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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  September 28, 2017 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." skydivers have some company on a jump. >> and they rocket toward the earth, so do they. >> the perplexing sight for people on the ground. you're right. ugh. singer gets physical with a tv host who is looking -- >> like he doesn't know what's going on. >> find out the real story behi the red carpet drama. >> yeah! forget "baywatch." this is baby watch. >> oh. >> why this inspired announcement has more than one sweet message. plus the buzzword for your shot to win new ipad mini as christian, oli, charity, dic non
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the when. and guess who is on a gator adventure >> oh my gosh. >> my heart was pounding i kid you not. see why time to feed is also time to flee. >> bye. i don't even want to hear it. >> sky diving looks awesome. you just jump out of a perfectly good airplane and go rocketing towards the earth but if you're a group of jumpers with about 35,000 jumps in your history, how do you make that rocketing more interesting? these people from arizona came up with a unique way. jump with their toys. not exactly a rocket with fuel but rudimentary rocket design they have this model rocket with him and as it rockets toward the earth so do they. it's peculiar to see this thing spinning through the air and everybody else is chasing it. >> wow, like you're a lawn dart in tandem.
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>> pretty much, when you don't want to end up the same way. >> you see this from the ground you got a telescope, should i be worried or are those the navy s.e.a.l.s trying to catch it. >> you know how dangerous it can be when you're up in the air and some object gets out of control. bit of a close call around here. i want to you keep an eye on t . even hanging upside down at terminal velocity, instincts are instincts because as he ds mesak straight towards his most region. >> he was quick. he was ready. >> not today, not today. >> so that was a close call. other than that, the jump went off without a hitch. what happened to the rocket? a momentf silence, please. >> it's cardboard. >> not anymore. it's bits of cardboard. pretty cool. i like that video. we've all worked the red carpet before and they can be
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chaotic. at this red carpet at an awards show in russia, you've got the singer there, alina yahn, being arpetin by some redte c hosts but their interaction is a bit unusual. she turns aroundle on a the heao be a little puzzled, walks away like he doesn't know what's going on. >> what is going on? >> female reaction like that doesn't happen unprovoked. >> well apparently he made a very unfriendly comment about her retaliated physically. >> a bold move by the guy wearing the mint green three-piece. >> yes. >> i got to admit, you know -- >> do we know said, a translation? >> sounds like he compared her to pus n boots. >> she didn't have to snap back and hit the man. >> whatever, this thing keeps going. he talks to the other woman on
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the red carpet and then walks back over to where alina is. >> you know the producer is in his ear, not like he can walk off and stop doing his job. >> turns around, lightly hits him with all of the hair she's got going on, he pushes her out of the way, she reaches for his nose. once you think the interview is over, she says to him oh you dropped something. when he leans down to pick it up, she kicks him in the butt and then he does this. >> i don't care who you are. you lay your hands on me this is what happens. >> she did it several times. there's another layer to the story. >> they date? >> yes! >> you could totally tell. >> in fact in the interview in russia she tells woman "we just broke up yesterday." so this is a freshly open wound. >> check out this beaulifsunset. it's not the sunset you pay attention to. that is happening.
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381,000 ridley turtles are coming ashore to lay their eggs. >> now stay away from it, people. it looks cool. it's an amazing sight. just leave them be. >> they'll be protected, this of themected sp but they need protection. elsewhere in costa rica the latest episode of "brave wilderness" has coyote peterson looking for -- >> something to sing at. >> no, something to look at but the light is on. >> looking for glass frogs tonight. >> the dwarf glass frog and the striped glass frog, about the size of the tip of your thumb. >> so tiny, i will put my thumb next to the glass. >> wow. does very to find them before midnight so they don't turn into regular frogs? >> glass frog, i get it. >> you can see the bones in the toes in the light. >> look at the dwarf glass frog you'll see why they call it the
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glass frog. a that's creature. wow. >> you can see right through him. >> he takes off the second one. >> that's cool. >> i like seeing creatures like this. >> check it out when we see the other side, could you see more of this one's insides. >> dude, that's cool. you can -- >> you can see its heart. >> you can. >> so fragile but there's enough where you can handle them and return them to where they belong. sinnedcindy vega in houston winner. >> you can win, too. you need thursday's buzzword, be at least 21 years old and be a legal bus word from the u.s. or canada. stand by for the "rtm" ipad mini give away. conde nast entertainment asked a significant question, what in your life has brought you the most joy? and they asked this question of people ages 5 to 75. >> what in your life has brought you the most joy? >> my parents. >> oh!
