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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  June 9, 2017 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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report. thanks for joining us. have a great weekend. i'mgreat weekend. steve preston, the big cheese at big fun in beautiful cleveland, ohio. tonight jimmy welcomes mandy moore, jerrod carmichael, musical guest bebe rexha featuring lil wayne. and now, enjoy the show! >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, mandy moore, comedian jerrod carmichael, the national spelling bee champ, and music from bebe rexha featuring lil wayne. and now, if there are no objections, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome, welcome. thank you. hi there, i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks to all of you for coming.
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thank you, thank you. welcome back to those of i do who joined us in primetime for our game night special earlier tonight. game four of the nba finals between the warriors and the cavaliers from cleveland, ohio. or maybe they should call it leaveland, ohio. there's a rumor that lebron james is considering a move to los angeles to become a laker or a clipper the year after next. which would be exciting for us. but another bummer for cleveland. although i have -- thinking about this today, i have an idea to make it fair. i propose, and i'm not authorized to make this deal myself, but i know people. so here's how this will go. we get lebron. and in exchange, cleveland gets disneyland. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] the whole thing. haunted mansion, space mountain, mickey and minnie, all seven of the drawer offed, you get it all, we get lebron for three years. is that a deal?
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i think that would be equitable. [ cheers and applause ] i think lebron should go to every team in the league to help them win a title. [ laughter ] except golden state. what if he signed with golden state? there would be a coup, right? there would be a violent overthrow of the nba, we'd have to form a whole new league or something. speaking of controversial moves, melania trump is finally moving into the white house next week. [ laughter ] they broke the news to her yesterday. she's taking it pretty hard. [ laughter ] she does not seem to be excited about leaving her penthouse in new york to move into what is essentially public housing. [ laughter ] i guess the president finally managed to lure her there by replacing -- you know michelle obama has a vegetable garden. he replaced it with a bergdorf good man store. [ laughter ] now she's in. so be brave, melania. [ cheers and applause ] you're going to get through this. with any luck in three to six months you will be out of there.
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[ laughter ] president trump has been dealing with the aftermath of the james comey testimony in a way that i guess shouldn't surprise me, but he always does surprise me. after all we heard yesterday, after everything, he's claiming it went great. [ laughter ] he's like -- it would be like if the cavaliers went into the game tonight going, we're winning, 3-0 games. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] and everyone is like, what? you're not -- you're down 3-0. and they're like, nope, we're up, we're winning, we won. [ laughter ] if you let it, it really could make you crazy. as you know, james comey, who was director of the fbi until trump fired him, appeared before the senate yesterday where he shared details about that notorious one-on-one dinner with the president. the president invited him to his house, offered him some pills to relax, then took -- oh. [ laughter ] maybe that was the bill cosby trial? i'm really getting --
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[ audience moaning ] >> it's becoming hard to keep everything straight. [ applause ] the real bombshell from all of this was that yesterday, for the first time in maybe ever, donald trump didn't tweet. not even once. he didn't tweet. maybe we should have james comey testify before the senate every single day. [ cheers and applause ] so early this money he was at it again. he tweeted at 6:10 a.m., despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication, and wow, comey is a leaker. so he's still got it. told reporters today he never told comey he hoped he'd let go of the investigation into national security adviser michael flynn. when they asked him if he has tapes -- trump insinuated he has tapes of the conversations. he didn't answer. he said, i'll tell you about that in a very short time and you're going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer. then he flew to new jersey to
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play golf for the 17th time since taking office. there were a lot of moments during comey's testimony where he said he couldn't answer a question but would get into more detail at the closed session later that day. which of course i wanted to know what was going on in the closed session. and while the details of that were not made available on tv, it was not televised, there is a way to find out everything that happened. >> i'm not going to comment on whether that happened in open setting, that's not a question i can answer in open setting, that's a question i don't think i should answer in an open setting. >> we'll be having a closed session shortly, so we will follow up on that. >> are you dying to hear some of the juicy testimony that's too hot for an open hearing? call the closed session hotline. >> our senators are standing by to chat with you about everything they're not supposed to talk about in public. it's naughty, it's unethical, and it's all highly classified.
