tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC September 19, 2017 11:35pm-12:36am PDT
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time. right now on jimmy kimmel kirsten dunst. enjoy. have a nice evening. >> dicky: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight, julie bowen. >> dicky: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live!" here's jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: thank you very much. thanks for coming. anybody of you feel that earthquake we had last night? around 11:00 last night? it sounds terrible to say it was
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scary after the terrible quake in mexico today and of course they're in our thoughts and prayers, as are those bracing for another hurricane in the caribbean. i know it is nothing by comparison. we had this earthquake. 3.6. which was pretty close by us last night. and i think it is importa to treat those as a warning. while you would think in southern california we all know what to do when an earthquake t know what to do. the first thing did i, i goods . the first thing did i when i ea dumb but true. the first thing is i went on twitter to see if it was an earthquake. even though i clearly felt every inch of my house shake, my first instinct was to confirm that what i already knew happened was indeed happened and it turned out it did happen. luckily nobody got hurt. what to do in the event of an fl
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quake. don't stand in the doorway. how many people thought you stand in a doorway? you don't. that is outdated advice. you get under the corner of a table or desk is that you get away from the windows. they'll xhak in five years. they'll say get near a window. do not get under a desk. in other disastrous move, our president is donald trump. he spoke to the representatives of 1 people in e u assembly. the president was a little bit disappointed. usually when donald trump meets with representatives from different countries, there's a swimsuit could that petition and they wear sashes. instead he was forced to make a speech. it was an historic event in that i think i'm pretty sure this was the first time anyone said
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something like this. >> they're working together in the middle east to crush the loser terrorists and stop the reemergence -- >> loser terrorts. loser is a word you use to describe your sister's fiance. not terrorist. loser is how biff insulted marty mcfly. our president uses to it describe isis. did he a lot of threatening in the speech. he did get a lot done. usually if donald trump wants t one day, towed visit like nine he his construction sites. said the u.s. is paying for more than we're getting and he gave other leaders a very trumpian look at what the future holds. >> major portions of the world are in conflict. some in fact are going to hell. >> are we sure we're not athat was some speech. it was probably a hard speech. he's not used to crowds like
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.atth cheering. no one had a red hat on. no one was wearing sleeves. trump also told the group he was prepared to totally destroy north korea. he again called kim jong-un rocket man which i think he does -- i have a theory. i think he does nick nail thing because he can't remember anyone's real name. like when you see the guy at the 7-eleven. hey, buddy, what's going on? he said kim jong-un was rocket man on a suicide mission. if you want to insult kim jong-un, maybe don't make it sound like he's an action packed movie franchise. just call him kim. trump is so anxious to bomb north rea. he even brought the launch button with him to the united nations. and at the end of the day, 21 ranting and the raving were done, our president made a speech which we slowedn ow d
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half speed for tonight's edition of drunk donald trump. >> let's gives t as a toast to the potential, the great, great potential of the united nations. thank you all for being here. thank you >> and he pre tends -- oends -t! >> and he pre tends -- oends - ! >> a couple from kansas city had an unfortunate start to their journey as husband and wife. >> oh my god!
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yeah. i think he's now everybody gaug, he's now engaged to a fish. we have that couple in our audience tonight. where are they? there they are! there they are. hello. how are you doing? they're from kansas city. you didn't know that we were going to show your video or anything. why did y t ynkhier woue l.a.? >> we just thought that we were going to be in the audience as guests. l.a.? >> with, we're actually interviewing with 20/20 tomorrow morning. >> jimmy: no, you're not. there's to 20/20 interview. this is what you're here nt?
