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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  May 3, 2017 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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we appreciate your for the first time ever, tonight's episode of "jimmy kimmel live" will be hosted by a randomly selected member of the studio audience. and the lucky winner is -- section c, row d, seat 17. congratulations. >> anthony: me? [ bleep ]! [ bleep ]! [ bleep ]! [ bleep ]! [ bleep ]! [ bleep ]! >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live." with special guest host anthony anderson! tonight, george lopez, eddie huang, and music from future. and now, remain calm. here's anthony anderson!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> anthony: give me more! give me more! give me more! [ cheers and applause ] whoo! thank you! thank you. i know it's a surprise to see me here. right now some confused old white lady is trying to adjust the darkness settings on her tv. in middle america someplace. no, lady. i'm not jimmy kimmel. i'm your guest host for the night, anthony anderson. [ cheers and applause ]
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every time you hear that name, i need you to shout your ass off, okay? i'm going to give a test and see if you're with me. anthony anderson! [ cheers and applause ] that's what i'm talking about. you might know me from the abc show "black-ish." [ cheers and applause ] oh, oh, hold on. that's the one about the black family, not the documentary about those whales getting beat up at seaworld. [ laughter ] that's "blackfish." we're "black-ish." got it? good. i'm here tonight so jimmy can be home with his family. as you may have heard, his son billy was born with a heart condition just two weeks ago. it was very scary but fortunately the little guy is doing very well. doing very well. [ cheers and applause ] thanks to some amazing doctors and nurses.
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we're wishing billy and his very tired parents the best. and if you'd like to donate to the good people at children's hospital los angeles, who took such great care of billy, please visit the address on your screen. [ cheers and applause ] you could give a lot or just a little. but give. give and don't an cheap-ass like my mama. [ laughter ] i might add, i might add -- the anderson family foundation, because of jimmy's monologue on monday, i'm having a golf tournament in a couple of weeks. and i've added children's hospital of los angeles to be one of my donors. [ cheers and applause ] we're going to make a huge donation to children's hospital los angeles. i'd like to thank jimmy and everyone at abc for letting me step in tonight. you know, they could have aired a re-run, but they decided, no, hiring anthony anderson would be [ cheers and applause ]
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i forgot we were playing a game. [ laughter ] they decided hiring me would be much cheaper. remember this at home, middle america. you get what you pay for. this is an exciting night for me, but it's also a historic night for the medium of television. a black man hasn't hosted a late night talk show for one night only since magic johnson. [ laughter ] sorry, magic. they wrote it. but i said it. this is a great gig. it comes with all the perks. a nice dressing room, a veggie platter, and a complimentary guillermo. [ cheers and applause ] give it up for guillermo, everybody! >> guillermo: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> anthony: how you doing today, buddy? >> guillermo: i'm doing good. you're doing a great job. >> anthony: thank you, brother. i appreciate that. i i don't want you to take offense to this, dellermo.
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but i am big-time now. i've decided to beef up my security tonight with someone who's protected and overprotected me my entire life. ladies and gentlemen, give it up for my mama, dorris! [ cheers and applause ] >> hello! >> anthony: hey, mama. >> hey. >> anthony: don't you look good. >> thank you, son. >> anthony: all right. don't she look good, everybody? [ cheers and applause ] >> anthony: mama. let me ask you this question. what does it feel like having your baby boy up here hosting "jimmy kimmel live" tonight? >> oh, i feel great, anthony. i'm so glad jimmy retired and let you keep the show. [ laughter ] >> anthony: no, mama -- >> i'm so excited >> no, no, no, mama. jimmy didn't retire. i'm just doing this for tonight. it's just a one-night gig, just one night. >> damn. [ laughter ] well, what i got on this old
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ugly ugly-ass suit for? [ laughter ] no offense, guillermo. but it ain't my style. >> anthony: okay, okay, all right, mama. can i get back to the monologue? i got a lot of things i want to talk about tonight. >> go ahead, son. >> anthony: all right, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> anthony: tonight is a little strange for me, because i went to the high school right across the street from here. hollywood high. hollywood performing arts magnet was my alma mauter. hold on. my teachers said i'd never make it very far. and geographically, they were correct. [ laughter ] and check this out. this right here? [ cheers and applause ] that's my real yearbook photo. getting my stoney jackson on. that's a sharkskin suit i bought at the compton swap meet for $100. yeah!
