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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  March 20, 2017 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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it's march 20th. time for great viral videos "right this minute." a dad with a newborn follows a nurse for some tests. >> as any father would. >> a shocker that he gave his child to a kidnapper. an update on the ultimate "ellen" fan who built a fake studio with a fake audience. >> she even has an ellen impersonator. >> hear the nice guy who shared his story with a thick accent to let us in on a little secret. >> can i tell you something? she's my friend, she's my english teacher. a skier is about to jump off a cliff. >> that was a brave move. >> especially when he sees what's ahead. we have christian, oli, charity, nick and gayle with the best on the web. and today a special guest,
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comedian ben glee. >> what's up? nice to see you again. >> how he'll put us to the test even though usually -- >> when we look like idiots, the editors cut it out. >> do they, though? >> no. if you've ever had a baby or been in the process of having a baby, there's more to it than delivering the baby. afterwards they run a series of tests and a lot of things that go on before mommy and baby can go home. here we are in paraguay, and you see this woman dressed as a nurse. you see dad with his new healthy baby. and he thinks he's going to have tests run because that woman posing as a thursdnurse told hi that's what is going on. >> you did say posing. >> i did say posing because when dad entered the baby, he left the baby there trusting him to the medical professionals. and when they came back, they were both gone. >> this is such an easy scam to
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pull. fighteningly easily to happen. you walk in with a clipboard, act like you own the place and, boom, you leave with a child. >> if they are going somewhere that says authorized only, you are assuming they can go in there. >> the law is funny. to get the right outfit and the right time, and to find the father. there's so much thought going into this. >> it's scary to think someone planned it to a tee and it worked. reports are that she took off on a motorbike with the baby. here are pictures of the woman. >> at least they know what she looks like. >> thankfully, the baby was reunited with the family. we have the pictures. >> meanwhile, the dad screwed up royally within three hours of having a child, you know? >> the thing is, he made a mistake, but as a mom, there's now this new trust issue with everybody. >> so what was the reason? did they ever get into the reason for this?
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>> they are still investigating her reasons for doing this. in certain parts of the world it may have shot past 90 degrees. other parts are a winter wonderland where crazy things are still happening. as this guy starts to ski, what i notice immediately is i'm seeing the tops of trees sticking out from the snow. in fact, you can see trees which are already leaning all the way over, this is the kind of place where you might want to be careful. turns out, it's also the kind of place you really want to have eyes in the back of your head. fortunately, this guy does. >> it's just a river of snow. this avalanche goes right by him. he must have sensed it, he must have heard it. he gets over to the side just in time. as such, he's just fine. the second video is from utah. looks like a pretty cold day and this guy starts skiing toward the trees. he sees a hump and knows what he's going to do. no, he doesn't. because he -- >> oh! >> dude, that was a brave move.
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>> exactly. you're going to commit to a jump without any idea about what is on the other side. he just starts heading for those trees and you could hear it when he lands. >> well, at least he's got the pine fresh scent now. >> he's going to have it for a while. >> it seems like a hard impact. and it was. in fact, he actually broke his leg. >>. they want to make sure this poodle doesn't escape on a freeway. there you see the 110 in los angeles. it's busy and the dog is headed that way. lucky for them, the dog doesn't go on the on-ramp but the chase is not over. it takes time to capture the dog they named sailor. >> he wants to leave. >> comen! come on! >> not east to catch up. >> that has to be scary for rescuers. they are so close and the poor dog is going right towards traffic. >> let me go back to the parking lot there.
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>> luckily, people see it and stop. they stop for the rescuers and let them by. but sailor is on the move and keeps moving down parking lots and alleys. they get back in the car, but the guy from hope for paws has his catch pole and they corner him down to the back area where somebody is fixing the car. >> hi there, boy. >> it's cornered and scared. just give in, little guy. >> but there's lots of stuff they have to get around because it is clearly obvious someone is doing auto repairs behind this building. >> all right, be careful! close the gate! close the gate! >> he tried to escape. but he didn't get out because she closed the gate. >> i got him. i got him. >> he's got the catch pole. she catches him by the tail. >> hi, baby. >> good catch. >> are you okay? >> the way he was growling, that was probably the safest thing he could do. >> once they get the pole around him, then they put the lucky leash around him. an and as you can see, he's pretty
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dirty. but they wash him up, give him a little medical treatment and look at him with the new white coat. >> is he chipped? do we know where he belongs? >> he was not chipped but he has a lovely face that is all cleaned up. those are the kind of dogs people love. today i'm here with candace. we are going to be doing some hard-hitting investigation here today. >> yeah, hard-hitting investigations when it comes to youtubers generally have to do with trends. this one is a bit fuzzy. >> velvet, furry, fuzzy lips are a trend that people argue. >> like mine. >> you mean like your actual lip is fuzzy. >> like a fungus. that's what that looks like. >> are you kidding? the ladies are now -- how do you eat and drink? all night long you'll be going, hi -- nice to meet you. >> i agree with you. it sounds and looks like a
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terrible idea. this is quite simple. >> she uses this to get the textured lip look. she putson the everlasting lipstick and loose velvet typically called 3-d flockg powder. >> they start applying it. it is not a particularly pleasant experience nor does it seem practical. >> it is like iron fibers. they look stupid, i'm sorry, they look like a muppet. they literally look like a muppet. >> i agree. sofia and her friends go out to the streets to see what people think. here's the first opinion. >> elizabeth, what do you think of our lips? >> it kind of lookes like you put lipstick over it. >> so kind of crusty? >> yeah. >> katherine, what do you think? >> i kind of like it. i do like it. i'll try it. >> you will? >> okay, so we have a yes and a no. we need a tie-breaker. >> we need a tie-breaker right
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now. >> what do you think, would you try this? >> no. >> basically, this is the trend for pictures. don't go out like this in the pictures. natalie is the tie-breaker and natalie says no. two motorcyclists make their way through the intersection. >> let's see if the third can dodge destiny. >> why going leads to a rough stop. >> oh, come on. and an update on the ultimate "ellen" show fan. >> he built a fake studio, had fake studioed a ye ed ed audie ellen impersonator. brought to you by olive garden. get never-ending food with our lunch duos.
