tv Right This Minute ABC December 30, 2017 1:42am-2:12am PST
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dad puts it back in drive to get past him and just barely missless the kid as they drive away. >> [ bleep ]. >> what the heck is going on? >> that's what a lot of people want to know including the police. this was posted to crime reports in australia. number of people in the comments below said yeah that's happened to us, too, or i've seen that kid do something similar, or he's made threats to us at the train station. one woman said i know this kid and where he lives. the police know, too, because they've been to the house a number of times. >> if these people weren't paying attention they could have run over this guy and within responsible. >> we don't have information police caught up with this boy but hopefully they do it soon before he or anyone else gets hurt. adventure quickly finds dylan during his 2,000-mile trip on the pacific crest trail. >> we just got some satellite.
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>> find out what happened and if he manages to finish the trip. plus -- >> it's time to get your drink on. >> see how lindsay ann makes cupcake cocktails and mocktails. looks absolutely delicious. [ gasps, laughs ] you ever feel like... cliché foil characters scheming against a top insurer for no reason? nah. so, why don't we like flo? she has the name your price tool, and we want it. but why? why don't we actually do any work? why do you only own one suit? it's just the way it is, underdeveloped office character. you're right. thanks, bill. no, you're bill. i'm tom. you know what? no one cares. this is charlie not coughing because he took delsym. this is charlie not coughing while not to waking zeus. and this is charlie not coughing while getting really into nana's party. nothing lasts longer than delsym for powerful cough relief.
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the journey begins. >> well, that was anti-climatic. >> that was dylan hoffman's very beginning of hiking the pacific crest trail, a 2,000-mile journey beginning in washington, completing in california, from border to border, and it's something that many people choose to do as kind of a spiritual awakening. it's a big challenge. >> can i just do five miles of it? it's nice but i don't know if. i can do the whole 2,000. >> go out for a hike. >> you need to come up with a trail mate. >> you can't pick your own nickname, not allowed. >> it's important that everything that i take serves a really solid purpose and is really light and compact. >> he's also got one of those little sos transmitters in case
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he gets in trouble. at the end of the very first episode. >> hi. this is dylan's mom. we have got an sos signal from the beacon. >> can you imagine getting that phone call, your son is out in the middle of nowhere and get a call from the beacon. >> got to the ranger station by the end of the day and found out my sos signaller was defective. >> he butt dialed an sos? >> it was a mistake? >> it was, but he got his nickname out of it. >> my trail name was born. i'm now chopper. >> chopper, i thought it was butt dial. >> you imagine if you have to pack light, traveling with five months' worth of food is impossible, so people have to help you out and send you food at predetermined locations. >> i planned out roughly how long it's going to take me to get from one stop to another and the care package contains breakfast, lunch, dinners, snacks. >> one of the most difficult parts is finding balance.
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>> i tend to be more hopeless romantic. let's watch the evolution of the sunset for an hour. it's hard to do that when you also need to hike. i'm still figuring out that balance. >> dylan's entire journey conicaled on buzzfeed's channel. >> hi i'm dylan and i just finished the pct, like 12 hours ago. one of the most surprising things about the trail was that the highlight was the people. >> right. >> always the people. >> dylan's adventure by numbers, hiked an average of 15.2 miles a day, lost 25 pounds of body weight, and in the course of five months, he estimates he had about 12 showers. >> that's not good. it's time to get your drink on, and if you really like birthday cake or just cakes in general, this, my friends, is the drink for you, and it was put together by lindsay ann
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bakes. >> do you have to bake anything here in. >> no, you just drink everything. what you need is cake flavored vodka, chocolate liquor and delicious sprinkles and food coloring, a little bit of cream and that is it. the first one is the martini. >> hard to be manly when you drink something that looks like that. who cares? it looks delicious. >> if you love your mimosas, she dipped the glass in icing and rolled on the sprinkles. she added the liquor and ice cream and topped it with champagne. you can do a similar thing with shots but she also offers mocktail versions of these with no alcohol. >> your birthday is coming up. send this link to some of your friends and maybe we'll make them for you. >> i'll call uber. >> done. should be in your inbox now. i bet you didn't know crazy russian hacker has a first name. >> i did, harris cool. >> doggone it, you ruined my
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intro. >> i don't know if i'm pronouncing it. >> dennis rhody will tell us what's going on. >> we'll take our drone and fly it to ross' dog. >> the pig, the drone and the dog have quite an adventure. >> i guess they don't care too much about the drone. >> no drones were harmed in the making of this video but i did have my worries. >> whoa. he's jumping so much. >> if you want to exercise your dogs, they're huskies, super cold, you could be inside and run them around the yard. >> woo! he got it! yeah! >> nice. >> we've all been wanting food deliveries via drone. the dogs got it first. >> once the dog gets it, that's when i start to worry about the drone, but the drone is okay. >> wow! >> now it's staffie, the cat's
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turn. it has a love/hate relationship, look. >> tko. that's pure instinct. you see something moving quick, it's like, you're dead. time for a new year's resolution. >> are you okay with being forever alone, because honey, i tell you a few secrets. nobody needs a husband. >> hear what else charlene has in mind for 2018. >> yes, thank you. and he's going for the front flip, but -- >> oh! what's he thinking? ♪ i tried hard to quit smoking. ♪ but when we brought our daughter home that was it. ♪ now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. can you say thanks nicoderm cq?