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i looked like lionel richie guest starring on "miami vice." [ laughter ] i have so many good memories from that time, but i am kind of mad at the school. they have this famous mural on the front of their auditorium. let see it. there it is. it has portraits of a bunch of celebrities that supposedly went to the school. judy garland. brandi. cher. laurence fishburne. first of all, i know laurence fishburne. and he only went to that school for three weeks. three damn weeks. that's the truth. i think brandi walked past it when she was goinge tussa tussaud's to watch some wax figures. you know who's not up there? the most famous of them all. me! anthony anderson! [ cheers and applause ]
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i mean, how many "barbershop" movies does a guy have to be in? i actually graduated from hollywood high school! you know who didn't? bruce damn lee. why the hell is bruce lee up there? i mean, no disrespect to bruce. he was one of the greats. but hell, he didn't go to high school. shouldn't that be, like, the number one mural qualification? you have to graduate from the high school your picture is on the side of the building up. it'd be like putting eddie murphy on mount rushmore. yeah he was hilarious in "trading places" and "raw." but dammit, it's presidents on the side of mt. rushmore! [ laughter ] look at me now. [ cheers and applause ] i'm a grown man screaming at a mural. okay, i need something to cheer me up. hm. i saw this today and it made me laugh. i think this might be my new favorite workout video.
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enjoy. >> $20, you owe me. you owe me $20. >> want your $20? >> $20. >> you'll get your 20 bucks. come on, baby. >> let me see what you got. >> you going to one time? >> one time. [ farting ] [ cheers and applause ] >> anthony: i think that was much more than just a fart. this is also in the news. american airlines is adding an exciting new feature to their plans. uh-huh, they're reducing the amount of leg room in their economy class seats by 2 inches. yep. they finally fixed the number one problem with air travel, too
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much damn leg room. [ laughter ] none of these airlines give you much space these days anyways. let's take a look at the chart. look at that. jet blue has the most leg room. then virgin, american, and spirit. but i do have a question. shouldn't virgin have the least amount of leg room? [ laughter ] it is called virgin. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] before we go on i'd like to talk about something very important to me. anthony anderson. [ cheers and applause ] stop. do you guys remember rachel dolezal? she's that woman from a few years ago who was the president of the naacp chapter in spokane, washington, but it turned out she was actually a white woman claiming to be a black woman?
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well, she's back. yeah, no, no -- she's still not black, she's back. she just put out a new memoir. it's called "in full color: finding my place in a black and white world." i see what she did there. and she recently changed her name to un-kay-chi uh-mar-ee de-ah-loh. i don't know what the hell that means. but i think it means -- "no one will hire me if i use my real name." she's getting a lot of heat for this. but the truth is, it can be hard to tell if you're black or not. so as a service to the public, i decided to make this informational video. pay close attention because you might learn something. ♪ ♪ >> hey. i'm anthony anderson. african-american identity is not always black and white.
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and that can lead to a lot of confusion. so let's get right to your questions. >> hi, anthony. my parents were both white but we all used to watch "the cosby show" together, it was my favorite show. am i black? >> anthony: great question. no, watching a tv show with an african-american cast does not make you black. also, if you were black, you definitely wouldn't be bringing up bill cosby right now. [ laughter ] next question. >> hey, anthony. i'm really tan. am i black? >> anthony: hell no. being tan does not make you black. black people originated from africa, and we were born with something called melanin. that's a natural tan. you spent spring break in daytona beach. taking jell-o shots out of your belly button. get the [ bleep ] out of here. [ laughter ] >> yo, anthony, whassup, yo! i dress and talk like this, am i black? >> anthony: hell no. >> you sure?
