tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC July 4, 2017 11:35pm-12:38am PDT
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>> announcer: tonight jimmy kimmel live is brought to you by -- the instagram of your dad you posted yesterday. he'll never see it. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, elle fanning. from "rough night" paul w. downs. our father's day youtube challenge. and music from playboi carti. and now, if you'll allow, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's very nice. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. that's very kind. i appreciate it.
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i hope -- well, the dads in our audience, i hope your families came through for you yesterday. did they come through for you? no. they never do, do they! [ laughter ] i had a good father's day. the best part of father's day, i know this is going to sound weird, but for met best part of father's day was when my wife forgot to give me a card. i will get a lot of mileage out of this. she said she got it and wrote it and forgot to bring it home. which is what i say every time i forget to give her a card. only i am lying when i say it. [ laughter ] so this was good news for me. i don't know know if we should have cards for father's day. okay. so you know, cards for mother's day are very sweet. they have flowers on them, they have nice messages in them. father's day cards, these are real father's day cards. they fit into four major categories. golf, fishing, barbecue, beer. [ laughter ] and beer. and beer. and beer. [ cheers and applause ]
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look at this one. "beer is the answer." what kind of message is this? dad, you are a pot-bellied drunk. and we are sending you to rehab after you finish mowing the lawn. i think we need to mix it up a little. either the cards need to change or we do. i'm not sure which. and for the record i didn't get any of these cards, not even the beer one because my wife forgot to give it to me. later on we'll share the fruits of our latest and maybe even greatest father's day youtube challenge. we asked you to sneak up on be your dads and surprise them by saying i love you at the most inopportune time. and it went better than i think we even hoped it would go. very good work everybody. you'll see that later on. meanwhile president trump back to work at the white house today after a father's day weekend at camp david with his son barron and wife malaria. [ laughter ] melania. i'm always -- never mind. [ applause ] the president met today with leaders of some of the major
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american tech companies, ceos of apple, microsoft, amazon and about 16 others. some of trump's advisor's asked these guys to come to the white house to delete twitter from his phone, but they were unable to do that. [ laughter ] the meeting was led by trump's son-in-law/senior advisor jared kushner, which is interesting because some of these guys at the meeting helped to build jared kushner when he was just a young robot. they designed some of the software. [ laughter ] jared kushner is going to israel on wednesday to try to negotiate peace which is crazy because he has no experience doing that. but he isn't the least xernsd member of the trump team. over the weekend it was said the person will appoint person who will oversee billions of dollars as head of housing and urban development for the states of new york and new jersey. and that person is? drum roll, please. his son eric's wedding planner. yeah, for real. [ cheers and applause ]
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i guess she did a good job. her name is lynn patton. she has no experience in housing or urban development. but she has incredible reviews on yelp. almost five stars. [ laughter ] and she really knows her way around a centerpiece. but she planned eric's wedding and then ran his charity foundation and now she's going to be doing -- so far the number one qualification for getting a job in the trump administration is not having any of them. [ laughter ] trump was in miami on friday to announce the new policy toward cuba. and i don't know if it was the mojitos or the fact we slowed the video down but here's the result, tonight's little havanation of "drunk donald trump." [ slowed down audio ] >> i am so thrilled to be back here with all of my friends. [ laughter ] in little havana! [ laughter ]
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: when he's done, it's going to be the biggest havana of all time. hey, remember michael phelps the olympic swimmer who wan all those medals because he eats at subway or something? next month is part of shark week and the discovery network announced michael phelps is going to race a great white shark. how they're planning to do this i have no idea. i'm pretty sure the idea for this race was brought to you by michael phelps' bong. [ laughter ] but it will be the first time a human has ever attempted to race a great white shark. also the first time a great white shark has eaten a human on television. [ laughter ] who thought this up, kim jong un? this is a terrible idea. i wonder if the race will be in the water or on land. because it would make a big difference. an in any case, the shark is said to be taking the race very seriously. i hear it even shaved off all its body hair. i want to see that. speaking of sharks, tonight on
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abc we had "the bachelorette." it's week four. it was a classic episode tonight. rachel had a one-on-one date with a recruiter named dean. they had a blimp ride. dinner. performance by a country artist nobody ever heard of. it was really vintage bachelorette. anyway, tensions are high on this show because some of the guys think some of the other guys aren't there for the right reasons. as if there is a right reason to be on this show. two of the guys don't get along. iggy and josiah do not get along. apparently, iggy told rachel he thought josiah was acting fake around her. and here's what josiah had to say about iggy. >> with all due respect, iggy's a bitch. every time he talks to rachel instead of focusing on his lame self, his whack self, i'm not even trying to be funny. i'm surprised he's still in the house. he's the lamest dude in the house. he does drugs. he shoots steroids. he confessed to all of those. >> jimmy: i want to go back to the -- i want to go back to the beginning of that clip.