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>> for just $3.99 a minute you can have access to the sexiest details of the russia investigation. >> oh, there's collusion all right. they colluded all over each other. >> call now and chat with lonely senators today. the closed session hotline. what goes on behind closed doors is now your business. >> you want to hear about the russian hookers? well -- >>. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i know what i'm doing this weekend. with all this going on yesterday, the president kept busy, they kept him very busy at a speaking engagement in front of the faith and freedom coalition where he invited a little audience participation. >> restoring freedom and opportunity also means repealing and replacing the disaster -- known as -- >> donald trump! >> that was easy. >> jimmy: oh, all right. as long as you say his name he's happy. by the way the artist formerly
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known as lying ted cruz, he was there too with the president. you know, ted cruz always seems like the kid no one wants to invite to their birthday party. and yesterday there he was again. outside the chuck e. cheese banging on the door. >> what i want to say to the men and women here is two things. number one, thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you for your prayers. thank you for your passion. thank you for your time. thank you for your energy. thank you for speaking out and working to retake our nation. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage the southern regional director of faith and freedom coalition, virginia galloway. ♪ >> jimmy: not exactly a mike >> jimmy: not exactly a mike drop, you know? [ laughter ] you don't keep virginia galloway waiting, that's all there is to it. meanwhile, we always get the
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idea we're a bunch of dopes and they're a bunch of elegant ladies and gentlemen, but they had an election there yesterday, this is now who's in the running for prime minister. >> harvey jonathan david. known as lord buckethead. 249. callam lord hape. the official monster raving party. 119. smith, bobby. known as bobby 3. >> jimmy: see, we're not so different after all. they have lord buckethead, and we have lord buckethead too. how much would he pay to go back to that day, huh? we have a tradition on this show that dates back to the late
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1800s or something. every year we invite the winner of the scripps national spelling bee to our show to defend his or her title against me. i'm a pretty good speller. this year's winner is 12-year-old anania vinay. she spelled a lot of words right and for her prowess took home $40,000. in a few minutes i'm going to take that $40,000 from this 12-year-old child. anania. [ laughter ] >> this is yours, congratulations, you're the 2017 champ of the scripps national spelling bee. >> jimmy: yeah. oh, no. that's why athletes have champagne, they get drunk and they feel better after something like that. [ laughter ] i hope -- well, anania's going to be out here tonight and i am going to take that trophy from her and put it on the mantel in my home. it's going to be a wonderful thing. when i come back, i take on a 12-year-old in spelling so stick around, we'll be right back!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ man: let's go! man #2: we're not coming out! man #1: [ sighs ] flo: [ amplified ] i got this. guys, i know being a first-time homeowner is scary, but you don't have to do this. man #2: what if a tree falls on our garage? woman: what if a tornado rips off our roof? flo: you're covered. and you've bundled your home and auto insurance, so you're saving a ton. come on. you don't want to start your new life in a dirty old truck. man #3: hey. man #1: whoa, whoa. flo: sorry. woman: oh. flo: you're safe. you're safe now. woman: i think i'm gonna pass out. can you stop using the bullhorn? flo: i don't make the rules. can you stop using the bullhorn? guyscause this is my jam.n... showtime! ♪tell it to my heart ♪tell me i'm the only one... nailed it tim, nailed it. ♪
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♪ ouch! new band-aid® brand skin-flex™, bandages. our best bandage yet! it dries almost instantly. better? yeah. good thing because stopping never crosses your mind. band-aid® brand. stick with it™
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♪ ♪ [laughter] we all drive... some just for the fun of it. ♪ welcome to maxx you. you are whimsical, vibrant, statement making. you stand out in a crowd. and are pulled together.
