tv 2020 ABC June 30, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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us on twitter. that's our program tonight. but don't go anywhere. "20/20" starts right now. you just cut me off, stupid! >> you're hitting the road for the fourth of july, but some people are hitting back. the latest outbreaks of road rage. we've allthere, we've all felt it. but did it ever go this far? tonight on "20/20," it's not what would you do, it's what should you do? not this. >> i don't see you touching it now, though. [ bleep ]. >> tips for when you're trapped behind the wheel. >> this lady just waving crazy. >> but that was just the
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beginning. >> she just hit our car. she's pushing us off the road. >> she's knocking on our window saying she's a cop. >> for some, road rage can be the ending. >> she had every opportunity to change her mind and not chase my brother across two freeways. >> in just the last 24 hours, a new assault with two deadly weapons, a pickup truck and a gun. a promising young life cut short. >> this is now a murder case. >> tonight, freeway fury. >> hello, i'm elizabeth vargas. david is away tonight. take a look at that. all the traffic and tail liglig. this weekend, it's going to be worse. experts say more than 44 million
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people are expected to be on the roads. and with all that traffic, there are bound to be flaring tempers. how does road rage start? what should you do if you get caught up in it? here's eva pilgrim. >> reporter: we all have it in us, even if we don't know exactly where it is. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> reporter: a limit, a breaking point. a dark place where civilization ends and animal instinct takes over. >> and there may be no faster way to get there than right here on the roadways of america, at the intersection of velocity and violence. >> we have two victims here. >> reporter: you've seen the stories leading your local news. >> another case of road rage in >> reporter: and polluting youtube. what feels like a daily diet of road rage reports. just last week, this shocking video of an incident on a
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california freeway leading to a multi-car crash. >> call 911, chris. >> reporter: nearly half of all drivers surveyed have experienced some form of road rage. here in denver, the mile-high city, drivers are hitting new lows. officials reporting deadly crashes have been slowly creeping up for several years. >> we know you're fed up. so are we. >> reporter: we came to see for ourselves. it didn't take long for us to find it. rocky mountain rage. golly, that guy! he was almost in our lane. you want reasons? look around this city's rush hour turns freeways into ant farms, it's a stop and go sea of brake lights. what typically should be a 30-minute commute, can take nearly an hour and a half,
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enough to turn any driver into a ticking time bomb. i was surprised at how bad the traffic is in denver. >> it's heavy. heavy, it's crowded, and it's aggressive. >> reporter: captain jeff goodwin of the colorado state patrol is fighting the uphill battle against an army of hot tempered motorists. >> don't [ bleep ] touch me! >> there is that group of individuals that get up helter-skelter every morning, they're never on time. and they've got to make up time, so how do they it? they do it by pushing people out of the way, cutting them off changing from the inside left lane all the way to the exit ramp right as they get there. >> reporter: goodwin believes he's pinpointed the root of the problem. with more than 100,000 people transplanting to denver every year, it's as simple as too many metal machines, not enough pavement. >> i used to think it was something like people cutting you off, but you know one of the things that people really get
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angry about is if somebody honks the horn at you, because you've sat too long at a light. i think they literally go from dr. jekyll to mr. hyde. >> reporter: around the country, it's not just gangbangers and street thugs mixing it up, it could be any of us. take a look at these guys in business attire doing the wwe smackdown. we showed the good captain goodwin some examples of bad behavior, and he provided us some potentially life-saving road rules to help you. rule number one -- don't make eye contact. >> this motorist is out of control. and the victim is doing all the right things. >> reporter: stare ahead, don't engage? >> the minute you engage, who knows where this goes. >> reporter: rule number two -- never approach the window. >> all right, wow. okay, this is more than over the top, because you now have a gun involved.
