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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  August 29, 2017 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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tv's number one daily viral video show "right this minute." a pride of lions crosses a small creek, but -- >> that one cub is really, really scared. >> the sweet moment momma comes to fetch the squeaky wheel. >> mom, mommy, momma, mom, ma. a clerk is on alert when a creepy customer comes in. >> he starts fidgeting at the door handle. >> what happens when things turn much more terrifying. when we first heard the song partly created by artificial intelligence -- >> we were all a little fascinated by it. >> now the talented karen sutherland reveals her feelings about the unique project. >> very conflicted.
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we've got christian, oli, charity, nick, and gayle breaking down the best on the web including what happens when men try -- >> what they call painless wax. >> otherwise known as lies. >> why a truer statement has never been spoken. your momma is always going to be your momma. check this out. this is in western india. that is giving one of them a problem. that one cub is really, really scared. so momma turns around, comes over, grabs it by the neck as momma cats do. doesn't even strain herself walking over that. the other cubs, they didn't have a problem, but there's always that one that needs the special care from mom. >> there's always that one sibling that doesn't want to get out of the program. you're 7.
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walk! >> you could see it's not exactly a shallow area for a cat to get out of. so this guy bravely i might add goes down there to rescue that cat. then his friends start laughing. and the laughing w. >> oh. >> holy matrix cat! >> maybe this cat knew how to get out on its own. >> this cat laid a trap for a human. he's in danger now. >> maybe he was like i'll just show off. because he goes around. >> that's awesome. cat running out on the street like, sucker. it was just another day at the office for this clerk in kazakhstan. this is a small loans office. suddenly it looks like she has a customer. dude walks up.
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>> oh, heck no. what are you trying to get back to? >> he starts fidgeting at the door handle. everything gets quiet when he starts jabbing at that glass window. looks like a shatter-proof window but he has no problem breaking right through it as she continues to scream. >> oh, my god. what an animal. >> he makes his way into the office, takes the cash. he has a knife there in screen. she walks back into the office, locks the door. >> dude, he already got the money. get out of there. >> he wants the purse now. he spotted the purse. >> yeah. he's pointing at other things in the office. she says hey, dude, i don't want any more trouble. as they talk, he goes back into his sleeve and pulls the knife back out and is talking to her with the knife pointed at her. he was arrested. when they found him, he had the equivalent of $500 u.s. on him.
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apparently this dude knew he was going to go down for about seven years and didn't care. people responding online are pointing out the fact there wasn't much protection for this young woman. >> no, there isn't. i was really surprised by that. he took that window down so easily. >> luckily she wasn't harmed. >> she wasn't harmed physically, but that was terrifying to watch. imagine being part of that. i can't imagine too many things being more thrilling than enjoying the wild blue yonder of the sky. like first off, this guy here -- >> whoa, he's high. >> yeah. super high. but watch what happens here. >> oh! >> no way. >> watch again as the jet goes soaring by. >> no way. >> yeah. lots of people are saying no way in the comments saying it's fake. i tend to agree. a lot of people saying the person who posted it also works for a visual effects company
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specializing in augmented reality. >> i feel like considering how close this was, that there would have been more of an effect on the canopy. >> keep in mind how tight regulations are around sky dyeidye i -- diving areas and such. >> but that was good. >> that was a good company. they do good work. so is this. wing suit flying, always fascinating. one of our favorites here running a line. look how close he is to his photographer. now he just dives down. >> oh! >> you don't have to get is that close, bro. >> they do. that's why this sport is so exciting. >> it's so exciting. and if that's not enough for you, let's just do it inverted. flipping over, flying on his back. another pair of proximity fliers also running this tight line. we've got a little bit of smoke coming off of the squeezer. you can see this crack coming
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up. and just when you think he couldn't get any lower into that -- >> holy crap! >> good grief, that's close. this part's really cool. as he gets close to the end of his run, watch him pull up. you can see the wing suit flare out here just before he pulls his chute. you guys remember the music video by terrence southern i showed you recently for her song break free? ♪ i wish i could see beyond what i can see ♪ >> yeah. it's like the robot one. >> yeah. because it was composed entirely using a.i. or artificial intelligence. she created lyrics, but she also has certain specifications that she let a.i. run with to come up with the composition for this song. we were all a little fascinated
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by it, right? >> very much so. >> so unique. to tell us more about this song, the entire album being produced with a.i. she's with us via skype. are people surprised when you tell them? >> the main feedback is they couldn't believe an algorithm could create music. >> could you describe for the layperson how artificial intelligence created this music? >> sure. so with amper, the human puts in certain inputs like bpm, instrumentation you want to be included, the mood, the genre. it's actually pretty simple. you can change the key. you can change the instrumentation. >> how does that make you feel? the way technology moves. we could have a.i. that writes songs and sings them too. >> very conflicted.
