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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  May 16, 2017 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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us. thanks for joining us. >> see you tomorrow. good night. this show is brought to you by russian government. we are absolutely loving the classified secrets. keep them coming. thank you, comrade trump. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, justin theroux and snoop dogg. and now, hold fast. here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, there. thank you very much. very nice. welcome. i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thanks for watching. thanks to all of you for coming.
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hold on a second. i just had a little -- what's going on with you over there? >> guillermo: oh, jimmy. i run into snoop dogg. >> jimmy: looks like he ran into you. >> guillermo: you know what he told me? >> jimmy: what did he tell you? "smoke this"? >> guillermo: yeah. how do you know? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, security is not tight here. let's just say that. well, it was yet another day of tumult in our nation's capital. president trump as you probably heard, according to tailed report in "the washington post," shared highly classified information with russia last week. he met with the russian ambassador and the russian foreign minister, during that meeting posted about specific intelligence he'd received about plans isis had, he received this
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information from another country. today "new york times" reported israel was the other country. for those wondering why everyone's worked up about this, let me break it down as best i can. israel is one of our closest allies. iran is very close to russia. iran is one of their closest allies. iran is also the biggest threat to israel. in the middle east. which makes sharing information with russia very dangerous. because it could very well be shared with iran. you know what, actually? since snoop is here i'll put this in rap terms for you. imagine that the united states is tupac. and israel is suge knight. okay? on the other side, russia is biggie smalls and iran is his friend puff daddy. if suge knight tells tupac a secret and tupac turns around and blabs to biggie -- tupac and biggie both wind up dead. puff daddy launches his own successful line of vodka.
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serac. which rhymes with iraq. which is a country what has nothing to do with this but still. so you see why this is so dangerous. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] so israel's ambassador to united states said israel has full confidence in our intelligence-sharing relationship with the united states, and looks forward to deepening that relationship in the years ahead under president trump. well, i don't know if i'd count on years ahead with president trump. but let's start with months and go from there, okay? [ laughter ] trump, of course, is as usual less focused on what he did and more focused on who told "the post" he did it tweeting this today. i've been asking director comey and others from the beginning of my administration to find the leakers in the intelligence community. which that's like o.j. trying to find the real killer, right? [ laughter ] he's just a big bag of leakiness.
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he gets information and he has to brag about it. he can't resist. if donald trump was colonel sanders we'd all have the secret recipe. [ laughter ] we'd be up to our ears in chicken right now. "the new york times" also released a report today. they got access to a memo written by james comey. you remember that guy from yesterday's news? [ laughter ] comey took notes after meeting with the president when he was running the fbi. and he said trump asked him to drop the investigation of michael flynn. he said, i hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting flynn go, he's a good guy, i hope you can let this go. comey didn't let goit and trump fired him. which if that's an accurate account sounds a lot like obstruction of justice, which is very illegal. everyone's so shocked by this and the situation with russia? i saw on cnn, it said are there questions about our president's competen competence? people are worried. he might be incompetent. which listen, our president, 18 months ago, was the host of a reality show, of course he's
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incompetent. how can this be a surprise? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] nothing makes more sense. of course he's accidentally leaking secrets to the russians. his job before this was to choose between la toya jackson and meatloaf. why are we shocked russians walk in his office and he can't keep his mouth shut? i'll tell you this, i would not want to be sean spicer stressball today. i can only imagine -- i think about how sean spicer reacts when things like this happen and he knows he's going to have to go out there and talk about. i imagine it went something like this. >> president trump revealed some classified information regarding isis that according to the report in "the washington post" wasn't exactly his to share. there was intelligence that had been -- according to a quote from h.r. mcmaster, the national security advise her -- >> jimmy: don't worry, buddy, it will all be over soon.