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>> oh, you know her parents are just like ahhh. >> having a sister. >> video games. >> my family and my friends. >> you notice ages 5 through 20, they pretty much echoed the same thing. >> any time that i get to spend with my two siblings and my parents would be the mostyful. >> next 21. >> fireball! >> no, it's deeper than that. >> i finally got settled and unpacked my suitcase. that sounds like a very small thing but growing up and moving 15 times and moving another six, it was nice to feel like i ad h performing on stage. >> writing and my two cats. >> reading. >> it's like family, achievement, and then passionate hobbies. icat seems to be the three e the age, it's not just their family in the general sense as much it is the family ey watching my children sort of
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create their own path. >> because that means she did a good job. this next woman happens to be 55 years old and what's brought her the most joy is pretty deep. >> seeing somebody get sober. >> my grandchildren. >> great family. >> tyler's pumped when he gets an awesome bedroom makeover but there's something even better in the closet. the story behind the surprise guest that makes his day. >> oh, hey, that's a grand slam. and it's game time. >> the crowd is lit. >> but see why one superfan is all about the fumble. >> whoa! >> "right this minute" is brought to you by ashley home store. this is home.
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who doesn't love a good makeover, especially when it happens to somebody's house or room? tyler here his family has gathered to give him a complete bedroom makeover. tyler a huge texas rangers fan. when he goes into his room and the surprise is revealed absolute home run. tyler is excited. check out t closet doors that look like locker doors, the texas bedding, all that fun stuff. tyler hason called pfeiffer's syndrome but who cares? because today is a special and remarkable and fun day, because the room makeover, yeah, that's cool, but there's something even better in the closet. >> i'll open up this door. pretty cool! >> oh, hey. that's a grand slam. >> that's sean mcbride, a very
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popular youtube channel and tyler here is a massive fan of sean. they've met before at different conventions. few members of tyler's family reached out to sean and said hey, we're redoing his room. sean chose to use that opportunity to surprise many of them because look at the looks on their faces. they had no ideanheea s gas w s surprise all around and tyler is giddy about it. >> yes. no ddki ing.face. she's like i, i, i didn't know sean was in the closet. tyler would be totally cool if sean moved into his new bedroom. they have a brand new nice big youtube tv up on the wall for tyler to continue watching sean. if you're not familiar with sean he does a lot of fun stuff. he does a daily blog and tyler has been watching all of it. look at the smiles on his face, selfies as well, misty eyes throughout the family. sean hung signed some ,ar ndautographs. he likes to sign people's shoes.
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it's his thing. >> i signed his shoe. >> this is like the nicest shoe i've ever signed. >> to steal a line from sean, best day ever. >> pretty cool. friday night lights, if you're a football fan you know fabian is the place to be and nothing like the high school students for their team, the split and straight up. here he comes. >> oh! >> going to be tender. does come back down. >> yeah, everything was going fine until he comes back down, misses a step and just -- >> oh! >> notice he lays there on the ground for a little bit. the paramedics on site had to make sure he was okay. he did return to watch them win but he does have a fractured
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elbow. moving over here, let's lift some weights. >> they say if you have a nice body it's easy to pick up chicks. >> in this case it's true because here he is, lifting the ladies. >> oh, gosh. >> that's ian, 27 years old and weight lifting for 11 years l a last eight years. i have to give it to them as well, they're really fit and they have to keep their closure because if not he wouldn't be able to lift him like that. the dads are taking then li this. that's beautiful. >> holy smokes, that is out of the ball park. >> see where they go, next "right this minute." and still to come, a familiar face gets a wild invitation from a farm. have a little fun with their gators. see what happens when it's time to be brave and get a bit closer. >> ooh! plus don't miss thursday's buzzword for your shot to win an ipad mini, next.
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i have great news. elviss alive, but his royce is a little raspy. >> okay, okay. >> sounds like a jet engine. >> exactly. >> cool thing about elvis is he now lives in colorado as the colorado gator farm.e got fends. thweey love this show and this y they wore one of our shirts. >> sure they >> they sure did.did. >> um-hum. if we don't recognize that walk. >> i didn't fool you. >> what's up? >> kind folks jason, dave and jay invited me up to have a little fun with their gators. >> hang on, show us the fingers. >> one, two, three, go. >> what did it feel like? >> pure power. i knew i was doing the right thing by i knew if she really wanted to she could easily whip out of that.
