tv ABC7 News 1100AM ABC June 14, 2017 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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the employees but also their families who have no idea once they hear this shooting has happened, if they are okay. a lot of them were stuck in the building before they were able to get out. it is unclear if they are able to get a hold of their family members. 800 people work there. not all at wupbgonce, of course. not necessarily at the time of the shooting. but from what we gather from people in the area, this is the time of a shift change. overnight folks would have been getting off work and the daytime folks would have been coming in. so we can only ascertain at that there would have been a lot of people at that time. some told us they believe there was a morning meeting happening when this shooting took place. it is is unclear if the suspected shooter walked in at that time or was already in the meeting when the shooting happened. from what we have been able to gather, it happened on an upper
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floor. one source telling us it could have been on the third floor. a woman on the first floor said it didn't happen there. she heard it happen above her. she got out of there when they finally realized the sounds she was hearing was gunfire. our source telling vic lee that the shooter, who his source told him turned the gun on himself, is now among the dead from this u.p.s. facility shooting. it happened around 9:00 this morning. it is unclear, kristen, at this point how many survived. the number of people that were shot is matching the number of people who are dead. >> we asked vic lee, and he was not able to confirm at that time. four people were killed plus -- not including, but in addition to the gunman who died at sf germ. >> so five people in total, as
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far as we know, have died as a result of this shooting. and we know that initially they were taken there to the hospital where jessica is, sf general. we don't know if any of them have is sraoeufr have survived. sf general not able to confirm that. >> this is sky 7 over the building at 17th and san bruno. highway 101 is moving normally, traffic is flowing. let's get to abc 7 vic lee who has been covering this all morning for us. vic? >> reporter: well, we are waiting, again, for is the san francisco police pio here at mariposa and utah streets to brief us and to confirm some of the information we have heard from reliable sources. as of this point, we know four people, according to those
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sources, were shot to death. the fifth was the gunman who turned the gun on himself when he was encountered by police who were looking for the shooter. at that point, we are told by police that he turned the gun on himself. he was transported to the hospital but later died, expired there. we don't know the extent of other co-workers at u.p.s. they audible have been transported to emergency rooms, particularly the san francisco general emergency, which has the best emergency room care in this region. we do not know how many people were injured. but the latest body count is four people dead. apparently all co-workers, we're told by another source, they were also drivers and that the shooter himself was a disgruntled driver. again, we are about a block away from the u.p.s. building which
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you are seeing on sky 7. there is still a search going on by san francisco police but a high-level police command officer told us that the situation is contained. in other words, police feel that they have the situation under control. even though there is a search still continuing for possibly other people who may have been injured or hit by the gunman's fire and if there are any accomplices. although police sources say they doubt that he had accomplices, that he acted alone. that's the very latest here at the scene. back to you. >> vic, before you go, one quick question. any indication from our sources whether police had to open fire at all? >> reportr: no. there was no indication from sources that police ever had to
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fire their weapon at the gunman. he was confronted on the premises after the shooting. he suddenly pulled out his gun and killed himself. >> vic lee, thank you so much. we'll let you gather more information. we're standing by for the police news conference that will happen shortly. >> jessica castro has been at sf general all morning long. jessica, what are you getting? >> reporter: hi, reggie. i can tell you that the police presence here has certainly ramped up. look just behind me where we have police officers from the sfpd standing guard, making a more visible presence in the area where pedestrians are wlking through or folks trying to get through the hospital. we saw 15 or 20 arrive in the last few minutes or so. we do see some investigators leave just a few moments ago before we had more sheriff department vehicles out here,
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some marked cars but also unmarked cars as they begin to do the detective work. there is a very physical police presence in front of the doors to the emergency room. we are not allowed to go in there. i tried to go in earlier this morning, and we were not able to go in. they are keeping a close, tight guard on things here. a spokesperson said they will not be making any public statements any time soon. if they make any statements on the conditions of the victims being treated here, which we have confirmation there are multiple victims here at the hospital, hospital, that that will only come out sometime later this afternoon. of course we are just waiting. if that changes or we see any changes here. jessica castro, abc 7 news. we hope upon hon that someone has survived. we'll keep checking back with you. >> eric thomas has the latest on
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the impact there. eric? >> we're at 17th and potrero. we heard vic say police were still trying to clear the building and make sure nobody else was in there. that would explain why streets are still closed for quite a few blocks. you can see the flashing lights behind me of ambulances and police cars. there are fire trucks around here as well. we have relatives is and friends who have been waiting around for any word they can get of what happened. we talked to a young lady named carla whose sister works inside the u.p.s. building. this is what her sister told her. >> she witnessed one of the victims get shot in the face. and she's really traumatized. she can't speak at the moment.
