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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  February 24, 2018 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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that breaking news tonight is an urgent warning about imminent i.c.e. raids from the mayor of one of the bay area's biggest cities. good evening. thanks for joining us. i'm eric thomas. >> and i'm dion lim. right away let's get to abc 7 news reporter lisa amin gulezian. what are you learning? >> reporter: oakland's mayor libby schaaf issued this warning late tonight stating multiple credible sources have told her i.c.e. could start operations within the next 24 hours. you may recall earlier this month homeland security raided 77 businesses in san francisco, san jose, and sacramento looking for illegal workers. agents demanded proof that employees were legally allowed to work in the united states. in her statement schaaf reiterated that oakland police would not participate in i.c.e. activities. she said, "we want residents to
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prepare, not panic. we understand i.c.e. has used activity rumors in the past as tactic to create fear. our intent is for our community to go about their daily lives without fear but resiliency and awareness. i know that oakland is a city of law-abiding immigrants and families who deserve willto live free from the constant threat of arrest and deportation." we did reach out to u.s. immigration and customs enforcement tonight who said, "there are i.c.e. operations every day and it is unclear what the mayor is referring to." and schaaf meantime plans to give more details tomorrow at an event at fruitvale transit village at 12:30. dion, back to you. >> all right, lisa, thanks. now, don't forget to download the abc 7 news app and enable those push alerts for up-to-the-minute updates on this breaking story. well, developing news now. the broward county sheriff's office is investigating new accusations that three more of
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its deputies waited outside the school during the deadly mass shooting in parkland, florida. abc 7 news reporter katie utehs has more on the response. >> reporter: novato's police chief says he's sickened to hear of so many missed opportunities in this mass murder, vowing that his department will act. local law enforcement say it's considered best practice to engage the shooter and stop the killing. bay area law enforcement is speaking out following the resignation of a school resource officer who failed to act during the mass shooting at marjory stoneman douglas high school in parkland, florida. novato police chief adam mcgill tweeted in part, "since columbine in 1999 our training is to stop the killing and engauge the suspect immediately." >> if there is killing that is occurring to stop that as quickly as possible to save as many victims as possible. >> reporter: broward county sheriff scott israel says the same thing. >> went in, addressed the
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killer, killed the killer. >> reporter: but now he's confirmed to abc the department is investigating accusations that at least three deputies waited during the february 14th massacre. >> he was supposeed to protect these kids and he didn't. >> reporter: nikolas cruz is accused of killing 17 people, students and faculty, with an ar-15. >> it's a frightening thought, and that's why there's a focus on continual training. >> reporter: san francisco's police say last year's deadly shooting at the ups facility on potrero hill is an example of a proper police response. officers entered the building and engaug and engaged the shooter. police credited this action with saving lives. katie utehs, abc 7 news. an emotionally charged meeting on gun violence today in the east bay. >> parents, teachers and students demanding change in the wake of that mass shooting in florida just last week. >> abc 7 news reporter cornell barnard has this story.
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>> what can be done both by congress and by us to limit the influence of the nra? >> reporter: there were tough questions at this town hall meeting on gun violence hosted by east bay congressman mark desaulnier who says he's proud to get a failing grade from the nra. >> do you support a federal ban on assault rifles? >> yes, yes. >> reporter: the congressman told the packed house of parents, students, and teachers he'll fight for a federal ban on assault weapons but it won't be easy. even after a shooting massacre last week at a florida high school that left 17 dead. >> it's been disheartening and heartbreaking to see all the shootings. it's again breaking my heart that we have to have another tragedy. >> reporter: many rejected president trump's idea of arming teachers at school. >> arming teachers is a b.s. idea. >> next to home school should be the safest most nurturing place. it would be a sad day in this country when we have to arm teachers. >> put somebody up there who has
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an opposing viewpoint. >> excuse me. >> reporter: this gun owner interrupted the town hall demanding equal time. he says banning assault weapons isn't the answer. >> we see these mass shootings and all these problems. why don't we look at the root of the problem and figure out why people are doing this instead of blaming gun owners? >> reporter: at times emotions ran high. some in the crowd tried to stop us from interviewing fell by covering our camera lens and shouting him down. >> turn the cameras off! >> reporter: student waylon johnson just wants to feel safe at school. >> we don't deserve all these guns if we can't use them right and responsibly. >> reporter: many came here to listen, hoping some solution will come to ending gun violence. in lafayette, cornell barnard, abc 7 news. two u.s. airlines have become the latest companies to cut ties with the national rifle association. both united and delta airlines announced today they would no longer offer flight discounts to nra members. they joined several rental car and insurance companies who in
