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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  September 28, 2017 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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>> right now, jimmy >> announcer: tonight on "jimmy kimmel live," 82-year-old great-grandmother bella puts it all on the line against reigning 14-year-old champ traverse, whose braces came off three weeks ago, and whose gloves come off tonight. a battle of the ages in "generation gap!" >> i'm going to whip your bottom, little boy. >> mom? >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, kaley cuoco, from "abc world news tonight," david muir, and music from the xx. and now, moving on -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, there, how are you doing? that's very nice.
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hi, everyone. welcome. thank you. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks to all of you for coming. you know, i walk out here every night and i introduce myself for people watching who are drunk or have never seen the show. but i had a funny thing happen last night. delivery guy comes to my door, he hands me a bag of food. i eat my food out of a bag like a horse. and he sees me and goes, hey, you're the guy from the tv show. i said, yeah. he said, johnny carson! [ laughter ] yep, johnny carson. then he left. you know, i do sometimes get confused with the host of "the tonight show" but it's usually jimmy fallon because we have the same first name, and because he's alive. [ laughter ] speaking of deliveries, congratulations are in order for khloe kardashian who reportedly has a baby in her. the father of the baby -- that's where they go, i guess. [ laughter ] is said to be her boyfriend,
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tristan thompson of the cleveland cavaliers. khloe isn't the only one in the family expecting. her younger sister kylie is pregnant, her older sister kim is having a baby with a surrogate. it's interesting, right? three major hurricanes this the month. [ laughter ] three new kardashians. there has to be a connection. of course no one is more excited than grandma kris jenner. [ applause ] who is about to sign three new clients. [ laughter ] you know, i have to say, trying to keep up with president trump every day has made me appreciate how easy it was to keep up with the kardashians. [ laughter ] i mean, they get married, they break up, they find a new rapper or basketball player, they have a kid, they post it to instagram. it's very straightforward. not only are the kardashian/jenners excited about the arrival of the new children, they're also excited about their new show. >> for ten years you've been keeping up with the kardashians. >> i do my makeup so fast, i'm just not feeling myself. >> your lips look amazing. >> you watched courtney and kim
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take miami. then courtney and kim take new york. life i kylie. revenge body with khloe kardashian. now executive producer ryan seacrest brings you just what you've been expecting. >> it's so hot in here! >> "peeking up the kardashians." >> i literally can't even. omg, i already have 4 million instagram followers. >> the first show shot in utero. >> bdoes this umbilical cord mae me look fat? >> on e! following "the real zygotes of new jersey." >> jimmy: i'd watch both of those. [ cheers and applause ] time goes so fast, before you know it they'll be all grown up and hosting flavored vodka parties like mom and dad. i'm not sure if this is cause for a vodka party or not. but russia and the united states with all that's happening between us right now have announced an agreement to team up to build a space station on the moon. although i should say the
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russians are calling the space station, for some reason the white house keeps referring to it as a golf resort/casino. [ laughter ] i guess russia, the reason they're doing this, because russia wants to be the first country to interfere with an election on the moon. [ laughter ] and i wish them well. i'm sure the russians love this. the president yesterday lashed out at facebook of all things for being anti-trump. which forced mark zuckerberg, the ceo of facebook, to defend his company. he said, every day i work to bring people together and build a community for everyone. and that's right, if this election has taught us anything, it's that facebook really brings people together. [ laughter ] zuckerberg did admit facebook does bear some responsibility for all the fake news that abetted the trump campaign during the election but he insists overall facebook gave ordinary people a voice to help millions of people learn how to vote. right? facebook helps democracy the same way hurricanes help us water our lawns. [ laughter ] okay? between the russians and all our uncles, facebook is the most
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dangerous place on earth. president trump right now, as i'm sure you know, is in an ongoing fight with the nfl. he called for players who kneel during the national anthem to be suspended or fired. says the nfl should change their rules to prevent it from happening. insinuated that team owners aren't doing anything about it because they're scared. >> what prompted that in alabama? >> well, i have so many friends that are owners. and they're in a box. i've spoken to a couple of them. they say, we are in a situation where we have to do something. i think they're afraid of their players, you want to know the truth. i think it's disgraceful. >> jimmy: well, yeah, that is disgraceful. but obviously there's a racial subtext here, besides the fact that there are so many more important things for him to be worried about right now, there was a demonstration. i don't know if you saw this, right outside our studio, protesters staged what they called a die-in to send the president a message. >> from the football field all the way to the hollywood walk of fame, these anti-fascism protesters felt they had to show
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solidarity with nfl players. the protesters also held a die-in on trump's star, laying motionless on the pavement to draw attention. catching the eyes of curious passersbies who wondered what was going on. >> jimmy: mr. squarepants declined to comment. [ laughter ] i'm sure you know by now hugh hefner passed away yesterday at home at the playboy mansion. he was pronounced dead of natural causes. although they won't be able to rule out foul play because of all the dna evidence they found in the house. [ laughter ] it might take 20 years. i was thinking it last night. hugh hefner is probably the only person ever to be disappointed by heaven. [ laughter ] what's with all these harps? let's get some naked girls in here! hef was 91. interesting fact about hugh hefner. actually didn't lose his virginity until he was 78 years old, did you know that? [ laughter ] mr. hefner was an advocate for racial equality, free speech, and equal rights.
