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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  May 9, 2017 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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is next. we'll have team coverage on "world news it's may 9th. time for great viral videos "right this minute ♪ >> an 88-year-old woman shines in a duet with her son. >> you can see just how much this means to him. >> the touching story of how music brings mom back. dude showing his skills -- >> doesn't hit anything. >> see the driver who loops it and the one who loses it. >> oh! all those people looking up can't be good. >> holy cow! >> what they see dangling that's about to come down. plus the buzzword for your shot to win a new ipad mini. as
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and gayle break down the best on including the salon talk. >> girl, i'm trying to tell you. >> the girlfriend chat where mom's word is gospel. >> girl, he crazy. >> he crazy. >> if i didn't know any better, this could be an old home movie of you. all i can say is grab your tissues. if you're anything like me, these videos can make you cry. ♪ >> they're singing dreaming of a little cabin. his mother is 88 years old battling alzheimer's. he says it's been very difficult because there are very few moments that they are able to connect, where they're mother and son. but he says that music is what
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brings her back. and when they sing, there she is. mom. right there sharing with him. so he decided to record this song. ♪ >> you can see just how much this means to him. he said they've done this before but never had he thought to reco. ♪ welcome to the jungle. >> well, it might take us back to the glory days. >> you never know. they don't do that song, but they do praise. ♪ not long ago i was thinking of
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home ♪ >> i'm glad he recorded this. being able to capture moments that will last forever. >> these videos have been huge. they are getting international attention. and i think in some way they can all relate to this. >> there's an event in scottsdale that happens every week where a group of guys and gals get together with their cool cars. when they leave, people like to do this. >> oh, side show. so lucky he loops it around. doesn't hit anything. but the next guy -- >> oh! >> damian miller, the guy holding the camera just barely missed getting hit. >> lord have mercy.
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>> totaled, isn't it? >> it's a mess. there's a number of cameras out there that capture it. even an aerial view of the aftermath. all these people gathering around to, of course, you know, get the social media aspect of the event. police and emergency crews were on scene quickly. make sure this kind of stuff doesn't happen. and if it does, that people can get out of it safely. awhile to see how stupid and dangerous this next dash cam video was. >> what is that person doing on the back of that truck? >> i believe the kids call it stitching. he's wearing a pair of roller blades and just instead of, you know, using leg power, hang on there. he lets go of the truck and coasts off to his destination. >> oh, man, that was a marty mcfly move. >> give the dude props for not falling and getting hit by another car.
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not checking the side to see if someone was next to him. he got a miracle that day. >> we'll give it to him. >> also a finger wag. bad. heads up, everybody. heads up. you see guys standing with their heads up. they're positioning. >> they forgot their car keys. somebody in the apartment is going to throw them down. >> it's more than keys dangling. you notice other people start to join. >> my goodness. it must be precious. because they clearly don't want to drop it. >> oh! >> was holding onto the rails. that's when the folks on the street saw it dangling there. >> that kid is so lucky all those people were paying attention. >> unfortunately the parents weren't paying attention.
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>> let's move to russia where this is on fire and you see the smoke billowing out the window. >> whoa! that caught that person too? >> yes. that was a 9-year-old boy who happened to just out of the window to get away from the fire. >> there are people down there already. did they jump as well? >> no. in fact, they saw the child sitting on the edge of the window crying. they ran to help the kid. they used a banner and told the kid to jump. as to how this started, some say maybe he was playing with the lighter. he was taken to the hospital and has a minor concussion and some bruises. you know what? i'm really happy at the results of these two situations. they could have been tragic. but somehow they turned out okay. >> both instances, people were paying attention to their surroundings and jumped in to help. it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> to enter you need tuesday's buzzword, be at least 21 years old, and be a legal resident of
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united states or canada. >> it's coming up in a little bit. >> stand by, everybody, for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. tom here has had a tushl idea. >> i'm going to be shipping myself into sea and see where i end up. >> he's going to mail himself across the english channel in this. the ss idiot, i'm dubbing. there you go. you've got yourself an ocean going vessel. >> just drill holes in it. make sure you can breathe and you'll be all right. >> if you're worried about his safety inside this coffin -- >> i'm not. >> he does take the safety seriously. >> we got like a safety raft. >> he's ready. that's all you need. so like thes astronauts of old, he gets inside the small capsule. >> they're just going to toss him in the water. >> waiting for the tide to come and take me >> great idea. >> don't tip all the way around
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it. >> time to go. >> this is scary. >> they seal this so well. they don't even one single leap. >> drama! >> we have a leak. i can't believe it. >> fortunately he was able to fix that leak off camera. but before you know it -- >> we just hit land. >> they're going to get the box open. that was easy. look at that. he's on a beach. >> he made it. holy smokes. >> he is now in france as you can see. so -- >> no. nobody else do this. >> if you are going to do this, do it exactly the same way i think this guy's done it. let's start with the obvious. when he's inside the box. listen. the sound of crashing waves. waves do not crash when you're out in the open sea. let's talk about how amazingly convenient it is that he landed on the beach. of all the places in the whole of europe, he landed on a beach. >> he made it seem like he did this and get somebody else to do it because they saw it on
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youtube. >> and that's why i wanted to point out all of these inaccuracies. kids, teenagers, impressionable people see things like that and think that's a great idea. no, no, it's not. while an entertaining video, i think we're a teeny bit suspicious. >> slightly. >> i'm all the way suspicious. this resilient young girl gets a big surprise. >> notice anything special about that puppy? >> the story behind her friend that couldn't be a more perfect fit. and you're it. at this championship why it's the slick competition to catch the win. sometimes., washed up, never. new age perfect rosy tone moisturizer from l'oreal. created to flatter your skin tone.