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>> reporter: you never know who's packing heat? >> exactly. >> reporter: is approaching someone's window ever a good idea? >> never do it. >> reporter: and most important, rule number three -- you don't always have to win. looks like it's going to be over. but as we see in this case from houston, the parties involved just can't help themselves. >> here we go. there you go. >> reporter: now they're at full blown fist fight. >> the longer this goes, the worse it's going to get. >> reporter: it looks like they just need to win the argument. >> that's what it is. >> reporter: it was 4:15 when we hit the road with goodwin and his team. they prowled the interstate looking for bad behavior. >> we're looking for aggressive drivers. >> reporter: triggers, which often lead to the road rage we see on the news. >> so,
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this is a 75-mile? >> so, we're doing 17 in a 75 at rush hour. >> reporter: within minutes, goodwin's team has spotted a common breed, a texter at the wheel. he says distracted driving, the number one offense that sends drivers into road rage. how does that end up leading to road rage? >> well, when she's texting, she is not paying attention to everybody else out here. >> reporter: next, we cross paths with a lead foot speedster, the deadliest kind of aggressive driver. >> i could see him in the rearview mirror weaving in and out. he was trying to find that opening. >> reporter: and that's when people get mad? >> right. >> reporter: it was now 5:45, the road rage witching hour, goodwin says the peak time for trouble. and the cops had busted this aggressive driver for skipping the offramp, and blazing her own trail altogether. >> right now there is a warrant for your arrest. >> oh, my gosh. >> reporter: her prize, some new bracelets and a ride in the fast
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lane to the county clink. >> she doesn't have a valid driver's license either, so that's been canceled and denied so she shouldn't be driving anyways. >> reporter: we'd found ourselves at a notorious hotspot. >> so this, right here, is the frontage road where we have a lot of our issues. >> reporter: and, got a dose of full frontage fury. >> so people will be frustrated. they will come off the frontage road. and then they actually will do this, believe it or not, they will drive here. >> reporter: holy cow! this is so steep! >> and they will find that steep drop down to the interstate. and they will bounce their way back onto interstate 25. all because they are angry about sitting in traffic. offroading on i-25. >> reporter: yeah. as friday rush hour traffic mounts once again, we spot this guy, who thought he could make up time, bypassing all the drivers ahead of him, riding along the road's shoulder.
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but he's going nowhere fast, today. >> sir, do me a favor and stay in your car while we do this business. you passed seven or eight cars going over that white line onto the shoulder. that's not a lane for turning! >> reporter: like many road rogues, this guy's idea of "defensive driving" is making excuses for his alleged moving violations. he even called 911 to complain about being pulled over. >> he stopped me first on the train tracks, with a train coming down the road. >> now that he's caught he's upset. he's not in agreement at all. that's his beef. >> there goes a guy! there he goes! >> reporter: check out this truck. the driver has jumped the median, passing up other cars, high-tailing it the wrong way into oncoming traffic. >> put your hands where i can see them. >> reporter: captain goodwin pulls him over, hand on the holster. >> what was it?
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you got kids in the car. >> i haven't seen anyone drive that aggressively in years. >> he was doing 90 miles an hour >> i charged him with reckless driving. he just didn't plan on havg any law enforcement to stop him today. >> reporter: and don't think it's just a y-chromosome thing. >> you see a lot of aggressive driving from both sexes. >> reporter: everybody drives crazy. >> yeah. >> reporter: when we come back, we'll prove it to you. a wild woman at the wheel. >> we go around, she speeds up. >> reporter: and two damsels in distress trying to rescue themselves. highway horror show when freeway fury continues. and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly 10 years. humira works inside the body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms.
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now, "20/20" continues with freeway fury. here's nick watt. >> reporter: two young women, out on the open california highway. you've been friends how long? >> about a year? we had boyfriends that were friends. and then we kicked them to the curb, and then we stayed friends. >> reporter: okay. >> we knew what was good for us. >> reporter: carefree on their way for a fun weekend in reno. cell service is fading, the road is getting quiet and lurking far behind in their rearview, a truck, driving fast, aggressive, right towards them.
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sounds like the open to a slasher flick, but this tale is as dark and real as a hot coat of tar across i-80. and you're about to see it play out in real time. meet vanessa and delanie. vanessa, a student and waitress, delanie, a former miss california contestant now also a waitress. the duo just looking to let off some service industry steam. >> looking forward to us drinking and not serving drinks. >> we weren't in a bad mood. we were by no means in a hurry. that wasn't us that day. >> reporter: i jumped in vanessa's car, and we headed north to unspool the rest of our tale. >> we saw her in the rearview mirror cutting between cars and i would say that was trouble, but i didn't think we were personally in trouble. >> reporter: then, delanie broke a cardinal rule of road rage prevention, flipping the bird. at what point did you flip her the bird? >> after it had been going on for i'd say a good ten minutes. >> reporter: in life in general, are you a flipping off type of person? >> no! i'm normally really calm. did you want to strangle me?
