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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  June 18, 2017 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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skin that has become thin over time and has lost its elasticity. it's that dehydrated, cracked, crinkly, wrinkly skin that resembles the look and texture of crepe paper. no matter what kind of moisturizers you use, it never looks like it's moisturized or healthy or plump. (female narrator) sound familiar? (male narrator) finally, there's a solution. introducing crepe erase with trufirm. (female narrator) a breakthrough targeted body treatment specifically formulated to improve the appearance of crepey, crinkly looking skin on your chest, neck, arms, legs, and even your hands! (male narrator) these are the areas commonly referred to as your agegiveaway zones. i will always be stuck in people's minds as laura ingalls from little house. i'm sort of stuck in time as this 12 year old girl, you know, with the pigtails and the perkiness and the buckteeth. but i'm not so young.
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i'm 52 years old, i'm a grandma. i use crepe erase everywhere. my shoulders, my elbows, my arms, my legs, everywhere, and it works on everything. there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a sexy grandma. (male narrator) the secret to crepe erase is our exclusive trufirm complex. as skin matures, the netting that keeps skin young and elastic weakens, making skin look dry, wrinkly, and crepey. trufirm's triple complex of skin restoring plant actives can help visibly treat and improve the look of aging and slackening skin while helping promote the natural production of healthy collagen and elastin. trufirm actually supports and reinforces your skin's own netting, giving it that youthful snap back so it looks smoother, firmer, and younger. ♪ i'm 59, i'll be 60 this year. crepe erase makes me feel like when i look in the mirror i recognize that skin. i recognize that skin from before. and it feels younger and fresher.
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what woman doesn't want to look younger and look good? i mean, every woman wants to look her best. i feel better when i look better, and crepe erase has made such a difference in my skin even my husband has noticed and said, "your skin so soft." i can throw my hair behind and show my neck to the world and i feel sexy, youthful, beautiful. (uplifting music) ♪ (jane seymour) if there is one word that would describe crepe erase to me, that is confidence. total confidence. (photographer) nice! good! you look better and younger and healthier than when we shot 20 years ago. (jane seymour) who knew i just had to age? when i look at jane seymour and i see her beautiful skin and her chest, and her arms, and her legs, i think, "i want what she's having. i want that." the great thing about crepe erase is that it's a treatment. it's not like i'm going to buy a lotion or--or, um, buy a cream,
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it's a treatment that really, really works. (female narrator) best of all, crepe erase starts to work immediately after your very first use! and in just 60 days, truly astonishing results like these! the results i got after just one application of crepe erase was miraculous. now the results are just getting better and better. (male narrator) and now, sharing her own crepe erase success story with our live studio audience. (female narrator) she's everyone's favorite medicine woman. (male narrator) please welcome mother, grandmother, and emmy award winning actress jane seymour! (cheering, applause) ♪ (jane seymour) hello! welcome! welcome, everyone, and thank you! so what exactly is crepey skin? it's those wrinkles on your chest called "fountain lines" or the crinkly old lady skin on your arms and legs. or those neck creases sometimes referred to
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as a necklace. not my favorite type of necklace. (chuckling) in fact, crepey skin can be outright depressing. but here's the good news, finally, there is a real solution to improve the look of crepey skin, and it's called, quite perfectly actually, crepe erase. and if you think this is just another cream or lotion that only masks or hides the problem of crepey looking skin, think again! and here's the proof! these are 100% real results. no fancy lighting or camera tricks. i mean, look at this arm before and after crepe erase. and décollete before and now here, after. absolutely incredible! and look at how crepe erase actually appears to transform the skin on this leg. now you see crepey skin, now you don't! truly, have you ever seen results like this before without any procedures or doctors' visits? i mean, it's astonishing,
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which is why i like to say with crepe erase, you can reveal more of yourself without revealing your age. (dara torres) i started training again for the olympics in my early 40s. and there i was in my bathing suit with crepey skin on my neck and my arms and around my knees and upper legs. my skin looked older than my age. until i started to use crepe erase. uh, lookit now, i mean, i'm in this dress and i feel so comfortable because i feel like my skin is kind of shiny and it's very hydrated and i just feel like i look good. my mother used to say to me when i was a kid, "if you ever want to see how old a woman is, look at her neck." and so i've been so focused on my neck for so long. and to see these kinds of results, simply by using crepe erase, it's amazing to me. i will never stop using crepe erase. the first time i tried crepe erase, i--i was shocked. immediately i saw a difference on my neck, on my chest,
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my elbows, my knees, the backs of my hands. everywhere was completely different. crepe erase has done so much for my chest, my legs, me elbows, my feet. it's--it's been a miracle in my life. i'm about to hit that 50 mark. 50 these days is fabulous, and i'm starting to feel that way again. (jane seymour) shortly after i began using crepe erase, we had this crazy idea to have me put this bikini on then take some photographs on the beach. why would i pose in a bikini at the age of 62? why? i mean, what an insane idea. i didn't want to pose in a bikini when i was 17, so why now? and i don't think i would've done it if i hadn't been using crepe erase. i feel that using crepe erase makes-- it just makes me feel like i'm turning back the clock. the first time i saw the before and afters of crepe erase, i honestly felt like, "these are too good to be true." then i started using crepe erase on myself and on my patients, and that's when i knew that crepe erase was a really special product.