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but mostly he'll be remembered for the boobs. i knew hugh hefner. of all his achievements, and there were many, maybe the greatest of all was he figured out a way to wear pajamas to work every day. [ laughter ] for that i really have to give him a lot of credit. [ cheers and applause ] our local cbs affiliates, our news crews are on hollywood boulevard. cbs was on hollywood bld when news broke about hugh hefner's star on the walk of fame. >> there are so many perspectives on hollywood boulevard and the walk of fame about his legacy as you take a look at his star. many people say, of course, he did so much for culture. he blazed trails [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's how i want to be remembered, too. with a banana, a puddle of jelly, and a hot dog sitting on the side -- like a fourth grader dropped his lunch box. this is interesting. hef will be buried next to his first-ever cover girl, marilyn monroe. this is where he will be interred. i guess the spot under her is already taken.
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so he decided he'd just be so the side. with hugh hefner gone, they're engaged in the very difficult job of naming his successor. and with more on that we join cnn live new from the playboy mansion. >> and we are still waiting for any sign from the mansion. hold on just a second. i think we see -- yes, it appears to be white smoke. this means the bunnies have chosen their new leader. wait, we see a figure emerging onto the balcony. and -- it's charlie sheen. charlie sheen is the new mayor of penistown. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i think we're in very good hands. times have changed a lot since every young man had a "playboy" under his mattress. we came up with a game to highlight that. contestants are farther apart in age than hugh hefner of his girlfriends. it's a battle of young versus old. it's time to play "generation gap."
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[ cheers and applause ] cousin sal out on hollywood boulevard, how are you doing? >> sal: what's going on? >> jimmy: doing well, nothing's going on, we're doing the show in here, how about you? >> sal: yeah, we're going to take it out here, right? >> jimmy: great, let's meet our contestants. first our defending champion, he's lean, he's mean, he's 14, say hello to traverse. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> good, how are you? >> jimmy: traverse, do you think you have what it takes to win it all again? >> definitely. >> jimmy: did you ever look at a "playboy" magazine? >> no. >> jimmy: you did not? >> no. >> jimmy: let's see if he turns red. okay, he's not. traverse, tonight you will be going up against bella. welcome, bella, hello. [ cheers and applause ] >> hi. >> jimmy: bella, did you ever look at a "playboy" magazine? >> of course. >> jimmy: bella, if you don't mind me asking, what is your age? >> 82. >> jimmy: 82 years old.
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14 versus 82. that's why we call it "generation gap." bella, i know you're still -- you work at cantor's delli? >> i sure do. >> jimmy: i've seen you there, where the black and white cookies are? >> all over. >> jimmy: okay, veg. this is how the game works. i'm going to ask each of you a question from your opponent's generation or close to it. whoever gets the most answers right wins. does it sound good? >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right, traverse, you're defending your title, you get to go first. traverse what does wwii stand for? >> world war ii. >> jimmy: is that right, traverse. that's how it goes. now you get an idea how the game works. let's do one more question before we take a break. bella, which superhero did this actress play? see her on the screen. there she is. >> she looks asian. >> jimmy: she is not asian. >> oh, okay.