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>> i'm guilty of that, too, of flipping off drivers. but you would never expect it to escalate the way that it did, you know? >> reporter: actually, experts say that's exactly what you can expect. you never know who you're flipping off and where their head's at. >> when you add a little finger into that, maybe the one finger salute. that creates crazy in a heartbeat. >> reporter: whether it was delanie's salty salute or not, the truck inexplicably began to try and push vanessa off the road. that's when delanie starts filming her homemade horror flick. >> like, i almost want to stop and pull over at an exit -- >> no! because then she'll get out of the car. >> dude, i don't know what to do! >> she's in the slow lane next to me and she just starts pushing me, like coming into my lane and pushing me into the shoulder of the fast lane, to the point where i have nowhere else to go. i have to come to a complete stop in the middle of the highway. >> reporter: she calls 911, but reception is bad. finally, summer barton answers their life line.
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do you remember what you thought when delanie first called in? >> okay, this one's real. like, this is serious. >> just drive. just keep driving. >> i can't, dude! >> i know. just keep driving as well as you can. you're fine, i promise. hi, we have a really bad emergency on highway 90, or highway 80. we have a vehicle that has been following us, telling us that she's a cop and keeps trying to tell us to pull over. and she's swerving us off the road, she keeps trying to hit us off the road. >> i'm freaking out! dude, she's going to kill me! >> yes, she just hit our car. she just hit our car! she's pushing us off of the road! yeah, she's pushing us off the road. she's coming for us! put it in reverse, put it in reverse, vanessa! put it in reverse! >> reporter: suddenly, this woman jumps out of the truck and runs to delanie's window. >> she's in a explorer. it's a ford explorer. it says sport track. it's silver. she's saying that she's a cop. >> don't -- >> she's knocking on our window saying she's a cop. go ahead and go. go. >> reporter: summer listens in, reminding delanie of that crucial rule, avoid eye contact.
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>> that's scary when you hear what's going on. >> the hardest thing was looking straight forward, talking to the 911 operator saying, "she's pounding on my window and i don't know what to do." >> and we both said later, like, "what if she had a gun?" >> reporter: turns out, the california woman with the richter scale rage issue was deirdre orozco. that badge? from her job at a senior living facility. the closest thing orozco came to being law enforcement, she was once a bail bond agent and i'll bet you a new set of rims you won't guess where she'd just come from. >> she'd literally just been out of jail for, you know, hours before attacking us. >> reporter: yup, this home movie is actually a sequel. four days earlier orozco had crossed paths with this guy, dane larsson. happened in sacramento. at this very intersection. >> and i'm just sitting here. and that's when i hear it. and she's coming up, blaring her horn. >> reporter: she comes up behind, horn blaring and just hits you, bang? >> she was, like, trying to push me out of the way.
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>> reporter: like that? >> exactly. >> reporter: orozco ended up parked on the lawn of a house a mile or two away. >> she was going crazy. >> reporter: now she's been released on bail and back on the attack, hauling a wide load of anger management issues in that two-ton truck. >> dude, she is so crazy. she just hit my car. >> she hit us. okay. >> your main goal was to figure out where they are. >> it says next right, fuel. >> reporter: summer knows that just down the road from that gas station is this chp outpost. she tells the women to exit at the gas station, and hopes the police can intercept. you're her lifeline? >> mm-hmm. >> reporter: how does that make you feel? >> responsible, you know, for her safety. >> okay, there's an officer right now with us. okay. thank you so much, ma'am. >> reporter: this is where it happened. today, we've arranged a little
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surprise. and these are the officers who were there. >> i'm not crying. >> reporter: just a little bit. >> thank you. >> i'm sorry that you had to deal with her. i will never forget you yelling, get in the car. thank you. >> reporter: and we are not done yet with the surprises. this lady is summer. who you were talking to on the phone. >> hi, thank you. >> reporter: deirdre orozco was arrested there and then. here she is in court, ready for some more demolition derby. did she go easily? >> i wouldn't say that. i wouldn't say easily. she was kind of feisty. >> reporter: orozco ultimately pleaded no contest to charges of assault with a deadly weapon, her truck, and making threats to commit a crime resulting in death in both cases. >> whatever's the most expeditious way. that's what i want to do. >> reporter: sentenced to
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925 days in county jail, and 5 years' probation. orozco declined our offer of an interview. did you make it to reno? >> we did make it to reno, shaken up. >> reporter: it wasn't quite the girls' weekend you had in mind? >> didn't start on the right foot. >> reporter: aside from flipping the bird, these women did everything right, they avoided eye contact, remained in the car, and called the cops. >> it worked out well. >> reporter: but there are those who'd rather play policeman themselves. when we come back, a wild ride with colorado's own fur-capped road avenger. law enforcement says he's a vigilante. >> i'm just floored at the fact that you keep doing this. hey... are you happy that you switched? yes - their network reliability is within 1% of verizon and our unlimited plan is half what you pay with verizon for a family of four. half? that's right - it's half.