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amber and dave and jay and jason were all there to put ointment on some of her cuts and scrapes. >> ointment, will stay on even >> we walked over to see elvis but they made me walk through this entire pen. they assure me that they'll just jump into the water as i get closer. >> they're like lounging like that's the beach. >> did they really move out of the way? >> this he did. here's elvis and i freaked out a bit, okay? jason's there holding my arm. >> tap him on the nose. >> woo! >> i don't want to -- >> my heart is racing. >> i did manage to touch elvis, briefly. >> did you really? did you make contact? >> barely.
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>> whoa! hello! >> i'm out of the water again. no thanks. now oli, i went in with ten fingers and i came home with ten fingers, but dave -- >> no! no! >> you've got to be kidding me. >> that's dave's thumb. he lost that last august. two weeks earlier his dad lost the tip of his finger. >> at least he got it back. >> it's true. so if you ever find yourself in alamosa, colorado, check guys at the colorado gator farm. i'm very impressed. >> oh my gosh! there's some artists that are concerned when people look at their art because it could get walked all over, abobut thi one encourages it. >> wow! those are works of art. no other way to describe that. >> they truly are, by taylor, goes by domby peepshow on the interweb, she creates these amazing shoe creations that you're going to put on your feet
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and walk on. >> the details on the shoes is phenomenal, even with the unicorns and spikes under the heels. i guess when you wear those, you just wear black so that all attention goes straight to the shoe. >> yes, this is definitely an attention grabber. >> is she filling them? >> she is. she has a store. some of her creations go from $56 but they can go up to just under 500 bucks. >> that makes sense with all of the work she puts into them. >> look at the different kinds of shoes she's creating and designer. if you wonder what a $495 pair of shoes made by her look like this is it. >> those would be some shoes. >> so they're pretty intricate and ornate. if you think about it, you're paying $500 about for a piece of art. >> wow. that looks like a bargain to me. time to give away another ipad mini. >> to enter, you need to be at least 21 years old and a legal resident of the u.s. or canada.
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>> head over to and click on "win ipad." >> you can enter on facebook or twitter. get over to and click on the ipad mini and enter thursday's buzzword, lady, l-a-d-y. >> good luck, everybody. >> a couple heads to the beach for some big news. >> up there, the sky. what's that? >> oh! >> but see how this celebration gets even more special. >> i love that.
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paper as well, eventually it will kind of even out. i don't know, i think that's pretty cool. when you have great news you just want to shout it to the world! that's kind of what's happening in this video, teresa and james headed down to the beach but visiting the beach is not the big news they want to announce. the big news is actually up there, the skyat tt?.wh >> oh. >> huge news, gives the mrs. a big hug, the friends, family, godparents come running up as well. >> i'm glad they have a life guard. mom and dad kneeled a break. >> this is sherisse's time. >> this looks like a deleted scene from "baywatch." >> baby watch, i will guard with you my life and then everybody else has got their own personalized version as well. >> that's sweet, i love that.
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>> if all these family members are in the viewdeo, who are the announcing it to? >> themselves. >> they uploaded to to send to friends and family who couldn't be there on that day. there is a special, sweet moment, the music comes down and here's this. >> happy! >> that's them hearing the heartbeat fort first time but as you can see, this is also in honor of sherise's mom who died back in may, just before they found out they were pregnant, so they wanted to be able to spend a moment to say mom, we miss you but also put that sound of the new life coming into the family. i thought that was a pretty sweet video. later, everybody. catch the next all new "rtm."
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tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. the very public apology late today to american taxpayers. one of president trump's top cabinet officials, tom price, now apologizing for spending more than $400,000 on luxury jets. the growing crisis in puerto rico tonight. the white house now sending a three-star army general. and reports of thousands of shipping containers filled with supplies sitting there unloaded. president trump's new tax plan. the winners and losers. tonight, the white house is pressed. how much will middle class americans save? and how much will wealthy americans and corpate america safe? the nfl controversy tonight. some fans setting jerseys on fire. and the green bay packers, what they're asking their fans to do tonight. and the president late today saying today, nfl owners are afraid of their own


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