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on one side i get excited about the new tools to play with. on the other hand, it is threatening. the creative vision of a human, we believe we have abilities. this is questioning that. for me this album is an exploration of that very question. >> how do you think that technology will further impact or do a negative way? >> all of the above. on my piano i would write out sheet music and it was pain staking and i never found anyone i could record my music with. if i had these tools, i would have loved it. on this same point, i think it could become a tool that people rely on. but it's not without human cl collaborati collabor absolutely still a human creative input. you have to have an ear for it and a structure and understand the melody to make a finished song. but it is cool how fast you can
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create with these tools. gisele's hooked one. now it's time to reel it in. but -- >> she doesn't have a net. she has a strategy all of her own. >> the hilarious moment when her plan is a big, flat flop. >> no. and she's slipping into a bubble because -- >> i'm going to reclaim my personal space in the city. >> see if her inflatable day does the trick. >> you want to be a weirdo, have at it.
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because your carpet there's resolve carpet care. it lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone. resolve carpet care with five times benefits
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closed captioning provided by -- brushing teeth - easy! new act kids toothpaste strengthens and protects developing teeth, and helps prevent cavities. new act kids toothpaste. you've never been fishing
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unless you've been fishing like gisele here. this chick is a pro. she's got a fish on the line. now she's just got to retrieve it. some people use a net. she doesn't have a net. she has a strategy all of her own. she gets the fish out of the water. she starts stepping on it. but somewhere in the process, the fish comes unhooked from the line. so now the thing is flopping back into the water. >> go go go go go go! >> are you -- no. no. that's awesome. that's commitment. she made a bass out of herself. she's flopping around on the shore like a fish. i love her. >> and so does her husband. he's the one recording all of it. he starts cracking up, follows her to retrieve her. it's so funny to see because she's so proud of her fish, but loses her balance.
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it's so funny every single time you watch this jukin video. sara is a human sardine nap is to say she lives in new york city where you basically are surrounded by gajillons of people. she has a solution. >> i saw on instagram of this game called zorbing where people were running around in plastic bubbles. i saw it. i'm going to reclaim my personal space by dunking this body in a giant plastic bubble. >> she's going to be knocking people over left and right. >> here i am. i'm inside the ball. >> great. test drive it. fell over and decided i'm ready. >> i'm trying to take up too much space in this world. >> that's when she figures out it's not useful inside. she has to deflate it just to
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get it outside. and party time. funny enough, people are moving out of her way. >> i'm like moses. parting the red sea. >> but if you want to stop for a cup of coffee, you can't do both. >> she stops for a bit of fruit. >> that looks good. >> you've got to love new york. they've seen it all. somebody walking down the streestreet in a bubble, meh. >> you want to be a weirdo? have at it. >> she finds out it's not conducive. so she decides to take the train. >> there's no way to fit through the subway in all of that. the turnstiles alone. >> eventually she gets somebody's attention. they open the side door for her. >> oh, my gosh. >> but certain things do work out and she can have a bit of privacy on the bench. >> no one's going to sit next to me because i have this giant bubble on. >> okay. so sara's final conclusion in this video? >> physically i had this on so nobody could, like, touch me or rub up against me which was
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great. but they also couldn't hug me. it really made me sad. these guys are trying to help lori the gator. >> what a pretty mouth you have. >> next "right this minute and still to come, a breathtaking wedding ceremony's under way. and then -- >> the party is about to get started with just one person. >> see the unforgettable twist after the i dos. >> i'm out! plus if you like to recycle -- >> why not do it like this? >> the story behind the creations the web just can't get enough. >> this is incredible. this guy is a genius. i kept looking for ways to manage my symptoms. i thought i was doing okay. then it hit me... managing was all i was doing. when i told my doctor, i learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease even after trying other medications.
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make that 10,001. classic hershey's outside. with a new creamy, crunchy inside. new hershey's cookie layer crunch. classic reimagined. promotional considerations provided by -- try new xyzal®. for relief is as effective at hour 24 as hour one. so be wise all take new xyzal®.
