tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC February 16, 2017 11:35pm-12:38am PST
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for sdh and larry, all of us, have a great night. from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" and now stay put, here's jimmy >> jimmy: hi, everybody, i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show, thank you for watching, thank you for coming. i appreciate it. we have so much to get to. there is so much going on in the world right now. not just in the world, there's a lot going on in the universe.
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got some very good news today. for those of you who are looking to get off the planet. anybody ready to go? astronomers at the carnegie institution is discovered more than a hundred potential planets that may be habitable. which means we're one step closer to finding a planet with intelligent life. [ laughter ] it's exciting. especially, for members of the scientific community, this is on the level of like a woman brushing up against them on the subway exciting. this might not be the best time to make contact with aliens. they say, take us to your leader. what do we do at that time? our leader's a little busy on twitter right now. how about we take you to oprah? she's nice, you'll like her. what a day it was in washington today. [ cheers and applause ] i know that many of you in our audience are here on vacation or whatever. but it might have been our
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craziest one yet. you know, there were demonstrations across the country today to protest the president's immigration policy. immigrants were encouraged to skip work today for what they called a day without immigrants, or as steve bannon calls it, a good start. you came to work today, guillermo. you didn't know about it? >> no, i knew, but i didn't want to leave you alone. >> jimmy: that's nice. he cares more about me than himself. that's what you look for in a friend. [ cheers and applause ] there were marches in philadelphia and austin, washington. here in l.a., with no immigrants, we have a lot of immigrants here in l.a., people were forced to babysit their own children. arnold schwarzenegger had to impregnate a meter maid today. it was awful. but a lot of coverage of this important protest got lost because the president decided to hold an impromptu press conference, and it was a sight to see.
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it reminded me of something you'd see before a pay-per-view boxing event. i guess he did it because he's mad and wanted to blow off some steam. the tone of the press conference was like if your dad found a pack of cigarettes under your mattress. he was mad. talked for an hour and 17 minutes, which is more than he's spoken to melania all this year, the whole year. he covered a lot of subjectins,o we boiled it down so you can get the gist. ♪ ♪ >> the whole russian thing, that's a ruse. the greatest thing i could do is shoot that ship that's 30 miles off shore right out of the water. everyone in this country is going to say, oh, it's so great. you know what uranium? nuclear holocaust. hillary clinton did a reset, with this stupid plastic button, that made us all look like
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jerks. it's all fake news. it's all fake news. i'm changing it from fake news, though. >> doesn't that undermine -- >> go ahead. where are you from? >> bbc. >> there's another beauty. i want to find a friendly reporter. >> not good. >> not good. >> not good. >> not good. >> okay, sit down i understand the rest of your question. >> are you going to include the congressional black caucus -- >> i would. do you want to set up the meeting? >> no, no. >> are they friends of yours? >> the least racist person. i can't believe i'm a politician. i'm the least anti-semic person you've ever seen in your entire life. i do get good ratings, you have to admit that. i won. donald trump rants -- i'm not ranting and raving. this administration is running like a fine-tuned machine.
