tv 2020 ABC May 13, 2017 10:07pm-11:01pm PDT
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tonight, on a "20/20" ♪ under the sea >> the familiar voices a little boy loved, until he lost his voice. his connection to the world. >> doesn't make sense. kids don't grow backwards. >> you feel like you've lost your child. >> then, found his voice again. with the help of disney characters we all know and love. ♪ all the bare necessities >> using their voices to speak for him. >> he's using these movies to interpret our world. >> the astounding story of parents who found a way to talk to their son.
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>> owen, how does it feel to be you? >> and that son who grew up. >> yes! gilbert gottfried! >> and found a way to talk to the world. >> what was mufasa teaching simba? >> now spreading his message on the radio, and in a new movie. that your life can be animated. no matter how it starts. >> you're the greatest. >> i am the greatest. >> you are the greatest. >> finding owen, a boy's story. >> good evening. i'm deborah roberts. thanks for joining us for a story that has something for every family about never giving up. it's a story about the movies and how two parents say the animated characters from disney
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movies our parent company spoke to their little boy owen and in turn helped him speak literally. owen's story became the basis for the documentary life animated nominated for oscar gold this past year. so now lights, camera, owen. >> daddy and owen. fighting with swords in the leaves. >> reporter: a dad and son playing make-believe in a massachusetts suburb. >> it's a video like every family has a zillion of at this point. leafy backyard. it's autumn. we're running in the crunching leaves. >> reporter: a treasured moment in time, a backyard recreation that appears unremarkable. >> thank you. thank you. >> we're doing a sword fight. peter pan sword fight. owen, who are you? >> i'm peter pan, and you're captain hook. >> okay.
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oh, no! and it was really a glimpse of a life that would soon change and vanish. >> reporter: ron and cornelia suskind are journalists raising two boys, 5-year-old walt and his younger brother owen. >> say night-night. >> night-night. >> in the early days, we lived on -- what we now look back and call the continent normal. >> it was just perfect. owen was easy as pie. just gentle, happy. he was interacting, speaking completely normally. you know, "this is my crib. this is walter's big boy bed." >> i still can't watch it. >> you still can't watch it. >> he had a few hundred words, usual 2 1/2-year-old vocabulary. he could say what he wanted, "i love you. let's get ice cream. where are my ninja turtles?" >> reporter: then, three months
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after the backyard sword fight, a sudden and seismic shift. owen's words begin disappearing at an alarming rate. >> cornelia says, "something isn't right with owen." she says, "he's not talking." and i'm noticing it, too. and then she says he won't look at you. >> and i actually thought that he was having a hearing issue, because you'd say, "owen," and he wouldn't turn and look at you. >> reporter: in their home movies, you see he's disconnected. >> his motor skills seem to have gone haywire. you know, he's walking around like someone with their eyes closed. it doesn't make sense. kids don't grow backwards. >> reporter: worried, they take owen to a specialist. >> i remember holding him in a bear hug and just thinking, you know, i'm just going to hold you so tight. and love you so much that whatever is going on will go
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aw away. >> and then the doctor sits us down and says let me explain this to you. this is called autism. >> we didn't hear anything she said. after she said that word. we couldn't possibly comprehend this could be owen and this could be his future. >> we're looking at that video like we're looking for clues to a kidnapping. >> where did he go? >> you feel like you have lost your child. when you can't get them to smile when you say something or to respond when you say i love you, that doesn't leave you with a lot. >> what is this? owen? >> for the next year intensive speech and language therapy becomes owen's full time world but he remains silent. >> those words were down to a single word, juice. one word. >> cornelia thinks he wants more
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juice. juicer. he wants more juice. doesn't want the juice. >> owen had always enjoyed disney movies like "the lion king". ♪ no worries for the rest of your days ♪ >> but now they're his only comfort. >> he would calm down during the movies so that was our little refuge. that was really the only time we would be together. >> i want to be where the people are. >> then one day during a family viewing of the little mermaid a movie they watched over and over again a revelation. owen's repetition of the word juice suddenly makes sense. >> it's the moment where aerial realizes she needs to become human. >> can you do that? >> and she makes her deal with the sea witch. and she says it won't cost you much, just your voice and owen rewinds. >> just your voice. >> fourth rewind.