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>> no. not at all. d?ge -- : are you actually >> we are engaged. >> jimmy: okay. so i have a lot of questions. i'm going to try boil it down. how long did you have that ring before it s out of urlied fingers? >> less than a minute of. >> jimmy: i mean did you have it at home? were you hiding it? >> since december. >> jimmy: so you've kept it for a while. and then what happened? did you have like a bucket of fried chicken before that? >> no. it jumped out of the box and went into the pond. >> jimmy: so you had a bunk of friends from your church, i think we have a photograph this. they all got in to help but no.ody was able to find it. >> jimmy: and n>>ow here we are. i want to give you -- the reason i brought you who aret to give you a doover,
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over. we have a bridge. do you ever watch the show the bachelor? so we called a iend. this is neil lane -- ♪ >> oh, my gosh! >> jimmy: thanks for coming. show them what you have in that little box of the. >> this little box. >> jimmy: something special for you. so that is -- what is that? >> an oval cut diamond ring. surrounded by 100 smaller dipds. >> jimmy: 100 smaller is that as nice as the ring you lost? we never got to see it. >> i'm prettyeur s a little bit more. >> jimmy: so give to seth. so seth, you are now husband and husband. thank you very much, neil, for
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bringing that engagement ring. >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: if you want to go ahead and step up on the bridge and go ahead and do it over. here you go. we built a bridge for you. and in case anything happens, where's guillermo? guillermo has a net. and again, seth had no idea this was going to happen. are you ready? >> yes. pre. mmy: then go ahead and here we go. >> babe, we've been together for four years and you're the love of my life. we've had ups and downs and we've gotten through it all. we know this day has been coming for a long tim a i want to spend the rest of my wi you marry me? >> yes!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow! congratulations! and they're inviting all of you to the wedding. so fantastic. congratulations! congratulations! we're going to take a break. you guys want to make love or whatever, go right ahead. i'm mad about something. somebody lied to me on this show and i have some thing to say about it, so stick around. we'll be right back. you totanobody's hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back.
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i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with ended release technology helps prextveiqnt yor eurge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a eat how. it's about time they gave left and right twix® their own packs. they got about as much in common as you, a mortician, and me, an undertaker. (chuckling) or you, a janitor, and me, a custodian. (laughing) or you, a ghost, and me, a spirit. (laughing) left and right twix® packs. it's time to deside.
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♪ ♪ directv has been rated #1 in customer satisfaction over cable for 17 years running. t bu pso just like some people like banging their head on a low ceiling. drinking spoiled milk. camping in poison ivy. getting a papercut. and having their arm trapped in a vending machine. but for everyone else, there's directv. for #1 rated customer satisfaction over cable switch to directv. call 1-800-directv.
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i want ycome on mom!t easy. go slow. ♪ let's go! ♪ mom! slow down! for the ones who keep pushing. always unstoppable. [ "mo♪ more, more, more ny ] ♪ how do you like it ♪ how do you like it ♪ more, more, more ♪ how do you like it ♪ how do you like it ♪ how do you like it ♪ more, more, more ♪ the best things in life they're free ♪ ♪ stars belong to everyone ♪ ♪ they cling there for you and for me ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show. i have something i tnttao menti. he kmpnoorw you'll find this hao believe but a few months ago after my son had open heart surgery, which was something i spoke about on the air, a politician, a senator named bill cassidy from louisiana, was on my show and he wasn't very honest. it seemed like he was being honest. he gotot l o attention for coming off like a rare, reasonable voice in the republican party when it came to health care. for coming one something he called, i didn't name it this. he named it this of the tell jimmy kimmel test which was in a nut shell no, family should be denied medical care, emergency or otherwise becau can ford se tyithe. he agreed to it. he said he would only support a health care bill that made sure a child like mine would get health coverage he needs no, matter how much money his parents make. that did not have annual or lifetime caps.
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these insurance companies want lifetime cams to limit how much they have to pay out. so for instance if your son needs he heart surgery, it can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars a piece. if he hits his cap, he is on his own. our current plan protects americans and prevents insurance providers from jacking up the rates for people with pre-existing conditions of all types. and senator cassidy said his plan would do that, too. television many times. >> as you present that, i ask, does itsas p jimmy kimmel test? with a child born with a congenital heart disease be able to get everything he would need in that first year of life? i want to it fast jimmy kimmel test. >> so last week, bill cassidy and senator lindsey graham propose ad new bill and it does fast jimmy kimmel test. but a different test. with this one your child with a pre-existing condition will get the care he needs he if and fond his father is jimmy kimmel.