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just play that beginning part. >> with all due respect, iggy's a bitch. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. maybe not all due respect. because -- [ laughter ] it's not really that respectful. this is the kind of date i'd like to see on "the bachelorette." it's a video of the prank guy pulled on the sling shot ride at an amusement park, you seen this. what happened is just before the go ride was about to start the guy operating it was told to fasten seatbelts and of course the slingshot doesn't have seat belts. that's when one of them, and i'll let you figure out which, began to panic. >> got to tighten the seatbelt. >> who, him? >> wait. you've got to tighten it. pull on it. >> oh, my gosh. >> from the bottom. it's like a car seat belt. just pull -- >> wait. is mine too loose? >> actually, both of them. hey, i've got both seat belts completely loose. [ screaming ]
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[ screaming ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: anyway. we don't know who those people in the video were. so i asked america to help us find them. and sure enough, we got their information and joining us now from lakeland, florida please say hello to joe cash and alexis. hi, guys. how are you doing? [ cheers and applause ] so let's start from the top. the ride is called the sling shot. what happens? what's happening on that ride? >> you tell them. >> well, with the ride you're actually going back -- it's like
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a volcano. you're pushed backwards and then shoot away all the way into the air and you go i don't know how fast. >> 100 miles in three seconds. >> jimmy: now, joe, you wanted off that sling shot the moment you got on it. why'd you get on it in the first place? >> i was trying to be the nice guy. trying to help out, do the sweet thing. because she was mad at me. >> jimmy: i see. oh, alexandra was -- alexandra, why you were mad at joe? >> because sometimes you know, he just -- he does what he does. but he does things to make it up. and i guess that was one thing. >> jimmy: yeah, he really made up for it. that's for sure. [ laughter ] so now the ride operator tells you your seatbelts are loose. at what point did you realize there were no seatbelts? >> there are like seatbelts -- they're not seatbelts but it's like a little strap that you have to pull closer if you think it's too lois. so i thought about it when i looked at the video, i'm like
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what was he thinking? >> i wasn't thinking about nothing. i was worried about getting off the ride. i was sweating so bad. i didn't even worry about it. you heard the man. he was like this is going to be a good -- what is he talking about? but i wasn't worried about that. i was scared. >> jimmy: you were already scared. you almost immediately start screaming "mama." let's show that again real quick. >> mama! [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: joe, what did your mother think when she saw the video? was she flattered that you were -- >> no. she was saying i can't -- she was like i can't help you, sweetie. it's all right, though. he fooled me, though. i really thought i was going to die that night. >> jimmy: joe, why were your hands flapping like that? >> because like i thought the seatbelts are broke so i'm like this trying to fly away.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: you're trying to fly. alexandra, does this make you concerned about joe being your partner in a time of crisis? [ laughter ] >> right. well, we already knew that i was the man in the relationship. so -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> i like that. >> jimmy: now, joe, you're going to go play college football in the fall when school starts, huh? >> yeah. up in minnesota called northland college. >> jimmy: are you concerned your teammates might see this video? >> hey, they might. they might be joking about it through the whole season. >> jimmy: i have a feeling it's going to be running on a loop throughout the entire season and beyond that. thank you guys for talking to us. how much would it take to get
