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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  June 3, 2017 1:37am-2:08am PDT

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the wind just picks up that larger bouncy house and throws it over that wall. you see someone nearly missed getting hit by it. >> looked like there was a kid inside and got tossed over the fence. is that what i really saw? >> yes, nick. there was still a kid inside that bouncy house. it would appear as though a child goes flying between those cars slamming to the ground as the bouncy house is turned upside down by the wind. none of them were apparently secured to the ground. and four kids ended up being injured. one of them is 7-year-old girl went to the hospital with cerebral edema and she is in serious condition. her family is looking for financial assistance trying to help. we hope the little girl is able to make a full recovery. some rescue videos just tug the heart strings. this one, it'll do that. >> oh, no. got stuck in the glue trap. >> and the guy doing the
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commentary also does the play-by-play action. >> this is so sad. >> what if you pull had his leg off? >> that's not funny. >> no, it's not funny. but i have a feeling they're going to help it out. not just record it and watch its demise. >> they are going to help it, but in the meantime, this guy just has plenty to say. >> she'll go home and be like, babe, i got stuck. >> this guy does work for quite a while to get the bird out of that trap. >> one of those human things got me out. they're pretty cool. i thought he was going to eat me. >> this guy did get the bird unstuck. but the bird's not quite ready to fly. >> got to walk. >> yeah. the guy thinks he will have to walk for a couple of days, but he'll be okay. >> it might be a day or two before he flies.
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>> could be a couple months. >> a completely different rescue over the rio grande. you see there, that is a dog. her name is kissy stuck on that rock. she slipped into the river. that river is raging but firefighters have passed something over to her. she was able to climb up on that rock. but kissy is a lab. and labs, not too scared of water. finally, she jumps in. the firefighters are waiting for her there saying come on. they are able to get her. she was there for three hours but they were tiebl rescue her and return her to her owners. >> quite a leap of faith there considering the white water. i was waiting for this lab to come down the river. >> i have a riveting and thrilling video of the garbage men at work. this video shot by 4k memento. one operating the boom. he other hooks up those three hooks and they're going to lift
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up this trash can to empty it. woopty do. >> oh. >> basically that was just the tip of the iceberg because it's a huge underground trash bin. >> oh, look at that. that's so smart. >> it's about time. how often are you in the major city centers and you see those bins, those small bins like that overloading and everyone just piles on top. that's amazeing. >> or you get the huge stinky ones and this is aesthetically pleasing. gets the job done. >> how do they dump it? >> looks like the bottom of the bin opens up and dumps the contents into the truck. then that guy guides it back into the sleeve. and it slides right back under ground. >> that's cool. >> smart. that's recycling. they have a waste one right next to it. >> that was in england. very smart concept. this also in england. a very dumb concept. >> whoa.
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>> sir, no sir. >> if you've done any kind of construction project, in order to get a good mix of cement, you need the proper amount of cement mix and water. i think they've got a little too much alcohol involved because they do admit this was a party. they had been drinking all day. then they came up with this idea. and my goodness, doesn't it look like a brilliant one. it's a bittersweet set of videos right hooer. this first one is where chrissy is the one closest to the camera is walking into a room filled to the brim with love. she's got a gown on, a face mask on, as do her four children who she hasn't seen at this point in ten days. now, she's been through quite the roller coaster over the last few weeks. on a friday she was diagnosed with leukemia. she went back in on the next monday to find out it was acute
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myloid leukemia. the next day her and her husband jumped in a car, drove four hours, they left the kids, left their jobs, left fair family, and left their home to start what could be up to a month of chemotherapy. >> good grief. that just turned everything upside down for them. >> in just about every single way. which is why this moment right here where she finally just gets to touch and talk to and see her children is so special. >> the thing is they're probably so excited to share with her the things they made for her because they haven't seen her in that amount of time. >> even though maddox her son has grown up a bit, still her little boy. >> this will be the best medicine for her though. this moment right here will do more for her than any chemotherapy. >> there's a gofundme they've set up. they're looking for $20,000. it's a good time to bring up that christian vera is selling
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calendars to get money for the leukemia society. >> i hope i have your support. >> we will put up a link to this fund raiser and so you can buy christian's calendar. up on click on tv show or use our mobile app. a b.a.s.e. jumper is in trouble. find out how this flight ebnds. >> oh, no. plus apparently -- >> jelly for your face is the latest rage. >> oh. >> put it to the test for all of us. >> you can use it more than once then? >> absolutely, yeah. we moved i. ♪ a lot of people have vertical blinds. well, if a lot of people jumped off a bridge, would you? you hungry? i'm okay right -- i'm... i'm becoming my, uh, mother. it's been hard, but some of the stuff he says is actually pretty helpful.