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recent days eliminated membership benefits. the nra says they intend to partner with new companies in response. california's democrats are gathering in san diego for this weekend's state party convention, and one topic seems to be attracting the most attention. president donald trump. one particular attendee who's getting a lot of attention is the ranking democrat on the house intelligence committee. southern california congressman adam schiff. he spoke about new indictments by special counsel robert mueller on friday. >> last couple indictments or last several indictments have really been breathtaking in their scope and their detail. he now has another i think very important cooperating witness, someone who was at the center of the trump campaign. >> schiff is speaking out about trump campaign aide rick gates, who pleaded guilty to lying to investigators. meantime, developing news tonight. officials are worried about russian hackers striking during tomorrow's closing ceremonies of the olympics. russian military spies are already being blamed for hacking hundreds of computers at the winter olympics in south korea. that is according to american
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intelligence agencies. the "washington post" reports the spies tried to make it appear as if north korea did the hacking. the disruption cut off internet access during opening ceremonies. fans were not able to print tickets, leaving many empty seats. novato police had to shut down part of their headquarters because of a pipe bomb. somebody brought it in today after nine-daying it on the street. officers recognized the eight-inch plastic tubing with silver metallic powder. the uc berkeley bomb squad detonated it. nobody was hurt. getting to our weather tonight, another chilly one for anybody venturing outside. >> as they found out the hard way, i assume. we're kind of used to it by this point i feel if not liking the temperatures, we've been in this trend for a couple of days. temperatures right now mainly in the 40s. current numbers 48 in san francisco, 47 in san jose and oakland, and future tracker temperatures tomorrow morning. we've been through this routine multiple mornings. temperatures in the 30s. i think there will be a couple of spots that will dip into the
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temperatures overnight, especially in the north bay. but what we're watching, live doppler 7 along with satellite, that is our next storm system already bringing rain and snow to the pacific northwest and that is heading our way. we'll detail it in the full accuweather forecast in a few minutes, guys. >> sounds good, drew, thanks. this year's chinese new year parade in san francisco is in the record books. >> it had all the fireworks, music and dancing we love but there was one thing missing from this year's bittersweet affair. it wouldn't be chinese new year quout without the fireworks. or the drummers keeping the beat. all of it designed by adults to leave children mesmerized. >> the things she loves like the lion dances and all that good stuff. >> reporter: the lion was right where he was supposed to be, but one presence was missing. san francisco's late mayor ed lee loved this parade as much as anyone. lee passed away last december. >> mayor lee's memory and his fingerprints are all over this.
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there are so many people even today that have commented on how much they miss him. and we all miss him. >> we all miss him because we all grew up together in this community and we worked together in helping this community. >> reporter: there was something special for movie fans this year. the grand marshal. actress michelle yeoh. >> i'm so honored and so happy to see so many smiling faces and happy chinese new year. >> reporter: and even the evening chill couldn't keep people away. >> coming here, it's cold but it's a great vibe. i just love it. everybody out here is so happy. >> everybody loves him. more than a million people take part in the parade, from visitors to participants. and it's one of the top ten parades in the world, as we know here in the bay area. >> even saw our very own vic lee out there. marching in the parade. coming up next at 11:00, the credit card company admitting a mistake tonight, now giving back $330 million to customers. are you one of them? plus -- >> it's real and it's really here. say hi, house.
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>> a north bay family who lost their home in last year's wildfires now has a big, or should we say tiny reason to smile tonight. also, hundreds of flights to hawaii canceled this summer. is your vacation in jeopardy? and later, not backing down. a crook with a shotgun. but mom and her daughter protect the store, firing back. but first, a wild escape. the prison
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it's just my eczema again,t. but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed.
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your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more.