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spwao she's being interviewed. >> by police? >> yeah. i was just concerned and glad that she was okay. and just scared. just scared. >> reporter: and of course she had every reason to be frightened. as you also heard there, her sister is okay. they are shocked and traumatized. so are the u.p.s. workers. there were some gathered around and they had that look on their face of trying to process what happened. they showed up for work as they always do. something terrible happened. people are wounded. at least one deceased person. sit not a normal wednesday.
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neighbors and folks out here are saying live at 17th and potrero. eric thomas, abc 7 news. >> eric, before you go, wondering about how many blocks surrounding that area would you say are closed to regular traffic? and we understand muni service is being rerouted as well, right? >> reporter: this would be a rough guess, because i haven't exactly swept the perimeter of this area yet. i would say a two-block radius all around is blocked off. at least that. they are converting cars at most of the entintersections around here. the advice from police is don't come into this area unless you absolutely have to. traffic is not getting through. and in some case, foot traffic is not getting through. >> teric thomas, thank you so much. one other note i wanted to add. i have been getting texts with
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from the someone very familiar with this building. it is a four-story building. they have it divided into sections of the facility. it only handles the city of san francisco. so each section of the city is divided. so they would have all the drivers from that section report to one area. >> so the third floor is which section? >> there are two sections on the third floor. i'm told by the source that the section where this shooting happened is the sunset section. sunset section is where the drivers would have been meeting this morning. it would have been those employees, according to the source, that would have been involved in the shooting. they're also telling me -- we keep showing video from sky 7 of a man who is obviously very upset and hugging other employees. that man is a supervisor of thee sunset section of the u.p.s. familiarity. it gives us a little more context of what was happening. and this building is huge.
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from what i've been told by the source, who, again, is very familiar with u.p.s., the public entrance and where they are doing their business is really nowhere near where the shooting would have happened. and i don't know if the public would have been in at 9:00 this morning. if they were in there at the time, they would have been not accessible to where the shooter was. >> based on your information as well, then, you might assume that the driver, the gunman, might have known the people he shot well because they all conjugated on the floor based on their routes? >> right. >> police will hold a news conference, which we're told will be shortly, any time now. they are just getting people together and getting their facts straightened out. from what we understand through vic lee's very reliable sources, we're talking about four people shot and killed.
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the gunman also dead, brought to sf general, having shot himself in the end. and then he died at sf general. >> we are continuing to see what police say and what the hospital says. right now we turn it over to our colleague alexis smith. what's been happening with traffic? what are you seeing? >> reporter: well, not a whole lot has changed in the last hour. we'll zoom in and show you what we're dealing with here. as you have seen from the sky 7 footage, boy, we are so close to 101 with this u.p.s. facility. they were able to keep 101 open. a lot of surface streets are still closed. it is taking up the entire block between 16th, 17th, utah and san bruno. we did have a long line of red
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inbound on potrero on the northbound sound. it looks like it is starting to clear up a bit. although potrero is still closed in the immediate area between 16th and 17th. a little bit south of sf general, they have been able to open that up. you are still going to see the closures closer to where the shooting happened. the 101 fully open as far as all the lanes there. 280 was closed. it has reopened. zoom out a little bit more. we are still seeing delays on northbound 101, 280 and westbound 80 on top of this investigation we have a giants day game today. all of that really coming together for a pretty significant traffic impact. muni is being impacted as well. we have not gotten any changes
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in the last 35 minutes or so. still the same lines are blocked and being rerouted. 22, 9/9r, 33, 55 being recruited both inbound and outbound. just going to have patience today. it will likely be several hours before we totally get everything back open and all the routes back on track. back to you guys. >> alexis, thank you. i'm glad you mentioned the giants day game. i drove in on 280. the mariposa exit blacking up of course with giants traffic. we have sky 7 video of the employees who are filing out when this was all happening. our vick is lee just tweeted new information that the police news conference is set at 11:30. so 15 minutes from now. we will stay on air with you. police just revised their information on the number dead. police source now telling vic that three people were killed
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other than the gunman. the fourth was the gunman who shot himself. four dead total. earlier they said five with one being the gunman. that is a revision. of course keep in mind this information is all very fluid as it is a division situation and they're sorting out who was injured, who was killed, who was involved. >> okay. well, that makes a lot of sense given what u.p.s. just released. so they now have a new statement n. that statement -- you know what, this is not the latest statement. i'm just going to read the latest statement. it says u.p.s. confirms a shooting incident involving four employees within the company's facility in san francisco earlier this morning. local law enforcement conducting an investigation. they can't provide information as to the identity of the people involved pending the police investigation. we understand there are potentially multiple deaths. although some individuals were transported to the hospital and we are unsure of their status at this time. the company is saddened and
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deeply concerned about affected employees, family members, and the community we share. our thoughts is and prayers are with all those touched by this incident. this facility is an area package sorting hub is and package delivery city. 850 u.p.s. employees at the facility. that is the end of the statement. four employees were involved in the shooting incident. and also they say that some people were taken to the hospital. now it's unclear to us if that means some people beyond the victims who would eventually die of their wounds were there or if they're just talking about the so that's where we're not really sure what the total number of is right now. but four employees are involved. >> we're just getting new word from the i-team. he is telling us a u.p.s. employee confirms to him that
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the shooter was someone from san francisco, a san francisco resident and the person said, quote, he had it out for a manager. >> okay. >> and that he had problems off the job as well. you'll want to follow twitter to get the latest. he is working his sources to get more information. so he is saying the gunman, who has since tkaoeurbgsd was a san francisco resident who had issues, problems, with his manager. >> right. so that would, as we were speculating before, it looks like this person was definitely targeted and that it was done in is such a specific part of the phrlding. not where someone could just walk in. >> right. >> it was an employee-only part of the building. our sources telling us it was on the fifth floor. whether they meant to target the rest of the people who ended up dying, we don't know. >> we know many of the victims were taken to sf general. that's where jessica castro has been all morning.
