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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  December 5, 2017 1:42am-2:12am PST

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did is nothing short of amazing. this suv is on its side and folks are trapped inside. >> tearing off the windshield with his bare hands? >> yes, he jumped into action. >> that's going to shred him to pieces. >> consider, wynd shields are safety glass. they're designed to not have sharp edges for incidents and accidents, if you were to go through it, it would cut you off. >> peeling it off like it's plastic. >> that stops working, he grabs a rock. reports are the first folks to respond smelled gas so they knew they had to jump into action. the folks inside are trapped so they got to get them out of there and after a while they do just that. >> oh, see, there it is. aside from the cuts on his hand he was fine. the folks inside were taken to the hospital. this dude didn't stay around to wait for praise. he hopped on the next train and continued on his journey. he's an off-duty soldier so it was second instinct to jump in
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there and help. this next video is pretty amazing as well. we've got icy conditions, we're in traffic. notice this car goes around that truck. >> no, don't do that, man. >> oh no. >> oh! >> nice, everybody gets out of this, right? >> yes, they do. that's drifting 101 right there, my friend. >> no, that's luck. >> snowdrifting. >> notice the other cars come to a stop. we have a replay of that and in slow motion. the suv comes swinging around, just misses the silver car in front of it and rrr! >> the only situation is the guy that caused that has no idea. they've gone off down the road, no idea the chaos behind. >> that was very careless but it all turned out all right. spend a little time at the beach. the beaches of dubai. lots of people turned out for a special event on this day. they're releasing some turtles from the turtle rehab project. >> are they remote control?
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>> they have gps antenna. if you look closely, 4 of 1 turtles that were released on this day have lost a flipper. they were brought in for treatment. most of the damage was done from plastic. we know plastic can be very harmful to turtles especially to their digestive system. if they get caught up into any of this plastic it can cause an amputation, but they attached tracking devices to find out what will happen if we release turtles that are missing a flipper, back into the wild? >> will the antenna alert them there's trouble or is just going to track them to see how long they can survive that way? >> they think it will track and see how far they're able to get, where they wind up going and if they turn up for the worse i think researcher also also be able to figure that out. >> think about why it's important. if they get sent out with this and see they can adapt, they know any injured turtle doesn't have to be kept in captivity and those can go out and enjoy a free life. >> and the opposite is also true f they can't survive it's best
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to keep hem at a rehab center where they can live a happy laf life. >> it's a risky but bit of important bit of information they're hoping to garner. ♪ happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you ♪ >> this is a very special day for james. he's turning 21, and this is the moment he's coming home to an enormous surprise. watch this, everybody is anticipating this moment, when he walks in the house. he is guided through the hallway, and then watch this. >> look at all these cards. >> oh wow. >> do you so ee that? thousands of birthday cards that people from all over the world have sent james. >> i think i saw this on facebook. i saw the appeaat the appeals ta card. >> james is autistic and apparently was a bit bummed out, he didn't think that anyone was going to care about his
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birthday. in fact, his sister lucy recorded this video where he talks about how he feels about his upcoming birthday. >> it depends on -- >> i know we'll make it a special one, okay? >> okay. >> he was not sure what was going to happen. it was going to be amazing and so special because after she posted that appeal she got about 6,000 messages to which she replied to each one. >> birthdays can be tough for people on the autism spectrum. people find them hard to understand. they've not always got and sometimes they have the birthday parties and nobody shows up. it can be heartbreaking which is why i love these campaigns so much. >> in mexico, australia, chile. >> look at his face, they tell him the different countries that are represented in the cards. he's got a big old smile. now we also get to see him opening some of his cards, but not just that, check this out. he even got gifts.