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the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. closed captioning provided by -- strength.
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so for 24 hour symptom relief be wise all take new xyzal. kristin davis from sweet paw rescue called parents. >> are you surprised to see me at your school? i have a surprise for you. >> she had a surprise all right. she goes to the car, opens the door. >> no, he can't jump out. you have to help him. >> the dog can't hop out on his own. >> wait, did you get this for me? >> yeah. >> it is? >> cute. >> notice anything special about that puppy? >> amputated limbs? >> it does have an amputated limb. you see right there. they call this dog triple.
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now renamed try. she renamed the dog try because she was born with amniotic band syndrome. that affected the shape of her hands and leg and foot. she's undergone 19 surgeries. even though she's endured so much, she has such great courage. the family decided at one point, they needed to remove her foot. it was a big decision but it was to cut back on pain for her. when that happened, she had told them i want a dog that looks like me. i want a dog that's missing a limb. so sweet paws rescue went on the hunt looking for a dog that would fill the bill for her. >> if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. >> exactly. the cool thing is that she has a blog where she posted these pictures. she wanted people to know her struggles with this condition because she's had so many surgeries. >> good on this organization for finding the dog at her request. we talk about what a difference it makes when children who have
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differences find someone or somebody they can . i wish with all of my heart somebody told me this was a thing when i was a child. it's chase tag. this is a chase tag championship final. you see this dude is bobbing and wiiing. he goes under that table. . >> sliding under the dinner table. >> yeah, pretty much. >> how does it work? one and then evade and then switch? >> yeah. they last for a predetermined period of time. each round has one chaser and one evader. you get a point when you tag the opponent. or when you evade your opponent the entire 20 seconds. >> oh! >> so close. i feel like you have to be a
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professional parkourist. we take ourselves out. >> as adults i'd totally belly flop. >> they would have to have an amateur round at this championship just to see people like us try this, that would be fun to watch. >> instead of metal bars, it'd have to be foam bars. >> oh, we'd have to wear helmets. >> most definitely. >> so how does one enter this competition? could we put together team "right this minute"? >> you do what you want to do. i'll be a coach, but i'm not playing. >> i'll show you how to play. >> tag, you're it. >> i just pick up something to nail you. here we go. . they hope to defend their title this summer. i can't wait to see that video. the struggle is real and so are his rhymes. >> you young whippersnapper, you
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can't be buying a house. >> next "right this minute." and still to come, some guys find an abandoned mine. but that's not all. >> there's something in there. >> they think it's a horse, but they soon discover it is not. >> see why what's inside requires one massive rescue mission. >> stay tuned. plus we've got the tuesday buzzword you need for your chance to win an ipad mini. ♪ the sun'll come out for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine,
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don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow ♪ ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. ♪ you're only a day away. the bathroom. when things go wrong here, you remember. quilted northern is designed to work so well, you can forget your bathroom trips. but little miss puffytail can never forget. "the only thing worse than having such large ears, is having such large eyes." classic hershey's; plus cookie bits; plus caramel. hershey's cookie layer crunch. a layered twist on a classic.