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sh showdowns took place just a few blocks from here. here's eva pilgrim. >> reporter: among the ranks of the road warriors, cars and most motorcycle versus car clashes start when, in the biker's mind at least, the bigger vehicle doesn't demonstrate due respect. >> you see, right there, he actually taps another biker who appears to have brake checked him a little bit. >> reporter: this notorious 2013 scene on new york's henry hudson parkway was no exception. you can see it, he's stopped. the car's over here. all of these bikes around, he's trying to through. >> oh my, god. >> reporter: the driver of this suv fleeing, he says, out of fear, running over a biker. leading to this chaotic chase >> i mean, that's the worst case scenario, you act out, you're in fear of your life, you're going to get the heck out of there, but then they're got to get you. and, so this gang mentality develops amongst all these biker and your clearly see they're going to get you. >> reporter: he's got his wife and his baby inside. >> unbelievable. >> reporter: and earlier this year in san francisco, highway history repeats itself as these
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bikers attack this toyota camry. >> the driver was beaten after an altercation between a driver and some dirt bikers. >> reporter: closer to home, in goodwin's back yard of colorado, this frightening case of mustang versus motorcycle. >> they were both egging each other on, and look at this. you have this drastic move to make a point, so there's your last word. and it could have killed the guy. it's all about respect. and we see this all the time, where someone's willing to use a vehicle as a deadly weapon to take somebody else out. >> reporter: now, as if captain goodwin doesn't have enough on his hands, he's got to deal with one motorcyclist turned vigilante. you're about to meet denver's own dark knight. his name is devin jones. >> you just cut me off, stupid! >> reporter: his alter ego, the road avenger.
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it's kind of a crazy outfit. >> yeah, i look ridiculous. >> reporter: do you think you're a super hero? >> not really. >> reporter: jones may not cop to it, but these youtube videos tell another story. the story of a man, his motorcycle and helmet cam. a vlogger, obsessed with publicly shaming anyone he perceives as a roadside wrongdoer. these videos, and his 125,000 youtube subscribers, are how he pieces together a paycheck. here's a man devin says was guilty of a trifecta of transgressions. grazing behind the wheel, surfing while driving, and running a stop sign. >> i know you feel really cool but you should put the salad and your phone down. most people will only go with one. what's the logic? >> there's no logic. >> i call him an agitator, because he doesn't need to do this. >> reporter: a little self-righteous, you think? >> i think so, absolutely.
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>> reporter: but as far as devin's concerned, the cops can be road hazards too. here, he even dares to pull over an officer who he claims was driving while on his phone. >> that's road rage. >> no. i was honking because you are on your phone and i needed you to get off so we could travel smoothly. >> you stopped me from doing my job. >> i didn't want to talk to you i just wanted you off your phone. >> reporter: where does this come from, this motivation to confront perceived roadside dangers? from years of experience on even deadlier highways. >> oh! i joined the army in 2006 when i was 17, as a combat engineer. deployed to iraq and to afghanistan doing ied route clearance. >> reporter: that's a pretty dangerous job. >> yes, it's pretty much the most dangerous job. >> reporter: and now, 11 years later -- do you feel like you're still doing that? >> i didn't until you pointed that out.