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you follow your own lead and show your strength. always comfortable in your own skin. we see what makes you unique. so we have something for everyone, at a price that's just right for you. maxx you. maxx life. t.j.maxx >> jimmy: welcome back to the
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show. mandy moore, jared kerrod carmi. first it is time for our 14th annual war of words between me and the winner of the scripps national spelling bee. with that said, please welcome ananya vinay, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hello, ananya, how are you? 12 years old, you spell the -- here, step over here with me. you spelled how many words correctly to win this? >> 35.
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>> jimmy: 35 words. these are words you studied very hard to learn? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you knew all of them, were any of t them hard? >> no. >> jimmy: what about this one? let's look at this. >> g-i-f-b-l-a-a-r, gifblaar. >> that is correct. >> jimmy: i knew that one. everybody knows gifblaar. [ cheers and applause ] what is gifblaar? we were going to name our baby gifblaar originally. did your dad know how to spell gifblaar? >> i don't think he did. >> jimmy: are you a better speller than your father? >> maybe. >> jimmy: have you enjoyed your time as champion? >> yeah. >> jimmy: well, that time is about to end, young lady. [ laughter ] there's a new champion about to jump on that spelling horse right now. you may have won the spelling bee but i am about to win the spelling "a." that's right. i would like to introduce you to our experts. first our judge tonight is my
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cousin sal. [ cheers and applause ] many years of experience. and don't worry, he would not let the fact that he is my cousin, related to me, and actually works here at the show, affect him in any way. he is impartial completely, okay? [ laughter ] next, our pronouncer of words, please bring in the spelling bee, here he is, our parking lot security guard guillermo. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right, are we ready to do this? guillermo, are you ready to read? >> guillermo: i'm ready. >> jimmy: who is going first, gentlemen? >> sal: the champion from clovis unified feudman elementary in fresno, california, ananya vinay! >> jimmy: oh, that's you, all right. [ cheers and applause ] i'll sit right here. >> sal: what is ananya's first word? >> guillermo: salute. >> definition, please? >> guillermo: it is a word that
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has letters say-lute. >> lang wing uage of origin? >> guillermo: mine -- all the words. >> sal: no, the word. the word. >> guillermo: say-lute. >> s-a-l-u-t-e. >> sal: he's trying to say sleuth. the word is sleuth. all right, from kenny guinn jr. high school in las vegas, nevada, two-time champion, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> guillermo: good luck. >> jimmy: thank you. >> guillermo: jamuke. >> jimmy: can you repeat the word? >> guillermo: ja-mul-kay. >> jimmy: i'm going to guess
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this is a hebrew word. y-a-r-m-u-l-k-e. [ cheers and applause ] >> sal: wow, that's right, that's right, on the board! yarmulke. >> jimmy: can i tell you something, ananya? i'm not even jewish. >> sal: let's try to even things up. what's ananya's next word. >> guillermo: come on, ananya, concentrate. co-lease-y. >> what's the word again? >> guillermo: co-lease-y. >> coleasy? >> jimmy: i can't help you. [ laughter ] >> guillermo: come on, you're the champion. you got this, you got this. one more time -- >> coleasy? >> guillermo: yes. you're real close. [ laughter ]
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>> coleasy? c-o-l-i-cii. >> sal: no, c-o-a-l-e-s-c-e. >> jimmy: oh, right. >> sal: gym he's still up 1-0. >> guillermo: boy-jay-not. >> jimmy: can you repeat that? >> guillermo: boy-jay-not. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what did i miss? >> sal: they're seeing the word, you're not. >> guillermo: boy-jay-not. [ scattered laughter ] gpoy-jay-not.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i don't know what it is. i don't know. >> sal: all right, ananya. the word was poignant. >> sal: oh, poignant, of course. >> sal: this is it, the last word and the chance to tie things up. >> jimmy: so i win if she doesn't get this. >> sal: that's right. >> guillermo: come on, ananya. lose-see-oh. >> definition? >> guillermo: it is a funny word. [ laughter ] >> language of origin? >> guillermo: i have no idea. [ laughter ] >> can you repeat the word? >> guillermo: loose-sea-oh. >> what was the word again? >> guillermo: loose-sea-ohs. >> loose-e-ose? >> guillermo: no, loose-sea-o. >> sal: as good as it's going to get.