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wow, there you go. that was one day. that was today, this morning. you know it's a bad press conference when assuming all black people know each other wasn't even the worst part of it. it's been a long three weeks. i've been doing this show for 14 years. the only time i can remember this much kracraziness was when charlie sheen was on that winning streak. maybe the michael jackson trial. except for fox & friends, the president is extremely angry at the news media. he spends a lot of time watching people talk about him and it gets him riled up. would someone take his phone and tv away before we all get blown to smithereens here. [ cheers and applause ] he's also mad at whoever keeps feeding stories to reporters. this was the most interesting thing the president said today. >> the leaks are absolutely real. the news is fake. >> the leaks are real, but the
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news is fake. it's like saying the boobs are real, but the implants are fake. it's like a fire horn, one explosion here, three more over there. every time you turn on the tv, it's trump, trump, trump. >> shame on melania. >> did a "new york times" reporter call melania trump a hooker? >> plus, the president's daughter tiffany, no one would sit next to her at a fashion show. >> that >> jimmy: that's when you know things are bad. so much trump that we've reached a saturation point. it makes you wonder how much americans are even able to process. today we decided to test it, we asked passers by a question that involved stories from the news and the season premiere of the walking dead, for this edition of the confusing question of the
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day. >> how concerned should americans be -- >> how concerned should americans be about russian influence in the general election and has general flynn's resignation affected the morale of the current administration with barren and melania in new york while nick and darryl try to get enough people to battle the saviours. >> i don't think that's relevant. a lot of these situations are being handled not really ethically, in my opinion. >> how so? >> just the morality of organized crime in general. >> how concerned should americans be about russian interference in the u.s. election and is general flynn's resignation affected the current stragedz with barron and melania
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in new york, while rick and darryl try to gather people to battle nationwide league an and the saviours. >> people should be concerned. flynn lied and trump knew and didn't say anything about it for three weeks. >> but will king ezekiel help rick to battle nationwide league -- battle nationwide league an? >> no. >> why? >> because they have support from the trump voters, but that's all the support they have. >> is that a yes or no question 124. >> -- >> yes. >> you can't really answer that information. >> i'm not too up on current events, but i feel like all americans should be worried. that's all i know. i'm not too up on the specifics. >> but we should panic? >> yes, i'll say that. >> so i think will russia trying to get involved in our politics, i think this is their right. the question is, can we stop them from doing it, or how can
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we mitigate it, so it isn't right to get involved in our politics. >> how about rick and nationwide league an and the savors? >> what? >> with that being said, i don't know how much we can do. >> don't we want to see some payback for glen and abraham? >> of course we do. i believe as a nation, we should definitely pick and choose our battles, though. >> we should be really, really threatened, because donald trump is a [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> whoa, one more question. are you shaving this? what's going on there? >> i don't know. yeah, i just trim a little bit. but not much. >> let me ask you one more time. how concerned should americans be with russian interference in the u.s. election and has general flynn's resignation affected the current administration while rick and
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darryl try to gather enough support to battle nationwide league an and the save yors? >> no. >> see, that wasn't so hard. >> thanks. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. it's thursday night, and as is our tradition, we bleep and blur the big tv moments of the week, whether they need it or not. it's time for this week in unnecessary censorship. [ applause ] >> we're going to be [ bleep ] your wife in a very short period of time and i look very much forward to that. and i want to [ bleep ] everybody in the room. >> most people buy flowers for mom on mother's day, but you're doing it on valentine's day. >> yeah, my mom [ bleep ] me all the time. can't forget about mom on the little days. >> the other thing we were doing today, we were watching how long each of you took a [ bleep ] today. >> we've been together for ten years, and i [ bleep ] you like you're my dad.
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i don't [ bleep ] my dad, so it doesn't mean a thing. but i feel like i would. >> when you talk about [ bleep ] size, you're a really good person to look at. >> okay, no, i've never brought home a white guy. i've [ bleep ] white guise, i've never brought home a white guy. >> the search is under way for the national [ bleep ] of the year. >> i'd like to ask you, if you'd like to [ bleep ]? >> sure. >> that was the biggest pleep bleep i've ever seen. >> i've [ bleep ] bigger. much, much bigger. >> really? [ applause ] >> jimmy: when we come back, "sports illustrated" william suit model kate upton answers three ridiculous questions and our friend ya ya reviews the oscar-nominated film "arrival," so stick around, we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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[ distorted voice ] progressive claims to show people their competitors' rates alongside their direct rate to save you money. but what's really going on? when played backwards at 1/8th speed you can clearly hear... what could that mean? woman: tom? tom! they're just commercials. or are they? you're waking the neighbors. well, mom, maybe the neighbors need to be woke. i think it's actually "awoken." no, that doesn't even seem right. no, it's "awoken." revealing the truth to help you save. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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sir? you give me that salad and i will pay for your movie and one snack box. can i keep the walnuts? yes. but i get to pick your movie. can i pick the genre? nope. with the blue cash everyday card you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. backed by the service and security of american express.