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>> reporter: recently, jones has taken to handing out business cards, so people can view themselves later on youtube. in this instance, he confronts a man who he says wouldn't let him change lanes. >> you'll see yourself on here later. okay. >> reporter: the card is not well-received. he feels like it's his duty to let them know they did something wrong in traffic. >> your camera's stupid. your camera is stupid. >> it's like he is the vigilante, he's going to show what a cool guy he is by using his camera to almost entice people into an argument. >> reporter: this woman is even more furious, after this dispute about access to this road, she takes a swipe at devin's camera. there are probably people when they see this story at home, they are like, "he is crazy." why would he keep going up to these people knowing the response could be bad? >> i'd probably feel ashamed of myself if i didn't.
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i can't avoid somebody becoming rageful or enraged. >> reporter: but devin isn't always the hero on his hero cam. when you walk past the spot, though, do you always look over and go, "that's where it happened"? >> yeah, every time i walk past this, i do look at the spot and i think about it. >> reporter: "it" is the incident that first brought him viral infamy, with more than 7 million views. what were you doing? what was going on? >> i was on a street next to a park kind of like this one and then out of nowhere, a car, decided to blast around me in what seems like a really dangerous way to pass somebody in a residential area. >> reporter: so jones goes on the pursuit. the ultimate no-no, according to captain goodwin. don't be the cops. >> so my first question is, you go, why? why was that important? it's not. >> how you doing?
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>> i'm pretty good. what's up with you? you seem to be in quite the hurry. why you driving like that? >> reporter: that may sound like an innocent question, but no one is innocent here. >> and now you have somebody who's agitated. >> there you go. he's a man. he's a big girl. >> reporter: if there's an inner voice calling for restraint, devin ignores it. >> do not touch my stuff, one more time. because i'm going to defend my property. >> like a [ bleep ]? >> i don't see you touching it now though. >> i get a feeling that the motorcycle rider felt this was completely justified. and i'm telling you right now, it's not, people. this isn't justification. this is our job. >> reporter: how do you feel about that video? >> i think it ended terribly. it's a source of shame for myself. >> you seem to be in quite the hurry. >> reporter: why not just blow him off and don't confront him? >> there was obviously some sort of primitive something going on in my mind.
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>> you drive like a big, tough girl? >> reporter: you don't even watch it, do you? >> it's just like two morons grunting at each other. >> reporter: but after all that macho chest-beating both men refuse to press charges. what have you learned? have you learned anything? >> i've learned that i'm not as in control of myself as i once thought i was. i need to think about what i'm doing a few more times before i do it. >> reporter: would you do it again, like that? >> i don't know. >> reporter: a disturbing thought. the righteous ragers are out there tonight. and when we come back, blind rage turns to roadside homicide. >> if i would have known that it would have ended the way it ended, i would have never, ever followed him. >> reporter: stay with us.
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>> reporter: you never know just how fast or how far a road rage incident is going to escalate. maybe it's just a guy using his phone as a weapon. >> [ bleep ]! >> reporter: maybe it's two dudes having a roadside duel. >> he's definitely ready to go into battle. >> reporter: he got himself a pipe. >> but look at this thing break out. holy cow! >> reporter: or maybe it goes as far as this crazy scene from los angeles last week. >> she's getting dragged on the freeway! >> reporter: at least everyone in those cases lived. but tragically, it doesn't take much for a road rage incident to
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go from cursing to the coroner's office. how bad can these road rage confrontations get? >> well, it's murder. >> reporter: from 2006 to 2015 there was a 500% increase in fatal road rage crashes. and just this week 18-year-old bianca roberson was shot and killed in what authorities say is yet another road rage incident. >> she was a good girl, honor roll student, looking forward to going to college. >> a man in the red pickup truck pulled out a gun and shot her in the head, killing her. >> reporter: tonight, that suspected shooter is still at large. while in southern california, another road rage killer is behind bars, wrestling with her regret. >> if i would have known that it would have ended the way it ended, i would have never, ever followed him. >> reporter: earlier this year, >> reporter: earlier this year,
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darla jackson, a 27-year-old mother with no prior arrests, was sentenced to six years in prison after pleading guilty to the voluntary manslaughter of navy officer zach buob. >> the middle term of six years. >> reporter: the encounter between the two escalated when buob drove up alongside her on his red motorcycle and kicked the side of her car, leaving a dent and a shoe print. >> she couldn't believe that he had done it, decided to follow him to get the license plate. >> reporter: once again, the decision to pursue would end badly. another motorist captured a few seconds of jackson's high-speed chase on video and shortly after this clip cut off, disaster struck. >> what happens is, he slows down. the driver doesn't react fast enough to that to gauge how much he's slowing down. so her, the nose of her car literally rolls up on to the back wheel of the motorcycle. >> reporter: these photos tell
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the rest of the tale. the two vehicles become one. skidding together for 315 feet before they became dislodged. buob hit the ground, and darla jackson ran him over. >> she had every opportunity not to chase my brother across two freeways. >> i let my pride get the best of me. i shouldn't have, you know, been speeding. i shouldn't have, you know, been negligent. >> reporter: the anguish she now feels, apparent in her court appearances. and in her interview with us. >> my daughter doesn't have her mother and won't for a very long time. it turned out terribly for everyone involved. so i deeply regret what's happened. >> reporter: that angry pursuit landed darla jackson in prison. in new orleans, another heated chase landed former jets running back joe mcknight in the morgue.
