tv Right This Minute ABC December 29, 2017 3:00pm-3:30pm PST
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tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." she's just unwrapped an unexpected surprise. >> now you have my last clue. >> it's just now starting to sink in. >> the story behind the official gift that brings on the tears of joy. it's an intense beatdown on the bus but the question is, what started it? why it's safe to say a passenger on board really pushed the driver's buttons. ding, ding! ding dipping ding ding dinlg! a brave cyclist jumps in to rescue a woman in the water. >> as the ice starts cracking underneath him. >> how he goes the extra mile to save her life. we've got christian, oli, charity, nick and gayle breaking
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down the best on the web. including the italian grannie who is getting acquainted with google. >> i'm glad to meet you. >> see why she and googoo may never really understand each other. >> there we go. >> i'm not going to say this video is perfect but it's perfect for me. two states i love to visit and two doses of man tears. we start in beautiful breckenridge, colorado. cami is opening up a gift and inside is a giant card. >> now read the front. >> okay. "you may not have my eyes or smile, but from the first moment, you had my heart, love daddy. now you have my last name." >> it's just now starting to sink in. >> we filed all the paperwork so
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you'll be a powell like daddy. daddy's going to adopt you. >> wow. >> and the tears come. she's wanted this for eight years. this man, bobby powell, came into her life when she was 3. bobby married her mom, tory, but they had a different last night. around 6 or 7, she was like why is your last name different? they tried to explain that was expensive to get the adoption going and name changed but it's priceless because she is now going to be a powell and there are tears all around and it wouldn't be "right this minute" if we didn't have this little reveal. >> all in one year you're going to have a last name with daddy, and you get a little baby sister. how about that? >> mom is due in may, but the name change is going to happen before then. let's go ovo o o er to i couyuy, ohio, where this girl is about to give her stepdad a cool kid. steven dabney has been in her
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life for the last 14 years so michaela had to get him a good gift. there are lots of boxes and the playstation is not in them. finally he gets down to the package. michaela has some special words. michaela is 18 years old now >> since i'm a grownup woman and i make my own decisions i was wondering if you would adopt me. >> look at his face. blew him away, what? >> and this comes, man tears, because he's like, i did the best i could. >> somebody turn the heat on? turn the thermostat down. >> getting a little emotional and he's crying and he's happy and she's happy. >> there's only so much she can take. >> before you just lose your mind! we got a fight on a bus going on right now. two guys going at it. the guy in the white shirt lands some blows down on the other guy, who is just crying to cower, cover up in the seat.
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other people are trying to pull these two apart. what started it? ding? ding. ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! you know that ringer you can ring to the bus driver you can signal you'd like to get off. according to reports and according to the bus driver who is throwing the blows, he said the guy rang the bell a number of times and didn't get off but the victim said when the bus driver approached me he started to beat me up. the other reports say the passenger kicked the bus driver. finally the bus driver goes back to his seat, while other people are saying come on, we got places to be. stop this nonsense. the bus driver has not been named. no word yet if he's going to face any kind of charges or penalties. over to australia, stopped at a light. this guy climbs the ladder to this truck, and then -- >> ooh! >> -- starts swinging into the cab on this truck driver. you see the guy in the car ahead, i'm not getting involved in this one.
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>> would you? >> then this guy in the yellow shirt steps in. all right, somebody is going to break this stuff. >> tag team. >> oh no you're kidding. >> bretty much here. let me at him! let me take a shot or two. >> oh my gosh! what does the driver do? >> that's the thing, no one knows. everybody drove off including the truck driver. australian authorities sending out a message after this one, calm down. >> chill out. we got him. >> not all heroes wear capes. 54-year-old riding this bike and noticed a 70-year-old woman was fallen through the ice into the frigid water, and he just into action. the ice starts cracking underneath him. >> as soon as he tries to bring her up it's going to get worse. >> you can hear the struggle to try to get her out. she honestly seems to be trying to stay awake.
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people are throwen down wide, other people spotted what's going on and he's desperately trying to force the ice, bang it with his fist and of course else' also breaking it. >> oh no. >> eventually it happens, he goes in as well. the person who was helping behind him manages to get out of the ice but he clearly refuses to give up, manhandling this woman out onto the ice, who is then dragged to the other side >> she seems helpless. she can't offer any assistance. >> if it wasn't for the people around she never would have gotten out of the river. while waiting for emergency services to turn up they were taking too lock. he took her back to his house, warmed her up, called the relatives and changed his clothes, had a hot shower, gave himself some ginger tea, jumped back on his bike and went to work. >> oh my goodness, this guy saved her life and he did it
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like -- >> a hero, this one. ♪ oli, your best imitation of americans. >> speaking really loudly in an airport. >> hey, everybody, how are you doing? it's good to see you, in the middle of a restaurant, everyone's there and having a really hard conversation. ha, ha, ha! that's americans. >> wow, okay. well, everybody's got an opinion. >> my best impression of an american is talking like this, the valley girl-ish. >> people from 70 chills are going to imitate americans. >> how are you? great! oh, hi, how are you doing? i'm like so excited. >> i feel that's the most common one the valley girl with the vocal. >> they've been watching a lot of tv. >> that's the thing, american culture a lot of people learn it by or have been exposed it much like i was through movies and television. we have this perspective.
