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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  May 29, 2017 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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thank you for coming. [ cheers and applause ] that's very nice. i appreciate it. enough. i'm not -- well, thanks for joining us. you know, we had kind of a flip-flop weatherwise. it was a cool 68 degrees here today in los angeles, and 94 in washington, d.c. today. the temperature was higher than sean spicer's blood pressure today in washington d.c. [ laughter ] it was another dramatic day in the oval office. guillermo, you know who works in the oval office? >> guillermo: the president? >> jimmy: the president. that's right. [ laughter ] what shape is the president of mexico's office? do you know? >> guillermo: i think it's a square. >> jimmy: it's a square. [ laughter ] i'll say this about our president, president trump. he comes up with a new twist every day. he's prolific. he really is. senator john mccain last night said the scandal involving former fbi director james comey is reaching watergate size in scale, and he's a republican. of course, an increasing number of democrats are screaming for trump's impeachment. by the way, betting odds, you
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can bet on this sort of thing, betting odds on donald trump being impeached are now close to even. they're close to 50-50. which at this point i have to say melania's looking pretty smart for not moving out of new york, you know. [ cheers and applause ] i'll wait here till you get back. and then, of course, there's the whole blabbing secrets to the russians thing. today the department of justice appointed a special counsel to look into all -- i don't know, former fbi director robert mueller is in charge, which is big. even vladimir putin weighed in on it today. he actually offered to help straight the record straight. >> translator: we're seeing political schizophrenia developing in the u.s. i see no other reason for the accusations of trump revealing any secrets to sergei lavrov. if the american administration agrees, we're ready to provide the transcript of lavrov and trump's talks to the u.s. senate and congress. >> jimmy: wait, you guys have a transcript and we don't? how is that possible? this explains why the russian ambassador insisted donald trump speak directly into the flowers he brought him.
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[ laughter ] can you imagine a former kgb agent, vladimir putin, offering to vouch for our president's credibility? what a love story this is. it's like "the notebook 2." [ laughter ] it's really beautiful if you think of it that way. out of all of the hours and hours of cable news coverage, trump and russia yesterday, i would like to offer congratulations to michael weiss of cnn who got the award for number one moment of the night. >> i'm seeing all the trumpkin republicans, many of whom i used to protect, by the way, i thought they stood on principle about going after obama, on the middle east and policy. they're saying, well, the real problem is not that trump might have blown an israeli spy -- meaning blew his cover, that is. >> jimmy: my god. [ cheers and applause ] this president will do anything to stop those leaks. [ laughter ] that was on cnn. of course the coverage was a little more fair and tilted toward trump on fox. this morning on "fox and friends" they did everything
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possible to put a positive spin on what many believe was an obstruction of justice. >> regarding michael flynn, he said, "i hope you can let this go." now, some people are saying, well, clearly he's ordering the fbi director to end the investigation. you know, some people are saying, does it rise to the level of obstruction of justice? not so fast. >> because you're saying the word "hope" is the operative word here. "i hope you can let it go." he's not directing him to let it go. >> yeah, he said he's a good guy, "i hope you can let it go." >> jimmy: right. he said i hope. that's not illegal, if you say hope. when obama said hope nobody impeached him. they put it on his posters. [ cheers and applause ] all trump said is "i hope you can let it go." maybe he was singing the song from "frozen." we don't know. [ laughter ] those three on "fox & friends," trump could shoot one of them in the heart live on the air, the surviving two would still defend donald trump. [ laughter ] you know, it's getting
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increasingly difficult to tell what is true and what isn't. so we've come up with a handy guide to tell the difference between the two kinds of news out there right now. we'll start with this. watch. >> there's more breaking news. indeed another blockbuster revelation, this time from the "new york times" which has just published a report saying that president trump asked then fbi director james comey to end the investigation of michael flynn, the president's former national security adviser. >> jimmy: okay. that's fake news. anything wolf blitzer says is fake news and there's three ways of telling. number one, it's mean to president trump. number two, it is negative. and number three, that's it, there is no number three. [ laughter ] now let's look at the other category of news. ♪ >> all right. some inventive young high school students became fast friends with president trump showing off their award-winning science project at the white house. a giant model rocket inscribed with big bold gold capital letters bearing its namesake, trump. >> how did you come up with the name trump? does anybody have an idea? >> simply because he conquers
