tv Right This Minute ABC September 1, 2017 1:37am-2:06am PDT
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tommy fan with a base hit up the middle. st. louis takes the 3-1 lead. the agaig-men looking to get ba run. gorkys hernandez here. the final 5-2. this sports report is brought to you by river rock casino. >> that was a throw. >> unbelievable play. >> very nice. "abc7 news" continues now online, on twitter, facebook, and your mobile devices with our "abc7 news"
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tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." just call it the brawl pit, as angry parents -- >> start acting worse than the kids. >> what sparked the meltdown in clown town. >> and the other lady is using a balloon. >> cool camera angle on a pair of rc planes, but things start to get wonky pretty quick. see why wonky is code for crash landing. >> wings everywhere. a guy raised in a zoo makes it his life's work -- >> to take care of the animals. >> story behind the mission that brought him back home. and a romantic man who knows what his lady likes. >> she don't need roses. bring on the beach. >> the bizarre bouquet he's
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staking his future on. >> kids will be kids. it's a thing. the problem is, when the adults in the situation start acting worse than the kids. here we are in china at this ball pit. >> who gets mad in a ball pit? >> the children weren't getting along. they got into a tussle, throwing balls at each other. >> instead of making it a teachable moment they made it 100 times worse. >> that's exactly what happened. notice the woman in the white shirt on one side of the barrier and four others in the pit going back and forth. >> three employees just standing to the side going, nah. not worth it. >> we're not paid enough. >> they can't just stand by and do nothing for long because you notice one person is holding one woman back but the other lady charges right in, throwing anything she can get her hands on. >> and the other lady is using a balloon sword. >> they look like clowns. >> it's getting serious now. these people got balls.
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>> then they start throwing punches. the one woman reaches over and grabs the other's hair and now they're deadlocked because that lady is like you're not grabbing my hair without me trying to grab yours back. they're pushing and smashing. ♪ the woman who looks like she's alone, wasn't alone, her husband steps in. >> now they're tearing clothes off. >> they're jumping on top of the barrier. the woman's shirt is now ripped in the back. >> these parents need to sit in time-out. >> they need much more than a time-out, but crazy enough doesn't look like any charges will be filed against any of them. i think having a remote controlled pl eled plane into s a kid. this guy has his electric ready to go but a string attached to something. once he launches, he gets off to be aearly, good start but things start to get wonky quick. whatever he's towing behind is
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having issues. >> is it by any chance a camera? >> that's part of what's attached to the line at the back of the plane, it flops about so much you spin around and finally a crash landing. the guy says he did the crash landing because he had a switch on his controller that was only allowing him partial control over this flight, but here's what he was showing, a whole nother plane but a smaller one. he jokes and says this is how baby planes learn how to fly. >> weighted down for the devastating end. >> things didn't quite go the way he was planning but this is what you do as a young guy with remote control things you experiment. you play around. you learn the dynamics of stuff. >> like a little bit of dog fighting there. >> yes. that's a fun way to think about it. his plan is to hopefully get this sorted out and one day he wants to have two pilots, one flying the tow plane so when they separate they can gli >> hot strings across the
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internet being plucked by these videos. you'll quickly see why. comes to us from china, what you see is a young girl, 4, 5 years old working on the stove cooking, puts the top back on, gets the corn that's been cooking as well. dusts it off and starts feeding her brother, sitting next to her, looking after him, doing what needs to be done. >> this is heart touching. >> it really is. these children haven't been identified but they're part of this group of children referred to as left behind children. they're very common out in the rural parts of china. china is an enormous country. what happens is their parents very often have gone to the bigger cities to find higher paying jobs to send the money home. in a lot of cases the children are watched by relatives or grandparents but in some cases they're looking after themselves. 2010 census by the chinese government said they estimated about 61 million children were left behind children, that's about 20% of the entire child
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population of china. bear in mind that's like seven years ago. the video caught fire on reddit, and ended up on the front page. lot of people sharing it because they're inspired. they're not sharing it because they're outraged. they're sharing it because wow look at what this girl is doing, she's adulting better than a lot of adults. >> i wonder how they get the food and their clothes and how they're living if they are in fact alone. where is that corn coming from? >> rural china, might be the literal demonstration of it takes a village to raise a child. in this case people are looking out for each other while the more able adults are off in the cities working jamie snapped this picture of herself right after she was stung by a paper wasp. that's when she discovered she was allergic. she didn't do it on purpose, but there's one person who likes to, coyote peterson and with the latest episode of "brave wilderness" he's going to be stung by a different type of