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choose your favorite pasta,or piadina or sandwich. it all comes with our never-ending soup or salad. and all the breadsticks you want. starting at just $6.99 get never-ending value for lunch, today at olive garden. school lunch can be difficult. cafeteria chaos. one little struggle... can lead to one monumental mishap. not with ziploc easy open tabs. because life needs ziploc. sc johnson.
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closed captioning provided by --em gold bond eczema relief relieves five frustrating symptoms of eczema. my skin's back.
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when you're on two wheels, no matter if you're right, no matter if you're wrong, you're probably going to lose if the car is coming after you. we start in cue kuala lumpur. you have one motorcycle in the roadway and then a second one will come. we'll see if the third will dodge destiny. >> oh! >> whoa! so stupid. why waste your life to save a few seconds? >> look at that. not only did it knock him off the bike, it knocked the helmet off his head and knocked his shoes off. he had to be hospitalized. >> the most important part of the video is the three seconds after he's been hit by the car. the green light goes and everyone else goes through the intersection at the right time. he was trying to save two to three secondes of his time and now it will affect his life for months. >>. that's how they ride there, right? that's part of their attitude, that's part of their outlook, if you will? >> the thing is, that car was trying to beat an orange light or what we call a yellow light.
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and the car hit him. that's the chance you're going to take if you go against the red light. the next accident, you will see the cyclist coming down the roadway in poland, but watch whence when the door opens. >> oh, he got doored. >> there's a car coming. >> he's knocked to the ground in traffic. but watch that car. >> wow. >> oh my -- >> he gets to the side of the car but the car was able to do an evasive maneuver to swerve around that guy. but still, if that person was a little distracted he could have been toast. but he wasn't. a couple of days ago i bought you guys the incredible, almost crazy story of lucas jekobiak who is a motivational speaker. if you want something, visualize it. remember, his goal, his dream was to appear on "the ellen show." and for ten seconds, i had you guys thinking he had actually done it. >> i'm ellen, this is not a double, this is not a prank. >> hi, how are you?
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>> oh. >> wait a minute. >> no! >> he built a fake studio, had a studio audience and had an ellen impersonator. the cool thing about "right this minute" is that we have him via skype from poland. lucas lekobiak. >> hello, how are you guys? >> i'm great, thanks. >> how long did this whole project take? >> i was working on that for three years, actually, yes. i was really involved for so many years and the idea just came up in my head. >> so i'm dying to know, do you have any idea whether the real ellen has seen this? >> i heard that a lot of media in the u.s., for example, you are talking about this project. and i hope ellen some day is going to call me, maybe tomorrow, maybe today, you never know. >> a lot of people create vision boards, but you went all out. this was next level. what do you say to people who
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might think it was just too much? and actually, how much did it even cost? >> i don't want to talk about that exact total, but it was my private money. and i spent it because i know life is about having fun. and everything that can move people in their lives is so important to me. >> why is she so important to you? >> i like people who are brave, people who live like they want, not like other people want. i think that is ellen's style. >> you can look right in the message and give a message to ellen, what would it be? >> if you like the project, just let me know. i can't say more. the video was enough. >> you're awesome. >> you're so lovely. i was so stressed. can i tell you something? >> yes. >> this is my friend. they get him to break his
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boogie board so -- >> exactly. >> next "right this minute." and still to come, the man wants to get close. but see how hitting the gas goes a little overboard. plus, why this adorable baby definitely knows how to work the camera. >> oh, you're taking -- is this for instagram? as we moved into the new house. ♪ a lot of people have vertical blinds. well, if a lot of people jumped off a bridge, would you? you hungry? i'm okay right -- i'm... i'm becoming my, uh, mother. it's been hard, but some of the stuff he says is actually pretty helpful. pumpkin, bundling our home and auto insurance is a good deal! like buying in bulk! that's fun, right? progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto.