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all. >> oh. >> jimmy: all right. so that is fox news. there are three ways of telling it's fox news. number one, it's nice to the president. number two, it is positive. and number three, it has nothing to do with anything going on in the world. okay? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] so let's recap. this is fake news. >> what we see is a presidency starting to come apart. >> jimmy: okay. and this is fox news. >> it's okay if you don't like trump. i'm not mad about that. but how about filling some potholes in, you know, and arresting some public urinators? >> jimmy: yes, those are the leakers we need to find, the public urinators. [ cheers and applause ] it's as simple as that. so the president was in connecticut today to give a commencement speech at the u.s. coast guard academy and for once he didn't make it about himself. to his credit he put all of the stuff going on aside to place the focus where it should be, on the young graduates on their
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special day. >> look at the way i've been treated lately. [ laughter ] especially by the media. thank you, everybody. great honor. good luck. enjoy your life. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: enjoy your life. [ cheers and applause ] enjoy your life. is that a commencement speech or did he just break up with them? enjoy your life. [ laughter ] meanwhile, the race for 2020 is shaping up. according to a new public policy poll, if he ran for president, dwayne "the rock" johnson would beat donald trump 42% to 37%. [ cheers and applause ] you know polls are never wrong. i think an actual rock might beat donald trump at this point. the thing is "the rock," dwayne said he is considering this. he said in an interview with "gq" last week there's a real possibility he would run for president. while it may sound crazy, when you really look at it he has qualifications to be president. he's served in the military.
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he's worked in the cia. he handled natural disasters. he protects our oceans. and he can handle the tooth. so you know, it's not so outrageous. [ cheers and applause ] i would consider it. it would be funny if in the future when kids learn about president johnson they ask, you mean lyndon, arnold, or the rock? [ laughter ] what a race that would be, the donald versus the rock. it would be the greatest race for president/pay per view event of all time. >> the stage is set. white house title holder donald trump. >> i'm here to challenge you. >> defends his belt against "the rock." >> you come out here, you run down our country. it's a country we love. it's a country we're proud of. >> i think i'm stronger than you. >> we don't boo you because you support russia. >> get ready to dwayne the swamp at electomania 2020. >> running around here looking
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like a big fat bowl of fruity pebbles. >> it's an all-out smackdown of democracy. >> you're right. he is scared. you're right. >> we're looking at what would happen if a homeless lumberjack banged an oompa loompa. >> electomania 2020, only on c-span 2. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're going to take a break. when we come back, cousin sal makes mischief at costco. so stick around. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: abc's "jimmy kimmel live," brought to you by the mazda cx-5.
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you know new pantene.r tangles the minute you wash it? the first shampoo with active pro-v nutrient blends fueling hair 100% stronger that's instantly smoother and tangle free. because strong is beautiful.
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choose your favorite pasta,or piadina or sandwich. it all comes with our never-ending soup or salad. and all the breadsticks you want. starting at just $6.99 get never-ending value for lunch, today at olive garden. ♪ now look what you made me do ♪ ♪ you and me baby it takes two ♪ ♪ bringing new moves to the old school ♪ ♪ time for the whole world to enjoy the view ♪ ♪ we can go left they can go right ♪ ♪ save me a dance for the end of the night ♪ ♪ when i'm with you it's a party ♪ ♪ don't care where we're going ♪ ♪ 1, 2, 3 get loose no♪! ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it out of sight. ♪ dude. your crunching's scaring the fish. dude. they're just jealous. new kellogg's raisin bran crunch with crunchy clusters and the taste of apples and strawberries. (excited) i got one! (jokingly) guess we're having cereal for dinner. new kellogg's raisin bran crunch apple strawberry
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in the mirror everyday. when i look when i look in the mirror everyday. everyday, i think how fortunate i am. i think is today going to be the day, that we find a cure? i think how much i can do to help change people's lives. i may not benefit from those breakthroughs, but i'm sure going to... i'm bringing forward a treatment for alzheimer's disease, yes, in my lifetime, i will make sure. ♪ 5 truth or dare is back. you know what i could go for right hmmm some sweet barbeque. ...or spicy! crave van! here, try my new barbeque bacon cheeseburger and chicken sandwich with your choice of sweet or spicy barbeque sauce.