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i don't know. am i the only one who feels bad for sean spicer? one day he's going to write the greatest book ever written. [ laughter ] today trump sent fresh meat out to defend him. his national security adviser, lieutenant general h.r. mcmas r mcmaster, who tried hard to clear this mess up. >> why were you denying things that were not even reported? what the report said is that the president revealed classified information that had been shared by one of our allies in the middle east. so the question is simply a yes or no question here. did the president share class information with the russians if that meeting? >> as i mentioned already, we don't say what's classified, what's not classified. what i will tell you again, what the president shared was wholly appropriate. >> jimmy: in other words, yes, he shared classified information with those guys in his office. meanwhile, all hell was busting loose, trump was meeting with turkish president/strongman erdogan at the white house for a
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meet and greet and yet another awkward handshake. like a little league coach with these guys. [ applause ] unfortunately for the president of turkey, the press at the meeting was not so interested in his country. much more interested in russia. >> we'll be having lunch in a little while, we'll actually be making a statement right after this in the roosevelt room. okay? thank you very much. thank you. >> mr. president, you share classified intelligence information with the russians -- >> thank you very much. >> mr. president, did you share classified information? >> jimmy: look at that face. thank you, thank you. when he says thank you, it's almost like he doesn't mean thank you, you know? we are now living in a world of alternative facts. the president makes statements almost every day that aren't necessarily based in truth,
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which is frustrating to some people. and confusing to others. especially young people. you know, we're raised to believe that the president tells the truth. but that isn't necessarily the case anymore. so to bring children up to date on the new american way, we took a cue from "schoolhouse rock." and hopefully this will explain how it all works now. >> the white h but i wonder who that sad-looking fellow over there is. >> me? i'm a lie. >> a what? >> a lie. like when you don't tell the truth. >> i don't understand. >> let me try to explain. ♪ i'm just a lie yes i'm only a lie ♪ ♪ i'm so untrue i just want to cry ♪ ♪ well i just popped out of the president's brain ♪ ♪ and the very idea of it is completely insane ♪ ♪ but someday i'm going to be a
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fact oh yes ♪ ♪ i'll try and i'll try but today i am still just a lie ♪ >> if you're a lie, why do you want people to think you're true? >> you see, kid, i make the president feel good about himself. and sometimes i can even help him sell his policies to voters. >> wow! you sound really important! >> yeah. but not unless people believe me. ♪ i'm just a lie yes i'm only a lie ♪ ♪ but i'm going to be a fact by and by ♪ ♪ see first the president tweet s, all those who try to debooung me repeat me ♪ ♪ across the internet i'll fly that's how i spread far and wide ♪ ♪ but today i am still just a lie ♪ >> that's horrible. >> i know. but real facts are so depressing. like take climate change. if we believe that, we couldn't burn all that coal.
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>> but we shouldn't burn it. >> that's what you say. not everybody has to believe a lie. only enough to make me a debate. ♪ i'm just a lie just a sweet little lie ♪ ♪ and i'm too believable to deny ♪ ♪ pretty soon i'm being debated all over town ♪ ♪ kellyanne is spin ining ♪ ♪ everybody is taking sides and the truth will lay down and die ♪ ♪ because you can't tell a fact from a lie ♪ and that's how it works. >> i think i'm going to be sick. >> don't worry, trumpcare is going to be great! bye! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: there you go. going down with the ship. we are going to take a break. when we come back, abc unveiled our new fall lineup today. and we have some doozies planned. plus we're going all across
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america to meet some interesting people. these folks you see in the wall behind me own some very unusual stores and we'll find out more about them next. so stick around. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ nice man cave! nacho? [ train whistle blows ] what?! -stop it! -mm-hmm. we've been saving a lot of money ever since we switched to progressive. this bar is legit. and now we get an even bigger discount from bundling home and auto. i can get used to this. it might take a minute. -swing and a miss! -slam dunk! touchdown! together: sports! touchdown! but it took a twist of fate to find a high-end curler at such a head turning price.
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and that's the beauty of a store full of surprises. you never know what you're gonna find, but you know you're gonna love it. ♪ (inaudible singing) heyyyy! hooo! (inaudible rapping) get 6 months of netflix plus a free entertainment kit when you buy the galaxy s8. when you eat a subway® $6 footlong sub of the day. it's the taste you love, at a price you can't get enough of. the $6 footlong sub of the day. seven days, seven footlongs, seven more ways to enjoy subway®.