1:51 am
every great why needs a great how. when my smile is bright, i feel ready to shine. some whitening toothpastes only remove surface stains, colgate optic white high impact white is different. it has hydrogen peroxide, to whiten four shades for a visibly whiter smile. trust your smile to colgate optic white. went to ancestry, i put in the names of my grandparents first. i got a leaf right away. a leaf is a hint that is connected to each person
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in your family tree. i learned that my ten times great grandmother is george washington's aunt. within a few days i went from knowing almost nothing to holy crow, i'm related to george washington. this is my cousin george. discover your story. start searching for free now at progresso soups are so full of magnificient and delicious ingredients. they print the label on a blue ribbon. i don't see any other blue ribbon labels around here. except when i'm there, wearing the one i got for winning best at being the best. progresso soup you simply must taste it. this is charlie. and this is charlie not coughing because he took delsym 12-hour. this is charlie not coughing while trying his hardest not to wake zeus. this is charlie not coughing while sitting ververy still. easy, walter. and this is charlie not coughing while getting a little too into nana's party. because he took delsym... the #1 12-hour cough medicine.
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nothing lasts longer for powerful cough relief. delsym. the joy of not coughing. promotional considerations provided by -- new year's resolution, otherwise known as the biggest lies that human beings tell themselves every single year. has anyone ever actually kept to a single one ever? >> heck no. >> for how long? >> that's whey mean. new year's resolutions seem to be past time resolutions to make us feel bet per. perhaps there's someone who could break it down for us. >> i have some new year's
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resolutions. >> or maybe they're just charlene. >> be okay with being forever alone, because honey, i tell you a few secrets. nobody needs a husband. >> it's a resolution everyone at this table is keeping. i don't have a husband. you don't have a husband. >> i want to be a failure at that. sometimes you want somebody else to get something from the store. >> too bad. >> christian vera's mantra in life. >> yes, as a matter of fact, it is. thank you very much. >> i apologize when i sneeze and nobody's in the room. i don't live with anyone. if you live with anyone else -- >> this video we can hear mom casey cracking up behind the camera as her daughter gets into character. >> sorry. i know, nobody wants to hear my nose vomit. >> nose vomit, that is a term i'll use more and more in 2018.
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>> i'll start telling people about my life. knock, knock. who is it? >> none of your business. >> i use that one a lot, none of your business. >> the one new year's resolution we can all take away, we should resolve to watch more of charlene's videos because they're cool. >> none of your business! this kid's got a helmet on. yeah! the helmet actually should be on the other end of his body this jukin video going for the front flip. >> oh! >> what was he thinking? >> he was thinking he would flip over that fence. instead he came down and somehow is alive and talking. >> are you kidding me? >> he somehow landed right in between all of those >> oh my gosh! >> they had a camera set up on the other side. that was a stupid idea.
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how lucky is he? >> it's stunning that he gets out of this with not a scratch on him. great front flip. like he just popped onto a saddle. >> wow. >> let's head over to russia where it's gray and cold and let's pass the time by watching somebody nearly kill himself. handstand at the top of the building on the edge that's covered with snow. he finishes with a flourish, flipping over. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> this guy at the end of the viral video uk showing us yes, in fact, it is very slippery. >> don't do this at home. >> don't do this anywhere. >> maybe do it inside your house on your living room floor. >> on the couch. >> how about in yoga class? firefighters are responding to a call. >> so that firefighter there gets on the ladder, starts getting closer to the window. >> is he a hunk of burning love in. >> you better believe it!