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wasp, a yellow jacket. it was this episode a while ago when he let this bullet ant sting him. he treated himself with the stuff called sting kill so when it stings, you could just minimize the pain and the itch that comes. normally what most people may get stung by that use our product so he's like okay, he goes to ohio and when he goes he's like hey guys, if any of you around the area have yellow jackets around your house call me because i need to find one. >> any time you're out there with sweet drinks they all fly right into your soda cans and beer cans, that's how you find a yellow jacket. >> that's kind what have they did, they went to dairy queen because it was lunch time. you the some ice cream on a plate in the middle of the grass, but it didn't happen. he actually did finally get a call back from one of his buddies that said there's three of them, so he mac guyvered a
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bug vacuum and there is a yellow jacket nest. he uses the vacuum to catch them. >> look at that! totally caught the yellow jacket >> wihe has his ep pen and stin kill and now it's time to put the stinger to flesh. >> i'm about to enter the sting zone with the yellow jacket. >> with the yellow jackets they don't have barbs, when they sting you, they can sting you over and over. >> he's crazy. the man is out of his mind. >> ow. >> yeah. >> reapplies it. >> ouch. ahh! he got me twice. >> gets multiple stings. >> whoa. >> it is red. >> now it was not nearly as painful as any of the other stings i've gone through. >> and now he's going to apply
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the sting kill. >> the sting kill has a maximum strength mix. >> you break the glass, you squeeze the liquid into the cotton swab at the bottom and rub it on. >> aah, that is my favorite. that real thick serum right there is literally instantaneous. >> he does swear by this stuff. knowledge leads to -- >> big questions and big questions leads to hard truths. >> see what realization has taken a toll on this child. >> he's compassionate, empathetic. >> he's about to hit that wave. >> this wave barrels right over his head. >> nice. >> but see why it gets even better.
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closed captioning provided by -- asal allergy symptoms and nothing gets you closer than nasacort because unlike antihistamines nasacort stops more of what makes you miserable. inquisitive minds crave knowledge. knowledge leads to big questions and big questions leads to hard truths. >> venus. >> venus is similar to earth and
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billions of years from now, 3 billion years for example earth will be a lot like venus. well, the realization of this is really taking its toll on this young fella. >> what's life like on venus? >> he's devastated. >> does that make you so sad? >> yes. >> why? >> because everything's going to die. >> i was like melted butter. >> he's compassionate and empathetic. he's got a sweetheart and eyes the size of planets. it's sad to see him welled up with tears. >> don't worry, could you cheer you up because in this next video we have 5-year-old cam, he realizes life is bout the all about the little things. >> i never want to get married. and i never want to get a job.
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>> feel that same exact way. >> i just want to stay home every single day and do nothing and watch my ipad. >> dad is sitting there thinking boy i have to start charging this kid rent a lot sooner than i thought. >> yep. that's what i'm gonna do, bro. >> on the one hand you got a kid worried about how life is going to end in 3 billion years and another is so happy in bed with a corn on the cob. >> when you see videos like this from skeleton bay in namibia you understand why surfers have their own language because brett barley one of the guys from the super brand team manages to catch himself a wave. big deal he's a sirveer, good at, right? but watch this. almost right off the bat this wave barrels right over his head. >> nice. >> it's exactly what you want and when it happens once you're stoked but when it happens again
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you're like, yes, what an epic day. >> gnarly. >> but then when it happens four more times, you have had a heck of a ride, a hell of a surf day. >> and this is all one wave. >> one wave, six barrels. another guy who's perfected his craft red bull rider simon godzek, mountain bike free rider tossing up huge tricks but all these tricks individually are impressive but simon is not satisfied with that. simon likes to combine tricks and as this sport of free style has evolved, so has he and so have the tricks. goes into the back flip. >> oh. >> lets go, tosses his whole body back and grabs onto the seat. >> the back flip superman one-hand seat grab. >> exactly. reels it in, and lands perfectly. >> when you're a kid, you dream of having a ton of animal
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friends, at least i know i did. i thought giraffes were the bestest. well this guy nico actually got to grow up in a zoo with his parents, that established -- >> was he on display? >> you'll be happy to know they actually founded this zoo in denmark and they took in, they rescued animals. >> were you raised in a zoo? actually, i was. >> now that you mention it. well, unfortunately two years ago his dad passed away, so nico decided that he was going to come back home to the zoo and work with his mom to take care of the animals. he started a youtube channel where people can follow his adventures with these animals on a day-to-day basis and he also started a go fund me page, not just to help reestablish the zoo, but to help other organizations that are helping animals. >> we feel a responsibility to help where we can, so we
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converted the zoo into a rescue zoo instead. >> i'm glad to hear that. personally i am econflicted with zoos, i feel bad the animals are in enclosures. >> they take in animals that need hem and rehab them. he created a game based in the zoo where you get to run as the cute little bear collects points, you get weapons and all with the purpose of raising money for the zoo. >> it's a great way to publicize that you can see the youtube channel taking off. >> so if you want to contribute, just head over to and click on tv show or check it out on our mobile app. picking up girls has never been easier. >> chicks dig brand new cars, shiny, has the new car smell. >> no, we dig funny and clever guys way better than that. >> this video proves just that. i'm just impressed with the whole premise of this.
