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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  February 14, 2018 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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>> we all walked in the closet and it was tight and hot and a lot of the kids were scared. >> it is the worst school shooting since sandy hook. students and teachers among the 17 dead tonight. >> no parent should ever have to send their kids to school and have them not return. >> tonight the question many are asking is why. good evening, i am dan ashley. >> and i am kristen florida's governor calling it pure evil. >> reporter: the sound of
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gunshot. bringing out at a south florida high school. just after 2:00 students preparing to leave for the day when a shooter identified as nikolas cruz wearing a gas masked armed with smoke grenades opened fire. >> we started running >> reporter: was.w.a.t. teams moving in. >> they bust open the window and saved us. it was intense. >> reporter: her teacher shot. >> we saw his body for 30 minutes. we were just praying and crying and then the police came and we just got out. >> reporter: the sheriff's office confirmed 15 killed on-site. and two died later at the
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hospital. >> this is a catastrophic day in broward county history. i am sick to my stomach. >> reporter: the 19-year-old former student walked out of the school. >> white male, burgundy shirt wearing a black hat and either long black pants or shorts mixed in with a group of students. >> reporter: superintendents saying they are heart broken over this unspeakable tragedy. and not releasing the name of victims until every family has been notified. >> authorities are not confirming the names of the victims. people are posting pictures to the names of the victims. officials want to wait. >> amid the violence and confusion, there is a story of
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heroism. aaron feist was shot while shielding students from gun fire. a beloved coach died in the shooting. feis worked as a security guard. >> the shooter nikolas cruz was taken to the hospital. after threatening students, administrators banned him from wearing a backpack on campus. at home, he suffered personal losses. his adopted mother died from tht flu. >> 18th shooting in 45 days. the weapon used in the shooting was an ar-15 military typed
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rifle. used in other mass shootings the rifle became legal when the assault weapons ban lapsed. golden state warriors steve kerr has been an outspoken critic. he criticized washington today after learning about the tragedy in florida. >> it doesn't seem to matter to our government that children are being shot to death day after day in schools. focus on the real safety issue not on building a wall. protecting us what truly is dangerous. >> kerr's father malcolm president of --
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>> in a tweet kamala harris said we cannot accept this as normal. >> your children may be seeing or hearing about this approximate what is the best way to talk with them about this terrible tragedy? >> it is not easy. another sad example why regular active shooting >> oakland public schools have lock down protocol. a private vendor teaches staff how to run, fight and hide. >> with sandy hook and columbine
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and aurora. and pulse and now this shoot anything the school district, this has become an unfortunate occurrence that is not going to stop. >> shots fired! >> reporter: training becoming more wide spread. in this scenario, local police don't wait for a s.w.a.t. team or fbi. they go in immediately. and if necessary, put themselves between the shooter and potential victim. therapist says the possibility of an active shooter could be a source of stress. moms and dads should manage their own anxieties first before talking about it with their children. >> don't leave them. you may be transferring your own fears on to them. >> reporter: when confronted with today's reality. lilian kim, abc7.
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>> we have put together pages all on on our front page for you. we posted this badge with the caption sending love. if you would like to share it to spread your support. >> you can catch stephanopoulos reports on good morning america. gma starts at 7:00. and david muir starts the 5:30. four cars crashed in the eastbound direction less than an hour ago. several lanes blocked. lanes have re-opened but expect some residual delays. it is crowded but at least moving. the cause is under
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investigation. an emotional outbreak today when two suspects of lizette cuesta were in court. >> reporter: 19-year-old daniel gross and 25-year-old melissa leonardo charged with murdering lizette cuesta. >> tragedy. nobody is prepared for stuff like this. >> reporter: ray cuesta spoke to abc7 before had he and his family showed up to a court hearing. gross and leonardo's family also in court. a woman sitting behind ray cuesta jumped up and shouted at melissa leonardo saying you will get what you deserve.
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gross used a knife to stab cuesta multiple times. alameda county sheriff said cuesta lived long enough to tell them the names of her attackers. >> she never gave up. she brought herself justice. made sure the people got caught and now they have to pay for what they did. it won't bring her back, but at least they are not out there running around the treats. >> reporter: gross and leonardo are being held at santa rita jail in dublin. vacaville school bus driver under arrest. accused of physically abusing a second grader. she grabbed the young girl when she refused to get off the bus. the district has since fired
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klopson. >> more to come on a busy night. the physical threat against a stanford professor that caused a shutdown of the campus. if you bought a certain kind of cell phone, it could be used to spy on you. why the san francisco skyline looked different tonight. >> here is a look at what is coming up tonight right here. >> love is if the air tonight. >> we were doing shots and everything. >> was that the only time
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ytwo pancakes. two strips ofr bacon. two eggs. if you ask me, that's a pretty good deal. but you didn't ask me. you know what? i'll mind my own business. denny's $4 dollar everyday value slam. available at
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tense moments at stanford when a high profile involved in ousting a judge opened a letter with white powder. >> i received a card that lacked like a greeting card that looked like a valentine's perhaps. >> reporter: she opened a seemingly innocent piece of mail. >> since you are going to disrobe perski, i am going to treat you like emily doe. >> reporter: judge aaron persky came under fire after sentencing swimmer brock turner to six months in jail. the threatening note didn't
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bother dauber. it is not her first. but then, her friend noticed the white powder. >> and she said there is a white powder. >> reporter: calling in santa clara hazmat officials. >> they had everybody in the hazmat suits with the tanks and everything. scarey to think that the law school is getting this kind of threat. >> reporter: dauber said she is not going to be intimidated. the recall is going to go forward. >> reporter: it was tested and it was determined no health threat. warning americans to stay away from phones of -- may be compromised. u.s. officials found out both
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companies are influenced by the chinese government. both brands are sold by several outlets. did you notice something more colorful tonight about san francisco skyline. testing a public art installation atop the city's tallest building. the installation is being created by san francisco artist jim campbell and will capture images captured by cameras throughout the city. children in san francisco had something new to love, a new park. >> a community celebration was opened today. the playground has been closed from a year while under going a $10 million renovation. >> one really cool slide that the kids loved. and a nice day out there to enjoy it.