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could eat my feet. >> if you and i were stranded on a desert island together, do you think you could learn to love me? the longer you think about it, the more insulting it is? >> i guess so. [ laughter ] >> you know what, i'll take an i guess so. that's the most beautiful thing anyone's ever said to me. >> a morgan mule with captain and ginger ale. >> jimmy: that was kate upton. we're planning our vacation together. speaking of vacation, this is something that could help potentially make air travel a less horrible experience. charles de gaulle airport in paris is testing facial recognition technology, special software that analyzes your face and i guess it determines whether you're good or evil by looking at you. this article said soon you will never lose your boarding pass, because it will be your face.
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which i don't know if the person who knwrote that knows how good am at losing stuff. the goal is to easy up the process, i think it's nice, after years of trying to get into our pants, the tsa wants to get to know us. [ laughter ] the commissioner of the nfl met with les moonves, the owner of cbs, to come up with ways to make football games go faster. the average length of a football game right now is 8 1/2 hours, and ratings were down this year, 9% during the regular season. the thinking is that accelerating the pace will help boost ratings. so they're looking for ideas. i have ideas. my favorite personal way to speed up the games is by drinking heavily. idea number one, get rid of the second quarter. nobody needs it, nothing ever happens in the second quarter.
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three is fine. they could also limit the number of huts the quarterback can say. hut one, hut -- one hut is enough for anyone. but this is the best idea. consider this, they should release all the games at once, the whole season, so we can binge-watch them. like netflix. [ applause ] i could be commissioner of the nfl. by the way, speaking of the nfl, they're reportedly making a movie about the life of new england patriots quarterback tom brady. it's the inspiring story of a man who overcame a comfortable middle-class upbringing. super human talent and incredible good looks, to succeed. so there's something for matt damon to take his pants off to in the future. [ laughter and applause ] speaking of matt damon, and i don't like to mention his name, but he office "ellen" today, and based on what he said on the show, i might have to get
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serious with this jerk. >> so, jimmy is here, i think, next week. is there anything that you want to -- >> my condolences. >> okay. anything you want me to pass on to him? >> no, i have extremely low expectations for his performance on oscar night. i'm sure he'll live up to them. i might even throw things at him. i don't know. >> you really should, because we will watch just to see that. >> i'm not promising i'm going to throw something at jimmy, but there's better than a 50/50 chance. >> let me tell you something, you throw something at me, i throw something at you. and i don't throw like this, okay, i throw. i throw. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i will beat you so far down into the ground, they'll have to dig you out with way steam shovel. does that even exist? all right, so a week from sunday, i'm hosting the oscars
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here on abc. [ cheers and applause ] there are so many great movies and to help you choose which one you will choose to see before the oscars, we asked our friend to review some of the year's nominees for best picture, and he did because he doesn't have anything else to do. so here he is now talking about the moving "arrival." >> action. now? hi. >> hi on action. >> hi. is camera running? hi, it's me, i'm yaya, i'm talk about the movie -- >> you are at the top of everyone's list when it comes o translations. >> the movie talk about military. this the lady amy adams. and the guy next to her, jeremy rening and they do the movie
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with ben af flit, stole the bank and he want to take the money from the bank and he die. and this movie behind me look like alien. you remember the lady she's in the plane and the alien come in her face like this. you don't touch him because he love her. i got picture with her, her name is sigar leaver. and this movie it remind me like the movie 8-e. steven spielberg is very nice guy. he got power, he fly from the ground up to the air, he say, i want to call home. >> go watch the movie and good luck for the movie and good luck for everyone. good luck for amy, for oscar, i don't know she won oscar before? i don't know.