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you crave it, we serve it. crave van! you know what i could go for right hmmm some sweet barbeque. ...or spicy! crave van! here, try my new barbeque bacon cheeseburger and chicken sandwich with your choice of sweet or spicy barbeque sauce. you crave it, we serve it. crave van! ♪ >> jimmy: hunter hayes is sitting in with the cletones tonight.
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welcome, hunter. [ cheers and applause ] kelly rorhbach, music from paramore and bryan cranston are here too. we don't hear much good news lately, but this is an encouraging report. according to the centers for disease control, american teenagers are drinking less than they have in a long time. teen alcohol consumption is the lowest it's been since 1991. i guess it's hard to drink when your hands are always texting. [ laughter ] i don't know if it is good -- i don't know if teenagers are drinking less because they're smoking more pot or what. but while it is good for our kids and their health and safety, this is not particularly good news for everyone. >> hello, teens. it's me, your parents' liquor cabinet. recent reports say you've cut way down on drinking, and that's great. for you. but teen drinking is my only chance to get rid of some of these bottles way in the back, the ones your parents would
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never miss, like galliano. what is it? all i know is it's a weird bottle and i want it out. how about that apricot brandy back there? just as sweet coming up as it is going down. this prom season, stop by, say hello. pick up a half a bottle of amaretto. i'll hold your hair for you. thanks, guys. >> jimmy: all right. [ cheers and applause ] something to think about anyway. so from time to time we send my cousin sal out of the office to have some fun with his fellow man, and one of the spots where he really shines is costco, where the return counter suddenly becomes a very confusing place. >> take you over here, sir. >> these were absolutely awful. i'm going to return them. >> what happened? >> i bought them but they're so terrible. they're all dry. i just couldn't eat them. >> you couldn't?
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>> yeah. >> what is this, real chicken jerky? >> yeah. >> buffalo style? the problem is with these like edible items -- >> oh, you can't? >> no, i can, but the customer has to prove to me they don't enjoy it. >> i tasted them, they're terrible. >> i know, but i have to get a picture of you not enjoying it. >> okay. forget it. >> what do you mean? no, no -- >> okay. >> let me get a picture. i'll give you your money back. hold it -- >> okay. >> but you have to be biting it. hold on one second. hold on. but be like ew, you know, you don't want to eat it. wait, hold on. maybe -- but i have to -- here, put it back. okay. now maybe throw your head back a little bit. a little more in your mouth, a little more in your mouth. you really, really despise it, right? you know what i mean? >> i can't do it anymore. >> why? no, i have to get the perfect picture. you spit all over that. okay. go ahead. okay, on three.
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one -- no, go ahead. one, two, three, just bite down on it. like a little -- a little sexier. give me sultry. maybe like a wink? maybe a little wink? >> sorry. >> okay. one -- that's pretty good. all right. now hold it to your mouth. now say, "i hate it, i hate it." >> i hate it. >> all right. spit up a little bit on it. maybe spit up. try to vomit. [ laughter ] he's right. that's terrible. don't buy that. >> how are you doing? welcome to costco. what do you have here? >> my wife bought this for christmas for somebody and she never gave it to them. >> uh-oh. >> so we're bringing it back. >> what happened? what's going on? trouble at home? >> no, why? >> she's buying gifts for other fellas. >> no, she buys -- she's got seven brothers. >> she buys for everybody. >> seven brothers and two sisters she's got. >> all right. this is worth $90.