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hershey's cookie layer crunch. promotional considerations provided by -- the power to take on skin itch and irritation. and get fast acting relief that lasts 10 full hours. that's the power of 10. cortizone 10®. i'll just say you got a couple up going to explore and
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find a new cave. well, they found it and a little something more. >> i can hear it. there's something in there. >> what can possibly be in there? >> i don't know. but let's throw things at it and taunt it and make it angry. >> one of them have a thermal camera so they turn it on to find out what it is. >> it must come out the other side. >> so they enter the cave. then he notices something else. >> it stinks of death. >> it does. >> that was the last person toying around in there. >> he puts the camera in. >> that light you see there at the end of the tunnel and that thermal camera image they think it's an opening they don't know about or something else. >> don't know if you can see that. oh, it's a baby calf. >> that is crazy. >> the first thing they have to do, they call the police. >> there's a calf and it's got a gammy leg and it's stuck down a
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mine shaft. >> the fire brigade is called in. they have to see what's going on. >> they take a look and they have to call the team in. this is a farmer missing a cow. they believe that cow had been in there for a week. the cow has wedged herself in in such a way, they can't back her out. they have to get the ropes to get the cow out. then the cow does not immediately get up. she's not able to do it. once they pull her all the way out, they have to bring in a card and then pull her onto the cart to get her out of there. but all's well that ends well. she's rescued. the farmer is going to put her in a pasture with green grass and let her recover. germany. beautiful setting as the sun sets for some awesome nighttime activity. we've got hang glider pilot lighting up the night sky with his illuminated wing as he just
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soars over munich in this glorious video. >> you know the local munich police were getting ufo calls. >> that's exactly what i was thinking. all those videos you're getting, it was this guy just flying around in the sky. >> good way to do it though. i mean, look at it. looks so chill. >> it was flying so erratically. >> speaking of people checking it out and calling it in, lots of people on the ground looking up to the sky seeing him turn surls in his l.e.d. glider. his suit also looks like it was lighting up as well. from a distance, it looks like something out of the world. >> where's his landing zone? >> i'd like to think that wolf gang has that sorted. >> it really does look incredibly pretty. it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> to enter you need the buzzword, be at least 21 years old, and a legal resident of the united states or kahn dwa. >> then head over to, click on
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win ipad. >> enter the buzzword on facebook, twitter, or both. you can use each every day. >> all right. let's reveal the buzzword. it is trilogy. >> now get on over to, click on the win ipad button and enter tuesday's buzzword trilogy. t-r-i-l-o-g-y. >> good luck, everybody. it's time for salon talk with mom, and -- >> well, jade has caught on really quickly. >> gir crazy. >> you crazy. >> see why this baby
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>> this is true artisan work. ladies around the world do this weekly. they go to the salon, talk smack. >> we do it every day in the makeup chair. >> 1-year-old jade has caught on quickly. >> then i told him, is you crazy? >> is you crazy? >> kwirl, he tripping, right? >> tripping right. >> she has her brush out and she's brushing her momma's hair. >> and can you believe he tries to ask me to get up first to get your breakfast? girl, he crazy. >> he crazy. >> and then as her mom continues -- >> guess what, i found some sea world tickets for free for military, girl. we don't have to go.
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>> because she's 1. she's going to imitate and duplicate as she does here. >> girl, i'm trying to tell you. >> i'm trying to tell you. >> ain't he crazy? >> crazy. >> girl. >> girl. >> something tells me she's been listening to the older ladies, perhaps her momma and aunties do a butt of this. >> girl. >> girl. >> can you believe it? >> no. >> me either, girl. you tripping, girl. >> dad is the one who started all this, if you will, in the sense that he didn't want them talking baby talk to little jade here. and it seems as though she's learned quickly how to not only dish it, but serve it, if you will. and everybody is loving them some jade. >> does she take appointments? thanks for watching. see you on the next all new
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tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. a short time ago, president trump firing fbi director james comey. inside the president's stunning decision. comey under fire for his handling of the hillary clinton e-mail investigation. his decision to go public, then reigniting the investigation 11 days before the election, only to then reveal it turned up nothing. and tonight, we ask what happens now in the current fbi investigation into russian meddling. >> also breaking tonight, the emergency declared at a nuclear site here in the u.s. a tunnel collapsing, thousands of workers told to shelter in place. >> the new and stunning case tonight. a brawl on a passenger jet from dallas, the flight attendant caught in the middle.


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