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you to ride that slingshot again, joe? joe. >> oh. about $20 million. >> jimmy: $20 million. we're going to get a kickstarter going and see if we can raise that for you. all right? >> all right. >> jimmy: congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] joe and alexandra. we have to take a break and come back with results from the annual father's day youtube challenge. stick around. i noticed it as soon as we moved into the new house. ♪ a lot of people have vertical blinds. well, if a lot of people jumped off a bridge, would you? you hungry? i'm okay right -- i'm... i'm becoming my, uh, mother. it's been hard, but some of the stuff he says is actually pretty helpful. pumpkin, bundling our home and auto insurance is a good deal! like buying in bulk! that's fun, right? progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents,
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but we can protect your home and auto. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, we, the entertainment-loving people, want an unlimited data plan that gives us more. we want more than just texting. more than just surfing and shopping. because sure, we want to use this to call the people we love- - like our directors. but mostly, to get the entertainment we love. maaaaark ! ! ! switch to at&t for the only unlimited plan that gives you 60 channels of live television on any screen all for $70 a month.
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...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro. dude. yodude.unching's sthey're just jealous. kellogg's raisin bran crunch with crunchy clusters and the taste of apples and strawberries. i got one! guess we're having cereal for dinner. kellogg's raisin bran crunch apple strawberry. ♪
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there is a place where heroes hspider-man.... black widow... captain america... and eddie? so, what's the plan? breaking out the guardians, pal. come celebrate the all-new guardians of the galaxy-mission: breakout! during the summer of heroes, only at disneyland resort. hero up! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello there. welcome back to the show. elle fanning, paul w. downs, music from playboi carti on the way. first double congrats for beyonce and jay-z. they report beyonce gave birth to a boy and a girl on monday in
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los angeles. [ cheers and applause ] beyonce was surrounded by her husband, their doctor, two nurses and a man blowing a giant fan through her hair. [ laughter ] they still actually haven't confirmed the happy news officially, but that's not particularly unusual. they did this with their daughter blue ivy too. they waited years before showing their wedding photos. and to this day people don't know ha happened to the fourth member of destiny's child. she's gone. [ laughter ] how did we get this, jason? we managed to get an exclusive first photo of the babies, of the children. i won't tell you how. it should make you wait until the end of the show to see this but i can't wait any more myself. here they are, the world's most anticipated twins. and you -- aw. they're adorable. [ cheers and applause ] oh, my goodness. beautiful, beautiful children. especially the girl, she is a doll. [ laughter ] congratulations.
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meanwhile kim kardashian has some exciting news today. her new arrival is this, what they're calling a daddy money fidget spinner. it ships in a week, just not in time for father's day. [ laughter ] it's a gold like thing that says daddy on it. it's like she made it specifically for donald trump. it cost $15, a dollar for every minute fidget spinners will still be popular after this. it just goes to show there's nothing so dumb kim kardashian can't find a way to make money off of it. really. when you think about it, kim kardashian is the human equivalent of a fidget spinner. [ laughter ] all right. now it's time for some fun courtesy of our viewers at home. every year we issue a father's day youtube challenge. in years past we've asked you to spray dad with a hose on father's day, to serve him breakfast in the shower, to dump breakfast on him in bed. we've had a lot of very bad ideas. but this year the challenge was simple. sneak up on your father and yell "i love you, dad" as loud as you
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can. i was starting to think this might not work but i was very, very wrong. we got hundreds of videos. we went through all of them. we whittled it down to the best of the best. with that said i now invite you to feet love in our father's day youtube challenge for 2017. >> i love you dad! [ laughter ] >> love you. >> what are you guys doing? >> i love you. [ laughter ] >> i love you dad! >> oh! >> i love you, dad! >> [ bleep ]. >> love you dad! >> do it. >> we love you, dad! >> thank you. >> jimmy kimmel said to do it. >> thanks. >> dad, i love you!