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i'm going to give you double the value of these sweat pants if you're willing to play crab claw wiffleball. you ready? >> no, i'm not going to play. >> i think you can do it. here's what we're going to do. double your money. here's your crab claw bat. hold that for a second. hold that. >> it's frozen. >> i know. it's not going anywhere. take a step back. i'm going to pitch one to you. if you hit it over my head, you get twice the value of the sweat pants. >> why don't you ask somebody else to do all of this? >> you're going to do great. come on. >> you've got to be crazy. >> who's your favorite baseball player? >> mickey mantle. >> the mick could hit it a mile. do him proud. go ahead. go ahead, just step back. i'm going to throw you -- i'll walk it to you. >> i'm not going to do that. >> two hands, come on. >> i'm not going to do this. >> come on. >> hey, how come he's so crazy and you're not? >> i'm not crazy. don't answer that. two hands. >> this thing is leaking. >> i know, let's do it quick.
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do it quick. two hands. >> no. >> come on, mickey mantle. >> come on. >> two hands. ready? [ cheers and applause ] >> home run. very nice. all right. i'm going to need you to pee in a cup. i have to check you for steroids. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks, cousin sal. tonight on the show from the new "baywatch" movie kelly rorhbach is here. we have music from paramore. hunter hayes is sitting in with the cletones, and we'll be right back with bryan cranston. [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by xyzal. be wise, all. try new xyzal.
11:54 pm
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11:56 pm
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♪ >> jimmy: all right. that is five-time grammy nominee hunter hayes sitting in with the cletones. thank you, hunter. you can see hunter live this saturday at the malibu guitar festival. >> jimmy: tonight, from the new big screen version of "baywatch," kelly rohrbach is here with us. then, their latest album is called "after laughter," paramore from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. [ cheers and applause ] the kids have been lined up since early this morning for paramore. tomorrow night, johnny depp will be here, science bob pflugfelder will join us, and we'll have music from linkin park. please join us for all of that. our first guest tonight won -- this is interesting. he won so many emmys that they finally kicked him off of television. [ laughter ] he's an oscar-nominated movie star with a new movie called "wakefield" opening friday. please say hello to bryan cranston.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ bryan, really good to see you. >> good to see you, too. >> jimmy: you look good. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i don't mean to put you on the spot. but you're an l.a. guy. you grew up here. >> yeah. >> jimmy: there's a young woman in our audience tonight. >> oh, i heard. >> jimmy: a nurse. >> the one who's driving to san diego. >> jimmy: she's planning to drive to san diego to have a hamburger at a place called ho-dad's which i never heard of, but maybe it might be good. where should she have a hamburger in l.a. that would be better than driving to san diego? >> ooh. that's risky. i don't know. >> jimmy: i would say father's office is a good spot. >> that's a nice place. >> jimmy: the apple pan. >> apple pan is an old-fashioned -- it's been there for maybe 50, 60 years. >> jimmy: you can't go wrong with in-n-out. ever.
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>> yeah. >> jimmy: a place called bourbon state that's very good. >> a lot of good burger places. or why not keep going from san diego to tijuana and have tacos? [ laughter ] why stop there? help build the wall. with taco shells. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: eat our way through. you're a big movie star now. you're able to still go to fast food restaurants and walk around amongst humans? >> you know, kind of. >> jimmy: kind of? >> sort of. it's really interesting because, you know, there's no training for this. i just wanted to be a working actor. that happened and all of a sudden it's like a couple of breaks happen here and there, and people are recognizing me. >> jimmy: i see your face on people's shirts all the time, or at least a drawing of your face from "breaking bad." >> i will see a walter white shirt on some guy and i will sneak up to him and saddle up next to him and just go, "i like your shirt."
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[ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] and i swear the guy like, what's the -- he looks at me and goes -- and i go shh. and i leave. by the time i turn the corner, i start running because in my head i have this magic thing like, no, i swear to god, he's -- where did he go? >> jimmy: that's probably what is actually happening. >> i love it. >> jimmy: you wrote a book that was a bestseller. it was about your life, stories of your life. >> yeah. >> jimmy: was it fun for you to go around the country sharing your life story with people? >> it was a delight. it was a little disconcerting only because i was in a different city every night. >> jimmy: right. >> for three straight weeks. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> so there's that time when you've been in a hotel room, a different hotel room and you wake up and you have to go to the bathroom and you stand there and go, i have no idea where it is. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i might as well go in this plant.