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>> jimmy: she's israeli, actually. >> then it would have been superwoman. >> jimmy: superwoman is incorrect. do you know, traverse, can you steal and guess who the -- which superhero she played? >> that's gal gadot and she played wonder woman. >> jimmy: that is absolutely right. traverse has a strong lead. we're going to take a break. when we come back, we'll play more "generation gap" so stick around. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ raz, where are you? guys...i'm trapped, my boss wants me here. we are not leaving without you. just go downstairs now. ♪ rapunzel?! ♪ look for my c-hr. ♪ that was fun. wait till you see where we're going.
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introducing an all-new crossover. toyota c-hr. toyota. let's go places. it's not a phone - . like it doesn't have buttons or a screen - but you can use it to make phone calls to pretty much anyone. so you can ask it to call your mom or call your brother or you can be like, "hey google, call that sandwich shop on pierce street." and it'll be like, "okay, calling gino's" [ringing] "gino's deli" see and you get gino's on the phone. "lady you gotta stop doing this unless you're gonna order something." no, i get it. that's fair, that's fair. i'm going on a target run. you need anything? toilet paper. cereal. maybe some chew toys. got it.
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get new lower prices on thousands of items. target run and done. hey. what can you tell me about your new social security alerts? oh! we'll alert you if we find your social security number on any one of thousands of risky sites, so you'll be in the know. ooh. sushi. ugh. being in the know is a good thing. sign up online for free. discover social security alerts. whoo! testis this thing on?! huh? c'mon! your turn! mmmm... where do pencils go on vacation? (loud speaker) pencil-vania! pencilvania! (laughing) frosted just right. crunch in every bite. kellogg's frosted mini-wheats. ♪ this'll be the real deal ♪ oh yeah ♪ this'll be the real deal
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i'm going on a target run. you need anything? toilet paper. cereal. maybe some chew toys. got it. get new lower prices on thousands of items. target run and done. wiback like it could used to? neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show. david muir and music from the xx is on the way. i'm looking around the audience, some of the least-rhythmic
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clappers i've seen in my life, this is unbelievable. [ laughter ] right now we have a senior citizen and a high school freshman outside on the street. it's traverse versus bella. the score is traverse 20, bella 0. bella, how are you feeling right now? >> could be better. >> jimmy: okay, but you're going to get back in the game. i just know it. we're going to start with traverse. >> sal: jimmy, real quick. bella, during a commercial, was showing us pictures of her in the grotto in the '50s, unbelievable. >> jimmy: you were in the grotto with hugh hefner? >> sal: just go with it. >> jimmy: never mind. [ laughter ] traverse, this is a question from bella's generation. name two newspapers. >> "new york times." and l.a. times. >> jimmy: that's very good traverse. you have a 30-0 lead. bella. name two websites. >> oh, i -- i'm not into websites. >> you don't know any websites? >> no, i don't. >> jimmy: nothing?
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oh. well. how about give huh, bella? [ cheers and applause ] >> how about not? >> jimmy: how about helpmeouti', bella? all right, next question is for bella. finish the title of this kendrick lamar album. "to pimp a blank." >> no. >> jimmy: any guess? >> i'll say -- i'll just take a crazy, to pimp a bitch? [ rim shot, rim shot ] [ cheers and applause ] >> sal: i'm going to give her credit. >> jimmy: let's give her credit anyway. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: traverse, we go now to you. finish the title of this gregory peck movie. "to kill a"?
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>> mockingbird. >> jimmy: that is right, traverse, wow. traverse has what you call one of those old souls, i guess. traverse, what number comes after the magnificent -- >> 7. >> jimmy: 7 is right, traverse. bella what number comes after maroon? >> maroon 5. >> jimmy: that's right, bella! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that one was too easy for you, it seems. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, all right. bella's on a roll now. what is the name of this car? this car on the video screen. what is the name? >> it looks like a cartoon. >> jimmy: it is a cartoon. >> i -- it looks like a cartoon. they have them at the chevy stations. i see it but i can't say it. >> jimmy: i'll give you a hint, it's lightning mcqueen. yes, it's lightning mcqueen! that's right! [ cheers and applause ]
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>> thank you. i need all your help. >> jimmy: traverse, what is the name of this car? >> is that a racing car, i'm assuming? >> jimmy: it was from a movie, a famous movie car. >> is that from like le mans? >> jimmy: it is not from le mans, no. >> then i have no idea. >> jimmy: bella, do you know the name of that car? >> looks like a volkswagen. >> jimmy: all right, that's close enough. we're looking for herbie the love bug. but let's give that one to her anyway. it is a volkswagen. traverse, who performed the 1987 hit song "bad"? >> what's the song name? >> jimmy: bad, b-a-d, bad. >> michael jackson? >> jimmy: that is right, michael jackson. bella, who did the 2017 hit "bad and bujie"?