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>> love you dad! >> what the [ bleep ] is wrong with you? >> i love you dad! >> you're [ bleep ] kidding me. >> dad, i love you. >> dad i love you. >> dad, i love you! >> i love you, dad. >> oh, stop it. >> i love you dad. >> shut up! >> daddy, i love you. >> what? >> i love you! [ applause ] >> i love you, dad. >> [ bleep ]. >> we love you, daddy! >> oh, god. >> i love you, dad! >> [ bleep ] damn it. >> i love you dad. >> i am going to [ bleep ] stick
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that thing so far up your ass that you're going to taste it. do you understand me? >> i love you! >> ah! >> really? >> love you, dad. >> happy father's day, jimmy. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: apologies to all the dads. tonight on the show we have music from playboi carti. paul w. downs is here, and we'll be right back with elle fanning. [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by kfc. it's finger lickin' good.
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oh hey! it's me mom, catching some side eye. first rule of motherhood. someone's always judging. breastfeeding, didn't work out. guess what? world's still turning. yeah, i bribe my kids. how else you think stuff get done around here? mom's special juice, it's wine. now if you think that's shocking, check this out. good old fashion yoplait®, it's not made with cage free norwegian hemp milk. and guess what? she loves it. ♪
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>> jimmy: hi and welcome back to the show. tonight his new movie is called "rough night." paul w. downs is with us. then making his late-night television debut -- where is it? oh, here it is. this is his self-titled album. playboi carti from the mercedes-benz stage. [ cheers and applause ] that's right. that's him right in the middle. let's see, tomorrow night, casey affleck, allison tolman and comedian chris charpentier and later this week, anthony hopkins, tatiana maslany, and chadwick bose khan, chris hardwick, and music from kyle featuring lil' yachty and queen with adam lambert. so please join us for all that. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest has been coming to this show as a guest since she was 12 years old. that was only seven years ago. she is a very talented young person. her new movie with nicole kidman and colin farrell is called "the beguiled." it opens friday. please welcome elle fanning. [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ >> jimmy: how you doing? >> i am so good. >> jimmy: you're one of the happiest people i've ever met. it makes me feel less like a miserable sap. >> i feel like it's been a while. i'm so happy to be back. i was so young when i first came on. >> jimmy: you were 12 years old. you're 19 now. >> yes. >> jimmy: you remember my advice i gave you over and over and over again each time you were here? don't go to college i told you. >> that's true. that was like the first time. you were like stay out of school. >> jimmy: you don't need to go to school. you've got a whole thing going already. and you followed my advice. you are not going to college, correct? [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm not. >> jimmy: not everyone's applauding. but yeah. i don't know. i don't think you need it. have you been to a college? have you seen what goes on there? >> yeah because i graduated last summer from my high school and obviously all my friends
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basically, yeah, most of them went off to college. >> jimmy: suckers. >> yeah. and then when i did "the beguiled," we filmed it in new orleans and i have friends that go to tulane. so they were like come on over. they also think it's a very funny concept of me in college with them. they just can't really imagine it. they're like -- they just think it's really funny me in that environment. >> jimmy: why is it funny, you in that environment? >> i think because i'm also a little oblivious to college life. so i was like oh, so you guys all -- it was like my first time going in a dorm. you guys share this bathroom? you guys all share a bathroom together. okay. just the way of life. just thinking about it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and tulane they were all -- i didn't go to the party because i had to get up early. but they were gearing up for the party. everyone in everyone's room. the friend i was visiting busted his head open the night before i got there and he was still going to party like that night. i'm like you have stitches in your head. he's like, it's fun.