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wait a minute, that's not a plant. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and meeting the people on the road -- >> jimmy: you signed books and stuff like that? >> signing books. a lot of people are very friendly, and i usually, you know, i'll get someone who comes up and says, would you sign this for my brother? he's a huge fan. i go, what, you're not a huge fan? they go, oh, no, i am too but my brother really -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> one time a guy came up to me and said, "oh, this is going to be great, my wife is a huge fan of yours." and i said, my standard. what, you're an huge fan of mine? he goes, "eh." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: honesty is not always the best policy. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that will bring you down-to-earth i guess. >> eh. >> jimmy: you just finished shooting a movie with kevin hart? >> i did. >> jimmy: he seems like he enjoys his life. >> oh, man, does he ever. >> jimmy: right? >> he is a dynamo. >> jimmy: he is. he has a lot of energy and a lot
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of positive energy it seems like. >> unbelievable. he comes on the set and ignites and makes everybody laugh. and he's a good energy to have, although he does have some of his own fears. in this movie that will come out next year, we have to go paragliding in it. i talked to him and said, are you going to go paragliding and he goes, "no, no. no! bryan, let me tell you this. we're all going to die! [ laughter ] i'm just not going to help." [ laughter ] so instead he gets on a crane, so they said, well, he's not going to go pair aglideing, so how do we do this? we have a big green screen back and an arm boom and connecting with wires and carabiners and things like that and we just raise him about 15 feet off the ground. even that, ah! ah! get me down! ah!
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>> jimmy: really? >> he just -- >> jimmy: well, 15 feet for kevin hart is more than 15 feet for most people. in fairness to him. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> in fairness. and here's the thing. >> jimmy: a lot of people don't know but you were my older son, who is now 23 years old, his little league coach. >> it's true. >> jimmy: yeah, bryan was the best little league coach i think he ever had, i mean certainly better than my little league coaches most of whom were psychotic honestly. there was one guy who wore dolphin shorts that you could see not most of his nuts, all of his nuts. >> all of his nuts. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] >> with high socks up to the knees and a whistle. >> jimmy: oh, you had this guy, too? >> i had the same guy. >> jimmy: we're going to take a break. when we come back i have a little surprise from you and it's something from your youth perhaps you have not seen. bryan cranston is here with us. his new movie is called "wakefield." we'll be right back. ♪
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welcome to maxx you. you are whimsical, vibrant, statement making. you stand out in a crowd. and are pulled together. you follow your own lead and show your strength. always comfortable in your own skin. we see what makes you unique. so we have something for everyone, at a price that's just right for you. maxx you. maxx life. t.j.maxx i wish you were here. i miss home. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ tango! for the guy who finds a way. always unstoppable.
12:08 am
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12:09 am
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♪ i've been searching ♪ i've been praying ♪ i've been patient ♪ i've been lost and found again ♪
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coffee, cookies? come on in. oh, he's going to need some whitener for his coffee, diana. "uh, excuse me, you don't have
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any soy milk, do you?" of course she's got soy milk. she's got everything. please, ben. please, tell her about your tragic lactose intolerance. all the bloating and flatulence. >> jimmy: that's bryan cranston in "wakefield." i think you need to explain what is going on there. >> well, it's all self-explanatory right there. this is a really interesting story about a guy who comes home one night, a lovely guy, working hard, has a wife and a couple kids, and he shoos a raccoon out of his garage attic. and while he's up there he sees through the -- by way of the courtyard through the window and into his house and he sees his wife and his children, and he's fascinated by watching his life without him in it. and he decides to stay, and he stays for -- well, as you can see, until whiskers start to grow. >> jimmy: yeah. it's such a weird, good movie.
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i think there are a lot of thoughts you have watching it. one of them is, i kind of would like to do that for a little while just to see what would go on. >> i think that's what resonates with audiences, is that who in the world wouldn't like to just once push the pause button of your life and take a break, take an adult snow day, and do whatever you want and don't be responsible? and then you can push it back and connect up with your life. and howard wakefield does that, but then he can't unstick the button. >> jimmy: right. >> he doesn't know how to re-enter. >> jimmy: because they're not going to be happy when he comes back. in a way a little bit like tom sauer watching his own funeral, but then it continues on and on and on well past the funeral. a little bit like a movie, i think it was one of those after school specials, "bad ronald." do you remember "bad ronald"? >> no. >> jimmy: bad ronald was a kid who pushed a girl down and she hit her head and then she died. and the police were going to arrest him.
