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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  January 29, 2018 3:00pm-3:30pm PST

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tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." a biker squeezes past a car with just a little slap of the side view mirror but see how one little slap leads to one big one. a romantic man gives his girlfriend -- >> one heck of a birthday gift. >> the unique surprise that's got all the women lovin' him. >> happy birthday, babe! rich ferguson is teaching us some magic. >> the top are two aces, the bottom are two aces. >> the trick anyone can pull off. >> you messed it up already. >> how about this? >> we've got christian, oli, charity, nick and gayle breaking down the best on the web. including some roller blading novices. i hope they make it to the door
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at the bottom. why that is really not the problem. >> they wanted to make it, baby. traveling in south africa, we know can be a little bit risky. if you're on a motorcycle you're a little bit more vulnerable, may want to filter through traffic especially when it stacks up like this. i'm not sure if it's legal down there or not but for the most part, nobody seems to mind, except this guy right here in the volkswagen isn't giving much room. the guy on the bike doesn't hand tell like i think he should. just a little slap of the side view mirror as he rides on by, continues through traffic and speeds the video up for us. >> every country has its own culture, it's rude to do it here but in other cultures it's a sonar, letting people know where you are. >> our rider pulls up to this intersection waiting and never
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saw this coming. this is several minutes after he passed that car. down you go. guess what? remember me from the volkswagen? >> you have got to be kidding me. >> i will say that i probably wouldn't have taken kindly to him tapping on my mirror but i ain't going to stay behind and wait to attack the dude and knock him off his bike. >> this dude was blocking the road. he wasn't being a friendly driver. he wasn't sharing the road, so chill the heck out. >> no doubt a video like this is going to spark a debate on both sides of the issue. >> leave thef this. share the frickin' road. >> regardless as to what you think the end result of this video is unacceptable. he escalated it way beyond what it needed to be. imagine you're in kenya in the national reserve and you see a lion, and an elephant. i mean that's what you go for, right? that elephant, her name is nabala. she'll be 18-year-old in april but she made a major milestone
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bigger than that, because right there is her baby, her newborn. that newborn is not even 24 hours old, but it's going to get a quick education in the circle of life, because right here, the joy is about to turn. baby is sticking close, following behind, but so is that lion. >> no, no, no, no! >> nice try, mate. >> mama is like not today, not my baby. what i tell you about coming over here, go on back. >> that is awesome she heard that lion coming. that is a predator stalking up trying not to make a sound. >> so anyway, welcome to kenya. now this video will remind you of a little movie they call finding nemo because that turtle has a flipper that's injured. it's not as big as the other one. >> more of a nub. >> the angelfish around it has
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got this. after a little filming the blue angelfish were like you're done here. leave our friend alone, they swam right in front of the gopro like the blocker. >> no more pictures. turn the camera off. >> you got to pay for this. >> didn't that look like epic side eye? >> they had no choice to give side eye, their eyes are on the back of their heads. >> you don't need to interfere with what's going on here. let the turtle alone. now this is one heck of a birthday gift. very lucky lady is away right now. she's celebrating her birthday with her girl friends. this video being recorded by her man, that set up a pretty impressive surprise for when she gets home. there are petals that lead up to her walkway with a note that says the most beautiful girl in the world shouldn't have to pay her bills, at least not for a
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month or two. happy birthday, babe. >> happy birthday babe? >> um-hum. >> he opens the door, there are more rose petals and more hearts made with the petals and inside are a few bundles of cash but it's not just one or two or three. the entire entrance is covered with these hearts notes and cash on top. >> i like the way he thinks. >> at the end it says, love, and when we pan up, it culminates on the count we are a gorgeous bouquet of white flowers. they didn't do anything for each other for christmas. he decided for her birthday he'd do something really nice, help her take care of ex-penlss she has to deal with. he's paying some of her old hospital bills, credit cards and car payments and i'm sure she's going to remember this when it's his birthday. >> she'll have extra cash to spend. >> it was overall a thoughtful gift, he was think being her been? it's the gift most of us need,
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let's be honest. >> because life is expensive. chilly 80 degrees outside the studio here "right this minute." eight a little colder davos, switzerland, a lot of people are talking about that right now. it has nothing to do with politics or economics. it has to do with lots and lots of snow and a great idea. >> probably not, is it, boys? >> no, actually not it's a girl. >> probably a good idea. >> [ bleep ]. >> it's not just a couple of feet. she's standing on the balcony on the fourth floor. >> girl, no. >> the crazy woman here is emphasizing this is high and the voice of reason, the guy behind the camera going -- but no she doesn't listen. >> yahoo! >> she completely vanishes. >> you go, girl, right? >> in this case the idea was a good one. >> that's why this works because she thought it through, knew the mathematics behind this jump. >> our dumb ideas are well
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thought out and smart. >> we'll head over to whistler, british columbia for this juken video, guys out there snowmobiling because there's a lot of snow. decides to demonstrate how much there is. this is where we say good-bye to the human. >> whoa. >> all that's left is this tiny little hole. you just see the top of his hand. >> i haven't even touched the bottom. >> he wasn't found where the earth is. >> and it's still snowing. >> this is insane! a scary moment as a toddler travels through a busy intersection. >> oh, no! he just wants to be like everybody else, but watch this. >> wow. >> the nail-biting moment as his joy ride is brought to a stop. this youtuber is on a mission to purchase a car with wheelbarrow fulls of coins. see if he's got the "cents" to
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closed captioning provided by -- but it doesn't have to sh. gold bond strength & resilience. 84% saw improvement in skin texture in 5 days. gold bond. this was such a scary moment for anyone that watched this incident going down in china, look at that little guy. do you see him? >> whoa. >> on his little play cart there? >> oh no, he just wants to be like everybody else, but he isn't. >> yep. >> flintstoning his way through that intersection but watch this. >> wow. >> the parents at this point nowhere to be found. the good thing is, the women were able to spot the child and immediately ran over to grab the kid and pull him to safety. >> that little kid had a yabba-dabba-doozy near miss there. >> so close.