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if you're late on two consecutive payments a credit card company can raise your interest rate. but if you then make your minimum payment on time for the next six months you're eligible for a reduction. citi says half the impacted accounts did not receive a reduction. the other half should have been larger. a daring prison break is all caught on camera. take a look. this video was taken last night in ohio. you're looking at a classroom at a minimum security prison. you see there three inmates decide to pick up a table and smash a window and then exit out that window. they didn't get too far, though. police quickly set up a perimeter and captured the trio before they could skip town. the prison is launching an investigation into the escape and will no doubt be looking into changing those windows. hawaiian airlines has abruptly canceled hundreds of summertime flights from the bay area to the islands. the affected flights were supposed to launch between sfo and honoluu and oakland to kona right in time for summer vacation. hawaiian says passengers will be rebooked onto its other flights. the airline says the new planes
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they were hoping to fly on those routes have been delayed by the manufacturer, airbus. problems with the engines preventing airbus from delivering the jets on time. just when you thought you'd seen it all, there is this story tonight out of southern california. the california highway patrol in the santa fe springs area tweeted these pictures. look at them closely. officers arresting a man on horseback for driving under the influence. who does this? >> who gets on the freeway on their horse, you mean? >> don't answer that. according to the chp, the r50ider went onto the 91 freeway in long beach. as for the horse, the chp says the suspect's mother came to retrieve it. >> the horse was innocent. the mega hit film "black panther" is also proving to be hugely popular in nairobi. theaters in kenya's capital have sold out and many are canceling other showings to show "black panther" on more screens. one activist bought tickets for 200 children to ensure that "black panther" would be their first movie experience. >> i wanted them to celebrate, to have -- to be part of the
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party, to be part of the pride of "black panther" and africa. >> did you like the movie? >> yes! >> here in the bay area a special screening of "black panther" was held today in berkeley with a discussion about culture and identity before the film. and in oakland proceeds from the film this morning went to a program that prepares inner city students for historically black colleges. a north bay family who lost their home in last year's wildfires received a gift they've been waiting months for. >> it's real, and it's really here. say hi, house. >> oh, those kids are sweet. henry and annie olchesi and their two kids watched as their new so-called tiny house rolled into santa rosa this morning. the 250-square-foot solid wood home will serve as their temporary home while their house is being rebuilt. the family won the house as part of a contest on disney's freeform channel and they're looking for the right place to set it down. >> we're not sure yet.
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we don't have a spot yet. but we've been looking around and asking for people the way that it's going to work best is if we live on as kind of like an extra dwelling. >> as for the home, even though it's tiny it has two beds, a dining table, a dishwasher, even a fridge. disney, by the way, the parent company of abc 7. >> amazing how they put all that stuff into a little package. >> every inch is utilized. >> yeah. this morning, guys, several record lows. so it's a chilly start this morning. another chilly start tomorrow. and then we'll track some rain. some good news there. the first of two storms in the coming days. live doppler 7 along with satellite. tonight a patchy few clouds, especially around the south bay, but it's really a quiet night out there tonight. outside a live look from sutro tower showing you beautiful san francisco. you look closely on the left side of your screen you can see san francisco's city hall lit up in red and gold for the chinese new year celebrations. it was a chilly evening for all
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the celebrations out there, but at least it was dry tonight for all the festivities. out there right now, temperatures mainly in the 40s. 46 in vallejo but a chilly 35 currently in napa. 47 right now in mountain view and san jose. san francisco checking in with a earlier today the winds were really active, gusting over 20 miles per hour. tonight they're mainly calm. the only exception right along the coast where they are breezy. tomorrow afternoon once again the winds will pick right back up. but the call for tonight, the next 12 hours, it's going to be another cold night across the region. temperatures near record levels once again. some chilly spots especially in the north bay like santa rosa and napa dropping into the 20s. low of 37 overnight in oakland. 39 in san jose. a chilly 28 in livermore and san francisco dropping to 40 degrees. so the 12-hour planner on your sunday. we have that chilly start. once again by 7:00 in the morning 20s and 30s the name of the game early on. nice-looking day. a lot of sunshine. by 4:00 you will notice that
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breeze is going to pick up once again, generally between 10 and, say, 20 miles per hour. highs on your sunday still a little bit below average for this time of the year. 60 in san jose, about 55 and breezy in san francisco. 58 in fremont and oakland. 59 in napa and 62 the high in fairfield. and then we bring back the storm impact scale for monday. we use this exclusively here at abc 7. we rank our storms from 1 to 5. it gives you a better idea of what to expect with each storm. and the one on monday it is a light system with light amounts of rainfall. less than a quarter of an inch area. and the chance for some hail, also perhaps a dusting of snow in our higher elevations once again. future weather, we get you into early monday morning. we're likely tracking some light showers first starting north of santa rosa and then the system kind of sinks out. by 3:00, 4:00 in the morning we do expect scattered showe in nature across the region and we include showers for the
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monday morning commute. by 6:00, 7:00 monday morning looks like the best chance of finding showers right now would be south of the golden gate around the peninsula and in the south bay. also tracking some snow as well, winter storm watch in effect for the sierra. west slope. this going into effect tomorrow night into monday. snow levels as far down as 2,000 feet. four to ten inches of snowfall expected. some isolated spots of up to a foot are likely with this storm system. good news for the sierra. accuweather seven-day forecast going to show you tomorrow. it's all about the breezy afternoon after a cold start. some morning showers on monday. but what we're watching thursday right now, this storm is a 1 but it looks like we could upgrade it to a 2 in the next couple of days. it does look to pack a punch in terms of rain and wind. all day long we could see rain. that's not good news there. >> we need some rain. >> a lot of people are excited too. >> sure.