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so his mom hid him in the wall in his house, and then his mom died and he had to live in the wall while the new family -- >> wow. >> jimmy: so you're like an adult bad ronald in a way. >> i want to see that movie, too. >> jimmy: it's not as good as this one. but there's some kitsch value there. so you grew up here, as i mentioned a little while ago. we got your yearbook to take a look through it and see what was in it. you're in like a whole bunch of clubs. you were in a lot of extracurricular activities, including most interestingly i thought, down here right here, you can zoom in. that's you right there. >> yeah. >> jimmy: in the chemistry club. [ laughter ] which is -- [ cheers and applause ] a bit of trivia. >> yeah. and were it true it would be a great story about how it was a precursor to walter white in "breaking bad," but it's not true. >> jimmy: what do you mean it's not true? it's in the yearbook. >> so it must be true? >> jimmy: yes, of course.
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>> well, you know -- >> jimmy: is this fake news, back then? [ laughter ] >> there was always, you know, picture day and all of the clubs have to show up at certain, you know, 10-minute intervals, show up there. so my friend sergio and i ditched class and showed up to all these different club pictures. [ laughter ] i think we're in four or five different clubs that we were never in. >> jimmy: the other club members never objected? >> some of the chemistry club members were going, "hey, you're not in our club." and i -- you know, a big tough guy. hey, shut up, chemistry club guy. >> jimmy: quiet nerds. >> quiet, nerd. >> jimmy: so your school sent something over. this is their yearbook from last year, 2016. and because apparently you weren't pictured in the regular part of the yearbook -- >> that's right. >> jimmy: why weren't you in the regular? >> it was one of those rare errors of omission. i was supposed to be in it. i've never seen this. >> jimmy: so this is what they
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did this year. >> oh, my god. >> jimmy: they added you and they found your picture, and there you are. [ cheers and applause ] "the breaking bad hunter." now there's something right at the bottom. it says you were in the chemistry club. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] the lie lives on. bryan cranston, everybody. "wakefield" opens friday and on demand may 26th. we'll be right back with kelly rohrbach. but there will still . it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™.
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♪ ♪since i came to know you baibe ♪i've been telling you how sweet you're.♪ ♪i've been telling you how good you're.♪ ♪please tell me how i look. ♪you look so good, fantastic man.♪ ♪ ♪ now look what you made me do ♪ ♪ you and me baby it takes two ♪ ♪ bringing new moves to the old school ♪ ♪ time for the whole world to enjoy the view ♪ ♪ we can go left they can go right ♪ ♪ save me a dance for the end of the night ♪ ♪ when i'm with you it's a party ♪ ♪ don't care where we're going ♪ ♪ 1, 2, 3 get loose no♪! ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it out of sight. ♪
12:19 am
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♪ ♪ >> jimmy: hunter hayes sitting in with the cletones. [ cheers and applause ] still to come, music from paramore. our next guest makes the slow-motion leap from the "sports illustrated" swimsuit issue to the feature-film version of "baywatch," it opens in theaters a week from tomorrow, please welcome kelly rohrbach. [ cheers and applause ]
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how are you doing? >> hi. how are you doing? >> jimmy: well, you smell very good. i'm doing very well, thank you. >> why, thank you. >> jimmy: this is your first big movie, right? >> this is my first big movie. >> jimmy: i learned something about you today. your intention was not necessarily to be an actor, you were focused on golf. >> i was. >> jimmy: you must be a very good golfer i assume? >> i went to college for golf. i had a scholarship for golf at georgetown. >> jimmy: georgetown is a hard school, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's hard to get into. you played on the golf team there. >> i did. >> jimmy: when you play on the golf team at georgetown, do you have to actually go to classes or do they say oh, she's good, we'll just give her a c and push her through? >> well, that's where the acting comes in. >> jimmy: i see. >> i was like where's the easiest class on campus? they were like right that way. no problem, i'll be taking that class. >> jimmy: what is the easiest class? like what are the classes you can pretty much get an a no matter what?