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she says it's not juice. it's not juice, it's just. >> i thought that's what he's saying. he's saying just your voice. >> my god. just your voice! and he says juicer, juicer. and it's the first time he looks at me in a year. and starts jumping on the bed, owen is talking again and cornelia begins to cry saying he's still there. >> ron is convinced his vanished boy is re-emerging. >> we go to the doctor the next day and he's like you're probably not going to like this, have a sit. we call this echolalia. like a parrot? he's like kind of. >> the doctor over the next three years, owen barley speaks and defies the medical
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prediction. it's walter's ninth birthday. owen is 6. >> we were cleaning up and owen was down in the dumps. >> owen says walter doesn't want to grow up like peter pan. and off he runs. it was like a thunder bolt want through the kitchen. what just happened? >> what did he say? he actually noticed something about walter and he is able to verbalize that to us? >> it was not only his first sentence it was a big sentence and complex and an insight that we did not have about walter. >> it was enormous. it was a complete changing of the telescope really. >> he's using these movies to interpret our world, the bigger world. at that point we just are giddy and cornelia after several hours says find a way back in. find a way.
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>> next -- >> i say to him in that voice, owen, owen, how does it feel to be you? >> finding owen. how does a puppet show crack the code? >> it's our first conversation since he was 2 years old. that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise... jardiance lowers blood sugar and a1c in adults with type 2 diabetes. jardiance is also the only type 2 diabetes treatment with heart- proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death in adults with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. jardiance can cause serious side effects, including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing.
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"20/20" continues with finding owen. once again, debra roberts. >> reporter: owen suskind's brother walt is celebrating his 9th birthday, and it has brought the best gift the family could imagine. 6-year-old owen, trapped in silence by his autism, finally speaks. >> that was really a huge moment of revelation. >> reporter: owen compares his brother walt to peter pan, a sudden glimpse into the mystery of his mind. >> i have to grow up tomorrow. >> grow up? >> reporter: could disney movies be the codebreaker, the key to communication with owen? ron has an epiphany. >> i go up to the bedroom. and then i see on the floor, next to the bed, is a puppet. it's iago, the evil sidekick to the villain, jafar, in "aladdin." >> jafar?
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jafar? get a grip! >> so i crawl across the rug as quietly as i can. i don't want him to look at me. and i throw the bedspread over my head, i grab the puppet. i push the puppet up through the bedspread. and i say to him in gilbert gottfried's voice, "owen, owen, how does it feel to be you?" and owen turns to the puppet like he's bumping into an old friend. and he goes, "not good. i'm lonely and i have no friends." and then we talk. it's iago and owen. it's our first conversation since he's 2 years old. it's like mozart. i throw over the bedspread. i'm like, "we're speaking in disney dialogue." i hug owen. i run down. i hug cornelia. >> reporter: that bedside discovery launches an experiment, what ron calls the basement sessions. every night, the family gathers to watch and reenact disney scenes like in "the jungle book."
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♪ wherever a i wander, wherever i roam ♪ >> cornelia and i basically get phds in disney. >> we were jumping into his language and his world, going in to where he was rather than trying to bring him out to where we were. they soon discover owen has memorized dozens of disney movies. and not only knows the lines, he's using the films to teach himself about life. >> he started to use the movies as a kind of mirror to understand his life. "hercules" for not giving up. >> you've got to swear to be safe from any harm. >> "jungle book" for making friends. "pinocchio" for what it feels like to be a real boy. >> you are a real boy! >> reporter: owen is at a school for children with learning disabilities. his language skills are improving. >> what is it, "o"? >> it's a game. >> yeah. >> reporter: and soon, his art skills, too.
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by age 11, 5 years after uttering that first sentence at walt's party, owen's spending hours immersed in animation in a new way -- drawing. when ron stumbles upon his sketchpad, he begins to understand owen's view of himself. >> as you flip through the pages, i see there's 100 sidekicks. no heroes. the last two pages, he writes two things. "i am the protector of the sidekicks." and on the last page, he writes, "no sidekick gets left behind." >> reporter: and for every sidekick, there is a hero. for owen, it's his brother walt. student body president, on the football team, and popular. >> like any big brother, you want to be his protector, you want to be his role model. >> reporter: walt's rites of passage become a roadmap for owen. when walt celebrates his bar mitzvah, owen takes notice. >> and as the age approached, owen said, "when is my bar mitzvah?"