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pumpkin, bundling our home and auto insurance is a good deal! like buying in bulk! that's fun, right? progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto.
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progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, gold bond dark spot minimizing cream. . closed captioning provided by -- in the appearance of sun-damaged skin. gold bond. let's go back a little bit old school for just a solid b.a.s.e. jump. guy here has climbed what looks to me like an old silo in russia. nothing fancy here. even a standard old countdown. >> hey, hey. >> oh, no. may day.
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yea. >> yea? >> i think he was able to kick himself away from it. it wasn't like he went boom! >> it's a pretty tall tower. but still doesn't leave you a whole lot of time to fix an incident like this. you can see in this viral video how the parachute zplodeploys, crossed up. but that sent him into e the edge of that building, bounces off of it. hits the bushes below. >> didn't hurt that much. never imagined this would be a thing, but apparently jelly for your face is the latest rage. >> it's going to take off your makeup, remove impurities, cleanse. >> oh. >> this is a product i'd never seen before. but it's getting so much attention online. so tati decided to give it a shot. it's a charcoal facial cleansing
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jelly ball. >> i like charcoal. you can put on a mask and get the impurities out. >> this is just a cleanser. you have to poke through it. >> so my pricking the ball was supposed to break the balloon. >> once you get it out, you get it wet. that's when it starts foaming up. and then you start rubbing it on your face just like that. she's doing half of her face just to test it out. >> you can use it more than once then? >> oh, absolutely, yeah. it's like a bar of soap. but it's jelly. all right. let's see if it actually works. and she is amazed as i was that there was no makeup. like, it actually worked. it took all her makeup off. i went online to see what other people were saying, and apparently it's cool. >> oh, my god. >> if it can get eye liner off in one swoop, i'd buy it. >> it took her mascara off as well. >> there's no foundation left on my face. >> i'm impressed. i am so, so impressed.
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on the fourth day god create ed these and they were awesome. check this out. you've got playing keepy uppies and it's -- have you ever seen it? a cop and a nun are playing football. >> she's good too. like what you want to do? >> she does have some serious skill. maybe in between all the prayers he's also just -- >> yeah. well, you have to remember that nuns obviously live a certain lifestyle and follow their faith. they're still human beings and they still are interested in other hobbies, other things. so i'm not surprised by this. >> one of those adorably random videos. in this case half a million views because people are tickled pink. >> meanwhile the drunk guy is like, what? >> sister sister soccer edition.
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rich ferguson is playing a little reverse psychology. >> just take my money! just take my money! >> rich ferguson has a serious mugging problem. yeah. no one will mug him. >> find out if anyone takes his money. and yoga that will creep you out. >> what the heck is happening to her? is she possessed? does she have worms? what's going on inside her? they're aliens or something. >> a look at the latest workout trend. >> that is some sick ab control though. the one you createtaly is at olive garden. create your own tour of italy starting at $12.99. choose 3 of 9 of your favorites. delicious new grilled chicken parmigiana. always a favorite lasagna classico. and all the garden fresh salad and breadsticks you want. have everything you love all on one plate. may you always get just what you want. create your own tour of italy for a limited time only at olive garden. i'm going on a targetrun, ,
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1:51 am
this is a payday bar. it has a truck load of peanuts and a caramel core that gets the job done. it's 10.5 centimeters of awesome, unless you get the king size which is 14.7 centimeters of aawww yeah. payday. if promotional consideration provided by -- ®. for relief is as effective at hour 24 as hour one. so be wise all take new xyzal®. breaks down tooth thankfully she uses act® restoring™ mouthwash. it restores minerals to enamel for 40% stronger teeth. act®. smile strong.
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maybe you want to get your zen on. don't do it like that. do it like this. apparently this is the latest in yoga. it's called the noli technique. >> what the heck is happening to her? is she possessed? does she have worms? what's inside her? there's aliens or something. >> it's funny you say that because it is also known as the alien yoga workout. >> where are her organs? >> is that her spine we're seeing? >> no, those are her abdominal muscles. she's getting a lot of attention on ins gra m. but this is a technique that appears to have been around for awhile. in fact, it is a yoga breathing technique. and after people saw this video, people all over the internet are doing this and posting their videos. some of them pretty impressive. some of them impressive like this one where he's doing nothing but sticking his gut out. >> he's making his tattoo talk.