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>> it has been. no rain insight. >> meteorologist sandhya patel is tracking everything for us. >> we are hurting for rain. although it has been nice. we definitely need the rain. i want to show you a sunset at 5:48. clouds passing through added to the beautiful sunset tonight. we do have some lingering clouds this evening and we are also dealing with not just the clouds but the winds. isn't that beautiful? live doppler 7, seeing clouds no rain yet. as you take a look at the winds over the hill. bit breezy around hawk eye. and as we head towards the overnight hours, do expect the winds to remain elevated. the winds will begin to subside as your afternoon plans begin. the temperatures are all in the 40s and 50s compared to 24 hours
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ago. running higher because of what you are looking at. yes, the wind. bouncy camera from our mt. tam camera. gusty and chilly. sharply cooler starting on sunday. speaking of cooler, tomorrow morning it is going to be cold and breezy. temperatures in our inland valleys in the low 30s to mid-30s. right along the bay and the coast temperatures primarily in the 30s. for the afternoon, you will need the shades upper 50s and upper 60s sunday and warmer. two set ups for president's day. this setup is the more likely scenario which is a dry system for the bay area. and snow showers for the mountains and the northern sierras. the second model is going for a potential of a few snow showers
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but that is going dryer as we head into monday. at this point the biggest difference you are going to notice is that it is going to be very cold sunday going into monday. if you are traveling into tahoe, sunshine on saturday. snow showers for sunday and if you are going in president's day, slight showers lingering. breezy and chilly in the morning and in for a warming trend that starts tomorrow and continues friday. and there is your sign of spring. 70s inland. warmer, but sharply cooler. sunday drop you down mid-50s to low 60s. jacket weather for you. going to be cold and blustery, a big reminder that it is still winter. you can download the accuweather app and check out the temperatures hour by hour and
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minute by minute. i understand what they
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♪ ♪
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with the chase mobile app, michaela deprince could pay practically anyone, at any bank, all while performing a grand jeté between two grand pianos. she could... in a commercial. in real life she uses it to pay her sister, from her couch, for that sweater she stained. what sweater? (phone buzzes) life, lived michaela's way. chase. make more of what's yours.
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hundreds gathered in san francisco this evening to ruffle some feathers shall we say. >> a flash mobes mobes mobes mos together. >> strangers joined other strangers to release pent up stress. hopefully they clean it all up. >> i want to see kevin durant doing it. >> i want it see anchors versus
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management. >> we are going to use or boxing gloves? >> that was dan. >> look who is in second there's more adventure,where you can get... more thrills, more magic,
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and more happy. and now you can stay steps away from the magic for less. save up to 25% on select rooms at a disneyland resort hotel. so now's the time to get more happy! the winter of '77.uring i first met james in 5th grade. we got married after college. and had twin boys. but then one night, a truck didn't stop. but thanks to our forester, neither did our story. and that's why we'll always drive a subaru.
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good evening, kevin durant scored 50 points for the warriors but the dubs reached the all-star in second place. is it pyeongchang or pea-yong-chong? >> durant one man gang.
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plus the foul and a minute later, durant another four point play. miller hoop for hoop matching him. goes for 44 scooping it up and d in. durant knocks the ref down and make it is a five point game. steph curry on lillard six point game. durant, ends up with one shoe. four point game ten seconds left. he is out of bounds as he hits the three, kd. blazer ball instead. warriors fall to second in the west. half a game behind houston. one other golden state note. mccaw with a fracture in his
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left wrist which he injured against the suns. out minimum four weeks. sebastian janikowski will not be back with the raiders. they have decided they are going to stay with on this valentine's day, bay area teams got c producing a longeria the warriors toasty with clay and his toaster. and of course, i heart you all. nuggets, mascot presents this lady with a cute bear. he comes back with a bigger bear and she is still unimpressed.
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determined the gigantic bear smothered the poor lady. happy valentine's day from rocky. spor sports brought casino. warriors
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that is our report. i am dan ashley. >> and i am kristen sze. right now >> dicky: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- charles barkley, chloe bennet and music from monica, now get ready, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, thanks for watching, thank you for coming. beautiful night of love and romance. can you feel the sexual tension in the air guillermo? >> yes of course. >> j


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