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otherwise you might be screwed. i don't know what happened to bill cassidy but when he was on this publicity tour, he listed his demands for a health care bill very clearly. these were his words. he said he wants coverage for all. no discrimination based on pre-existing conditions. lower premiums for lower middle sas lifetime cams. guess what, the new bill does none of those things. no.erage for all? in fact it will kick about 30 million americans off insurance. pre-existing conditions? no. if the bill passes, individual states can let insurance companies charge you more if you have acondition. you'll find little loophole later on in the document. they can and they ll will it lower premiums? for many it will result in higher premiums. as far as no lifetime caps go, the states can decide on that too which means many states will do that. not only did it fail the jimmy
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kimmel test, he failed the bill cassidy test. he failed his own test. this bill is worse than the one that thank god, republicans like susan collins and lisa murkowski and john mccain torpedove oed they have the good sense to do that. these other guys who claim they want americans to have better health care. even though eight years ago they didn't want they will to have health care at all. they're trying to do this without an natural sfris the bipartisan budget office. they don't even want you to see it. they're having one heg.inarread in a homeland committee and the chairman agreed to allow two witnesses. bill cassidy is that lindsey graham to speak. health care is complicated. it is boring. i don't want to talk about it. the details are confusing and thathat they're relying w's on. they're counting on you to be so overwhelmed. that you'll count they will to
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take care of you and we're looking at our i ungrtansam lik they're voting whether people can afford to keep their wmohoen alive. will vote this probably won't even read it. they want to us treat it like an itunes service agreement. and this guy bill cassidy lied right to my face. do you believe every american regardless of income should be able to get regular check-u check-ups, maternity care, all of those things people need? >> yes, ma'am. >> so yep washington for no. >> i never imagined i would get involved in something like this. my area of expertise is eating pizza and that's about it. we can't let they will do it to our children, our senior citizens, our veterans and anything else. before you post a nasty gram, i am politicizing my son's health problems because i have to.
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[ cheers and applause ] my family has health insurance. we don't have to worry about this. soeo prou cplane shove your disg comments where your doctor won't be giving you a prostate exam once they take your health care benefits away. somehow japan, england, canada, germany, france, they all figured out health care out. don't say they have terrible health care. it's just not true. here are just some of the portions oppose this graham/cassidy bill. the american cancer society. the american diabetes association. american heart association. american asciatn.gun l the arthritis foundation. cystic fibrosis, the als association, the march of dimes, multiple sclerosis society. anything you've ever given money to thinks this is a bad idea. do you trust they will or do you trust him? okay. so if this bill isn't good
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enough for you, call your congress to go your congress person, wherever he or she is. you have to do this. you can't just click like on this video. tell they will the bill doesn't pass your test. nobody outside of your buddies in congress wants this bill often 12% of americans supported the last one and this one is worse. right now there's a bipartisan groof of senators working to improve the health care system we have. we want quality affordable health care. dozens of other countries figured it out. so enstead of jamming this horrible bill down our throats, go pitch in and be a part of it. i'm sure they could use a guy with your medical back ground. if not, stop using my name. i don't want my name on it. there is a newme test. it is called a lie detector test. you're welcome to stop by the studio and take it any time.
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all right? all right. no more serious stuff. i'm baryven going to speak english the whole rest of the night. tonight we have music from jason isbell and the 400 unit. and we'll be right back with kirsten dunst. >> check out this year's hottest toys at toys "r" toys. [ "mo♪ more, more, more ny ]
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ dilike, outside dirt,. that's not a bad t. itnghio inside dirt, yeah. that's way different. but now there's a more powerful chevron with techron. yeah. it has even more cleaning power to clean up deposits left by low quality gas. and cleaning up deposits restores lost gas mileage. it's legit. now with more cleaning power. chevron with techron. care for your car. nice hat!