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>> jimmy: this issy told you not to go to college. they'll bust your head open in college. [ laughter ] >> and he's like the post is still there, there's blood still on the post. >> jimmy: from the post he hit? >> yes. >> jimmy: did you see the bloody post? >> i did. there was dried blood on it. i'm scared of college. >> jimmy: you should be scared. it's terrifying. you still live at home or you have your own place now? >> i do -- well, yeah, my family just is -- like recently we just sold like our childhood home. >> jimmy: was that a sad experience to sell the house? >> it was sad but i think it's -- like fresh start. and also i want to get my own place soon i hope. >> jimmy: that would have been the time do it. to really just kind of veer off on your own while the moving van was headed that bway, i'm going to be over here. >> exactly. >> jimmy: how long do you think you will wait before getting your own place? >> hopefully by next summer. >> jimmy: okay. does your mom want you out or does she want you to stay forever? >> she wants me to stay the rest
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of my life. she's one of those moms who's like then you're going to buy a house right next to me, right? >> jimmy: you did the right thing by the way waiting for her to get her house because if you said i'm going to move somewhere she may have moved with you. >> now she's stuck. >> jimmy: what will you miss most about your childhood home? is there one thing you that loved there? >> well, it's interesting. we had -- well, a lot of the furniture actually, the people, the new family that's bought it, bought a lot of our furniture. >> jimmy: oh, they did? >> yes did. as well. but there's this particular couch there that holds a lot of meaning i think. we had a den in the living room and the den was like the tv room, like you know, not formal. and then the living room was more formal place and like this couch, when we were younger it still had like wrap, like plastic wrap over it. and my mom would not allow us to ever sit on it. like no one actually sat on it. >> jimmy: it's the room no one goes in and you don't even know -- >> it's for company but there's no company.
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it's the company room whatever. but one time it was used. and it was broken into. we got a call that -- this is so random. we got this call. it was an easter. robert de niro and his entire family are coming over for easter. we're like, okay. so funny. >> jimmy: how did that happen? >> i think because my sister had just done "hide and seek" with him. so we're freaking out. we're like, okay, he's coming over, what do we do? we just ordered a ton of pizza. >> jimmy: for easter? >> yeah. we're like robert de niro and his kids. >> jimmy: a traditional italian meal for robert. [ laughter ] yeah. >> a lot of pizza. okay. >> jimmy: did mom unwrap the couch or -- >> yeah. it was unwrapped. >> jimmy: okay. >> i was 7. i was really young at the time. i knew who he was but also i didn't really. so him and his whole family come and he just makes a beeline like straight to that couch. he's the first person that's ever sat on that couch. and when i was 7 years old, so i
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was like waiting for my mom to tell him to get off the couch. i was like, you're not going to tell him to get off? i'm like behind him like he's sitting on the couch like freaking out. but obviously my mom let robert de niro sit on the couch. >> jimmy: well, yeah. >> that was fine. >> jimmy: who else are you holding it for? oprah? [ laughter ] >> and we had heard that they had already eaten dinner. so my mom's like -- >> jimmy: can i stop you for a second? you heard they'd already eaten easter dinner when they arrived? >> yeah. they'd come from like a lunch. >> jimmy: is it possible they saw you had pizza as the meal? [ laughter ] and they lied and said they'd eaten dinner? >> that could have been possible. >> jimmy: that's probably what happened. i'd like to do a documentary on this story. just a full interview, everybody involved, get the couch in there. >> a lot of things really happened. >> jimmy: you think the people that bought the house would let me go in and interview the couch? >> oh, sure. >> jimmy: that would be great. we can't do it without the couch.
