tv ABC7 News 1100AM ABC February 16, 2017 11:00am-11:31am PST
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watch how frien he is. watch how friendly he is. go ahead. >> first of all, my name is jay. despite what some of the colleagues are reporting, i haven't seen anybody accuse either yourself or anyone on your staff of being anti-semitic. however, what we are concerned about and what we want addressed is an uptick in anti-semitism and how the government is planning to take care of it. 48 out of the bomb threats in the last couple of weeks, there are people committing anti-semitic acts -- >> he said he was going to ask a very simple, easy question and it's not. it's not a simple question. it's not a fair question. okay, sit down. i understand the rest of your
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question. so here's the story, folks. number one, i am the least anti-semitic person that you've ever seen in your entire life. number two, racism, the least racist person. in fact, we did very well relative to other people running as a republican. quiet, quiet, quiet. he lied about he was going to get up and ask a very straight,. welcome to the world of the media. let me just tell you something. that i hate the charge, i find it repulsive. i hate even the question because people that know me -- and you heard the prime minister, you heard benjamin netanyahu yesterday, did you hear him? he said, i've known donald trump for a long time, and then he said forget it. so you should take that, instead of having to get up and ask a very insulting question like that. yeah, go ahead. >> thank you. i'm lisa from pbs -- >> it shows you about the press
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but that's the way the press is. >> thank you, mr. president. lisa des j a ardin from pbs news hour. can you give us more details on the executive order you plan for next week. >> it is a fair question. >> in addition, the daca program for immigration, what is your plan? do you intend to continue the program or end it? >> we are going to show great heart. daca is a difficult subject for me, i will tell you. to me it is one of the most difficult subjects i have because you have these incredible kids in many cases, not all of the cases, in some of the cases they're gang members and drug dealers, too. but you have some absolutely incredible kids. i would say mostly. they were brought here in such a way -- it is a very, very tough subject. we are going to deal with daca with heart. i have to deal with a lot of politicians, don't forget, and i have to convince them what i'm saying is -- is right. i appreciate your understanding
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on that. but the daca situation is a very, very -- it is a very difficult thing for me because, you know, i love these kids. i love kids. i have kids and grandkids and i find it very, very hard doing what the law says exactly to do. you know, the law is rough. i'm not talking about new laws, i'm talking the existing law is very rough. it is very, very rough. as far as the new order, the new order is going to be very much tailored to what i consider to be a very bad decision, but we can tailor the order to that decision and get just about everything, in some ways more, but we're tailoring it to the decision. we have some of the best lawyers in the country working on it, and the new executive order is being tailored to the decision we got down from the court. okay.
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>> yes. >> and she does a lot of great work for the country as well. can you tell us a little bit about what [ inaudible ] is from [ inaudible ] the country and the level of interest in your administration. so by opening the white house to visitors office, what does that mean for you in reference -- >> now, that's what i call a nice question. that is very nice. who are you with? >> [ inaudible ]. >> good, i'm going to start watching. thank you very much. melania is terrific. she was here last night. we had dinner with senator rubio and his wife, who by the way is lovely, and we had a good discussion about cuba because we have very similar views on cuba and cuba was good to me in the florida election, as you know, the cuban americans. i think that melania will be outstanding. that's right, she just opened up the visitor's center, in other words touring of the white house. she, like others that she's working with, feel very, very strongly about women's issues,
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women's difficulties. very, very strongly, and she is a very, very strong advocate. i think she is a great representative for this country. a funny thing happens because she gets so unfairly maligned. the things they say. i have known her for a long time. she was a very successful person. she was a very successful model. she did really well. she would go home at night and didn't even want to go out with people. she was a very private person. she was always the highest quality that you'll ever find, and the things they say -- and i have known her for a long time. the things they say are so unfair and actually she's -- they apologized, too, as you know by various media because they said things that were lies. i tell you this, i think she is going to be a fantastic first lady. she will be a tremendous representative of women and of the people, and helping her and working her will be ivanka who is a fabulous person and a fab
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ru lus, fabulous woman. they're not doing this for money or pay. they're doing this because they feel it, both of them. melania goes back and forth, and after barron finishes school -- because it is hard to take a child out of school with a few months left -- she and barron will be moving to the white house. thank you, that's a very nice question. go ahead. >> mr. president. >> yes? this is going to be a bad question but that's okay. >> no, it is not a bad question. >> good. because i enjoy watching you on television. go ahead. >> thank you so much. mr. president, i need to find out from you, you said something as it relates to inner cities. that was one of your platforms during your campaign. >> fix the inner cities. >> fixing the inner cities. what will be the fix for that as well as the executive order coming out this afternoon? it it wasn't bad, was it? >> that was very professional. we will be announcing the order in a little while, and i would
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rather let it speak for itself. but i think it will be very good for everybody concerned, but we'll talk about that after we do the announcement. as far as the inner cities, as you know i was strong on the inner cities during the campaign. i think it got me a higher percentage of the african-american vote than a lot of people thought i was going to get. we did, you know, p higher than people thought i was going to get and i was honored by that, including the hispanic vote which was higher. by the way, if i might add, including the women's vote, which was much higher than people thought i was going to get. so we are going to be working very hard on the inner cities having to do with education, having to do with crime. we're going to try and fix as quickly as possible -- you know, it takes a long time. it has taken 100 years and more for some of these places to evolve, and they evolved, many of them, very badly. we will be working very hard on health and healthcare. very, very hard on education, and also we're going to be working in a stringent way and a very good way on crime.