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you wanna hear my rap? >> anthony: i'd rather eat [ bleep ]. next! >> hi, anthony. the first cab i hailed actually picked me up. i went to cvs and nobody follow med around the store. i got on the elevator with three white ladies and only one clutched her purse. now -- am i black? >> anthony: wow. i don't know. that's -- that's a tough one. does your first name have an apostrophe in it? >> yeah. >> anthony: your ass is definitely black! >> thanks, brother. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> anthony: maybe i jumped the gun on that one. i hope i've managed to clear things up for you. for the learning channel, i'm anthony anderson. you dumb [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> anthony: i'm glad we cleared that up. tonight on the show, music from future. eddie wong is here. and we'll be right back with my friend, the great george lopez.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ where did we find the inspiration for our new flavors? it walked right in the door. introducing new signature crafted recipes. pico guacamole. sweet barbecue bacon. maple bacon dijon. you bring your flavor to the world. we bring ours to you.
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testinhuh?sting! is this thing on? come on! your turn! where do pencils go on vacation? pennsylvania! (laughter) crunchy wheat frosted sweet! kellogg's frosted mini-wheats. feed your inner kid shsale this weekend!& family and take an extra 20% off sale prices on a great gift for mom! like diamond earrings for only $39.99! take an extra 20% off a ninja coffee bar and new sandals are just $11.99. you'll get kohl's cash too! kohl's.
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>> anthony: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live" minus jimmy kimmel plus anthony anderson. [ cheers and applause ] whoo! i know that you're used to spending this time with your regular host, but think of this as a one night stand. jimmy never has to find out, baby. all right. this is a double-header for me. not only am i hosting this show, i was on "black-ish" earlier tonight here on abc.
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[ cheers and applause ] if you don't like me and you can't find the remote, tonight is really not your night. [ laughter ] by the way, the season finale of "black-ish" airs a week from tonight on abc at 9:30/8:30 central. shameless plug. and the game show i host, "to tell the truth" is back wednesday, june 14 at 10/9 central, another shameless plug. [ cheers and applause ] all right here on abc. if you haven't seen "to tell the truth," it's like the opposite of a sean spicer press conference. [ laughter ] i'm on that show with my lovely mama/security guard miss dorris, mama? [ cheers and applause ] >> anthony: mother, tell me this. are you excited to have your game show back on the air? >> oh, yes, i love it. i can't wait. another check, another check! >> anthony: no -- >> yes! >> anthony: i was about to ask what's exciting about it but i
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guess she just told us. >> check! >> anthony: tonight, he's a chef, an author, and host of the show "wong's world" on viceland. eddie wong is here. [ cheers and applause ] eddie is going to cook for us. he's going to make something called the "birdhaus bao." bo? bow? i'm from compton, i don't know how to say words like that. no idea what that is, but i'm gonna eat it. then we have the music from his number oneself-titled album. is going to be here on the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. tomorrow night, kristen bell will be covering guest hosting duties. from on friday, david spied will be here. my first guest is the star of the tv land show "lopez." why it's called that we may never know. please say buenas noches to my good friend george lopez. [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ >> anthony: all right! [ cheers and applause ] >> listen, your mom is a security guard? >> anthony: yeah. >> biological mother? >> anthony: biological mother. >> a lot of time we're raised by aunts and we call them mama. >> anthony: that's my real mama. >> tonight -- >> george! >> i'm going to reveal that guillermo is my son. [ cheers and applause ] >> anthony: okay, okay, hold on -- >> and this is his birth certificate.
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>> guillermo: yay! yeah! >> anthony: george lopez, you are the father! [ laughter ] >> listen, you know, those ice rigs, they got mexico so scared, we're taking our christmas lights down. we're putting our kids in the car seat. we don't want anybody to know. >> anthony: george, before we get started. we've been friends for close to 15 years, if not longer than that. >> we've been great trends for 15 years. [ cheers and applause ] >> anthony: and it's crazy to say this. but you've never met my mother before. >> that's right. [ laughter ] >> anthony: she wants to come over and kiss you. >> the only thing i really know about your mama is she's bad at bingo. that's all i know. >> i'm good, baby.