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and it's the world's largest piz pizza. >> in this case you're just mesmerized not by the smell of pizza but the artistry of what they pulled off. >> see the impressive domino's effect next. you see, time is just a construct of human perception, an illusion, like this one. help, i can't breathe! which means there's no pressure to get a great rate on a hotel. they're available for an unlimited time, always. so, book now. or don't. no pressure. here at persil, the top notch team of stain experts
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has performed over 10,000 stain evaluations to prove persil delivers a premium clean. we've made a new stain with wasabi and goji berries. make that 10,001. persil pro clean. brookside dark chocolate is for my smooth side. my sweet but not too sweet side. and my dive-right-in savor-every-delicious-bite side. brookside. for all your sides.
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promotional considerations provided by -- easy! new act kids toothpaste strengthens and protects developing teeth, and helps prevent cavities. new act kids toothpaste. allergytry new xyzal®.ou have symptoms like these for relief is as effective at hour 24 as hour one. so be wise all take new xyzal®. for the most part when you first buy a car it's probably not your dream car. you got to start with a little one which is what one from the that was epic youtube channel did and he's still going to try to pick up some chicks.
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>> i want to give you a lift. let me see your leg. >> i'm going to the library. >> i'll take you. >> the best part it works. why wouldn't it? >> what is your phone number? >> 775. >> and of course you better believe he proceeds to get the number. >> chicks dig brand new cars. shiny, has the new car smell. >> no, we dig funny and clever guys way better than that. >> we also dig a ride to class or the library. >> that's true. >> all right are you ready? hold on. hold on. hold your horses. i didn't pay it off in cash i'm still paying payments but i wanted to get my dream truck. >> this girl is all about it. >> are you part of a club? >> no, i'm just trying to find my love. >> oh my gosh, this is so sweet. >> girls dig this right, but this girl sorry, dude, not gone that happen. >> i find you really attractive and i'd love to take you out sometime. >> that's very polite of you and i do appreciate the offer. i have a boyfriend.
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>> i have a boyfriend. >> well, we can still be friends, right? >> of course. >> awesome. that's fine with me. i'm just glad i got to you touch you to touch my shoulder. you want a lift? yeah, come on. >> come on. i mean just -- >> he eventually they get caught because he was operating on a no wheel zone so he gets asked to please kindly leave. he does. >> i guess i could do it on that little street there. >> technically yeah. i guess there's nothing that you can do about it. >> two days, 14 builders and one pizza is all it takes to cause some controlled chaos, courtesy. we know on this channel they love to use domino's. which pizza company do you think is involved in this this. >> pizza hut. says it there >> that's right. ironically pizza hut is the sponsor part of the promotion
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for one of their new things they're offering. it looks like it's going both ways to reveal the words that are hidden inside this black area here. >> i love to know what it takes to plot all this stuff out, how many domino's you need for each thing that you're going to do. how do you know to set it up and space stuff. >> where do you get them from. >> you have to be delicate. there were 14 people working oen that. you have to make sure you have situational awareness. >> this part is pretty great but this is the cool part. they don't just stick with domi domino's. eventually they start -- >> no kidding. well done. >> they get super creative here, it comes up to this piece of pizza, goes through the slice and puts the toppings on the pizza. >> i love it. he's got a one-of-a-kind bouquet for his lady. >> she don't need roses. bring on the
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take tradition and throw it out the window. who needs it anyway? this fellow didn't. because here he is with his lady, meat bouquet in tow. >> meat bouquet? >> i thought that's what i was seeing. >> that's exactly what you see. she don't need roses. bring on the beef! >> that's awesome. >> this fellow knows how much his lady loves the beef at her favorite restaurant sew got together with them and he's like let's make this happen. you see right there, they're slicing the beef and putting this bouquet together. >> the great thing is that bouquet is going to taste delicious. >> i'm not mad at him. i like he considered what she liked, he made some thought out of it. >> notice he reaches in, grabs the ring and she's like, yes. i got you, boo. >> this is a proposal.
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it's not just a would you like some meat in a bouquet kind of night. >> no, it's a proposal. so let's head on over to the happiest place on earth, where we'll find amanda and jason. they've got on their minnie and mickey bride and groom cap. jason told her we're going to trick our friends and family, take them out a bit. >> will you marry me? >> ninja. >> she thought they were making a video to trick their friends and family into thinking that they were engaged which what she didn't know they were about to be engaged because this is her favorite place, this was the perfect way to propose to her. >> are you kidding me? >> oh so sweet. these are so weird but so
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