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you've got to take a look at this. drivers had a rather unusual encounter in northeast pennsylvania. yeah. that is an emu crossing the road. there should be a joke here somewhere. >> well, drew, they're everywhere in pennsylvania, aren't they? >> especially in the northeast. >> the bird has been wandering around the area and efforts to trap it failed. officials finally used a tranquilizer yesterday to catch the emu and take it to an animal park. not clear where it came from but residents believe someone sold it and the bird managed to make a jailbreak. >> it's so slow, though. >> it was a jailbird. >> and now we toss to shu. >> you don't want to mess with those birds. >> they're fierce, right? >> they've got boxing gloves. >> the peck. >> yeah. >> let's talk a little warriors. i'm getting the hurry up in the ear. the warriors trying to prevent a loss at oracle with okc in town. the dubs lost twice
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well, the warriors hosting okc tonight, trying to prevent a team from beating them three straight in the regular season for the first time under head coach steve kerr. k.d. made sure that would not happen with his former team in town. his mom just wants a selfie. both teams sloppy and slow till the second. k.d. and carmelo anthony start shoving. both receive technicals. then durant heated up. 13 of his points came in the second. dubs go on a 31-7 run. steph curry finished with 21. the three, got it. then draymond green throws it down. dubs up 52-45 at the half.
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then they heated up late in the third. steph with a sweet behind-the-back pass to zaza pachulia. let's see that again. dubs go on a 14-0 run to end the third. swaggy p, or nick young, fakes the shot, dishes to durant, who finished with 28, and then nick young will take the shot, the microwave heating up with 16 points. dubs up 18 after three. fourth quarter, draymond green, the monster jam. he finished with 10. dubs win it 112-80, holding okc to their lowest score of the season. and afterwards k.d., well, he loves beating up on his former team. >> i was just trying to be efficient with my shots. i missed some good ones, took some bad ones as well. so i've got to correct that. but for the most part i'm glad we won. >> when i play these guys it's just another game. the okc thing a couple years ago is over. >> it's over. it's a different team. there's a lot of guys on that team i don't know. it's just another game. i'm glad we came out and got a
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w. >> this is an important game. they beat us two times. it's time to send a message and come out and play our brand of basketball. we played them twice and they played with finals intensity both times and we play with preseason intensity. tonight we showed up. >> they've got competitors and we're competitive. we hate to lose, especially at home. it was fun. it felt like a playoff game in there tonight. but we owe them one. they beat us twice. and hopefully we can get them again, even it up. >> our understanding, kind of the season we're in right now with these last 20 or so games. so to kind of play the way we did with that aggressiveness. our best probably 48-minute effort when it comes to sticking to our details and just sticking to the program. we played a solid game tonight. >> this team seems to bring out i want to say the best and the worst in you guys. it's just a great match-up. >> yeah, it is. they're athletic and they're tough. they're one of the best defensive teams in the league. everything is difficult. and that's what makes it such a
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challenge. you're just not going to get anything easy, especially early in the game. so they really force you to be disciplined, to stay with it and to continue to work, and it takes a while, but if you stay with it you can execute and break free. >> this abc 7 sports report brought to you by river rock casino. big win for the dubs as they hit the road for three games. we'll have more from them coming up and we'll check in on the college hoops and cactus league action. felt like a playoff game there. the warriors needed it as we -- there's only 22 games left. >> k.d. was dominant
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good evening and thanks for sticking around for the second half. i'm eric thomas. >> and i'm dion lim. in tonight's headlines now, oakland mayor qulib schaaf has put out a warning to residents saying immigration and customs enforcement is preparing to carry out operations within 24 hours. the mayor said the police department would not assist in any sort of raids. i.c.e. tells abc 7 news it conducts operations every day and "it is unclear what the mayor is referring to." the sheriff's department in broward county, florida is looking into whether at least three additional deputies waited outside a high school during a deadly shooting. the new allegations come after another deputy resigned for not entering marjory stoneman douglas high school during the attack. united and delta airlines have become the latest companies to cut ties with the national rifle association. at least 15 major companies have ended discounts and benefits afforded to nra members since the shooting last week. today begins a week of