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i never thought, "okay, walter's having a bar mitzvah. owen will have a bar mitzvah." >> reporter: it would be a life-changing event. the years of therapy, disney movies and otherwise, have paid off. owen wrote the sermon himself. >> sometimes, people are scared of people who are not like them. they can be mean and ignore them sometimes. we should never take advantage of another person's weakness. >> i would say that owen's bar mitzvah day was the proudest day of his life. >> god gave me strength, courage and a big heart. >> he was bursting. just blew everybody away. >> look at all the faces beaming with you. take that snapshot with you every day from now on. >> let's hear it for the star of the show! [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: the message of acceptance that owen has shared with his temple, he wants to share with the world.
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>> he said to us, "i really want people to know what people like me with autism are, that we're just like them." >> reporter: by now, ron has written five bestselling books about education, politics, the economy, but now he decides to share the story of owen in a book he calls "life animated." then, academy award-winning filmmaker roger ross williams takes notice. >> i really wanted to tell the story of the outsiders. and i really wanted to tell the story of people like owen who people look past. >> reporter: next, meet grown-up owen today. >> my name is owen suskind. >> reporter: living it up with his disney heroes. and finding love. stay with us. connecting with my friends. love it. connecting with some sketchy guy from a blocked number
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owen was about to go through this really transformative year of his life. he was about to graduate from school, he had fallen in love, and he was about to become independent. so i was going to follow owen and hit these moments in his life that are universal. >> reporter: universal moment number one. boy meets girl. owen finds love at his school for special needs, surprising his family. >> seeing owen in what he calls a love relationship was the single most joyous thing of my life. >> these are for you. >> oh, thank you, owen. >> it's beautiful. it's romance.
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>> emily a wonderful and cute and adorable and sweet soft and jindal. >> seems owen has his future figured out. >> emily will move into the apartment above me and we'll be neighbors in love. >> the man capturing these moments once it to be honest of owen but behind the scenes he's forced to be honest with himself. >> i didn't know anything about autism. to be honest i was uncomfortable in the beginning around owen. i didn't know how to behave. i was like everyone else in the world. >> reporter: over time some things come into focus for the film maker. >> that was the first stereotype that got broken down for me. i was like people with autism actually fall in love and have relationships. >> reporter: owen met his first love at disney club, a group he created for classmates who share a love of disney to discuss
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their feelings. >> he lives in you. >> what was he teaching simba. >> reporter: the club has a star drop in like jonathan freeman the voice of jafar in disney's "aladdin." >> the boy was a criminal. >> reporter: jonathan and owen take center stage to run a few lines together. >> ready. >> okay. jafar, what if you were the -- >> reporter: but the two are upstaged by another familiar voice. >> the idea has -- >> yes, merit. gilbe gilbert! >> the surprise guest brings down the house. >> i just don't believe it! we're never going to get a hold of that stupid --
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>> reporter: it is graduation day on the cape and owen suskind has a cheering section worthy of the red sox. >> every single member of our family came to that graduation. it was an extraordinary day. it really was. >> owen suskind. >> and there he was with this mortar board on. and holding up his arms saying, "i made it." i'm so proud of you. you're the greatest. >> i am the greatest. >> you are the greatest. >> here we are, owen. >> yes, here we are. >> reporter: months later, another "first," when owen moves into his own apartment. taking up residence here in a supported community but living on his own in a condo. and just as he imagined, his dream girl is living right upstairs. >> in a million years i would never have imagined that owen would be where he is today.