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>> jimmy: thank you, yehya. tonight on the show, jordan peele is here, and we'll be right back with viola davis, and also have music from remy ma. >> jimmy: portions of "jimmy kimmel live!" are brought to you by cinnamon frosted flakes. a sweat cinnamon taste and the frosted crunch you love. to you flakes. a sweat cinnamon taste and the frosted crunch you love. kimmel u by cinnamon frosted flakes. a sweat cinnamon taste and the frosted crunch you love.
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the triple bacon buttery jack, with hickory-smoked bacon, bacon mayo, and my super secret ingredient...bacon butter! it's amazing. let's email the team. email? don't worry, we're not going to get hacked. we've been hacked! what! they got everything! everything!! everything. who could have done this!?! ...professionals. whoa. bacon butter. what!?! ooh, i haven't had lunch. ouch!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi there, tonight on the show, a very funny guy with a very scary new movie called "get out," jordan peele is with us. and their new album comes out tomorrow. this means what, guillermo? >> plaita -- oh, silver or bullet. >> jimmy: silver or bullet? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you're not from mexico, are you? >> no, i'm from utah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: fat joe has lost a lot of weight. he might just have to change his name to just joe. all right, our first guest tonight is a gifted actress, desperately in need of more shelving at her house. she's won more than 30 awards for her role in "fences." meanwhile she's holding down a day job on ho"how to get away wh
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murder," please welcome viola davis! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm fine. >> jimmy: you look fantastic. >> i've won over 30 awards? >> jimmy: something like that. i'm not good at math. >> you got that at wikipedia, right? >> jimmy: maybe not even that. yeah. well, you have won a lot of awards. you lost your voice, i heard. >> well, i got a little flu. but that's traveling back and forth. my husband and i got sick. i say i got the flu, he got bubonic plague. i mean you would think that. i'm sick, i'm sick. i'm sick too, julius. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it always turns into a competition, doesn't it? >> you guys, you know, you guys. >> jimmy: i thought you lost
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your voice from giving so many acceptance speeches. you are the odds-on favorite to win. some say you're a lock. [ cheers and applause ] >> you know i've been the odds-on favorite to win before and did not. >> jimmy: is that right? >> yeah. and it's devastating. >> jimmy: it makes it worse? >> yes, it makes it worse. you're sitting there and you're like, okay, i'm the odds-on favorite and then your name is not called. it's like falling from a 100-story building, as opposed to if you know you're losing, it's like falling from a one-story building. >> jimmy: so you should wear a helmet maybe? [ laughter ] you'd be the one person in a helmet, that would be a good look. >> exactly. >> jimmy: who writes the great speeches that you give? >> i write them, jimmy. >> jimmy: wow, that's really impressive. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: not doonly do you hav
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that going on -- >> yeah, they're off the cuff. you want me to help you? >> jimmy: i'll take any help i can get. you got your star on the hollywood walk of fame right across the street [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the only i'm you'd be compelled to lay on the floor in hollywood. you're in a prime location, right in front of the marshall's store. have you ever been into a marshall's? >> i love marshall's. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> i've got about 12 things of soap from marshall's. i got those fluffy, furry pillows from marshall's. i have weight watchers trail mix from marshall's. >> jimmy: really? you know, when they make the trail mix at marshall's, it means it's at the end of the trail, right? >> listen, i'm an equal opportunity eater. so i took the weight watchers and they put it right at the check-out counter. >> jimmy: this is in your hometown. they named a street after you.
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>> yeah. >> jimmy: who is that man, the street namer? >> this is james deosa, the mayor of my hometown, central falls, rhode island. and this is the only street that has "way" on it. >> jimmy: and what's with the summer too? >> that was the name of the street. that was the old name of the street and then you have my name on top of that. can i just tell you, it was awesome. >> jimmy: i bet. >> to be the little girl who most of my childhood was spent running, chucking the finger and calling people mfers -- [ laughter ] -- this is it, man. >> jimmy: but they're going to keep summer?