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are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. how do you become america's best-selling brand? you make it detect what they don't. stop, stop, stop! sorry. you make it sense what's coming. watch, watch, watch! mom. relax! i'm relaxed. you make it for 16-year olds... whoa-whoa-whoa!!! and the parents who worry about them. you saw him, right? going further to help make drivers, better drivers. don't freak out on me. that's ford. and that's how you become america's best-selling brand. are you still trying to perthat's like trying to perform with an old racket.
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ahhhhhhhh! ahhhhhhhh! ahhhhhhhh! you can say that again. ahhhhhhhh! i'm sorry. is outdated equipment holding you back? upgrade your game to intel's fastest processor. time to upgrade. ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show. justin theroux and snoop dogg are on the way. that's right, snoop is here. if you hear a smoke alarm, do not panic. it's to be expected. right? >> guillermo: yeah. >> jimmy: all right. in television news, abc today announced their plan for the upcoming season, among the many new shows in the hopper is a sports-themed "bachelor" spinoff
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where former bachelor and bachelorette contestants compete in a variety of physical competitions "bachelor winter games." the one thing bachelor fans want more than anything is to see the contestants we are mowing clothes so i like this. abc are also doing a kids' version of "dancing with the stars" called "dancing with the stars junior." i tell you, the real challenge of "dancing with the stars junior" is finding celebrities who are already washed up by 9 years old. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] that should be interesting. hey, we don't have a lot here at abc. but what we do have we milk the hell out of. so all right. now to the main event. it's time to shine a light on the entrepreneurial spirit of this country, we scoured the united states, we found some very interesting stores, stores that have multiple specialties. and let's go to the wall of america now to meet some of the owners. [ cheers and applause ] from missouri, this store, you
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can see it's cadwell's, a towing service and ice cream shop. if you need to be towed and would like an ice cream cone, this is the place to go. let's go inside. joining us on our big cisco screen is the owner, walter. walter cadwell, you're the owner of cadwell's? >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: you are the owner? >> how are you today? >> jimmy: this is a towing service and ice cream shop. how did this come to be? how did you get these two things together? >> it started with an ice cream store and branched out to locksmith, computer repair, and fitness clubs. >> jimmy: what? wait a minute. you added computer repair? what else did you say? locksmith? >> locksmith. >> jimmy: and -- >> three fitness clubs. >> jimmy: ice cream and fit innocence the same store. >> yeah. double the money. >> jimmy: i'm looking at your shirt.
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seems like you have two phones. >> right. >> jimmy: what are the two phones for? >> one for towing. fitness. and locksmith. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. that's one way of keeping it straight, i guess. well, how's business going? going all right? >> the good lord blesses us every day. >> jimmy: thank you, walter, i appreciate it. cadwell's towing. [ cheers and applause ] stop by, say hello. next up we go to st. george, utah. to a store called "paintball, food storage, violins and band. and they have a truck to match as well. let's go inside, say hello to the owner of the store. shane, how are you doing? [ cheers and applause ] >> good. >> jimmy: wow, there it is. i see it right now. i see paintball stuff to the right of you. i see violins. how did you come up with this
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store? mad libs? how did this start? >> well, it wasn't quite that simple. i worked in a preparedness store years ago. and then the owner added in paint ball which made us really weird as it was. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> his store closed, i opened one of my own. in the meantime my wife had opened a violin store out of our home. and it made more sense to have it all together than apart. >> see. has anyone ever come in, bought a violin, and a paintball gun? >> oh, absolutely. >> jimmy: they have, wow. are those throwing stars i'm seeing? [ laughter ] next to the guitars there? >> yes. we're a full-line store. >> jimmy: i see, all right. so when people are preparing for doomsday they can come in get their food storage, and get their instruments, and get their throwing stars too, very convenient. >> yes. we try to help. >> jimmy: what is the best-selling item at the store? >> violins. >> violins, wow. that many people are playing the violin, huh?