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(male narrator) the secret to crepe erase is our exclusive trufirm complex. as skin matures, the netting that keeps skin young and elastic weakens, making skin look dry, wrinkly, and crepey. trufirm's triple complex of skin restoring plant actives can help visibly treat and improve the look of aging and slackening skin while helping promote the natural production of healthy collagen and elastin. trufirm actually supports and reinforces your skin's own netting, giving it that youthful snap back so it looks smoother, firmer, and younger. (kirsten) i went through breast cancer last year. i mean, everybody hears you lose your hair and all that kind of thing, but i'd never heard or even thought about how dry my skin would have become, going through radiation and all that. my skin was just gross and like dry and flaky and, you know, mini little wrinkle lines. and it was depressing. on top of everything else i was going-- you know, going through, i just kind of felt like i looked 90.
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nothing worked for my dry, crepey skin. the very first time i got home, i tried crepe erase that night. and my skin was like rejuvenated. i mean, like right away. it's just good to kind of feel good about yourself again. these are tears of joy. (jane seymour) crepe erase is different, and, most important of all, it works. here's your chance to experience crepe erase right now. (female narrator) now, just in time for summer... (male narrator) you can wipe away the appearance of wrinkly, crinkly, crepey skin, revealing smoother, tighter, plumper looking skin that makes you look and feel younger. introducing the crepe erase system with trufirm. (female narrator) a breakthrough in skin care innovation the beauty industry has spent years searching for. i have tried every moisturizer, lotion, potion there is. and you know... nothing really helps. after a few days of crepe erase, i was thinking, "wow, this is really different."
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and i looked down at my knees, and i realized that they looked different, and this was working! it was doing something that the other products had never done. i'm 49 years old, i have been exposed to the sun and the chlorine in water since i was a baby. i've tried every possible lotion, cream, thickest body butter you can find, but nothing would help. i'm so glad that i finally found a treatment like crepe erase that works, that can help my skin and make me look younger. crepe erase has been life saving for me. (male narrator) crepe erase can revive your dry, dull skin to reveal more hydrated, glowing summer skin the first time you use it. and with continued use, the results are nothing short of astonishing! i've been giving my patients crepe erase for about a year now, and they're raving about it. i can't keep it in my office. they want to give it to their friends. they want to hoard it for themselves. everybody loves crepe erase. (male narrator) crepe erase is the first and only system with trufirm
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designed to actually solve the problem of crepey skin. (female narrator) first, prepare your skin with the exfoliating body polish. this gentle yet powerful polish sweeps away dead skin cells, and helps to resurface your skin. (male narrator) it reawakens and renews the appearance of skin while delivering your first dose of trufirm. next is the intensive body repair treatment, the powerhouse of the crepe erase system. (female narrator) this super potent reparative treatment infuses skin with trufirm, the miracle botanical blend you won't find anywhere else. (male narrator) luxuriously decadent and loaded with seven super hydrators including coconut oil, legendary for its healing powers. the body treatment helps to dramatically plump, firm, and lift the appearance of even the crepeist looking skin. (female narrator) so stop hiding and covering up from crepey skin, and forget about expensive machines and treatments that are painful and can cost thousands of dollars. (male narrator) because you won't pay thousands, or even hundreds of dollars for truly incredible results like these!