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>> hey. >> hey, how are you buddy? >> hi, how are you? >> i'm good, yeah. >> totally. >> awesome. >> howdy. >> this is put together by conde nast entertainment and conde nast traveler. >> how are you? >> how are you? >> oh my god, this is awesome! >> i feel like that's me. >> like bahamas is like in jamaica. >> really, i don't know, like literally, i can't even. like i literally died. >> as if. >> just for the record, not all of us talk like that, like not even. >> oh my gosh, i love your skirt. where did you get it in. >> i was at the mall and i saw this boy. >> and he was like, oh my god. >> oh my god. >> oh my god. >> oh my god. >> oh my gosh. >> oh my god. >> oh my god. >> dude, that's awesome! >> usa! usa! >> oh yeah, that's the one. >> hey, baby, what are we going
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to do for dinner? >> beer, beer! >> you want a burger? >> see, i don't know. i started off feeling really good watching this video. now i feel kind of bad. i don't know what to think. >> hi, i'd like a cup of coffee please. >> i want my starbucks to go. >> i like sugar in my coffee. >> three sugars and two creams, please, thank you. >> i'm vivian. >> vivian can do amazing things with a jump rope. find out what motivate this is 1-time jump rope world champion to reach new heights. and the singing dentist is back. ♪ you want to go back and have a checkup, then floss ♪ >> i can watch this video on mute and still be just as enterta entertained. listen to the hilarious rap about flossing your teeth. brought to you by progressive's home insurance. get your quote at today. you ever feel like... cliché foil characters scheming against a top insurer for no reason?
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nah. so, why don't we like flo? she has the name your price tool, and we want it. but why? why don't we actually do any work? why do you only own one suit? it's just the way it is, underdeveloped office character. you're right. thanks, bill. no, you're bill. i'm tom. you know what? no one cares. this is charlie not coughing because he took delsym. this is charlie not coughing while not to waking zeus. and this is charlie not coughing while getting really into nana's party. nothing lasts longer than delsym for powerful cough relief.
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pick whatever you want to be and be the best at it. this woman here she decided she loved jumproping so she focused on it and even though people thought it was weird and ridiculous that she wanted to jump rope, she became the world's best jump roper. >> who are you? >> i'm vivian. >> say that more confidently. >> i'm vivian from brazil and i jump rope. >> all right, let me see your moves, vivian. >> you're going to see it in supertramp style in hawaii. they went there and shot this in 8k. >> that girl is legit. does she compete? she's got all the flair. >> compete with who? she's at the top of her class. who is she going to compete with?
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>> she's won the title 14 different times. >> jump it, girl. >> ooh, wow. look at that. that's fitness right there. >> i love the fact she talks about how people used to criticize her and find her passion so ridiculous and didn't really believe in this thing she loved so much. >> what do you have to say to those people? >> i'm thankful to them because since they've been jealous of me and didn't wish me the good things, kind of gave me a lot of strength to prove them that they're wrong and i worked extra hard. >> turns out her haters ended up being the impetus and that fire that fueled her to get to where she is. >> she needs to be cast in the next "wonder woman" movie. seems like she could take you down. >> as long as you love what you do, you never work a day in your life especially when jump roping. folks are pretty big fans of
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this dentist. here's why. ♪ ♪ i want to clean that plaque, plaque ♪ >> this is his hit "man's got floss" by big plaque. ♪ ♪ >> singing dentist, i like it. in in case he's the rapping dentist. ♪ >> he can sing about it all he wants. i still hate the floss. >> hopefully it will help the kids at home to be happy about flossing. ♪
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>> the only problem you can't rap along because -- ar fw h. ♪ >> i could watch this video on mute and still be just as entertained because his facial expressions are awesome. ♪ ♪ man got floss a couple's daring climb with a romantic twist. >> oh, wow. >> next "right this minute." and still to come, a big old elephant that's -- >> super protective. >> how this gentle giant proves she's all about staying safe. that's some trust right there. plus a robot's feeling the beat. >> you can see the guy standing
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behind him with the remote control, as the bot starts boogying. wait a minute. >> why there's nothing mechanical about its moves. >> look at the hips. ♪ i tried hard to quit smoking. ♪ but when we brought our daughter home that was it. ♪ now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. can you say thanks nicoderm cq? every great why needs a great how.