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"summer" is so much bigger. you need to talk to your agent about this. who the hell is summer anyway? that's just a season. >> but then i'd have to get my lawyers involved. >> jimmy: sue the mayor, sue the street, sue the guy who laid the pavement. >> central falls ain't got no money, so i wouldn't get anything. >> jimmy: bring that town to its knees. we're going to take a break. when we come back, we're going to talk about your television show "how to get away with murder." viola davis is here. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> no baseball! >> you're not listening to me. i'm trying to explain it to you the best way i know how. it's not easy for me to admit i been standing in the same place for 18 years. >> i've been standing with you! i've been right here with you, troy. i've got a life too. i got 18 years of my life to stand in the same spot as you. don't you think i ever wanted other things? don't you think i had dreams and hopes? what about my life, what about me! >> jimmy: that's viola davis in "fences," not "how to get away with murder." and pardon me, was that your
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snot or was that added? >> that was my snot. you know, everyone talks about my snot. and it's gotten to the point, my nose runs when i cry. and i don't want to spend half the scene just going like that, but listen, after 23 takes, i had very clear nasal passages. >> jimmy: you know, there are a lot of actors who can cry on command, but very few actors who can snot on command. >> i disagree, i think there's a lot of snot help drippers out there. >> jimmy: you would know better than i would. the kid in that movie, jovan adepo. he was here and he told us this funny story about your sister. >> and marilyn who said, you gotta meet this kid, he's moving to l.a., and he wants to be an actor. and i want you and julius to sit down and talk to him. brought him over to the house and fed him. and it's like, i love him, he's
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my baby. >> jimmy: such a nice thing for you to do. >> we do that every once in a while. that's not to say come over to my house and we'll feed you. but we've done that. >> jimmy: that is unbelievable. and then for him to be in the movie with you. >> absolutely. i called denzel and i said, he's my baby, you gotta give him a job. >> jimmy: well, he did a great job in the movie too. >> he did fantastic. >> jimmy: so that was a gift to denzel as well. on "how to get away with murder," you were in prison, you're out now. >> i got beaten in prison. >> jimmy: you did get beaten. which is not fun. >> by a friend of mine, yolanda ross. i said, this is the only time you can beat my ass. >> jimmy: seems like that should go unsaid amongst friends. >> yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: but are we going to find out for real who killed wes? >> i'm waiting to find out. >> jimmy: so wait a minute, you don't know, of course you know if we're going to find out? >> listen, jimmy, what have i told you? i want to keep my job, i can't
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tell you that. but all i know, is, i need for annalise to do better. she needs to apply the 12 step rules in aa to her life. get a new apartment and do better. >> jimmy: or just do the best of the show from prison. just a different show. >> no, i want to get out of jail. >> jimmy: it's very good to see you. congratulations on all your success. we'll see you at the oscars. [ cheers and applause ] next week, it's the two-hour season finale of "how to get away with murder." we'll be right back with jordan peele. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] small incision here, ke one then we're gonna go in and remove your '67 corvette. my vette!? it's just a gall bladder! you don't have.. aflac! paying you cash, so you might have to sell that sweet little muscle machine just to cover your rent. more funny juice. but my papa gave
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi there, still music from fat joe and remy ma. our next guest is half of the brilliant comedy duo key and peele, while being one whole person by himself. he's the writer and director of "get out," it opens in theaters a week from tomorrow. please welcome jordan peele!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: the vest and everything. i appreciate when you wear a vest. >> i dress up. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i do a three-piece for you. >> jimmy: and congratulations not just on the movie coming out, you've got a baby coming out as well. >> i've got a baby? [ cheers and applause ] yes, i have a baby. yes, that's the most terrifying thing of all. >> jimmy: are you nervous about that? >> yeah, i'm nervous. that whole thing hasn't sunk in. you have a baby as well. >> jimmy: yeah, i do. >> you know how i feel. >> jimmy: i have three kids. but you'll be fine. you're gonna be fine. >> okay. >> jimmy: people drive you crazy with all this nonsense they tell you to worry about. and the fact that we're all alive means it's not that difficult. >> it gets better, as it is. yeah, i'm a horror fan, as you