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mourning for televangelist billy graham. family and friends gathered for a private viewing at a library named after him in charlotte today. the viewing will continue through tuesday. then on wednesday and thursday he will lie in honor at the ask you capitol rotunda in washington, the first such viewing for a private citizen since rosa parks passed away in 2005. zbr graham will be buried back at his library in charlotte on friday. finger pointing and twitter exchanges in washington tonight in the ongoing feud between republicans and democrats over the russia election hacking investigation. democrats were allowed to release their rebuttal memo tonight sxarks news reporter els becht hur has this story. >> reporter: a twitter war erupting over a contentious memo. democrats on the house intelligence committee finally releasing a redacted version of their point by-point rebuttal to the so-called republican devin nunes memo from two weeks ago. subject line, "correcting the record: the russia investigation." the nunes memo raised questions
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about the fbi's handling of some of the initial warrants for wiretaps. the democrats insist the fbi and doj officials did not abuse the process to spy on the trump campaign, but much of the evidence they cite in their rebuttal is blacked out. president trump tweeting saturday evening, "the democrat memo response on government surveillance abuses is a total political and legal bust." the democratic twitter response from congressman adam schiff, ranking member of the house intelligence committee. "wrong again, mr. president. it confirms the fbi acted appropriately and that russian agents approached two of your advisers and informed your campaign that russia was prepared to help you by disseminating stolen clinton e-mails." the memo release comes as white house chief of staff general kelly is clamping down on white house security clearances after it was revealed that former staff secretary rob porter, who was fired over a domestic abuse
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scandal, never received a permanent security clearance. some of the president's closest advisers including trump's son-in-law jared kushner haven't passed a background check and are working with temporary clearances. the president is fine if kelly decides to keep top secret documents from kushner. >> general kelly will make that call. i won't make that call. >> reporter: until now kushner has had access to some of the most classified documents. elizabeth hur, abc news, new york. authorities in argentina used a clever tactic to bust a drug-smuggling ring being run out of the russian embassy in buenos aires. they announced the massive bust this week. authorities found 16 pieces of luggage filled with cocaine last year at the consulate. officers decided they'd still send the suitcases to their russian destination. so they went out and bought 860 pounds of flour in the dead of night and put that in the luggage instead. they followed the flour-filled suitcases all the way to moscow and arrested the people picking them up. this picture is the end result.
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the drugs were valued at $61 million. now to the incredible scene in oklahoma where someone caught this on surveillance video and you've got to see it to believe it. >> police say a mother and daughter got caught up in a violent shootout with an armed robber who tried to hold up their store. >> reporter: abc news reporter zachary quiche has details. >> reporter: he was armed and dangerous. police say that's a thief, strapped with a shotgun, robbing this tulsa, oklahoma liquor store. if looks like he's about to get away with it. but watch. the mother-daughter duo grab guns of their own. mother tina rang takes aim and fires multiple rounds. >> i saw the shotgun. i saw him. and i just started to shoot. >> reporter: the alleged robber returns. shot in the leg and limping. >> i was just pulling the trigger, just trying to keep him from getting the gun. and i kept pulling the trigger and kept pulling the trigger. pulling it. >> reporter: he wrestles the gun away, pistol whips her and tries to go after her daughter ashley lee. >> her eyes never left me and i knew she was here to protect me.