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>> l-u-s-c-i-o-u-s. [ cheers and applause ] >> sal: wow, you did it! >> jimmy: wow. i guess we have a tie. [ cheers and applause ] there you go. wow. we have our first-ever tie. this is very exciting. i will reluctantly share this trophy with you. but you can take to it your house, okay? congratulations, ananya. let's turn that around so everyone can really bask in its glory. there you go ananya. thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] thanks, ananya. all right. tonight on the show we have music from bebe rexha and lil wayne, jerrod carmichael is here. be right back with mandy moore! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by the new denny's on demand. order up at
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but the way we watch it is not. so, let's do something else. like what? like, watch tv wherever. what's that supposed to mean? it means, anywhere. in a car? yep. oof. but not like that. like this. oooh, family boat trip! yeah. and check this, record as many shows as you want. what? what? i just got chills. i know! tv, like, made for us. finally! finally. yeah. finally. ♪ wait, that's way cheaper than cable.
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♪ ♪ ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show. tonight from the carmichael show and the new movie "transformers," jerrod carmichael is here. this is her latest single called
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"the way i are, dance with somebody." bebe rexha featuring lil wayne from the mercedes-benz stage. you can see bebe at summerfest in milwaukee on july 1st. and we will be live streaming some of the other great music from summerfest, including sheryl crow, to see that online, go to it's free and you can watch from the pleasant confines of your home. we have new shows next week. jamie foxx will be here, diane keaton will be here, andy samberg, billy crystal, gillian bell, lonzo and lavar ball will be with us, and we'll have music from phoenix and 2 chainz featuring trey songz and ty dolla sign. these are little wayne's sunglasses, he left them behind, now i've stolen them. not a good look for me, really. i feel like i'm high already right here. our first guest ascended
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unscathed from the perilous world of teenage popstars to become a golden globe-nominated actress with a very popular show called "this is us" and a new movie, "47 meters down." >> hurry, hurry! ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: "47 meters down" opens in theaters a week from today. please welcome mandy moore! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? >> well, how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. i got a new pair of sunglasses.
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>> i saw. >> see you survived the shark attack, thank god. >> i'm alive. >> jimmy: this is a crazy movie. i don't want to reveal too much. but you go into the water in a cage. >> we do. >> jimmy: and then for a whole hour you're in the cage. >> yes. >> jimmy: underwater. >> the movie is 95% underwater. we spent about eight weeks, eight hours a day, underwater shooting this. >> jimmy: how do you not die from like pruning in that situation? [ laughter ] >> to be quite honest, there was a lot of pruning going on. and a lot of dry skin. but i was way more concerned with -- so in order to sort of mimic the algae that's at the bottom of the ocean, basically the premise is these girls in a cage, going cage diving, cage breaks off, they fall to the bottom of the ocean, 150 feet down. it's a race against the clock because their air is running out. they're in shark-infested waters, et cetera. in order to mimic the algae at the bottom of the ocean, they decided that very finely