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as part of this first time ever summer is coming tv offer, call or go online to and all you pay is the unbelievably low price of only $59.95. we give to everybody else, now it's time to give to yourself. you deserve it, why not? (female narrator) but listen to this! order in the next 18 minutes, and first time shoppers can save an additional $20. (male narrator) so you pay only $39.95 for the chance to experience incredible results like these for yourself. (female narrator) and it gets even better! be one of the first 500 callers and you'll receive our advanced firming eye serum with trufirm. a $30 value absolutely free. (male narrator) you've seen the amazing results crepe erase can have on your body. now see what it can do for tough-to-treat lines and crow's feet. (female narrator) the firming eye serum is a complete anti-aging treatment that helps visibly smooth and tighten the delicate skin around your eyes. crepe erase is backed by a 60-day money back guarantee
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from trusted guthy renker. if you are not astonished with your results, send it back for a full refund of the purchase price, even if the containers are empty. you won't find crepe erase available in any stores, so take advantage of this special offer and order crepe erase right now. (female narrator) get your skin summer ready... (male narrator) and experience the magic of crepe erase yourself for only $39.95. plus, a free upgrade to rush shipping. (female narrator) remember, the first 500 callers also receive the eye treatment absolutely free. (male narrator) so call the number on your screen or go online to right now. ♪ (jane seymour) and now i am so excited to introduce you to the woman responsible for bringing us this remarkable crepe erase product. please welcome a dear friend of mine, kim parrish! thank you, jane, it's great to be here. (applause)
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(jane seymour) kim, you're a beauty expert. you've been featured in countless beauty magazines. you know, you're the expert on all of this. how did you discover this breakthrough beauty product? (kim parrish) when i turned 40 i started to notice crepey skin on my chest, on my arms, and well, even above my knees. i was so frustrated because i have access to so many different types of products that are out there, and yet, i couldn't find anything that was effective in treating crepey skin, until finally i found crepe erase. (jane seymour) now kim, these are your own before and after pictures we're seeing right now. i mean, the results on your leg from crepe erase are astounding! they're truly incredible. (kim parrish) it was better than anything that i ever expected. this is the first product i've ever used where i really feel that it appears to visibly plump and give my skin volume. well, plump and volume are great ways to describe exactly what crepe erase does. let me show you a quick demonstration of exactly what i mean on these slices of dough.
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yeah, well, like your skin, dough is susceptible to drying and cracking, and losing moisture. so what i have in front of me are two slices of dough. one has been treated with crepe erase for four days, and the other hasn't been treated at all. now, take a look at this. when i touch the dough that hasn't been treated with crepe erase, it's actually dry and crumbly. you can see it's flaking. and when i go to pull it apart, there are deep crevices, very similar to crevices you might find in aging skin. there's no snap back, there's no bounce. and in fact, there's absolutely no elasticity. now, take a look at this. this is the dough that has been treated with crepe erase for four days. as you can see, and i can feel, it's incredibly moist. it's supple, and in fact, it's elastic. it has that bounce, that snap back, like youthful skin has. this is exactly what happens to your skin when you use crepe erase. crepe erase reconditions your skin so that it's tighter and firmer,
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and it's plumper, and it feels like it has more volume. it looks like younger skin. (jane seymour) it's just incredible! i mean, look at the difference between the dough that wasn't treated with crepe erase versus the dough that was treated with crepe erase. the difference couldn't be more obvious. and that is why we're all experiencing results that are absolutely mind-boggling. crepe erase is different than any other body treatment i have ever seen because it's specifically targeted for crepey skin on the body. crepe erase really works, it works fast, and it works really well. and that's why i recommend crepe erase to my patients who have crepey skin. i'll never forget, um, after i delivered my daughter, i swam in a meet about three weeks later, had to put a swimsuit on and be around some of these young kids. and it was very intimidating. they have no age spots and no crepey-ness. and i'm looking at myself and i'm like, "whoa, you know, i'm definitely 20, 30 years older than these kids." and it shows. the great thing about crepe erase is that it's a treatment. it's not like i'm going to buy a lotion or--or, um, buy a cream.
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it's a treatment that really, really works. crepe erase is a treatment. it's not a body lotion. it's a skin treatment. look at the outfit i'm wearing now. i never would have worn this before. i'm speechless. it's just absolutely amazing. i'm 63 years old and my arms before crepe erase were very crinkly and old looking. made me feel old too. and now since i've used crepe erase, the skin is just beautiful. i mean, i've noticed even the clothes that i wear are different. i'm exposing more of my skin. since crepe erase, i love the skin i'm in. crepe erase is miraculous. it's the most phenomenal product i've ever used. it does exactly what it says it's gonna do. crepe erase works like a dream. i won the gold medal in 1976. i was 19 years old, i was a kid! and now, today, people meet me and they go, "you can't be dorothy hamill." when i first noticed the crepey skin i remembered thinking, "oh my goodness, this is my mom
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or this is my grandmother. or this is the old people that i've seen with, you know, crepey skin. and now it's me." crepe erase makes me feel like i have young lady skin instead of old lady skin. after having tried, i think, every product on the planet, finding crepe erase and having the opportunity to use it, it's changed-- it's changed everything. (female narrator) it's time to shed your dry, dull, crepey skin. (male narrator) introducing crepe erase, the first and only system with trufirm, specially formulated to target and restore the look of aging crepey skin. call or go online to right now and all you pay is the unbelievably low price of only $39.95. (female narrator) plus, be one of the first 500 callers and you'll receive our advanced firming eye serum with trufirm, a $30 value absolutely free. so, stop hiding your skin. (male narrator) and show off your confidence with crepe erase. call the number on your screen or go online to right now.