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and i was going to be there for her to protect her. >> reporter: but just like a scene out of a movie, she squeezes off a round at point blank range. mother and daughter fighting for their lives, finally able to run out of the store to safety. >> i'm just glad that we're both here, that we both overcame something that could have ended terribly. >> reporter: tina says her daughter won't be working there anymore. as for the suspect, he's in police custody, in the hospital. now, police say he could be connected to at least ten others robberies in the area. zachary quiche, abc news, new york. >> can you imagine anything more scary than that? >> just glad they're okay. well, in other news a german shepherd that was shot three times while protecting his teenage owner from home invasion robbers is improving after surgery. >> rex underwent a successful procedure to fix a bone in his left hind leg that was fractured by a bullet. he was also wounded in the neck and the right hind leg. 16-year-old javier mercado called 911 and hid in his closet
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when the robbers broke into his des moines, washington home. rex bit one of the robbers and was shot afterwards. >> they didn't hesitate shooting rex. they didn't hold back on anything. and if rex wasn't there they would have opened that door and they would have saw me in there. >> the robbers ran away after the shooting. rex will spend this weekend at the vet getting better. his owner credits rex with saving his life. well, still ahead on abc 7 news at 11:00, meet the green beret turned u.s. olympic bobsledder trying to steer team usa to a medal. and i'm meteorologist drew tuma. we are in store for another cold night on the way before we track a c
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they're super... ...but they can fly. ♪ united. helping superheroes fly. the american men's bobsled team is in their final race of the olympics. >> it's been a tough one but don't count them out. a couple of the members truly have american grit. >> here's abc news reporter matt gutman. >> reporter: here at the olympics nate webber is a u.s.
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bobsledder. but for his day job he wears a different uniform. as a green beret. >> working with special forces team i learned, you know, how important it is to rely on those other guys, and you're always working for them just the same way you are in bobsled. >> reporter: that day job is top secret. he speaks russian and can do battlefield surgery. but it's shooting down that icy tube at 90 miles an hour that really gives him the jitters. >> i'm scared every single time i go down. >> the green beret -- >> don't tell everyone -- >> in the flashpoints where he's deployed there are no bobsled tracks. he's pushed atvs in niger, sprinted down dusty lanes in cam sxroon weight trained in afghanistan. >> we'd have to wait till the sun went down before we could even touch the bar. it was so hard. >> reporter: here nate offered some olympic training tips. >> sink the hips. >> reporter: then we graduated
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to the real thing with his bobsled teammates. >> that's when you're going to push in and hit the bar. >> reporter: his brakeman chris vogt doubles as an army captain. four men jumping into a bathtub-sized sled at full speed is a delicate dance. not easy. webber admits his team isn't favored to win a medal but hopes they'll be fan favorites. >> it's just going to be a lot of red, white and blue up there. >> reporter: matt gutman, abc news, pyeongchang, south korea. >> you feel so unaccomplished after watching that story. >> you're fine. he's just very accomplished. he's jushink of it that way. let's get a check on the weather forecast, find out if we're due for some rain. here's drew. >> the rain will come at least monday morning and a stronger storm looks to linger in the middle part of next week. so some good news there. the storm door looks to be opening more and more each day. temperaturewise we're in the 40s, a couple of 30s in the north bay around napa, even ukiah. 48 right now in san francisco. tonight it's another cold night once again. the winds will calm down. temperatures, a lot of spots in
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the 30s. several spots in the 20s in our north bay valleys. even a couple spots in livermore dropping to 28 degrees. 39 for san jose 40rks in san francisco. 12-hour planner on your sunday. a lot of sunshine but it's a cold morning and you'll notice in the afternoon a breeze will begin to pick up once again about 10 to 20 miles per hour. temperatures in the 50s and low 60s. all eyes on monday with a little light rainfall, probably less than a quarter of an inch. some gusty winds are possible and even a little bit of hail with this cold quick moving system. the accuweather seven-day forecast it is breezy tomorrow morning, showers on monday and nen we're looking for thursday for a rainy day that could linger to the first half of friday upcoming next week. >> shu is shaking his head about his thursday golf game. >> i've been lucky. i can't complain. >> there are other six days in the week, you know. >> that's true. >> you could try one of those. >> march madness coming up. and we all love that. college hoops heating up. around the corner march madness.