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chopped-up broccoli would do the job. [ laughter ] yes. so we spent about five weeks swimming in broccoli soup. because it was heated. the tank was heated. and there was just like broccoli floating around on the surface -- >> jimmy: how big this is tank? >> not too big. it wasn't like a giant pool or anything. it was about 20 feet deep. >> jimmy: that's pretty big. >> i mean, it's fairly big. >> jimmy: is there a shark in there with you? [ laughter ] there's no shark in there. >> there's no shark there. >> jimmy: do they change the water? >> no. >> jimmy: no water change? no. >> jimmy: broccoli doesn't smell that great fresh. >> it doesn't so you can imagine after a month or five weeks in chlorinated warm water, the broccoli -- it was pungent. >> jimmy: this sounds like a way we would put -- we'd put bin laden in this situation. [ laughter ] >> like a torture. >> jimmy: to punish him. >> it was awful. >> jimmy: and how often do you get breaks from the water? you come up every five minutes? >> no, actually. that was the difficult part as well we would start the day with like a full tank of air, go
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down, shoot until our air was just about -- had almost run out. we would surface. they'd refill our tanks. i am a girl with a very tiny bladder. and i had a difficult time figuring out my restroom use situation. >> jimmy: right, yeah. >> because nobody else ever got out of the tank. and so i was like -- we would surface and everyone would be drinking tea. we shot in london. and i watched. nobody else got out of the water. so i assumed like, okay, this is what we're doing, peeing in the tank. [ audience moans ] >> jimmy: they were? >> everybody was. clair holtz, my costar and i, probably ten men in this tank. >> jimmy: what? >> and i found it really difficult to just let go and pee in this tank. >> jimmy: yes, of course you did, there's a sign that says don't. [ laughter ] >> apparently those rules don't apply in the tank. so it took me a good month. and i finally got over it. and i was able to do it. >> jimmy: you did start peeing
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in the tank? >> i did, i couldn't help it. otherwise i'd have to hold it for an hour, as long as my tank would last. >> jimmy: you're shooting for two months in a giant specimen cup? [ laughter ] >> yep. >> jimmy: essentially. >> of urinated hot broccoli. >> jimmy: oh my god. you know you never feel bad for actors when they talk about what they went through. in this one case i'm going to make an exception. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> it was worth it. >> jimmy: i want to ask you about something crazy. this is from the "new yo new yo post." my friend scott friend baug an apartment in queens, there's a mosaic in the shower, omg that's mandy moore, no, it's not, and he was like yes, it is. let put that up on the wall so people can see it. in its full glory. omg, yes, it is. is this a product you're selling? >> it's not. it's not a piece of merch.
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it's i guess apparently in someone's shower in queens. >> jimmy: is that a compliment or terrifying? >> is it? is it a compliment? >> jimmy: well, i don't know. >> that's also like me at 16 which is sort of disconcerting. >> definitely. that's not a 16-year-old who did that. >> no. i guess i'm dplatered. i don't know. i don't know how to feel. >> jimmy: i think a restraining order would be safe to start with. >> got it, i think you're right. >> jimmy: this "this is us" is so unbelievable he popular. [ cheers and applause ] you're in a situation now where everybody's asking you what's going to happen on the show. obviously you can't tell them what's going to happen on the show. can you tell them what's going to happen on the show? >> can i? we just did like a big event here in l.a. the other night. and the creator of our show told an audience full of people. so i figure i can regale you with it as well. that the very first episode will offer a huge piece of the puzzle as to the big question that most people want to know, how milo
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ventimiglia's character jack, the patriarch of the family, passes away. you will have a big piece of the puzzle solved. >> jimmy: i heard he drowned in a tank full of urine. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: any truth in that? >> i heard the same thing. you heard it here first. >> jimmy: it's very good to see you. congratulations. "47 meters down" opens a week from today. mandy moore, everybody. we'll be right back!