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know. so the idea of children is terrifying to me. in horror move eedies, i'm afram going to wake up in the middle of the night and there's going to be a little person, like daddy, help me tie my shoes, daddy. >> jimmy: don't have a horror baby. you don't want one of those. why are kids all evil in every horror movie? >> i don't know. >> jimmy: i'm so interested in the fact that you directed this movie. and i saw on rotten tomatoes today, you have a perfect 100% rating on this movie, which is a rare thing for a horror movie. >> can you believe it? can you believe it? >> jimmy: i do believe it. because i was thinking about it, and i know you're known for comedy, but i think there's some similarity between comedy -- from making people laugh and scaring people. >> yes. >> jimmy: isn't there? >> it's a visceral reaction you're going for. in the best horror movies, there's nervous giggling the whole time, what's he going to
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do? get out the house, bitch, get out the house. and that's what this horror movie is about. it's giving the audience that sits and screams in a horror theater, bitch pick up the phone, call the cops. it's like giving them their perfect movie. >> jimmy: that's a great goal to have. you want people shouting at the scream. >> this movie is about the whole roller coaster. i want people to feel uncomfortable, scared, laugh, cheer, and the screening so far, it's been crazy. >> jimmy: you've had all that? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i was thinking about watching it last night, but i was too scared to watch it. because i saw the trailer. >> you're scared of horror movies? >> jimmy: i am. >> what happened? >> jimmy: i'll tell you what happened. >> so you saw exorcist or something? >> jimmy: i saw the amityville
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horror when i was 10 or 11 years old. >> get out! >> jimmy: yeah, get out. my older cousin steven who was sleeping over, kept whispering "get out" all night long, and it terrified me. did you like them when you were a kid? >> yeah. >> jimmy: like a little kid? >> so i was like you when i was -- >> jimmy: a coward? >> yes. i was a tiny little coward, though. there was a difference between our size. i was afraid of the dark and afraid of the demons and the monsters. and at some point i just fell in love with this kind of movie. i was a total cinophile, i just loved movies. i realized something that could affect me that deeply was something to respect and something that had a serious artistry to it. >> jimmy: what were some of your
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favorites? >> "the shining." >> jimmy: that's a good one. >> the two little girls at the end of the hallway. >> jimmy: too scared to see that one. >> thank god i'm not having twins, by the way. >> jimmy: are you sure? >> i am sure. i've done my homework. and "candy man" is one of my favorites. >> jimmy: i've never seen that one, except for sammy davis jr one. >> that's a perfect key & peele sketch. >> jimmy: too late, we missed that one by 12 months. >> but, yeah, i'm a fan of really -- nightmare on elm street, just the classics. >> jimmy: is your first directing job in the movies? >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you love it, or was it hard? something you want to do again? >> i loved it. it has -- on the best days, it's like being the captain of a pirate ship, jimmy. kind of like what you have here. you've got some swarthy crewmen
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who could all kick your ass. >> jimmy: right. sucking on limes. >> for the rickets or whatever. >> jimmy: scurvy. >> and it feels as if there's a sense of adventure, but it's so hard. jimmy, i love that it's so hard. i'd literally be skyping my wife chelsea every night and just talking to her about -- tears would just simultaneously, i was like nick from "the bachelor." >> jimmy: really? >> i could not talk to her without double tears just dropping. i don't know what i'm doing! >> jimmy: do you watch "the bachelor"? >> yes. and i know you're a "bachelor" fan, which is why i said that. >> jimmy: and there's a black bachelorette. >> that's right. >> jimmy: i introduced her. >> i feel like this season of
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"the bachelor," this whole movie of mine is about a black guy going into an environment where there's a bunch of white people and basically getting scared. >> jimmy: yeah, i would be scared too. so i feel like the bachelorette season is going to be inspiration for "get out 2." you know it's not going to be populated with a bunch of brothers. two brothers, and it's going to be like 20 white dudes and they're all going to be saying, hey, you know, i love beyonce. [ laughter and applause ] i just wanted you to know that. >> jimmy: let me ask you a serious question. because you would answer this better than anybody that's working on "the bachelor" right now. >> okay. >> jimmy: if there are 30 bachelors for rachel, what is the appropriate number of african american bachelors? >> really good question. >> jimmy: what should it be? >> you know what, it should be a perfect -- the representation should be equal to the representation in this country.