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show. toni return to comedygh at, center, the very funny nathan fielder is here. and this album is called the nashville sound. jason isbell and the 400 unit. tomorrow night, kyra sedgwick will be here and adam scott. then on thursday, halle berry and senator tkeonanfrightn. is emmy and golden globe nominated actress. they used to pay her if skittles. please say hello to kirsten dunst.
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♪ >> jimmy: it's very good to have you here. >> nice to be back of. >> jimmy: we have aly bit of a these of the you gotten gangd since the last time i saw you. >> i did. last september. except he didn't drop it. >> jimmy: he probably didn't get it for free. >> definitely not of. >> jimmy: does he ever make comments about how much it costs hip? >> no. he's good. he's not like that. that would be weird. >> jimmy: i hate guys that do that kind of thing. your fiance, you know this, jesse clemens on breaking bad, ur co-star in fargo, who you let freeze out. little like matt daylon. >> they're friends. he actually played matt damon
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young in a movie. i don't know that one. >> jimmy: that wasn't a deal breaker. >> i think it is so cute. >> jimmy: witell, yeah, some sa that. you're being honored with a star on the hollywood walk of fame. >> iget' good spot. i'll have it in front of your -- >> jimmy: we'll take care of it if you have it in our area. >> let's do a whole tie-in so they don't put me somewhere weird of the. >> jimmy: we watch we watch we h we promised him we would take care of it forever. >> regis philbin? >> jimmy: yeah. is this something that is meaningful to you, living here in last? >> it is weird that people will walk on me for a while. my mom, i told my mom and she was crying at the grocery store.
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oh, my god, i'll crying in i can imagine her sobbing. .ah>> jmy susan? >> she likes the put this glaze on a roast chicken.shor e things up and say that she made them. >> jimmy: i get it. >> she's like i made it. doctored it up. >> jimmy: i learned a little something. does your mom spend a lot of time at vons? >> all the time of the vons. yeah. grocery stores. >> jimmy: is your mother retired now? >> yeah. because of me, actually. >> jimmy: is that right? >> she lives like movie star. >> jimmy: you drove her to exhaustion? >> no. i just spoil my mother. >> jimmy: what did she do before she retired? >> she worked for lufthansa for about ten years. she was the first airline stewardess in duesseldorf because she married a german. >> jimmy: wow! that must have been a ty eeat tn
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airplane. >> yeah. they were drinking and she would let the rolling stonesn board. >> jimmy: really! >> yeah. like keith richards was sucking her fingers once. oh, let me get my bags off the bird. she's like, i'll married. but she would send bags, if someone was rude to her. she would send their bag to a different country. this is a type you could get aw witsthuff. >> jimmy: i think you still can, based on my experiences of the did you ask your mother if she would have gone hope with keith richards had she not been married? >> no. she waslike, his face looke d line leather to me. i think that's what she said to me. >> jimmy: is it possible he was sucking her fingers because they wouldn't allow cigarettes on the plane? [ laughter ] we're going to take a break and talk about this movie.
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apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently. dude. yodude.unching's sthey're just jealous. kellogg's raisin bran crunch with crunchy clusters and the taste of apples and i stgorawbonere!ri. guess we're having cereal for dinner. kellogg's raisin bran crunch apple strawberry. it's about time they gave left and right twix® their own packs. they got about as much in common as you, a mortician, and me, an undertaker. (chuckling) or you, a janitor, and me, a custodian. (laughing) or you, a ghost, and me, a spirit. (laughing) left and right twix® packs. it's time to deside. [ laughs ] rodney. bowling. classic. can i help you? it's me. jamie. i'm not good with names. celeste! i trained you. we share a locker. -moose man! -yo. he gets two name your price tools. he gets two? i literally coined the phrase, "we give you coverage options based on your budget." -that's me. -jamie!