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it's a really chilly day in texas. it didn't keep these guys off the lake, though. they have been out there long enough for one of their buddies that needed to relieve himself. so they go to the back of the boat, take space from everyone in the front, but then they see pelican cove up there apparently and want to get closer. so he guns it a little. >> oh [ bleep ]. >> oh, my gosh! >> so -- >> it's like 48 degrees out. >> well, the water is a little warmer, let's be honest. >> well, you guys are the only ones laughing. fortunately, the people on the boat care about their friend so they freak out a little bit. >> oh, my gosh! hurry up! >> they throw life vests at him because it's cold. he's freezing. he probably can't even swim. so they quickly go back to where their friend is. >> at least they will be able to say they caught something. i caught a dude about this big
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today. >> well, there's a lady on the boat, i'm assuming the mom or the mattery ark of the family, because she's just hollering out the orders of what they all need to do. >> throw a line out, throw a line. >> it's cold. >> fortunately, his family and friends love him because someone actually jumped in the water -- >> get in the water to get him now. >> i'm laughing now. they all laughed at this later. at the moment it's not funny, but when they watch the video back and see the guy go -- and hear the splash. >> oh, my gosh! >> that's comedy. >> that's the only story they tell from this. some of us are just bored with it. well, juliet here is bored, because right now she's not very happy. and she is just giving it to mom. mom is like, okay, i'm going to take some video for daddy. she's like, oh, hey, girl, hey,
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dad. >> it's in their dna now. >> she instantly turns on. she goes from crying to, hey, dad daddy. >> takes the phone and starts her own instagram in three seconds. >> up stay graham may be your social media of choice, but these three babies like -- >> snapchat. >> you know what it is, the filters. >> that kid does not want to be there. >> i'm amazed that child did not freak out any more than it did. that's hilarious. >> that's pretty funny. when most kids see themselves on snap chath in t snapchat, they perk up. this next one is amelia. >> she definitely looks like dad. >> it's fun new you should say that she looks like dad. because here's a snapchat filter of her with her glasses on and do the side by side and -- >> you're welcome. >> dadda.
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host ben glee stops by to get us thinking. see if we can make the grade when he gives us our very own idiot test.
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tennies and you can tie those for me. >> can do. >> simple. one of the favorite shows is idiot test on gsn with ben glee. >> the test begins now. >> classical musicians get all the chicks. who scores the most? >> i got it, i got it, but it
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took me too long and i would have lost money. but composer. >> let's see if you're right. >> the composer actually scores the music. >> yes. >> you were right. >> but it's that pressure. >> that's what makes this so cool, right? ba because you might totally do well answering the questions in the normal environment. but check this out. >> test the name of the guy who renders one below. >> duh. >> i would have picked satan. that's the only word i see. >> what did you do? >> satan is red and below everything else. >> that's a whole different show. >> and witty and smart. but he did send me a test specifically for us. want to take it? >> i love it. >> we can't take the test without the host, ben! >> no kidding! >> hey!
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>> now -- >> your test begins right now, who was hired? >> the rereceptionist. >> wait, the game already started? >> the person behind the desks is the one who was hired. the rest you don't know. you have a $1 bill. how many sodas can you buy? >> zero. >> why. you have a bill and that only pays in quarters. >> you didn't want to pay but now you are mrs. smartie pants. >> why am i nervous? >> 800 calories. how many calories will have after the -- >> what did he say? >> i got it right. >> i would hate to see you get questions wrong. because you got upset when you
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got it right. >> let's do one more. >> which coffee is facing backwards? >> five, four, three, >> decaf. >> yeah, because backwards it is spelled faced. >> you guys make me feel not great. >> i didn't do a thing. >> that's true, nick didn't do anything. >> it's a stressful game to play but fun at the same time. >> yes, it's one of the tv shows that makes you think out of the box and causes you to think differently. >> so how is the season going so far? >> amazing. our fourth season started airing a month and a half ago every thursday at 10:00/9:00 central on game show network. >> thank you for coming. >> thank you for having me. it is my favorite show to do. i could expand my career in this show. i love it. thank you for having me. that sure goes by fast. be sure to catch the next brand new episode of "right this minute."
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tonight, breaking news. the capitol hill bombshell. the fbi confirming they're investigating the trump campaign. did aides to candidate trump coordinate with the russians? plus director comey shooting down president trump's assertion, saying there is no evidence president obama wiretapped trump tower. tonight, the white house firing back. also breaking at this hour, security crackdown. the airline banning most electronics from carryon luggage. is there a new terror threat affecting u.s. air travel? manhunt. the high school teacher accused of kidnapping his teenage student. authorities say he's armed and dangerous. tonight, the new images police want you to see. officer on trial, opening fire after a police chase. a 6-year-old boy shot in the


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