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>> reporter: hi, kristen. as i hear all of us getting information on the investigation that is now under way, i can see the wheels start turning at the hospital as well. there were unmarked cars here, investigators on scene at the hospital. they left just a few minutes ago. he want to get to video of the u.p.s. worker being taken away by an unmarked vehicle by investigators presumably for questioning on what that person may have seen this morning. we know there are multiple victims taken here to the hospital. at least that was the official word from the hospital earlier this morning. although they would not if i was an exact count how many may be injured here. there are a lot of police, law enforcement. the police presence has actually increased at least. as we come out here live, you see police officers standing guard where the sidewalk is that i'm standing on where there is a lot of pedestrianing coming through from people from the
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public either trying to get to the emergency room or to the hospital in general. we saw a group o 20 from sfpd. those folks keeping guard in front of the emergency room as well. not allowing anyone in there. a spokesperson for the hospital tells me they will have an update if at all, sometime later this afternoon. they are not ready to give any word on the status of the victims here at the hospital quite yet. they are going to defer that to the police department. if that happens, it will be later this afternoon. jessica castro reporting live, abc 7 news. jessica, thank you for the latest update from the hospital. you're looking at a live picture of the podium of the microphones that have been set up, ready for the police news conference. that should be start anything about 10 minutes from now. sfpd will be giving us the
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latest information regarding the deadly u.p.s. shoot anything san francisco in the potrero hill neighborhood. our understanding right now is at least four people are dead, including the gunman who shot himself. you can see the rooftop, which is a parking garage, if you will. some people went up to hide when the shooting broke out. you can see police presence. and not really cars coming and going. they have the shelter in place still in effect in that immediate area. they were saying perhaps a two-block radius from this picture. you'll want to avoid it if you can. if your muni route takes you through the area, know that you will be rerouted at this time. >> my guess is that is a police officer up there on the roof. we saw a number of officers on the roof working to clear that area with guns drawn. we can only imagine that is the same thing happening inside this
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huge facility, four levels. this center controls basically the entire city of san francisco. this is where the u.p.s. employees would come every day in order to find out what their routes are. it is taking time. it will take more time for them to go through every nook and cranny. >> 850 employees. not all at the same time. there are different shifts. we saw a number of people pouring out of t the building. jonathan bloom is getting details on what is happening there. jonathan? >> reporter: we are here on potrero and 17th street. and you can see sort of behind me -- well, there's a car. once the car moves, the staging area -- that looks like an official vehicle. it has flashers on it. the staging area spilled over to 17th street. they are lining up the fire trucks and fire departmnt official vehicles. you can see over there
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bystanders being interviewed by the media. out here in the middle of the crosswalk. this street, potrero avenue, is completely shut down for several blocks in each direction extending out from the scene. you can sort of see a little bit farther away the fire department's mobile command post. this is the bottom of the hill. this is where the fire department staging area is. we have seen firefighters moving medical gear to and from the scene of the major u.p.s. facility. it takes up the entire block, two blocks from where we are standing. one block west of the u.p.s. facility is a church. you can see the steeple pointing up from the church up in the sky. that church it seems has become the evacuation center for the dozens of u.p.s. employees who were in the building at the time the shots rang out. we saw them filing in a little while ago. it looked like they were being checked, patted down by someone not in uniform, being ushered into the evacuation area one by
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one. i believe that is where the u.p.s. employees are stationed right now as they wait for the all clear from the police. and we have seen in fact, more police officers looking like they were on the investigative side of things going into that building to attempt to, we would assume, clear that building and ensure everything is safe fort employees to return. for now, live in san francisco, jonathan bloom, abc 7. >> jonathan, is that the russian gospel temple church, by any chance? >> reporter: that's a very good question. we would have to verify that and get back to you. it is the church that is on the 2200 block of 17th street, if that tells you anything. >> okay. i believe that may be the case. we'll give you a chance to confirm some of that information and work the scene more. thank you very much, jonathan. in the meantime, let's go live to sky 7 over the scene. >> right. just to reset what we know from sources and we have been able to gather this from people who work inside, people who are familiar with the building, and sources