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>> i took history of australia. i know all about the ari- -- aborigines. >> jimmy: see, you obviously weren't paying that much attention. tell us about the aborigines, kelly. let's start from the beginning. >> oh, we don't have time for that. >> jimmy: what grade did you get in that class? >> a. i took all the "a" classes on campus. >> jimmy: a for aborigine. yeah. >> and australia. >> jimmy: what other classes did you take there? >> performance studies, and i chose ribbon dancing and mask puppeteering. >> jimmy: is that an acting class? >> it is. >> jimmy: mask puppeteering? >> mask puppeteering. >> jimmy: what is mask puppeteering? >> it's mask work. which is actually amazing and super fun. and the most liberating sensation. you walk around class in a mask. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's time to shut down our universities. it really is. [ laughter ]
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is there any actual puppeteering? you're just wearing a mask? >> yeah, well, this is going to get really hokey. >> jimmy: yes. >> you have a partner, like a scene partner, that acts as your puppeteer and you're the mask. >> jimmy: i got you. and you do whatever your body is doing. >> it is about the connection you establish and working off the other person, and so you're supposed to feel them -- yeah, it's -- it's hokey but it worked. i loved it. it was great. >> jimmy: somehow you wound up in acting as a result of it. >> no, but i took acting classes and i loved it and had the best time. and then after i graduated i was like what should i do with this degree? so i flew out to l.a. and -- >> jimmy: and here you are. >> here i am i guess. >> jimmy: what do you do when you first get to l.a.? did you have contacts or anybody you were here to see or live with? >> no, i just showed up. >> jimmy: you showed up, said, hey, sign me up kind of thing? >> no, i googled how to get an agent. >> jimmy: you did? >> i did.
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>> jimmy: and google was right. >> power of the internet. who knew? it works. >> jimmy: you were a "sports illustrated" swimsuit model. i mentioned that a little bit earlier. and now really what could be better for someone who was a "sports illustrated" swimsuit model than to be in the "baywatch" movie? you were too young probably for "baywatch," right? >> i was too young, but i was an avid fan. i was 4 years old, sucking my thumb in onesie pajamas watching "baywatch," i swear. it was my sisters and my go-to show. i know everybody who does a reboot says that. >> jimmy: and they're lying almost all the time. >> die-hard. >> jimmy: you have actual proof. and this is an amazing thing i think. so you brought a photograph. this is a photograph that you took when?
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>> in 2014. >> jimmy: okay. so -- >> 2017, so three years ago. >> jimmy: before there was talk of a "baywatch" movie. >> yes. >> jimmy: this is something you posted to instagram or your sister posted to instagram? >> i posted. >> jimmy: show this picture. now, this is a photograph you took three years ago. "watch your back, c.j." [ cheers and applause ] which turns out to be the character that you're playing. the character pamela anderson played. >> my sisters and i were such avid fans of the show that anytime any of us would see a red bathing suit in a store it was a gag we'd take a picture in it, and we played "baywatch" on the beach. we were doing bae, b-a-e, watch gags before it was a thing. >> jimmy: i didn't even know it was a thing. i'm learning this right now. >> b-e -- no, baewatch. like you're my bae. >> jimmy: i got you. >> hey, bae. >> jimmy: would hey be spelled h-a-e in that -- i'm very focused on spelling. somehow you visualized this, like right out of "oprah" magazine.
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>> the power of manifestation. >> how do you audition for "baywatch" in do you bring in this photograph and say you've got to give me this job? >> well, i actually had that suit. i bought that suit that day. when it came time for the audition i decided it would be a good idea to wear the suit to the audition. >> jimmy: really? >> yes. don't ever do that, anyone. >> jimmy: that seems like a crazy idea. >> so it was like january, dead of winter in new york city. i did my audition. i put the suit on. i think it's great. i'm like i'm going to kill this, this is a great idea, nobody else is going to have this. put sweatpants over it. i get to the audition room, there's five other girls sitting there looking exactly like me, not wearing the swimsuit, wearing appropriate jeans and a tee shirt, attire for an audition. and they called my name, i stood up, i dropped trow and i'm like, i'm going in, guys. they were like, oh, my god, what is she wearing. >> jimmy: they absolutely despised you when you did that, right? >> no, it was pure pity. they were like, oh, man, she is wearing the suit.