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you need to tell me where you've been. >> don't touch me. you're sick of the get out of here! get out of here! >> jimmy: that's kirsten dunst in woodshock. it opens on friday. >> the fashion designers, and ballet costumes for black swan. they're very talented. they have their own line of artistry. >> jimmy: this is not your typical film, is it? >> not at all.engrossing. it is almost like watching poem in a way. it is like watching grief. it is something very original and like nothing i've ever -- >> jimmy: there's not a on tmov? >> not a ton, no. it is more the sound and the
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visuals and everything. >> jimmy: a lot of pot smoking in the movie. >> yes, there is. yes, there is. >> jimmy: and by you. are you method or how does it go? >> not method. you have movie pot which is basically fake. it is like whatever they roll. back ban, if you smoke cigarettes, they roll herby stuff. like fake whatever. >> oregano? that would be disgusting. >> that would be like smoking a pizza. >> jimmy: now you make it sound delicious. >> but we were doing this one scene where you know, obviously, in the movie i don't smoke thatle. when you're doing takes, you're doing one after the next after the next. and i wasn't eating that much at the time. so after we were done, i went back to thenece s i started to feel like i was losing my mind.
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i went to the bathroom. i'mi' like, there's something wrong with me. i think i need to go to the hospital. there's something seriously, i'll losing my mind i'm shaking, i'm hot, i'm flipping out. one of the producers comes in. and they're like how do you feel? i'm terrible. i don't know what's wrong me. he goes back, he looks at all the, everything that i smoked to make sure serving okay. he came back. oh, you smoked a full one-on-one of the takes. we're talking about humboldt weed. i don't smoke full joints. this is strong [ bleep ] >> jimmy: what happened? one got in there somehow? >> well, they had locals roll the joints for us. >> jimmy: you can never have locals. >> and they just threw some in for fun. i was like what? [ bleep ] i was like crying, laughing, eating a penal it
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butter sandwich. i couldn't film nil. i've never been that stoned in my entire life. to not know you're that stoned is such a mind trip. like a mentalist. >> jimmy: well, if you want to see kirsten dunlts stoned out of her mind, it is called woodshock. it opens on friday. thank you very much. schick hydro ® vs a lube strip. with seven hydrating gel pools...
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that give you 40% less friction... it's designed like no other razor to protect from irritation. schick hydro ® free your skin. ® but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. ♪ when you filter out the bad... you're left with.. g.theood. in life. and in water. choose the cleaner, better tasting world of brita. choose the filtered life. feven being the backng half of a unicorn. fortunately, the front half washed his shirt with gain. ahh...the irresistible scent of gain flings! laundry detergent.
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♪ ♪ we get a gift for mom and dad., except for one of us.r ,ar i write them a poem instead! that one's actually yours. that one. regardless, we're stuck with the bill. to many, words are the most valuable currency. last i checked, stores don't take "words." poic voice of a generation. i know, right? such a burden. the bank of america mobile banking app. the fast, secure and simple way to send money. oh, it's actually...s your sfx: (short balloon squeal) it's ver... sfx: (balloon squeals)
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ok can we... sfx: (balloon squeals) i'm being so serious right now... i really want to know how your coffee is. it's... sfx: (balloon squeals) hahahaha, i had a 2nd balloon goodbye! oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasn't it? yeah. happens to more people than you think. nning lactose. mmm. good right? yeah. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. tcan help protect you from the unpredictable. and the distracted. its cameras, radar and sensors can help prevent well, almost. lease the gle350 for $609 athon at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. it all started when sophia stopped into marshalls and found a mug for surprisingly little green.