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>> uh -- >> sal: come on you know this. >> it's up there but it won't come out. >> jimmy: right, yeah. is it really up there? [ laughter ] i feel like it isn't up there. >> i'm shaking it. >> jimmy: in this case, i don't think it's up there. traverse, do you want to try to steal? >> i kind of want to try but i know my friends at my school are going to get so mad if i get this wrong. >> jimmy: what is it? >> kendrick lamar? >> jimmy: no, wow, neither one of you knew that, migos was the answer. is that what you had in your head, bella? >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. let's go with one more question. for bella. finish this rapper's nickname. chance the -- blank. chance the -- blank. he's a rapper. >> oh. lamar? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: chance the lamar is incorrect. traverse, do you know the
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answer? >> chance the rapper. >> jimmy: chance the rapper is the answer, that's right. [ cheers and applause ] congratulations, traverse, you are the winner tonight. but you each get a prize. bella, you get a brand-new fitbit. that goes right on your wrist. [ cheers and applause ] and traverse, to make sure you live as long as bella, you get a medicine ball. all right? congratulations and thanks for playing "generation gap." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right, we're going to take a break now. wow, that game got pretty heated there. [ laughter ] we have a great show tonight, music from the xx, david muir is here, and we'll be right back with kaley cuoco so stick around! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by the middle earth shadow of war video game. in stores october 10th.
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♪not a yes sir, not a follower ["thunder" by imagine dragons] ♪fit the box, fit the mold ♪have a seat in the foyer, take a number♪ ♪i was lightning before the thunder♪ ♪lightning and the thunder ♪thunder, feel the thunder
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♪lightning and the thunder ♪thunder, thunder ♪thunder ♪thunder
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
12:00 am
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, welcome back to the show. tonight, he is the anchorman of "world news tonight with david muir." david muir is here. [ cheers and applause ] then, their album is called,"i see you." the xx from the mercedes benz outdoor stage. you can see the xx live tomorrow night at the forum here
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in los angeles. i want to mention on sunday night. if you have hbo you can see me with larry david on the season premiere of "curb your enthusiasm." [ cheers and applause ] that's one of my favorite shows. and i used to watch it and i would hope that one day larry would ask me to be on it. then he did. and now -- so now i am. it's a great story. [ laughter ] we're thinking about making it into a movie, by the way. next week we have new shows for you. with ryan gosling, anthony anderson, robin wright, jeff bridges, alex rodriguez, mark consuelos, isla fisher, web sensation logan paul will be here. and we will have music from welshly arms, depeche mode, steve aoki featuring gucci mane, and 21 savage too. please join us for all of that. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest tonight has spent more than a third of her life playing "penny" on the most-watched comedy show in the united states, "the big bang theory" airs monday nights on cbs. please welcome kaley cuoco.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> hi! >> jimmy: very good to see you. >> thank you, it's good to see you. >> jimmy: you're back to work now? >> yes. >> jimmy: on the show? >> season 11. >> jimmy: season 11 of the show. >> crazy. >> jimmy: did you get a lot -- do you get the whole summer off? >> the whole summer off. done some traveling, more traveling than i ever have. >> jimmy: where did you go? >> we were talking about -- we were traveling australia. and karl for some reason, my boyfriend, ends up getting the pat down every time we go through security. >> jimmy: he asks for it? [ laughter ] >> no, he didn't. every single time. he goes through, beep, every time. he's so unassuming. there's no reason why he should be getting a pat down. >> jimmy: yet that's exactly why he should be getting patted down. >> i agree. they're doing the whole thing, he's getting all felt ul and everything and i'm laughing. it's happened every time.