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>> we're going to move on now to that deadly road rage incident in louisiana where former nfl player joe mcknight was killed during an argument. >> reporter: according to police, mcknight cut off this man, local i.t. technician ronald gasser. the two then got in a rolling argument which lasted for miles. >> still involved in verbal altercations. cutting front of one another, zipping around vehicles on and on and on. >> reporter: that's mcknight's silver audi following gasser's blue infiniti. minutes later, the cars came to a stop but the argument continued at full speed. >> at some point mr. mcknight exits his car and goes to mr. gasser's car. there continues to be a verbal altercation. during that altercation, mr. gasser pulls his weapon from between his seat, in the console and fires three shots at joe mcknight. killing him.
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>> reporter: did you ever think in a million years he would be the victim of a road rage? >> no. we got to stop being in so much of a rush to get somewhere. >> reporter: remarkably, police say it was shooter ron gasser's second road rage incident at almost that exact same location. then this week at this stoplight he admits to shooting a man. >> justice! >> reporter: gasser has been charged with second degree murder. but in louisiana, a stand your ground state, he may yet walk free. >> looking at justifiable homicide, if you are in your vehicle and someone attempts to enter it, i'm going to presume that for a second, he's justified in shooting him. >> reporter: gasser has pled not guilty. the trial is scheduled to begin this august, but mcknight's mother has already rendered judgment on the road rage epidemic that claimed her son's life. >> are we that angry? is our nation that angry about things? we got to learn how to channel our energy into something more positive than what we're doing.
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we're not thinking clearly. >> reporter: coming up, the denver cops, in a call to action. how you can help them stop the madness. when we come back. unlike ordinary diapers with two layers, pampers have three pampers. absorbent layers to stay up to three times drier, so babies can sleep soundly all night. wishing you love, sleep and play. pampers. with a ton of huge savingsyle happening right now at lowe's. like up to 40% off select appliance special values. plus, get up to 24 months special financing with your lowe's advantage card. get started with summer's best savings. start with lowe's.
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"20/20" continues with freeway fury. once again, eva pilgrim. >> reporter: who are we looking for? who is this woman? >> well, it's one of our repeat and frequent offenders. >> reporter: the cops in denver have had enough. now they're fighting back with a call to action, enlisting viewers like you. so this woman has been called in how many times? >> it has been at least eight times.
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it's a lot. that's a lo >> reporter: goodwin's referring to a special reporting system promoted along denver's roadways. >> i just want to report a reckless driver. >> reporter: a dedicated hotline so drivers can blow the whistle before blowing their stack. >> they're telling them to stay back, don't get close, don't get in the middle of this. >> reporter: goodwin estimates a staggering 5,000 calls are pouring in every month in the denver area alone. >> i just wanted to report someone who's driving like a maniac. >> reporter: in a novel approach, his team then uses the data to identify those drivers with the most complaints. then, they track them down. >> half of these things these people did to me. >> reporter: our denver affiliate, kmgh, was there when the state patrol approached this man. he'd received seven complaints in eight months. >> i would say certain incidences a bad driver would be
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a totality. >> reporter: his name is houdini douglas. and, as is often the case, he tries to wiggle his way out of those numerous complaints. >> near as i can tell none of them have any legal ramifications. >> almost every time, guaranteed, it's not their fault and they start telling us about the complaints they have on the drivers that called them in. >> reporter: we're with captain goodwin, as he heads out on the hunt looking for this woman, kim schwerdtfeger. >> she's doing all the things that make other drivers around her upset. >> reporter: as we pull into schwerdtfeger's apartment complex -- so we're looking for a blue car? we immediately spot her car, the numerous dents consistent with its owner's m.o. >> so, that's our vehicle. >> reporter: she's home. >> so now we'll take a cruise down here and we'll kind of wait. >> reporter: but our mini-stakeout is brief.
