tv Right This Minute ABC December 19, 2017 1:42am-2:12am PST
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camera rolling because that footage is so important. i think that's what ecoman geary was thinking as people were being evacuated from this area in indonesia. >> is this the bali volcano? >> this is mt. agu, an active volcano that has killed hundreds and hundreds of people over the decades, and now it's spewing all of this smoke into the sky. that is why tens of thousandsav evacuated. >> but they had to shut down flights because it was dangerous for the planes to be in the air, so a lot of people are still trapped on the island. >> correct. ecomong being one of them. >> i'm such a jerk. >> why? >> because i can't help but think, if you're going to risk your life climbing towards the summit of an active volcano, turn the dang phone horizontally and get the shot, man! you're missing two-thirds of the
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picture! let me see something! you're risking your life for this, man! >> go out with a bang, why don't you. >> gosh. >> i have a feeling we need to be evacuated now. >> even in that little sliver of video that we do end up getting it's still pretty cool to see the smoke actually coming from inside the volcano. >> i'm going to climb to the top of this mountain and look through a keyhole. >> is he being criticized by a lot of people on the internet because they think he was stupid for going out there to get a video and risking his life to do it. we hope everybody in the area is good and the volcano calms down a little bit. back in the day in asia, i used to be a game show host, and take it from me, when you're being asked even the most simple question on television, you could completely lose track of what's going on. there's a guy in this spanish game show called who's still standing, he's been given a question that even nicklaus could get.
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[ speaking in foreign language ] >> i'll translate for you, who is steve rogers in "the avengers" a doctor, a sir or captain. >> maybe its he's captain america. >> that is captain america's real name. with $120,000 on the line you got it. alberto panics. >> the shirt. >> the right answer under his nose literally he still with only five seconds completely flubs it. and goes -- >> no. >> unfortunately for alberto, this particular clip has gone very viral as you can imagine, because of just the crippling irony of him hearing the t-shirt and the marvel are the biggest movie series in the world, everyone is coming down on him. i think he wanted to go more viral. later on in the show this also happened. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> he's very in love and while on television through the television, proposes to his
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girlfriend, and asks if she will marry him in vegas. >> it would have been different if he was, baby, i just won 120 grand, be my wife. she'd go, yeah! baby i lost but i'm winning with you. not quite. >> if anything, i'll give alberto the loss of the question, because he was thinking about this proposal so much. >> i'll give him credit for putting on his t-shirt the right way around. for years now, i've really wanted to learn how to paraglide, paramotor but i never really thought it would be like on your first flight. now i don't have to wonder. here's frank giselli on his first solo flight. >> shift your head toward me. there you go. >> the best thing about this video is his very calm instruct your. >> that's the guy. >> hands back, keep it forward. deep moving forward.
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>> the wing is up, uh-oh, uh-oh. >> release the edge. little pressure. keep moving forward. >> got a secondary guy there to help out. frank, you're not out of the weeds yet. keep going. >> lean back big, power, lean back, lean back, bingo, pressure. >> go, go, go! >> you're doing it! >> yeah, he got up in the air! >> very nice. lift your knees. find your seat. >> the instructor still with him. >> make a right turn. 90 degrees to the right. very nice. beautiful, brother! >> frank says in his description there is a time in life one must risk/reward. more amazing light in just a matter of moments, would you risk it all? >> yes. >> so, well, that's what i think frank has finally figured out. he's flying. he's still getting instruction learning thousa ining how to tu right. you got to put this down on the ground. >> in five seconds we'll shut down, keep the heading. >> he's gliding down, his feet
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are out. >> keep looking forward, doing perfect, keep looking forward, not down. wait, wait, pressure. pressure. run forward, run forward on your feet, run forward, turn around. >> yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah, boy. >> oh my gosh, he must be so thrilled. >> i want to do it. i don't care how cold it is, when a dog wants to go outside and play, a dog will go outside and play like this one here in siberia. now, this video is older but trending. little jack russell terrier is making its way through a snowdrift to get after that frisbee. >> it looks frigid. >> christian, this city is known as the coldest major city in the world, and it gets to be minus 67 degrees fahrenheit in the winter months, where they have two months of no sun. >> this dog is acting like it's 60 degrees out. >> yes he is, because the dog is like hey, i want that frisbee.