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the most recent travel, i walk the in and he goes, okay, something bad's going to happen, i know something bad's going to happen. no, it's going to be fine. he goes through, beep. we're going to australia, you've got to get patted down. the lady goes, whose bag is this? it's my purse. i'm like, it's my bag, thinking i'm going to get a compliment on my purse. she goes, we need to look through your bag. i'm like, it's gucci. she's like, no, we need to look through your bag. go ahead. she pulls out a wine opener out of my purse. and i was like -- >> jimmy: like a full with arms -- >> like the arms one, like a rabbit. and i was like, oh my god! that's like a weapon! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that is. >> i'm kind of laughing. karl's been taken to another room at this point, i don't know where he is, getting fully -- like he has no clothes on at this point. i'm like, this is so crazy. i'm so sorry, like i just always have -- i don't know why i carry wine opener. in my big bag i have all these
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little bags. she goes, we need to search the rest of the bags. yeah, yeah. she takes out my makeup bag. i go, she's not going to find anything in there. i had a second wine opener in my makeup bag, i swear. a tiny one. somehow subconsciously i stuck it in there. >> jimmy: really. >> she like takes it out. oh my god, i'm going to be on a no-fly list. something's going to happen to me. she goes, you can't have these on the plane. i'm like, i know. here's the thing. i just like alcohol. [ laughter ] and apparently i needed to be very prepared. but like i had the full one. >> jimmy: yeah. >> with the arms and the spike. >> jimmy: how did that get in there? >> i don't know but i'm always quite prepare sdpld like vacationing with kathie lee and hoda with you. >> they really know what they're doing. >> jimmy: those things break a lot, it's good to have a backup. >> apparently you can't fly with them. >> jimmy: are you a big drinker in general? >> huge drinker, huge. >> jimmy: do you drink on the
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plane? >> love to drink on the plane. it's the best time. i don't have to fly, i just sit there. don't have to drive wrrt best time to get on there, have a couple of sips. i'm into bourbon now. i'm not allowed to carry a wine opener so i can just take the bourbon top off, click, easy. easy. >> jimmy: that's convenient. >> very convenient. but that's why i'm enjoying the flying thing. >> jimmy: because you're drunk. >> i can pass out. everyone is like so less annoying when i get to that point. that drinking point. everyone's great. >> jimmy: that's interesting. because i always find that people are drinking around me, they become much more annoying. >> they do? >> jimmy: yeah, maybe you're just notes. ing -- >> i don't know. >> jimmy: you've been more annoys than they are. [ laughter ] >> i'm like, everything's great! i think it's great! >> jimmy: these people are boring! >> i'm starting to question a lot things now. >> jimmy: i'm glad we had this talk, i really am. every time i'm on a plane it seems like "big bang theory" is on a plane. >> it is. >> jimmy: is that uncomfortable for you? >> do you ever do this when you're flying? you have your own little tv but you find yourself watching the
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other tvs. >> jimmy: always. >> why do we do that? >> jimmy: i don't know. >> it's constantly "big bang." i find myself, i hate the sound of my voice, so i like to watch it that way. i can see it, see what's going on, check out how i looked, but i don't have to hear anything. but i've been caught a couple of times. i'm like, hey! thank you! good! i don't have to hear it. >> jimmy: you kind of have to do that. >> you do. >> jimmy: they know -- they might 12 be watching it because you're there, to make some kind of a connection. >> it's weird. it shows that people love to watch our show on the plane. >> jimmy: it is a good -- people love to watch it, it's very popular in general. it makes sense they would be also watching it on the plane. >> it works for us because you're kind of forced. what can you do? you have to watch it. you can't jump off the plane if you hate the. you've got to stay in it, watch it and commit. >> jimmy: these are great tips. great traveling tips that you get. >> foilsed upon you. >> jimmy: number one, get your wine opener. get as drunk as possible. we're going to take a break.
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kaley cuoco is with us! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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12:10 am
cheez-it grooves. chips made with 100% real cheese. dang right it's a chip! what twisted ankle?ask what muscle strain? advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil.
12:11 am
i'm going on a target run. you need anything? . it's about time they gave left and right twix® their own packs. they got about as much in common as you, a mortician, and me, an undertaker. (chuckling) or you, a janitor, and me, a custodian. (laughing) or you, a ghost, and me, a spirit. (laughing) left and right twix® packs. it's time to deside.