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>> floral couch. >> jimmy: de niro and his family come to your house for easter. is there an easter egg hunt? is it like a traditional thing? >> yes. my family, we do have an easter egg hunt every year. and then -- yeah. because we hid all the eggs. and i actually -- i really always got into it. i was like, all right, who gets the most eggs gets a prize. and also there's golden eggs that are hid thaen haden that h in them. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah we get really into it every single year and this year my mom's like you've got to let robert de niro's kids get the golden egg. i'm like, what? my god. you see the golden egg, put it back, make sure -- i'm like, mom. she's like make sure they get eggs too. >> jimmy: that's hard to explain to a 7-year-old. did you let the de niro kids get the eggs? >> yeah. i let them get a few. >> jimmy: you let them get a few. did they get any of the golden eggs that you recall? >> i feel like -- i don't
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remember if they did. i feel like probably my mom did something nice, like everyone gets one. >> jimmy: have you ever seen "the unstutouchables? robert de niro will take a baseball bat and smash somebody's skull in. they'll look like your friend at college when he's done. we'll take a break and talk about your new movie. elle fanning. "the beguiled" is the name of the new movie. we'll be right back. ♪harry's meeting clients... ♪...from far away. but they only see his wrinkles.♪ ♪he's gotta play it cool to seal the deal.♪ ♪better find a way to smooth things over.♪ ♪if only harry used some... ♪...bounce, to dry. ♪yeah! ♪he would be a less wrinkly, and winning at life.♪
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or get 20% below msrp on 2017 impala premier and sonic lt. find new roads at the chevy 4th of july sales event. on 2017 impala premier and sonic lt. are you ok? what happened? dad kinda walked into my swing. huh? don't you mean dad kind of ruined our hawaii fund? i thud go to the thothpital. there goes the airfair. i don't think health insurance will cover all... of that. buth my fathe! without that cash from - aflac! - we might have to choose between hawaii or your face. hawaii! what? haha...hawaii! you might have less coverage than you think. visit and keep your lifestyle healthy. aflac! out out!
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get get get! grrr! did you find everything okay, sir? whaaaaat? itthe power of nexium 24hr protection from frequent heartburn. all day, and all night. now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. new clearminis from nexium 24hr. see heartburn differently. we, the people, are tired of being surprised with extra monthly fees. we want hd. and every box and dvr. all included. because we don't like surprises. yes. like changing up the celebrity at the end to someone more handsome. and talented. really? and british. switch from cable to directv. get 4 rooms with hd, dvr and every box included for $25 a month. only from directv. ♪
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i tried to ease miss martha's suspicions about us. i was so worried about you. you'll be strong again soon. >> shut up. >> can i get you anything? >> get me the key. >> she would know if it went missing. you know i'd get in trouble for that. >> just get it for me. >> jimmy: that's elle fanning and colin farrell in "the beguiled." it aepz in theaters friday. [ cheers and applause ] that's a good movie. very scary, set around the time of the civil war and colin farrell is a soldier that winds up on your property. i don't want to give the whole thing away. but he was the only male in the whole movie as far as i could tell. >> he was.
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everyone else we're all girls and then there's colin. >> jimmy: did he like it or did he dislike it? >> he was definitely a good sport about it. we had -- it's funny because it was a major like role reversal, the way it was done, because he's like the object of affection in the film, like most women are kind of portrayed in other films. sew was the most naked out of everybody in the film. he's like the one that was like -- and on set he's like watching his weight and we're like whatever. >> jimmy: oh, is that right? >> yeah. he was like craving hamburgers constantly. i remember he rode with me in a car to go back to the trailers or something and on his phone he was going through google images of photos of hamburgers. [ laughter ] and i was like, oh, well, there's this really good hamburger that i know of that's like -- this good place in new orleans because we were outside of new orleans filming. and he's like, oh, tell me about it. and i was like, well, it has lettuce on it, it has tomato on
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it, it has cheese on it. he's like yeah, tell me more. [ laughter ] it was like a really long drive, three-hour drive back to new orleans, to get a hamburger. >> jimmy: wow. he must have been very hungry. >> i know. sofia -- then we had this kind of -- >> jimmy: sofia coppola, the director? >> yeah. the director. we were filming -- it was a day of montage sequence kind of in the film of colin where he's gardening and like sawing wood and just you know, doing gardening things. she also did photos that day and she wanted to put together a sexy calendar shoot. >> jimmy: of him? >> of him. yeah, january, with the hose. and february. he was a great sport. like let's do it. he knows about it all too. >> jimmy: i hope so. and he finally did get that hamburger. you know you shouldn't go through someone's phone and look at the google image searches. best case scenario you find
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hamburgers. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's very good to see you. congratulations on everything. [ cheers and applause ] the movie is called "the beguiled." it opens in theaters friday. elle fanning, everybody! we'll be right back with paul w. downs. [boy] yea! [intern] i'm afraid i have some terrible news. you have...bug eyes! here come the bugs! ahh! bugs everywhere! uh oh, this little buggy got a lasagna.