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>> we really specialize in the violin. we sell a lot of guitars. but violin is our specialty. >> jimmy: violins and violins at your store, wow. well, this is -- yeah how do you answer the phone? >> well, our family still matters. >> you don't say the name of the store? >> the name of the store is "your family still matters jacksonville the sign tells them what we do. that isn't technically our name. >> jimmy: wow. this couldn't possibly be more confusing, i have to say. [ laughter ] thank you, shane. next, we have one more, we go to hardiville, south carolina. this is a good one. golf ball outlet, fireworks mega store. that's right. golf balls and fireworks. in one mega store. and joining us now is tommy, the manager. hi, tommy. >> hey, jimmy. >> jimmy: tommy, does the title
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tell it all? is there anything else we need to know other than the fact that you have golf balls and fireworks? >> jimmy, they need to know we're entertainers just like you. that's what we're in the business of. we're trying to entertain people. and we sell fireworks, we sell golf balls. >> jimmy: i see. >> why golf balls and fireworks? >> jimmy: yeah. >> we're at the gateway of hilton head. about 30 minutes away. we're right where people exit off going to hilton head. so they stop in here and get their golf balls and then south carolina fireworks is just like a coaster here in the low country. everybody loves to shoot them off. >> jimmy: which is the best of the fireworks that you have? if i were to only get one item, which one would it somebody. >> jimmy, the women come in, they want big and pretty. we sell them something like one called a hifalutin. the men want big and loud.
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they'll get something like the next caliber moore. that's what we call a window rattler. >> jimmy: i see. it's divided among gender lines, the preferences. >> it could be but we'll sell them anything they want. >> jimmy: do you offer gift cards? is this the sort of thing, if i was looking for a christmas item? >> why, absolutely. on top of that, jimmy, we got a little combo. we have exploding golf balls. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, yeah, that's smart. very smart. well, thank you, tommy, i appreciate that. fire a few golf balls in the air. are you allowed to smoke in there? >> absolutely not. >> jimmy: all right, we'll keep snoop dogg out of the place. thank you very much, tommy. it's golf ball outlet and fireworks. we have a fun show tonight. snoop dogg is here and we'll be right back with justin theroux. so stick around! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by clif bar. celebrating cycling adventures whether you bike to work or bike for fun. ♪ you might not ever just stand there, looking at it. you may never even sit in the back seat. yeah, but maybe you should. ♪ (laughter) ♪ when a fire destroyed everything in our living room. we replaced it all without touching our savings. yeah, our insurance won't do that. no. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance ♪ music volume rises ] when liberty stands with you™. you guys wanna go? ♪
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♪ [whistles] get all summer essentials 30, 40, and 50 percent off. hi, fashion. old navy
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fortunately there's a bedples dwhere you both get what yous? want every night. enter sleep number and the semi-annual sale going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. oh, and right now it's our lowest price ever on our temperature balancing i8 bed. save $700. go to for a store near you. busibusinessman 1: yea, yea, know what i'ml craving right now? businessman 1: (over speaker) --guacamole and bacon. audio tech: we got a craving! go go go!!! music: crashing cravings in the crave van. jack's gonna crash your crave! jack: hey guys, try my guacamole and bacon chicken sandwich with all white meat chicken, guacamole and pepperjack cheese.
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businessman 1: thanks jack.... wait. we're on the 18th floor. how did you get here? jack: hard work. jack vo: you crave it, we serve it. try my new guacamole and bacon chicken sandwich. music: crave van! ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: hi, there.
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tonight, his new album drops friday. it's called "neva left," snoop dogg is here to chat with us. [ cheers and applause ] and perform for us on the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. you can see snoop live on tour with linkin park in october 14s in seattle, washington. tomorrow night, bryan cranston will be here, from "baywatch" kelly rohrbach will join us, and we'll have music from paramore. and on thursday, johnny depp, science bob pflugfelder, and linkin park. so please join us. [ cheers and applause ] and i also want to mention, it was announced this morning i'm hosting the oscars again next year. [ cheers and applause ] and it's true, i am. although it could be another hack by the north koreans. our first guest tonight is an actor, screenwriter, director, husband and, if the other characters on his show are to be believed, possibly god. he stars on the great show "the leftovers," watch it sundays at
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9:00 on hbo. please welcome justin theroux. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ very good to see you. >> always good to see you. >> jimmy: sometimes i forget how handsome you are, then you walk up all dressed up, oh, yeah, that's right. >> not in t-shirts anymore. >> jimmy: congratulations to you, then you should say congratulations to me. >> yeah. >> jimmy: abc announced today we are producing a television show together. >> that's correct. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: explain a little bit about what the show is about. then if i have blanks to fill in. >> we had an idea, which was to take old sitcom scripts from the '70s, '80s, '90s. >> jimmy: which we love. >> we love, we watched all of them. >> jimmy: you kids missed out on some of the best television. >> and to do them live with actors and comedians and funny
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people on abc. >> jimmy: to bring them to life, real life. our dream is to -- do you remember the character gary coleman played in "different strokes," arnold drummond? our dream, i think you'll agree, is to have kevin hart play that role. >> yes. [ applause ] will terrell to play mr. drummond. >> jimmy: will ferrell as mr. drummond would be great. there be a lot of great possibilities. >> willis. >> jimmy: you would be a great willis require think it would be great to have your wife, jennifer aniston, and courteney cox, play laverne and cherylly. >> that would be amazing. [ applause ] >> jimmy: the possibilities are endless. >> negotiations will be horrendous. >> jimmy: we're working for an app for disneyland. inside joke with the audience. let's focus on your current show. because it is a fantastic show. it really is. unbelievable show. you do a great job on it. last sunday night's show.