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she paired that with some succulents. and suddenly something clicked. that surprise led to a stylish modwor,roir soothing lavender oils, a party llama... or is that an alpaca? super soft towels, and an enchanting vase that magically tied it all together. she arranged it all into the greatest guest bathroom ever. r so few bucks? no. but great things happen when you choose surprise. marshalls. your surprise is waiting.
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>> jimmy: you've got a lot of energy. you remind me of a young george lopez. do you get that regularly? >> i love rock 'n' roll. couldn't help but jam a little bit. >> jimmy: thanks for being here. i would like the describe your show to those who haven't seen it. i'll sure do you know a better job frf my perspective, you help smalltter you help them -- >> out of the box and you need marketing strategies to help th money. very different stuff that hasn't been done before. yet mmy: i am surprised thaesd for some of the things you've done. sometimes you go places where you aren't welcome. >> everything we do is very legal. >> jimmy: everything is legal? >> with, yeah, een arrested make show. but i recently had like a weird run-in with the law. >> jimmy: you did. >> yeah of will i don't want to go on a tankent or anything. >> jimmy: that's why we're here.
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>> i accidentally took someone else's luggage at the airport. like the wrong suitcase. and it almost led to me going to jail. >> jimmy: in wha t well, okay, going to a wedding. like an out of town wedding. you've been to weddings before. >> jimmy: i was at one once. yeah. >> so kind of like that except the people you -- >> jimmy: we call they will regulars. >> yeah, yeah. and i booked my travel with just enough time get to the ceremony so i could -- because i'm a busy guy. >> jimmy: sure. >> so i arrived, i get off the plane, i get my luggage, i go to the hotel. when i opened my suitcase, my jaw literally dropped. mine.f my clothes inside.s i'll having this weird thing where i don't understand. i realize what happened. it is like someone will the
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countial bag to me and i took it. it is a big problem because my suit for the wedding was in my bag and i'm literally in shorts and a >> jmy: okay. like literally. >> you travel in your worse clothes. if the plane goes down, you won't get blood on your nice clothes. >> jimmy: yeah. you leave them to your heirs. yeah. >> so i'm looking for some way to contact the person because it is like, and i find in the luggage tag is the guy's phone number on it. so i call the person and he answers. and will eye like i'll sorry. i took your bag. and he's weirdly cool about it. for some reason. he understood kind of what happened. he is at the airport with my bag. but we're trying to figure out the logistics of getting, doing. and i'm explaining to him the wedding stuff. but he is over an hour away from me and if i go to get my suit like i'll going to miss thor
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wedding. if i do it now, i'll miss the >>dding. my reas:on w you got on the plane the first place in your shorts. there to him and the guy says, he's like, with, you know what? i actually have a suit in my bag. you're welcome to borrow it if su it.nt the of will >> yeah. a really nice guy. are you sure? yeah. just don't spill anythingit or something. so eye like, thank you so much. and i put on the suit. the only they can is, it is like way too big for me. >> jimmy: okay. >> actually, i have a photo that i showed the producers. it was in the hotel rule. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. that is too big. way too>> yeah. so he's like, i look like a dick tracy.
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>> jimmy: yeah. >> so anyway, i'll not going on wear shorts. it is better than anything. i have to own it. so i go to, i get in my car and i go there of as i'll getting into the car, i find like in the suit there is like a small zip lock baggy with a powdery substance in it. i'll like, all right. so this guy likes the party, i guess. i don't really know. i'm not thinking about it. i'm running late. so i get in my car and i am late at this point so i am,'l to adm driving over the speed limit. >> jimmy: oh, okay. oh, cool. yeah. and then that's awesome. so yeah. so i then i'll driving down this rural road and i see the sirens. and a cop pulls me over at this
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point. and he comes up to the door. he asks for my license and registration. i'm super nervous. these moments are super tense and as a comedian my instinct is to diffuse the situation with a joke. so i say like, will i'm just going off the top of my head thankful god you're not the fashion police or i would be in big trouble right now. >> jimmy: again, this is -- you're dressed like that. right. >> the cop doesn't laugh. but then i look over at the seat. i look down beside me and i realize i left the baggy on the seat beside me. thgoi'm thinking, okay. .is because when i look, he looks and he goes, what's that? and so i respond by saying, the least suspicious thing you can say. oh, i don't know.