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>> this is quite a temperate stay. this is t-shirt weather. >> the dog is like i can do this. i think i can. just right out of reach. >> this is the owner's way of shoveling a path. >> i want to go over there now. i want to go over there. >> good job, schmiegel. >> the owner of this 5-year-old dog named snoopy, just started going in circles. >> just putting time lapse. . >> just cutting corners. >> obviously these dogs like snow. how about this cat, frank. he's going to touch snow for the first time. let's just say frank is like the french. and then -- retreat! grandpa is taking the girls for a walk. >> using backpacks attached to leashes to walk with three of
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his identical granddaughters down the street. >> see the adorable bonding moment and the unintentional yawn. >> right. >> some people think it's rude. learn the five ways to hide the yawn. >> cover your entire face with a shirt. >> that's ridiculous. i feel ready to shine. some whitening toothpastes only remove surface stains, colgate optic white high impact white is different. it has hydrogen peroxide, to whiten four shades for a visibly whiter smile. trust your smile to colgate optic white. my sinuses. i mean, could you be any more dramatic? i've had it. i'm taking mucinex sinus-max. it's got a triple action formula. carl? carl! mucinex sinus-max. triple-action fights pain, congestion, & pressure. let's end this. excellence haircolor by l'oréal. it colors. with pro-keratine complex rich, radiant color and it cares for my hair. no color protects better. or covers gray better.
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plus intensive moisturizers. gold bond psoriasis relief. in the lotion isle. like us on face >> in this box are some balloons. >> these three brothers are so excited, they're about to to have a fourth little sibling, at least when this video was recorded and daniel lloyd, former miss great britain a model and also a "big brother" star is holding a box. inside are balloons obviously with a corresponding color to the gender of their upcoming sibling. that is why the guys are so excited about the possibility of a sister. >> who wants a girl? >> me! >> me! >> who wants a boy? >> no. >> we got it now. >> we have hey ad it, we're don. >> these are kids from a
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previous marriage. she's engaged to michael o'neill and that is their first baby. it's time to reveal the gender. >> one, two, three! >> it's a boy! >> party's over. everybody wrap it up and go home. >> their little brother was born three months ago. they're still going to try for a girl because they really would like to have a girl and she says she would even consider gender selection. >> yes! over to the next video from china. people are falling in love with grandpa here, who is using backpacks attached to leashes to walk with three of his identical granddaughters down the street. >> here's the thing, before you start emailing, i'm not a parent or grandparent but i feel like you're condemned if you do, condemned if you don't. you put them on the leash people say negative things, you don't and they run around people say
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negative things. they're doing fine and cute and they're having a good ol' time with gramps. did this ever happen the unintentional yawn? >> right. >> some people think it's rude. >> hey, daniel. >> hey. >> how are you, man? good to see you.. >> good to see but. >> what's up? >> actually i went to this party and it was amazing. >> oh, there it is. there it is! that is rude, inconsiderate and you got to learn how to hide it. daniel has five ways to do so. >> number one, mouth closed yawning. yawn out while clenching your teeth. >> i do that on the show. you can always tell because my eyes start to water. >> you seem to have perfected that. >> number two, that's so interesting, yawning. put your lips together as if you find the last sentence really interesting and yawn through your eyes. >> hmm. >> number three. i think i'm gonna sneeze yawning or this is a little advanced, cover your mouth with your hands
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as if you're going to sneeze. >> why is he using his woman as a model for yawning during the conversation? he got upset. >> sorry, what are you saying? >> number four, my personal favorite, cough yawning. hide your yawn with a cup of coffee. >> you're losing this, calderon. >> if you don't skr a chave a c coffee, number five. >> cover your entire face with the shirt. >> that's just ridiculous. >> watch and learn, folks. >> it's coming. it's coming. i think i have to yawn. here it comes! >> oh, that's the way. >> nick, i hate to tell you this, but your video is a yawner. >> no it's not mine, daniel koren, comedian and musician, check him out. >> he won't leave you yawning. mplg it's time to play real or fake with -- >> mac dreidel! >> getting it started with a
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performance gone wrong. how do you forget you're standing at the edge of a pool? >> you ever heard of being in the moment? >> have you ever been sang with love? and a man claims to have bigfoot's head. >> oh my goodness. >> watch and decide, ebaum world is next. it's what's inside the person who opens it. ♪ give ancestrydna, the only dna test that can trace your origins to over 150 ethnic regions... ♪ ...and open up a world of possibilities. ♪ save 20% for the holidays at [ various sound effects ] it only takes 15 minutes, to bring holiday cheer. get the party started with delicious chex party mix.
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just in time for the holidays! hey google, turn on the christmas tree. [ cheering ] when does the family get here? they're already here! this house is for you! us?! all of us, to be together. aw! i love you man. it's just missing one thing. [ barks ] wow! 60% of women are wearing the wrong size pad and can experience leaks discover always my fit. find the number that's right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. the better the fit, the better it protects. always. and that's not a tissue protection. lysol kills over 100 illness-causing germs and viruses, even those that may cause runny noses. lysol. what it takes to protect.
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want to see a video again and again and again? head over to, find tons of videos and share them with your friends. in an age where people question what is real, what is fake, we go to the titan of truth, mac dreidel! [ cheers and applause ] >> that's right, there's just too many fake videos out there. we're going to call it how we see it. is it real? is it fake? you can either keep it real or -- it >> get the fake out. >> roll the clip. ♪ >> here we go with video number one. ♪ >> yep. this is real. >> oh, yeah. >> this guy was singing his song and putting way too much emotion and passion into it.