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>> it's gone so off the rails. bananas. >> jimmy: it's so crazy. >> it's our last season, we can do whatever we want. >> jimmy: yeah, but it's not -- a lot of shows go off the rails and they're silly. >> no, it goes off -- it's a crazy train. going fast. it's a fun show. >> jimmy: i learned something about it today, a story in last week's episode, there's an orgy that pays tribute to a lion. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: this lion was a real lion. >> real lion. he was in his -- lion years in his 80s or 90s or something like that. he was in an abandoned zoo or something like that. and they brought him in. and he ended up siring over like 90 other cubs. in the last couple of years of his life. >> jimmy: he's the larry king of the jungle is what he is. [ laughter ] >> exactly right. >> jimmy: then there's this orgy to celebrate him and then they're trying to get to australia. where you might be jesus. we don't know what's going on. >> right, exactly. >> jimmy: and it's just
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really -- >> the lion mauls a guy to death. mauls god to death. >> jimmy: lion eats another guy who says he's god, clearing the way for you to be good. that would be great if you were god, that would be good for our show if you were god. >> that would be amazing, the ratings. >> jimmy: speaking of orgies you were at a bachelor party? [ laughter ] >> it was the middle-aged version of an orgy. i went to austin, texas. and went to -- >> jimmy: your friend? >> my friend carlos for his -- >> jimmy: can you say anything that happened? >> it was pretty lame. >> jimmy: gas. >> yeah. we went down there. you know. the first night we went way too fast, we all got very drunk. but the plan, we'd made the plan for the next day, to go down to -- up to -- down to lockhart, texas, where they have several famous barbecue spots. >> right, yeah. >> some of the best barbecue on the planet. croits, smitty's, black's. three barbecue places in three hours. >> jimmy: oh, really?
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>> on like a full hangover. like to have brisket before you have coffee was one of the worst things in the world. we all went down there. we were so determined to do this. we had a ton of barbecue. >> jimmy: that to me -- i might take on another wife just to do that again. that would be so -- are you in the wedding party? >> yeah. i'm going to be officiating the wedding. >> jimmy: you are? are you excited about that? >> yeah, a little nervous but excited. >> jimmy: do you have a plan going in? >> i'm going to do your plan. >> jimmy: officiate at your wedding. i'll give you all my notes. they're kind of specific. >> i say we don't change a word. we leave it exactly what you said. do exactly. >> jimmy: i would say, take your gum out beforehand. >> i did. >> jimmy: and don't mention satan. those are really the only two tips i can give anyone. >> copy that. >> jimmy: i want to talk about "the leftovers." i feel the show is being overlook the when it comes to emmys.