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when my smile is bright, i feel ready to shine. some whitening toothpastes only remove surface stains, colgate optic white high impact white is different. it has hydrogen peroxide, to whiten four shades for a visibly whiter smile. trust your smile to colgate optic white. went to ancestry, i put in the names of my grandparents first. i got a leaf right away. a leaf is a hint that is connected to each person in your family tree. i learned that my ten times great grandmother is george washington's aunt. within a few days i went from knowing almost nothing to holy crow, i'm related to george washington. this is my cousin george. discover your story. start searching for free now at progresso soups are so full of magnificient and delicious ingredients. they print the label on a blue ribbon. i don't see any other blue ribbon labels around here.
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except when i'm there, wearing the one i got for winning best at being the best. progresso soup you simply must taste it. this is charlie. and this is charlie not coughing because he took delsym 12-hour. this is charlie not coughing while trying his hardest not to wake zeus. this is charlie not coughing while sitting ververy still. easy, walter. and this is charlie not coughing while getting a little too into nana's party. because he took delsym... the #1 12-hour cough medicine. nothing lasts longer for powerful cough relief. delsym. the joy of not coughing. promotional considerations provided by --
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for people who are unfamiliar with elephants, they really take care of each other and these videos demonstrate that. we start with this one in south africa. you see all these elephants walking across the road. it's quite a sizeable herd and you can see the little ones. >> that thing looks like it was born yesterday. >> that's the tiniest, smallest one. right here, everybody's done. everybody's across the street and then you see one elephant, a young one, a juvenile, turn around and say hey, no elephant left behind. come on, everybody it's a group thing. you don't stand alone if you're an elephant. we're a herd. >> if they're teenagers they horse around on the road. >> a little bit of play, not too much. come on, man, everybody's leaving. let's go, we can play later. >> elephants are so cool. >> this next video from the
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elephant nature park in thailand, this woman cares for this elephant. this elephant has grown up but still super protective, even of the humans in their lives. there she is in the water, getting her hair all wet and the elephant is like come on, i'm going to protect you with my foot and my trunk. even if you don't need protection i'm going to protect you. got a face full of mud. >> that's trust. i don't care how much time you spent with each other. >> she went in to get the hair clean she ended up covered in mud. >> what a beautiful beast, man. got a real fakery. mack dreidel is not here but this first video real or fake. >> obviously it's an illusion because his face isn't see-through. >> wait, what? >> i don't know how he did it because it's pretty rad. >> he painted his face green and did the key-out effect.
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>> this is a japanese app developer kazuwiya. this is an app he developed which is hijacking the face tracking technology and using a similar technique putting the phone down and taking a picture of the background. he can make his face disappear. >> he could use it on a date that's going bad. bingo! >> back in the day you'd need a visual effects studio to create something like this. now just a little bit of ann app and iphone and you can pull off this. it's crazy. ♪ next this video from an event for a telecom company. they brought out their new bot, viva bot. the guy standing by with the remote control, as the bot starts boogying. >> wait a minute they don't do that. >> give a latin company a little coding ability and this is what
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you're going to get, obviously. look at the hips. >> there is definitely a human being in that thing, and it is a suit. >> no, no, this is a robot, you guys. >> shakira bot. >> that's so cool to see that thing do that. i want to see it do the stinking leg. >> drawing some attention, what a smart way to do it. the guy with the remote control that's totally selling it. this italian grandma is trying to talk to some text. >> okay, goo goo. >> the super funny movement as she tries
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grandmothers are such gold not just because they're loving and make you great good and give you lots of hugs, it's because of this. >> googoo, what is today? >> she is trying to use one of the google home devices. you speak to it, give it an order and it will play a song, tell you the weather, what are the latest headlines. >> hello googoo. >> she can't quite say google so she goes with googoo. >> we want to know what is the weather. >> tomorrow. >> tomorrow. >> in flagler beach tomorrow there will be showers with a high of 65. >> oh i'm impressed. that's impressive. the room was loud, other people
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were talking, she was screaming into it and her lovely accent, and it still gave her a response? >> yes, she's just as shocked as you are. >> i'm scared. i'm scared. >> my grandmother says these are the devil things. >> my grandmother would have gotten -- [ speaking in foreign language ] >> ask google to play an italian song. >> here is the sweet part. she's got a favorite italian song. they're going to ask google to play for her. >> it has to light up after you say that otherwise it didn't hear you correctly. >> you know. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> there we go. >> grandma's just about had enough with this google thing. the problem is, this video ends, and we never know if she ever got her song or if she's still trying to figure it out. >> we don't need to see the video. grandma's going hey google, play "rtm."
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tonight inside the deadly inferno. the burned out apartment building that went up in flames. at least 12 people killed. new york's mayor calling it the worst fire in at least a quarter century. tonight why investigators think a 3-year-old started the blaze. dangerous cold. the massive pileup on an icy highway. temperatures plunging from coast to coast. new york city bracing for the coldest new year's celebration in decades. on high alert. the security crackdown in times square. more than a million revelers expected the new tool to find explosives hidden in thick coats. president trump and his impromptu interview. what he says about special counsel robert mueller. escalator horror. disturbing
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