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>> jimmy: so there should be three? >> i guess that's what i'm saying. >> jimmy: but the next bachelor gotta -- >> gotta be black. gotta be a brother. >> jimmy: you're off the market. >> can't be me. >> jimmy: this is going to be a huge hit. i feel it in my bones. when i'm really scared of a trailer, i never go see the movie, but i know other people will. >> i appreciate that. >> jimmy: jordan peele, everybody. "get out" is in theaters a week from tomorrow. we'll be right back with fat joe and remy ma. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] "get out" is in theaters a week ♪ strummed guitar
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♪ ♪ ♪ oh yeah yeah yeah yeah they gotta understand a -- got her on the town ♪ ♪ every time i'm in your city make 'em understand ♪ ♪ you know how this -- gon' blow up whenever i'm in town whenever i'm in town ♪ ♪ yeah, understand they gotta understand a -- go -- gotta run the town ♪ every time i'm in your city make 'em understand ♪ ♪ you know how this -- gon' blow up whenever i'm in town whenever i'm in town ♪ ♪ money showers rain, rain, rain, rain whole lotta money showers rain, rain, rain, rain ♪ ♪ 10 bands for the prettiest bitch no hands if you really the -- ♪ ♪ my -- pretty new drop the music he got something to say ♪ ♪ got her staring at the pole like election day i make it rain on them hoes i got that amber vision ♪ ♪ we in the back of the rolls her and blac chyna kissing ♪ ♪ give me a slice
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of the cake i made it shower with dough ♪ ♪ that's a whole lotta bread you know it had to be joe cathedral ceilings in the crib ♪ ♪ got sinners in it i had women like it's dinner in it ♪ ♪ no lie ♪ who else could turn a stripper into tonya harding ♪ ♪ understand they gotta understand a -- got her on the town every time i'm in your city make 'em understand ♪ ♪ you know how this -- gon' blow up whenever i'm in town whenever i'm in town ♪ ♪ yeah, understand they gotta understand a -- got her running town ♪ every time i'm in your city make 'em understand ♪ ♪ you know how this -- gon' blow up whenever i'm in town whenever i'm in town ♪ ♪ money showers rain, rain, rain, rain whole lotta money shower rain, rain, rain, rain ♪ ♪ see you gotta understand i'm bad enough to take your husband ♪
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yeah i touch your man and give him back when i'm done ♪ front of my -- on the back of his tongue i ain't had love for a -- since what happened to pun ♪ so if we mess around and i don't happen to -- -- you can be my ex that's where i'm from ♪ ♪ man these funny style girls i be laughing at them ♪ they be grabbing his i be grabbing his gun walking out the court thumbs up, jon gotti ♪ ♪ on my '93 biggie -- and party chick claiming she the queen what not hardly ♪ ♪ ♪ who the hell gave you your crown steve harvey ♪ ♪ understand they gotta understand a -- got her on the town ♪ ♪ every time i'm in your city make 'em understand ♪ ♪ you know how this -- gon' blow up whenever i'm in town whenever i'm in town ♪ ♪ yeah, understand they gotta understand a -- got her on the town ♪ ♪ every time whenever i'm in town whenever i'm in town ♪
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this is "nightline." tonight, beat the press. >> russia is fake news. >> president trump in a combative press conference, defending his ex-national security adviser, lashing about intelligence leaks, and battlings reporters. >> do you want to set up the meeting? do you want to set up the meeting? >> putting his spin on his first weeks in office. >> this administration is running like a fine-tuned machine. plus, this is everything. this transgender youtube star is famous for bearing her soul to her nearly 2.5 million subscribers. now she's sharing intimate details of her transition for the
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