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did not want to look like a fool in that moment. >> i'm going to say it's real. >> how do you forget you're standing right at the edge of a pool? >> you ever heard of singing in the moment? >> i'm going with real. >> i'm with you guys. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> the reaction to me is what really sells it as being real. he looks embarrassed. this isn't the guy that wants to end up in the pool. >> video number two. >> a piece of plain white printed paper like this and transform it into a virtual saber like this. >> this guy is claiming that he's come up with an app that he's going to get into the app store, it's not there yet but this is the prototype. >> is this happening inside an app or did he do this after the fact on like an editing software? i think this has been done after the fact. i don't think it's a real app. >> i'm going fake. i don't think this is a real app. he certainly didn't cut vegetables. that's what gives it away for me. i think he did this all in post
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and looks like he's creating an app. >> 2020cv on twitter, looks like a real company that makes apps so it all strikes me as legit, so i'm going to go real on this one. it's not in the stores yet but i'll be downloading it when it is. >> when it comes out, you download it. i'll believe it when i see it. >> all right, here we go with the third and final video. >> my father always warned me, he said, peter if you show the bigfoot head it's going to cause problems in your life and it has and he also warned me'government knows about it -- >> look. >> -- they're going to take it away because they don't want people to know the truth about bigfoot. >> oh, my goodness! >> this is what you wanted, you wanted proof of bigfoot, i have it. >> bigfoot was real, they beheaded it, and now it's extinct. thanks, guys. >> it's not his fault. his father obviously gave him these jewels to pass down the family. >> it isn't decomposed at all. that's crazy been.
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>> i'm going to say fake. nick, you seem conflicted. >> real, totally real. i'm going real. >> everything that i'm seeing on this is leading me towards thinking this is possibly real. >> i'm so thrilled to finally see evidence bigfoot. >> the question still remains, though, is the bigfoot a lot like, are there living bigfoots out there or this is the one and now it's gone. >> is he going to call it real or fake? has he done that yet? >> this is one of the hardest calls i've ever had to make. obviously he's got the head here. you know what? i got to go with my gut. this is fake. it was totally fake. [ laughter ] >> mac, i'm so disappointed. when your lady tells you, you've been going to the bars too much on the weekends, there's only one solution to keep the relationship together. >> you bring the bar to you. >> exactly what this guy did. he decided to turn his garage into a full-on bar, the report
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goes him and his girl were ravers back in their club days and so they of course needed lots of l.e.d. lights. it looks great. you've got some couches. you got what, maybe is that a beer pong table right there, a full bar with some nice stonework on it, stools, a nice shiny floor and keep in mind, that's a garage. >> like this is their garage now? like he turned it into a bar? >> yeah, i don't know where he puts all his motorcycles and cool cars but i guess that's not their priority. >> you just don't think about. but sit there and have a drink. >> exactly when the weather is nice you roll up the garage door and turn it into an open air venues. >> awesome, your neighbors can come over whenever they feel they need a drink. i hope he was a good bartender. santa has a very special surprise for this family. >> and santa claus is actually going to probably grant something that a lot of ladies have on their wish list this year. >> find out what st. nick pulls out that l
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i'm worried. i have this medical bill...oll, huh? dave, you have anthem and they have people to talk to who are empowered to help any question you... is, is he okay? real people? living and breathing. hopefully not breathing like that. for all the things that keep you up at night, anthem blue cross has a solution.
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new winnebago. if you want to see what happens g to our website and click on tv show or use our mobile app. that's barrett clark on the left, on the right, his girlfriend suzanne and their 2-year-old son. >> who is the dude in the middle with the beard? >> that is santa claus and santa claus is probably going to grant something a lot of ladies have than their wish list this year. right there, there's santa talking to him. cameron gets antsy. i'm thinking that kid did everything right because right at the right moment he gets ants in his pants and doesn't want mama to hold him and he sits quietly on the floor and santa starts engaging barry. he says you sused to act like that. while they're having a bit of a laugh, he shows her a box. >> santa, you when to jared's? >> you're supposed to sit on santa's knee. santa is about to get down on one knee. >> not santa but santa orders somebody to do that.
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>> why don't you get down on one knee. >> sitting inside the box is a -- >> she's feeling bad about the pair of socks. >> you see her take off one ring and put the ring on the finger. they kiss because she's saying yes, i will. these two have been together for ten years and 11 christmases so he thought maybe it's time i put a ring on it. >> dang. that video there is overdue. >> i have a feeling they'll live happily ever after, they do the kiss, santa approves. he'd know. he has the naughty/nice list. thanks for joining us today, everyone. go check out for a lot more great content and catch us on the next brand new episode of "rtm."
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