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>> jimmy: then you get in there and what's the reaction of the casting director? >> i was like i'm so sorry about this. i'm kidding. not that i take this as a joke. i'll just start now. okay. >> jimmy: and apparently it made a good impression. >> i guess so. the first day i got to set i went to the director and said i'm sorry about that whole audition thing. it was weird, right? he was like, it's cool. >> jimmy: you're lucky you had a guy in there. [ cheers and applause ] >> the casting director was a girl, so, i guess -- >> jimmy: all right. well, hey, congratulations. >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: your dream has come true. you're a member of the "baywatch" community now. [ cheers and applause ] kelly rohrbach. "baywatch" opens in theaters one week from tomorrow. we'll be right back with music from paramore. [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz.
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the best or nothing. the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians
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it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: thanks to bryan
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cranston, kelly rohrbach and hunter hayes. apologies to matt damon. we did run out of time for him. "nightline" is next. but first, this is their new album, "after laughter." here with the song "hard times," paramore! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ all that i want is to wake up fine tell me that i'm alright that i ain't gonna die ♪ ♪ all that i want is a hole in the ground you can tell me when it's alright ♪ ♪ for me to come out hard times gonna make you wonder why you even try ♪ ♪ hard times gonna take you down and laugh when you cry these lives ♪ ♪ and i still don't know how i even survive hard times hard times ♪ ♪ and i gotta get to rock bottom
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walking around with my little rain cloud ♪ ♪ hanging over my head and it ain't coming down where do i go gimme some sort of sign ♪ ♪ you hit me with lightning maybe i'll come alive hard times ♪ ♪ gonna make you wonder why you even try hard times ♪ ♪ gonna take you down and laugh when you cry these lives ♪ ♪ and i still don't know how i even survive hard times hard times ♪ ♪ and i gotta hit rock bottom tell my friends i'm coming down ♪ ♪ we'll kick it when i hit the ground tell my friends i'm coming down ♪ ♪ we'll kick it when i hit the
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ground when i hit the ground when i hit the ground ♪ ♪ when i hit the ground when i hit the ground hard times ♪ ♪ gonna make you wonder why you even try hard times ♪ ♪ gonna take you down and laugh when you cry these lives ♪ ♪ and i still don't know how i even survive hard times hard times hard times hard times ♪ ♪ hard times gonna make you wonder why you even try hard times ♪ ♪ gonna take you down and laugh when you cry these lives ♪ ♪ and i still don't know how i even survive hard times hard times hard times ♪ ♪
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♪ and i gotta get to rock bottom ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i don't mind letting you down easy but just give it time ♪ ♪ if it don't hurt now then just wait just wait a while ♪ ♪ you're not the big fish in the pond no more you are what they're feeding on ♪ ♪ so what are you gonna do when the world don't orbit around you ♪ ♪ ain't it fun living in the real world ♪
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♪ ain't it good ♪ being all alone ♪ where you're from you might be the one who's running things ♪ ♪ well you can ring anybody's bell to get what you want ♪ ♪ you see it's easy to ignore trouble when you're living in a bubble ♪ ♪ so what are you gonna do when the world don't orbit around you ♪ ♪ so what are you gonna do when nobody wants to fool with you ♪ ♪ ain't it fun ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, marry me. it's the latest twist on wedded bliss. women around the world getting married to themselves. >> i've been told i'm a great catch, and today i'm catching myself. >> complete with white gowns, engagement rings, and walks down the aisle. how much do you love yourself? >> i'm getting engaged. to myself. i don't want you to think i'm some kind of nut job. plus a climate for conflict. our journey to a nation torn by war, under threat of terrorism, now ravaged by severe drought. >> we keep each other alive because this environment is not giving us anymore. >> food shortages forcing desperate families to flee. why this once lush country has


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