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you go to some of these inner city places and it is so sad when you look at the crime. you have people -- and i have seen this the and i have sort of witnessed it, in fact in two cases i have witnessed it. they lock themselves into apartments, petrified to leave in the middle of the day. they're living in hell. we can't let that happen. so we're going to be very, very strong. it is a great question and it is a very -- it is a very difficult situation because it has been many, many years, it has been festering for many, many years. but we have places in this country that we have to fix. we have to help african-american people that for the most part are stuck there, hispanic american people. we have hispanic american people in the inner cities and they're living in hell. i mean you look at the numbers in chicago, there are two chicagos as you know. there's one chicago that's incredible, luxurious and all and safe.
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there's another chicago that's worse than almost any of the places in the middle east that we talk about and that you talk about every night on the newscasts. so we're going to do a lot of work on the inner cities. i have great people lined up to help with the inner cities. >> when you say the sinner cities, are you going to include the cbc in conversation with your urban agenda, the inner city -- >> am i going to include here? >> the congressional black caucus. >> i would. do you want to set up the meeting? are they friends of yours. >> no, i know some of them, i'm sure they're watching right now. >> i would love to meet with the black caucus. i think it is great. i actually thought i had a meeting with congressman cummings and he was all excited, and then he said, oh, i can't move, it might be bad for me politically. i can't have the meeting.
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i was set to have the meeting. i called him and called him and he was all set. i spoke to him on the phone. >> i hear he wanted the meeting with you as well. >> he wanted it. but we called, called, couldn't make a meeting with him. i said i would like to meet with him because i want to solve the problem, but he was probably told by schumer or somebody like that, some other lightweight, he was probably told -- he was probably told don't meet with trump, it is bad politics, and that's part of the problems in this country. one more. go ahead. no, one question. two, this room can't handle two. give me the better of your two. >> [ inaudible ]. it is not about more person about alt [ inaudible ]. [ inaudible ] some of it by supporters in your name. what do you -- >> and some of it -- can i be honest with you, and this has to do with racism and horrible things put up. some of it written by our opponents. you do know that?
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do you understand that? you don't think anybody would do a thing like that. some of the signs you will see are not put up by the people that love or like donald trump, they're put up by the other side, and you think it is like playing it straight? no. but you have some of those signs and some of that anger is caused by the other side. they'll do signs and they'll do drawings that are inappropriate. it won't be my people. it will be the people on the other side to the anger people like you. okay. >> just a clarification. >> go ahead. >> what are you going to do about it? >> where is that? oh, stand up. you can -- >> what are you going to do about [ inaudible ]. >> i'm working on it. no, i'm working on it very hard. no, no, look. hey, just so you understand, we had a totally divided country for eight years and long before that, in all fairness to president obama, long before president obama. we have had a very divided -- i didn't come along and divide this country.