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i have a plan. to help you. you don't know what this plan is yet. when we come back i'm going to share this plan. i guarantee you will at least be nominated if not win the emmy after this plan takes place, all right? justin theroux is here. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ everyday, millions of you walk through our front doors. and you inspired our new flavors. introducing mcdonald's signature crafted recipes. sweet barbecue bacon made with crispy onions. pico guacamole made with real hass avocados. maple bacon dijon with thick-cut applewood smoked bacon. . ing your flavor to the world... we bring ours to you. ♪ now look what you made me do ♪ ♪ you and me baby it takes two ♪
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♪ bringing new moves to the old school ♪ ♪ time for the whole world to enjoy the view ♪ ♪ we can go left they can go right ♪ ♪ save me a dance for the end of the night ♪ ♪ when i'm with you it's a party ♪ ♪ don't care where we're going ♪ ♪ 1, 2, 3 get loose no♪! ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it out of sight. ♪ tired of paying hundreds more a year in taxes and fees for your unlimited plan? only t-mobile gives you unlimited data with taxes and fees included. that'll save you hundreds. get two lines for a hundred dollars. that's right. two lines of unlimited data. a hundred bucks. all in. and right now, we're giving you even more. for a limited time, get a free samsung galaxy s8 when you buy one. that's two galaxy s8s for the price one! plus, two lines of unlimited data for a hundred bucks. taxes and fees included. only at t-mobile. hey, l'eggo my eggo. i don't see your name on it. really? ba bam! know the rules. keep your eggo.
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l'eggo my eggo. okay. neutrogena® hydro boost hydrating tint. wake up skin. the first water gel foundation with hyaluronic acid it plumps, quenches... delivers a natural, flawless look. this is what makeup's been missing. neutrogena® (cat meows) ♪ (snap) ♪ (cat meows) sheba® perfect portions™. what cats want™ goal! nitedhealthcare, you can get rewarded for waldad... we wanna welcome everyone to the father daughter dance. walk, move and earn money... ...for out-of-pocket medical expenses. he's ok! unitedhealthcare a 10-speed direct-shift 5.0transmission.ine. a meticulously crafted interior.
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rise to the occasion. it's not delivery. it's digiorno.
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are you scared? >> scared of what? >> scared of them strapping you into a see-saw and holding you under the water until you drown. >> the last time it happened, where i went, it was so -- it was real. maybe i was dead. but i had never felt so alive. and no, i'm not scared. >> jimmy: that is justin theroux and amy brenneman in "the leftovers" hbo, it's a great show. i would say the first season of
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the show, it was a good show. the second season, it became a great show. and now in the third season, it's an unbelievably great show. >> oh, thank you. >> jimmy: and i want to help with this. because i feel like it's just one of these shows that people, they need to catch up to, start and watch and enjoy the whole thing. >> yes, yeah. >> jimmy: so you're in texas. as we mentioned. i know you seem nervous but i don't want you to be nervous. this is going to be funny. okay, this is a great idea. >> okay. >> jimmy: so your wife jennifer aniston helped me out. you know that recall notice you got for your car? what kind of car do you have? >> i have a black mercedes. >> jimmy: black mercedes. the recall notice you got, that was not -- there's nothing wrong with the car. [ laughter ] while you were gone we got the keys to your car. it was not being repaired. there's nothing wrong with the drive shaft. but that's your car right there correct? >> that is correct. >> jimmy: okay, all right. and so what we did was to try to bring -- because i feel like hbo
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could be doing a better job of promoting this for you. we had some experts adorn your car. in a way that i think is going to bring you a lot of attention. and let's go outside now to hollywood boulevard. [ cheers and applause ] this is what people will see. as you drive around town. we even went so far as to put a hood ornament on the car. keep going around so we can see the whole thing. i want everybody to see every bit of what's going on. justin time for the emmys. [ cheers and applause ] guillermo. >> guillermo's very stoned. he shouldn't be driving my car. >> jimmy: guillermo should not be driving.
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guillermo did not drive that r car. >> guillermo: i won't, i promise. >> jimmy: then what are you doing in it? >> getting high. >> guillermo: modeling for justin. >> jimmy: so there you go, justin. you're welcome. [ cheers and applause ] >> thanks. >> jimmy: justin theroux, everybody. "the leftovers" it airs sundays at 9:00 p.m. on hbo. we'll be right back with snoop dogg. ♪ ♪since i came to know you baibe ♪i've been telling you how sweet you're.♪ ♪i've been telling you how good you're.♪ ♪please tell me how i look. ♪you look so good, fantastic man.♪ ♪ introducing new depend real fit briefs. now more breathable than ever.