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(uplifting music) ♪ i grew up on a farm, so i was outdoors all the time in the summer time. and i didn't use sunscreen when i should've, and time marches on, and here comes the crepey skin. i covered my skin up, especially when i was around other people. when i look at my before picture, it, um...i hate it. it's depressing. underneath it all you're just-- you just feel defeated, and you can't reverse it. at least, not until now. the after picture looks 20 years younger than the before picture. and there's only, like, a 60 day difference. look at the smoothness, look at the difference. i can wear a pair of shorts, i can wear a skirt, i can wear a dress. i can go sleeveless. this skin is firm, it's tight, it's smooth. it feels wonderful to have my skin back again.
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it's given me a whole new level of confidence that i haven't felt in a very long time. it is very emotional. i cannot say enough good about crepe erase. i am walking, living proof that crepe erase works. pure and simple, it works. (male narrator) crepe erase is different because it specifically targets the crepey skin on your neck, chest, arms, legs, and even your hands. (female narrator) these are your age giveaway zones and they're making you look older than you really are. (male narrator) crepe erase is the first and only system with trufirm, designed to actually solve the problem of crepey skin, revealing smoother, tighter, younger looking skin, you'll be excited to show off again. (jane seymour) one of the hardest things to deal with when you're aging is when your skin starts getting really crepey and you get that old lady look. you know, there are a ton of products out there. i didn't really see a major difference in any of them. and i didn't expect anything when i tried crepe erase, and then the amazing thing happened.
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putting crepe erase on, suddenly my skin looked-- it just looked firmer, it was less crepey, you know, i used it on my knees, and i couldn't believe it. i mean, just absolutely smooth, and, you know, amazing texture. i feel comfortable, and i feel beautiful in my own skin. the best thing about crepe erase, and the best thing that i've discovered from people who've been using it, is they have confidence, and they feel good about themselves, and they feel happy. and at the end of the day, what is life about? happiness. ♪ for the past 15 years, i have tried a number of advanced technologies to treat crepey skin, but they can be very expensive and, you know, sometimes they hurt when you do them. and so a lot of my patients, i've been giving when they've been complaining of the crepey skin, the crepe erase. and like the before and after pictures you saw before, i was seeing those exact results in my practice with my clients. and let me tell you, they are ecstatic. it really does work as well as the pictures show.
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crepe erase has changed the way i feel about my skin and about myself. i didn't think that that was possible short of, you know, surgery or--or lasers or something. and to see these kinds of results that i'm getting from simply using this product, this crepe erase that is-- it's so simple to use, it's stunning to me, it's really stunning. well, i'm 58 years old, and i'm proud of it. and i like being 58 years old. and with crepe erase, it's one thing i don't have to worry about anymore. i know my skin looks as good as it can. crepe erase is the one product that works for me, it does what it says it's going to do. i love the fact that crepe erase brings out a woman's natural beauty. it allows me to be the best that i can be. it's so refreshing to find a product that finally does what it promises. crepe erase delivers. (jordan) when you're feeling good and you're looking good, you know, who knows what's around the corner.
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i have told all of my friends, my sister, my friends back east, my friends locally. i tell them, "feel my skin, seriously. come on, feel my-- feel my arms. you won't believe how soft they are." this is the new me. i feel younger, i'm happier since crepe erase. they've sold me for life. i did all, like, over the counter stuff. i did stuff from dermatologists. i mean, i tried everything. to be perfectly honest, i used crepe erase everywhere from my neck down. it really works. crepe erase really, really works. there comes a point in hollywood, usually when you're 40, where they basically write you off and you're done. and i'm looking at myself in the mirror and i'm going, wait a minute, you know, i'm actually in my prime. so let's do all the things that i'm excited by. let me go out, let me wear the kind of clothes i want to wear. let me feel good about my body. i don't have to give up. and, you know, my skin is just not done looking young, it's just not. it's gonna be with me for a while. (female narrator) now, just in time for summer... (male narrator) introducing the crepe erase system with trufirm.