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this country was seriously divided before i got here. we're going to work on it very hard. one of the questions that was asked i thought was a very good question was about the inner cities. i mean that's part of it. but we're going to work on education, we're going to work -- you know, we're going to try to stop the crime. we have great law enforcement officials. we're going to try to stop crime. we're not going to try and stop, we're going to stop crime. but you it is very important to me, but this isn't donald trump that divided a nation. we went eight years with president obama and we went many years before president obama, we lived in a divided nation. i am going to try, i will do everything within my power to fix that. i want to thank everybody very much. it is a great honor to be with you. thank you. >> could i ask you to clarify -- >> thank you very much. >> could we do this every week, sir? >> prove it! >> what a remarkable window into the state of mind of the president of the united states right there. about an hour and 15 minutes,
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hour and 20 minutes, the president after an opening statement telling the country where he thinks his presidency is going right now, what he thinks they've accomplished. the president taking questions from the press, give him credit for that. he took questions from the front line, he took tough questions, he took questions about his relationship with russia. he said russia is fake news, and after several questions trying to clarify this blockbuster report over the last couple of days he said he knew of no contacts between his campaign and russians during the campaign. also make it very clear, he made it clear he thinks the press is dishonest and saying he inherited a mess when he came to the tofs less than a month ago. it is not even four weeks the president has been in office and takes issue with those who say right now the white house is in chaos. he says it is a finely-tuned machine. mathieu, we say this a lot, never seen anything like that. >> no, that was the most amazing press conference by a president i've ever seen.
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i don't mean amazing and great, i mean amazing in spectacular insight into donald trump and his state of mind today. to me when you have presidents take office, many are empowered and get bigger. you think you have a president in that press conference that looked smaller and actually morin secure in his position as opposed to secure in his position. on one specific, george, on one fact he said when he said jobs were pouring out of the country when i came to office. well, there were 75 straight months of job growth and 11.3 million jobs created in the previous president. comment, it was reminiscent of a cain mute any in somebody saying i'm going to search for strawberry. he's in full-on conflict with the intelligence community and the media. >> he still seemed to be running against hillary clinton as well. >> it was a campaign greatest hits list, that's how he started. let's talk about the electoral college comment he made where he said he had more electoral college votes than anyone in history since reagan, which is
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not true. i mean a couple of the words i jotted down over the cost of the last hour and a half, bizarre, contentious. we are getting insight into the mind of our president, that he is obsessed with coverage. he is clearly watching television at all hours, talking about late night programming on cable. he shouted down reporters. he told people to sit down. it seemed as if this is something he had been wanting to do to get off of his chest for the last few weeks, george. >> let me get that point to jonathan karl right there. jon, this seems like the kind of thing where a white house staffer walks into the oval office early in the morning, the president gets a lot of things off his chest. we saw today at this press conference. >> reporter: we sure did, george. i have to say after having been in here for four previous press conferences, joint press conferences with foreign leaders and see him seek out and only take questions from media outlets, conservative media outlets for the most part he knew would be friendly, there was something absolutely refreshing about seeing him come out and say, i'm going to take it all.
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he called on everybody. he called out cnn. he has an ongoing war with cnn. he had no problem going back and forth on that. this was a remarkable press conference. i think the fact he wanted to do this came as a complete surprise to his own staff this morning. many of them did not even know until he announced at a photo-op this morning, see you all at 12:00 for a press conference, they didn't know he was actually going to do this. he wanted to fight back at the report and not just reports but the comments from republicans on capitol hill that his administration is in disarray. there was that line, george, finally-tuned machine. he said this has been a finely-tuned machine. it has not looked like that but he came out and took questions. >> john, it did take work to get an answer to your direct question about whether he knew of any contacts between his campaign and the russians. >> it took a lot of work. i asked the question direct lichlt he did not answer it. i followed up, he still didn't
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answer. he said he didn't have any contacts, he has nothing to do with the russians. then my colleague julie pace later on a, with the associated press, asked again, please, can you answer this question, it is a very important point. can you be sure nobody on your campaign had contacts with the russians? and on that point he's not quite there. he mentioned paul manafort, his former campaign manager who has been named in several stories as somebody who is believed to have had contacts with the russians during the campaign. he didn't exon rate manafort, he called him a good guy and reminded everybody that manafort left the campaign, he was fired well before the november election, but he certainly left out the possibility that senior people, maybe even his former campaign manager, had contacts with the russians. >> john karl. pierre thomas, our senior justice correspondent. the president said in that press conference he asked the justice department to look into these leaks. >> well, that will have a chilling effect obviously because they have access to who