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we'll check in on our local teams. and we'll check in with swaggy p
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the warriors spent 5 million bucks to sign nick young to be a sharpshooter off the bench and for most of the year he hasn't been a three-point specialist the dubs had hoped. but tonight he may have found his strokes, scoring 11 straight points for the dubs to help turn a close game into a rout. despite the struggles swaggy p as they call him has a shooter's mentality. he was 4 of 5 from beyond the arc for 16 points. third quarter buzzer beater may have been the dagger that did in the thunder. russell westbrook didn't like him shimmying in front of the bench, pushed him away. i caught up with swaggy three on the court after the game. >> swaggy p came out tonight. you couldn't miss at the end of
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the third and the fourth. >> it felt good. you know, i knew tonight was a big game and everybody was ready for it and i just set my mind, said i've got to come out here and play with these guys. you know, this is a championship team. >> they bring out the best and the worst in you guys. this is your first year against this team. but what is it about this team that boy, gets chippy every time you play? >> oh, you knew they were going to try to be tough tonight. you know, they blew us out two times before. they knew we had to come in with a chip on our shoulder. we had something to prove. >> the bench has been struggling a little this year. you found your rhythm tonight. you'd like to keep that going. >> oh, yeah. when the coaches have your back you've got to drop in, keep playing. >> did you feel it coming? you make a couple and then you just get hot? or what? >> yeah, i just kind of see the ball go through the net one time
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and o'that's it. separated at birth. randy binnon length on the left, herb sendek on the right. a.j. fagan twists his left ankle continue minutes into the game. did not return. jersey over his head as he limps off court. senior night in moraga. wec's top scorer and rebounder probably conference player of the year 19 points eight boards and the gaels pull away for a 67-40 victory. to the pac-12 stanford and wazzu read travis had 22. jam filip as to the tally cardinal up 10. cougars, though, make the comeback. 140ekds left stanford up two but they turn it over. robert franks the easy dunk ties it at 86. a pair of free throws gave stanford the lead. and with five seconds left malachi flynn for the win. airball. stanford wins it 86-84. cal hosting washington. second half mosiah carter drive, posterizing cole well. that's worth several looks.
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washington will go on to win 63-51. cal drops 14 of their last 15 games. 2-14 in conference. arizona head coach shawn miller did not coach the wildcats tonight. and his future is in doubt. yahoo sports reports that miller was wiretapped by the fbi, reportedly offering $100,000 to make sure a top recruit, deandre ayton, came to arizona. the university of arizona released a statement saying that the decision was made jointly by miller and the school in the best interests of the university and the basketball program. well, it may be spring training but bragging rights are always on the line for giants-dodgers. first match-up of the year today in arizona. bruce bochy and the boys looking for their first win of the spring. chris stratton trying to win a starting pitcher's spot, walked the bases loaded in the second. chase utley looking to get out of the jam. g-men put up four in the fourth. chase darno trying to make this squad as a utility infielder. the giants will go on to beat
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l.a. 9-3 your final. ace pitcher andrew trig pitching in his first game since june because of hip surgery gave up three runs against the padres in an inning and two thirds including this two-run homer to cordero. a's got back and then some. franklin barretto starts the onslaught going opposite field. first home of the spring, oakland takes thelead for good in the fifth when chad pender's going to rip one in handcuffs to the third baseman heathcot scores and the a's go on to a victory. third round of the hopd classic, tiger shot for a 1 under 69. seven shots off the lead. tommy fleetwood shot a 367 two back at 5 under he had the shot of the day on 4 second on the par 4. just over the trap. two bounces. nothing but net. eagle. he's two behind leader. luke list after a bogey on 17 he found himself in the bunker on 18. gets it close for the tap-in birdie. he's the leader at 7 under.
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4 under 66 on the day. this is abc 7 sports report brought to you by river rock casino. you kind of had the feeling the playoffs started tonight with the warriors. they hit the road for three bamz and kind of tuning it up as we look for another championship. >> i'm sure they didn't like the two losses previously. >> they didn't want to lose three to the same team. nobody's ever done tunder steve kerr. >> that's it for tonight. i'm dion laim. >> i'm eric thomas. have a great one.
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[ camera shutter clicking ] [ glass shattering ] man: hey! [ dog barking in distance ]


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