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>> dinosaur. dinosaurs. >> dinosaurs. >> it's going to take him a long time but you can tell in those glimpses of smiles that come through throughout the video, this is a really nice gesture for his sister and all those people to come through to wish him a happy 21st birthday. >> you got your work cut out for you, james. this suburban house looks ordinary from the street. >> 70-year-old michael saunders who you may have figured out is like 6% of americans, he's a hoarder. he's actually got two houses, two doors apart. both of them are just as bad. so is the backyard, so are the cars. thea and cass are professionals when they clean stuff up. >> when we first came you couldn't see anything from here. >> you can see some of the pictures showing the yard what it was looking like and now
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standing in front of it cleared out. >> this is a lovely conservatory which he's not able to use. >> look at the conservativetory, unusable. >> a lot of the times something happened, an event in a person's life that causes them to hold onto things. >> in michael's case he went through a cancer diagnosis and recovery. >> this might be the only thing that he can control. >> i don't know what happened, i don't know why he's like this, but he spends most of his time in his car. >> it's crazy, as they're cleaning, what you can find and where. >> plates, casserole dishes, sau saucers. >> and in the kitchen there's just everything. t and cass aren't just trainers, they're trained in mental health care. >> during the cleanup mr. saunders has been happy, chirpy, cheerful, but he's in denial. >> almost trying to rationalize it. >> i looked upon buying my equipment for my home as an investment, and i still regard
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it as an investment. i became what you call probably people might say a hoarder. >> he does kind of know. >> i have to bow down to the "i need help." it's hard to ask for help. >> as he's talking the emotion starts coming out. >> although that upsets emotionally. >> that moment that we just saw in the video was the first time he'd actually admitted it out loud around these guys. >> these ladies are not only helping him clean up but saving his life. >> he's come a long way, but there is a long, long way to go. it doesn't matter -- >> your kids are always gonna find a way to make you look like a bad parent. >> hear what she has to say next. and it's wild ice back country skating. this is where you go out and find wild ice. see nature at its finest. at them
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that might help. show me the carfax. now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. show me used trucks with one owner. pretty cool. [laughs] ah... ahem... show me the carfax. start your used car search and get free carfax reports at the all-new well, you'd be drowning in magma.yers, wait, what? - hot hot hot hot hot - if the earth needs layers, so does your chocolate bar. get layers of crunchy and creamy. hershey's cookie layer crunch. get layered. can you pass me that tinsel? ooh, a pink tree?one. it's millennial pink! not seeing the vision. how about a little gold? how about rose gold? let's do it! um, love!
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closed captioning provided closed captioning provided by -- no pill relieves heartburn faster. closed captioning provided by -- if you've been ice skating and you've struggled i think it's because they put the stupid walls arounded rink. you can't get anywhere. that's why you're crashing into things. couple guys in alaska called "wild ice back country skating"
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where you go out and just find wild ice. no rinks. no walls. this is just experiencing nature as it was meant to be experienced, scooting along the quiet of the ice. >> isn't this just an alaskan commute? this is how people get to work. >> in some cases areas are easily accessible, roads are nearby but in other cases a bit more of a journey and trek. they shot in places plik kenai lake, lagoons, turnan arm to name a few. >> there's a baby. some of us need the walls and the whistle and the person to rescue you. note do, do, do, do, do ♪ >> they're skating well. not a zamboni in sight. seems smooth. >> kale green and paxton wahlberg say some of the lakes and water they found did look like it had just been zambonied. you can find pure ice out there in the southeastern and southern part of alaska, what these guys
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did. took about is atwo-seasons. some is from last season because the ice hasn't totally formed yet but some shots are from recent. >> i want to try this. i'm going to sit on my bottom and let y'all push me. >> you'll have some cold cheeks there. >> the pair made the video to generate interest in back country skating and i think they did a darned good job at doing that. okay parents, time to get real. >> doesn't matter how good of a parent you are, your kids are always going to find a way to make you look like a bad parent. >> for example -- >> like how you can't get your almost 3-year-old potty trained? that time you [ bleep ] in front of him, like he hasn't forgotten that. [ bleep ] we don't say that word. >> yes, they do. >> yeah, i say [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> and the more you try to get them to stop the more they're going to be saying it. >> what about that time you had that talk about how your kids, you don't want them to grow up and drink and smoke?
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>> when i grow up, i'm going to drink and smoke. >> oh, thank you. anybody who has kids is going to see that kid and go i remember when my kid did that. >> i read an article once that said you should teach your kids the proper name for their private parts. he just randomly runs around and yells [ bleep ]. >> so do i. [ bleep ]. >> it could all make for some interesting parent/teacher conferences. >> my said they'd beat their butt but with the "a" word. he said you said that you say that to his brother all the time. nope. time to play along, starting with -- dude pours something that appears to be alive in what looks to be a beer. then a co-worker pulls a fast one. >> whoa! >> and -- >> that was so well done. >> watch and decide, ebaum world is next.