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>> seems like the middle of a major city. where are the parents? >> the women called the police and police were able to identify the child and did reunite the child with his parents but they did hand over a very stern warning to be careful with the child. >> did the kid get a ticket for going so slow? >> license and registration. a driver didn't fare so well in canada, this one captured on this dash cam, coming up on an off-ramp. there is a flashing light, eight a warning sign. these guys are following the rules, about to make that right-hand turn onto the exit, when another car from the left just zips right past them. >> woo! >> stupid. snowy and icy as well. >> gee, i wonder how this is gonna end. >> well as that driver tries to make this turn -- it. >> yep. >> oh my gosh. >> call 911. >> they ended up hitting what
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are hydro barriers and this case is being velgt investigated but driver suffered minor injuries to his chest and legs. these people stopped, ran over to help the driver and called emergency. if you're lucky enough to become a popular youtuber like mr. beast here, you go to the bank. in this case's in greenville, north carolina, going to lots of different banks. he's making a withdrawal. what he needs is $12,000 in change because here's the plan. >> the dealership is right here. we have the wheelbarrows and we'll fill them up with these coins and walk in there and buy. >> buy a car with wheelbarrow full of coins. they finally got bored and decided to walk into the dealership with mostly unwrapped coins. however, they have no idea if this is going to work. >> are they going to try to
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nickel and dime the sales rep. to see if they could get a good deal? >> mr. beast needs to work on his negotiation skills. here is how the deal goes down. >> this one right here. do you still have it? >> we do. >> this is $12,000. >> who is counting this? >> not them. let's look at the car they only have seen online. is it as good in person? >> you guys like car? i like it. all right, we'll take it. >> just open the door, the back door i probably won't use works, i'll take it. >> the other guys are trusting it's 12 grand? >> that's the way it goes. >> how do you walk in with six grand of pennies, go it's 12 grand. >> do you think there's 12 in there? >> i think it's the reegt amount. >> he doesn't seem to be much of a car guy. >> time for your 2016 car tour. right here is the open and closer, this is the forward and backwards. this is really loud and quieter.
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>> well it's not even mr. beast's car. it's actually -- >> kind of hinted at this earlier today but here is the new car. >> oh, me? >> yes. >> why? >> mr. beast just went on and gifted it to his dad, his stepdad had a car having trouble, wasn't running quite right. here is a new car, hopefully it will give you miles and miles of trouble-free driving. >> we have to take that back now? the mcclure twins are physicianably. >> do they start gossiping? >> next "right this minute." and still to come, time for a stunt. >> dude on a bike, a rail. >> send it, send it, send it. why he might have sent it a little too far. >> oh. plus internet sensation salt bay is turning up the heat and making mouths water. >> he slaps a slab of meat on that grill and starts cutting it
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up. >> see the sizzling new video sure to amp up your appetite. >> okay, we back together. l'oréal paris presents ♪ new colour riche shine. turn on your shine. turn on your power. lacquered color, addictive application. turn on your attitude. new colour riche shine. from l'oréal paris. turn on your shine.
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oh mom! making them eat there favorite snack in the back seat. whatever happened to eating at the table? that's what cup holders are for. from the world's number one conditioner brand... new pantene light-as-air foam conditioner, full of rich pro-v nutrients... ...and infused with air. for 100% conditioning, with 0% weight. strong is beautiful. new pantene. foam conditioner. unlike ordinary toothpaste, colgate total fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. giving you the confidence of a healthier mouth. colgate total. be totally ready for life.