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hello, how are you. >> what if you got extra love? >> well, it's the breathing technique that's important. you don't have to look like this. >> i think i figured out why all of these videos are just specifically on people's abs because trying to do it, you make some really weird faces. >> this is tyler hall. he is a radio deejay and decided to share his version of the technique on twitter. >> are you winding it up. >> hey, how do you know he's not doing it? you just can't quite see it. just got a blanket over top. >> he's using his hips. that's why. >> i'm trying to try alien yoga. not a huge fan of a new toy. ♪
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rich ferguson has a serious mugging problem. yeah. no one will mug him. >> i don't want any trouble, man. don't hit me. just take my money. just take my money! >> no, no. they don't know each other. that's just rich identifying strangers acting like they're trying to mug him, just giving up, even throwing his wallet at them in some cases. even the next guy almost arrest themselves in anticipation of problems. >> my hands are up. >> nope. not me. i did nothing.
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>> even this friendly bunch. >> how you doing, sir? >> i'm good, man. i don't want any trouble. >> oh. it's my birthday. >> hi, how you doing sir? >> dude, i don't want any trouble. don't hurt me. don't hurt me, bro. please don't hurt me. >> this might be the friendliest in america. watch. >> take my money. just take it. just take it. just take it. i don't want any trouble. just take my cash. i don't want any trouble. >> doesn't matter guy or girl, nobody wants to get involved. even this kid tries to lay down the law. >> take my money, man. i don't want any trouble. you got the police? >> just stop it. nobody wants your money. >> i don't want any trouble, man. just take the cash. just take the cash, man. i don't want any trouble. >> security guy in uniform. >> they don't pay me enough to deal with crazy folk like you, so fine. >> turns out he's not just a great magician. also great at playing opossum.
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grandpa has found the best hair stylist -- >> ever, in his grand kids. >> watch the little barbers at work and see the final look. >> oh.
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does four revolutions when he jumps. >> nailed it like a boss. >> the exams must be entertaining. chinchilla snack time. ♪ there is nothing, absolutely
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nothing like finding a stylist that you like. >> my granddaughter's going to give me a hair cut. sadie? you want to come cut my hair? >> yeah. >> sadie is holding the sheers and the little comb. and grandpa, sweet grandpa is going to trust them with his beautiful hair. she starts working on that silver fox of his. >> whoa, hey, hey. right now meeting expectations. >> don't you worry. they've got this. >> how's it looking? >> how about we cut it on the sides. >> is this a hair cut grandpa's going to be proud of? what's so funny? >> nothing. >> this is a good hair cut? >> we see a little bit of the progress. >> oh, he's got a bit of the franciscan monk thing going on. >> they're bringing the -- >> the friar tuck.
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>> bringing it back. this is a cool, unique hair cut. >> my granddaughter just cut my hair and i'll never forget this. it's been a memorable moment. sadie has just gotten a mirror before i pay her and shelby i'm going to look at myself in the mirror at this wonderful hair cut. >> he looks at it. they find it dandy. they take him to the bathroom so he can see the precision. >> nothing like a grandparent's love. only a grandparent would lie to you like that. >> so regardless of the final product, this is going to be a memory that they will have for the rest of their lives. and that's priceless. >> my granddaughters. we're all new every day "right this minute" or go to for more fun content. we'll see you next time.
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>> the following is a paid presentation for hazuki magnifying glasses with uv and blue light filtration, brought to you by hazuki. >> hi, everyone. tom jourden here. today, i want to share something that's really made a big difference in the quality of my vision, and i think it will for yours, too, whether you have a hard time reading a recipe, a text on your smartphone, an e-mail on your laptop, or a map. today, we'll show you how to see everything you've been missing, no prescription required. >> announcer: introducing hazuki magnifying glasses -- professional, optical-quality designer eyewear that instantly makes small, hard-to-see words and objects look up to 160% bigger, brighter, and clearer. >> i started my cake-decorating business about four years ago. my eyes have started getting a little bit weaker as time goes on. i love my hazukis because they have helped me do this fine
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detail work, such as these little ladybugs on this cupcake. whereas my readers really can't give me that kind of depth of field that these do. and i love that they're lightweight. i can wear them all day long. and they look cute, too. [ chuckles ] i love the red. >> announcer: hazuki magnifying glasses incorporate the latest optometric technologies. they help support the health of your eyes by blocking 99% of harmful uv light. hazukis also block up to 55% of blue light coming from all your digital devices and even from today's energy-efficient lightbulbs. >> like everybody, i need to balance my bank statement, and it's little lines of writing and numbers. and i have to go back and forth from the computer screen to the bank statement itself. and i was able to balance four months of bank statements in a row because my eyes didn't get tired. these are the ones that are computer-screen distance. and what i did was i put the paper at the same distance as the computer. everything was in focus here.