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wonderland to georgia. >> thank you for sharing that, samuel. when you're a nurse at a hospital and it's understaffed you ain't got time for this. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> hurry up. >> this nurse is being proposed to by her boyfriend. he decided it was a great idea to do it on christmas eve, when the hospital was already understaffed, because he thought it would be a great surprise. she's got patients that are waiting for her. >> because she doesn't have patience. >> no, not today. it's hilarious. so much so, that the video has gone viral. >> what made him think this was going to be a good idea? put some thought into it. when she's not busy, when she can enjoy the moment. >> i thought it was
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thoughtful. over to germany, where these firefighters are responding to a fire. it's a massive fire in that apartment. so that firefighter there gets on the ladder, starts getting closer to the window. >> is he a hunk of burning love? >> you better believe it. on the other side of the window is the only person that can put this fire out, his girlfriend. >> i think she's been stoking it. look at her look out the window. >> how did you get up here? >> this firefighter is known for these fun little pranks and stunts and no surprise this is how he chose to propose to his girlfriend. she fortunately says yes. >> did the rest of the building evacuate not knowing what was going on? >> fortunately, no. but the camera pans around, the entire fire department is there, celebrating this proposal with him. this one nailed it. >> a little waste of resources and time, but i'll still give it to him. thanks for watching. we'll see you next time on a brand new episode of "rtm.
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announcer: the following is a paid presentation brought to you by my pillow. do you find yourself sleeping too hot or too cold, not getting the support you need to help relieve painful pressure points or struggling just to get comfortable? then get ready for a revolutionary, new sleep experience. introducing the my pillow mattress topper, the next generation in sleep innovation from the company that brought you the world's most comfortable pillow. [applause] hello, everyone. i'm tonja waring. thank you so much for being here. it's been an amazing journey for my good friend, mike lindell. let's take a look. ♪
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and you have changed so many millions of lives since then. and i'm excited because today, we have your newest technology, the my pillow mattress topper. so let's get started. by a show of hands, how many of you have been sleeping on a mattress that totally drives you crazy? what? what? well, we have great news for you today because mike has developed a new breakthrough in sleep technology. i've actually been working on it about three, four years now. really? what we-- what we have here with my new mattress topper, you're going to change your bed into the most comfortable bed you're ever going to own. what i have is there's three layers of technology and every one of them is so important to your sleep. and you have your support, we all need good support. and we all need our pressure points covered and we all need temperature regulation. this is what our body needs when we go into sleep for our body. so what we have, the first layer is my support layer.
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and what this is, this is the my pillow patented fill in a solid piece. it's absolutely amazing-- you put it on there, that's going to give you the 10 year warranty because we know it's going to last and we know it's going to be the best. and with that, your old bed, it's going to be like a brand-new one. and it's going to be amazing. i love that. the second layer we have here is very important. it's the transitional foam. this is the technology that removes those pressure points, and i have, you know, the research i've done and looked at, what is the best? i went out there and said, okay, we're going to reverse engineer what we need to cover these three basic needs of our-- of our body getting great sleep. and that-- what we ended up with there, this transitional foam is amazing. and we're going to show that... yes. a little later on the monitors to show you how that works. it's incredible-- and that's all about the pressure points. absolutely, and they-- and now the third layer, the top layer, the cover, you're going, well, that's just a cover. well, it's not just a cover, and what toppers do, they put this phase change material in that,
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in the actual foam and it wasn't close to your body. what i did, is we found-- we found a way that actually took the technology, this phase change material, and put it in this patented fabric. and now, it's closer to you and it's absolutely amazing. you're too hot, too cold, either one, it gets you in the right temperature for you as an individual. that's right. that is so important, and now you've got all three things covered. you know, by reverse engineering, finally, you have the absolute perfect solution for sleep, it completes the package. i absolutely love this. so you have the support, you have your pressure points, and you have the phase change material that regulates your body temperature. so finally-- that's it, absolutely. this is the solution to all of those problems that we've been having. this is the solution, absolutely. and now, here is your opportunity to get one of mike's mattress toppers of your very own. my pillow topper was a big surprise, right from the--
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the box and then opening it up and placing it on the bed. once we laid down on it and we had our first night's sleep and we woke up refreshed, we realized that was the solution. the solution, yeah. for me, the my pillow topper has been a great improvement. i would say it's probably the best sleep that i've had in years. it's like the mattress has been rejuvenated by the mat-- my pillow mattress topper and that rejuvenates me because i get to sleep on top of it. announcer: do you find yourself sleeping too hot or too cold? not getting the support you need to help relieve painful pressure points? or struggling just to get comfortable? then get ready for a revolutionary, new sleep experience. introducing the my pillow mattress topper, the next generation in sleep innovation from the company that brought you
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the world's most comfortable pillow. it's like a whole new bed. it changed the bed completely, the way it feels, the way i sleep. announcer: the my pillow mattress topper starts with a generous layer of my pillow foam, to provide superior support and comfort. while the second layer of transitional foam molds to your body, helping to relieve pressure points. the outer layer is an ultra soft, temperature regulating cover. it's washable and dryable and will keep you at your ideal temperature all night long, helping to give you the most restful, rejuvenating sleep of your life. unlike other sleep systems, costing thousands, the my pillow mattress topper takes comfort to a whole new level, without any wires, remotes, or moving parts. it is proudly made in the usa, comes with a 10 year warranty and a 60 day money-back guarantee. i love that my pillow mattress topper has a 10 year warranty. that proves that the company stands behind what they make.