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>> jimmy: still to come, music from playboi carti. you know our next guest from "broad city" and from "time traveling bong" which i think was based on a true story. his new movie along site scarlett johansson, kate mckinnon and many other funny people is called "rough night." >> m, l, k, j, i, c, b, a. [ laughter ] c, b, a. did you see that! >> jimmy: "rough night" is in theaters now. please welcome paul w. downs. [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ may i be so bold as to begin by saying you have beautiful legs. >> oh. >> jimmy: and two of them. >> thank you so much. yes, do legs. two working legs. thank you. >> jimmy: was that all you doing the whole thing? >> the alphabet backwards was me. i learned the alphabet. but the handstand was a stunt double. a very talented stunt double. >> jimmy: did you examine multiple pairs of legs to find a stunt double who would match as well as that one did? >> i think it was a countrywide search, yeah. it's hard to find an exact hamstring. but actually the guy -- while he had legs that looked a lot like mine, when he showed up and got into the diaper he had the most intense farmer's tan i'd ever seen. he had like brown legs and then like ivory white legs. [ laughter ] we were shooting at night. we were like racing against the dark. before the sun came up. and the makeup artist, nuria, who's very talented, wasn't prepared for this. so she had to like run to the
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trailer and run back. and she was like, oh, why you do this to me? [ laughter ] but she did a great job. >> jimmy: she's either got to make that part tan or your part white. one of those two things. you're lucky it didn't go the other way. >> she made the right choice, yeah. >> jimmy: now, you co-wrote this with your girlfriend. >> i did, yeah. >> jimmy: and she directed the film, correct? zblae. >> yeah. >> jimmy: at that time did you mutually decide you would be in a diaper for a lot of the movie? >> it was a democratic decision, yeah. it's actually -- it's kind of ripped from the headlines. do you remember that story of the astronaut who wore a diaper to kidnap her lover's girlfriend or something? >> jimmy: as one does. >> as one does. >> so we kind of stole that from real life. >> jimmy: i'm sure she will be tickled pink about inspiring that. >> i hope so. >> jimmy: from wherever she is now. >> i think prison. i don't know.
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>> jimmy: on one side of the coin you've got yourself in a diaper the whole time. on the other side you are scarlett johansson's fiance in the movie. which i think evens it all out. >> yeah, it's a good trade. >> jimmy: pretty solid trade as far as that goes. >> i could humiliate myself and marry scarlett. >> jimmy: because the movie's about a bachelorette party which obviously the groom is not invited to. you were separate from most of the women. did you have a chance to bond with them appropriately on -- >> oh. yeah. as a writer on the movie i was on set every day. >> jimmy: oh. in your other capacity. >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you wear the diaper as the writer also? [ laughter ] >> you know, i did. yeah. it's hard to go all the way to the bathroom. we were kind of in a house in the hamptons after labor day. so it was kind of a ghost town. >> jimmy: okay. >> so we all really bonded. we became really tight. >> jimmy: because we found this photograph, and it -- just speaking about the bonding. and it seems like maybe -- maybe you weren't as close as you described. >> that -- i don't know.