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mr. >> hey, i thought you were coming right back. >> i was but we're both
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depressed and decided to drown our sorrows. >> in mouthwash? man, that is so summer camp. >> jimmy: that is kaley cuoco, season 11 of "the big bang theory." which is on monday night. season 11. last time you were here, about a year ago, you were saying you didn't know if you were going to come back. >> really didn't know. >> jimmy: what happened? >> i think i told you it was an expensive question. >> jimmy: you did say that. >> we're back, two years. [ cheers and applause ] we're thrilled. >> jimmy: so now -- you guys have been on a long team. i know -- is there like -- i know you guys will buy gifts for the crew at christmas time or whenever. is there a competition between the stars of the show as to who buys the best item? >> well, it's gotten tough. season 1, we all excited to be there, we wanted to go huge. the problem is up to now, 11, we're trying to top what we do every single year. >> jimmy: right. >> it's getting a little bit
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more difficult. hike this year, i don't know, do we buy everyone a house? we didn't know what to -- like cars? like amazon gift cards are not doing it anymore. >> jimmy: right, yeah. >> we have to step it up. >> jimmy: what were as a matter of fact past gifts that you had? >> you know what we did recently, from being on your show, we raced around in the suitcases, the moto bags. the motorized suitcases. we did those for crew gifts. it's hysterical. >> jimmy: do they like them? >> i see it a lot, a crew member driving their suitcase on the lot. they love it. >> jimmy: people are commuting with those. they're filled with bottle openers? >> mine is, yeah. mine definitely is. mine has to be checked. >> jimmy: you posted something on instagram that caught my eye. i'd like to put it up on the screen. this is -- it's a video here. there's you and your dog. >> the swing. >> jimmy: on a swing that is -- is that inside the house? >> that's in my house? that's what i thought. >> well, it's so funny. i kind of like weird stuff. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> and i september an e-mail to
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my interior deck decorator. >> jimmy: and it's going to go on forever, yeah. >> i sent an e-mail to my decorator what do you think, i know this is crazy, what do you think about having a swing in my house? that's all i wrote. he didn't respond for a while. and i was like, i just thought it was such a cool idea. later he sent me a text, i'm sorry, what kind of swing are you talking about? are you thinking like in the bedroom? [ laughter ] he thought it was a sex swing. i'm like, no, i want the normal living room swing like everyone wants. he's like, okay, less crazy but still crazy. but i really wanted to be able to like swing while i watched tv. it was like this weird thought. >> jimmy: in place of a couch? >> yeah. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's a very good idea, i think. >> we put it in there, it's so awesome. people come over and they're like, they want to sit on the swing. >> jimmy: sure. >> the funniest part is my dogs have taken it over. it's the most expensive dog bed i've ever bought. but it hangs from the ceiling and i hope my ceiling doesn't come down one day, crash on my
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head. >> jimmy: i would assume you got it professionally installed. >> i did it myself. tied it up there. no, i had a wunsch of guys. so funny, construction guys standing there, how the hell are we going to hang this thing? at the manicurist you feel like everyone's talking about you, you're getting your nails done and they're making fun of you? >> jimmy: i haven't had this experience. >> that's what i feel is happening with the guys in my house working on my furniture. no, kaley. do you believe this? she's putting a frickin' thing in her ceiling! they were sxheetly thinking i was out of my mind. i thought it looked great. >> jimmy: it's a weird idea but it's kind of a great idea. >> don't you want one now? >> jimmy: yeah, i would. i'm going to -- it would be great if we had swinging furniture, can we do that? [ cheers and applause ] you may have revolutionized the talk show. years from now people will look back at this moment, yeah, that's when all talk shows started having swings. [ laughter ] >> that's so true. >> jimmy: it's very good to see you. >> thank you. >> jimmy: have fun on the swing. >> thank you.
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>> jimmy: kaley cuoco, everybody. "the big bang theory" monday nights on cbs. be right back with david muir! with 33 individual vertebrae and 640 muscles in the human body no two of us are alike. life made more effortless through adaptability. the perfect position seat in the lincoln continental. ♪ ♪ ♪watch this ♪ ♪watch this ♪
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got it. get new lower prices on thousands of items. target run and done.