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♪ ♪ >> jimmy: hello, america. i'm jimmy kimmel, coming to you through the miracle of television. for more than 60 years, denny's has been feeding us whatever we want, whenever we want. and now, with denny's on demand, you can order the denny's you crave, wherever you want too. it's a power too great to
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comprehend, right guillermo? >> guillermo: that's right, jimmy. with denny's online ordering, now you can get denny's anywhere! like right here! >> here's your milk shake. >> guillermo: thank you, it's like drinking a cake! also you can get denny's here, breakfast in bed at 3:00 a.m.! you can get denny's anywhere. la la la! la la la! >> your shower burger has arrived, sir. >> thank you, homie. this is for you. ♪ i love to eat burgers in my shower with fries ♪ or even here. on top of the world! >> your moon's over my hammy, sir. >> guillermo: i love denny's! hey! it's okay because with denny's on demand i can order another
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one whenever, wherever. >> can you order me a helicopter? >> guillermo: i think so. i hate you, stupid hawk! >> well, got another order, see ya! >> hey, my change! >> dicky: the new denny's on demand. whatever, whenever. now wherever. order up at >> jimmy: be right back with jerrod carmichael! love is like a bowl of cherries, just don't swallow the seeds. so, if anyone has a reason that these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace. (coughs) sorry. oh no... so, so sorry. it's just that your friend daryl here is supposed to be live streaming the wedding and he's not getting any service. daryl, you don't have service? oh, i missed, like, the whole thing. what? daryl, daryl, daryl. yeah, it's true, and i just got an unlimited plan. well, it's the right plan, just the wrong network. you see verizon is the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in america, it's built to work better in cities.
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tell you what, uh... i'll let you use my phone. thanks. yeah, no problem. uh, we should probably start from the top? all right, let's go live. cinch up those cummerbunds gentlemen. say hi to everybody who wasn't invited! (vo) when it really, really matters, you need the best network and the best unlimited. just $45 per line for four lines. you crashing this thing, too? just me then? cool.
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"america" by simon and garfun [ snoring ]ental) [ deep sleep snoring ] the all-new volkswagen atlas. seats seven, sleeps six. life's as big as you make it. right. in. your. stomach! watch this!... >>yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. welcome to maxx you. you are whimsical, vibrant, statement making. we see what makes you unique. so we have something for everyone, at a price that's just right for you. maxx you. maxx life. t.j.maxx
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>> jimmy: hi there, welcome back. still to come, bebe rexha and lil wayne. our next guest is a very funny standup comedian with his own show on nbc and now he's in the movies too, "transformers: the last knight," co-starring mark wahlberg, anthony hopkins, optimus prime opens june 21st. please welcome jerrod carmichael. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i want to percent tell you i think your show is very, very funny. >> thank you very much.
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i think the same about yours. thank you very much. the same. >> jimmy: i love that it's like a throwback from the shows of the '70s, not just in the way that it looks. even like you started with, this is taped live in front of a studio audience. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: which i miss hearing that. >> yeah. >> jimmy: but also -- >> to remind people. people like saying it has a laugh track and that hurts my feelings. >> jimmy: right, yeah. >> we had to go rely on a computer for laughs? that's so sad. >> jimmy: it is sad. you can always tell when it's real and when it isn't. i guess people can tell. i don't know. >> i don't know. we got to hide stuff from people. like for instance, you know, i couldn't bring -- i had a drink backstage. >> jimmy: right. >> then we just put it in the mug. >> jimmy: right. >> because we can't say that this is not water. [ laughter ] you know what i mean? but it's not water. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this is not water. [ cheers and applause ] >> i was going to bring a drink for you. i got a little bourbon here but disney thinks that's bad for chirp.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, actually, disney is now serving burr wbourbon to street, on bourbon street in disneyland. >> we mostly lie to kids. that's what being a parent is keeping the truth from children for as long as you can. >> jimmy: we make up crazy things like santa claus and the easter bunny. >> or that everyone's equal. [ audience groaning ] >> no, that's not a real thing. can i tell you a real thing? >> jimmy: my mother never treated me like i was equal. >> good. >> jimmy: i was her little star. >> like when i'm home, i have four nieces and a nephew. at the end of the day i tell them which one is my favorite. and i give them $100. [ laughter ] children need to know the truth. how the world works. >> jimmy: is it always the same one? or based on performance? >> depends on the day. look, you really dropped the ball today, your personality wasn't shining the way it should, that's why your sister gets $100 and you're left out in the cold. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: i agree with that. i had a similar thing i did with my nephew archy, my cousin sal's son. he was starting to favor his uncle peter. and i was always the favorite and i didn't like that. >> good. >> jimmy: i said, why? he said, he takes me surfing a lot. i go, what's it going to take for me to be back on top? he thought about it for a minute, he goes, an ipad. >> oh, man. >> jimmy: i'll be damned if i didn't get him an ipad. >> another truth, you can buy love. who says you can't buy love? that's insane. >> jimmy: especially from kids. >> especially from kids, they're so up. yeah, i'm going to put them through college and they'll love me forever. >> jimmy: ideally that's the way it goes. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's not always the way it works. by the way, next time tell them lil wayne left his sunglasses. >> oh, man, it smells like weed back there. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're worried about the bourbon. >> yeah, don't worry about the bourbon. >> jimmy: you give that to your
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favorite niece, whoever it is. >> wayne wore these? >> jimmy: yeah, they're his, i've stolen them from him. >> i can't get away with this. >> jimmy: no you give it to the kids. >> oh, they didn't earn this [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] they're not on jimmy kimmel, i'm on jimmy kimmel. i'm taking these home and they're mine now. >> jimmy: add them to your collection. a very good friend of mine plays your dad on the show, david allen greer. >> who's the greatest. [ cheers and applause ] he really is one of the greatest actors ever. >> jimmy: he is very good -- he went to yale as i'm sure -- >> as he reminds us. on a near-daily basis. like he lives up to it, though, you know what i mean? it's like, oh, yeah, i bet you went to yale, you're just killing it right now. >> jimmy: he's multualtimulti-t almost too talented for his own good. >> sings. we all sing, everybody on the cast, we sing a lot. >> jimmy: what did you sing? what kind of songs? >> just random things from, you
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know, like -- american standards to lil wayne. [ laughter ] all types of things. >> jimmy: that's where you pop the glasses on, blow everybody's minds. >> what can i do? >> jimmy: with the glasses? put them on your face. that's one -- [ cheers and applause ] that's a good one. >> all right. okay. like you would give me a small business loan in this. >> jimmy: i'd say, hey, you look at the world through rose-colored glasses, of course, optimistic, this guy. >> that's what bake erbankers t >> jimmy: you know jay-z? are you friendly? >> i've met him a few times. he's my hero. i don't like the idea of having heroes but he just transcends it, he's great. >> jimmy: why don't you like the idea of having heroes? >> i don't know, everybody [ bleep ]s up a little bit. got to leave room for it. i forget i can't curse. but like -- but he's just -- you
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know. i think he's great. >> jimmy: you had marla gibbs on your show. it was a really good episode. >> yeah, she's like, you know -- another -- her and david together just like do these scenes and you're always left wanting to cry. feel these strong emotions. you know, watching them together. just these two great actors. >> jimmy: do you know her from "the jeffersons"? >> yeah, growing up watching "the jeffersons" and "227" and all of her shows. >> jimmy: right, right. to have her on the show playing your grandma. >> i had this crazy date where norman lear, creator of "the jeffersons," came -- he was on the set that day. and he didn't know marla was guest starring. >> jimmy: really? >> he was there at the same time she was there. it was like this crazy coincidence. >> jimmy: what is it like to have him on the set with you? i would think that would be -- create a lot of pressure. because he's created some of the greatest american television shows of all-time. >> yeah, it's -- you want to impress them, you know? you're like, all right. i hope you like this.
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i hope you like whatever. >> do you put a little something extra into it on those days? or is it pretty much the same as usual? >> no, it's the same. what am i going to do, you know? if he doesn't like it, he doesn't like it. [ laughter ] no you actually go -- you want the writing, you want the performance and everything, to live up to -- i mean, i think his shows were fantastic, "all in the family." >> jimmy: of course. "maude." did norman come to the set of "transformers"? >> no, no. that was a create set. it was fun. >> jimmy: was it fun? >> it was really fun. day one it was like the middle of a desert in a junkyard in phoenix. just like -- >> jimmy: that sounds great. >> 118 degrees, yeah, yeah. you're like, i thought it was supposed to be nice, i thought it was all green screen. >> jimmy: yeah, right. it looks like it should be. >> going to the actual desert? that's insane. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is michael bay the director? >> michael bay, he better have been. he's the best yeah. >> jimmy: was he crazy on set?