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it's not mine. >> jimmy: you, as criminals go, you wouldn't be a great one. >> wasn't great. and the guy says hand it to me. so i give him the baggy and i'm like freaking out. because i'm like, i've always felt like i wouldn't fare very well in prison. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so i desperately am trying, i'm saying, look, i got the wrong bag in the airport. that's why i have the big suit. that's why i made the fashion police joke. i have nothing against any time of police. i'm just trying to say whatever to talk my way out of it and i realize i have to give him this guy's info. i'm taking off. i just called the y.e call him. i dialed guy up. the cop is staring at me and not saying a word. i dial the guy while i'm talking and i say to him, hey, man, i'm really sorry.
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but i found something in your suit and i'm with a cop now and you have to talk to him.i' gsom ive the phone to the cop. and the cop takes and hesitates and puts it to his ear and says what's in the then there's this long silence while the cop is listening. and then he looks at the baggy again and then hands back the baggy to me with my phone and says, okay. you're good. and so i say to him, i'm like, what did he say? was in the baggy? and he said it is his mother's ashes. >> jimmy: so you must have been -- [ applause ] >> firstly i've never been so relieved to find out i was
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holding human remains. but so it was so after i saw it. i don't know what drugs are. you can basically put anything in a baggy a i would think it was drugs. >> sure. >> jimmy: you are out of your [ bleep ] mind. [ laughter ] your first show is a one-hour special where you look back at some of the people. the business people you helped. >> yeah. this thursday we revisit people from pastseasons. it is called a celebration. >> jimmy: the show is very funny and it is season fo.tas septemb comedy central. nathan fielder, everybody.ig ba isbell and the 400 unit. >> the jimmy kim he will live concert series presented by
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mercedes-benz. vo: whenever a craving hits, vo: jack's got your back. jack: somebody craving my smoky jack burger? vo: the smoky jack burger combo for $4.99. vo: hickory-smoked bacon, smoked cheddar cheese, vo: all on an artisan poppyseed bun. vo: plus fries and a refreshing drink. vo: all for just $4.99. man: thanks, jack! jack: you're welcome. vo: the new smoky jack burger combo for just $4.99. vo: only at jack in the box. wea whole new place that'swe lookin' to get scared! won't believe your cars in deyes!se.e a spell
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it's not your hands searching slow in the dark ♪ ♪ or your nails leaving love's watermark it's not the way you talk me off the roof ♪ ♪ your questions like directions to the truth ♪ thit's knowing that an cis't go likely one of us will have to spend some days alone ♪ ♪ maybe we'll get forty years together but one day i'll be gone or one day you'll be gone ♪ ♪ if we were vampires and death was a joke we'd go out on the sidewalk and smoke ♪ ♪ and laugh at all the lovers and their plans i wouldn't feel the need
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to hold your hand ♪ ♪ maybe time running out is a gift i'll work hard 'til the end of my shift ♪ ♪ give you every second i can find and hope it isn't me who's left behind ♪ ♪ it's knowing that this can't go on forever likely one of us will have to spend some days alone ♪ ♪ maybe we'll get forty years together but one day i'll be gone or one day you'll be gone ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] this is "nightline." >> tonight, talking tough. >> rocket man is suicide mission for himself and his regime. >> president trump and his first address to the u.n., vowing to totally destroy north korea if the u.s. is forced to defend itself. in the air above south korea with the f-16 pilots always prepared for the unimaginable. >> best way to prevent a war. >> plus, bob woodward on the tyranny. the boundary between north korea and china. >> look at this warning. do not converse or exchange objects with people on the other side of the border of the will. >> a view from the ground. >>
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