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a lot of us like to recycle. why not do it like this? a much more creative way to recycle your cans and bottles and things like that. this is an unknown, unnamed artist in china who works with these cans, started putting his short videos up on the chinese version of youtube. and people started getting fascinated by what he's done. the number of different creations that he's made with what looks to me to be just cans, popsicle sticks, and some batteries and motor. that's it. >> this is incredible. this guy is a genius. >> some of them are more elaborate than others. some are very simple. how about this, like -- it almost looks like a food stand that you would see -- >> a street vendor, yeah.
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>> with the corn on the cob. it's so fun to watch. every single one of them. if you set yourself up on a street corner or better yet garner a following online, you can sell the heck out of these things. they're cute. >> he needs an endorsement deal. i saw heineken in there. they could be like which cans can we send this guy? >> you can see other creations he's got here. looks like people working out at the gym. one guy doing sit-ups. another guy on a small treadmill. looks like it's wearing a backwards cap. >> that's cute. she's got a douchy gym goer as part of his creation. >> so fun to watch all of these things and the imagination it takes. not only the thought but the engineering to make it actually work. you know, i like how this couple planned the wedding.
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it was simple. a destination wedding. very small, very private. i love the choice of carriage for the bride. yes. a tesla. they drove this tesla to an interesting location. there they are. close to a mountain in norway. it is lovely. and it is green. i mean, this is a destination wedding. you up in front of them. >> i love you, you love me, let's do this. >> let's spend all the wedding money on a tesla and with one fiofficiant and somebo to play the music. >> stunning. >> it really is stunning. they make their way over the rocks onto that little platform. after the celebration, there's the ring exchange. then the party's about to get started with just one person.
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>> i'm out! >> see the retriever sitting there. do i need to come get you? >> he's like, i thought i was a groomsman and do i have to go date her? apparently that was actually challenged to jump in the water after the ceremony. so she did. party started right there. the men are back to try a little grooming. >> it's all about the waxing, baby. >> oh, no! >> what happens when there's no backing out of this hairy situation. >> oh, that looks brutal.
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awesome. when you give a dog some corn. ♪ >> that's funny. cam and austin from the men try youtube channel, they're at it again. this time it's all about the waxing, baby. >> if hair isn't meant to be on your body, it wouldn't grow. >> well, it does grow. and a lot of us ladies have to wax it off. >> yeah. guys are such hypocrites about that. they're like, you don't have to wax it. leave it alone. but if we show up looking like sasquatch. >> i don't want to hear it from any of you because every few
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weeks i get this ripped out. >> cry me a river. if you didn't sit here, you wouldn't do that. but if i wasn't sitting here and didn't do that, i'd be sasquatch. >> i've been doing it for years. >> why is everything that we try involve taking shirts off? >> hang on, this is not fair. look on the left. look on the right. on the left is literally maybe three hairs on his body and on the right, it's a bear. >> where does my armpit hair quit and my chest hair begin? >> looks like austin, you're the lucky winner. as many of us ladies know, the wax is really hot. >> ooh, that's hot! >> tough blow on it. >> i'm sorry, bro. >> don't count down. just do it. >> don't even count. [ screaming ] >> wow. that worked well. >> it's bleeding! >> oh, look at his armpit. it's a bloody mess. >> yeah. >> well, now it's cam's turn.
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>> oh, that looks brutal. >> i would much rather just shave. >> now they try what they call painless wax. >> otherwise known as lies. >> yes. >> but it goes on differently, so they're hopeful. >> it's kind of pleasant. >> it does exactly what it says. >> it is more thorough, though. i will say. >> so it's thorough wax. not painless wax. >> that was more painful! >> all right, cameron's turn. >> we're glad they can finally feel our pain. >> that was not as advertised. that's our show. have you checked out type it into your computer and have fun or catch us on the next all-new "rtm."
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tonight, the disaster in texas growing more severe as we come on the air. catastrophic flooding breaching the levees. the dire warning, "get out now." >> i hate to think there are people in these houses. >> new images of dramatic rescues. the all-out effort from boats and choppers. rising water now reaching the rooftops. police tearfully revealing the loss of one of their own in the flooding. tonight, record rainfall showing no signs of quitting as harvey prepares to deliver another punch to the gulf. swept away. four children and their great grandparents lost trying to outrun the flooding. their van going under. their great uncle, the only one to make it out alive. tonight relatives tell us what happened. shelters overloaded. families by the thousands pleading f h


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