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1:58 am
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1:59 am
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2:00 am
listen up, everybody at home. it's your turn to play along, it's real or fake time, our man max dreidel is here to determine what's right in the world. >> thank you very much, mac dreidel back on "right this minute," another monday, another installment of real or fake where you can keep it real or -- >> get the fake out. >> roll the clip. >> individuvideo number one. oh, dude pours something that appears to be alive in what looks to be a beer. >> why is he doing this? >> oh, dude. oh, oh. oh, oh. >> he's drinking them. >> this guy parties hard. oh, gosh. >> he just ended all parties. >> is that kind of like drinking the worm in the tequila times ten? >> nothing like it. the things aren't moving in
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tequila. >> well, i'll say real. >> it looked like he was drinking it. i'm going to go real as well but that's weird, man. >> maybe they are octopus legs? >> i'm going to go with real, too. >> i'm going with traumatized. >> savage, mac, we're going real. >> i'm with you guys, i think it's real. i don't know what those were either but it looked like he downed them all and he parties hard. who doesn't want to make out this dude after this right here or this stunt? >> aparentally you do. >> nothing fishy about that one. video number two? >> no! oh my gosh! >> whoa! >> you know i'm going to say real because i know a couple of people here who would react the same exact way. >> i'm going real because it's the person that chases after her. >> it's a rubber snake, right, not a real snake. >> i think her reaction was real. >> so fake. >> i would go with you, fake. >> we're all real. >> three real as, two fakes.
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mac, where are you at? >> to me it looks luke a real snake that coils around her when the guy drops it on her. it's hard to tell. it could be fake, but i think because it looks like a real snake to me i'm going real on this clip. >> individual knvideo number th. >> yes! >> yeah! >> that was so well done, and fake as heck. >> i would believe it if it didn't get that high in the air. >> as soon as those rockets fired up could you tell it was digital. give them credit for the sound, chaos, shaky cam camera, everything felt authentic up until that moment. >> man mussily fake. >> the whole internet is with you guys, search calling fake on this clip. i think they may have gone a little overboard on the audio but it was an impressive digital masterpiece they created but i'm still going fake. >> there you have it. another episode of real or fake.
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thanks, mac. >> thanks guys, later. you guys ared to see the kitty? >> hello. who wants a night cap? >> oh yeah, did i mention these kitties happen to be cubs? >> i thought the cages were excessive for tiny little kittens. >> the center for animal research and education or c.a.r.e., and the person offering the bottles to these two girls, big cat derek, and the operations director. he's experiencing what most parents experience, a fussy child. >> you can actually -- no, you gotta drink it. no, you have to actually drink it. >> not interested. so he moves on's like look, you it, let me go over here to zara and she if she'll have some. >> my name is zara. >> i'm surprised he's not in the cage with them. they are pretty small. >> not that small. >> zara, she drinks up, but now time to go back to mika.
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>> is it my turn now? >> no fussing. no fussing. >> no, it's not her time. he spends nearly ten minutes trying to get this tiger cub to drink the bottle. he eventually does go inside. >> nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. >> doesn't it seem like it's the wrong meal for this beast? maybe instead of milk, blood, at least? >> i want steak! >> plan b does not involve steak. >> we're going to do this now. >> there you go. now we're talking. >> they both get a side quarter about you mika has to wait. >> okay, there you go. >> time for mika to finally eat something, but that room looks peculiar because they get brought inside at the center every night. they are fed separately so they can get the nutrition that they need. it never fails. >> you've gotta make a grand
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entrance into the wedding reception. >> and grand it was, my friend. >> no!
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of those balls bounced back into one guy's eye. >> didn't see that coming. it never fails, you've got to make a grand entrance into the wedding reception. this bridesmaid and groomsman failed. ♪ >> don't do it. going for the dirty dancing? >> here they come. they're walking out, bring 'em out, bring 'em out. >> the dude is not patrick swayze. >> they fail who ahorribly. >> they do. >> no! oh shoot! >> he broke her fall. she almost long darted right into that gorgeous green grass. >> grabbed her by the side. she was not even like centered. >> she jumped well. she did everything right. he just wasn't quite ready. he was going for her waist but ended up with leg. >> you can't see her waist in that flowy dress. who knows where it is? >> leg is leg my brother. this juken video is more proof
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to why we gotta stop doing -- no, don't stop, keep 'em coming. >> you see how she smacked him on the arm? >> she did good. he deserved it. >> i'm sorry, man. >> well, if you're sorry for that i'm sorry for laughing at this. >> she has the tongue is it you can to the pop. >> the only way people can wine or communicate is going ahh, ahh, ahh, and sounds ridiculous. >> the laughs turn into tears. >> sorry. i didn't mean to laugh. >> it's just a complete meltdown. >> it wasn't a meltdown. if it was she wouldn't be in that situation. that's our show for today. we'll see you
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