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before we know it, schwerdtfeger is behind the wheel, and on the move. she's going. >> there's our car. >> reporter: we follow, but this time it's the captain who's handcuffed. he can't pull her over without cause. >> i don't want to harass her. >> reporter: and on this day, schwerdtfeger appears to be minding her "p"s and "q"s. >> she's doing like 31, 32 miles an hour. >> reporter: she's clearly aware of us. >> she's nervous. >> reporter: and suddenly, she hooks a u-turn. >> we're going to cut her loose. >> reporter: three weeks later we're back and this guy has ammunition for their cause. >> her driver's license is not valid. so she should not be operating a vehicle at all. >> reporter: driving on a suspended license is against the law. something kim schwerdtfeger appears to ignore. >> 12 points in a years' time,
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gets your driver's license revoked. >> reporter: so it's back to her apartment. >> it's like cat and mouse. >> reporter: and when we arrive, the beat up jalopy we followed the first time has been replaced. here's the new beaut. >> it's a totally different color. >> i'll probably go back out to 85 and see if i can get her. >> reporter: the next day, in the driving snow, we track her new wheels to the restaurant where she works. >> we have found the car. so we're going to go verify that license plate. >> reporter: in a word, busted. >> so her car is just to the west of us over that tree and there's a fence, and it's parked at the very back corner that you can park. >> reporter: the men head inside to confront their quarry. but will schwerdtfeger come out in cuffs? how'd it go? >> she thinks that people were calling her in because she was texting and driving, so she openly admitted to that. she knows there's issues with her license. >> reporter: she gets a break and a stern warning, don't drive or she'll be arrested.
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she has to figure out a way to get home tonight? >> if she presses her luck and tries to go home and she just happens to get stopped then she might end up having to do jail time over all of this. >> reporter: still, we want to talk to schwerdtfeger ourselves and she surprisingly rolls over faster than a speeding suv on an offramp. were you surprised that they came to find you? >> yes, yes, yes. my worst is the texting. i was texting. i've never hurt anybody so i really apologize. >> reporter: so you have a lot of accidents? >> i have about five. >> reporter: now your license has been suspended so you can't drive. >> correct. >> reporter: what does that mean for you? >> that means uber. time for uber. i don't want to lose my car. i don't want to go to jail. i've never been. and i apologize, if i scared
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anybody. that's not my intention whatsoever. >> reporter: she sounded so sincere, but bad habits die hard. last month, schwerdtfeger was cited while driving on a restricted license. this time, charged with following too close to another vehicle. are these normal people losing their minds? >> absolutely. everybody gets angry, it's just a matter of what flips that switch. and then, what do you do with after it's been flipped. >> reporter: when we come back, the story of a sunshine state street fight with one final lesson. stay with us. ♪
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going on a targetrun out oneed anything? watermelon! water please! and soda! grandpa!! got it! get everyday low prices on everyday essentials, targetrun and done. once again, elizabeth vargas. >> reporter: this month in south florida, it happened again. >> two men caught on camera in a road rage incident involving a bat. >> they go at it, struggling in the middle of traffic over the weapon. >> reporter: hector herrera, that batter swinging for the fences, now facing charges of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. >> the first thing that came to my head was to grab a bat and go and fight. >> reporter: a typical, shake your head, road rage story? perhaps. but then, a small miracle. herrera went on television and
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actually expressed remorse. >> i would say to him, i'm sorry for the situation. this is no good for nobody. >> reporter: something to consider the next time you hit the highway. you may think you need to win, but perhaps this is a game you'd rather not play. you may think your enemy is in the next lane. >> you just cut me off, stupid! >> reporter: but perhaps he's in your own head. you make think you thrive on drama. >> get out of my face! >> reporter: but perhaps what you really need, is peace. that's our show for tonight. thanks so much for watching. i'm elizabeth vargas. for david and all of us at abc news and "20/20," have a great night, and a safe and happy holiday weekend. ♪ whale worries tonight after the boat collided the large
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