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>> jimmy: welcome back. still to come, music from the xx. our next guest hasn't seen a single slow news day in two years. he is the anchor of "world news tonight with david muir," now the most watched network evening news in america. watch it weeknights on abc. please welcome david muir. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i know this is a dumb thing. but it's always amazing to me that you go do the news, then you're here like after, like that anything else happens outside of that. >> we try to make sure, which hasn't been easy, to have a slow news night. >> jimmy: it's true, right? >> the way it's worked out is you've been on my show more than i've been on your show lately. >> jimmy: oh, is that right. [ laughter ] let me make up for that tonight. if you're on my show, unless
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you're a guest, it's usually for not the best reasons. so that's probably good. >> i'll take it. let me say one thing about you being on the news lately. we live in a polarized country, a divided nation. people are going to agree and disagree with you and i knew you knew that going in. looking back people aren't going to remember the jokes you told here, no offense, but they will remember the bravery, that you stood up for your little guy and children's health care. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's very nice. and i appreciate it. but i think they're also going to remember "girls on trampolines." i'd like that to be my legacy as well. i like to balance -- >> these that one. >> jimmy: you were mentioning, talking about the news, do you find -- because for us sometimes we have the show all ready, and stephen colbert was here, he has the same situation, you scrap the whole show because things change so quickly. >> literally an hour before air. every single night.
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>> jimmy: why do you think that is? >> well, why do you think that is? [ laughter ] do you like that? how we just -- you should just wait until the news airs, i can give you all the material you need. honestly, we come in every morning and work in the newsroom, we have meetings, i don't know why. i do like the people i work with. the meeting at 10:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., is not the news cast we end up doing because the news is lightning speed and every day there's breaking news. it's hard to believe a year ago this week, the first debate between donald trump and hillary clinton. doesn't that feel like a decade ago? >> jimmy: it sure does. >> we've lived a lifetime. >> jimmy: that was a year ago? >> that was just a year ago. >> jimmy: oh my god, we're in for a long four years. [ laughter ] that is crazy. how do you decide -- how many story dozen you do in a night? >> we do quite a few. the first block is usually about 16, 17 minutes long. and it's no joke, we do scrap it about an hour before air and we're hammering out intros and the scripts from the correspondents and it's a team effort. the reporters and we have an
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amazing team that covered the campaign, now the administration. but eight or nine in-depth stories in the first block. then a second, third, and fourth block. and i always say that at the beginning of the show, in the last couple of weeks as you know, health care, north korea, natural disasters. now we have a debate over the nfl. it's sort of a lot to. >> it on americans' plate, i think. i feel for them at night watching. and i try to signal in some way we are in it together and we'll do it all again tomorrow night. >> jimmy: one thing we like as americans is to have a lot on our plate. [ laughter ] and then nothing at the end meal. >> that's right. >> jimmy: that's really what we're best at. >> it is. >> jimmy: so, okay. so you're doing -- how long have you been in news, in general? >> listen, for real -- 13 years old. >> jimmy: 13 years old? >> i began interning at the local station. i wrote to the news guy and started carrying the tripod and ripping the scripts. and then landed -- that was my first job after college.
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>> jimmy: "world nuts ton is the number one network news show. how long has it been since abc was number one? >> hey i have no idea what you're talking about. 21 years since peter jennings. >> jimmy: who was your idol? >> was my idol, yeah. >> jimmy: this photograph was taken when you were how old? >> this is my first year on the job at abc. i was so proud to work with peter. you'd have to walk past this bus stop on the way in. i'll never forget it. they have a standby guy. when peter finishes, have a good evening, good night. he sits there. they call me down to the edit room. i'm the standby guy for peter if there's breaking news. they call me down. i'm watching this. you see him say, have a good evening, good night. he goes, i don't know why we did this, critiquing the show. you can hear the floor director michelle say who the standby guy is. who? they say, david. david who? they start laughing. they wanted to put me in my place, he had no idea.
