tv Right This Minute ABC June 10, 2017 1:37am-2:01am PDT
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wondering how in the heck this could happen. that's part of disney's magic. they know how to employee the best people. dad finds out it was that guy right there. >> that disney intelligence spy. he's going out there seeing who's around and making sure the smiles are delivered. >> dad figured out that employee saw what was going on and unasked by their families just went and made sure doc mcstuffins came and spoke to those two girls. >> what a fun job. he's like the unsung disney fairy prince, right? you get a smile. you get a smile. >> dad posted the guy's photos on facebook because he wanted to know who he was. he said a few hours later, he found out who the guy was. and he responded. his name is roberto and he said, you know what? i'm happy to help make these memories. that's what we do here and that's why they're the magic kingdom. >> i've got to say this is why i like the disney park so much as
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well. it doesn't matter who you are, people really are watching out. they treat everybody like a vip. >> you're right, oli. that goes to show. they had that awesome experience. well done, roberto. the 400 meter dash, kind of a staple in any and all track and field. that's right. we ran it in high school. but leave it to red bull to make something so simple so extreme. taken that simple race and turned it into a red bull 400. instead of running flat and straight. it's now a relay race up a 400 meter, 200 vertical skae ri run. >> i want to do this. >> this is just a practice run. this is just to give you a look of what this race is going to look like. they're in their seventh year. they're going to do this at 14 different ski jumps around europe, asia, and north america. this has become quite an event.
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it is going to make your calves and thighs explode. >> how do we sign him up? >> feel free. get me the ticket. it looks like a lot of fun. >> all right. everybody has their own interpretation of fun. it looks grueling, if you ask me. but if you are an athlete and are fit and in shape, i would imagine this would be fun. jessica here is back with another challenge. this is the third one. >> the rules of the challenge are each photographer will get three minutes to take their photo and each photographer will choose a location and outfit for the model based on their own personal style. >> jessica reached out to brandon, deric, and jerry. up first a jessica's outfit and location. each of the photographers choose this young lady in her shiny dress. >> that's my pick too. >> i like j-3.
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>> i pick this location because i love color play. and also vintage guitars. >> up next, jerry's outfit. he's got the beautiful car. he put her in this vibrant skirt. >> photography like this looks goofy in video but when you see the picture, you're like, wow. >> it's true. check out the pictures from the shoot. >> i just love them all. >> for my outfit, we're very fashion oriented. i wanted to tone it down a bit. >> now it's deric's turn and he added a twist to his. >> i like how these videos to demonstrate how a camera does not make someone a photographer. it's the way the camera is used and the eye and the artistry of that person that can take any situation into something quite amazing. >> here's what they've come up with. >> d-2. >> yeah. d-2. >> final look, it's like the glasses and hair back. then we're going to shoot in this bedroom with a bunch of
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little lens. >> he's chosen the bedroom for his location. >> i love that kind of mood lighting. >> funny enough, i'm looking at the pictures as a model. i used to spend time in the modeling industry, so i'm looking at which picture would be most useful to me in my career when i put it in my book. which is why you do shoots like this. >> oh, yeah. the a nice portfolio after hanging out with them. >> d-1. >> yeah. >> at the end they ask the models to choose which one she likes. >> oh, no. don't get me in the middle of your drama. >> she actually likes all of them, she says. >> she never picks one? >> no. >> okay we can just decide i was right. all my selections were by far the best. it's a pretty common question at some point everybody's been asked. i was born in hong kong. but one youngster in brazil, she'll have a good answer.
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where were you born? up there. because this baby's mother lives on an island archipelago in brazil. the only way to get to hospital was right here. they sent a chopper to get her to the hospital for the birth. but 15 minutes out from hospital, the mom 19-year-old had pretty extreme contractions. that's when baby just decided, it's time to show up. you can see in this next video the moment mom gets to meet baby. now this in itself is a pretty incredible moment right there. you can see mom's had the baby placed on her chest. that's already a complicated birth in the back of a helicopter. during the birth it was more dangerous because mom suffered a detached placenta which can be dangerous for mother and baby. even these conditions, the guys were able to get what needs to be done to get the baby out. >> that baby's a champ too. >> think of how many cool nicknames that kid could have. >> what's up, chopper? >> it's a girl but chopper would
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still work. cool god parents too. another video where the crew actually turned up to greet the little one once again. even got a present. look. >> she might be a pilot one day. they would call her pilot. >> and this is the one where mom hands over the baby to the guys that helped in this situation. i thought it was a unique to see and just hat's off to those guys in the situation when baby decided to show up, they did what was necessary. a cooler that goes wherever you go. >> how is this autonomous cooler doing its cool thing? >> find out how you can get your hands on one. >> i want one. i need one. how can i get one? and she's putting her husband to shame. >> people in china are going crazy online making fun of the guy. >> see if he ever steps up to the plate.