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never. >> my new home. good-bye, mom. >> and all of a sudden it's the moment of letting go. and then we say, "see you. i love you. have a good night. call us tomorrow." that moment of release, all exhilaration and terror at the same time. >> reporter: afterwards the documentary cameras keep rolling. like most nights, owen picks a movie to watch. on the first night of his independence, he chooses "bambi." >> hunters are in the forest chasing bambi and his mother. and his mother gets shot. >> i didn't see that until i was sitting in an audience at sundance at the premiere. so there i am sitting with
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800 people around me, and i'm seeing the -- owen's first night on his own, and the movie that he chose, and i -- it just blew my mind. >> i think he chose bambi because he was losing his mother. that really tore my heart out. >> reporter: 28-year old walt also surprises his mother, revealing his deepest feelings about becoming the future caretaker of his younger brother. >> it will be just me and i'll be ready. i've been getting ready my whole life. but it can be overwhelming to think about. it can keep you up at night. >> those were feelings that walter never shared with us, never. that's his life.
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that has been his life. it's very hard for us to hear, but it's true. >> it's a little different i feel like, for me as a brother, because in some ways, i feel like a brother. and in some ways i feel like his parent. >> reporter: what role will the big brother play next when the phone rings and the news is not good? >> emily broke up with owen. >> reporter: when we return. >> this is driving me crazy. ♪ everyday, millions of you walk through our front doors. and you inspired our new flavors. introducing mcdonald's signature crafted recipes. sweet barbecue bacon made with crispy onions. pico guacamole made with real hass avocados. maple bacon dijon with thick-cut applewood smoked bacon. purchase any signature crafted recipe sandwich and use the mcdonald's app to get a free medium fries and soft drink. you bring your flavor to the world... we bring ours to you. listerine® total care strengthens teeth, after brushing,
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emily broke up with owen. there was a meeting with all the case workers today, so basically, the case workers told owen that it was over with emily in the room. it sounds bad. >> reporter: the cause of the breakup. the same as so many others. >> emily gave these reasons, five points about owen being too close and needing space and everything else. >> hi, emily. emily? good luck, emily. emily. at least i waved to her. [ phone ringing ] >> hi, honey! >> mom? >> yes, sweetie? >> why is life so full of unfair pain and tragedy?
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>> owen, it's just the way life is. that's the way life has always been and will always be. we have incredibly joyous times, and relaxing times, but we also have sad times and painful times. >> but it's not fair. >> i know, honey. so much things that happen in life aren't fair, so many things. >> reporter: the young man who ran the disney club is now a member of a much bigger club. the broken heart society. and it hurts. >> boy loses girl, boy gets girl back in the end. >> you'll find another girl. >> but i, i, i -- this is driving me crazy.
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why did this have to happen to make my life sad forever? >> reporter: in the film we see him putting pencil to paper. >> in the land of the lost. evil powers are to blow fog into people's head. make the world look like a weird place to them and make them look sad. >> reporter: once again, illustrations and animations help owen to navigate his way thru a rough reality. and today, the documentary team is following him as he's about to meet some of the legends whose famous characters opened up his world. eric goldberg, lead animator for "genie" in "aladdin," guides the way. down this hallowed hall are some of disney's finest animators. >> owen knows everything they've ever done, every character they worked on. >> reporter: though owen sees
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himself as a sidekick, he gets a hero's welcome from the team. >> the disney animators are just giddy. they're like, "owen knows our work better than we do." >> he's an artist, as good as many. he can sit down and draw most of the characters better than i can. >> and that's what they love about him. like, look what he's doing there. that's a little more vivid. and so that's -- that's owen's life. and we hope, and he hopes, that someday that'll be a part of what he does. >> reporter: but until that day comes, owen suskind is on the clock just like the rest of us. [ alarm clock rings ] >> just going to shower and brush my teeth, okay? my lunch is all set and ready to go. i'm ready. >> reporter: he holds down two part-time jobs, one at a movie theater and another at a toys r us.
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and once a week, he's a deejay at a community college radio station. >> my name is dj animator, and you're listening to the disney show. >> reporter: dj animator, playing music in the key of dreams. >> now here's "soon you'll come home to my heart" from "all dogs go to heaven" on 90.7. >> this here is my kitchen. >> reporter: with some supervision, he makes his own meals. calories he can then burn off at the local "y." >> it's cold. >> reporter: with a challenging routine of laps. >> i'm just going to take a breath, okay? >> reporter: there, owen has a comforting group of friends reassuring owen about something that's been bothering him since his breakup, his prospects for finding a new love. >> he's cape cod's most eligible bachelor. >> no matter what, there will be someone out there for me. >> there will definitely be someone out there for you. there's no question.