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i'm good. >> she got good? >> anthony: that's what she says. i don't know, she keeps asking me for money. >> i love the exchanges between you and your mother. my grandmother raised me. the moment i yelled at my daughter she yelled at me for yelling at my daughter. and i said, you yelled at me. she said, yeah, but you're stupid and she's not. skips a generation. >> anthony: right. george, you hosted a late night talk show for more than a night, right? >> yeah. >> anthony: interviewing people, was it easy? was it hard? how was that for you? >> you know, i don't usually give advice. but i watched the monologue. and i noticed one thing incredibly important. your hands are ashy. [ laughter ] put some of that lotion on there. >> anthony: okay, all right. >> wide your way into -- >> anthony: coquita, you're fired, i told you to take care of my knuckles!
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>> you want anthony anderson to have soft hands. >> anthony: last award show sam jackson told me to hit my ankles with lotion. there's a theme. >> hosting a talk show, i believe that it is very difficult because of the daily grind. also i believe since i've known you 15 years that you have a true level of insincerity that i believe will help you. [ laughter ] because listen, not everyone is interesting. so you'll be sitting there looking at somebody, what the [ bleep ] are they talking about? >> anthony: right, right, right. >> then you try to clap. yeah! yeah! >> anthony: to get everybody else engaged. >> like trying to do the wave at a baseball game, you're trying to start it. >> anthony: right, right, right. worst guest you've ever had on your show? >> there was a dude from the show called "human target." do you remember "human target"? he did not answer one question i asked him about any of the stuff -- and his cheek was going up and down. dude, i've got some adderall in my dressing room. the guy, i won't say his name,
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stiffler from "american pie," came out hammered. >> really? >> i fell asleep in a casino, i know what the [ bleep ] he was [ bleep ] on. [ laughter ] that dude was out. and i didn't interrupt him, i was trying to figure out what he was saying. >> anthony: right, right, right, right. >> they said, why didn't you interrupt him? i'm trying to figure out what his point is. yeah, you're doing a fantastic job. >> anthony: thank you, brother. >> i'm so proud of you for everything you're done. >> anthony: i appreciate that. >> wonderful. >> anthony: now we went from your worst guest, who's your best guest that you had on your show? >> i was fortunate enough to interview prince. [ cheers and applause ] he thought that i -- he thought that i used profanity too much. >> anthony: right. >> so he watched the show for two weeks. this is a jehovah witness watching television.
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>> anthony: unheard of. >> unheard of. so i could not cuss for two weeks. so instead of using profanity i used vegetables. >> anthony: oh. >> artichoke. eggplant. >> anthony: uh-huh. >> mother eggplant. [ laughter ] >> anthony: yes, yes. did prince -- did prince try to convert you? >> yes. >> anthony: to become a jehovah witness? >> did prince try to convert you? >> anthony: yes, at the elevator at his house, man. >> what, you hit the top floor, while i got you in here? >> anthony: no, he courted me at the elevator in his house while he was living here in los angeles. anthony, i hear some things are going on with my brothers and sisters out here in hollywood, is everything okay? i was like, uh, yeah, prince. anthony, can i call you? i was like, uh, yeah. then something happened in the background. he said, i'll be right back. so he leaves to go in the back. and then my wife was standing at the front door and she was like,
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baby, come on let's go, it's 3:00 in the morning. baby, come on let's go. i said, prince told me he'd be right back, i got to stay right here. she said, what's that? prince asked me for my telephone number, he's going to come back. then an assistant comes out, mr. anderson, prince is handling something in the back but he wanted me to get your information so he could call you. oh, okay. i gave her my information, name, number, e-mail address, and he would call, man, and invite me out. and come to talk about the bible. >> yeah. but wait a minute. speaking of that. didn't prince throw you out of his house? [ laughter ] >> anthony: no! what? no, where did you hear that? >> from prince. [ laughter ] >> anthony: why did he throw me out of the house? [ applause ] >> so prince, he says, do you mind if i teach you? i say, yes. i didn't know -- i said yes before i knew what it was.