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(female narrator) a breakthrough in skin care innovation the beauty industry has spent years searching for. i've been giving my patients crepe erase for about a year now, and they're raving about it. i can't keep it in my office. they wanna give it to their friends, they wanna hoard it for themselves, everybody loves crepe erase. right after i used crepe erase, my neck looked ten years younger. crepe erase is not a cream or lotion, it's a treatment. and it's a magic one at that. (male narrator) crepe erase can revive your dry, dull skin to reveal more hydrated, glowing summer skin the first time you use it. and with continued use, the results are nothing short of astonishing! the secret to crepe erase is our exclusive trufirm complex. as skin matures, the netting that keeps skin young and elastic weakens, making skin look dry, wrinkly, and crepey. trufirm's triple complex of skin restoring plant actives can help visibly treat and improve the look of aging and slackening skin while helping promote the natural production
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of healthy collagen and elastin. trufirm actually supports and reinforces your skin's own netting, giving it that youthful snap back so it looks smoother, firmer, and younger. crepe erase is the first and only system with trufirm, designed to actually solve the problem of crepey skin. (female narrator) first, prepare your skin with the exfoliating body polish. this gentle yet powerful polish sweeps away dead skin cells and helps to resurface your skin. (male narrator) it reawakens and renews the appearance of skin while delivering your first dose of trufirm. next is the intensive body repair treatment, the powerhouse of the crepe erase system. (female narrator) this super potent reparative treatment infuses skin with trufirm, the miracle botanical blend you won't find anywhere else. (male narrator) luxuriously decadent, and loaded with seven super hydrators including coconut oil, legendary for its healing powers. the body treatment helps to dramatically plump, firm,
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and lift the appearance of even the crepeist looking skin. crepe erase makes me feel like i have young lady skin instead of old lady skin. i would say to someone who is skeptical, "try crepe erase one time. i guarantee you, do it one time. and you will see such a huge difference. just once." (female narrator) so, stop hiding and covering up from crepey skin. and forget about expensive machines and treatments that are painful and can cost thousands of dollars, (male narrator) because you won't pay thousands or even hundreds of dollars for truly incredible results like these. as part of our first time ever summer is coming tv offer, call or go online to and all you pay is the unbelievably low price of only $59.95. the great thing about crepe erase is that it's a treatment. it's not like i'm going to buy a lotion or buy a cream, it's a treatment that really, really works. (female narrator) but listen to this! order in the next six minutes and first time shoppers can save an additional $20.
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(male narrator) so you pay only $39.95, plus a free upgrade to rush shipping. don't wait to experience incredible results like these for yourself. (female narrator) and it gets even better! be one of the first 500 callers and you'll receive our advanced firming eye serum, a $30 value absolutely free. (male narrator) you've seen the amazing results crepe erase can have on your body. now see what it can do for tough-to-treat lines and crow's feet. (female narrator) the firming eye serum is a complete anti-aging treatment that helps visibly smooth and tighten the delicate skin around your eyes. crepe erase is backed by a 60-day money back guarantee from trusted guthy renker. if you are not astonished with your results, send it back for a full refund of the purchase price, even if the containers are empty. one phone call. that's all it takes to solve the years of struggle and suffering looking for a solution to your crepey looking skin. so what are you waiting for? (female narrator) time is just about up. (male narrator) now it's your turn to experience the power
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of crepe erase for yourself just in time for summer. so call the number on your screen or go online to right now. ♪ (female narrator) the preceding has been a paid presentation for crepe erase, brought to you by trusted guthy renker. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this.
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internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. >> okay, leeza. we're ready for you on set. >> thanks, guys. >> i'm walking to set with our ladies. >> we're gonna do a last, final mike check. >> of course.
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all right. have a good show, everybody. >> female announcer: the following is a paid presentation for dr. denese skinscience featuring emmy award winner leeza gibbons, tv host lisa robertson, and daytime emmy award winner and "general hospital" star finola hughes. >> male announcer: and now the exclusive premiere of "winning the wrinkle war," examining how powerful age-renewing and youth-building ingredients can actually deliver incredible results like these in just 14 days. >> female announcer: and transform your skin like this in only 60 days. >> male announcer: but first, let's join reporter and emmy award winner leeza gibbons. [ cheers and applause ] >> hi, ladies. thank you. thank you so much, and welcome. i'm excited about our program today because we're talking about winning the wrinkle war. i'm 57 years old, and if you're like me, you're on the front lines of this


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