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>> she ain't doing no more house work. i had a very minor fender bender tonight in an unreasonably narrow fast food drive thru lane. but what a powerful life lesson. and don't worry i have everything handled. i already spoke to our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. which is so smart on your guy's part. like fact that they'll just... forgive you... four weeks without the car. okay. yep. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won't go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it.
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(voand exceptional customerity pre-ownservice,les... head t to your neiborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... flip your thinking about buying your next one. years in the sun causing dark spots? closed captioning provided by -- 81% saw improvement in the appearance of sun-damaged skin. gold bond. frosty beverages. they're always good to have around.
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problem is sometimes those frosty beverages warm up. what if they could follow you around like this thing can. this is an autonomous cooler. so it goes wherever you go. >> how? how is this autonomous cooler doing its cool thing? >> great question, oli. i'll let these guys explain it. >> hey, guys. this is our autonomous follow me cooler. it's a powered robot which follows to you by connecting to your smartphone via bluetooth. >> i want one. you don't need to just have frosty beverages. just anything you don't feel like carrying to the pool. >> i will tell you how to get one in a moment, gayle. >> i like it too. load all your stuff up and it's come on let's go. >> it does more than just follow you. let's say, oli, you were across the parking lot and you were like, nick, can i get a frosty beverage? and i will say sure. >> let's say your friend is on the other side of the park but you don't want to go back over
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there. you can give the cooler gps points so it can make its way over there. >> there you go. the cooler finds its way to the points you instructed it to go to. okay, gayle. fwo back to your question. i want one, i need one. how can i get one? well, simply. the instructions in the entire list of stuff you need is on the instructions are there. >> i got to make it? >> there are a lot of people out there very crafty. so these guys provide you the instructions and all that stuff on how to make it. and you can improve upon it if you'd like. we start in china where some snakes have slithered onto the property of this couple. those snakes are biting this woman repeatedly, but does she stop trying to wrangle them? oh, no. her husband is the one standing there standing back. he just takes his foot and gently places it on one of the
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snakes. people in china are going crazy online making fun of the guy because his wife is getting repeatedly bitten. and she's just still doing it like naulall in a day's work. >> she ain't doing no more housework. no more meals. he got it from here on out. >> couples have their own dynamic in a situation. this is theirs. >> the snake is biting her. >> let me give you exhibit 2. momma getting things done. >> this is my house and we got a snake in the living room. you see him. >> wow. that is a big one. >> so i'm going to catch the [ bleep ]. >> you tell him, girl. >> i love sunshine mccurry. she just didn't waste any time. we got a pillow case. she walks right up to it.
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>> hat's off to you, girl. i wouldn't come back until the house until it was gone. >> she deposits it near a bridge away from her house. >> sometimes living in the country ain't too cool. and other times it is. darren and a group of guys went white water rafting -- >> and they're here doing some extreme testing at sunset falls in washington. >> but see what happens during this test run. plus if you're looking for -- >> an extra bit of va va voom for your hair, i've got a handle. >> see how to achieve full hair volume. got my license! (cheering) woo! going on my first targetrun. need anything? laundry detergent! toothpaste! i'll get my purse. ok, nana. get everyday low prices on everyday essentials, targetrun and done.
1:50 am
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of fragrance. so that first whiff feeling never fades. air wick freshmatic. ♪ i'm leaving you, wesley. but why? you haven't noticed me in two years. i was in a coma. well, i still deserve appreciation. who was there for you when you had amnesia? you know i can't remember that. stop this madness. if it's appreciation you want you should both get snapshot from progressive. it rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance. i have also awoken from my coma. ♪ it's called a nap, susan lucci. ♪ you get the power of 10. promotional considerations provided by -- and get fast acting relief that lasts 10 full hours. that's the power of 10. cortizone 10®. curing nail fungus could take my pharmacist said.. fungi-nail stops foot fungus fast before it spreads. fungi-nail.