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announcer: call the 800 number on your screen right now or visit and get your very own my pillow mattress topper. use the promo code and mike will give you 30% off and free shipping. that's right, 30% off and free shipping. don't delay, call now. i am definitely sleeping better now with my pillow topper. the first night was phenomenal because it was a completely different experience than my old mattress. every night, the sleep is even better. and now i've become so accustomed to it, i don't know if i could ever go back to sleeping on anything else but the my pillow topper. just like i did with the pillow, i reverse engineered the problems we have with beds. you get the support you need. you get your pressure points with the transitional foam and you get the temperature control patented fabric. all of these make it so it's the best sleep of your life, and i personally guarantee it's going to change your bed into the most comfortable bed you'll ever own. announcer: now you can experience the revolutionary
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three layer sleep technology that you can only get from the world's most comfortable topper. call the 800 number on your screen right now or visit and get your very own my pillow mattress topper. use the promo code and mike will give you 30% off and free shipping. that's right, 30% off and free shipping. don't delay, call now. that's three inches of wonderful that's in the my pillow mattress topper. it's just like a firm cloud. even though i didn't really like my old mattress, i didn't want to spend any money on a brand-new mattress. so when i got my pillow mattress topper, i thought, problem solved. when you arrived this morning, some of you were preselected to take part in this show. please come down and join us on the stage. mike, i'm so excited about this next demonstration. what are you going to show us? we're going to show a pressure map testing
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of what we talked about earlier with your pressure points, it's going to be amazing, and we're going to show exactly how my pillow mattress topper works. would you like to join us? hi. alright. what's your name? jason. jason, nice to meet you. nice to meet you. how do you sleep? side, back-- i'm a left side sleeper. left side? yeah. okay, up here if you want to try it out-- by the way, everyone that's watching this, this is a queen mattress that we brought into our-- a worn out one. what we're trying to show you is it works for everyone in-- in one phase or another. now, jason, if you hold still, yup. okay, once again, this is very common, as many people-- it's usually shoulders and your hip. we've all been through this. your brain might have slept good because you have my pillow, but all of a sudden your body is walking all... (groaning), and it's just not good. how many of you have woken up like that? right. okay, here, we'll switch it out. perfect, go back on the same spot you were in there. look at that, wow! wow!
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[applause] jason, how does that feel? you're okay. we're going to show you what just happened. jason, how did that feel? it feels great. look at this, look at that. it's a soft firmness, that's what it is. yeah, soft firmness. you know what i call it? just like my pillow, supportive soft. now, i want you to put your head around that. supportive soft. what my pillow is soft, supportive soft. with the mattress topper, that's the-- you know, having that in, you know, that's what it is, you know? you get the-- everybody, no, we all don't want firm, it's-- you want soft support, you know? did you find that you were able to relax more? oh, i just sunk right in. it just held you there. yeah, yeah. hello, what's your name? hi, i'm renee. renee, could you-- how do you normally sleep? not well. not well? [laughs] on your back? side? i'll start on my back, roll, and back and forth. okay, why don't you get-- your normal sleep, why don't you go on your back? we'll try that, and get still.
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we're going to take a snapshot when you get still like you would be sleeping. okay. if we got... okay, here now, this is the pressure points we talk about, all these red spots. and, what we'll do now, is we're gonna show how, with my mattress topper, how this is going to affect you. how it's going to be amazing and these red spots should go away. so if you want to hop off. we'll bring out my mattress topper. good job, guys. tonja: thank you. and now if you go back on here on your back again like you did before. now remember, this is the technology, this is the transitional foam we talked about that removes those pressure points. and if we show on the map here, now with my mattress topper, look at that, look at the red. wow! the difference is amazing. and if you, if you sit up now, if you sit up, now we're going to show, if you can show us back, side by side, look at the difference.
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and this is, and, did you feel any difference? i mean, could you feel any difference? i feel much more supported. right, right. now this was, by the way, this was our old queen bed we brought in. this is what we've all had, a bed we don't want to give up, but it is changed. it's gotten worse. and these-- you have this support foam and then you have these, the pressure points being taken care of for you, so, if you-- so that worked for you, huh? thank you. thank you. the my pillow mattress topper was like a breath of fresh air. i was so excited because i felt like i had just laid down on a cloud, but with support. mike: oh, we got a couple. what's your names? georgia. georgia. and gary. and gary? you guys married? yeah. how long? 24 years. oh, wow, congratulations. that's awesome. georgia, you want to come on up here, we'll try you first. how do your normally sleep? back and sometimes side.
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