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is that me? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's you. >> yeah, that is me. >> jimmy: i don't want to read into a still photograph, but the body language indicates a problem. >> you know, i think i remember -- yes, they if i recall were talking about what wrap gift to get me. >> jimmy: is that what it was? >> i heard ducati. i don't know. but i think they were planning something. >> jimmy: the movie is obviously about a bachelorette party. it's somewhat raunchy. has your family seen the film? >> yeah. my parents and my sister and my grandmother who's 90 came to the premiere. >> jimmy: she came to the premiere and everything? >> she did. >> jimmy: did she like it? >> she did. she loved the movie. i think there were some moments that were a little racy for her. but luckily she missed some of it with the laughter in the crowd. >> jimmy: from her hearing? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, that comes in handy sometimes. is she the type that would give you a review of the movie? >> oh, yes. there are certain things that i've done before that she's not
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liked. and she lets me know. very fair critic. >> jimmy: she'll call you and let you know? >> no, it's usually in person. she reserves it for an in-person review. >> jimmy: and then you'll get hit with it when you -- >> yeah. hard. like why did you do that? why did you have to do that? but no, she loved this. >> jimmy: she loved this one. that's good. i know there's -- and i don't want to ruin anything. but there's an extended cameo from demi moore and ty burrell who's on "modern family." they play swingers, which is kind of weird because ty burrell, in a way we now think of him as an actual dad because we see him on tv all the time. in that situation like does demi moore know in advance that she's going to be making out with one of the women in the film? >> yeah. oh, that was a big part of the script. but she was very down. >> jimmy: she was? >> oh, so game. yeah. [ laughter ] i mean, she was -- you know, it was with her and zoe kravitz. and so i think -- yeah. she had a lot of -- she was so
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willing and game and cool that she was like, what if we -- what if we dig a whole in the sand so i can get lower and then i can move a leg up. she really helped choreograph a lot of the -- >> jimmy: she did? >> yeah. >> jimmy: wow. she had a hole dug specifically for that. >> she's professional. >> jimmy: now, are you guys working on "broad city," next season of that show yet? >> yeah. we just finished filming season 4. it comes out in august. >> jimmy: i assume that means you are on the season of "broad city." >> i am. >> jimmy: are you and abbi still, you know, an item on the show? >> i don't know how much i can give away. >> jimmy: just tell us. [ laughter ] >> well, i can hint. i can hint. >> jimmy: okay. >> this season abbi and trey have sexual intercourse. >> jimmy: with each other. >> well, yeah, with each other. yeah. >> jimmy: do you dig a hole or is it just regular? [ laughter ] [ applause ] just regular?
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank elle fanning, paul w. downs. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next. but first, this is his self-titled album. here with the song "magnolia," playboi carti! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ let's go, let's go ♪ hide it in my sock ♪ ♪ let's go, let's go ♪ and i'm on the block ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ and i'm on the block ♪ hide it in my sock
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global designer is on me call it dirty laundry ♪ ♪ all these chicks want young carti young carti young carti young carti young carti young carti ♪ ♪ all your ♪ ♪ they rich ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ rich, rich ♪ rich, rich ♪ got a rich ♪ told her buy some kicks, then i brush my teeth ♪ ♪ pop up in a whip ♪ ♪ can't stop me ♪ ♪ ♪ in new york i milly rock hide it in my sock running from an
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♪ tonight, a special edition of "nightline." face to face. finding my father. she's been looking for him her entire life. >> i've always seen ladies walk down the aisle with their father. i never could. >> turning to an investigative genealogist for answers. but after two misfires -- >> he is not your birth father. it's coming up negative. i'm sorry. >> is she ever going to find him? tonight the heartwarming story. >> guess what? >> what? >> he is your father. >> he is? >> he is. >> oh, god. i just knew. >> and the family reunion -- >> i can't wait to see him. i can't wait to see him. >> a lifetime in the making. [ knocki
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