> reporter: abc's deborah roberts caught up with roseann days after she lost her leg. >> did you wanna give up for a moment? >> i didn't wanna live like this. >> reporter: that firefighter visited at the hospital almost daily. the day she was released from rehab he literally swept her off her feet. >> the fireman, he didn't know
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what he was in for. >> reporter: mike is now not only one of the people she calls her guardian angels, as of december, she also calls him her fiancee. her mother couldn't be happier. >> i remember it being day two, and she's like that firefighter is so cute and all i could think to myself was, are you kidding me? i was just blown up and you're trying to match make. >> how has he saved your life? >> i'm not sure if i would have the drive to go through all of that by myself. and he's been a savior having him there to support and move me along. >> reporter: she details their relationship in her new book, "perfect strangers." later this year they plan to walk opportunity aisle, but tonight, they plan to run up the empire state building for charity. >> tragedy does happen. but good can come out of it. >> thank you. see you tomorrow night. have a ge. g. o. o. d. . e. v. e. n. in. .
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j.. the place is surrounded. come out the front door with your hands up. a shooting at an alameda home and it involved an off-duty officer. a man tried to break into the officer's home. that suspect is now dead. good afternoon and thank you for joining us. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm larry beil. we'll get to that story in just a moment. we begin this afternoon with the weather and more rain is on the way. we have a live look from our mt. tam camera where it is dry right now but the rain is moving in. you can see the wind blowing the tree tops right there. a similar scene in san francisco. this is a live look from our sutro camera. spencer christian with a look at exactly when the rain will arrive. >> here's doppler 7. you can see the clouds and the moisture gathering right now. we have a series of rainy days coming our way and that first wave of rain may turn into the most turbulent of the days of the stormy weather or most turbulent waves, i should say. here's a look at the pattern over the last several hours.
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you can see the clouds and moisture pushing towards the coastline. one lightning strike offshore so there's a bit of instability and we may see a thunderstorm or two. the approaching storm will rank two on the storm impact scale. tonight's showers will be on the light side but by early morning we'll see steadier, heavier rainfall, strong gusty wind and taper off but the wind will remain with us and a slight chance of an isolated thunderstorm or two. for this evening's commute we expect mostly dry conditions with isolated sprinkles. for tomorrow morning's commute, scattered showers, breezy, hydroplaning is a concern. main storm concerns throughout the day will be a moderate concern for ponding on roadways. there's a lower level of concern for power outages and river flooding, although those two items are possible as well. i'll have a look at the seven-day forecast in just a few minutes. the snowpack in the sierra keeps increasing, thanks to a snowy january. the
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