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it could have been canasta. it could have been martial arts. i said yes. >> anthony: yes. >> he wanted to convert me to jehovah witness. and i said yes. so we had bible study class set up for wednesday. >> anthony: yeah. >> on monday, i went to a mexican restaurant and i ate jalapeno-stuffed rock shrimp. and i got food poisoning. and on wednesday i couldn't make it. so i called him and told him that i couldn't make it. and he said, do you know who is keeping you from the lord? and he said, the devil. is responsible for you not wanting to come to see me. i said, i thought it was [ bleep ] mexican restaurant. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] because when i was throwing up, i wasn't thinking about the devil, i was thinking rock shrimp! >> anthony: more with george lopez after this!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" brought to you by dq. mom, i have to tell you something. dad, one second i was driving and then the next... they just didn't stop and then... i'm really sorry. i wrecked the subaru. i wrecked it. you're ok. that's all that matters. (vo) a lifetime commitment to getting them home safely. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. welcome to maxx you. you are whimsical, vibrant, statement making. we see what makes you unique. so we have something for everyone, at a price that's just right for you.
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12:07 am
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am. you can't mix business and pleasure. george knows. >> both of you guys are convicted felons and you have probation officers and the last thing either of you guys need is trouble. >> we're not doing anything, he's just helping me out.
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>> no i saw how she looked at you. >> serious [ bleep ] eye. >> listen, you can't date your teacher. >> why not? you dated your daughter. >> i didn't date my daughter, that was a mistake. [ cheers and applause ] >> anthony: welcome back to "anthony anderson live." i'm here with george lopez. how many of the characters on "the lopez show" are based on real characters in your life? >> i've been fortunate that i've surrounded myself with good actors are all derived from real people. id i had a drive ir, remember oscar? >> anthony: i remember oscar. >> this guy drove maine me for three years. he passed every place that we went to. >> anthony: right. >> we always had to double back. with mapquest, google, his own instincts. we passed every [ bleep ] -- i hate to get lost. >> anthony: right, right. >> i'd say, do you know where you're going? he'd say, yeah i got it. going to the playboy mansion, he said, i've been there a lot.
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we passed it. and i said, you went to a house, that's not the playboy mansion. he said, have you here before? everything's happening on the other side of the wall, you can't see nothing from out here. >> anthony: right, right. >> we ring the bell. some old lady says, if you two don't get out of my driveway i'm going to call the police. and i said, dude, you passed the playboy mansion! it's not like a dry cleaner's that moves, you know? >> anthony: right, right. >> passed the playboy mansion. >> anthony: is that why oscar no longer drives for you? >> i fired him. i went to give him his check, i passed his house. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> anthony: all right, ladies and gentlemen. when we come back, we're going to cook with eddie wong and george lopez and my mama and guillermo! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ sweet cinnamon-sugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. ♪ sweet cinnamon-sugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. >> anthony: hello again. i'm anthony anderson, working the night shift for jimmy kimmel.
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my next guest is the chef at bauhaus. here to cook me into a food coma, please welcome eddie huang! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> anthony: how you doing? >> good, good. >> anthony: all right, all right. before we get started, what are we cooking today? >> okay, we cooking the bird house bao. >> anthony: hold on, helped sa cooking. we cooking. >> gloves on, gloves on. >> anthony: all right, all right. >> when did people start wearing gloves to cook, eddie? >> probably around the same time we stopped wearing condoms. >> anthony: eddie's funny! [ laughter ] all right, this is the bird house bao, you like it? >> anthony: what's going on here? >> this is a chicken that we brine 24 hours. >> anthony: what do you brine it in? i'm a chef myself. >> okay. >> anthony: i have a rosemary
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brine that i do. buttermilk fried chicken. i'm interested to see what you have here. >> why do you got to be a closet chef, are you bad? >> anthony: no, because i do other things. >> we do this with panda sweat and dragon tears -- >> anthony: i like that. is that what this is? >> that is the slurry, corn starch slurry. >> anthony: pour it in the chicken? >> yeah mix it up. >> anthony: all right, we got to get started. okay, get busy. all right. oh, massage the meat. >> velvetize it. >> anthony: velvetize it. what are we doing? >> now roll it into the bird house flour. >> anthony: roll it into the bird house flour. there we go, roll it into the bird house flour. >> get them now here, we double fry this. >> anthony: why do you double fry it? >> you slow fry it. slow play the chicken a little bit. then get it tender. >> anthony: get it tender. >> then pull it out, then fry it real hard. >> anthony: drop it in there?