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. i'm proud of myself. our next guest is a legendary southern california hip-hop artist. there is so much drama in the lbc, thanks to his new album. "neva left," it comes out friday. please say bow wow wow yippee yo, yippee yay to snoop dogg. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: i like this look. >> thank you. this is your show but i wanted to surprise you with something special. i was sitting at home watching your show one night. i seen you speak on your son. as far as his health. so what i wanted to do was i wanted to come out here, make a donation to the hospital. >> jimmy: oh, that's nice of you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, snoop. >> i just want to make sure it's there for the next kid that may need that help. >> jimmy: wow, that is very generous, thank you very much. i appreciate that. [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much.
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when you came out, you set it up, i thought, oh, no, he did something to my car. [ laughter ] >> all in a good spirit. >> jimmy: thank you very much. >> that's right, that's right. >> jimmy: you look great, where do you get clothes like that? [ laughter ] i feel like i would look like imbusiness sill. somehow it looks cool on you, i wear my own clothes, know what i'm saying? i don't like to wear other people scloetdss. >> jimmy: snoop brand clothes? >> everything is fitted and tailored to me. >> jimmy: wow. [ cheers and applause ] if you were to show up, obviously at your concerts you've got a lot of fans, they're probably buying your clothes. are there nine guys dressed like you when you get there? >> no, i don't sell the specifics. i have original outfits that you can't get. >> jimmy: i see, you hold some in the back, that's smart. smart snoop thinking. i want to talk about this album cover. and this album too. this is -- i assume this is a real old picture. you didn't put this together?
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>> '92 or '93, something like that. >> jimmy: '92, the 187 which most everyone understands what that means. police code for murder. it says "neva left." you're laughing but i'm not joking. neva left, was that really written on the sign. did you add that? >> we added that. it looked like something that would be on the stick, right? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it does. look at that, you don't look much different except for the jerry curl. do you miss the jerry curl? >> it had its time and place. the jerry curl is beautiful. >> jimmy: i get -- at my house i've got products from when i was a teenager. is there a bottle of like activator somewhere? >> we got snap back. snap back is what you would use when your curls would fall out, they'd bring them back with one snap back. >> jimmy: i leek thike that. what was the first song or artist that made you love rap music?
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>> artist named jimmy spicer, "super ripuper rhymes." >> jimmy: do you remember the first lyrics that you wrote, the first song that you wrote? >> a song called "i'm a poet." >> jimmy: hold were you? >> 11 or 12. >> jimmy: do you remember any of that song? >> it was garbage. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i don't mean to put you on the spot. who are your top three greatest rappers all-time? >> slick rick. ice cube. [ cheers and applause ] and snoop dogg. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and snoop dogg. i was talking about tupac earlier. tupac is somebody -- you inducted tupac at the rock 'n' roll hall of fame. >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: you told a little bit of a story, i'd love to hear more of the story about a vacation you went on with tupac. where did you go?