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>> maybe i can visit that person and she can come visit me. that i don't see every day, just some days and some weekends. i'm being filmed. so they will know i'm available. >> and they'll know you're available. >> reporter: next, hitting the red carpet. >> owen is running down the aisle high-fiving people. as he takes the stage, people are in tears, they're screaming out his name. >> reporter: the celebrity of owen, when we return. a 10-speed direct-shift 5.0transmission.ine. a meticulously crafted interior. all of these are feats of engineering. combining them with near-perfect weight distribution...
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their film premiered last year and was nominated for best documentary feature. >> what's it feel like? >> heaven. >> reporter: the film's success has brought owen to genings around the country. and the world. a magic carpet of movies and the documentary carrying owen farther into the world than his family ever dreamed. >> the way people see those with autism since they don't want to be around other people, that's wrong. >> the owen effect is extraordinary. people are in tears, they're screaming out his name. he relishes his place in the spotlight.
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>> reporter: sometimes, he's front and center with notable friends from the animated world. his old pal, gilbert gottfried. >> you marry the princess and then you become the sultan? >> i become sultan? the idea has merit. >> he actually knows it better than i do. >> reporter: and paige o'hara, the voice of belle from "beauty and the beast," here at the virginia film festival. >> i just want to give you a hug. >> it's a pleasure to meet you. >> you are so wonderful. >> thanks. >> reporter: oscar winning composer of "little mermaid" and many other classics, alan menken, happy to simply accompany his friend on the keyboard. ♪ under the sea [ cheers and applause ]
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>> reporter: what do you want people to learn about you, owen, and your life, by watching the film? what do you hope other people will learn? >> will understand me. >> reporter: understand what? >> understand my way in the world. >> how many people here like disney, show of hands. >> i love disney! >> reporter: at uva, owen and his dad meet with students studying autism, and a few nonverbal people with autism from the community. >> it's great to meet you. what's your name? >> i'm ron. >> reporter: using a letter board, a student joins owen's quest to not be forgotten. >> i'm inspired to know new friends and advocates. >> i'm glad to be your new friend, juan. >> we feel that no autistic should be left behind. let's hear it for that. >> that's something that everybody wants. and owen says that as so many of the spectrum kids i talk to and adults say it. i want to be out there.
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i want a life so much like the life you're living or the one you want. so that was always our challenge. >> reporter: it's become their mission, bringing awareness to people who are all too often overlooked. >> cornelia and i would say to each other, who decides what the meaningful life is? because i can't count the number of times when people would look at our son and say, that's not a meaningful life. who decides that? who decides the meaningful life is? he's asked that now. he says, "i do. and this life i live is meaningful. let me show you how." >> reporter: while there's no cure. ron says there may be a way to reach people with autism. through their obsessions or affinities. >> then we saw their many affinities. the kids were harry potter kids and "star wars" kids. >> dinosaur kids. i know a boy obsessed with that. ron's technology looking at ways
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they can open the door to communication for other children silenced by autism using movies as a launching pad to spark conversation. >> yeah, i do. >> had you ever been afraid to be alone? >> sometimes. >> why? >> because i'm -- because i have low self-esteem and autism. >> autism researcher kristin with harvard medical school and massachusetts general hospital is studying this theory, that affinities can be therapy. >> if it works for families and if families have experience that it's positive, who are we as professionals to really not want to look into that and not want to explore it? is. >> can you look at the teaser trailer? >> no such thing as perfection. autism is not something to be fixed, it's just the idea of recognizing the joy in your child. and following that joy and
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respecting your child for who they are. and for what they're interests and talents and passions are. >> every mother's dream for her child and how appropriate this mother's day weekend. owen is now 26 years old, still working at the movie theater and hoping to find that girl of his dreams. the film about him life animated is available now on itunes, amazon and on demand. thanks for watching. i'm deborah roberts. for all of us here at abc news and "20/20," good night and have a great mother's day. firefighters on guard all night to keep this fire that
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