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like us on now back to the show. silly videos for you. the first one actually pretty lucky. an exclusive look at nick calderone's beauty regimen. >> okay, motorcycle's involved. yeah. see, that's how it works. nick likes his motorcycle. through usage of the throttle and the back wheel, you can get the water to go on you as your buddy washes your hair. i'm sure you're wondering, okay. fine. how do you dry it? well, beauty can be exhausting. >> and now you smell like exhaust. >> that's a true petrol head right tloo.
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>> for the ladies, if you're looking for a bit of extra va va voom for your hair, i've got a handle. see, this lady has all the volume in her hair. if you're watching this video with the sound down, you'd be like okay it appears her hair has achieved -- moving to its own tune. but it is moving to a tune. you want to turn the sound up, you realize this car is all about the bass, about the bass, no trouble. it's those vibrations making her hair go. from that silliness, our last video from thailand. this guy's just trying to get in some training. gets ready. and he's off. he makes his way to the other end of the pool. got to make the transfer here. returns. >> michael phelps has got real
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competition in the next olympics. >> why did the swimmer cross the road? because he could. white water could be a risky business. that's why there's a new product out there called the creature craft. check this thing out. >> exactly what you're seeing. the whole design is built so it will right itself in case it gets tipped over. the creature craft was being extreme tested here at sunset falls. they ran this rapid which is a class six. multiple times over several days. you can see right here where the raft tips over then rights itself. the paddlers strap themselves in with a waist belt. it flips over, you get tossed free. keep an eye right here as the raft comes down, you'll notice it maybe hits a rocks right
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here. big bounce then boom. did you see the paddler in the back rag doll a bit? that's darren, the creator of the creature craft. this is also darren. in the hospital. >> oh, man. >> that hit that you saw was pretty hard. darren suffered a fractured pelvis. he learned a lot. i think he may also make modifications to his design. you see in slow motion, he really got tossed there. >> i did get knocked unconscious about halfway down. >> he would have had to have gone through all those rapids as an unconscious person. so in this case i think the raft maybe helped him out a lot. darren's got a gofundme campaign to cover some of his medical costs as well. looking for about eight grand. they got married 15 years ago. >> they enjoyed the event as did andrew. but he's the only one who couldn't actually see what was going on. >> witness the moment he's able to see his wedding for the very first time. >
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football handling. >> i know. you never see him with a soccer ball. i'm sure he's incredible. kelly was really fun and exciting. she possessed all those qualities i wish i had. she was just so different than me and gave me a whole new perspective on life. >> you've heard of love at first sight. the folks are calling this love at second sight. >> i was starting starting starg blind spots so we went for tests. >> andrew has what's called starsgard disease which causes vision loss. >> we got married 15 years ago. so many special things about that day. >> everybody showed up and made it just a beautiful event and they had fun just seeing how much we loved each other. >> everybody there enjoyed the event as did andrew. but he's the only one who couldn't actually see what was going on. on his special day. 15 years ago. >> did i fully appreciate
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everything on that wedding day with my eyesight or lack thereof? no. you can't see the detail of the beauty of a veil or the details of someone's face. >> he couldn't see it until now. >> no way. >> yes way. for the very first time, 15 years later, andrew is now able to see. >> i can see your eyebrows and your eyes. >> this is on par with the cochlear implants and the enchroma glasses. >> how's it works? is he looking at pictures through this device? >> he's using these glasses that combine virtual reality and augmented reality. these are minor things that are major for somebody like andrew because he's never been able to see something as simple as his wife's eyebrows. now what they've done is recreated his wedding day.
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so they invited all of the people who were there. the first go around. and e-site broadcasted live on facebook. >> wow. >> star trek has done it again. jordy who wore the glasses like this because he was blind and now we're seeing it in modern technology. >> this is an absolutely beautiful moment. check out this side-by-side of the couple. pictures and videos from their wedding party. and all of the small moments that he may have missed then, he's now able to relive. now, this device works for 85% of people who are legally blind and is changing the way people are able to experience life. >> amazing. >> yeah. it works for him. again, this is just an absolutely amazing moment. every episode of "right this minute" is fresh and new, so check it out. has lots more. we'll see you next time.
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this is "jeopardy!" today's contestants are -- a retired software engineer from sunnyvale, california... an esl teacher from tucson, arizona... and our returning champion -- a lawyer from pittsburgh, pennsylvania... whose 2-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! [ cheers and applause ] thanks, johnny. i'm smiling because i noticed as johnny was introducing johanna,
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