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>> we went to some island somewhere in south america that we wanted to just get away. i had just won my murder case. he had just bailed out. we wanted to go somewhere to get away. suge took his parents. we was riding on a boat. we didn't know what parris island was. we were just riding on the boat. all of a sudden we started flying in the air. the boat started separating away from us. they dropped us in the water. hold on, man, it could be sharks, anything. get us back up. they just kept playing games with us. once we got out it was fun. >> jimmy: did suge get on and para sale? >> no, he never parasailed, he was the remote control. >> jimmy: you've gone from tupac and suge knight to doing a television show with martha stewart, which is really funny. is martha -- will she, if you make her a batch of brownies, will she enjoy them with you? >> she'll critique the brownies, she won't enjoy them. she forces me to drink alcohol
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every day on the show with her. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: does she really? [ cheers and applause ] so it's an interesting thing. you're not a big drinker? >> no, i don't drink anymore. but with her i have to drink. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so martha will get you a little drunk. but doesn't go the other way? >> we working on that. [ cheers and applause ] we're trying to get that part right. >> jimmy: i didn't this about you, you at one time worked at mcdonald's, how old were you? >> 15 years old. it was a summer job that my father had gotten me in detroit, michigan, another west side. >> jimmy: in detroit, okay. so you're working -- what did you do, cashier? >> no, they wouldn't trust me with their money. [ laughter ] i was on the breakfast shift. they called me young x. >> jimmy: young x? >> i was real skilled. i was very skilled at cracking the egg with one hand. without getting the shell into the piece of it. >> jimmy: did you ever think
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about making young eggs your rap name? [ laughter ] i could be here talking to young eggs right now. >> i ain't 97 think about that. i just took it on the chin. you know what i'm saying? it went with the territory. >> jimmy: was that a fun job? >> i had the time of my life, shout-out to everybody that worked with me at mcdonald's. >> jimmy: have you ever been back to that mcdonald's? >> when i first hit it, when i was snoop doggy dog, i did a couple of shows in detroit. the few people that worked there, i got them tickets to the show, they came to see me. it was beautiful to see me go from that to that. >> jimmy: right, especially for you. >> yeah. >> jimmy: are they still working at the mcdonald's? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: what song are you going to do tonight? what song do you have prepared? >> a song called "trash bags." >> jimmy: trash bags full of money? >> yeah. and these are the trash bags in the strip club when the girls finish stripping, there's all this money on the ground, they pick it up and put it in the trash bag, they fill the trash
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bag full of cash. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: kind of like santa claus. snoop dogg is here, this is his new album that comes out friday, "neva left." be right back! >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. it's not a weekend hobby.ance? you have to live and breathe it for 50 years. it's the sound... and the fury. it's letting it all hang out there, and it's hanging on for dear life. that is what amg driving performance means. and this is where it lives. the 503-horsepower mercedes-amg c63 s coupe.
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank justin theroux and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time for him. nightline is next, but first his album comes out friday, it is called "neva left". here with the song "trash bags"" snoop dogg! ♪ ♪ trash bag full of cash full of cash count that trash bag full of cash full of cash ♪
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♪ count that count that up count that up count that up count that trash bag full of cash full of cash ♪ ♪ count that ♪ twenties count that hundreds count that dollars count that money count that ♪ ♪ paper trash bag full of cash full of cash count that ♪ ♪ passion angy keshia brandy tangy paradise obsession and candy lily butterfly what are you what am i ♪ ♪ bella lauren linda rose on the stage on the pole oceanate pina colada at the top on the bottom ♪ ♪ ace of diamonds keep 'em shinin' crazy girls oh yeah we got 'em ♪ ♪ daisy it's crazy and so as the home gon' red don't around when it come around to pickin' ♪ ♪ up that bread it's yours trash bag
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full of cash full of cash count that trash bag ♪ ♪ full of cash full of cash count that count that up count that up count that up count that trash bag ♪ ♪ full of cash full of cash count that twenties count that hundreds count that ♪ ♪ dollars count that money count that paper trash bag full of cash full of cash ♪ ♪ count that peaches and desiree baby girl that's from the a keke and showtime ♪ ♪ there's no time like today champagne tyra coco and chocolate stina and devina ♪ ♪ i'm lovin' how ya'll poppin' it x-o hennessy patrón and lime after ♪ ♪ baby say roll the j
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tangerine with pineapple daisy it's crazy and so as the home gon red ♪ ♪ don't around when it come around to pickin' up that bread it's yours ♪ ♪ trash bag full of cash full of cash count that trash bag full of cash full of cash ♪ ♪ count that count that up count that up count that up count that trash bag full of cash full of cash ♪ ♪ count that ♪ count that count that count that count that trash bag full of cash full of cash count that ♪ shout-out to ace and china crazy girls, hello!
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[ cheers and applause ] this is "nightline." >> tonight, spilling secrets? another bombshell development, a memo from fbi director james comey reportedly saying president trump asked him to shut down the investigation into the former national security adviser mike flynn. and damage control. >> we had a very, very successful meeting with the foreign minister of russia. >> the president answering reports that he divulged sensitive information to russian officials. the fallout on both sides of aisle. did the president's disclosure put anybody at risk? plus -- ♪ shimmy shimmy >> on a fly note -- ♪ sha la la >> jason derulo talks life on the road in a changing business. >> the music industry is finally figuring out what the hell we're doing.


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