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>> drop it in there. >> anthony: george, i'm giving you my heat to handle. handle my meat. >> glad i'm wearing a love. [ laughter ] >> anthony: me too. >> that's right. >> anthony: me too. >> safe meat practice, safe meat handling. >> anthony: talk about this boxing match you have coming up. >> friday is my first fight. ima beat up this nice man who works at vice. >> anthony: no, what's the fight about? >> the thing is i do graffiti at the office sometimes. i was spray painting all my favorite chinese restaurant in the parking lot one day, benihana, nobu, ciao's, bauhaus. he was unhappy all the legendary restaurants was in the parking lot. i spranted rice land and bowls of rice. >> anthony: i love that. what about the chicken? >> we got a little more time. >> anthony: a little more time? >> we didn't start the egg timer but that's all right. a minute. it will come it and george will put it fry hard in the hot oil. >> anthony: why are we doing it in two different temperatures? of oil? >> because it's nice and tender
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here. you get it tender. lower heat. then you fry it hard to get crispy. >> anthony: mama, what's smoking? >> i don't know but it's going right up his nose. [ laughter ] >> guillermo, this is bao. >> open it. fry it hard? >> keep it hot. >> anthony: that looks good, man. >> what kind of oil that is? >> there's a new technique, george, the triple-fisting the chicken. >> i did, i did. >> i usually do one by one. >> anthony: that's not peanut oil. >> i think it's peanut oil. >> anthony: you think it is? >> usually it's peanut oil. at the restaurant we do soybean oil because it's cheaper. on tv we tell people peanut oil. [ laughter ] >> anthony: that's good. >> in your restaurant do they go, is this all gluten free? it's like, si, gluten free. >> eddie, tell me about "
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world" on viceland. >> we try to experience identity, multi-cultureively, through the consumption and exploration of food. >> anthony: that's what's up. how long should this cook? >> another minute. you want it hard and crispy. >> anthony: the ladies always want it real hard, eddie. >> yep. [ laughter ] >> anthony: i don't know about cri cri crispy. hard and crispy, something went wrong. >> don't show up half. >> anthony: no, no. >> half hard or half crispy. >> no, no, no. >> anthony: so once it's cooked and half hard, we have some precooked what do we do? >> this one is ready to go. >> anthony: how can you tell? because it's floating to the top? >> right there the starch. golden brown. this is an slept piece. >> anthony: nobody wants to get salmonella, eddie. >> i'm going to have to steal this triple-fisting technique. >> scoop them all up. that way we pick up our kids, we pick them up at the same time. >> same time, same time. [ laughter ]
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>> all right, turn that off. >> anthony: what do we have here? guillermo? >> guillermo, pull this up, bam! >> wow. >> yeah. >> that's bao's. i always wanted to do that emeril, bam! do it! pick up a bao. >> anthony: pick up a bao. you got gloves on, guillermo. spread it open. >> all right, put some of the spicy aioli on there, got a little spreader. that's a lot of mayonnaise. >> guillermo: i'm mexican. >> he ain't paying for it. >> like the mayonnaise. >> guillermo: yeah, extra. >> anthony: give me mama some meat so she can put the meat in there. mama like the meat, mama like it hard. [ laughter ] >> this is the biggest, crispiest piece -- >> anthony: mama like it big and hard. firmed out the hart way. [ laughter ] my bedroom was right next to hers and my daddy's.
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>> i want a little cilantro. >> anthony: baby, bring me a warm towel mitt. until i became an adult. >> we forgot one step here. this is like the asian lowery's seasoning. >> anthony: what's it called? >> baorie's. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> miss dorris not going to eat? >> i'm going to let garmo heat. >> anthony: his name is guillermo. put the meat in my mama's mouth, guillermo. put the meat in my mama's mouth. [ cheers and applause ] >> anthony: mama, don't use your teeth, don't use your teeth. >> oh, that was good. >> i'm turned. i'm really turned, wow. >> it's hot. >> this is amazing. >> anthony: that's good. >> this is good. >> the piece with lipstick is real delicious. [ laughter ] >> anthony: that's my mama.