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that have informed our vic lee about what happened. around 9:00, a meeting was going on. leds p wul out a weapon and began shooting. it appears as if that person wa the center. again, this is all information we're getting from sources. none of this has been confirmed yet direct threu throuw through ic i with police. then he continued shooting, hit several other people. when confronted by police who must have arrived at the scene quickly, if this is the way this is going to end up being the timeline, turned the gun on himself and shot himself in the head. so what we know rig now is the number of four. so four people dead as a result anhati. would include the shooter. and we're told people were taken
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atwh to ascertain if other people were hurt who survived, or if that is the numb o there originally and decide as a result of their injuries. that's the timeline that we know so far. and those are thebeum n one thing we may want to know as sort of an important lesson, important side note to all of us, because that is a warehouse and distribution facility for u.p.s. for most of san francisco, if not all of it, you may experience delays in receivingrou y as the drivers obviously had to vacate the prepremises, watch f their safety first and not obviously able to get to work and continue their shifts. all rit.o show you a picture from earlier today. and you can see out the window here across the street some of the workers who ran onto the rooftops with their hands up
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while this rampage was going o. police did escort the employees out as soon as possible. and obviously their hands up being a way for police to see that they are not carrying any weapons, that they are not a threat. >> that's right. so the person who took this picture there was taking it from his house. this was the firstim te going o he saw the hands up in the air. he said this is bad. and as far as i know, he has not left his house since then. when i left him on the phone, he said he was going to wait until the police give the all clear. and they have not done that. i want to emphasize thea single shooter, they want to make absolutely sure there is no other threat inside that building. until they do, they will not lift the shelter in place for the surrounding neighborhood. >> and they areeahi f additional possible victims. we certainly hope there aren't. >> right. >> and ptienot alwitnesses. they will want to talk to anybody who may have witnessed the actual shooting and talk to
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emth relationships between the gunman and the people he ended up shooting. weo d sources telling our abc 7 i-team that the gunman was a disgruntled employee who, quote, had it out for the manager, one of the people shot. so he is trying to get more information on that situation. >> we have some video that sky 7 was able toearlier. and the source that i've been talk to go, the person you see hugging there, i believe the onrspethn o ise a u.p.s. manager and that he works in the department where this shooting happened. so he would have been in this meeting they were at 9:00 this morning is and would have seen all of this unfold, presumably. presuming that he was in the meeting that was happening, which he should have. but you can see he's distraught.
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and whohim?an these people showed up to work this morning. this was the end of some people's shift, the beginning of some people's shift. there would have been a lot of peoplee w building at the time. many people witnessed the shooting. and many people weren't on that floor but heard it. the woman on the first floor was telling us -- well, at first just thought it was an extraneous noise. but then there was a series of something is wrong. and she ran out of there. hale tesaid eporter on the that she was just in shock. very shaken up. blay ase that information to him and then really had to go away and be with the rest of the employees to comfort each other. faan only imagine what their goiesngmi through as they are awaiting e cnuis
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us.rd a is second with alexis smith. coincidentally, at the same time this is happening in san francisco, on the other side of the country at a congressional baseball game practice, practice was also a shooting there with a gunman having opened fire. hous majority whip steve scalise was shot, from louiana,longith four others. they are going to survive, but they do have injuries. ivd the gunman, of course, did tno >> right. in that case, capitol hill police were there. they were on the detail of the whip. so they were able to then engage the gunman. that is likely what stoppedtha t shooting. in this case, we're actually wondering if a similar situation happened. not by an employee who was there but by the police. vic's source was telling him it appears as if the gunman only turned the gun on himself after police confronted him.
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we're not sure how many minutes before the police were able to get there. if that ends up being the narrative here, then this could have been much worse. it appears as if police may have interfered with even more people getting possibly hurt. >> their presence ulha prconfirmation. >> a news conference is supposed to start any minute now. sfpd told us 11:30, but they are mighe bto ver this.e scene so it in the meantime as we pull out traffic is moving fine on 101 in the immediate area pwathouse. but on 280, boy, it was slow going and there were ramp closures. let's get to alexis smith, our traffic reporter, with the very latest. there's also muni impact. >> there sure .isimpact not tooh is changing and i doubt we'll so a lot for the next few hours. i'll do the muni impact, first.
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