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without looking up he goes, he's the chap on the overnights, he's quite good. i still have that on loop in my office. [ laughter ] honestly it was an honor to walk in the door. peter jennings, diane sawyer, barbara walters, ted koppel. >> jimmy: sam son donaldson. >> amazing at the white house, and our team, like him all those years later they ask those tough questions. the first call from peter jennings in the field, i was covering a natural disaster, they said peter's on the line? i said, peter who? >> jimmy: you got him back. >> no. when i got on the phone i knew. >> jimmy: oh, i've seen him on the overnights, he's very good. [ laughter ] speaking of being in the field you were in florida during the hurricane. why were you there? isn't there a weatherman nobody likes you can send to those jobs [ laughter ] >> unfortunately we really like to intern. we've had a lot this year. >> jimmy: yeah. >> this reminds me of katrina. i was in the superdome. i remember the roof peeling off,
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families there with their glad garbage bags full of the belongings they could take ow their homes in time. katrina, right tax wilma. this year 15 with this succession of hurricanes. you mention irma. puerto rico, we had an amazing team there. one night in particular, we were headed into the keys, all of a sudden we see this barricade. they were stopping all these families who didn't know if their house was still standing, a lot of them had families still there in the keys, and they would not give. i thought, we can't get any further, pull the truck over, we'll do the newscast at this intersection. that night you could see the lights behind us. the anguish in the faces of the families. we stayed there overnight to get in the next day and go down and take that route with the families. >> jimmy: the govern ever's on television telling everyone, you must evacuate now. and you guys are head to headed into the hurricane. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's a bad message. [ laughter ] >> it's a bad message to send, yeah. >> jimmy: evacuate now! unless you're part of a network news team, then go right in there. >> yeah. i'm on to something now.
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isn't there a weather guy you don't like? maybe i've figured it out. isn't there an anchor we don't like? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: find out who's that young david muir eyeing your spot. [ applause ] send him out. it's very good to see you. congratulations on how well the show is doing. [ cheers and applause ] "world news tonight with david muir" airs weeknights on abc. be right back with the xx! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. . at stanford health care, we can now use a blood sample to detect lung cancer. if we can do that, imagine what we can do for asthma. and if we can stop seizures in epilepsy patients
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with a small pacemaker for the brain, imagine what we can do for multiple sclerosis, even migraines. if we can use patients' genes to predict heart disease in their families, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. imagine what we can do for you. imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. dilike, outside dirt,. that's not a bad thing. also, it comes off. inside dirt, yeah. that's way different. but now there's a more powerful chevron with techron.
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yeah. it has even more cleaning power to clean up deposits left by low quality gas. and cleaning up deposits restores lost gas mileage. it's legit. now with more cleaning power. chevron with techron. care for your car. nice hat! >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: thanks to kaley cuoco, david muir. apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next. but first their album is called "i see you." here with the song "dangerous," the xx! ♪ ♪
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♪ they say we're in danger but i disagree if proven wrong shame on me but you've had faith in me ♪ ♪ so i won't shy away should it all fall down you'll have been my favorite mistake they say ♪ ♪ you are dangerous %-pd that i'm not scared ♪
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♪ if this only ends in tears then i won't say goodbye cause i couldn't ♪ ♪ care less if they call us reckless until they are breathless they must be blind ♪ ♪ there are voices raining over they keep saying danger danger i can't make them take you makes no difference ♪ ♪ no one can take this away should it all fall down i'll treasure
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each day they say ♪ ♪ you are dangerous but i don't care i'm going to pretend that i'm not scared ♪ ♪ if this only ends in tears then i won't say goodbye cause i couldn't ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ care less if they call us reckless
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until they are breathless they must be blind ♪ ♪ let them say there are warning signs they must be blind they must be blind they say ♪ ♪ ♪ if this only ends in tears then i won't say goodbye ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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tonight on a special edition of "nightline." you did it. they did it. superman and oprah did it. tonight the man behind the challenge. a star college athlete faced with a devastating diagnosis. >> pete says to doctor, how much money do you need to cure this thing? >> inspiring a viral sensation. >> it's going to be in time so other people will never have to have this. >> with the love of his life by his side. >> pete said to you, i'll understand if you leave? >> i'm pretty sure i told him to -- basically shut up. >> $220 million raised to fight a.l.s. giving hope to those following in their footsteps. this special edition of "nightline," "beyond the bucket," will be right back. k.


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