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of-administration officials, who the agencies have been talking to. so that will be something that will be pursued and pursued vigorously. i can tell you that law enforcement officials and the intelligence community have been watching what the president has been saying closely, particularly what he said in those tweets yesterday, basically blaming or suggesting that officials at the nsa and the fbi have been leaking, george. >> matthew dodd, it is clear that the president likes having the press as a foil. we see that right there. it worked for him in the campaign. does it work as president? >> i think he's in a much more difficult spot. again, let's give him credit, for the criticism we have given him about only taking friendly questions, he stood there for a long period of time and took it all, the hardest questions. he walked in with a hornet's nest of the press. what he did coming out is poke it even more. media down saying i'm giving you the answers, you don't need to focus on this. you actually stirred it up. there will be 100 more stories out of this. >> you cover the white house
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every day, cecelia. how do you think they're reading the press conference? >> reporter: i think it will be missioned reviews. i think there are some in his camp who think it was fantastic and donald trump clearly himself looked like he was having a very good time up there, bring it on essentially. i think others in there were looking at their watches hoping this wrapped up quickly. >> thank you all very much. we just saw something amazing right there. remarkable press conference from donald trump. much more tonight on our world knews with david muir. have a good day. >> this has been a special report from abc news. live where you live, this is "abc 7 news." ♪ good luck from oakland to san leandro this morning. you are looking at the traffic jam resulting from lanes that were closed for hours this morning on interstate 880, this after a big rig crashed and flipped early this morning. thanks for join us. i'm kristen sze. we have starting a little late
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dues to special coverage of the president trump's news conference. as you know, traffic in the east bay a mess this morning after a nightmare that began at 4:30. it has been slow going removed the overturned big rig. alexis smith has been tracking this. some progress but still slow? >> reporter: yes, and this happened a couple of moments ago. 880, with sky 11 overhead. it looks like the actual semi-jack knifed and the trailer flipped oefrmt it was twoeed away. they're sweeping up some of the absorbing agent. looks like a fuel spill as well. there's the result. we have about seven, 7 1/2 miles of heavy traffic like this as you see on sky seven. that's the northbound that crash happened at the 5th avenue on ramp. we're back in the green for everybody else this morning and starting to dry out. there you go. that was the crash location on the south end of lake merritt but still crawling, about eight
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miles an hour. that's about a seven-mile backup from san leandro. heavy traffic on westbound 580, 22 miles an hour. if you have to choose between the two, i would definitely stick with 580. >> alexis, thanks so much. work is underway in san francisco to remove a broken piece of equipment that caused a concrete slab to lean atop a high rise under construction. sky seven flew over te ham ah in south market. you can see the platform where the failure occurred yesterday causing panic and evacuations. "abc 7 news" reporter amy hollyfield is live at the scene. what is next? >> reporter: you can see behind me tehama is still closed and here is why. they're using the street for equipment because they plan to bring the pump down to the ground. the office across the street galvanized, it is a campus to go to learn code, it is closed today. there's an evacuation order in place for that building, but the other 16 buildings that were
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evacuated yesterday are now open this morning. as people came back in this morning to the area they were told to get out of yesterday afternoon, they were ready to get back to normal. we didn't hear any hesitation about being here. >> i know they've done their work, so i trust it. >> reporter: yesterday they were told it was dangerous to be here because a one ton concrete slab could fall from a 35 story building, because one of the hydraulic pumps on the project failed. the fire department gave everyone the all-clear around 9:00 last night. today we saw people hurrying in to work to catch up on time they lost during the evacuation. >> it will put us behind on any projects we have ongoing any work we were trying to get done yesterday, it is pushed off to today. it is probably about two hours across 50 people. >> reporter: at o'brien's marcus wynn walked in to find a huge met he had to clean up. >> all of the dishes and everything was still -- because they had to leave, you know, right away yesterday.
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so they didn't have a chance to clean up anything. >> reporter: like other businesses around soma they're hoping to make up for what they lost after the late afternoon evacuation. >> it was really busy up until 4:00. that's when everyone had to leave. so, yeah, we lost a little bit of money but that means today will be a normal day. so we will be fine. >> reporter: there is no word on when this work will be complete and when this street can open up. the construction company will notify the fire department when it is done. the fire department will coming expect the job, then will notify the city and will open up tehama. reporting live in san francisco, amy hollyfield, "abc 7 news." thank you. local residents returned to their homes once evacuation orders were lifted last night. for many others they're back in their offices this morning after being told to evacuate immediately yesterday afternoon, and those boxes carrying their stuff, some left important items behind in their frantic rush to escape the potential danger.