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that's my may mark eddie huang. hey, hey, hey, what's up with this photo with you in your drawers? >> oh, this one. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> that's the undies campaign for pandemonium, you see the work, know what i mean? >> anthony: no, i don't see the work. >> the nice brown nipples -- >> anthony: i'm not looking for the work. put a codpiece on the next time you're going to wear tight drawers. "wong's world" returns so viceland on june 28th. we'll be right back with music from future! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz.
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the best or nothing. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees.
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jack vo: things get a lot more jack vo: vampires wake up. jack vo: werewolves come out. jack vo: the boogie man gets his boogie on. jack vo: and my hashbrowns turn into my new munchie mashups. jack vo:they come with crispy hashbrowns and tasty white cheese mashed up with your choice of savory egg and bacon, buffalo chicken and ranch, or jalapeños and bacon. jack vo: so you can keep going until the sun comes up. jack vo: ouch, that's gotta hurt. jack vo: introducing my new munchie mashups. only at jack in the box. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is
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presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> anthony: that's our show. kristen bell will be your foster host tomorrow. i'd like to thank george lopez, eddie huang, guillermo, my mama dorris, and my boo jimmy kimmel. "nightline" is next. but first, his self-titled album is available now. here with the song "mask off," give it up for future! ♪ ♪ ♪ hands up hands up ♪ percocets molly percocets percocets molly percocets rep the set
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gotta rep the set ♪ ♪ chase a check never chase a ♪ ♪ mask on -- it mask off mask on -- it mask off ♪ ♪ percocets molly percocets chase a check never chase a ♪ ♪ two cups toast up with the gang from food stamps to a whole 'nother domain ♪ ♪ out the bottom i'm the livin' proof they compromising half a million on the coupe ♪ ♪ drug houses lookin' like peru graduated i was overdue ♪ ♪ pink molly i can barely move ask about me i'm gon' bust a move ♪ ♪ ♪ rick james 33 chains old chanel crusin' biscayne ♪
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♪ top off that's a liability hit the gas boostin' my adrenaline ♪ ♪ percocets molly percocets percocets molly percocets rep the set gotta rep the set ♪ ♪ chase a check never chase a ♪ ♪ mask on -- it mask off mask on -- it mask off ♪ ♪ percocets molly percocets chase a check never chase a ♪ ♪ ♪ before the maybach i'd drive anything buy my range make 'em go insane ♪ ♪ my guillotine drank promethazine tek and beams go to those extremes ♪ ♪ parliament call up mari wednesday parlay in vegas we was in attendance ♪ ♪ before the business theodore lenses whole prescriptions focus on the missions ♪ ♪ intermission never take a break switch states touch down foreign plates ♪ ♪
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♪ ain't no way ain't no -- way you come to play we didn't come to play ♪ ♪ rob the bank we gon' rob the game they gang we gang but they are not the same ♪ ♪ percocets molly percocets percocets molly percocets rep the set gotta rep the set ♪ ♪ chase a check never chase a ♪ ♪ mask on -- it mask off mask on -- it mask off ♪ ♪ percocets molly percocets chase a check never chase a ♪ ♪ mask on -- it mask off mask on -- it mask off ♪ ♪ mask on -- it mask off gas gone never nod off ♪ ♪ mask on -- it mask off mask on -- it mask off ♪ ♪ mask on -- it mask off gas gone never nod off ♪ >> make some noise for future!
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tonight, a special edition of "nightline." "femicide, the untold war." we journey to one of the most dangerous places on earth to be a woman. >> we're going on a ride-along with the military police. >> we're may cheechismo and gan culture breed violence. >> men can do anything they want with a woman. >> the tragic murder of a beauty queen a symbol for a nation of women living in fear. >> he hit you really hard. >> the crisis forcing thousands to seek shelter on our shores. on the front lines of the fight for change. to end the epidemic of femicide. this special edition of "nightline" "femicide, the untold war," will be right back.


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