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did he do anything nuts to you? >> nothing crazy. we -- like you run more than you think you're going to run. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. >> like it's a lot of just like, hey, can you run from this side of this very long field to the other side? and then just chase a helicopter? it's like these crazy stunts and exercise. i didn't know that's what we were signing up for. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you wound up getting in shape there too. it's very good to have you here. congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] jerrod carmichael. "transformers: the last knight" opens in theaters june 21st. be right back with bebe rexha and lil wayne! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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at air wick we know the power of that first whiff of your favorite scent. ♪ air wick freshmatic releases timed bursts of the fragrances you love. so that first whiff feeling never fades. air wick freshmatic. ♪
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: thanks to mandy moore, jerrod carmichael and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time for him.
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"nightline" is next but first the single is called "the way i are, dance with somebody." here with help from lil' wayne, bebe rexha! ♪ ♪ i'm sorry i'm not the most pretty i'll never ever sing like whitney ♪ ♪ ooh but i still wanna dance with somebody ♪ ♪ so let's let all hearts bleed 'til they turn to rust gonna live it up 'cause it's dangerous ♪ ♪ no i don't wanna play the part i just wanna dance with somebody ♪ ♪ i just wanna dance with somebody i just wanna dance with somebody ♪ ♪ i just wanna dance with somebody it could be anybody tell me ♪ ♪ are you that somebody don't matter who you are just love me the way i are
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i just wanna dance ♪ ♪ with somebody i just wanna dance with somebody ♪ ♪ i just wanna dance with somebody but i could never ever dance like bobby ♪ ♪ you can dance i'ma watch your body i just wanna stand right behind it ♪ ♪ i just want a chance with somebody pop a couple xans with somebody ♪ ♪ every time she dance it's exotic throw a bunch of bands arms get tired ♪ ♪ i'm the god i just want a goddess gotta use a bedroom for a closet ♪ ♪ got a whole bedroom on the private i know her body inside out science ♪ ♪ kiss both boobs right before i sign 'em can't dance but kinda grind 'em ♪ ♪ yeah i be right behind her spinal we can turn this dance floor to a island ♪ ♪ i just wanna dance with somebody i just wanna dance
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with somebody ♪ ♪ it could be anybody tell me are you that somebody don't matter who you are just love me the way i are ♪ ♪ i just wanna dance with somebody i just wanna dance with somebody ♪ ♪ bloody noses speeding cars lethal doses desperate hearts ♪ ♪ roll it up 'cause we so ill heaven knows we love the thrill ♪ ♪ no i don't wanna play the part i just wanna dance with somebody ♪ ♪ i just wanna dance with somebody ♪ ♪ i just wanna dance with somebody i just wanna dance with somebody ♪ ♪ it could be anybody tell me are you that somebody ♪ ♪ don't matter who you are just love me the way i are i just wanna dance with somebody ♪ ♪ i just wanna dance with somebody i just wanna dance with somebody ♪
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♪ i just wanna dance with somebody it could be anybody tell me ♪ ♪ are you that somebody don't matter who you are just love me the way i are i just wanna ♪ ♪ dance with somebody i just wanna dance with somebody ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, swimming with killers. we're on a journey to the coast of norway with an adventurer determined to expose the majesty of orcas to the world. the firmer killer whale trainer getting a chance of a lifetime. >> we're ready to go swimming. >> why these apex predators are now at risk. here's your host! >> he got game. >> welcome to the 100,000 pyramid! >> michael strahan taking us behind the scenes at his star-studded game show "the 100,000 pyramid." >> what's this? >> booty. >> yes. >> revealing his secret preshow ritual. >> i have no idea what that means. but that's what we do. >> that was awesome. >> but first the "nightline 5." >> i


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