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>> i don't have my kwees, my wallet. everything is inside except my phone and computer. >> we didn't get a lot of information, so we just left and, unfortunately, we didn't grab our purses or anything. we didn't know how long it was going to take. >> there's not much you can do about it, so it is a situation where you just have to keep cool, trust the fact that the city has this under control. >> reporter: firefighters evacuated 16 buildings, mostly made up of offices. construction on 33 tehama began in 2015. it used to be 41 tehama, they're changing the address. the building will be 278,000 square feet and will have 403 apartment units as well as retail space on the ground floor. leasing is set to begin this year. happening now, many bay area businesses are closed and schools missing students today as part of the national protest called "day without immigrants." this is new video -- take a look -- of a rally hapg right now at san francisco zhi hall, all to make the argument that the u.s. needs immigrants.
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in the south bay many businesses are closing their stores or their doors and students staying home. for that part of the story let's turn to "abc 7 news" reporter matt keller in san jose. >> the official attendance numbers for san jose unified school district won't be available until tomorrow. i went to one campus today and an official on the campus told me the absence numbers were up. >> good morning. san jose unified. may i help you? >> reporter: the largest school district in santa clara county received a lot of calls today from parents saying their student was going to be absent. >> we do have a lot of immigrant families and students in the district. i couldn't quote you the number because we don't track immigration status amongst our families and students which is one way to protect them. >> reporter: students and workers in the bay area and across the country in cities like l.a., new york and chicago are staying home today to take part in a day without immigrants protest. they want to show how critical they are to the economy and way of life. but as for san jose unified, officials are encouraging parents to send their kids to
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class. >> as far as we're concerned it is our job to educate them and they're not in class. >> reporter: many bay area stores and restaurants are staying closed today in support of the protest. all five of gazzali's supermarkets are shut down first ever, all ten chavez stores are empty. >> i hope by everybody staying home it gets his attention it is not a good thing to do, because without the immigrants here, you know, the country would be nothing. >> reporter: not everyone is happy. eli showed up this morning at 7:00 at the chavez supermarket saying he was supposed to be stocking shelves, but with the doors closed he will be losing money. >> one less paycheck for my family. >> reporter: and we did reach out to chavez supermarkets to find out if they're paying employees for today, but we've not heard back. matt keller, "abc 7 news." some of you may have woken up to rain today, the first of a week straight.
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that will be on storm watch for. the storm tapered off. a live look in walnut creek. 680 shows the roads are same in snl along 101. the sun is out, but we have the first look at live doppler seven. >> hi, everybody. we have a chance of scattered shower or two throughout the afternoon. we will keep the storm prediction impact scale at a one. breezy, no damage, and large breakers until 9:00. let's go show you that they're around 11 to 13 feet. they could get dangerously big up to 20 and strong rip current. heading stored santa clara you see a moderate shower, but for the most part quiet outside. as we look over the next six hours you can see those scattered light showers becoming really less and less. they're still causing issues at sfo, one hour and three minutes. our arrival delays are averaging there. >> as you look through the pm
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planner full of sunshine, clouds and isolated showers. the worst of the storm behind us but another one will rain on us affecting both commutes tomorrow. i have more rain as you mentioned all seven days of the forecast. i will have it in a minute. thank you. that's why there's concern about flooding due to the nearly full anderson reservoir in south bay. the rester wharf in morgan hill is 99.3% full and at risk for overflowing. crews have been releasing water to keep the level down. they're hoping to keep coyote creek from flooding and impacting homes along the banks. >> we have a number of low-lying communities close to coyote creek that are still in the flood plane. so there's a risk some of those areas could flood. >> the reservoir doesn't meet federal seismic standards that specify it not exceed 68% capacity. it could take up to nine weeks to drain it to that level. now, repairs continue today at the oroville dam where the water level continues to drop,
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and we just learned that state officials are reducing how much water is being released so they can start removing debris on that damaged spillway. meantime, fema is beefing up resources to be at the ready in case the next round of storms brings on the worst. 60 trucks and 30 personnel will be staging at travis air force base in fairfield. that emergency response team and state regulators will be monitoring the situation closely over the next few days. for those of you crossing your fingers where the spillway is in the same danger after oroville, breathe a sigh of relief. public officials say even though they're set to receive record amounts of rain they're confident it will not fail. that's according to the examiner. the reason utility officials are so confident is because the spillway was carved out of the granite mountain side. no erosion there. right now it costs absolutely nothing to drive down the crookedest street in the world,
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but one civic leader in san francisco wants to charge you to drive on that iconic block. a new report came out today suggesting and enacting california's first toll for a street would reduce congestion. the chronicle reports enjoy it now because mike is tracking more rain and soon. it is an age-old question, who should pay
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