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[ laughs ] rodney. bowling. classic. can i help you? it's me. jamie. i'm not good with names. celeste! i trained you. we share a locker. -moose man! -yo. he gets two name your price tools. he gets two? i literally coined the phrase, "we give you coverage options based on your budget." -that's me. -jamie! -yeah. -you're back from italy. [ both smooch ] ciao bella. promotional considerations provided by -- what no more re-applying. we listened. new gold bond radiance renewal exfoliates then our triple blend of moisturizers helps prevent dry skin. gold bond.
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not quite sure what anybody in these videos was thinking. >> so they're going to go ahead? >> let's be honest, they weren't thinking. dude on a bike, a rail. >> send it. send it! oh! that sound. >> that sound was worse. >> that sound is nasty. >> oh, play it again. >> that bro's skull just like -- >> oh! [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> i don't know why it's so tough to wear a helmet. >> did he die? >> no, he's okay. in the comments on the page folks are saying they're just happy that he's all right. he needs to wear a helmet. >> geez. anybody up for a little roller blading? >> oh, no! >> on this tube, my brother. [ screaming ]
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>> yes! exactly what i was hoping was going to happen. >> they start at the top of this hill. bam! go full speed ahead. [ screaming ] ♪ he's back! >> slapping his meat on the table again. >> oh my gosh. >> saltsalty. [ speaking in foreign language ] i'm sure i said that wrong but he is better known as -- >> salt bay. ♪ salt bay >> there you go. he has a restaurant steakhouse in new york and that's where this video appears to have been filmed. he slaps that slab of meat on that grill and starts cutting it up in a style that only he can
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do. >> people went bananas over a guy that went like this with salt. >> only a year ago, too. he's been doing this for a long time. he's known for his cuts and for being a very good chef, but it wasn't until the -- that he really garnered insane internet fame. >> you're missing why this is so popular. >> i'm not. he is sexy, i get it. >> a man that can cook is already five steps ahead of everybody else. >> right. >> and look at the cut of the meat, too. where is my fork and knife? >> it looks like his food is so good. >> like american cheese, just go to the deli and slice cheddar. my reaction is, what are you doing?! >> cuts it up. >> oh my gosh, it's like a cheesesteak roll. >> yes! >> and it wouldn't be a salt bay creation without -- now we're
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talking. rich ferguson says anyone can nail this card trick. >> i'm going to challenge nick to watch the video and. ul it off on us. >> wait, wait, wait. slow -- >> see if you can ace the magic secret. boom!
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colors, and do it all in gold. if i do this, i do it in my way, remember? lovely snowman. ♪
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♪ time for imaginie magic. got to shuffle. >> did you even practice? come on. >> i'm not the best shuffler. wouldn't it be impressive, go for all four. everyone say abracadabra. >> abracadabra. you messed it up already. >> how about this? >> wait a minute. >> good job. >> you're getting good at this. >> rich ferguson has a new video out to teach you how to do magic and he says that anyone, even if
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they have no magical inclinations whatsoever can pull it off. seeing as nick is the most muggly at the table i'll challenge nick to watch it once, learn the magic trick and pull it off on us. >> so we don't watch. >> no, we're, talking about you, gayle, are not going to watch. >> let me show you the easiest way in the world to get a four of a kind out of the deck. let me give them a nice shuffle. >> wait, wait, wait, slow down. just imagining having a live audience. hold on, everybody. just trying to set this up here. hold on. >> the setup of this is so simple. place two aces on top and two aces on bottom or any other card you want and put them into the deck and you are set up. from there, you bring them out and toss them from hand to hand and they automatically stick the number on top of two aces and bottom are two aces. when you hold the deck with your fingers on the bottom and thumb on top and you throw like this, automatically all the cards in the middle go and the top and
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bottom cards stay. it's basic physics. when you catch that deck you toss the cards back and on this hand those two cards stick. to make it look like you shuffled the cards. two aces on the bottom and two aces on top and all you have to do is any kind of shuffle where you do not disturb the bottom or top of the deck. if you were to break this in half and i shuffle like a normal shuffle the bottom couple cards drop, shuffle and make the top of the deck drop. you put those together and you haven't disturbed the top or bottom at all. >> nothing up my sleeves. please watch closely as i pull all four aces out of this deck. >> all right. let's see. >> woosh! abracadabra kazaam! kazaam! boom! >> yeah! you did it! >> that was so smooth. that's our show for t
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tonight, the sudden exit at the fbi. deputy director andrew mccabe, the frequent target of president trump on twitter. the white house is asked if the president pressured the justice department to force the number two at the fbi out. also tonight, the deadly flu. schools in multiple states now closed. the pregnant woman who lost her baby. and the mother who cared for her husband and her children who all had the flu, dying from the flu herself. what her family is saying tonight about the vaccine. also tonight, did ems refuse to help a man who had been shot 16 times because he was just outside city limits? handcuffed at school. growing outrage after a 7-year-old boy is led away in cuffs by police after being accused of attacking his teacher. police tonight defending their actions. your money. filing your taxes beginning today. the


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