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everything was in focus here. i just went back and forth, checked them all off, got it all done. and it worked great. >> and he told me, "i did four in a row!" he says, "i've never been able to do that. my eyes aren't tired. these are great!" [ laughs ] >> it's true. >> then we had cocktails. [ laughter ] >> that was the best part. >> announcer: because they're hands-free, hazukis make up-close detail work requiring two hands fast and easy. wear hazukis alone or right over your regular glasses or contacts to make the words and images you've been struggling to see look dramatically bigger, brighter, and clearer. hazuki magnifying glasses have already sold 2 million pairs, but you won't find them in stores. stay tuned, because today, through this exclusive limited-time television offer, you can get your own hazukis to try for 90 days. here to introduce you to a breakthrough in eyewear technology is our host, tom jourden. >> i think most people would say that, of their five senses, eyesight is number one. i know it is for me. and now that i'm a little older,
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my eyes definitely don't work as well as they used to when it comes to reading small print or tackling jobs around the house that require detailed close-up work, like using one of those tiny screwdrivers to fix a screw on a pair of broken readers. you know that's a nightmare. my guest today knows all about those problems and how hazuki magnifying glasses solves them. meet optometrist dr. marianne banales. welcome, marianne. >> thanks for having me. >> oh, i am so thrilled you're here, because my vision has definitely gotten worse over the years, unfortunately. so, my question for you is why does our close-up vision just seem to go downhill as we get older? >> well, at around age 40, most people start noticing blurred near vision when reading a book or a text or doing close-up work, like sewing or even removing a splinter. >> that's when it was happening to me. >> yeah, it's called presbyopia. it's actually a lens condition that makes it harder for the eyes to focus on close-up objects. >> and that's when you hustle off to the drug store for your first pair of readers, right? >> right. >> you know, but even when i'm wearing my readers, sometimes the words are still too small to
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read. >> especially in dim light. >> and i thought readers and magnifiers did the exact same thing before i got my hazukis. but i have noticed a huge difference. >> well, prescription and drug-store reading glasses -- they only help sharpen words and images. but they don't make them look larger and easier to see. only magnifiers do that. >> the difference for me was, even with my readers on, i couldn't read my morning paper. yes, i still do that. i'm old-school. what can i say? >> i do that, too. >> do you? >> yes. >> well, because my hazukis make the words look so much bigger... >> 160% bigger. >> ...i can sit with my cup of coffee and read the paper again. ♪ >> my hazuki glasses have changed the way i can do jewelry. i can do it at any time of day, whether there's high light or low light now. because sometimes, i like to work at night. these keep my eyes from getting really tired at night. they feel really light and airy, and they sit perfectly on my nose. they feel like a precision piece of equipment. they're beautiful. i love them. ♪
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>> one of the most important things about fishing is getting these fine lines onto these little hooks -- these little eyelets. when i was younger, it was a lot easier. my eyes were pretty good. but right now, i need these hazuki magnifiers, and i can tie all these little knots as easy as that. i'm an avid fisherman, and i've tried about everything as my eyes get weaker and weaker. one of the best times for fishing is in the evening, when the sun starts to go down. but that creates a lot of glare. these help reduce it while lifting the light so you can see to tie the line. you put them on, you tie your line, and you're fishing. >> hazukis aren't just for reading and close-up work. they come in two different magnifications. hazuki 1.6 is perfect for close-up activities, like sewing and texting and reading. >> like that tiny print on
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prescription bottles and those crazy inserts inside. >> yeah, clearly they don't want you to read those at all. the other option, the hazuki 1.32, is ideal for working on computers or laptops. now, i use both magnifications every day, and they work great. >> and you can wear them over contacts, too. >> oh, yeah. they're totally versatile. you can wear them over glasses, no glasses, contacts. they work for everyone. >> in the morning, i'm under led lights in the kitchen or i'm in front of a computer, placing orders, making menu changes. most of our menu is in italian, not my first language. these hazukis just brings things right back to where they're supposed to be. so, they absolutely are about making things bigger. >> they're wonderful. i read a lot of small print. it corrects the blurriness, the images are sharper, makes it a lot easier to read. >> they actually look great, too. they help me with my productivity all throughout the day. and they don't break when you step on them. [ laughter ] ♪
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>> i wear my hazukis every day, every time i sit at the computer. >> you know what? when i put these on, the details are better. >> right. i usually don't like having glasses on. and these are very lightweight. they're -- >> oh, they are. you're right about that. >> they're very, very easy to wear. i like that. readers used to be just fine. now they don't work as well at the computer. when i wear my hazukis, the images on the computer are just so clear, so distinct. i can see the pictures and read the text in one look, without having to get any closer to the screen. >> you know what, laurie? there is actually a slight chance, maybe even a large chance that these make us smarter. >> they probably do make us a lot smarter. and if not, then we look a lot smarter. >> there you go. >> yeah, we look a lot smarter. >> now it's time to get your hazukis your way. choose the color you want, the style you want, the


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